Court martial results from the military court centres: May 2015 to June 2016
Updated 4 March 2025
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Rank Rank must be in full with no abbreviations | Service | Trial Court | Sentencing Date | Charge (s) Charge(s) must be in full with no abbreviations | Finding | Sentence |
Ex-Lance Corporal | Army | Colchester | 01-May-15 | 1 x Theft | Guilty | Fined Ï450 |
Able Rate | Royal Navy | Portsmouth | 01-May-15 | 1 x Actual Bodily Harm | Not Guilty | Not set |
Trooper | Army | Sennelager | 05-May-15 | 1 x Fighting | Guilty | 30 day Service Supervision and Punishment Order |
Lance Corporal | Army | Sennelager | 05-May-15 | 1 x ABH | Guilty | 7 months detention |
Ex-Guardsman | Army | Catterick | 05-May-15 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | Conditional Discharge for 12 months |
Kingsman | Army | Catterick | 05-May-15 | 1 x Desertion | Guilty | Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. Service Community Order for 12 months; unpaid work for 120 hours |
Gunner | Army | Bulford | 06-May-15 | 1 x Desertion | Guilty | Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service |
Corporal | Army | Catterick | 06-May-15 | 2 x Battery | Guilty | 60 days detention, suspended for 12 months; Ï400 Service Compensation Order |
Sergeant | Army | Sennelager | 06-May-15 | 1 x Fraud | Discontinued | Not set |
Mrs | Civilian | Colchester | 07-May-15 | 1 x Fraud, 1 x Theft | Guilty | 12 month Service Community Order with an unpaid work requirement of 200 hours, 2 Service Compensation Orders totalling ?3505.82 |
Private | Army | Bulford | 08-May-15 | 3 x AWOL | 3 x Guilty | Charge 1 & 2 No separate penalty, Charge 1 to undergo 90 days detention |
Ex-Bombardier | Army | Sennelager | 08-May-15 | 1 x Intimidation of witnesses | Not Guilty | Not set |
Bombardier | Army | Sennelager | 08-May-15 | 1 x Intimidation of witnesses | Not Guilty | Not set |
Senior Aircraftman | Royal Air Force | Colchester | 11-May-15 | 1 x Contravention of Standing Orders | Guilty | Charge 6 fined Ï150 |
Corporal | Army | Sennelager | 11-May-15 | 1 x Battery | Discontinued | Not set |
Guardsman | Army | Catterick | 11-May-15 | 3 x Burglary | Guilty | Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service |
Private | Army | Colchester | 11-May-15 | 1 x Negligenty performance of a duty | Guilty | Fined Ï100 |
Corporal | Army | Colchester | 11-May-15 | 2 x Contravention of Standing Orders | 2 x Guilty | Charge 1: fined Ï900; Charge 2: fined Ï900 |
Senior Aircraftman | Royal Air Force | Summary Appeal | 12-May-15 | Not set | Summary Appeal | Ï840 fine; 10 days restriction of privileges |
Gunner | Army | Colchester | 13-May-15 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | 6 Months Detention |
Private | Army | Colchester | 13-May-15 | 3 x AWOL | Guilty | Charge 1 & 2 No separate penalty, Charge 3 to undergo 120 days detention |
Guardsman | Army | Colchester | 14-May-15 | 1 x Absent without leave | Guilty | Undergo 60 days detention |
Private | Army | Colchester | 14-May-15 | 1 x Aggravated vehicle taking | Guilty | Fined Ï200 |
Private | Army | Colchester | 14-May-15 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | 60 day Service Supervision and Punishment Order |
Corporal | Army | Sennelager | 14-May-15 | 1 x Attempted ABH | Guilty | 2 years detention, suspended for 12 months |
EX Private | Army | Colchester | 15-May-15 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | Service Community Order; unpaid work of 60 hrs; completed within 6 months |
Private | Army | Colchester | 15-May-15 | 1 x Desertion | Guilty | Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service |
Sergeant | Army | Summary Appeal | 15-May-15 | Not set | Summary Appeal | Reduction to the rank of Corporal; severe reprimand & fined Ï1500 |
Lance Corporal | Army | Colchester | 18-May-15 | 1 x ABH | Guilty | 120 days detention, suspended for 12 months. Ï300 Service Compensation Order |
Mrs | Civilian | Sennelager | 18-May-15 | 1 x Driving other than in accordance with a licence, 1 x Driving without a valid policy of insurance | 2x Guilty | Charge 1: fined Ï50; Charge 2: fined Ï200 |
Mr | Civilian | Sennelager | 18-May-15 | 4 x Contravention of standing orders | 4 x guilty | Fined Ï1000, Ï250 for each charge |
Trooper | Army | Sennelager | 19-May-15 | 1 x Making a false written statement | Guilty | 8 Days detention |
Highlander | Army | Sennelager | 19-May-15 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | 100 days detention |
