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PHE spend over £25,000: August 2015

Updated 23 December 2015
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PHE Expenditure Items Over £25k - Aug 2015
Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set
Department Family Entity Date Expense Type Expense Type Code Expense Area Expense Area Code Supplier Transaction Number Amount Description Vendor Type Lookup Code Wga Ref
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA5 LONDON NORTH WEST HEALTHCARE NHS TRUST 4394040 106400 6370973 Screening NHS NHTR1KNFT
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 AUC - Plant & Equipment 93340 Balance Sheet ZZZA ZENTEK ENGINEERING (UK) LIMITED 4619622 7299.24 6369962 NULL NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA5 LONDON NORTH WEST HEALTHCARE NHS TRUST 4923955 163200 PART B SERVICES - LONDON BOWEL SCOPE SCREENING HUB - AS PER ATTACHED SLA NHS NHTR1KNFT
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA2 DUDLEY GROUP OF HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 4936617 36465 Q1 BREAST SCREENING NHS NHTRNAFT
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA2 VIRGIN CARE SERVICES LTD 4938921 95151 BREAST SCREENING AGE EXTENTION / APRIL 2015 NHS NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA5 LONDON NORTH WEST HEALTHCARE NHS TRUST 4942032 140400 PART B SERVICES - LONDON BOWEL SCOPE SCREENING HUB - AS PER ATTACHED SLA NHS NHTR1KNFT
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA5 THE ROYAL WOLVERHAMPTON HOSPITAL NHS TRUST 4953422 48800 BOWEL SCOPE PROCEDURES DURING APRIL 2015 NHS NHTRL4NFT
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA2 EAST KENT HOSPITALS NHS TRUST 4963796 119148 BREAST SCREENING EXTENTION 2015/16 NHS NHTRVVNFT
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA2 COLCHESTER HOSPITAL UNIVERSITY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 4967868 49263 6373898 NBI Screening PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES NHTRDEFT
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 AUC - Plant & Equipment 93340 HWB ZZZA SOUTHERN SCIENTIFIC LTD 4985812 100 Delivery VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 AUC - Plant & Equipment 93340 Balance Sheet ZZZA SOUTHERN SCIENTIFIC LTD 4985812 7932 6445792 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 AUC - Plant & Equipment 93340 Balance Sheet ZZZA SOUTHERN SCIENTIFIC LTD 4985812 39560 Gamma Tracer XL including carrying case, tripod and data expert licence, to match our existing instruments. VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Social Marketing - Programme Support 59041 MKT UMA4 M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD 4996821 10781 6464217 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Social Marketing - Programme Support 59041 MKT UMA4 M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD 4996821 53905 Be Clear on Cancer Breast Cancer in older women campaign July – Sept 2015/ BME Consumer engagement VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 AUC - Land & Buildings 93335 Balance Sheet ZZZA TSL PROJECTS LTD 4996955 6492.91 6358161 NBI NULL NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 AUC - Land & Buildings 93335 Balance Sheet ZZZA TSL PROJECTS LTD 4996955 32464.57 TSL revised contract sum.This sum includes upto CEN 037 (attached list) provisonal sum's & anticipated CEN'S. This variation request to be added to existing PO 635816 already issued to supplier. NULL NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA2 DUDLEY GROUP OF HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 4997614 36465 6374098 NBI NHS NHTRNAFT
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA2 DERBY HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 5000882 43188 6374337 NBI NHS NHTRTGFT
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Sub-contracted Facilities Mgnt 68140 NIS JSM0 EMCOR GROUP UK PLC 5004224 67654.3 6461905 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Sub-contracted Facilities Mgnt 68140 NIS JSM0 EMCOR GROUP UK PLC 5004224 338271.51 Emcor Engineering services baseline cost for August 2015. VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Other Subcontracted Services 54345 CKO KDA5 NATIONAL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL RESEARCH 5004811 106000 6468525 NULL NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Other Subcontracted Services 54345 CKO KDA5 NATIONAL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL RESEARCH 5004811 530000 PSBC- P528-modules covering attitudes to Dementia, Alcohol, Mental Health and Obesity to the British Social Attitudes Survey NULL NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA5 GATESHEAD HEALTH NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 5005318 82400 6362512 NHS NHTRR7FT
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Molecular Reagents 41130 NIS APF4 LUMINEX CORPORATION 5010864 150 Created by Allocation :MICROPLEX MICROSPHERES, REGION 057, (16ML) OVERSEAS NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Molecular Reagents 41130 NIS APF4 LUMINEX CORPORATION 5010864 3200 MICROPLEX MICROSPHERES, REGION 029 (16ML) OVERSEAS NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Molecular Reagents 41130 NIS APF4 LUMINEX CORPORATION 5010864 3200 MICROPLEX MICROSPHERES, REGION 057, (16ML) OVERSEAS NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Molecular Reagents 41130 NIS APF4 LUMINEX CORPORATION 5010864 3200 MICROPLEX MICROSPHERES, REGION 038, (16ML) OVERSEAS NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Molecular Reagents 41130 NIS APF4 LUMINEX CORPORATION 5010864 3200 MICROPLEX MICROSPHERES, REGION 031, (16ML) OVERSEAS NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Molecular Reagents 41130 NIS APF4 LUMINEX CORPORATION 5010864 3200 MICROPLEX MICROSPHERES, REGION 055, (16ML) OVERSEAS NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Molecular Reagents 41130 NIS APF4 LUMINEX CORPORATION 5010864 3200 MICROPLEX MICROSPHERES, REGION 045, (16ML) OVERSEAS NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Molecular Reagents 41130 NIS APF4 LUMINEX CORPORATION 5010864 3200 MICROPLEX MICROSPHERES, REGION 042, (16ML) OVERSEAS NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Molecular Reagents 41130 NIS APF4 LUMINEX CORPORATION 5010864 3200 MICROPLEX MICROSPHERES, REGION 049, (16ML) OVERSEAS NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Molecular Reagents 41130 NIS APF4 LUMINEX CORPORATION 5010864 3200 MICROPLEX MICROSPHERES, REGION 047, (16ML) OVERSEAS NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Secondments: Academics 26910 CKO KGB4 UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE 5011287 8391.16 6464233 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Secondments: Academics 26910 CKO KGB4 UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE 5011287 10488.95 Q2. Newcastle University. July - September 15 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Secondments: Academics 26910 CKO KGB4 UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE 5011287 31466.85 Q1. Newcastle University. April - June 15 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 University Clinical Excellence Awards 28010 CKO KGB4 UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE 5011297 7136.26 Q2. Newcastle University. July - September 15 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 University Clinical Excellence Awards 28010 CKO KGB4 UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE 5011297 21408.78 Q1. Newcastle University. April - June 15 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 University Clinical Excellence Awards 28010 CKO KGB4 UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE 5011305 533.49 6458658 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 University Clinical Excellence Awards 28010 CKO KGB4 UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE 5011305 666.86 Q2. Uni of Newcastle. July - September 15 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 University Clinical Excellence Awards 28010 CKO KGB4 UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE 5011305 2000.59 Q1. Uni of Newcastle. April - June 15 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Secondments: Academics 26910 CKO KGB4 UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE 