Transparency data
July 2016 spend data
Updated 30 March 2017
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Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AC999-HQ Communications | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 890.82 | Small Form Laptop - Lenovo ThinkPad X250 - [12.5" screen] (Windows 8.1) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AC999-HQ Communications | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 82.78 | BlackBerry (Vodafone) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AC999-HQ Communications | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 46 | Provision and support of Secure Remote Access (RWSII) Capability |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AC999-HQ Communications | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.95 | Lenovo Laptop Rucksack |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AC999-HQ Communications | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.78 | New IPT Mobility account with voicemail account 1-10 Accounts |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AC999-HQ Communications | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 9.75 | Logitech M185 Bluetooth Scroll Mouse |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AC999-HQ Communications | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 25.78 | New IPT Mobility account with voicemail account 1-10 Accounts |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AC999-HQ Communications | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 11.62 | MS Visio Std |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AD999-Head of Operations | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 51.56 | New IPT Mobility account with voicemail account 1-10 Accounts |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AD999-Head of Operations | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 78.26 | Reassign BlackBerry device within Business Unit |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AD999-Head of Operations | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 51.56 | Fixed Handset Conversion to Mobility Handset & Deletion of previous fixed user details 1 - 11 devices |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AD999-Head of Operations | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 28.84 | Lenovo X240/Yoga Mains Adaptor |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AD999-Head of Operations | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 25.78 | New IPT Mobility account with voicemail account 1-10 Accounts |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AD999-Head of Operations | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 25.78 | New IPT Mobility account with voicemail account 1-10 Accounts |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AD999-Head of Operations | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 12.98 | Lenovo USB Gigabit Ethernet Adaptor |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AD999-Head of Operations | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 12.98 | Lenovo USB Gigabit Ethernet Adaptor |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AD999-Head of Operations | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 11.62 | Microsoft Project 2007 Standard (Windows 8.1) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 06/07/2016 | 222002-Other Property Costs | AG999-HQ - Estates | DEPARTMENT FOR WORK & PENSIONS (DWP) | 3449759 | 691,063.76 | Other government department occupancy costs |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 06/07/2016 | 222002-Other Property Costs | AG999-HQ - Estates | DEPARTMENT FOR WORK & PENSIONS (DWP) | 3449759 | -1,808.72 | Other government department utilities costs |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 06/07/2016 | 222002-Other Property Costs | AG999-HQ - Estates | DEPARTMENT FOR WORK & PENSIONS (DWP) | 3449760 | 297,430.40 | Other government department occupancy costs |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 06/07/2016 | 222002-Other Property Costs | AG999-HQ - Estates | DEPARTMENT FOR WORK & PENSIONS (DWP) | 3449761 | 691,063.77 | Other government department occupancy costs |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 06/07/2016 | 222002-Other Property Costs | AG999-HQ - Estates | DEPARTMENT FOR WORK & PENSIONS (DWP) | 3449761 | 689,816.40 | Other government department occupancy costs |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 06/07/2016 | 222002-Other Property Costs | AG999-HQ - Estates | DEPARTMENT FOR WORK & PENSIONS (DWP) | 3449761 | 168,622.56 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 06/07/2016 | 222002-Other Property Costs | AG999-HQ - Estates | DEPARTMENT FOR WORK & PENSIONS (DWP) | 3449761 | 166,471.55 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 06/07/2016 | 222002-Other Property Costs | AG999-HQ - Estates | DEPARTMENT FOR WORK & PENSIONS (DWP) | 3449761 | 42,466.50 | Other government department occupancy costs |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 06/07/2016 | 222002-Other Property Costs | AG999-HQ - Estates | DEPARTMENT FOR WORK & PENSIONS (DWP) | 3449761 | 42,011.69 | Other government department occupancy costs |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 06/07/2016 | 222002-Other Property Costs | AG999-HQ - Estates | DEPARTMENT FOR WORK & PENSIONS (DWP) | 3449761 | -25,351.07 | Other government department utilities costs |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 06/07/2016 | 222002-Other Property Costs | AG999-HQ - Estates | DEPARTMENT FOR WORK & PENSIONS (DWP) | 3449761 | 25,351.07 | Other government department utilities costs |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 06/07/2016 | 222002-Other Property Costs | AG999-HQ - Estates | DEPARTMENT FOR WORK & PENSIONS (DWP) | 3449761 | 21,125.89 | Other government department utilities costs |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 06/07/2016 | 222002-Other Property Costs | AG999-HQ - Estates | DEPARTMENT FOR WORK & PENSIONS (DWP) | 3449761 | 16,320.61 | Other government department utilities costs |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 08/07/2016 | 222002-Other Property Costs | AG999-HQ - Estates | INLAND REVENUE ACCOUNTS OFFICE | 3452916 | 653,862.99 | 102 Petty France - Revenue Accounts Office (HMRC) - HMRC -The Charges for (OGD Facilities, OGD Utilities and OGD Rates) 2015/16 |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 15/07/2016 | 222002-Other Property Costs | AG999-HQ - Estates | DEPARTMENT FOR WORK & PENSIONS (DWP) | 3460229 | 166,471.56 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 19/07/2016 | 222001-Maintenance | AG999-HQ - Estates | SWEETT (UK) LTD | 3463664 | 34,265.63 | Default - SWEETT (UK) Ltd - Planning for the transition of FM Contracts to HMCTS |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | AG999-HQ - Estates | SALFORD CITY COUNCIL | 3467816 | 2,795.40 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | AG999-HQ - Estates | ST ALBANS CITY & DISTRICT COUNCIL | 3467839 | 2,534.70 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 222002-Other Property Costs | AG999-HQ - Estates | MICHELMORES SOLICITORS | 3474795 | 35,000.00 | Various Locations - Michelmores LLP - Estates Legal Services - This replaces 20000180361 & 20000313134 |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AL999-HQ - CEO | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 28.84 | Lenovo X240/Yoga Mains Adaptor |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AL999-HQ - CEO | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 306.13 | Adobe Acrobat Writer 11 Professional (Windows 8.1) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AL999-HQ - CEO | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 306.13 | Adobe Acrobat Writer 11 Professional (Windows 8.1) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AL999-HQ - CEO | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 306.13 | Adobe Acrobat Writer 11 Professional (Windows 8.1) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AM999-HQ - Civil, Family & Tribunals | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 28.84 | Lenovo X240/Yoga Mains Adaptor |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 19/07/2016 | 223000-Other Expenditure | AM999-HQ - Civil, Family & Tribunals | O2 TELEFONICA LTD | 3463050 | 88,752.00 | Blanket PO for o2 telefonica loan worker alarms |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 19/07/2016 | 223000-Other Expenditure | AM999-HQ - Civil, Family & Tribunals | O2 TELEFONICA LTD | 3463050 | -24,000.00 | Blanket PO for o2 telefonica loan worker alarms |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AM999-HQ - Civil, Family & Tribunals | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 890.82 | Small Form Laptop - Lenovo ThinkPad X250 - [12.5" screen] (Windows 8.1) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AM999-HQ - Civil, Family & Tribunals | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 164 | Large Form Laptop - HP EliteBook 8570p (15.6" screen) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AM999-HQ - Civil, Family & Tribunals | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 164 | Large Form Laptop - HP EliteBook 8570p (15.6" screen) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AM999-HQ - Civil, Family & Tribunals | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 164 | Large Form Laptop - HP EliteBook 8570p (15.6" screen) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AM999-HQ - Civil, Family & Tribunals | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 46 | Provision and support of Secure Remote Access (RWSII) Capability |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AM999-HQ - Civil, Family & Tribunals | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 46 | Provision and support of Secure Remote Access (RWSII) Capability |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AM999-HQ - Civil, Family & Tribunals | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 46 | Provision and support of Secure Remote Access (RWSII) Capability |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AM999-HQ - Civil, Family & Tribunals | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 46 | Provision and support of Secure Remote Access (RWSII) Capability |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AM999-HQ - Civil, Family & Tribunals | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 11.62 | MS Visio Std |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AM999-HQ - Civil, Family & Tribunals | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 9.75 | Logitech M185 Bluetooth Scroll Mouse |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AM999-HQ - Civil, Family & Tribunals | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 6.28 | TechAir 13.3" Neoprene Slip Case |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 890.82 | Small Form Laptop - Lenovo ThinkPad X250 - [12.5" screen] (Windows 8.1) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 512000-Intangible GBV - Additions | AP999-Reform Directorate | HOME OFFICE | 11688 | 196,038.82 | MoU 75HOIT Home Off-Lead QAT Del Owner 37, Snr QAT Analyst 42, Snr QAT Analyst 37, 2xLead Test Eng 42, Lead Perf Tester 22 |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 26/07/2016 | 512000-Intangible GBV - Additions | AP999-Reform Directorate | HOME OFFICE | 11693 | 44,991.00 | MoU 1617-12 (HOIT) - Provision for Test Design & Consultancy Services MoJ Testing Services |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 82.78 | BlackBerry (Vodafone) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 78.26 | Reassign BlackBerry device within Business Unit |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 46 | Provision and support of Secure Remote Access (RWSII) Capability |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.95 | Lenovo Laptop Rucksack |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.78 | New IPT Mobility account with voicemail account 1-10 Accounts |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.78 | New IPT Mobility account with voicemail account 1-10 Accounts |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.23 | Additional/spare mains charger for BlackBerry 8520 |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 9.75 | Logitech M185 Bluetooth Scroll Mouse |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 926.52 | Small Form Laptop - Lenovo ThinkPad X250 - [12.5" screen] (Windows 8.1) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 46 | Provision and support of Secure Remote Access (RWSII) Capability |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 25.95 | Lenovo Laptop Rucksack |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 9.75 | Logitech M185 Bluetooth Scroll Mouse |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 306.13 | Adobe Acrobat Writer 9.3.3 Professional (Windows 8.1) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 29,775.00 | A-S-04619-01-v1.0 1st Line Support - Ongoing charges - 16/17 (to Oct 16) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 890.82 | Small Form Laptop - Lenovo ThinkPad X250 - [12.5" screen] (Windows 8.1) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 46 | Provision and support of Secure Remote Access (RWSII) Capability |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 08/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | BT GLOBAL SERVICES | 3452755 | 38,800.68 | HMCTS300-01 MoJ CJEP Professional Court User WiFi (BT Global Services PP M3042 Z) On-going Support Managed Service. Contract Ref 3440-2-ICT-ICT-RFP. ECM: 8608 - 16/17 |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | NETMASTER SOLUTIONS LTD | 3474816 | 104,002.00 | Ongoing support costs for Netmaster Solutions Deployment as indicated in the accompanying Commercial Cover Sheet to cover period 01/04/2016 to 31/03/2017 |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 13/07/2016 | 212000-Staff Cost - Wages & Salaries | AP999-Reform Directorate | CROWN PROSECUTION SERVICE | 11672 | 37,470.01 | Secondment to PMO from CPS |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 86.52 | Lenovo X240/Yoga Mains Adaptor |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 46 | Provision and support of Secure Remote Access (RWSII) Capability |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 29.25 | Logitech M185 Bluetooth Scroll Mouse |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 18.84 | TechAir 13.3" Neoprene Slip Case |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 26/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | TRIAD GROUP PLC | 3471466 | 132,863.00 | DSF01.100.57: Provision of Tech Architects; product managers; DevOps |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 27/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | SOFTCAT LTD | 3473515 | 146,520.00 | SoftCat :Provision of Service Management Suite V2 Annual Subs, ServiceNow Packaged Services and ServiceNow Training Fees |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 82.78 | BlackBerry (Vodafone) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 82.78 | BlackBerry (Vodafone) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 164 | Standard Form Laptop - HP EliteBook 8470p (14" screen) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 164 | Standard Form Laptop - HP EliteBook 8470p (14" screen) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 46 | Provision and support of Secure Remote Access (RWSII) Capability |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 46 | Provision and support of Secure Remote Access (RWSII) Capability |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 164 | Standard Form Laptop - HP EliteBook 8470p (14" screen) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 46 | Provision and support of Secure Remote Access (RWSII) Capability |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 164 | Standard Form Laptop - HP EliteBook 8470p (14" screen) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.23 | Spare battery for BlackBerry 8520 |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 05/07/2016 | 264000-Consultancy | AP999-Reform Directorate | KPMG LLP | 3448200 | 134,976.00 | To provide consultancy support for the HMCTS Estates Reform Property Exit as part of the delivery of the HMCTS Reform Programme. In line with contract - 4978-2-Professional Services-SE-RFI |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 08/07/2016 | 264000-Consultancy | AP999-Reform Directorate | KPMG LLP | 3452942 | 133,633.20 | To provide consultancy support for the HMCTS Estates Reform Property Exit as part of the delivery of the HMCTS Reform Programme. In line with contract - 4978-2-Professional Services-SE-RFI |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 27/07/2016 | 264000-Consultancy | AP999-Reform Directorate | KPMG LLP | 3472264 | 101,209.20 | To provide consultancy support for the HMCTS Estates Reform Property Exit as part of the delivery of the HMCTS Reform Programme. In line with contract - 4978-2-Professional Services-SE-RFI |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 164 | Standard Form Laptop - HP EliteBook 8470p (14" screen) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 46 | Provision and support of Secure Remote Access (RWSII) Capability |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 46 | Provision and support of Secure Remote Access (RWSII) Capability |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 19.27 | Laptop Rucksack |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 9.75 | Logitech M185 Bluetooth Scroll Mouse |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 926.52 | Small Form Laptop - Lenovo ThinkPad X250 - [12.5" screen] (Windows 8.1) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 46 | Provision and support of Secure Remote Access (RWSII) Capability |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 25.95 | Lenovo Laptop Rucksack |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 9.75 | Logitech M185 Bluetooth Scroll Mouse |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 46 | Provision and support of Secure Remote Access (RWSII) Capability |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 11.62 | MS Project Standard |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 11.62 | MS Visio Std |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 190.51 | 550 Sheet Tray Module for 4600V_DT |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 190.51 | 550 Sheet Tray Module for 4600V_DT |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 190.51 | 550 Sheet Tray Module for 4600V_DT |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 11.62 | MS Visio Std |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 890.82 | Small Form Laptop - Lenovo ThinkPad X250 - [12.5" screen] (Windows 8.1) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 46 | Provision and support