Highlander | Army | Sennelager | 19-May-15 | 3 x AWOL | 3 x Guilty | Charge 1 - 25 days detention; Charge 2 -15 days detention; Charge 3 - 90 days detention |
Highlander | Army | Sennelager | 19-May-15 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | 110 days detention; |
Staff Sergeant | Army | Colchester | 20-May-15 | 1 x Battery | Not Guilty | Not set |
Rifleman | Army | Sennelager | 20-May-15 | 1 x Desertion | Guilty | 9 months detention; dismissed from Her Majesty's Service |
Corporal | Army | Colchester | 21-May-15 | 2 x Battery | 2 x Guilty | Reduction to the rank of Corporal; 90 days detention per charge; Service Compensation order of Ï300 |
Miss | Civilian | Bulford | 22-May-15 | 1 x Attempted wounding, (alternative) 1 x Battery, 1 x Doing an act tending and intending to pervert the course of public justice | Guilty | Conditionally discharged for 12 months |
Warrant Officer Class 2 | Army | Bulford | 22-May-15 | 1 x Possession of a prohibited weapon | Discontinued | Not set |
Miss | Army | Bulford | 22-May-15 | 1 x Attempted wounding, (alternative) 1 x Battery, 1 x Doing an act tending and intending to pervert the course of public justice | Guilty | Conditionally discharged for 12 months |
Rifleman | Army | Catterick | 22-May-15 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | 90 days detention; dismissed from Her Majesty's Service |
Sergeant | Army | Colchester | 27-May-15 | 1 x Misconduct through alcohol | Not Guilty | Not set |
Sapper | Army | Colchester | 27-May-15 | 1 x AWOL, 1 x Desertion | 2 x Guilty | 2 days detention |
Lance Corporal | Army | Colchester | 27-May-15 | 1 x Misconduct through alcohol | Discontinued | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | Colchester | 27-May-15 | 1 x Misconduct through alcohol | Discontinued | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | Colchester | 27-May-15 | 1 x Battery | Discontinued | Not set |
Wing Commander | Royal Air Force | Bulford | 28-May-15 | 2 x Battery | Not Guilty | Not set |
Able Rate | Royal Navy | Portsmouth | 29-May-15 | 1 x GBH | Guilty | Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, 8 months detention |
Sergeant | Army | Catterick | 01-Jun-15 | 1 x Common assault, 1 x battery | Not guilty | Not set |
Rifleman | Army | Catterick | 01-Jun-15 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service |
Kingsman | Army | Catterick | 01-Jun-15 | 1 x Common Assault | Guilty | 120 days detention, suspended for 12 months |
Lance Corporal | Army | Catterick | 01-Jun-15 | 1 x Burglary | Guilty | Reduced to the ranks, 8 months detention suspended for 12 months |
Lance Corporal | Army | Catterick | 03-Jun-15 | 1 x Criminal Damage, 1 x Contravention of Standing Orders | 1 x not guilty, 1 x Guilty (Charge 2) | Admonishment |
Marine | Royal Marines | Portsmouth | 05-Jun-15 | 2 x Disgraceful Conduct of an Indecent Kind (charges 1 & 2), 1 x Contravention of Standing Orders (Charge 3) | Guilty | 60 Days detention consecutive on each of charges 1 & 2, suspended for 1 year, and Admonition on Charge 3. |
Sergeant | Army | Bulford | 08-Jun-15 | 1 x Sexual Assault | Not Guilty | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | Sennelager | 09-Jun-15 | 1 x Possessing a controlled drug | Not Guilty | Not set |
Mrs | Civilian | Sennelager | 09-Jun-15 | 1 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm | Guilty | Subject to an overseas Community Order with an unpaid work requirement of 180 hours. An exclusion order to be excluded from Mango's nightclub, Paderborn until 31/05/17. A Service Compensation order of Ï800 to be paid in full by 31/03/16 |
Warrant Officer Class 2 | Army | Sennelager | 09-Jun-15 | 1 X Battery | Guilty | Severe reprimand; Fined Ï1500 and Compensation Order of Ï500 |
Rifleman | Army | Sennelager | 11-Jun-15 | 3 x AWOL | Guilty | 130 days detention concurrent (Charge 1 & 2), 7 days detention concurrent (Charge 3) and to be dismissed from HM Service |
Lance Bombardier | Army | Sennelager | 12-Jun-15 | 1 x GBH | Guilty | 14 Months Detention; Service Compensation Order of Ï1000 |
Corporal | Army | Bulford | 15-Jun-15 | 1 x Conduct to the prejudice and good order of Service discipline, 1 x Unauthorised access to computer materiel | Guilty | Charge 1 - No separate penalty, Charge 2 - Reduced to the rank of Lance Corporal |
Bombardier | Army | Colchester | 15-Jun-15 | 2 x Battery | Not Guilty | Not set |
Sapper | Army | Bulford | 19-Jun-15 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | Dismissed from HM service; Service Community Order - 150 hours to be completed in 12 months |