5011305 5109.29 6458658 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Secondments: Academics 26910 CKO KGB4 UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE 5011305 6386.62 Q2. Uni of Newcastle. July - September 15 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Secondments: Academics 26910 CKO KGB4 UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE 5011305 19159.85 Q1. Uni of Newcastle. April - June 15 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UPA1 UCL CONSULTANTS LIMITED 5011628 12000 6469254 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UPA1 UCL CONSULTANTS LIMITED 5011628 60000 Local action on Health Inequalities - prevention of physical and mental health problems. VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Other Services Income 17365 MKT UMA1 SERCO LIMITED 5012756 6075.51 6462138 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Other Services Income 17365 MKT UMA1 SERCO LIMITED 5012756 30377.55 On Demand Monthly costs May & June 2015- Cross Life Stages VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Sub-contracted Facilities Mgnt 68140 NIS JSM0 EMCOR GROUP UK PLC 5012809 16682.74 6466837 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Sub-contracted Facilities Mgnt 68140 NIS JSM0 EMCOR GROUP UK PLC 5012809 83413.7 Emcor Engineering services variation to the baseline cost for year 6 of the contract from 1st April 2014 to the 31st March 2016.. VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Conferences: UK 35310 DN RST1 CALDER CONFERENCES LTD 5012838 4671.3 6443402 NULL NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Conferences: UK 35310 DN RST1 CALDER CONFERENCES LTD 5012838 23356.54 School of Nursing International Conference July 2015 being held at Greenwich University. GPS74708/1 NULL NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 FCD PPS1 BRAMBLE.CC LIMITED 5015750 8080.67 6438650 CONSULTANT NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 FCD PPS1 BRAMBLE.CC LIMITED 5015750 40403.33 Work in relation to the PHE ICT Application Factbased Project - For full details please see the attached documents: Capital Cost Ex Vat: £62752 after discount of -£4503.50 = £58248.50 CONSULTANT NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Lab Equipment Repairs and Maintenance 47105 NIS BPY1 HOLOGIC LTD 5021204 2006.39 6450736 PV VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Lab Equipment Repairs and Maintenance 47105 NIS AVF4 HOLOGIC LTD 5021204 2103.24 6450736 PV VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Lab Equipment Repairs and Maintenance 47105 NIS BVY1 HOLOGIC LTD 5021204 2337.68 6450736 PV VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Lab Equipment Repairs and Maintenance 47105 NIS BFB3 HOLOGIC LTD 5021204 2392.57 6450736 PV VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Lab Equipment Repairs and Maintenance 47105 NIS CEJ1 HOLOGIC LTD 5021204 2475.85 6450736 PV VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Lab Equipment Repairs and Maintenance 47105 NIS BVY1 HOLOGIC LTD 5021204 3069.02 FULLY COMPREHENSIVE SERVICE CONTRACT TIGRIS S/N 1539 13/2/15 - 31/3/16 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Lab Equipment Repairs and Maintenance 47105 NIS BFB3 HOLOGIC LTD 5021204 3157.62 FULLY COMPREHENSIVE SERVICE CONTRACT TIGRIS S/N 1538 13/2/15 - 31/3/16 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Lab Equipment Repairs and Maintenance 47105 NIS AVF4 HOLOGIC LTD 5021204 4150.28 FULLY COMPREHENSIVE SERVICE CONTRACT TIGRIS S/N 1524 13/2/15 - 31/3/16 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Lab Equipment Repairs and Maintenance 47105 NIS AVF4 HOLOGIC LTD 5021204 6365.89 FULLY COMPREHENSIVE SERVICE CONTRACT PANTHER S/N 2090000608 13/2/15 - 31/3/16 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Lab Equipment Repairs and Maintenance 47105 NIS BVY1 HOLOGIC LTD 5021204 8619.39 FULLY COMPREHENSIVE SERVICE CONTRACT PANTHER S/N 2090000344 13/2/15 - 31/3/16 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Lab Equipment Repairs and Maintenance 47105 NIS BFB3 HOLOGIC LTD 5021204 8805.25 FULLY COMPREHENSIVE SERVICE CONTRACT PANTHER S/N 2090000512 13/2/15 - 31/3/16 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Lab Equipment Repairs and Maintenance 47105 NIS BPY1 HOLOGIC LTD 5021204 10031.94 FULLY COMPREHENSIVE SERVICE CONTRACT TIGRIS S/N 1537 13/2/15 - 31/3/16 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Lab Equipment Repairs and Maintenance 47105 NIS CEJ1 HOLOGIC LTD 5021204 12379.28 FULLY COMPREHENSIVE SERVICE CONTRACT PANTHER S/N 2090000606 13/2/15 - 31/3/16 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA5 ROYAL WOLVERHAMPTON NHS TRUST 5021886 93600 BOWEL SCOPE PROCEDURES MAR 2015 NHS NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Other Subcontracted Services 54345 HP JKJ0 LOUGHBOROUGH UNIVERSITY 5021928 39495.68 Delivery of Cert 1 in North, Mids, South and London as per invoice 51010925 VENDOR AAL022
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA5 KETTERING GENERAL HOSPITAL NHS TRUST 5022003 62000 FLEXI-SIGMOIDOSCOPY JUNE 2015 NHS NHTRNQNFT
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA2 GREAT WESTERN HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 5022043 27736.34 WILTSHIRE BREAST SCREENING JUNE JULY 2015 NHS NHTRN3FT
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA2 LUTON & DUNSTABLE HOSPITAL NHS TRUST 5022048 105843 BEDS AND HERTS SCREENING PROGRAMME NHS NHTRC9FT
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Other Professional fees 54115 NIS JUF0 FAULKNERBROWNS ARCHITECTS 5022066 6188.75 P14 Architecture Activity Schedule E, 17/6/2015 for Interim Stage Activities Phase 5, Sch E - May, June, July 2015. T&C's as per framework partners. VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Other Professional fees 54115 NIS JUF0 FAULKNERBROWNS ARCHITECTS 5022066 10478.01 P14 Architecture Activity Sch B, revision A for deliverables in May, June & July 2015. CEI 075. In accordance with the T&Cs of framework agreement 4369 - HPA MP02 contract Doc DL Rev00. VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Other Professional fees 54115 NIS JUF0 FAULKNERBROWNS ARCHITECTS 5022066 12791.85 P14 Architecture Project Team Scope C Deliverables for Interim stage Activities in CEN 079. VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Other Professional fees 54115 NIS JUF0 FAULKNERBROWNS ARCHITECTS 5022066 25359.12 P14 Architecture Job Diary No. 30 dated 24.02.15, response to CEN 082 for the design for the replacement of bldgs H17/H25. CEI 071 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Other Professional fees 54115 NIS JUF0 FAULKNERBROWNS ARCHITECTS 5022066 25973.55 6447416, 6465428 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 05/08/2015 Other Professional fees 54115 NIS JUF0 FAULKNERBROWNS ARCHITECTS 5022066 75050 Job Diary 19 & P14 Architecture Activity Schedule B, revision H, Interim Stage Activities Phase 4, March 2015, CEI 072 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 06/08/2015 FMA Centre Accruals 96895 Balance Sheet ZZZA CHANGE FX CONSULTING 5022814 31035.86 PAYMENT CORRECTION NULL NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Consultancy Fees 54110 HWB UFA1 DONCASTER AND BASSETLAW HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 4184017 27384 None Procurement Part B Services Breast Screening Age Extension 2014-2016 As Per Attached SLA NHS NHTRP5FT
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA5 NORFOLK & NORWICH UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL NHS TRUST 4229583 129600 NO PO LETTER TO SUPPLIER TO ADVISE PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES NHTRM1NFT
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA5 SOUTH DEVON HEALTHCARE NHS TRUST 4940810 29600 6367967 NBI NHS NHTRA9FT
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA5 OXFORD UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS NHS TRUST 4963549 26400 BOWEL SCOPE SCREENING SESSION MAY 2015 NHS NHTRTHNFT
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA2 BUCKINGHAMSHIRE HEALTHCARE NHS TRUST 4965149 35001 NHS BREAST SCREENING AGE EXTENTION 01/04/15 - 30/06/15 VENDOR NHTRXQNFT
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA5 LONDON NORTH WEST HEALTHCARE NHS TRUST 4969355 137200 6370973 FB NHS NHTR1KNFT