of Secure Remote Access (RWSII) Capability |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 8.63 | Logitech M185 Bluetooth Scroll Mouse |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 6.28 | TechAir 13.3" Neoprene Slip Case |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 23.24 | MS Visio Std |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 11.62 | MS Project Standard |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 520.2 | AVM Ad-Hoc Labour and Materials |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 977.98 | 1 to 5 Devices National Relocation -Printer or MFD (Multi Function Device) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 488.99 | 1 to 5 Devices National Relocation -Printer or MFD (Multi Function Device) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 488.99 | 1 to 5 Devices National Relocation -Printer or MFD (Multi Function Device) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 488.99 | 1 to 5 Devices National Relocation -Printer or MFD (Multi Function Device) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 260.1 | AVM Ad-Hoc Labour and Materials |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 1,152.00 | Relocation of 4 desktop client devices to a different building. |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 648 | Relocation of 3 desktop client devices to a different building. |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 396 | Relocation of 6 desktop client devices to a different building. |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 260.1 | AVM Ad-Hoc Labour and Materials |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 2,444.95 | 1 to 5 Devices National Relocation -Printer or MFD (Multi Function Device) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 488.99 | 1 to 5 Devices National Relocation -Printer or MFD (Multi Function Device) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 488.99 | 1 to 5 Devices National Relocation -Printer or MFD (Multi Function Device) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 260.1 | AVM Ad-Hoc Labour and Materials |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 260.1 | AVM Ad-Hoc Labour and Materials |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 25.78 | Fixed IPT Phone Transfer to a new user 1-10 Devices |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 488.99 | 1 to 5 devices remove MFD. |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 360 | Relocation of 5 desktop client devices to a different building. |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 257.5 | Hunt Group - Complex Amendment |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 77.34 | New IPT Handset 1 - 11 devices |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 532000-Tangible GBV - Additions | AP999-Reform Directorate | CITY OF LONDON | 3445763 | 63,928.75 | 102 Petty France - City of London on behalf of Interserve - HMCTS300-01 PCU WiFi Provision of enabling works at Central Criminal Court (Old Bailey) FAO Ian High |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 532000-Tangible GBV - Additions | AP999-Reform Directorate | CITY OF LONDON | 3445763 | 3,196.43 | Manorview House, Newcastle-upon-Tyne -City of London on behalf of Interserve - provision of enabling works relating to the CICP Project. |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 512000-Intangible GBV - Additions | AP999-Reform Directorate | KAINOS SOFTWARE LTD | 3445898 | 45,600.00 | DS02-28.28 - Kainos - Provision for 2 Senior Developer |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 512000-Intangible GBV - Additions | AP999-Reform Directorate | TRIAD GROUP PLC | 3446978 | 37,155.20 | DS01-100.64 Triad: Provision of 2 Developers |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 512000-Intangible GBV - Additions | AP999-Reform Directorate | TRIAD GROUP PLC | 3446978 | 24,375.00 | DS02-028.31 - Triad Group Plc Provision for User Interaction Designer |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 726 | Relocation of 11 desktop client devices to a different building. |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 06/07/2016 | 512000-Intangible GBV - Additions | AP999-Reform Directorate | KAINOS SOFTWARE LTD | 3450216 | 45,573.00 | DS01-67.32 - Kainos - Provision for Business Analyst |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 06/07/2016 | 512000-Intangible GBV - Additions | AP999-Reform Directorate | TRIAD GROUP PLC | 3451725 | 104,282.90 | DS01-100.56 Triad: Provision of 6 developers |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 396 | Relocation of 6 desktop client devices to a different building. |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 360 | Relocation of 5 desktop client devices to a different building. |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 360 | Relocation of 5 desktop client devices to a different building. |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 144 | Relocation of 2 desktop client devices to a different building. |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 08/07/2016 | 512000-Intangible GBV - Additions | AP999-Reform Directorate | VODAFONE LTD (RETAIL) | 3454130 | 77,911.01 | ICT - Vodafone- no ref given:Provision and installation of hardware for the Crown In Court Presentation Project |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 13/07/2016 | 512000-Intangible GBV - Additions | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3456470 | 22,010.00 | 102 Petty France - Atos - For the provision of Architecture development for the Reform Programme |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 15/07/2016 | 512000-Intangible GBV - Additions | AP999-Reform Directorate | KAINOS SOFTWARE LTD | 3460365 | 268,869.33 | DS01-67.37: Kainos: Provision for Technical developers |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 15/07/2016 | 512000-Intangible GBV - Additions | AP999-Reform Directorate | KAINOS SOFTWARE LTD | 3460365 | 267,220.00 | DS01-67.47-1 Test Engineer |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 15/07/2016 | 512000-Intangible GBV - Additions | AP999-Reform Directorate | KAINOS SOFTWARE LTD | 3460365 | 244,861.67 | DS01-67.48 Kainos-Prov for 1Test Engineers |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 15/07/2016 | 512000-Intangible GBV - Additions | AP999-Reform Directorate | KAINOS SOFTWARE LTD | 3460365 | 29,054.00 | DS01-67.48 Kainos-Provision for 1Test Engineers |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 15/07/2016 | 222001-Maintenance | AP999-Reform Directorate | MACE LTD | 3460396 | 23,490.85 | ERP South West - MACE Ltd - Court Reform - Enabling works at various sites. Design |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 15/07/2016 | 512000-Intangible GBV - Additions | AP999-Reform Directorate | SKYSCAPE CLOUD SERVICES LTD | 3461514 | 276,743.93 | ICT - Skyscape - Capital costs in respect of applications for national and business solutions as detailed in contract |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 15/07/2016 | 512000-Intangible GBV - Additions | AP999-Reform Directorate | SKYSCAPE CLOUD SERVICES LTD | 3461514 | 267,099.07 | ICT - Skyscape - Capital costs in respect of applications for national and business solutions as detailed in contract |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 15/07/2016 | 512000-Intangible GBV - Additions | AP999-Reform Directorate | TRIAD GROUP PLC | 3461547 | 38,948.00 | Service Transition Manager - |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 19/07/2016 | 512000-Intangible GBV - Additions | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3462569 | 98,910.43 | A-S-04802-01-v01-Infrastructure Supplier Reform team to provide services to Authority on a call off basis to support HMCTS Reform activities from 1/4/16 to earlier of: (see special instructions box) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 19/07/2016 | 512000-Intangible GBV - Additions | AP999-Reform Directorate | TRIAD GROUP PLC | 3463686 | 21,909.60 | DS01-100.64 Triad: Provision of 2 Developers |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 19/07/2016 | 512000-Intangible GBV - Additions | AP999-Reform Directorate | TRIAD GROUP PLC | 3463686 | 20,847.50 | DS01-167.21: Triad Group - Provision of Delivery manager |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 20/07/2016 | 512000-Intangible GBV - Additions | AP999-Reform Directorate | AGILESPHERE LLP | 3463740 | 27,640.00 | ICT - DSO2-028.32 Agilesphere - Provision for developers |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 20/07/2016 | 512000-Intangible GBV - Additions | AP999-Reform Directorate | TRIAD GROUP PLC | 3466252 | 30,100.00 | DS01.100.67 Triad: Provision of 2 Business Analysts |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 20/07/2016 | 532000-Tangible GBV - Additions | AP999-Reform Directorate | TRIAD GROUP PLC | 3466252 | 26,065.20 | DS01.100.76 Triad - Provision of Product Manager |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 20/07/2016 | 512000-Intangible GBV - Additions | AP999-Reform Directorate | TRIAD GROUP PLC | 3466252 | 22,365.25 | DS01.100.60 Triad: Provision of Business Analyst |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 512000-Intangible GBV - Additions | AP999-Reform Directorate | AGILESPHERE LLP | 3467880 | 51,406.88 | DS01-161.63 Agilesphere - Provision of 4 agile coaches: |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 512000-Intangible GBV - Additions | AP999-Reform Directorate | KAINOS SOFTWARE LTD | 3468103 | 53,291.80 | DS01-067.43 Kainos - Provision for 3xBusiness Architecture |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 222001-Maintenance | AP999-Reform Directorate | MOTT MACDONALD LTD | 3468161 | 206,957.87 | Newcastle CCC - Stage 2 - 3 FEV for Criminal Justice Centre Project |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 26/07/2016 | 222002-Other Property Costs | AP999-Reform Directorate | BILFINGER GVA | 3470229 | 53,610.00 | The preparation of a Strategic Plan for the disposal of each high value London court building as defined in the Project Brief |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 26/07/2016 | 512000-Intangible GBV - Additions | AP999-Reform Directorate | KAINOS SOFTWARE LTD | 3470410 | 37,700.00 | DS01-67.30 - Kainos - Provision for Senior Test Developer |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 26/07/2016 | 512000-Intangible GBV - Additions | AP999-Reform Directorate | SOPRA STERIA LTD | 3471434 | 29,304.00 | ICT - DS01-151.54 Sopra Steria Ltd - Provision of UI Senior Developer |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 26/07/2016 | 512000-Intangible GBV - Additions | AP999-Reform Directorate | TRIAD GROUP PLC | 3471466 | 68,276.10 | DS01.100.78 Triad - Prov of Tech Architect |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 144 | Relocation of 2 desktop client devices to a different building. |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 144 | Relocation of 2 desktop client devices to a different building. |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 116 | Relocation of a single desktop client device to a different building. |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 27/07/2016 | 512000-Intangible GBV - Additions | AP999-Reform Directorate | SOPRA STERIA LTD | 3473517 | 22,752.00 | Sopra Steria Ltd -Provision of 4xDevelopers |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 977.98 | 1 to 5 Devices National Relocation -Printer or MFD (Multi Function Device) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 780.3 | AVM Ad-Hoc Labour and Materials |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 603.4 | Desktop PC - HP DC8300 |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 488.99 | 1 to 5 Devices National Relocation -Printer or MFD (Multi Function Device) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 488.99 | 1 to 5 Devices National Relocation -Printer or MFD (Multi Function Device) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 488.99 | 1 to 5 Devices National Relocation -Printer or MFD (Multi Function Device) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 488.99 | 1 to 5 Devices National Relocation -Printer or MFD (Multi Function Device) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 488.99 | 1 to 5 Devices National Relocation -Printer or MFD (Multi Function Device) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 360 | Relocation of 5 desktop client devices to a different building. |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 288 | Relocation of 4 desktop client devices to a different building. |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 260.1 | AVM Ad-Hoc Labour and Materials |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 144 | Relocation of 2 desktop client devices to a different building. |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 116 | Relocation of a single desktop client device to a different building. |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 60.34 | Desktop PC - HP DC8300 |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 25.78 | Voicemail - Provision of announcement only on a Hunt Group 1-10 Instances |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 25.78 | Voicemail - Provision of announcement only on a Hunt Group 1-10 Instances |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 25.78 | Voicemail - Provision of announcement only on a Hunt Group 1-10 Instances |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 890.82 | Small Form Laptop - Lenovo ThinkPad X250 - [12.5" screen] (Windows 8.1) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 890.82 | Small Form Laptop - Lenovo ThinkPad X250 - [12.5" screen] (Windows 8.1) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 890.82 | Small Form Laptop - Lenovo ThinkPad X250 - [12.5" screen] (Windows 8.1) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 164 | Standard Form Laptop - HP EliteBook 8470p (14" screen) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 164 | Standard Form Laptop - HP EliteBook 8470p (14" screen) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 164 | Standard Form Laptop - HP EliteBook 8470p (14" screen) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 46 | Provision and support of Secure Remote Access (RWSII) Capability |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 46 | Provision and support of Secure Remote Access (RWSII) Capability |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 46 | Provision and support of Secure Remote Access (RWSII) Capability |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 46 | Provision and support of Secure Remote Access (RWSII) Capability |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 46 | Provision and support of Secure Remote Access (RWSII) Capability |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 46 | Provision and support of Secure Remote Access (RWSII) Capability |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 46 | Provision and support of Secure Remote Access (RWSII) Capability |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 46 | Provision and support of Secure Remote Access (RWSII) Capability |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 46 | Provision and support of Secure Remote Access (RWSII) Capability |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.95 | Lenovo Laptop Rucksack |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.95 | Lenovo Laptop Rucksack |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.78 | New IPT Mobility account with voicemail account 1-10 Accounts |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.78 | New IPT Mobility account with voicemail account 1-10 Accounts |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 19.27 | Laptop Rucksack |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 19.27 | Laptop Rucksack |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 14.13 | Kensington Orbit Optical Trackball |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 11.62 | MS Project Standard |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 11.62 | MS Visio Std |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 11.62 | MS Project Standard |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 9.75 | Logitech M185 Bluetooth Scroll Mouse |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 9.75 | Logitech M185 Bluetooth Scroll Mouse |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 9.75 | Logitech M185 Bluetooth Scroll Mouse |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 9.75 | Logitech M185 Bluetooth Scroll Mouse |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 8.63 | Logitech M185 Bluetooth Scroll Mouse |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 6.28 | TechAir 13.3" Neoprene Slip Case |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 6.28 | TechAir 13.3" Neoprene Slip Case |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 926.52 | Small Form Laptop - Lenovo ThinkPad X250 - [12.5" screen] (Windows 8.1) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 926.52 | Small Form Laptop - Lenovo ThinkPad X250 - [12.5" screen] (Windows 8.1) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 926.52 | Small Form Laptop - Lenovo ThinkPad X250 - [12.5" screen] (Windows 8.1) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 926.52 | Small Form Laptop - Lenovo ThinkPad X250 - [12.5" screen] (Windows 8.1) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 926.52 | Small Form Laptop - Lenovo ThinkPad X250 - [12.5" screen] (Windows 8.1) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 890.82 | Small Form Laptop - Lenovo ThinkPad X250 - [12.5" screen] (Windows 8.1) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 890.82 | Small Form Laptop - Lenovo ThinkPad X250 - [12.5" screen] (Windows 8.1) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 890.82 | Small Form Laptop - Lenovo ThinkPad X250 - [12.5" screen] (Windows 8.1) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 890.82 | Small Form Laptop - Lenovo ThinkPad X250 - [12.5" screen] (Windows 8.1) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 890.82 | Small Form Laptop - Lenovo ThinkPad X250 - [12.5" screen] (Windows 8.1) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 165.56 | BlackBerry (Vodafone) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 78.26 | Reassign BlackBerry device within Business Unit |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 46 | Provision and support of Secure Remote Access (RWSII) Capability |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 46 | Provision and support of Secure Remote Access (RWSII) Capability |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 46 | Provision and support of Secure Remote Access (RWSII) Capability |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 46 | Provision and support of Secure Remote Access (RWSII) Capability |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 