Bombardier | Army | Sennelager | 23-Jun-15 | 1 x GBH | Discontinued | Not set |
Lieutenant Commander | Royal Navy | Portsmouth | 24-Jun-15 | 1 x Conduct Prejudicial to Good Order and Discipline | Not Guilty | Not set |
Fusilier | Army | Bulford | 25-Jun-15 | Charges 1-5, 8,9,12-14 - making an indecent image of a child, Charges 6,7,10,11 - possessing an indecent picture of a child, Charges 15 & 16 possessing an extreme pornographic image | Guilty to all | Concurrent on each charge - Dismissed from Her Majestys Service; Service Community Order for 3 years, with a supervision requirement for 3 years. A sex offenders treatment programme. Electronically monitored curfew for 3 months at home address between 2000 hrs and 0500 hrs. Sex offenders register for 5 years. Sexual harm prevention order for 5 years. Destruction of devices on which images were found. |
Able Rate | Royal Navy | Portsmouth | 26-Jun-15 | 1 x unfitness or misconduct through alcohol, 1 x violence against a superior officer | Guilty | Charge 1 - 1 Month Detention, Charge 2 - 4 Months Detention, both to run concurrently, suspended for 1 year. |
Lance Corporal | Army | Sennelager | 26-Jun-15 | 1 x Misconduct on Operations | Not Guilty | Not set |
Rifleman | Army | Sennelager | 26-Jun-15 | 1 x Misconduct on Operations | Not Guilty | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | Sennelager | 30-Jun-15 | 1 x Theft | Guilty | Reduced to the ranks and 120 days detention |
Mr | Civilian | Catterick | 30-Jun-15 | 1 x Inflicting Grievous bodily harm 1 x Assault | 2 x Guilty | Charge 1 - 12 months imprisonment suspended for 2 years; Charge 2 - 2 months imprisonment, concurrent suspended sentence for 2 years; Supervison for 12 months; 12 sessions of the "Safer relationship course"; to perform 240 hrs unpaid work in the next 12 months |
Private | Army | Sennelager | 01-Jul-15 | 1 x Unfitness or Misconduct through alcohol, 1 x Battery | 1 x Not Guilty 1 x Guilty | Fined Ï200; Service Compensation Order of Ï100 |
Private | Army | Colchester | 02-Jul-15 | 2 x AWOL | 2 x guilty | Charge 1 - 1 month detention; Charge 2 - 5 months detention - to run concurrently |
Sapper | Army | Catterick | 02-Jul-15 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | 120 days detention |
Corporal | Army | Catterick | 02-Jul-15 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | 60 days detention suspended for 12 months |
Private | Army | Colchester | 03-Jul-15 | 1x Battery | Guilty | Fined Ï750; Service Compensation Order of Ï250 |
Able Rate | Royal Navy | Portsmouth | 03-Jul-15 | 1 x Possessing a controlled drug | Guilty | Dismissed from her Majesty's Service |
Able Rate | Royal Navy | Portsmouth | 03-Jul-15 | 1 x Taking a Conveyence without Authority | Guilty | Fined Ï1350 |
Private | Army | Sennelager | 03-Jul-15 | 2 x Battery | Not guilty | Not set |
Private | Army | Catterick | 06-Jul-15 | 1x Desertion | Guilty | Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service; Service Community Order for 12 months with 140 hours unpaid work |
Lance Corporal | Army | Catterick | 07-Jul-15 | Unfitness or misconduct through alcohol or drugs | Guilty | Admonished |
Fusilier | Army | Catterick | 07-Jul-15 | 1 x Desertion | Guilty | Dismissed from her Majesty's Service; Service Community Order for 12 months with 130 hours unpaid work |
Ex-Gunner | Army | Catterick | 07-Jul-15 | 1 x Causing death by dangerous driving while under the influence of drink or drugs | Guilty | Imprisonment for 2 years 8 months |
Staff Sergeant | Army | Sennelager | 09-Jul-15 | 1 x ABH | Not Guilty | Not set |
Warrant Officer Class 2 | Army | Sennelager | 09-Jul-15 | 1 x Unfitness or misconduct through alcohol or drugs, 2 x Battery | Not Guilty to all | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | Summary Appeal | 10-Jul-15 | Not set | Not set | Reduction to the rank of Gunner; 7 days detention; fined 7 days pay |
Corporal | Royal Air Force | Catterick | 13-Jul-15 | 1 x Fraud, 1 x Making a false official record, 1 x Theft | Guilty, Not guilty, Guilty | Charge 1 - Reduced in rank; Service Compensation Order of Ï335; Charge 3 - reduced in rank; pay compensation of Ï100 to Help for Heroes, 28 days to pay. |
Senior Aircraftman | Royal Air Force | Catterick | 13-Jul-15 | 2 x Harassment | Guilty | Fined Ï1000 at Ï200 per month |
Senior Aircraftman | Royal Air Force | Catterick | 13-Jul-15 | 2 x Harassment | Guilty | Fined Ï1500 at Ï200 per month . |