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA2 ROYAL FREE LONDON NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 4969591 38492 MONTH 3 SLA INVOICE BREAST SCREENING VENDOR NHTRALNFT
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA2 LEEDS TEACHING HOSPITALS (THE) 4995953 275700 None Procurement Part B Services Breast Screening Age Extension 2014-2016 As Per Attached SLA NHS NHTRR8NFT
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA2 INHEALTH LTD 4996864 34293 ADDITIONAL BREAST SCREENING APR - JUN 2015 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA5 PORTSMOUTH HOSPITAL NHS TRUST 4997337 38000 BOWEL SCOPING M2 INVOICE PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES NHTRHUNFT
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA5 CALDERDALE & HUDDERSFIELD NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 4997519 64400 FLEXI SIGMOIDOSCOPY APR - JUN 2015 NHS NHTRWYFT
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Software Maint & Support Costs 61610 FCD PPS1 BRIDGEWAY SECURITY SOLUTIONS LIMITED 5000806 946 MobileIron EMM Silver Bundle maintenance (device) VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Software Maint & Support Costs 61610 FCD PPS1 BRIDGEWAY SECURITY SOLUTIONS LIMITED 5000806 2750 Bridge Support (MobileIron, 24x7) VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Software Maint & Support Costs 61610 FCD PPS1 BRIDGEWAY SECURITY SOLUTIONS LIMITED 5000806 5932.2 6465652 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Software Maint & Support Costs 61610 FCD PPS1 BRIDGEWAY SECURITY SOLUTIONS LIMITED 5000806 25965 MobileIron EMM Gold Bundle maintenance (device) VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA5 LONDON NORTH WEST HEALTHCARE NHS TRUST 5001062 154800 6370973 PO FB NBI NHS NHTR1KNFT
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Other Professional fees 54115 NIS JUF0 WILTSHIRE COUNCIL 5002830 10000 6444656 TAX AUTHORITY E3933
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Other Professional fees 54115 NIS JUF0 WILTSHIRE COUNCIL 5002830 50000 Joint feasibility study with Wiltshire Co. Council to look at the potential glovbal market, capacity and capability arond vaccine developmentthat would involve PHE and other partners at the Science Park in Porton funded by WCC - CAF 27/2/15 TAX AUTHORITY E3933
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA5 TAUNTON & SOMERSET NHS FOUNDATIONTRUST 5003220 114000 BOWEL SCOPE SCREENING MAY AND JUNE 2015 NHS NHTRBANFT
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Water 66420 FCD HLN3 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 5004301 26.26 6466027 NBI NHS NHTDHCORE
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Property Professional Services 68160 FCD HLN3 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 5004301 67.88 6466027 NBI NHS NHTDHCORE
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Water 66420 FCD HLN3 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 5004301 189.38 Q4 2014/15 Accommodation Charges (WATER) FOR 4th & 5th floor, Wellington House, 133-155 Waterloo Road, London NHS NHTDHCORE
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Property Professional Services 68160 FCD HLN3 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 5004301 489.59 Q4 2014/15 Accommodation Charges (PROFESSIONAL FEES) FOR 4th & 5th floor, Wellington House, 133-155 Waterloo Road, London NHS NHTDHCORE
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Sub-contracted Facilities Mgnt 68140 FCD HLN3 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 5004301 1453.31 6466027 NBI NHS NHTDHCORE
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Cleaning Costs 68105 FCD HLN3 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 5004301 2490.4 6466027 NBI NHS NHTDHCORE
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Security Costs 68110 FCD HLN3 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 5004301 3206.83 6466027 NBI NHS NHTDHCORE
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Electricity 66410 FCD HLN3 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 5004301 3633.28 6466027 NBI NHS NHTDHCORE
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Buildings Planned Maintenance 68425 FCD HLN3 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 5004301 4833 6466027 NBI NHS NHTDHCORE
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Rates 66110 FCD HLN3 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 5004301 6913.56 6466027 NBI NHS NHTDHCORE
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Sub-contracted Facilities Mgnt 68140 FCD HLN3 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 5004301 10481.69 Q4 2014/15 Accommodation Charges (FACILITIES MANAGEMENT) FOR 4th & 5th floor, Wellington House, 133-155 Waterloo Road, London NHS NHTDHCORE
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Cleaning Costs 68105 FCD HLN3 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 5004301 17961.47 Q4 2014/15 Accommodation Charges (CLEANING) FOR 4th & 5th floor, Wellington House, 133-155 Waterloo Road, London NHS NHTDHCORE
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Security Costs 68110 FCD HLN3 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 5004301 23128.57 Q4 2014/15 Accommodation Charges (SECURITY) FOR 4th & 5th floor, Wellington House, 133-155 Waterloo Road, London NHS NHTDHCORE
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Electricity 66410 FCD HLN3 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 5004301 26204.27 Q4 2014/15 Accommodation Charges (ELECTRICITY) FOR 4th & 5th floor, Wellington House, 133-155 Waterloo Road, London NHS NHTDHCORE
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Buildings Planned Maintenance 68425 FCD HLN3 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 5004301 34857.04 Q4 2014/15 Accommodation Charges (BUILDING MAINTENANCE) FOR 4th & 5th floor, Wellington House, 133-155 Waterloo Road, London NHS NHTDHCORE
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Rates 66110 FCD HLN3 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 5004301 49862.68 Q4 2014/15 Accommodation Charges (RATES) FOR 4th & 5th floor, Wellington House, 133-155 Waterloo Road, London NHS NHTDHCORE
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA2 ROYAL BERKSHIRE NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 5005252 34503 6374351 NHS NHTRHWNFT
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 AUC - Land & Buildings 93335 Balance Sheet ZZZA SCITECH ENGINEERING LTD 5011079 21728.51 6418702 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UHE5 NATIONAL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL RESEARCH 5021302 721606 NDNS National Diet and Nutrition Survey Year6-9 - 2015/16 payments Q1 NULL NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UHE5 NATIONAL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL RESEARCH 5022022 75000 NDNS National Diet and Nutrition Survey Year6-9 - 2015/16 payments Q1 NULL NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UHE5 NATIONAL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL RESEARCH 5022022 100000 NDNS Northern Ireland Sodium Boost 2015/16 - Q1 NULL NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UHE5 NATIONAL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL RESEARCH 5022045 69000 NDNS National Diet and Nutrition Survey Year6-9 - 2015/16 payments Q1 NULL NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Consultancy Fees 54110 HWB UFA2 HITACHI CONSULTING UK LTD 5022168 29899.32 TRANSITION MILESTONE 1 CONSULTANT NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Secondments: Admin & Clerical 26710 HWB UIA7 HAVERING LONDON BOROUGH COUNCIL 5022176 42190 Payment to the London Borough of Havering TAX AUTHORITY E5040
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Consultancy Fees 54110 NIS VEA7 HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE INFORMATION CENTRE 5022896 4615 6381330 TAX AUTHORITY NHTHIC033
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Consultancy Fees 54110 NIS VEA7 HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE INFORMATION CENTRE 5022896 23075 MIQUESTwork by PRIMIS: additional work - contract year 2 - Pertussis TAX AUTHORITY NHTHIC033