46 | Provision and support of Secure Remote Access (RWSII) Capability |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 46 | Provision and support of Secure Remote Access (RWSII) Capability |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 46 | Provision and support of Secure Remote Access (RWSII) Capability |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 46 | Provision and support of Secure Remote Access (RWSII) Capability |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 25.95 | Lenovo Laptop Rucksack |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 25.95 | Lenovo Laptop Rucksack |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 25.95 | Lenovo Laptop Rucksack |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 25.95 | Lenovo Laptop Rucksack |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 25.95 | Lenovo Laptop Rucksack |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 25.95 | Lenovo Laptop Rucksack |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 25.95 | Lenovo Laptop Rucksack |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 25.78 | New IPT Mobility account with voicemail account 1-10 Accounts |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 25.78 | New IPT Mobility account with voicemail account 1-10 Accounts |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 25.78 | New IPT Mobility account with voicemail account 1-10 Accounts |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 25.78 | New IPT Mobility account with voicemail account 1-10 Accounts |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 9.75 | Logitech M185 Bluetooth Scroll Mouse |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 9.75 | Logitech M185 Bluetooth Scroll Mouse |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 9.75 | Logitech M185 Bluetooth Scroll Mouse |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 9.75 | Logitech M185 Bluetooth Scroll Mouse |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 9.75 | Logitech M185 Bluetooth Scroll Mouse |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 9.75 | Logitech M185 Bluetooth Scroll Mouse |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 9.75 | Logitech M185 Bluetooth Scroll Mouse |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AP999-Reform Directorate | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 9.75 | Logitech M185 Bluetooth Scroll Mouse |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 08/07/2016 | 264000-Consultancy | AP999-Reform Directorate | RSR (ADVERTISING & COMMUNICATIONS) LTD T/A WMW | 3454070 | 64,374.00 | For the provision of change management strategic communications consultancy advice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 512000-Intangible GBV - Additions | AP999-Reform Directorate | CGI IT UK LTD | 3474579 | 151,741.96 | L-R-4527.01 : CGI IT - Provision for Digital Mark-up Service Transition and Early Adopter Support |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 222002-Other Property Costs | AP999-Reform Directorate | JONES LANG LASALLE LTD | 3474734 | 28,926.00 | Pre-Planning application to be undertaken as part of the Estates project under Reform |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 08/07/2016 | 264000-Consultancy | AP999-Reform Directorate | RSR (ADVERTISING & COMMUNICATIONS) LTD T/A WMW | 3454070 | 33,120.00 | For the provision of change management strategic communications consultancy advice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 512000-Intangible GBV - Additions | AP999-Reform Directorate | TRUSTMARQUE SOLUTIONS LTD | 3475940 | 39,647.41 | MQ9-00001- Trustmarque Solutions Microsoft Azure services - HaaS (Hosting as a Service Infrastructure) for HMCTS Reform programme from 1/7/16 - 31/12/16 |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AQ999-HQ - Finance, Govern. & Perf. | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.23 | Spare battery for BlackBerry 8310 |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AQ999-HQ - Finance, Govern. & Perf. | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 20.5 | Plantronics "BlackWire C310-M" headset with microphone |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AQ999-HQ - Finance, Govern. & Perf. | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 926.52 | Small Form Laptop - Lenovo ThinkPad X250 - [12.5" screen] (Windows 8.1) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AQ999-HQ - Finance, Govern. & Perf. | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 25.78 | Deletion of a Mobility user account 1-10 Accounts |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AQ999-HQ - Finance, Govern. & Perf. | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 9.74 | HP USB/PS2 Optical Scroll Mouse |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AS999-HQ - Human Resources | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 111.45 | Replace faulty or non-faulty out-of-contract BlackBerry device |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AS999-HQ - Human Resources | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 78.26 | Reassign BlackBerry device within Business Unit |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AT899-HQ - ICT | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 890.82 | Small Form Laptop - Lenovo ThinkPad X250 - [12.5" screen] (Windows 8.1) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AT899-HQ - ICT | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 890.82 | Small Form Laptop - Lenovo ThinkPad X250 - [12.5" screen] (Windows 8.1) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AT899-HQ - ICT | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 886.9 | Plantronics CS540 Wireless Headset 1-11 devices |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AT899-HQ - ICT | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 285.25 | Lenovo Yoga Windows 8.1 Laptop Monitor Kit |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AT899-HQ - ICT | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 111.45 | Replace faulty or non-faulty out-of-contract BlackBerry device |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AT899-HQ - ICT | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 77.34 | New IPT Handset 1 - 11 devices |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AT899-HQ - ICT | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 46 | Provision and support of Secure Remote Access (RWSII) Capability |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AT899-HQ - ICT | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 46 | Provision and support of Secure Remote Access (RWSII) Capability |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AT899-HQ - ICT | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 46 | Provision and support of Secure Remote Access (RWSII) Capability |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AT899-HQ - ICT | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.95 | Lenovo Laptop Rucksack |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AT899-HQ - ICT | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.95 | Lenovo Laptop Rucksack |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AT899-HQ - ICT | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.78 | Change Dialing Permissions 1-10 Devices |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AT899-HQ - ICT | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.78 | New IPT Mobility account with voicemail account 1-10 Accounts |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AT899-HQ - ICT | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.78 | Voicemail - Removal Of Voicemail 1-10 Accounts |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AT899-HQ - ICT | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.23 | Spare battery for BlackBerry 8520 |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AT899-HQ - ICT | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 22.28 | Plantronics Headset Ear Cushions 1-11 devices |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AT899-HQ - ICT | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 9.75 | Logitech M185 Bluetooth Scroll Mouse |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AT899-HQ - ICT | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 9.75 | Logitech M185 Bluetooth Scroll Mouse |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AT899-HQ - ICT | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 6.28 | TechAir 13.3" Neoprene Slip Case |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 512000-Intangible GBV - Additions | AT899-HQ - ICT | INSIGHT DIRECT (U K) LTD | 3445887 | 57,950.64 | ICT - Room EB09, Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London, WC2A 2LL - In-Sight(UK) Ltd - 297 x Dragon Professional Licence |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 512000-Intangible GBV - Additions | AT899-HQ - ICT | INSIGHT DIRECT (U K) LTD | 3445887 | 37,635.94 | ICT - Room EB09, Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London, WC2A 2LL - In-Sight(UK) Ltd - 212 x Dragon Premium to Professional upgrade |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 512000-Intangible GBV - Additions | AT899-HQ - ICT | INSIGHT DIRECT (U K) LTD | 3445887 | 6,664.68 | ICT - Room EB09, Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London, WC2A 2LL - In-Sight(UK) Ltd - 297 x Analogue headset |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 08/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AT899-HQ - ICT | SOPRA STERIA LTD | 3454087 | 91,520.00 | HMCTS Court Store and Bench - Agile Delivery Service Apr 16 - Mar 17 |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 15/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AT899-HQ - ICT | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3460106 | 104,644.62 | A-S-04795-01-v02 Build and support during deployment of eJudiciary Laptops |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 15/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AT899-HQ - ICT | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3460106 | 28,136.30 | A-S-04795-01-v02 Build and support during deployment of eJudiciary Laptops |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 15/07/2016 | 512000-Intangible GBV - Additions | AT899-HQ - ICT | CGI IT UK LTD | 3460175 | 60,627.00 | L-R-4662-01 - CGI IT - L-R-4662-01 SDT,MCOL and CaseMan Maintenance Release - 102 Petty France |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 19/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AT899-HQ - ICT | CACI LTD | 3462620 | 70,651.55 | Managed Service Wrap for Store and Bench Products April 16 - Sept 16 |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 512000-Intangible GBV - Additions | AT899-HQ - ICT | CGI IT UK LTD | 3467952 | 40,418.00 | L-R-4662-01 - CGI IT - L-R-4662-01 SDT,MCOL and CaseMan Maintenance Release - 102 Petty France |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 26/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AT899-HQ - ICT | CGI IT UK LTD | 3470265 | 34,574.40 | L-R-4672 - RPTS Enhancements and Fee Changes |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AT899-HQ - ICT | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 66,800.80 | If the Authority wishes to deploy a firmware upgrade, this item covers deploying to up to 802 courtrooms, as all Barco Clickshare devices must be upgraded |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AT899-HQ - ICT | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 42,850.80 | A-R-04672-01-v1.0 - L-CWR-0234 - RPTS Enhancements and Fee Changes |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AT899-HQ - ICT | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 926.52 | Small Form Laptop - Lenovo ThinkPad X250 - [12.5" screen] (Windows 8.1) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AT899-HQ - ICT | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 77.34 | New IPT Handset 1 - 11 devices |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AT899-HQ - ICT | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 77.34 | New IPT Handset 1 - 11 devices |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AT899-HQ - ICT | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 46 | Provision and support of Secure Remote Access (RWSII) Capability |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AT899-HQ - ICT | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 25.78 | New IPT Handset 1 - 11 devices |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | AT899-HQ - ICT | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 25.78 | Pick Up Group - New |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 221000-Property Rent and Rates | BZ999-London Region | FERNEX LTD | 455803 | 165,150.00 | Rent invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 222001-Maintenance | BZ999-London Region | ARCADIS LLP | 3445703 | 36,500.01 | London Estates - Arcadis - Estates London Region: Intelligent Helpdesk 2016/17. Replaces PO 20000304937 |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 119.84 | Display port to VGA Cable Adapter |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 113.1 | Auto Attendant - Message Prompt Menu - Amend Static Message Prompt Menu |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 89.01 | Converse 2100 1 -11 devices |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 67.31 | Plantronics HW251 A Mono Headset 1-11 devices |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 66.86 | Return BlackBerry device (no longer required) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 66.86 | Return BlackBerry device (no longer required) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 61.8 | Recovery of a redundant IPT handset from site 1-11 devices |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 60.34 | Installation of a single desktop device |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 43.44 | HP Standard USB Keyboard |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 40.34 | Provision of FHINS access |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 40.34 | Provision of FHINS access |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 29.96 | Display port to VGA Cable Adapter |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 29.22 | HP USB/PS2 Optical Scroll Mouse |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.78 | Pick Up Group - Amend |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.78 | Fixed IPT Phone Transfer to a new user 1-10 Devices |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.78 | Remote Activation Only of New Analogue Extension Port |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.78 | Remote Activation Only of New Analogue Extension Port |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.78 | Mobility Account Changes 1-10 Accounts |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.78 | Remote Activation Only of New Analogue Extension Port |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.78 | Fixed IPT Phone Change 1-10 Devices |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.78 | New IPT Mobility account with voicemail account 1-10 Accounts |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.78 | Analogue Extension Configuration Changes 1 - 10 |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.78 | New IPT Mobility account with voicemail account 1-10 Accounts |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.78 | Remote Activation Only of New Analogue Extension Port |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 23.11 | Assign Olympus Digital Voice Recorder - DS-7000 to another user |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 14.13 | Kensington Orbit Optical Trackball |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 9.74 | HP USB/PS2 Optical Scroll Mouse |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | BZ999-London Region | CITY OF LONDON | 3445763 | 1,175,813.30 | Service charge invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | BZ999-London Region | CITY OF LONDON | 3445763 | 48,992.22 | Service charge invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 261000-Fuel and Utilities | BZ999-London Region | EDF ENERGY LTD | 3445816 | 50,286.67 | Royal Courts of Justice - EDF Energy. |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 261000-Fuel and Utilities | BZ999-London Region | THAMES WATER UTILITIES LTD | 3446970 | 39,484.45 | London Region Consolidated - Water Costs - Thames Water |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 04/07/2016 | 221000-Property Rent and Rates | BZ999-London Region | CITY OF LONDON | 3447020 | 375,000.00 | Rent invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 04/07/2016 | 222002-Other Property Costs | BZ999-London Region | CITY OF LONDON | 3447020 | 28,807.70 | Service charge invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 05/07/2016 | 223001-Printing Postage and Office expenditure | BZ999-London Region | ROYAL MAIL GROUP PLC | 3449161 | 40,753.27 | London Region Royal Mail Variable Charges - Account 000171123000 (replaces PO 20000193610) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 05/07/2016 | 223001-Printing Postage and Office expenditure | BZ999-London Region | ROYAL MAIL GROUP PLC | 3449161 | 9,023.79 | London Region Royal Mail Variable Charges - Account 000171123000 (replaces PO 20000193610) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 05/07/2016 | 532000-Tangible GBV - Additions | BZ999-London Region | SHEPHERD CONSTRUCTION LTD | 3449177 | 100,709.30 | CIS Labour - London Estates - Shepherd Construction - London South Project 2014-2015 Commencement Agreement - Replaces PO 20000196791 |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 05/07/2016 | 532000-Tangible GBV - Additions | BZ999-London Region | SHEPHERD CONSTRUCTION LTD | 3449177 | 49,866.82 | CIS Labour - London Estates - Shepherd Construction - London North Project 2014-2015 – Commencement Agreement. This replaces PO 20000196793 |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 06/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | BZ999-London Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3450452 | 27,088.43 | CIS Labour - Royal Courts of Justice - Mitie Facilities - PD: additional porters. LN-15-16-2362 - This replaces PO 20000310503 |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 12/07/2016 | 261000-Fuel and Utilities | BZ999-London Region | EDF ENERGY LTD | 3455320 | 50,402.40 | Royal Courts of Justice - EDF Energy. |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 13/07/2016 | 261000-Fuel and Utilities | BZ999-London Region | BRITISH GAS BUSINESS | 3456491 | 31,327.26 | HMCTS London. BGB electricity charges. |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 13/07/2016 | 261000-Fuel and Utilities | BZ999-London Region | BRITISH GAS BUSINESS | 3456491 | 272.38 | HMCTS London. BGB electricity charges. |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 19/07/2016 | 261000-Fuel and Utilities | BZ999-London Region | CORONA ENERGY RETAIL 2 LTD | 3462645 | 40,923.56 | HMCTS London Corona gas consolidated charge. |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 19/07/2016 | 261000-Fuel and Utilities | BZ999-London Region | CORONA ENERGY RETAIL 2 LTD | 3462645 | 2,523.81 | HMCTS London Corona gas consolidated charge. |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 19/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | BZ999-London Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3463023 | 42,707.61 | M & E Maintenance |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 19/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | BZ999-London Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3463023 | 23,745.52 | Internal Repair & Maintenance |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 19/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | BZ999-London Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3463023 | 4,461.84 | Build Improvements |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 19/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | BZ999-London Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3463023 | 1,026.00 | Grounds Maintenance |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 20/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | BT PLC | 3463952 | 35,539.56 | London Region Consolidated - BT One Bill - 2015/16 |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 222002-Other Property Costs | BZ999-London Region | CITY OF LONDON | 3467690 | 28,807.70 | Service charge invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | BZ999-London Region | CITY OF LONDON | 3467691 | 384,714.