Ex-Sergeant | Royal Air Force | Catterick | 13-Jul-15 | 5 x Fraud | Guilty | 16 months imprisonment suspended for 2 years - concurrent on each count; Reduced in rank; Pay MOD Ï26,359.20 compensation by 14 November 15; 280 hours unpaid work in the next 12 months |
Lance Corporal | Army | Sennelager | 14-Jul-15 | 1 x ABH | Not Guilty | Not set |
Sapper | Army | Sennelager | 14-Jul-15 | 1 x Inflicting GBH with intent | Guilty | 12 months detention |
Mr | Civilian | Sennelager | 14-Jul-15 | 5 x Sexual Activity with a Child | Guilty | Subject to Overseas Community Order with one requirement - A curfew at family home between 6pm and 8am every day until you leave germany on the 2nd Sept 2015 |
Ex Gunner | Army | Catterick | 15-Jul-15 | 1 x ABH, 1 x Theft | Discontinued | Not set |
Senior Aircraftman | Royal Air Force | Colchester | 16-Jul-15 | 1 x ABH | Guilty | 8 months detention, suspended for 12 months. Pay compensation of Ï1500 at Ï200 a month |
Lance Corporal | Army | Sennelager | 16-Jul-15 | 10 x Sexual activity with a child family member | Guilty | On each count 1,2,,4,5,6,8 & 9 - Imprisoned for 1 year; Charge 3 - Imprisonment for 3 years; Charge 7 - Imprisonment for 3 years; Charge 10 - Imprisonment for 2 years; Charges 3 & 10 to run consecutively. All others to run concurrently; To be dismissed from HM Service on each charge; Reduced in ranks on each count. |
Lance Corporal | Army | Sennelager | 16-Jul-15 | 3 x Battery | Guilty | 100 days detention on each charge concurrent; Subject to a Restraining Order in terms to be decided by the judge |
Private | Army | Sennelager | 17-Jul-15 | 1x Aggravated vehicle taking, 1x Driving without a valid policy of insurance | 1x Not Guilty 1 x Guilty | Fined Ï100 to be paid by 30th Sept 15. Pay Service Compensation Order of Ï250, to be paid in full by 31st Aug 15 |
Corporal | Royal Air Force | Colchester | 17-Jul-15 | 1 x Rape | Not Guilty | Not set |
Captain | Army | Catterick | 20-Jul-15 | Contravention of Standing Orders | Guilty | Fined Ï600 and to pay compensation of Ï900 to the MOD |
Bombardier | Army | Colchester | 21-Jul-15 | 1 x Battery, 1 x Resisting arrest | Guilty | Charge 1 - Fined Ï800, Charge 2 - Fined Ï500 |
Private | Army | Colchester | 21-Jul-15 | 4 x Theft | Guilty | 90 days detention on each offence to be served concurrrently, and Ï70 compensation to MOD |
Sergeant | Army | Bulford | 22-Jul-15 | 1 x Possesion of ammunition | Discontinued | Not set |
Sergeant | Army | Bulford | 22-Jul-15 | 1 x Fraud | Discontinued | Not set |
Lance Sergeant | Army | Colchester | 22-Jul-15 | 1 x Theft | Guilty | 90 days detention suspended for 12 months |
Corporal | Royal Marines | Portsmouth | 23-Jul-15 | 6 x Battery (Charges 1 to 4, 6 &7), 1 x disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind (Charge 5) | Guilty (1,2,6 & 7), Not Guilty (4 & 5) | Fined Ï125 on each of charge 1, 2, 6 & 7. Total fine Ï500 |
Corporal | Royal Marines | Portsmouth | 23-Jul-15 | 1 x Ill Treatment of a Subordinate | Not Guilty | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | Bulford | 24-Jul-15 | 1 x Sexual Assault | Guilty | Reduced to the ranks, 9 months detention |
Guardsman | Army | Colchester | 24-Jul-15 | 1 x Desertion | Guilty | Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, 12 month Service Community Order with an unpaid work requirement of 180 hours |
Kingsman | Army | Catterick | 27-Jul-15 | 2 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and discipline | Guilty | Dismissed on each charge. To be subject to a Service Community Order for 12 months with a requirement to perform 180 hours unpaid work on each charge concurrent |
Kingsman | Army | Catterick | 27-Jul-15 | 1 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline, 3 x Battery | Guilty | Charge 1 - 8 months detention; Charge 2, 3 & 4 - 4 months detention concurrent to each other but consecutive to the sentence on Charge 1. 12 months detention in total. Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service on all charges |
Bombardier | Army | Catterick | 27-Jul-15 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | Fined Ï250 in two installments the first by 30 Sep 15 and second by 31 Oct 15 |
Private | Army | Colchester | 27-Jul-15 | 2 x AWOL | Guilty | Charge 1 - no separate penalty, Charge 2 - 120 days detention |
Private | Army | Catterick | 27-Jul-15 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | 28 Days Detention Suspended for 12 months and Ï100 compensation |