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Consultancy Fees 54110 NIS VEA7 HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE INFORMATION CENTRE 5022899 4950.4 6442305 TAX AUTHORITY NHTHIC033
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Consultancy Fees 54110 NIS VEA7 HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE INFORMATION CENTRE 5022899 24752 MIQUEST additional work - contract year 2 - Annual Shingles 2013/14 TAX AUTHORITY NHTHIC033
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Electricity 66410 NIS GGM1 EDF ENERGY 5024714 80705.93 ELECTRICITY CHARGES JULY 2015 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Social Marketing - Desk Research 59034 MKT UMA1 M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD 5026849 16000 6445764 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Social Marketing - Desk Research 59034 MKT UMA1 M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD 5026849 80000 Live Well Ethnography VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Social Marketing - Partnerships 59039 MKT UMA8 M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD 5026851 17448.4 6469212 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Social Marketing - Partnerships 59039 MKT UMA8 M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD 5026851 87242 Partnerships Fees July VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Social Marketing - Comms planning, strategy development 59101 MKT UMB2 M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD 5026853 12300 6448693 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Social Marketing - Comms planning, strategy development 59101 MKT UMB2 M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD 5026853 61500 Change4 Life Review VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 AUC - IT Equipment 93350 Balance Sheet ZZZA DATRIX LTD 5026951 6436 6462812 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 AUC - IT Equipment 93350 Balance Sheet ZZZA DATRIX LTD 5026951 32180 DATRIX -East Midlands project (108955). Item Description: 3) New Cat6 Cabling Installation VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Other Professional fees 54115 HWB UIA1 LEEDS BECKETT UNIVERSITY 5027120 7786.8 6468277 PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Other Professional fees 54115 HWB UIA1 LEEDS BECKETT UNIVERSITY 5027120 38934 Payment of honorary contract from 1st April 2015 to 31st March 2016 PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Storage and Distribution Services 54343 COM RFJ1 PROLOG 5027267 29038.59 6461976 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Storage and Distribution Services 54343 COM RFJ1 PROLOG 5027267 145192.93 Prolog - variable costs and management fee - 12 months. April 2015 to March 2016. VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA2 BRIGHTON & SUSSEX UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS NHS TRUST 5027355 51702 Breast Screening Services VENDOR NHTRXHNFT
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 M&E Reactive Maintenance 68443 NIS JSM0 EMCOR GROUP UK PLC 5027364 6498.2 6461914 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 M&E Reactive Maintenance 68443 NIS JSM0 EMCOR GROUP UK PLC 5027364 32491 Reactive maintenance services for research and ancillary services at Porton site. Period from 1st April 2015 to 31st March 2015 2016. Year 6 of the contract. VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Other non-trade creditors 96965 Balance Sheet ZZZA SOMERSET DAIRY 5027510 25096.5 REFUND SOMERSET DAIRY PAID PHE IN ERROR/S-L REFUND NULL NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 NIS AFM4 ELITECH UK SCIENTIFIC 5027547 25701.28 6461084 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 11/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 NIS AFM4 ELITECH UK SCIENTIFIC 5027547 128506.4 settlement of outstanding royality payments from 01.04.2013 to 31.03.2014 due to ELITech VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 17/08/2015 Barclays GPC cards 95843 Balance Sheet ZZZA RBS - THE ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND 5032406 31765.11 GPC COSTS 090715 TO 080815 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA3 CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 4086838 170902 HPV TESTING 2013/14 NHS NHTRGTFT
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA2 SOUTH DEVON HEALTHCARE NHS TRUST 4923006 25374 6374338 NBI NHS NHTRA9FT
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA5 SOUTH DEVON HEALTHCARE NHS TRUST 4956722 33200 6367967 NBI NHS NHTRA9FT
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA5 BEDFORD HOSPITAL NHS TRUST 4956809 36000 6389930 NBI NHS NHTRC1NFT
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA5 ROYAL WOLVERHAMPTON NHS TRUST 4965498 92000 BOWEL SCOPE PROCEDURES DURING MAY 2015 NHS NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA5 BEDFORD HOSPITAL NHS TRUST 4991992 41200 6389930 NBI NHS NHTRC1NFT
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA5 NORFOLK & NORWICH UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL NHS TRUST 4995787 127600 BOWEL SCOPE SCREENING PROGRAMME MAY 2015 PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES NHTRM1NFT
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA2 LEEDS TEACHING HOSPITALS (THE) 4995966 68925 BREAST CANCER SCREENING INVOICE NHS NHTRR8NFT
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA5 ST GEORGES HEALTHCARE NHS TRUST 5000709 46000 BOWEL SCOPE SCREENING 2015/16 NHS NHTRJ7NFT
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Other Subcontracted Services 54345 HR WFA1 CGI IT UK LIMITED 5003751 5538.18 6413273 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Other Subcontracted Services 54345 HR WFA1 CGI IT UK LIMITED 5003751 27690.88 CGI annual payment for Payroll Services April 2015 - March 2016 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Other Professional fees 54115 NIS JUF0 CONCERTO PARTNERS LLP 5005332 4467.44 6449404 NULL NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Other Professional fees 54115 NIS JUF0 CONCERTO PARTNERS LLP 5005332 22337.2 PSO Team for PHE SciHub Programme from 1 April 2015 to 30 June 2015. M-158 NULL NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Printing and Publishing 63105 HWB UCF2 HARLOW PRINTING LTD 5021220 4378.9 6463583 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Printing and Publishing 63105 HWB UCF2 HARLOW PRINTING LTD 5021220 21894.5 ANNB : New Antenatal And Newborn Parents Leaflets : 52pp A5 : Quote 259242 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Social Marketing - Comms planning, strategy development 59101 MKT UMA1 HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE INFORMATION CENTRE 5022870 21647.11 6467879 TAX AUTHORITY NHTHIC033
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Social Marketing - Comms planning, strategy development 59101 MKT UMA1 HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE INFORMATION CENTRE 5022870 108235.53 Ring Fence Team Cost -Q1 TAX AUTHORITY NHTHIC033
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Rent 66105 FCD HBM2 DEPARTMENT FOR COMMUNITIES AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT 5026890 2279.05 Accommodation Costs (Reconciliation Charge 14/15) for 6th Floor, 5 St Philip's Place, Birmingham PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES DPM085
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Property Service Charges 66107 FCD HBM2 DEPARTMENT FOR COMMUNITIES AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT 5026890 8926.66 6472195MAINTENANCE CHARGES PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES DPM085
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Property Service Charges 66107 FCD HBM2 DEPARTMENT FOR COMMUNITIES AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT 5026890 11202.68 Accommodation Costs (FM Reconciliation Charge 14/15) for 6th Floor, 5 St Philip's Place, Birmingham PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES DPM085
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Property Service Charges 66107 FCD HBM2 DEPARTMENT FOR COMMUNITIES AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT 5026890 13596.04 Accommodation Costs (Variable Maintenance charge 14/15) for 6th Floor, 5 St Philip's Place, Birmingham PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES DPM085