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | BZ999-London Region | CITY OF LONDON | 3467691 | 8,665.20 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | BZ999-London Region | CITY OF WESTMINSTER | 3467693 | 373,791.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | BZ999-London Region | CITY OF WESTMINSTER | 3467693 | 75,999.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | BZ999-London Region | LONDON BOROUGH OF BARNET | 3467752 | 25,855.32 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | BZ999-London Region | LONDON BOROUGH OF BARNET | 3467752 | 15,910.96 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | BZ999-London Region | LONDON BOROUGH OF BEXLEY | 3467753 | 13,829.75 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | BZ999-London Region | LONDON BOROUGH OF BRENT | 3467754 | 40,843.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | BZ999-London Region | LONDON BOROUGH OF BRENT | 3467754 | 4,885.65 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | BZ999-London Region | LONDON BOROUGH OF BROMLEY | 3467755 | 31,020.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | BZ999-London Region | LONDON BOROUGH OF BROMLEY | 3467755 | 6,573.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | BZ999-London Region | LONDON BOROUGH OF CAMDEN | 3467756 | 175,780.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | BZ999-London Region | LONDON BOROUGH OF CROYDON | 3467757 | 46,690.85 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | BZ999-London Region | LONDON BOROUGH OF CROYDON | 3467757 | 27,401.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | BZ999-London Region | LONDON BOROUGH OF CROYDON | 3467757 | 14,217.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | BZ999-London Region | LONDON BOROUGH OF EALING | 3467758 | 5,144.15 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | BZ999-London Region | LONDON BOROUGH OF ENFIELD | 3467759 | 4,368.65 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | BZ999-London Region | LONDON BOROUGH OF HAMMERSMITH & FULHAM | 3467760 | 53,251.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | BZ999-London Region | LONDON BOROUGH OF HARINGEY | 3467761 | 17,870.23 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | BZ999-London Region | LONDON BOROUGH OF HARINGEY | 3467761 | 8,582.20 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | BZ999-London Region | LONDON BOROUGH OF HARROW | 3467762 | 48,856.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | BZ999-London Region | LONDON BOROUGH OF HAVERING | 3467763 | 7,393.10 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | BZ999-London Region | LONDON BOROUGH OF HAVERING | 3467763 | 5,531.90 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | BZ999-London Region | LONDON BOROUGH OF HILLINGDON | 3467764 | 12,563.10 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | BZ999-London Region | LONDON BOROUGH OF HILLINGDON | 3467764 | 7,238.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | BZ999-London Region | LONDON BOROUGH OF HOUNSLOW | 3467765 | 58,938.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | BZ999-London Region | LONDON BOROUGH OF HOUNSLOW | 3467765 | 4,446.20 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | BZ999-London Region | LONDON BOROUGH OF HOUNSLOW | 3467765 | 4,084.30 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | BZ999-London Region | LONDON BOROUGH OF ISLINGTON | 3467766 | 29,328.27 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | BZ999-London Region | LONDON BOROUGH OF ISLINGTON | 3467766 | 25,591.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | BZ999-London Region | LONDON BOROUGH OF LAMBETH | 3467767 | 5,092.45 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | BZ999-London Region | LONDON BOROUGH OF MERTON | 3467768 | 23,420.10 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | BZ999-London Region | LONDON BOROUGH OF NEWHAM | 3467769 | 34,897.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | BZ999-London Region | LONDON BOROUGH OF NEWHAM | 3467769 | 6,824.40 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | BZ999-London Region | LONDON BOROUGH OF REDBRIDGE | 3467770 | 33,984.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | BZ999-London Region | LONDON BOROUGH OF REDBRIDGE | 3467770 | 16,544.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | BZ999-London Region | LONDON BOROUGH OF RICHMOND UPON THAMES | 3467771 | 14,993.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | BZ999-London Region | LONDON BOROUGH OF SOUTHWARK | 3467772 | 33,863.45 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | BZ999-London Region | LONDON BOROUGH OF TOWER HAMLETS | 3467773 | 41,558.33 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | BZ999-London Region | LONDON BOROUGH OF TOWER HAMLETS | 3467773 | 23,265.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | BZ999-London Region | LONDON BOROUGH OF TOWER HAMLETS | 3467773 | 22,489.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | BZ999-London Region | LONDON BOROUGH OF WALTHAM FOREST | 3467774 | 15,626.33 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | BZ999-London Region | NEWCASTLE CITY COUNCIL | 3467788 | 4,522.70 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | BZ999-London Region | ROYAL BOROUGH OF KINGSTON UPON THAMES | 3467813 | 88,407.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | BZ999-London Region | ROYAL BOROUGH OF KINGSTON UPON THAMES | 3467813 | 9,047.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | BZ999-London Region | THE ROYAL BOROUGH OF GREENWICH | 3467853 | 70,312.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | BZ999-London Region | THE ROYAL BOROUGH OF GREENWICH | 3467853 | 5,687.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | BZ999-London Region | WANDSWORTH BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467860 | 11,374.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | BZ999-London Region | WANDSWORTH BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467860 | 9,921.23 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | BZ999-London Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3468149 | 74,661.81 | CIS Labour - Taylor House - Mitie Facilities - TT: labour/porterage to support out of scope ceiling works in Taylor House. LN-16-17-1192 |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | BZ999-London Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3468149 | 237,811.20 | M & E Maintenance |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | BZ999-London Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3468149 | 157,296.34 | Management |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | BZ999-London Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3468149 | 45,638.76 | Internal Repair & Maintenance |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | BZ999-London Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3468149 | 18,621.12 | Grounds Maintenance |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 26/07/2016 | 261000-Fuel and Utilities | BZ999-London Region | EDF ENERGY LTD | 3470315 | 25,619.47 | City of London - EDF Energy. |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 26/07/2016 | 532000-Tangible GBV - Additions | BZ999-London Region | INTERSERVE CONSTRUCTION LTD | 3470387 | 1,156,052.82 | CIS Labour Taylor House - Interserve - BPRN ref. 225/14/2905: Taylor House refurbishment construction works. |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 26/07/2016 | 261000-Fuel and Utilities | BZ999-London Region | THAMES WATER UTILITIES LTD | 3471452 | 36,590.25 | London Region Consolidated - Water Costs - Thames Water |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 618 | Recovery of a redundant IPT handset from site 1-11 devices |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 488.99 | 1 to 5 Devices National Relocation -Printer or MFD (Multi Function Device) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 281.23 | Lenovo X240 Windows 8.1 Laptop Monitor Kit |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 247.2 | Recovery of a redundant IPT handset from site 1-11 devices |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 222.62 | 24" LCD Display |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 133.72 | Return BlackBerry device (no longer required) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 116.08 | Replace lost or stolen BlackBerry device (Vodafone) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 78.26 | Reassign BlackBerry device within Business Unit |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 77.34 | Change Dialing Permissions 1-10 Devices |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 67.31 | Plantronics HW251 A Mono Headset 1-11 devices |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 67.31 | Plantronics HW251 A Mono Headset 1-11 devices |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 61.8 | Recovery of a redundant IPT handset from site 1-11 devices |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 56.55 | Auto Attendant - Message Annoucement - Amend Static Message Announcement |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 51.56 | Hunt Group - Extension |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 51.56 | Pick Up Group - Amend |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 51.56 | Pick Up Group - Amend |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 45.76 | Andrea NC181VM USB headset |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 40.34 | Provision of FHINS access |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 40.34 | Provision of FHINS access |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 25.78 | Hunt Group - Extension |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 25.78 | Deletion of a Mobility user account 1-10 Accounts |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 25.78 | Mobility Account Changes 1-10 Accounts |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 25.78 | Pick Up Group - Amend |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 25.78 | Analogue Extension Configuration Changes 1 - 10 |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 25.78 | Fixed IPT Phone Change 1-10 Devices |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 25.78 | Hunt Group - Extension |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 25.78 | Hunt Group - Extension |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 25.78 | Fixed IPT Phone Transfer to a new user 1-10 Devices |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 25.78 | Hunt Group - Amendment |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 14.98 | Display port to VGA Cable Adapter |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 14.98 | Display port to VGA Cable Adapter |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | BZ999-London Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 9.74 | HP USB/PS2 Optical Scroll Mouse |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 261000-Fuel and Utilities | BZ999-London Region | CORONA ENERGY RETAIL 2 LTD | 3474598 | 40,668.79 | HMCTS London Corona gas consolidated charge. |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 261000-Fuel and Utilities | BZ999-London Region | CORONA ENERGY RETAIL 2 LTD | 3474598 | 34,719.92 | HMCTS London Corona gas consolidated charge. |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 261000-Fuel and Utilities | BZ999-London Region | CORONA ENERGY RETAIL 2 LTD | 3474598 | -25,532.60 | HMCTS London Corona gas consolidated charge. |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 261000-Fuel and Utilities | BZ999-London Region | CORONA ENERGY RETAIL 2 LTD | 3474599 | 56,111.65 | HMCTS London Corona gas consolidated charge. |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 261000-Fuel and Utilities | BZ999-London Region | CORONA ENERGY RETAIL 2 LTD | 3474599 | 1,743.39 | HMCTS London Corona gas consolidated charge. |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | BZ999-London Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3474803 | 716,894.06 | SECURITY |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | BZ999-London Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3474803 | 381,149.33 | CLEANING |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | BZ999-London Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3474803 | 57,797.98 | WASTE DISPOSAL |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | BZ999-London Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3474803 | 26,008.47 | SECURITY |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | BZ999-London Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3474803 | 24,156.55 | MANAGEMENT |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | BZ999-London Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3474803 | 14,801.09 | INTERNAL MOVES |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | BZ999-London Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3474803 | 6,915.33 | CATERING |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | BZ999-London Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3474803 | 5,696.53 | PEST AND VERMIN |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | BZ999-London Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3474803 | 4,088.23 | INTERNAL MOVES |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | BZ999-London Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3474803 | 2,077.32 | CLEANING |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | BZ999-London Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3474803 | 770 | PEST AND VERMIN |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | BZ999-London Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3474803 | 390 | WASTE DISPOSAL |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 222002-Other Property Costs | BZ999-London Region | COMPETITION AND MARKETS AUTHORITY#AJ20100613 | 3474826 | 63,417.33 | Other government department occupancy costs |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 890.82 | Small Form Laptop - Lenovo ThinkPad X250 - [12.5" screen] (Windows 8.1) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 386.06 | Plantronics CS510 Wireless Headset 1-11 devices |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 364.46 | Dragon Naturally Speaking Professional v10 |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 309 | Polycom Soundstation 2 Conference Phone 1-11 devices |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 224.7 | Display port to VGA Cable Adapter |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 177.38 | Plantronics CS540 Wireless Headset 1-11 devices |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 156.52 | Plantronics HW261 A Duo Headset 1-11 devices |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 82.78 | BlackBerry (Vodafone) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 78.26 | Reassign BlackBerry device within Business Unit |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 66.86 | Return BlackBerry device (no longer required) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 66.86 | Return BlackBerry device (no longer required) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 66.86 | Return BlackBerry device (no longer required) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 61.8 | Recovery of a redundant IPT handset from site 1-11 devices |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 61.8 | Recovery of a redundant IPT handset from site 1-11 devices |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 61.8 | Recovery of a redundant IPT handset from site 1-11 devices |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 60.34 | Relocation of a single desktop client device within the same building |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 60.34 | Relocation of a single desktop client device within the same building |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 46 | Provision and support of Secure Remote Access (RWSII) Capability |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 46 | Provision and support of Secure Remote Access (RWSII) Capability |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 45.76 | Andrea NC181VM USB headset |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 44.94 | Display port to VGA Cable Adapter |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 29.96 | Display port to VGA Cable Adapter |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.78 | Hunt Group - Extension |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.78 | Hunt Group - Extension |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.78 | Fixed IPT Phone Transfer to a new user 1-10 Devices |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.78 | Analogue Extension Configuration Changes 1 - 10 |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.78 | Fixed IPT Phone Transfer to a new user 1-10 Devices |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.78 | Hunt Group - Extension |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 19.48 | HP USB/PS2 Optical Scroll Mouse |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 19.48 | HP USB/PS2 Optical Scroll Mouse |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 14.98 | Display