Warrant Officer Class 2 | Army | Bulford | 28-Jul-15 | 1 x Battery | Not Guilty | Not set |
Ex-Corporal | Army | Colchester | 28-Jul-15 | 1 x Aggravated vehicle taking, 1 x Contravention of standing orders | Not Guilty, Guilty | Reprimanded and pay the sum of Ï750 by way of a Service Compensation Order to the MOD |
Sergeant | Army | Colchester | 28-Jul-15 | 1 x ABH | Discontinued | Not set |
Sapper | Army | Bulford | 29-Jul-15 | 1 x Unlawful wounding | Guilty | Detention for 120 days |
Able Rate | Royal Navy | Portsmouth | 29-Jul-15 | 1 x Using threatening or disrespectful behaviour towards a superior officer | Guilty | Fined Ï625 |
Colour Sergeant | Army | Bulford | 30-Jul-15 | 1 x Ill-treatment of a subordinate | Not Guilty | Not set |
Sergeant | Army | Portsmouth | 30-Jul-15 | 2 X Sexual Assault | Guilty | Reduced to the ranks. To be dismissed from Her Majesty's Service and be subject to a Service Community Order for a period of 3 years with a requirement that attends as directed a Thames Valley Sex Offenders Work Programme or such alternative Sex Offenders Programme as directed by his supervisory officer on each charge |
Warrant Officer Class 2 | Army | Bulford | 31-Jul-15 | 1 x Doing an act tending and intending to pervert the course of public justice | Guilty | To be subject to a Service Community Order for 12 months with an unpaid work requirement of 180 hours |
Private | Army | Bulford | 31-Jul-15 | 1 x Unlawful wounding | Guilty | Suspended sentence order of 8 months detention in a Young Offender Institution to be suspended for 2 years. A Supervision requirement for 2 years, an unpaid work requirement for 200 hours |
Guardsman | Army | Bulford | 31-Jul-15 | 6 x AWOL | 5 x Guilty, 1 x Not Guilty | On each charge, to be served concurrently, 3 months detention to be suspended for 12 months |
Leading Hand | Royal Navy | Portsmouth | 31-Jul-15 | 13 x Fraud | Guilty | To undergo detention for a period of 6 months on each charge each period to run concurrently. To be subject to a Service Compensation Order in the sum of Ï2008.50 To be distrated. |
Marine | Navy | Portsmouth | 31-Jul-15 | 1 x Offering to supply a controlled drug to another | Discontinued | Not set |
Guardsman | Army | Bulford | 04-Aug-15 | 2 x AWOL | Guilty | 120 days detention on each charge concurrent |
Lance Serjeant | Army | Bulford | 04-Aug-15 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | Reduction to the rank of Lance Corporal |
Private | Army | Bulford | 04-Aug-15 | 1 x Fighting | Guilty | Admonished |
Private | Army | Bulford | 04-Aug-15 | 1 x Fighting | Guilty | Admonished |
Craftsman | Army | Bulford | 04-Aug-15 | 1 x Fighting | Guilty | Admonished |
Sergeant | Army | Bulford | 04-Aug-15 | 1 x Unfitness or misconduct through alcohol or drugs | Discontinued | Not set |
Trooper | Army | Bulford | 05-Aug-15 | 2 x AWOL | Guilty | Dismissal. Service Community Order for 2 years with a requirement for supervision for the whole 2 years. This order is made in relation to both charges |
Staff Sergeant | Army | Bulford | 05-Aug-15 | 1 x Negligenty performing a duty | Guilty | Service Compensation Order in the sum of Ï1500. To be paid at the rate of Ï250 per month starting on September 1st 2015 |
L Sergeant | Army | Bulford | 05-Aug-15 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | Severe reprimand |
Lance Corporal | Army | Bulford | 06-Aug-15 | 1 x ABH | Guilty | Detention for 120 days |
Sergeant | Army | Catterick | 10-Aug-15 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | Fined Ï1,500. To be paid @ Ï500 per month with effect from October 1st 2015 |
Ex Craftman | Army | Catterick | 10-Aug-15 | 1 x Burglary, 1 x Theft | Guilty | Charge 1 & 2 - Service Community Order for the period of 18 months with a requirement that the accused perform 240 hours of unpaid work. Charge 2 - Service Compensation Order of Ï4,500. To be paid at the rate of Ï400 per month starting on October 1st 2015 |
Private | Army | Catterick | 10-Aug-15 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | 6 months detention |
Sergeant | Army | Catterick | 11-Aug-15 | 4 x Theft | Guilty | Dismissal and 10 months detention on each charge concurrent |
Corporal | Army | Catterick | 11-Aug-15 | 1 x ABH, 1 x Battery | Guilty | Charge 1 - 28 days detention suspended for 12 months, Charge 2 - 2 days detention concurrent suspended for 12 months |
Private | Army | Catterick | 11-Aug-15 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | 6 months detention suspended for 3 months |