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Property Service Charges 66107 FCD HBM2 DEPARTMENT FOR COMMUNITIES AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT 5026890 19834.6 Q1 2015/16 - Accommodation Costs (FM CHARGE) for 6th Floor, 5 St Philip's Place, Birmingham PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES DPM085
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Rent 66105 FCD HBM2 DEPARTMENT FOR COMMUNITIES AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT 5026890 125415.73 Q1 2015/16 - Accommodation Costs for 6th Floor, 5 St Philip's Place, Birmingham PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES DPM085
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 WAN Line Rental 61315 FCD PNP1 VIRGIN MEDIA BUSINESS 5026956 5100 6471740 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 WAN Line Rental 61315 FCD PNP1 VIRGIN MEDIA BUSINESS 5026956 25500 Rental Charges - This is to pay Inv. No. 931588-013, Dated: 01/08/2015 for Acct No. 931588 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Equipment Lease and Hire 51210 HP LTE0 SCHMID & PARTNER ENGINEERING AG (SPEAG) 5027448 45000 Hire of equipment for Geronimo project NULL NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Secondments : Medical 26210 HWB UIA8 CITY HEALTHCARE PARTNERSHIP CIC 5027725 5468.39 6463737 NULL NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Secondments : Medical 26210 HWB UIA8 CITY HEALTHCARE PARTNERSHIP CIC 5027725 27341.97 3 month secondment (Apr-June 2015) NULL NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA3 CENTRAL MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 5027748 74197.5 6383660 NHS NHTRW3FT
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA5 BEDFORD HOSPITAL NHS TRUST 5027754 52400 6389930 NHS NHTRC1NFT
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Other Professional fees 54115 NIS JUF0 SWEETT (UK) LIMITED 5027770 2275 To provision of Interim Programme support planning coordination services as a direct call off against the NHS SBS Construction Services framework. For July 2015. VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Other Professional fees 54115 NIS JUF0 SWEETT (UK) LIMITED 5027770 5020.9 6465171 / 6465364 / 6465367 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Other Professional fees 54115 NIS JUF0 SWEETT (UK) LIMITED 5027770 7304.5 To provision of Interim Programme document review services as a direct call off against the NHS SBS Construction Consultancy Services framework. For July 2015. VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Other Professional fees 54115 NIS JUF0 SWEETT (UK) LIMITED 5027770 15525 To provision of Interim Programme planning services as a direct call off aganist the NHS SBS Construction Consultancy Services framework. For July 2015. VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA5 GATESHEAD HEALTH NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 5027833 44704 Bowel Screening Services NHS NHTRR7FT
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA5 OXFORD UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS NHS TRUST 5028082 34800 Bowel Screening Services NHS NHTRTHNFT
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA5 ROYAL WOLVERHAMPTON NHS TRUST 5028106 54800 Bowel Screening Services NHS NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Social Marketing - Fulfilment 59002 MKT UMA3 WILLIAMS LEA LIMITED 5028204 76828.8 6448897 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Social Marketing - Fulfilment 59002 MKT UMA3 WILLIAMS LEA LIMITED 5028204 384144 Change4life wristbands for Summer activity campaign (650k in total with 450k with timers) VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Books and Periodicals 51405 HWB UCD9 WILLIAMS LEA LIMITED 5028205 6447.88 6450850 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Books and Periodicals 51405 HWB UCD9 WILLIAMS LEA LIMITED 5028205 32239.39 DOH2918 Midwives Resource Cards: Sets of 25 Midwife Cards plus Front Cover. Including 4 new cards for FASP VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Kits: General 41120 NIS CEJ1 DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED 5028389 30 Created by Allocation :Syphilis IgM test kit 60117 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Kits: General 41120 NIS CEJ1 DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED 5028389 71.4 LIAISON VCA IgG Control 310511 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Kits: General 41120 NIS CEJ1 DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED 5028389 71.4 LIAISON TOXO IgG II Control 310781 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Kits: General 41120 NIS CEJ1 DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED 5028389 80 LIAISON XL Murex HCV Ab Control 310241 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Kits: General 41120 NIS CEJ1 DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED 5028389 80 LIAISON XL Murex HBsAg Control 310251 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Kits: General 41120 NIS CEJ1 DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED 5028389 140.9 LIAISON EBV IgM 310500 XL VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Kits: General 41120 NIS CEJ1 DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED 5028389 198 LIAISON TOXO IgG II Reagent 310780 XL VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Kits: General 41120 NIS CEJ1 DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED 5028389 229.8 LIAISON CMV IgG avidity 310765 XL VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Kits: General 41120 NIS CEJ1 DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED 5028389 230 LIAISON Measles IgG Reagent kit 318810 XL VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Kits: General 41120 NIS CEJ1 DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED 5028389 278.28 LIAISON Wash/ system liquid 319100 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Kits: General 41120 NIS CEJ1 DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED 5028389 295.8 Syphilis IgM test kit 60117 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Kits: General 41120 NIS CEJ1 DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED 5028389 300 LIAISON XL HSV-1 IgG 310830 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Kits: General 41120 NIS CEJ1 DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED 5028389 300 LIAISON TOXO IgM Reagent 310710 XL VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Kits: General 41120 NIS CEJ1 DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED 5028389 323.64 LIAISON Anti-HBe 310160 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Kits: General 41120 NIS CEJ1 DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED 5028389 346 LIAISON HAV IgM 310180 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Kits: General 41120 NIS CEJ1 DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED 5028389 393 LIAISON CMV IgM II 310755 XL VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Kits: General 41120 NIS CEJ1 DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED 5028389 396 LIAISON XL Starter kit 1+2 230ml 319200 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Kits: General 41120 NIS CEJ1 DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED 5028389 396 LIAISON CMV IgG II Reagent 310745 XL VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Kits: General 41120 NIS CEJ1 DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED 5028389 422.7 LIAISON VCA IgG Reagent 310510 XL VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Kits: General 41120 NIS CEJ1 DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED 5028389 485.46 LIAISON HBeAg 310150 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Kits: General 41120 NIS CEJ1 DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED 5028389 525.6 LIAISON Biotrin Parvovirus B19 IgG 317000 XL VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Kits: General 41120 NIS CEJ1 DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED 5028389 563.6 LIAISON EBNA IgG Reagent 310520 XL VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Kits: General 41120 NIS CEJ1 DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED 5028389 574.2 LIAISON Borrelia IgM Quant 310020 XL VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Kits: General 41120 NIS CEJ1 DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED 5028389 607.2 LIAISON Biotrin Parvovirus B19 IgM 317010 XL VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Kits: General 41120 NIS CEJ1 DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED 5028389 661.2 LIAISON Rubella IgM Reagent 310730 XL VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Kits: General 41120 NIS CEJ1 DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED 5028389 672 LIAISON XL Cuvettes X0016 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Kits: General 41120 NIS CEJ1 DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED 5028389 745.2 LIAISON Borrelia IgG 310880 XL VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Kits: General 41120 NIS CEJ1 DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED 5028389 812 LIAISON Anti-HBs II 310220 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Kits: General 41120 NIS CEJ1 DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED 5028389 812 LIAISON Anti-HBc 310130 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Kits: General 41120 NIS CEJ1 DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED 5028389 875.7 LIAISON VZV IgG 310850 XL VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Kits: General 41120 NIS CEJ1 DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED 5028389 904 LIAISON Rubella IgG Reagent 310720 XL VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Kits: General 41120 NIS CEJ1 DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED 5028389 1100 LIAISON XL Murex rec HTLV-I/II 310270 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Kits: General 41120 NIS CEJ1 DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED 5028389 1206 LIAISON XL disposbale tips X0015 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Kits: General 41120 NIS CEJ1 DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED 5028389 1696 LIAISON XL Murex HBsAg Quant 310250 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Kits: General 41120 NIS CEJ1 DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED 5028389 1958 LIAISON XL Murex HCV Ab 310240 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Kits: General 41120 NIS CEJ1 DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED 5028389 1980 LIAISON XL Murex HIV Ab/Ag 310260 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Kits: General 41120 NIS CEJ1 DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED 5028389 2087.4 LIAISON TREPONEMA Screen 310840 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Kits: General 41120 NIS CEJ1 DIASORIN I.N. UK LIMITED 5028389 4569.7 6469363 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 AUC - Land & Buildings 93335 Balance Sheet ZZZA DEPARTMENT FOR COMMUNITIES AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT 5028430 29586.04 6457898 PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES DPM085
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 AUC - Land & Buildings 93335 Balance Sheet ZZZA DEPARTMENT FOR COMMUNITIES AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT 5028430 147930.18 MBIFMDCLG:. Senior Contract and Project Contact – South West. DCLG and DfE Property Asset Management Unit (PAMU). Final figure for PHE Bristol 3rd refurbishments £150,397.41 PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES DPM085
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Social Marketing - Fulfilment 59002 MKT UMA4 M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD 5028536 10156.4 6471702 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Social Marketing - Fulfilment 59002 MKT UMA4 M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD 5028536 50782 MenACWY - talent, costs and disbursements VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Social Marketing - Desk Research 59034 MKT UMA1 TNS UK LIMITED 5028618 4296 6448719 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Social Marketing - Desk Research 59034 MKT UMA1 TNS UK LIMITED 5028618 21480 Start4Life Desk Research VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Social Marketing - Website 59102 MKT UMA5 SERCO LIMITED 5028709 6597.03 6463399 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Social Marketing - Website 59102 MKT UMA5 SERCO LIMITED 5028709 32985.13 Smokefree/Serco Billing/MayJune2015 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA5 AINTREE UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 5028985 44000 Bowel Screening Services NHS NHTREMFT
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Other Professional fees 54115 NIS JUF0 RIDER LEVETT BUCKNALL 5029027 7490 6464018 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Other Professional fees 54115 NIS JUF0 RIDER LEVETT BUCKNALL 5029027 37450 Provision of Project Management support services. In accordance with the terms and conditions of the framework agreement. To July 2015 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 AUC - Land & Buildings 93335 Balance Sheet ZZZA PICK EVERARD 5029052 5180 6449741 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 AUC - Land & Buildings 93335 Balance Sheet ZZZA PICK EVERARD 5029052 25900 To carry out services for the Space Utilisation Study at Porton Down as per brief and in accordance with their fee quotation for £37,000 + VAT based on the same format as per Colindale.” VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA5 DARTFORD & GRAVESHAM NHS TRUST 5029097 137600 Screening NHS NHTRN7NFT
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA5 NORFOLK & NORWICH UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL NHS TRUST 5029114 179600 Screening PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES NHTRM1NFT
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA2 NORFOLK & NORWICH UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL NHS TRUST 5029116 36000 Screening PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES NHTRM1NFT
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Software Maint & Support Costs 61610 NIS EJK4 CGM LAB INTERNATIONAL GBMH 5029387 15261.51 6450761 OVERSEAS NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Software Maint & Support Costs 61610 NIS EJK4 CGM LAB INTERNATIONAL GBMH 5029387 76307.57 MOLIS Support & User Licence 2015-2016 OVERSEAS NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Consultancy Fees 54110 CKO KDF5 DOGFISH MOBILE 5029469 4192 6462510 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Consultancy Fees 54110 CKO KDF5 DOGFISH MOBILE 5029469 5000 SOW dated 28-4-2015 mobile application for Sugar visualiser App VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Consultancy Fees 54110 CKO KDF5 DOGFISH MOBILE 5029469 15960 SOW dated 11-2-2015 mobile application for smoking cessation. VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Equipment Lease and Hire 51210 FCD PPS1 FREEDOM COMMUNICATIONS (UK) LTD 5029497 34763.4 6469798 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Equipment Lease and Hire 51210 FCD PPS1 FREEDOM COMMUNICATIONS (UK) LTD 5029497 173817 PHE wide VoIP telephony maintenance 2015/16 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Sub-contracted Healthcare Advice 54310 HP LVO1 IMPERIAL COLLEGE 5030876 127481 Imperial College charges for Year 5 of Contract for support to the PHE Toxicology Unit - Contract ref: 77/2010/OJEU 41674-2010, invoice no 10119829 applies (PO includes for Q's 3 and 4 of Year 5 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Advertising (non recruitment) 64105 NIS VEA7 NHS CONFEDERATION 5031142 4660 6430715 NHS NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Advertising (non recruitment) 64105 NIS VEA7 NHS CONFEDERATION 5031142 23300 Delivery of 2014/2015 NHS Flu Fighter Programme & Campaign NHS NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Software Maint & Support Costs 61610 HWB UFA2 WEALTH MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS C/O TEMENOS UK LTD 5031206 130833.6 BREAST SCREENING SYSTEM 01/07/15 TO 31/08/15 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Software Maint & Support Costs 61610 HWB UFA2 WEALTH MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS C/O TEMENOS UK LTD 5031213 47715.6 CACHE LICENCE 545 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 19/08/2015 Other non-trade creditors 96965 Balance Sheet ZZZA COMPUTERSHARE VOUCHER SERVICES LIMITED 5031384 81270.97 TAX FREE VOUCHER - SEE ALSO INV 0002142205 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 25/08/2015 Laboratory: Leases 44110 HWB UCD5 SHEFFIELD CHILDREN'S NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 3941653 90000 SHEFFIELD CHILDRENS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST - Bridge to cover transition to Expanded Blood Spot Screening in September 2014 NHS NHTRCUFT