port to VGA Cable Adapter |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 14.98 | Display port to VGA Cable Adapter |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 14.98 | Display port to VGA Cable Adapter |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 14.98 | Display port to VGA Cable Adapter |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 14.98 | Display port to VGA Cable Adapter |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 14.98 | Display port to VGA Cable Adapter |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 14.98 | Display port to VGA Cable Adapter |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 14.98 | Display port to VGA Cable Adapter |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 13.86 | Startech 1Mtr Mini HDMI to DVI-D Cable |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 10 | USB Extender cable |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 10 | USB Extender cable |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 6.28 | TechAir 13.3" Neoprene Slip Case |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 06/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | CZ999-South East Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3450452 | 26,001.07 | M&E Repair & Maintenance |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 06/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | CZ999-South East Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3450452 | 10,323.42 | Internal Repair & Maintenance |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 06/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | CZ999-South East Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3450452 | 3,622.34 | External and Structural Repair & Maintenance |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 19/07/2016 | 261000-Fuel and Utilities | CZ999-South East Region | CORONA ENERGY RETAIL 2 LTD | 3462644 | 34,933.18 | SE Region Consolidated - Gas charges - 16/17 |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 19/07/2016 | 261000-Fuel and Utilities | CZ999-South East Region | CORONA ENERGY RETAIL 2 LTD | 3462644 | 2,791.12 | SE Region Consolidated - Gas charges - 16/17 |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 19/07/2016 | 262000-SCA Costs | CZ999-South East Region | MODERN COURTS (EAST ANGLIA) LTD | 3463024 | 444,990.38 | Ipswich & Cambridge - Modern Courts (East Anglia) Ltd - Monthly Unitary Charges for East Anglia PFI - 16/17 |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 20/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | CZ999-South East Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3464874 | 142,835.03 | M&E Repair & Maintenance |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 20/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | CZ999-South East Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3464874 | 95,407.21 | Management Costs |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 20/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | CZ999-South East Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3464874 | 30,120.54 | Internal Repair & Maintenance |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 20/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | CZ999-South East Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3464874 | 22,646.68 | Grounds Maintenance |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | AYLESBURY VALE DISTRICT COUNCIL | 3467644 | 10,983.70 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | AYLESBURY VALE DISTRICT COUNCIL | 3467644 | 4,025.70 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | BASILDON BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467646 | 38,269.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | BASILDON BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467646 | 8,399.30 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | BEDFORD BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467650 | 12,176.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | BOROUGH COUNCIL OF KINGS LYNN & WEST NORFOLK | 3467655 | 6,361.60 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | BOROUGH COUNCIL OF KINGS LYNN & WEST NORFOLK | 3467655 | 3,727.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | BOROUGH COUNCIL OF KINGS LYNN & WEST NORFOLK | 3467655 | 3,603.25 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | BRACKNELL FOREST COUNCIL | 3467662 | 3,926.30 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | BRIGHTON & HOVE CITY COUNCIL | 3467665 | 17,074.25 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | BRIGHTON & HOVE CITY COUNCIL | 3467665 | 11,928.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | BRIGHTON & HOVE CITY COUNCIL | 3467665 | 10,298.76 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | BRIGHTON & HOVE CITY COUNCIL | 3467665 | 9,691.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | CAMBRIDGE CITY COUNCIL | 3467672 | 27,832.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | CAMBRIDGE CITY COUNCIL | 3467672 | 18,513.25 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | CANTERBURY CITY COUNCIL | 3467674 | 41,996.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | CANTERBURY CITY COUNCIL | 3467674 | 6,659.80 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | CHELMSFORD BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467680 | 32,553.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | CHELMSFORD BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467680 | 30,565.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | CHELMSFORD BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467680 | 27,832.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | CHELMSFORD BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467680 | 20,501.25 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | CHERWELL DISTRICT COUNCIL | 3467681 | 6,311.90 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | CHERWELL DISTRICT COUNCIL | 3467681 | 3,578.40 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | CHICHESTER DISTRICT COUNCIL | 3467685 | 9,293.90 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | CHICHESTER DISTRICT COUNCIL | 3467685 | 5,268.20 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | CHILTERN DISTRICT COUNCIL | 3467686 | 3,976.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | COLCHESTER BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467695 | 31,558.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | COLCHESTER BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467695 | 5,715.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | CRAWLEY BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467703 | 6,361.60 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | CRAWLEY BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467703 | 6,361.60 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | CRAWLEY BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467703 | 6,361.60 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | DARTFORD BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467706 | 6,958.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | DARTFORD BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467706 | 3,628.10 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | DOVER DISTRICT COUNCIL | 3467710 | 12,325.60 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | EAST HERTFORDSHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL | 3467714 | 5,516.70 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | EASTBOURNE BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467717 | 6,560.40 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | EPSOM & EWELL BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467719 | 5,864.60 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | GREAT YARMOUTH BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467726 | 11,729.20 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | GUILDFORD BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467727 | 20,874.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | GUILDFORD BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467727 | 19,880.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | HARLOW COUNCIL | 3467730 | 3,876.60 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | HASTINGS BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467733 | 17,519.25 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | HORSHAM DISTRICT COUNCIL | 3467737 | 9,095.10 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | HUNTINGDONSHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL | 3467739 | 27,086.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | IPSWICH BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467741 | 11,132.80 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | IPSWICH BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467741 | 4,671.80 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | LEWES DISTRICT COUNCIL | 3467749 | 11,828.60 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | LUTON BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467775 | 33,050.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | LUTON BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467775 | 15,531.25 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | LUTON BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467775 | 5,268.20 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | MAIDSTONE BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467776 | 56,658.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | MAIDSTONE BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467776 | 4,522.70 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | MAIDSTONE BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467776 | 3,454.15 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | MEDWAY COUNCIL | 3467779 | 14,413.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | MILTON KEYNES COUNCIL | 3467783 | 21,743.80 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | MILTON KEYNES COUNCIL | 3467783 | 5,914.30 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | MOLE VALLEY DISTRICT COUNCIL | 3467784 | 4,547.55 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | NORWICH CITY COUNCIL | 3467798 | 31,808.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | NORWICH CITY COUNCIL | 3467798 | 17,767.75 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | OXFORD CITY COUNCIL | 3467801 | 29,074.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | OXFORD CITY COUNCIL | 3467801 | 10,387.30 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | PETERBOROUGH CITY COUNCIL | 3467803 | 22,986.25 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | PETERBOROUGH CITY COUNCIL | 3467803 | 21,246.75 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | READING BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467808 | 46,469.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | READING BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467808 | 20,625.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | READING BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467808 | 7,007.70 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | REIGATE & BANSTEAD BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467810 | 11,679.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | ROYAL BOROUGH OF WINDSOR AND MAIDENHEAD | 3467814 | 6,659.80 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | SEVENOAKS DISTRICT COUNCIL | 3467821 | 4,721.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | SHEPWAY DISTRICT COUNCIL | 3467823 | 6,958.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | SLOUGH BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467825 | 4,199.65 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | SLOUGH BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467825 | 2,683.70 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | SOUTHEND-ON-SEA BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467837 | 17,146.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | SPELTHORNE BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467838 | 16,276.75 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | ST ALBANS CITY & DISTRICT COUNCIL | 3467839 | 33,050.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | ST ALBANS CITY & DISTRICT COUNCIL | 3467839 | 13,419.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | ST EDMUNDSBURY BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467840 | 7,554.40 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | ST EDMUNDSBURY BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467840 | 4,224.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | STEVENAGE BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467843 | 5,715.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | STEVENAGE BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467843 | 5,417.30 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | THANET DISTRICT COUNCIL | 3467851 | 7,355.60 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | TUNBRIDGE WELLS BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467857 | 10,089.10 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | TUNBRIDGE WELLS BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467857 | 2,957.15 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | WATFORD BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467862 | 7,604.10 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | WATFORD BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467862 | 4,050.55 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | WAVENEY DISTRICT COUNCIL | 3467863 | 11,629.80 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | WEST BERKSHIRE COUNCIL | 3467864 | 4,870.60 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | WORTHING BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467873 | 10,486.70 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | CZ999-South East Region | WYCOMBE DISTRICT COUNCIL | 3467875 | 15,904.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | CZ999-South East Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3468149 | 466,614.47 | Security |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | CZ999-South East Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3468149 | 206,041.14 | Cleaning |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | CZ999-South East Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3468149 | 50,291.92 | Waste Disposal |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | CZ999-South East Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3468149 | 14,934.83 | Management Costs |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | CZ999-South East Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3468149 | 5,890.09 | Catering - Lease Contracts |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | CZ999-South East Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3468149 | 1,016.57 | Pest Control |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 26/07/2016 | 223001-Printing Postage and Office expenditure | CZ999-South East Region | POLICE AND CRIME COMMISSIONER FOR ESSEX | 3471388 | 27,580.56 | Daily courier service to Court houses in Essex - 2016/17 |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 27/07/2016 | 532000-Tangible GBV - Additions | CZ999-South East Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3472422 | 194,566.19 | CIS Labour - Great Yarmouth Magistrates - Mitie Facilities - TO-SE-15-16-2652: PPD Project - BMS Replacement - Replaces PO 20000310645 |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 27/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | CZ999-South East Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3472422 | 41,283.81 | M&E Repair & Maintenance |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 27/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | CZ999-South East Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3472422 | 24,375.39 | CIS Labour - Brighton Family Centre - Mitie Facilities - TO-SE-16-17-1214: 5692833 5 yearly external redecoration in accordance with lease |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 27/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | CZ999-South East Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3472422 | 14,159.78 | Internal Repair & Maintenance |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 27/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | CZ999-South East Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3472422 | 9,314.08 | External and Structural Repair & Maintenance |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 27/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | CZ999-South East Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3472422 | 4,701.46 | Grounds Maintenance |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 309 | Recovery of a redundant IPT handset from site 1-11 devices |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 258.33 | HP OfficeJet 100 Mobile Printer |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 258.33 | HP OfficeJet 100 Mobile Printer |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 167.92 | Evoluent Vertical Mouse |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 164 | Standard Form Laptop - HP EliteBook 8470p (14" screen) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 164 | Standard Form Laptop - HP EliteBook 8470p (14" screen) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 156.06 | Move Large/Heavy Equipment Different Site, Standard Hours |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 144.2 | Lenovo X240/Yoga Mains Adaptor |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 119.84 | Display port to VGA Cable Adapter |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 116 | Relocation of a single desktop client device to a different building. |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 111.45 | Replace faulty or non-faulty out-of-contract BlackBerry device |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 98.15 | Humanscale M2 Monitor Arm |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 58.47 | Keep your mobile phone number when upgrading to BlackBerry |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 57.68 | Lenovo X240/Yoga Mains Adaptor |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 56.55 | Auto Attendant - Message Prompt Option - Amend Option destination |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 51.56 | New IPT Handset 1 - 11 devices |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 46 | Provision and support of Secure Remote Access (RWSII) Capability |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 46 | Provision and support of Secure Remote Access (RWSII) Capability |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 43.43 | Kensington Notebook Stand with USB Hub |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 