Ex Sapper | Royal Air Force | Colchester | 12-Aug-15 | 1x ABH | Guilty | Service Community order with 180 hours unpaid work over 12 months. Up to 10 x days rehabilitation activity requirement (alcohol). Ï500 compensation to be paid at Ï150 with effect from 1 October 2015 |
Gunner | Army | Catterick | 12-Aug-15 | 3 x AWOL | Guilty | On each count dismissed and a Service Community order for 2 years with a supervisory requirement for the whole of that period |
Sapper | Army | Colchester | 19-Aug-15 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | 40 days detention |
Flight Sergeant | Royal Air Force | Colchester | 19-Aug-15 | 1 X Contravention of standing orders | Guilty | Admonition |
Private | Army | Colchester | 19-Aug-15 | 1 X Buglary | Guilty | 120 days detention |
Highlander | Army | Colchester | 19-Aug-15 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | To be dismissed from Her Majesty's Armed Forces. Service Community Order with an unpaid work requirment of 100 hours. The SCO to be consecutive to the Community Order imposed by Oxfordshire Magistrates on 22 July 2015 |
Guardsman | Army | Colchester | 19-Aug-15 | 4 x AWOL | Guilty | Total of 135 days detention and to be dismissed from HM Armed Forces |
Rifleman | Army | Colchester | 19-Aug-15 | 1 x ABH, 1 x Battery | Guilty | Charge 1 - 120 days detention suspended for one year. Charge 2 - No separate penalty |
Able Rate | Royal Navy | Portsmouth | 02-Sep-15 | 1 x ABH, 1 x Battery | Not Guilty | Not set |
Mr | Civilian | Bulford | 03-Sep-15 | 1 - Indecent Assault, 2 - Rape, 3A - Sexual Activity with a Child, 3B - Sexual Activity with a Child (Alt to charge 3A), 4A - Sexual Activity with a Child, 4B - Sexual Activity with a Child (Alt to 4A), 5 - Rape, 6 - Sexual Activity with a Child (Alt to 5), 7 - Attempted Rape. | 1 Not Guilty, 2 Guilty, 3A Guilty, 3B No verdict, 4A Guilty, 4B No verdict, 5 Gulty, 6 No Verdict, 7 Not Guilty | Charge 2 - 3 Years Imprisonment, Charge 3A - 3 Years Imprisonment concurrent, Charge 3B - 3 years Imprisonment concurrent, Charge 5 - 7 years Imprisonment consecutively, Total of 10 years Imprisonment. Registration on Sex Offenders Register for life. |
Leading Hand | Royal Navy | Portsmouth | 04-Sep-15 | 1 - Harassment, 2 - Battery, 3 - Disobedience to a Lawful Command, 4 - Common Assault, 5 - Battery | Charges 1 to 3 Guilty, 4 Not Guilty, 5 Guilty. | Charge 3 - Disrated to Able Seaman and 60 days detention, Charge 4 - Disrated and 90 Days detention consecutively, Charge 1 - 60 days detention concurrent, Charge 2 - 30 days detention concurrent. |
Able Rate | Royal Navy | Portsmouth | 04-Sep-15 | 1 x Disrespectful behaviour | Guilty | To be fined Ï567.50 |
Lance Corporal | Army | Bulford | 04-Sep-15 | 3 x Improper use of Public Electronic Communications Network | Not Guilty | Not set |
Corporal | Army | Sennelager | 08-Sep-15 | 1 x Battery; 2 x Using violence whilst in lawful custody; 1 x Damaging property | 4 x Guilty | Dismissed from HM Service on each charge. Undergo service community order for 2 years with a supervision requirement for 2 years. Requirement to attend Building better relationships programme. Pay service compensation order of Ï150 |
Lance Corporal | Army | Colchester | 10-Sep-15 | 1 x ABH, 1 x Affray, 1 x Using threatening behaviour | Not Guilty (ABH & Affray), Guilty (Using Threatening) | Fined Ï1500 and to be reprimanded |
Rifleman | Army | Bulford | 11-Sep-15 | 1 - Burglary. 2-4 Fruad. 5 - Leaving a duty. 6&7 - AWOL. | Guilty | Charge 1 90 days detention and dismissed, Charges 2 to 5 No separate penalty, Charges 6 No Separate Penalty, Charge 7 - 60 days Detention Concurrent. Service Compensation Order in the sum of Ï180 and Ï50 (Linked to case 2015 CM-02420) |
Corporal | Army | Bulford | 11-Sep-15 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | Fine Ï800 and Reprimand |
Guardsman | Army | Bulford | 11-Sep-15 | 1 x Aggravated vehicle taking (Charge 1) , 2 x AWOL (Charges 2 & 3) , 3 x Failing to attend (Charges 4 to 6) | Guilty | Charge 1 - 60 days detention, Charge 2 - No separate penalty, Charge 3 - 60 days detention consecutive, Charges 4 to 7 - No separate penalty. A total of 120 days detention. |
Rifleman | Army | Bulford | 11-Sep-15 | 2 x AWOL | Guilty | For sentence of these offences see case number 2015CM02250 |
Senior Aircraftman | Royal Air Force | Catterick | 14-Sep-15 | 1 x Attempted ABH, 1 x Battery | Not Guilty | Not Guilty findings recorded by Judge |
Private | Army | Colchester | 14-Sep-15 | 1X Burglary | Discontinued | Not set |