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Molecular Test Kits 41125 NIS BFB3 HEART OF ENGLAND NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 4123272 1104.6 SEPTEMBER 2014 ABBOTT CONSUMABLES ADMIN FEE @ 5% NHS NHTRR1FT
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Molecular Test Kits 41125 NIS BFB3 HEART OF ENGLAND NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 4123272 4639.31 NO PO INV RETURNED TO SUPPLIER NHS NHTRR1FT
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Molecular Test Kits 41125 NIS BFB3 HEART OF ENGLAND NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 4123272 22091.96 SEPTEMBER 2014 ABBOTT CONSUMABLES NHS NHTRR1FT
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Gas 66405 NIS JSR0 CORONA ENERGY RETAIL LIMITED 4916869 9802.63 6340609 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Gas 66405 NIS JSR0 CORONA ENERGY RETAIL LIMITED 4916869 49013.15 Supply of gas to PHE Porton Down against contract No 20404469 from April 2014 thru' March 2015 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA5 SHEFFIELD TEACHING HOSPITALS NHS TRUST 4920156 6000 6389932 NBI NHS NHTRHQFT
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA5 SHEFFIELD TEACHING HOSPITALS NHS TRUST 4920156 30400 BOWEL SCOPE SCREENING AS PER ATTACHED SLA. NHS NHTRHQFT
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Gas 66405 NIS JSR0 CORONA ENERGY RETAIL LIMITED 4945796 7953.27 6340609 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Gas 66405 NIS JSR0 CORONA ENERGY RETAIL LIMITED 4945796 39766.36 Supply of gas to PHE Porton Down against contract No 20404469 from April 2015 thru' March 2016 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Gas 66405 NIS JSR0 CORONA ENERGY RETAIL LIMITED 4967769 7213.84 6340609 NBI 6458440 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Gas 66405 NIS JSR0 CORONA ENERGY RETAIL LIMITED 4967769 36069.22 Supply of gas to PHE Porton Down against contract No 20404469 from April 2015 thru' March 2016 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA2 ROYAL FREE LONDON NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 4976880 38492 MONTH 1 MONTHLY M12 SLA INVOICE VENDOR NHTRALNFT
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA2 SHREWSBURY AND TELFORD HOSPITAL NHS TRUST 4990062 31524 BREAST SCREENING AGE EXTENTION APR - JUN 2015 PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES NHTRXWNFT
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Sub-contracted Facilities Mgnt 68140 FCD AWS5 DEPARTMENT FOR COMMUNITIES AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT 4997331 20.1 6472194 ACCOM CHARGE, FM CHARGE, MAINT CHARGE, PARKING AND SERVICE PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES DPM085
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Sub-contracted Facilities Mgnt 68140 FCD AWS5 DEPARTMENT FOR COMMUNITIES AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT 4997331 74.25 Accommodation Costs (FM 14/15) for Citygate, Gallowgate, Newcastle upon Tyne PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES DPM085
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Internal Buildings Planned Maintenance 68426 FCD AWS5 DEPARTMENT FOR COMMUNITIES AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT 4997331 83.53 6472194 ACCOM CHARGE, FM CHARGE, MAINT CHARGE, PARKING AND SERVICE PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES DPM085
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Internal Buildings Planned Maintenance 68426 FCD AWS5 DEPARTMENT FOR COMMUNITIES AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT 4997331 308.53 Q1 2015/16 Accommodation Costs (MAINTENANCE) for Citygate, Gallowgate, Newcastle upon Tyne PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES DPM085
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Internal Buildings Planned Maintenance 68426 R&C AWS1 DEPARTMENT FOR COMMUNITIES AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT 4997331 1261.99 6472194 ACCOM CHARGE, FM CHARGE, MAINT CHARGE, PARKING AND SERVICE PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES DPM085
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Car Parking 66130 FCD AWS5 DEPARTMENT FOR COMMUNITIES AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT 4997331 1500 Q1 2015/16 Accommodation Costs (CAR PARKING) for Citygate, Gallowgate, Newcastle upon Tyne PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES DPM085
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Property Service Charges 66107 FCD AWS5 DEPARTMENT FOR COMMUNITIES AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT 4997331 1626.67 6472194 ACCOM CHARGE, FM CHARGE, MAINT CHARGE, PARKING AND SERVICE PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES DPM085
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Internal Buildings Planned Maintenance 68426 R&C AWS1 DEPARTMENT FOR COMMUNITIES AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT 4997331 4661.51 Accommodation Costs (MAINTENANCE 14/15) for Citygate, Gallowgate, Newcastle upon Tyne PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES DPM085
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Property Service Charges 66107 FCD AWS5 DEPARTMENT FOR COMMUNITIES AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT 4997331 6008.54 Q1 2015/16 Accommodation Costs (SERVICE CHARGE) for Citygate, Gallowgate, Newcastle upon Tyne PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES DPM085
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Rent 66105 FCD AWS5 DEPARTMENT FOR COMMUNITIES AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT 4997331 83982.15 Q1 2015/16 Accommodation Costs (RENT) for Citygate, Gallowgate, Newcastle upon Tyne PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES DPM085
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Gas 66405 NIS JSR0 CORONA ENERGY RETAIL LIMITED 5011791 6576.06 6340609 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Gas 66405 NIS JSR0 CORONA ENERGY RETAIL LIMITED 5011791 32880.29 Supply of gas to PHE Porton Down against contract No 20404469 from April 2015 thru' March 2016 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 MKT UMB3 M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD 5022031 7600 6467849 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 MKT UMB3 M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD 5022031 38000 One You/Consumer engagement/July 2015 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Social Marketing - Creative development 59027 MKT UMA3 M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD 5027043 6466.8 6469804 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Social Marketing - Creative development 59027 MKT UMA3 M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD 5027043 32334 A23701 - FINAL C4L 10MSU FEES VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA5 ST GEORGES HEALTHCARE NHS TRUST 5028636 39600 6362096 NBI NHS NHTRJ7NFT
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Other Subcontracted Services 54345 CKO KDE4 BETTER VALUE HEALTHCARE LTD 5028825 10000 6468965 NULL NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Other Subcontracted Services 54345 CKO KDE4 BETTER VALUE HEALTHCARE LTD 5028825 50000 Medical Editor - for Atlas work as part of Healthcare Variations. NULL NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Social Marketing - PR 59028 MKT UMA3 M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD 5028874 8180 6470246 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Social Marketing - PR 59028 MKT UMA3 M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD 5028874 40900 Sugar Swaps PR Change4Life/PR/July/2015 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA5 PORTSMOUTH HOSPITAL NHS TRUST 5029122 32800 Screening PUBLIC SECTOR COMPANIES NHTRHUNFT