31.31 | Ergonomic Keyboard [Microsoft Natural MultiMedia] |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 28.96 | HP Standard USB Keyboard |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 28.96 | HP Standard USB Keyboard |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 28.84 | Lenovo X240/Yoga Mains Adaptor |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 28.84 | Lenovo X240/Yoga Mains Adaptor |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 28.84 | Lenovo X240/Yoga Mains Adaptor |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 25.96 | Lenovo USB Gigabit Ethernet Adaptor |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 25.78 | Deletion of a Mobility user account 11-20 Accounts |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 15 | DVI to VGA Cable Adapter |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 14.48 | HP Standard USB Keyboard |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 10.09 | 4-Port USB Hub |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | CZ999-South East Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 5 | 3M USB Device Cable |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | DZ999-South West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 951.3 | Adobe Acrobat Writer std |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | DZ999-South West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 488.99 | 1 to 5 Devices Redeploy a Print Device |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | DZ999-South West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 343.55 | PMD620 Handheld Recorder |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | DZ999-South West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 168.02 | RollerMouse Pro2 |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | DZ999-South West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 164 | Large Form Laptop - HP EliteBook 8570p (15.6" screen) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | DZ999-South West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 89.88 | Display port to VGA Cable Adapter |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | DZ999-South West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 46 | Provision and support of Secure Remote Access (RWSII) Capability |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | DZ999-South West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 46 | Provision and support of Secure Remote Access (RWSII) Capability |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | DZ999-South West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 29.96 | Display port to VGA Cable Adapter |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | DZ999-South West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.78 | Pick Up Group - New |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | DZ999-South West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.78 | Fixed IPT Phone Change 1-10 Devices |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | DZ999-South West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 18.33 | Low-noise / soft touch keyboard |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | DZ999-South West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 10 | USB Extender cable |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | DZ999-South West Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3445941 | 18,857.07 | M&E Repair & Maintenance |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | DZ999-South West Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3445941 | 15,510.93 | Internal Repair & Maintenance |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | DZ999-South West Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3445941 | 8,252.27 | External and Structural Repair & Maintenance |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | DZ999-South West Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3445941 | 2,007.15 | Grounds Maintenance |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 15/07/2016 | 261000-Fuel and Utilities | DZ999-South West Region | CORONA ENERGY RETAIL 2 LTD | 3460203 | 30,075.59 | HMCTS SW Corona gas consolidated charge. |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 15/07/2016 | 261000-Fuel and Utilities | DZ999-South West Region | CORONA ENERGY RETAIL 2 LTD | 3460203 | 448.84 | HMCTS SW Corona gas consolidated charge. |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 19/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | DZ999-South West Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3463023 | 119,502.88 | M&E Repair & Maintenance |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 19/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | DZ999-South West Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3463023 | 70,903.62 | Management Costs |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 19/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | DZ999-South West Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3463023 | 21,508.19 | Internal Repair & Maintenance |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 19/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | DZ999-South West Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3463023 | 10,409.58 | Grounds Maintenance |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 21/07/2016 | 222001-Maintenance | DZ999-South West Region | PINSENT MASONS LLP#TE12310001 | 3466788 | 55,000.00 | DILAPIDATIONS SETTLE |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | DZ999-South West Region | BASINGSTOKE & DEANE BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467647 | 9,790.90 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | DZ999-South West Region | BATH & NORTH EAST SOMERSET COUNCIL | 3467649 | 18,761.75 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | DZ999-South West Region | BOROUGH OF POOLE | 3467659 | 11,480.70 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | DZ999-South West Region | BOURNEMOUTH BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467661 | 42,990.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | DZ999-South West Region | BOURNEMOUTH BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467661 | 10,437.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | DZ999-South West Region | BRISTOL CITY COUNCIL | 3467666 | 67,095.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | DZ999-South West Region | BRISTOL CITY COUNCIL | 3467666 | 52,185.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | DZ999-South West Region | BRISTOL CITY COUNCIL | 3467666 | 50,694.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | DZ999-South West Region | CORNWALL COUNCIL - CARRICK DIVISION | 3467698 | 20,874.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | DZ999-South West Region | CORNWALL COUNCIL - CARRICK DIVISION | 3467698 | 9,045.40 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | DZ999-South West Region | CORNWALL COUNCIL - NORTH CORNWALL DIVISION | 3467699 | 7,952.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | DZ999-South West Region | EAST HAMPSHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL | 3467713 | 3,064.01 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | DZ999-South West Region | EXETER CITY COUNCIL | 3467720 | 45,475.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | DZ999-South West Region | EXETER CITY COUNCIL | 3467720 | 3,329.90 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | DZ999-South West Region | FAREHAM BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467721 | 13,419.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | DZ999-South West Region | GLOUCESTER CITY COUNCIL | 3467725 | 10,934.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | DZ999-South West Region | GLOUCESTER CITY COUNCIL | 3467725 | 4,746.35 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | DZ999-South West Region | HAVANT BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467734 | 3,404.45 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | DZ999-South West Region | ISLE OF WIGHT COUNCIL | 3467743 | 17,494.40 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | DZ999-South West Region | NEW FOREST DISTRICT COUNCIL | 3467787 | 2,609.25 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | DZ999-South West Region | NORTH DEVON DISTRICT COUNCIL | 3467791 | 3,702.65 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | DZ999-South West Region | NORTH SOMERSET COUNCIL | 3467794 | 38,020.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | DZ999-South West Region | PLYMOUTH CITY COUNCIL | 3467804 | 14,313.60 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | DZ999-South West Region | PLYMOUTH CITY COUNCIL | 3467804 | 10,536.40 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | DZ999-South West Region | PORTSMOUTH CITY COUNCIL | 3467805 | 38,517.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | DZ999-South West Region | PORTSMOUTH CITY COUNCIL | 3467805 | 9,750.97 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | DZ999-South West Region | RUSHMOOR BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467815 | 4,249.35 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | DZ999-South West Region | SALFORD CITY COUNCIL | 3467816 | 9,754.83 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | DZ999-South West Region | SOUTH GLOUCESTERSHIRE COUNCIL | 3467827 | 10,983.70 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | DZ999-South West Region | SOUTH SOMERSET DISTRICT COUNCIL | 3467834 | 5,268.20 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | DZ999-South West Region | SOUTH SOMERSET DISTRICT COUNCIL | 3467834 | 5,168.80 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | DZ999-South West Region | SOUTHAMPTON CITY COUNCIL | 3467836 | 73,556.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | DZ999-South West Region | SOUTHAMPTON CITY COUNCIL | 3467836 | 2,509.85 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | DZ999-South West Region | SWINDON BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467846 | 16,401.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | DZ999-South West Region | SWINDON BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467846 | 9,940.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | DZ999-South West Region | TAUNTON DEANE BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467848 | 10,934.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | DZ999-South West Region | TAUNTON DEANE BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467848 | 8,051.40 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | DZ999-South West Region | TEIGNBRIDGE DISTRICT COUNCIL | 3467849 | 3,056.55 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | DZ999-South West Region | TORBAY COUNCIL | 3467854 | 5,367.60 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | DZ999-South West Region | TORBAY COUNCIL | 3467854 | 3,230.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | DZ999-South West Region | WEYMOUTH & PORTLAND BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467867 | 7,753.20 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | DZ999-South West Region | WILTSHIRE COUNCIL | 3467869 | 28,648.68 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | DZ999-South West Region | WILTSHIRE COUNCIL | 3467869 | 16,455.38 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | DZ999-South West Region | WILTSHIRE COUNCIL | 3467869 | 3,258.37 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | DZ999-South West Region | WINCHESTER CITY COUNCIL | 3467870 | 34,790.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | DZ999-South West Region | WINCHESTER CITY COUNCIL | 3467870 | 4,423.30 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | DZ999-South West Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3468149 | 221,642.76 | Security |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | DZ999-South West Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3468149 | 120,975.94 | Cleaning |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | DZ999-South West Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3468149 | 28,602.78 | M&E Repair & Maintenance |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | DZ999-South West Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3468149 | 26,736.05 | Waste Disposal |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | DZ999-South West Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3468149 | 13,971.52 | External and Structural Repair & Maintenance |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | DZ999-South West Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3468149 | 7,660.06 | Management Costs |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | DZ999-South West Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3468149 | 4,383.12 | Internal Repair & Maintenance |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | DZ999-South West Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3468149 | 2,709.43 | Pest Control |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | DZ999-South West Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3468149 | 2,390.72 | Catering - Lease Contracts |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | DZ999-South West Region | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 3468149 | 1,417.50 | Grounds Maintenance |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 262000-SCA Costs | DZ999-South West Region | SERVICES SUPPORT (AVON & SOMERSET) LTD | 3469229 | 708,870.66 | Worle Area Office / Bristol - Services Support (Avon & Somerset) Ltd - Unitary Charges for Worle & Bristol PFI - Monthly 16/17 |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | DZ999-South West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 843.69 | Lenovo X240 Windows 8.1 Laptop Monitor Kit |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | DZ999-South West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 445.24 | 24" LCD Display |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | DZ999-South West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 321.15 | Adobe Acrobat Writer Professional |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | DZ999-South West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 57.68 | Lenovo X240/Yoga Mains Adaptor |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | DZ999-South West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 57.68 | Lenovo X240/Yoga Mains Adaptor |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | DZ999-South West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 48.7 | HP USB/PS2 Optical Scroll Mouse |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | DZ999-South West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 46 | Provision and support of Secure Remote Access (RWSII) Capability |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | DZ999-South West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 25.78 | Fixed IPT Phone Change 1-10 Devices |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | DZ999-South West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 25.78 | Mobility Handset Conversion to Fixed Handset with new user details 1- 11 devices |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | DZ999-South West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 25.78 | New IPT Handset 1 - 11 devices |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | DZ999-South West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 25.78 | Fixed IPT Phone Change 11-20 Devices |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | DZ999-South West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 25.78 | Hunt Group - Extension |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | DZ999-South West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 25.78 | Fixed IPT Phone Transfer to a new user 1-10 Devices |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | DZ999-South West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 19.5 | Logitech M185 Bluetooth Scroll Mouse |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | DZ999-South West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 14.98 | Display port to VGA Cable Adapter |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | DZ999-South West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 14.98 | Display port to VGA Cable Adapter |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | DZ999-South West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 14.98 | Display port to VGA Cable Adapter |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | DZ999-South West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 10 | Power cable |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 262000-SCA Costs | DZ999-South West Region | ENTERPRISE CIVIC BUILDINGS LTD | 3474646 | 325,224.84 | Exeter PFI 2016-17 - Enterprise Civic Buildings Ltd - Monthly 2016-17 Unitary Charges for Exeter PFI |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 19/07/2016 | 532000-Tangible GBV - Additions | EZ999-Wales Region | BALFOUR BEATTY CONSTRUCTION LTD | 457277 | 71,617.80 | CIS Labour Swansea Magistrates - Balfour Beatty - Create additional courtrooms replaces PO 20000188723 |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 19/07/2016 | 532000-Tangible GBV - Additions | EZ999-Wales Region | BALFOUR BEATTY CONSTRUCTION LTD | 457277 | -35,808.90 | CIS Labour Swansea Magistrates - Balfour Beatty - Create additional courtrooms replaces PO 20000188723 |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | EZ999-Wales Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 282.62 | 24" LCD Display |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | EZ999-Wales Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.78 | Hunt Group - Extension |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 08/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | EZ999-Wales Region | CITY & COUNTY OF SWANSEA | 3452788 | 58,856.14 | Service charge invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 19/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | EZ999-Wales Region | G4S FACILITIES MANAGEMENT (UK) LTD | 3462719 | 164,821.36 | Security |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 19/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | EZ999-Wales Region | G4S FACILITIES MANAGEMENT (UK) LTD | 3462719 | 73,734.14 | Cleaning |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 19/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | EZ999-Wales Region | G4S FACILITIES MANAGEMENT (UK) LTD | 3462719 | 58,225.29 | M&E |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 19/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | EZ999-Wales Region | G4S FACILITIES MANAGEMENT (UK) LTD | 3462719 | 47,028.96 | Management Costs |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 19/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | EZ999-Wales Region | G4S FACILITIES MANAGEMENT (UK) LTD | 3462719 | 14,902.39 | Management Costs |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 19/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | EZ999-Wales Region | G4S FACILITIES MANAGEMENT (UK) LTD | 3462719 | 12,468.07 | Waste disposal |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 19/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | EZ999-Wales Region | G4S FACILITIES MANAGEMENT (UK) LTD | 3462719 | 11,674.40 | Internal Maintenance |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 19/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | EZ999-Wales Region | G4S FACILITIES MANAGEMENT (UK) LTD | 3462719 | 5,863.01 | Grounds Maintenance |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 19/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | EZ999-Wales Region | G4S FACILITIES MANAGEMENT (UK) LTD | 3462719 | 948.29 | Pest |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 19/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | EZ999-Wales Region | G4S FACILITIES MANAGEMENT (UK) LTD | 3462719 | 460.47 | Catering |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 19/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | EZ999-Wales Region | G4S FACILITIES MANAGEMENT (UK) LTD | 3462719 | 123.34 | Catering |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | EZ999-Wales Region | BRIDGEND COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467664 | 8,893.80 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | EZ999-Wales Region | CAERPHILLY COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467669 | 4,689.90 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | EZ999-Wales Region | CAERPHILLY COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467669 | 3,134.70 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | EZ999-Wales Region | CARDIFF COUNTY COUNCIL | 3467675 | 38,637.