Private | Army | Colchester | 15-Sep-15 | 1 x GBH, 1 x Criminal Damage | Not Guilty, Gulity | Service compensation order Ï883.94, paid monthly at Ï150. 7 days restriction of privileges. |
Engineering Technician (Weapon Engineering) | Royal Navy | Portsmouth | 16-Sep-15 | 1 x Conduct Prejudicial to Good Order and Service Discipline, 1 x Criminal Offence | 1 x guilty 1 x not guilty | Ï150 fine |
Private | Army | Sennelager | 16-Sep-15 | 1 x Rape, 1 x Attempted Rape (alternative to Charge 1) | Not Guilty | Not set |
Ex Able Rate | Royal Navy | Portsmouth | 16-Sep-15 | 1 x Contravention of Standing Orders, 1 x Battery, 1 x Misconduct through Alcohol | 1x Not Guilty, 1 x Guilty, 1 x Guilty | Charge 2 - fined Ï300; Charge 3 - fined Ï200 |
Engineering Technician (Marine Engineering) | Royal Navy | Portsmouth | 16-Sep-15 | 1x Battery | Guilty | Fined Ï350 |
Gunner | Army | Bulford | 16-Sep-15 | 1 x GBH | Guilty | 12 months detention |
Rifleman | Army | Catterick | 17-Sep-15 | 2 x Attempting to commit a service offence | 1 x Guilty | 6 months detention |
Private | Army | Colchester | 17-Sep-15 | 1 x Theft, 2 x AWOL | Guilty | Charge 1 - 8 days detention. Charge 2 & 3 - 100 days detention concurrent on each but consecutive to Charge 1. Total of 108 days |
Lance Corporal | Army | Colchester | 17-Sep-15 | Not set | Not set | Fined Ï737.91 |
Corporal | Army | Colchester | 17-Sep-15 | 2 x Contravention of Standing Orders | 2 x Guilty | Charge 1 - fined Ï800; Charge 2 - fined Ï800 |
Lance Corporal | Army | Colchester | 18-Sep-15 | 1 x Using abusive or threatening behaviour, 1 x Misconduct through Alcohol | Guilty | Fined Ï325 |
Lance Corporal | Army | Colchester | 18-Sep-15 | 1 x Using abusive or threatening behaviour, 1 x Misconduct through alcohol | Not guilty, Guilty | Fined Ï350 |
Marine | Royal Marines | Portsmouth | 23-Sep-15 | 1 x Arson, 1 x Criminal Damage | Guilty | Admonition |
Trooper | Army | Colchester | 24-Sep-15 | 1 x Desertion 1 x AWOL | Guilty | 11 months detention, 2 month detention consecutive |
Private | Army | Catterick | 24-Sep-15 | 1 x Misconduct through alcohol, 1 x Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind, 1 x Exposure | Guilty | 6 months detention |
Lance Corporal | Army | Sennelager | 24-Sep-15 | 3 x Sexual Assault | Guilty | Dismissed for HM Services; Reduction in rank; subject to a Service Community Order with a supervision requirement of 18 months |
Rifleman | Army | Colchester | 25-Sep-15 | 4 x Fraud | Guilty | Dismissal from HM Forces and 4 months detention concurrent on each charge |
Gunner | Army | Colchester | 25-Sep-15 | 3 x AWOL | Guilty | Admonition |
Gunner | Army | Colchester | 25-Sep-15 | 3 x AWOL | Guilty | Charge 1 - 7 days detention. Charge 2 & 3 - 6 months detention on each concurrent |
Ex Private | Army | Catterick | 28-Sep-15 | 1x Battery 1 x ABH | 2 x Guilty | Charge 1 - 3 months Imprisonment suspended for 2 years; 80 hours unpaid work within a 12 month period; Charge 2 - 8 months imprisonment concurrent, suspended for 2 years; perform 200 hours unpaid work consecutive to charge 1 within 12 months; Pay Ï2000 compensation at Ï200 per month; This order is to be registered by the Court service at the defendants local magistrates court |
Sapper | Army | Bulford | 29-Sep-15 | 1 x GBH | Guilty | 15 months detention; Service Compensation Order of Ï1000 |
Sapper | Army | Bulford | 29-Sep-15 | 1 x Battery, 1 x GBH | Guilty, Not Guilty | 30 days detention |
Private | Army | Colchester | 30-Sep-15 | 2 x Sexual Assault | Guilty | Charge 1 - Imprisoned for 26 weeks; dismissed from Her Majesty's Service; Charge 2 - Imprisonment for 9 months; dismissed from Her Majesty's Service; To be placed on the Sex offenders register for a period of 10 years |
Leading Engineer Technician | Royal Navy | Portsmouth | 02-Oct-15 | 1x Disobedience to a lawful command. 1x Using threatening or disrespectful behaviour towards a supperior officer. | Guilty | Fined Ï500 on each charge |
Sergeant | Army | Catterick | 05-Oct-15 | 2 x Battery | Not Guilty | Not set |
Kingsman | Army | Catterick | 05-Oct-15 | 1 x ABH | Guilty | 90 Days Detention, Suspended for 12 Months |
Mrs | Army | Sennelager | 07-Oct-15 | Not set | Abandoned | This was an appellate CM against sentence in the SCC, which the appelant abandoned on 17-Sep-15 |
Lance Corporal | Army | Catterick | 07-Oct-15 | 1 x Desertion | Guilty | Dismissed from HM Service; reduction to the rank of Private; 60 days detention |