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Other Subcontracted Services 54345 PBL JRW0 NANOBIO CORPORATION 5029175 32487 PROJECT MANAGMENT COSTS NULL NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 AUC - Land & Buildings 93335 Balance Sheet ZZZA MITIE TECHNICAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT LTD 5029194 15191.36 6436805 NBI VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 AUC - Land & Buildings 93335 Balance Sheet ZZZA MITIE TECHNICAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT LTD 5029194 75956.79 Mitie: To refurbish Main Building roof areas 1,2,3,4,5,7&13 on PHE Porton site as per re-tender dated 21/11/2014 & clarification email sent 23/11/2014 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Other Subcontracted Services 54345 CKO KFB4 CGA STRATEGY LIMITED 5030953 6350 6472252 NULL NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Other Subcontracted Services 54345 CKO KFB4 CGA STRATEGY LIMITED 5030953 31750 "Off and On trade 2014 alcohol data at local authority level" project which contain analyses of total trade consumption (in pure alcohol terms) at key product catergory breaks by specific geographies - as per original agreed proposal NULL NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA5 ROYAL WOLVERHAMPTON NHS TRUST 5031928 44000 BOWEL SCOPE PROCEDURES MAY 2015 NHS NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA5 ROYAL WOLVERHAMPTON NHS TRUST 5031936 91200 BOWEL SCOPE PROCEDURES JUN 2015 NHS NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UIA4 SHARED INTELLIGENCE 5031972 5379.49 6449649 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UIA4 SHARED INTELLIGENCE 5031972 26897.45 Child Obesity Tenders - Shared Intelligence VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Security Costs 68110 NIS JST1 EMCOR GROUP UK PLC 5032203 5500.63 6461904 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Security Costs 68110 NIS JST1 EMCOR GROUP UK PLC 5032203 27503.14 EMCOR SECURITY BASELINE COSTS FOR August 2015 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Social Marketing - Helpline/Call Centre 59006 MKT UMB1 SERCO LIMITED 5032230 18297.13 6449622 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Social Marketing - Helpline/Call Centre 59006 MKT UMB1 SERCO LIMITED 5032230 91485.66 Marketing contact centre 4th quarter payment 2014/15 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Gas 66405 NIS JSR0 CORONA ENERGY RETAIL LIMITED 5032472 6468.68 6340609 - 6458440 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Gas 66405 NIS JSR0 CORONA ENERGY RETAIL LIMITED 5032472 32343.4 Supply of gas to PHE Porton Down against contract No 20404469 from April 2015 thru' March 2016 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 AUC - Land & Buildings 93335 Balance Sheet ZZZA TSL PROJECTS LTD 5032721 7148.51 6358161 NULL NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 AUC - Land & Buildings 93335 Balance Sheet ZZZA TSL PROJECTS LTD 5032721 35742.54 TSL revised contract sum.This sum includes upto CEN 037 (attached list) provisonal sum's & anticipated CEN'S. This variation request to be added to existing PO 635816 already issued to supplier. NULL NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 AUC - Land & Buildings 93335 Balance Sheet ZZZA WAGSTAFF BROS LIMITED T/A WAGSTAFF INTERIORS GROUP LTD 5032772 1013.54 Removal of heating loop and reconnection in CG.36A VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 AUC - Land & Buildings 93335 Balance Sheet ZZZA WAGSTAFF BROS LIMITED T/A WAGSTAFF INTERIORS GROUP LTD 5032772 1022.85 Removal of 2" redundant gas pipework along external wall in CG.36. Purge and test. VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 AUC - Land & Buildings 93335 Balance Sheet ZZZA WAGSTAFF BROS LIMITED T/A WAGSTAFF INTERIORS GROUP LTD 5032772 1048.66 Make good existing floor surface following removal of floor covering. Apply additional layer of latex to cover areas with adhesive remaining, and areas where latex has been removed to follow the guidelines for applying the DPM product. VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 AUC - Land & Buildings 93335 Balance Sheet ZZZA WAGSTAFF BROS LIMITED T/A WAGSTAFF INTERIORS GROUP LTD 5032772 23550.11 6456988 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 AUC - Land & Buildings 93335 Balance Sheet ZZZA WAGSTAFF BROS LIMITED T/A WAGSTAFF INTERIORS GROUP LTD 5032772 114665.52 Building works associated with the refurbishment of CG.36-38 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Other Outsourced Services 54360 HWB UFA5 THE ROYAL WOLVERHAMPTON HOSPITAL NHS TRUST 5032840 95600 Bowel Screening Services NHS NHTRL4NFT
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Telecommunication Charges 62110 NIS GGM4 BRITISH TELECOM PLC 5033852 34863.74 BT ACCIUNT NUMBER VP32013270 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Other Subcontracted Services 54345 CKO KJA2 CLATTERBRIDGE CANCER CENTRE NHS FT (THE) 5034594 50000 6449001 NHS NHTRENFT
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Other Subcontracted Services 54345 CKO KJA2 CLATTERBRIDGE CANCER CENTRE NHS FT (THE) 5034594 250000 ENGLAND RTDS DATA COLLECTION NHS NHTRENFT
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Social Marketing - Advertising - Newspapers 59010 MKT UMA4 CARAT A TRADING DIV OF DENTSU AEGIS UK LIMITED 5034600 19785.82 6461997 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Social Marketing - Advertising - Newspapers 59010 MKT UMA4 CARAT A TRADING DIV OF DENTSU AEGIS UK LIMITED 5034600 99025.04 PHE/Be Clear on Cancer campagin - breast cancer in women 70+/July - Sept 2015/Press advertising VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Social Marketing - Advertising - Outdoor 59013 MKT UMA4 CARAT A TRADING DIV OF DENTSU AEGIS UK LIMITED 5034602 18791.3 6460685 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Social Marketing - Advertising - Outdoor 59013 MKT UMA4 CARAT A TRADING DIV OF DENTSU AEGIS UK LIMITED 5034602 94047.46 PHE/Be Clear on Cancer breast cancer in 70+ women campaign/July - Sept 2015/Out of Home advertising VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Social Marketing - Advertising - Inserts 59014 MKT UMA3 CARAT A TRADING DIV OF DENTSU AEGIS UK LIMITED 5034603 10246.78 6455635 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Social Marketing - Advertising - Inserts 59014 MKT UMA3 CARAT A TRADING DIV OF DENTSU AEGIS UK LIMITED 5034603 51283.6 C4L 10MSU MAGAZINE INSERTS VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Social Marketing - Productions cost - TV 59018 MKT UMA3 CARAT A TRADING DIV OF DENTSU AEGIS UK LIMITED 5034608 72588.83 6456447 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Social Marketing - Productions cost - TV 59018 MKT UMA3 CARAT A TRADING DIV OF DENTSU AEGIS UK LIMITED 5034608 363296.12 C4L 10MSU AV (TV, VOD) Media VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Social Marketing - Productions cost - TV 59018 MKT UMA3 CARAT A TRADING DIV OF DENTSU AEGIS UK LIMITED 5034611 103021.18 6456447 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Social Marketing - Productions cost - TV 59018 MKT UMA3 CARAT A TRADING DIV OF DENTSU AEGIS UK LIMITED 5034611 515605.46 C4L 10MSU AV (TV, VOD) Media VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Social Marketing - Advertising - TV 59009 MKT UMA4 CARAT A TRADING DIV OF DENTSU AEGIS UK LIMITED 5034615 89127.02 6453513 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Social Marketing - Advertising - TV 59009 MKT UMA4 CARAT A TRADING DIV OF DENTSU AEGIS UK LIMITED 5034615 446067.28 PHE/Be Clear on Cancer breast cancer in women 70+ campaign July - Sept 2015/TV advertising VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Social Marketing - Desk Research 59034 MKT UMA1 M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD 5034630 12000 6447115 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Social Marketing - Desk Research 59034 MKT UMA1 M&C SAATCHI (UK) LTD 5034630 60000 Live Well Desk/Literature Review VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Social Marketing - Helpline/Call Centre 59006 MKT UMB1 SERCO LIMITED 5034640 15683.9 6413405 VENDOR NOT CGA
Department of Health Public Health England 26/08/2015 Social Marketing - Helpline/Call Centre 59006 MKT UMB1 SERCO LIMITED 5034640 78419.5 3rd Quarter call centre and management VENDOR NOT CGA