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | EZ999-Wales Region | CARDIFF COUNTY COUNCIL | 3467675 | 24,056.92 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | EZ999-Wales Region | CARDIFF COUNTY COUNCIL | 3467675 | 16,402.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | EZ999-Wales Region | CARMARTHENSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL | 3467677 | 5,880.60 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | EZ999-Wales Region | CEREDIGION COUNTY COUNCIL | 3467678 | 7,533.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | EZ999-Wales Region | CONWY COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467696 | 4,727.80 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | EZ999-Wales Region | CYNGOR GWYNEDD COUNCIL | 3467704 | 20,582.10 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | EZ999-Wales Region | FLINTSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL | 3467722 | 11,080.75 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | EZ999-Wales Region | MERTHYR TYDFIL COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467780 | 19,926.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | EZ999-Wales Region | MONMOUTHSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL | 3467785 | 2,600.10 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | EZ999-Wales Region | NEATH PORT TALBOT C.B.C. | 3467786 | 9,039.60 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | EZ999-Wales Region | NEATH PORT TALBOT C.B.C. | 3467786 | 3,888.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | EZ999-Wales Region | NEWPORT CITY COUNCIL | 3467790 | 16,402.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | EZ999-Wales Region | NEWPORT CITY COUNCIL | 3467790 | 16,159.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | EZ999-Wales Region | NEWPORT CITY COUNCIL | 3467790 | 6,901.20 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | EZ999-Wales Region | NEWPORT CITY COUNCIL | 3467790 | 4,252.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | EZ999-Wales Region | PEMBROKESHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL | 3467802 | 5,637.60 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | EZ999-Wales Region | POWYS COUNTY COUNCIL | 3467806 | 5,589.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | EZ999-Wales Region | POWYS COUNTY COUNCIL | 3467806 | 2,575.80 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | EZ999-Wales Region | RHONDDA CYNON TAFF | 3467811 | 8,116.20 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | EZ999-Wales Region | RHONDDA CYNON TAFF | 3467811 | 5,880.60 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | EZ999-Wales Region | TORFAEN COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467855 | 4,098.48 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | EZ999-Wales Region | WREXHAM COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467874 | 7,095.60 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | EZ999-Wales Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 488.99 | 1 to 5 Devices National Relocation -Printer or MFD (Multi Function Device) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | EZ999-Wales Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 416.16 | 1 to 5 Devices Local Relocation (same Authority Premises) - Printer or MFD |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | EZ999-Wales Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 360 | Auto Attendant - Amend existing Auto Attendant Call Flow |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | EZ999-Wales Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 257.5 | Hunt Group - Complex Amendment |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | EZ999-Wales Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 222.62 | 24" LCD Display |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | EZ999-Wales Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 193.03 | Plantronics CS510 Wireless Headset 1-11 devices |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | EZ999-Wales Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 14.98 | Display port to VGA Cable Adapter |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | EZ999-Wales Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 11.62 | MS Visio Professional |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 12/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | FC999-Centrally Managed Costs by F&G | LIBERATA UK LTD | 3455443 | 68,612.00 | Application Support 2016/17 |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 19/07/2016 | 223000-Other Expenditure | FC999-Centrally Managed Costs by F&G | KENT COUNTY COUNCIL | 3462794 | 33,735.45 | HMCTS HQ HR Support - Pension Recharges - Kent Council FY 15/16 |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 223000-Other Expenditure | FC999-Centrally Managed Costs by F&G | EAST SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL | 3468002 | 57,931.34 | Early Retirement Costs |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 26/07/2016 | 262000-SCA Costs | FC999-Centrally Managed Costs by F&G | LIBERATA UK LTD | 3470428 | 546,067.88 | HMCTS HQ-Central Admin Budgets - Liberata Middle Office: fixed and variable costs (6 months) 2016/17 |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | FZ999-Midlands Region | JONES LANG LASALLE#1990-1015772 | 16170 | 73,866.00 | EMERGENCY PAYMENT - Service charge |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | FZ999-Midlands Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 282.62 | 24" LCD Display |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | FZ999-Midlands Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 103.12 | Fixed IPT Phone Transfer to a new user 1-10 Devices |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | FZ999-Midlands Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 66.86 | Return BlackBerry device (no longer required) |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | FZ999-Midlands Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 51.56 | Voicemail - Removal Of Voicemail 1-10 Accounts |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | FZ999-Midlands Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 51.56 | Voicemail - New Voicemail Account 1-10 Accounts |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | FZ999-Midlands Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 28.84 | Lenovo X240/Yoga Mains Adaptor |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | FZ999-Midlands Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.78 | Remote Activation Only of New Analogue Extension Port |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | FZ999-Midlands Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.78 | Hunt Group - Extension |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | FZ999-Midlands Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.78 | Hunt Group - Extension |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | FZ999-Midlands Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.78 | Hunt Group - Extension |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 08/07/2016 | 262000-SCA Costs | FZ999-Midlands Region | DERBYSHIRE COURTS LTD | 3452834 | 518,291.76 | Derbyshire PFI - Derbyshire Court Ltd - Monthly Unitary Charges 16/17 |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 12/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | FZ999-Midlands Region | JONES LANG LASALLE LTD | 3455413 | 58,266.82 | Service charge invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 15/07/2016 | 261000-Fuel and Utilities | FZ999-Midlands Region | CORONA ENERGY RETAIL 2 LTD | 3460203 | 39,807.23 | Corona Energy gas HMCTS Midlands. |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 15/07/2016 | 261000-Fuel and Utilities | FZ999-Midlands Region | CORONA ENERGY RETAIL 2 LTD | 3460203 | 819.8 | Corona Energy gas HMCTS Midlands. |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 19/07/2016 | 261000-Fuel and Utilities | FZ999-Midlands Region | CORONA ENERGY RETAIL 2 LTD | 3462645 | 31,136.87 | Corona Energy gas HMCTS Midlands. |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 19/07/2016 | 261000-Fuel and Utilities | FZ999-Midlands Region | CORONA ENERGY RETAIL 2 LTD | 3462645 | 1,371.83 | Corona Energy gas HMCTS Midlands. |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 19/07/2016 | 262000-SCA Costs | FZ999-Midlands Region | DERBYSHIRE COURTS LTD | 3462662 | 514,799.07 | Derbyshire PFI - Derbyshire Court Ltd - Monthly Unitary Charges 16/17 |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 19/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | FZ999-Midlands Region | G4S FACILITIES MANAGEMENT (UK) LTD | 3462719 | 22,489.80 | Internal Maintenance |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 19/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | FZ999-Midlands Region | G4S FACILITIES MANAGEMENT (UK) LTD | 3462719 | 8,829.29 | M&E |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 19/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | FZ999-Midlands Region | G4S FACILITIES MANAGEMENT (UK) LTD | 3462719 | 1,381.00 | Grounds Maintenance |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 19/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | FZ999-Midlands Region | G4S FACILITIES MANAGEMENT (UK) LTD | 3462719 | 755.25 | Management Costs |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 19/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | FZ999-Midlands Region | SHROPSHIRE COUNCIL | 3463635 | 20,175.00 | Rent invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 19/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | FZ999-Midlands Region | SHROPSHIRE COUNCIL | 3463635 | 20,000.00 | Service charge invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 20/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | FZ999-Midlands Region | G4S FACILITIES MANAGEMENT (UK) LTD | 3464331 | 151,349.80 | M&E |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 20/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | FZ999-Midlands Region | G4S FACILITIES MANAGEMENT (UK) LTD | 3464331 | 110,551.90 | Management Costs |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 20/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | FZ999-Midlands Region | G4S FACILITIES MANAGEMENT (UK) LTD | 3464331 | 27,390.28 | Internal Maintenance |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 20/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | FZ999-Midlands Region | G4S FACILITIES MANAGEMENT (UK) LTD | 3464331 | 8,637.68 | Grounds Maintenance |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | FZ999-Midlands Region | BIRMINGHAM CITY COUNCIL | 3467651 | 162,519.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | FZ999-Midlands Region | BIRMINGHAM CITY COUNCIL | 3467651 | 48,457.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | FZ999-Midlands Region | BIRMINGHAM CITY COUNCIL | 3467651 | 32,056.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | FZ999-Midlands Region | BIRMINGHAM CITY COUNCIL | 3467651 | 8,200.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | FZ999-Midlands Region | BIRMINGHAM CITY COUNCIL | 3467651 | 6,958.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | FZ999-Midlands Region | CANNOCK CHASE DISTRICT COUNCIL | 3467673 | 10,884.30 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | FZ999-Midlands Region | CANNOCK CHASE DISTRICT COUNCIL | 3467673 | 3,081.40 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | FZ999-Midlands Region | CHARNWOOD BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467679 | 21,371.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | FZ999-Midlands Region | CITY OF STOKE ON TRENT | 3467692 | 23,943.56 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | FZ999-Midlands Region | COVENTRY CITY COUNCIL | 3467701 | 29,074.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | FZ999-Midlands Region | COVENTRY CITY COUNCIL | 3467701 | 25,595.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | FZ999-Midlands Region | DERBY CITY COUNCIL | 3467708 | 30,068.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | FZ999-Midlands Region | DUDLEY METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467711 | 8,128.03 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | FZ999-Midlands Region | EAST LINDSEY DISTRICT COUNCIL | 3467715 | 4,224.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | FZ999-Midlands Region | EAST STAFFORDSHIRE BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467716 | 3,628.10 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | FZ999-Midlands Region | HEREFORDSHIRE COUNCIL | 3467735 | 15,407.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | FZ999-Midlands Region | HINCKLEY & BOSWORTH BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467736 | 11,281.90 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | FZ999-Midlands Region | LEICESTER CITY COUNCIL | 3467748 | 35,535.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | FZ999-Midlands Region | LEICESTER CITY COUNCIL | 3467748 | 27,335.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | FZ999-Midlands Region | LINCOLN CITY COUNCIL | 3467750 | 32,553.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | FZ999-Midlands Region | LINCOLN CITY COUNCIL | 3467750 | 3,006.85 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | FZ999-Midlands Region | MANSFIELD DISTRICT COUNCIL | 3467778 | 23,607.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | FZ999-Midlands Region | NEWCASTLE UNDER LYME BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467789 | 7,156.80 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | FZ999-Midlands Region | NEWCASTLE UNDER LYME BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467789 | 2,733.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | FZ999-Midlands Region | NORTHAMPTON BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467796 | 37,772.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | FZ999-Midlands Region | NORTHAMPTON BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467796 | 8,200.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | FZ999-Midlands Region | NORTHAMPTON BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467796 | 5,914.30 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | FZ999-Midlands Region | NORTHAMPTON BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467796 | 3,280.20 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | FZ999-Midlands Region | NOTTINGHAM CITY COUNCIL | 3467799 | 80,017.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | FZ999-Midlands Region | NOTTINGHAM CITY COUNCIL | 3467799 | 35,553.37 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | FZ999-Midlands Region | REDDITCH BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467809 | 10,735.20 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | FZ999-Midlands Region | SANDWELL METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467817 | 13,046.25 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | FZ999-Midlands Region | SHROPSHIRE COUNCIL | 3467824 | 14,537.25 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | FZ999-Midlands Region | SHROPSHIRE COUNCIL | 3467824 | 6,461.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | FZ999-Midlands Region | SOLIHULL METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467826 | 12,077.10 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | FZ999-Midlands Region | SOUTH KESTEVEN DISTRICT COUNCIL | 3467830 | 4,646.95 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | FZ999-Midlands Region | STAFFORD BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467842 | 28,080.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | FZ999-Midlands Region | STAFFORD BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467842 | 7,057.40 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | FZ999-Midlands Region | TELFORD & WREKIN COUNCIL | 3467850 | 14,910.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | FZ999-Midlands Region | TELFORD & WREKIN COUNCIL | 3467850 | 4,696.65 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | FZ999-Midlands Region | WALSALL COUNCIL | 3467859 | 11,977.70 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | FZ999-Midlands Region | WALSALL COUNCIL | 3467859 | 5,715.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | FZ999-Midlands Region | WOLVERHAMPTON CITY COUNCIL | 3467871 | 38,517.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | FZ999-Midlands Region | WORCESTER CITY COUNCIL | 3467872 | 20,377.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | FZ999-Midlands Region | WORCESTER CITY COUNCIL | 3467872 | 13,916.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | FZ999-Midlands Region | WYRE FOREST DISTRICT COUNCIL | 3467877 | 13,787.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 26/07/2016 | 262000-SCA Costs | FZ999-Midlands Region | DERBYSHIRE COURTS LTD | 3470301 | 118,306.35 | Derbyshire PFI - Derbyshire Court Ltd - Monthly Unitary Charges 16/17 |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 26/07/2016 | 262000-SCA Costs | FZ999-Midlands Region | H & W COURTS LIMITED | 3470353 | 533,106.22 | Hereford and Worcester PFI 2016-17 - H & W Courts Ltd - Monthly 2016-17 Unitary Charges for H&W PFI |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | FZ999-Midlands Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 859.37 | Standard Power Down Request for DISC connected site with no site engineer assistance required |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | FZ999-Midlands Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 492 | Pool Laptop |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | FZ999-Midlands Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 488.99 | 1 to 5 Devices Redeploy a Print Device |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | FZ999-Midlands Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 454.39 | Analogue Extension Port For use with fax machine, MFD, franking machine or an analogue handset 1-11 devices |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | FZ999-Midlands Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 454.39 | Analogue Extension Port For use with fax machine, MFD, franking machine or an analogue handset 1-11 devices |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | FZ999-Midlands Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 222.62 | 24" LCD Display |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | FZ999-Midlands Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 199.38 | Adobe Acrobat Writer std |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | FZ999-Midlands Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 177.38 | Plantronics CS540 Wireless Headset 1-11 devices |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | FZ999-Midlands Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 120.68 | Desktop PC - HP DC8300 |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | FZ999-Midlands Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 91.65 | Low-noise / soft touch keyboard |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | FZ999-Midlands Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 67.31 | Plantronics HW251 A Mono Headset 1-11 devices |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | FZ999-Midlands Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 56.55 | Auto Attendant - Message Prompt Menu - Amend Static Message Prompt Menu |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | FZ999-Midlands Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 51.56 | Hunt Group - Extension |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | FZ999-Midlands Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 46 | Provision and support of Secure Remote Access (RWSII) Capability |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | FZ999-Midlands Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 29.96 | Display port to VGA Cable Adapter |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | FZ999-Midlands Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 25.78 | Mobility Handset Conversion to Fixed Handset with new user details 1- 11 devices |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | FZ999-Midlands Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 25.78 | Pick Up Group - Amend |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | FZ999-Midlands Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 25.78 | Mobility Handset Conversion to Fixed Handset & Import existing Mobility profile 1- 11 devices |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | FZ999-Midlands Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 25.78 | Mobility Handset Conversion to Fixed Handset with new user details 1- 11 devices |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | FZ999-Midlands Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 25.78 | Voicemail - New Voicemail Account 1-10 Accounts |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | FZ999-Midlands Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 25.78 | Hunt Group - Extension |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | FZ999-Midlands Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 25.78 | Mobility Handset Conversion to Fixed Handset with new user details 1- 11 devices |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | FZ999-Midlands Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 25.78 | Pick Up Group - Amend |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | FZ999-Midlands Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 25.78 | Hunt Group - Extension |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | FZ999-Midlands Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 25.78 | Hunt Group - Extension |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | FZ999-Midlands Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 14.48 | HP Standard USB Keyboard |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | FZ999-Midlands Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3474532 | 14.13 | Kensington Orbit Optical Trackball |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | FZ999-Midlands Region | G4S FACILITIES MANAGEMENT (UK) LTD | 3474675 | 360,491.00 | Security |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | FZ999-Midlands Region | G4S FACILITIES MANAGEMENT (UK) LTD | 3474675 | 197,373.31 | Cleaning |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | FZ999-Midlands Region | G4S FACILITIES MANAGEMENT (UK) LTD | 3474675 | 34,337.77 | Management Costs |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | FZ999-Midlands Region | G4S FACILITIES MANAGEMENT (UK) LTD | 3474675 | 23,242.76 | Waste disposal |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | FZ999-Midlands Region | G4S FACILITIES MANAGEMENT (UK) LTD | 3474675 | 1,528.28 | Pest |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 29/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | FZ999-Midlands Region | G4S FACILITIES MANAGEMENT (UK) LTD | 3474675 | 475.93 | Catering |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 20/07/2016 | 211000-Judicial Salaries - Salaried | GZ999-North West Region | JUDICIAL PENSIONS SCHEME | 11685 | 4,051,132.06 | JUDICIAL PENSIONS COSTS |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 20/07/2016 | 211000-Judicial Salaries - Salaried | GZ999-North West Region | JUDICIAL PENSIONS SCHEME | 11685 | 3,144,335.81 | JUDICIAL PENSIONS COSTS |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 20/07/2016 | 211001-Judicial Salaries - Fee Paid | GZ999-North West Region | JUDICIAL PENSIONS SCHEME | 11685 | 1,181,214.97 | JUDICIAL PENSIONS COSTS |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | GZ999-North West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 416.16 | 1 to 5 Devices Local Relocation (same Authority Premises) - Printer or MFD |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | GZ999-North West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 364.14 | 1 to 5 devices Remove Print Device |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | GZ999-North West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 360 | Auto Attendant - Amend existing Auto Attendant Call Flow |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | GZ999-North West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 185.4 | Recovery of a redundant IPT handset from site 1-11 devices |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | GZ999-North West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 98.15 | Humanscale M2 Monitor Arm |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | GZ999-North West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 60.34 | Desktop PC - HP DC8300 |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | GZ999-North West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 46 | Provision and support of Secure Remote Access (RWSII) Capability |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | GZ999-North West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.78 | Pick Up Group - Amend |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | GZ999-North West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.78 | Voicemail - Removal Of Voicemail 1-10 Accounts |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | GZ999-North West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.78 | Pick Up Group - Amend |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | GZ999-North West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.78 | New IPT Mobility account with voicemail account 1-10 Accounts |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | GZ999-North West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.78 | Hunt Group - Extension |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | GZ999-North West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.78 | Hunt Group - Extension |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | GZ999-North West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.78 | Hunt Group - Extension |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | GZ999-North West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.78 | Fixed IPT Phone Change 1-10 Devices |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | GZ999-North West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.78 | Pick Up Group - Amend |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | GZ999-North West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.78 | Voicemail - New Voicemail Account 1-10 Accounts |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | GZ999-North West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.78 | Pick Up Group - Deletion |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | GZ999-North West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.78 | Pick Up Group - Amend |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | GZ999-North West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.78 | Pick Up Group - Amend |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | GZ999-North West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 25.78 | Hunt Group - Extension |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | GZ999-North West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 23.24 | MS Visio Professional |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | GZ999-North West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 15.14 | Mini Keypad |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | GZ999-North West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 11.62 | MS Visio Professional |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 265000-IT & Telecommunications | GZ999-North West Region | ATOS IT SERVICES UK LTD | 3445708 | 10.92 | Compact Keyboard |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 01/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | GZ999-North West Region | CBRE LTD | 3445755 | 142,404.57 | UNDERPAID RENT |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 06/07/2016 | 610300-Debtors < 1 Year - Deposits & Advances | GZ999-North West Region | NEOPOST LTD | 3450529 | 127,350.00 | weekly franking machine re-credits for HMCTS, MOJ and LAA |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 08/07/2016 | 261000-Fuel and Utilities | GZ999-North West Region | UNITED UTILITIES WATER PLC | 3454125 | 27,044.62 | North West regional consolidated A/C - water usage - United Utilities - 16/17 |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 15/07/2016 | 261000-Fuel and Utilities | GZ999-North West Region | EDF ENERGY LTD | 3460248 | 37,118.80 | Manchester Civil Justice Centre - Electricity - EDF - 16/17 |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 15/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | GZ999-North West Region | G4S FACILITIES MANAGEMENT (UK) LTD | 3460277 | 72,364.00 | CIS Labour - Chester CJC - G4S - TO-NW-15-16-1720 Replace BMS |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 15/07/2016 | 610300-Debtors < 1 Year - Deposits & Advances | GZ999-North West Region | NEOPOST LTD | 3460444 | 99,850.00 | weekly franking machine re-credits for HMCTS, MOJ and LAA |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 15/07/2016 | 262000-SCA Costs | GZ999-North West Region | UK COURT SERVICES (MANCHESTER) LTD | 3461553 | 532,637.19 | Manchester PFI 2016-17 - UK Court Services LTD - Monthly 2016-17 Unitary Charges for Manchester PFI |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 19/07/2016 | 261000-Fuel and Utilities | GZ999-North West Region | CORONA ENERGY RETAIL 2 LTD | 3462644 | 30,115.40 | NW Region Consolidated - Gas - Corona - 16/17 |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 19/07/2016 | 261000-Fuel and Utilities | GZ999-North West Region | CORONA ENERGY RETAIL 2 LTD | 3462644 | 3,067.12 | NW Region Consolidated - Gas - Corona - 16/17 |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 19/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | GZ999-North West Region | G4S FACILITIES MANAGEMENT (UK) LTD | 3462719 | 23,355.71 | Security |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 19/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | GZ999-North West Region | G4S FACILITIES MANAGEMENT (UK) LTD | 3462719 | 3,179.63 | Cleaning |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 19/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | GZ999-North West Region | G4S FACILITIES MANAGEMENT (UK) LTD | 3462719 | 2,004.84 | Waste |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 19/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | GZ999-North West Region | G4S FACILITIES MANAGEMENT (UK) LTD | 3462719 | 206.15 | Management Costs |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 19/07/2016 | 222003-CIS Labour TFM Estates | GZ999-North West Region | G4S FACILITIES MANAGEMENT (UK) LTD | 3462719 | 114 | Pest & Vermin |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | GZ999-North West Region | ALLERDALE BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467642 | 6,759.20 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | GZ999-North West Region | BLACKBURN WITH DARWIN BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467652 | 3,802.05 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | GZ999-North West Region | BLACKPOOL COUNCIL | 3467653 | 8,946.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | GZ999-North West Region | BLACKPOOL COUNCIL | 3467653 | 3,876.60 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | GZ999-North West Region | BOLTON COUNCIL | 3467654 | 20,252.75 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | GZ999-North West Region | BOLTON COUNCIL | 3467654 | 4,497.85 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | GZ999-North West Region | BOROUGH OF BARROW IN FURNESS | 3467657 | 12,027.40 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | GZ999-North West Region | BURNLEY BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467667 | 11,778.90 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | GZ999-North West Region | BURNLEY BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467667 | 3,205.65 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | GZ999-North West Region | BURY MBC | 3467668 | 18,264.75 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | GZ999-North West Region | CARLISLE CITY COUNCIL | 3467676 | 26,589.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | GZ999-North West Region | CARLISLE CITY COUNCIL | 3467676 | 5,520.65 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | GZ999-North West Region | CHESHIRE EAST COUNCIL | 3467682 | 8,449.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | GZ999-North West Region | CHESHIRE EAST COUNCIL | 3467682 | 3,106.25 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | GZ999-North West Region | CHESHIRE WEST & CHESTER COUNCIL | 3467683 | 18,811.45 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | GZ999-North West Region | CHESHIRE WEST & CHESTER COUNCIL | 3467683 | 11,480.70 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | GZ999-North West Region | CHESHIRE WEST & CHESTER COUNCIL | 3467683 | 11,182.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | GZ999-North West Region | CHORLEY BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467687 | 2,932.30 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | GZ999-North West Region | HALTON BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467728 | 10,934.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | GZ999-North West Region | LANCASTER CITY COUNCIL | 3467746 | 7,653.80 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | GZ999-North West Region | LANCASTER CITY COUNCIL | 3467746 | 2,708.65 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | GZ999-North West Region | LIVERPOOL CITY COUNCIL | 3467751 | 96,610.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | GZ999-North West Region | LIVERPOOL CITY COUNCIL | 3467751 | 80,017.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | GZ999-North West Region | MANCHESTER CITY COUNCIL | 3467777 | 260,925.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | GZ999-North West Region | MANCHESTER CITY COUNCIL | 3467777 | 60,137.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | GZ999-North West Region | MANCHESTER CITY COUNCIL | 3467777 | 54,670.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | GZ999-North West Region | MANCHESTER CITY COUNCIL | 3467777 | 29,571.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | GZ999-North West Region | METROPOLITAN BOROUGH OF WIRRAL | 3467781 | 7,852.60 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | GZ999-North West Region | METROPOLITAN BOROUGH OF WIRRAL | 3467781 | 3,976.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | GZ999-North West Region | OLDHAM COUNCIL | 3467800 | 12,673.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | GZ999-North West Region | OLDHAM COUNCIL | 3467800 | 12,425.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | GZ999-North West Region | PRESTON BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467807 | 54,670.00 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | GZ999-North West Region | PRESTON BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467807 | 9,244.20 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | GZ999-North West Region | PRESTON BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467807 | 7,504.70 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | GZ999-North West Region | SEFTON METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467819 | 14,661.50 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | GZ999-North West Region | SOUTH LAKELAND DISTRICT COUNCIL | 3467831 | 11,530.40 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | GZ999-North West Region | SOUTH RIBBLE BOROUGH COUNCIL | 3467833 | 3,056.55 | Rates Invoice |
Ministry of Justice | HMCTS | 22/07/2016 | 610400-Debtors <1 year - Prepayments & Accrued Income | GZ999-North West Region | ST. HELENS COUNCIL | 3467841 | 7,256.20 | Rates Invoice |