Private | Army | Colchester | 09-Oct-15 | 1 x Theft | Not Guilty | Not set |
Guardsman | Army | Colchester | 12-Oct-15 | 1 x ABH | Guilty | 2 months detention, suspended for 1 year |
Lance Corporal | Army | Colchester | 12-Oct-15 | 1 x Contravention of standing orders | Guilty | To be dismissed from HM Service |
Private | Army | Colchester | 13-Oct-15 | 1 x ABH | Not Guilty | Not set |
Maj | Army | Colchester | 13-Oct-15 | 1 X Fraud | Guilty | A Suspended Sentence Order of 2 years Imprisonment suspended for 2 years, with a requirement of 175 hours unpaid work within 12 months, and a Serivce Compensation Order to the MOD of Ï21,196.60 to be paid on or before 3 Feb 17. |
Private | Army | Colchester | 13-Oct-15 | 2 x AWOL, 1 x Desertion | Guilty | Dismissed from HM Services. Service Community Order, 100 hours unpaid work to be completed as directed within 12 months, concurrent on each charge |
Staff Sergeant | Army | Bulford | 13-Oct-15 | 5 x Battery Charges 1 and 4 to 7), 7 x Rape (Charges 2,3, and 9-13), 1 x Assault by Penetration. | Guilty to charges 1, 2 and 4, Not Guilty to remainder | Charge 2 - Five years imprisonment, Dismissed from Her Majestys Service, reduced in rank. Charges 1 & 4 - 3 months imprisonment on each charge concurrent and concurrent to charge 2. Placed on Sex Offenders register for life |
Corporal | Army | Bulford | 13-Oct-15 | 13 x making an indecent photograph of a child | Guilty | On all charges - Dismissed from HM Service. Reduced in rank. 3 year Service Community Order - supervision requirement for 3 years. An accredited programme requirement to attend a sex offenders treatment programme as directed; Electronically monitored curfew requirement for 4 months, to be home or within garden from 1800 to 0600 Monday to Friday and 1200 to 2359 Saturday to Sunday. Subject to sexual harm prevention order as drafted for 5 years. Sex offenders register for 5 years |
Lance Corporal | Army | Colchester | 13-Oct-15 | 1x Burglary | Not Guilty | Not set |
Ex-Lance Bombardier | Army | Bulford | 16-Oct-15 | 4 x Buggery, 2 x Indecent Assault on a man | Not Guilty | Not set |
Staff Sergeant | Army | Bulford | 19-Oct-15 | 1 x Theft, 1 x Misapply service property | Not Guilty, Guilty | Fined Ï700 |
Fusilier | Army | Colchester | 19-Oct-15 | 1 x Aggrevated vehicle taking. 1 x Driving while under the influence of drink or drugs | Guilty | 4 months imprisonment suspended for 18 months. 18 months supervision with a Drunk Impaired Drivers Programme; 100 hours unpaid work; Ï400 Service Compensation Order |
Master | Civilian | Catterick | 20 - 26 oct 15 | 6 x Rape, 1 x Sexual Activity with a Child | 6 x Not Guilty 1 x Guilty | Guilty of Sexual activity with a child - Conditional discharge for 12 months |
Marine | Royal Navy | Portsmouth | 20-Oct-15 | 1 x ABH | Guilty | Detention for 60 days; To pay Ï1500 by way of a Service Compensation Order |
Lance Corporal | Army | Catterick | 20-Oct-15 | 1 x Tampering with an official document 1 x Conduct prejudivial to good order and discipline | 1 x Guilty 1 x not Guilty | Charge 1 - To be reduced in Ranks; 30 days detention suspended for 12 months. |
Lance Corporal | Army | Catterick | 20-Oct-15 | 2 x Assault | Discontinued | Not set |
Staff Sergeant | Army | Sennelager | 21-Oct-15 | 2 x Battery | Guilty | Charge 1 - 80 days detention suspended for 6 months; to be reprimanded and to pay a Service Compensation Order of Ï200 by 31.12.15.; Charge 2 - undergo 60 days detention suspended for 6 months; to be reprimanded and to pay a Service Compensation Order of Ï200 by 31.12.15; Both sentences to run concurrent |
Staff Sergeant | Army | Bulford | 22-Oct-15 | 4 x Battery | Not Guilty | Not set |
Able Rate | Royal Navy | Portsmouth | 22-Oct-15 | 1 x ABH | Guilty | 80 Days detention suspended for 1 year. To pay Ï1750 by way of Service Compensation Order |
Chief Petty Officer | Royal Navy | Portsmouth | 22-Oct-15 | 1 x Misconduct through alcohol, 1 x Battery | Guilty | Fined Ï150 on each charge. Payable within 28 days |
Sergeant | Army | Colchester | 22-Oct-15 | 1 x Battery 1x Negligent performance of duty | Discontinued | Not set |
Lieutenant | Army | Colchester | 22-Oct-15 | 1x Negligent performance of duty | Discontinued | Not set |
Gunner | Army | Sennelager | 23-Oct-15 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | 100 days detention suspended for 9 months |
Corporal | Army | Bulford | 26-Oct-15 | 2 x Battery | Guilty | Charge 1 - No Separate Penalty. Charge 2 - Reduced in rank to LCpl and to pay Miss Riley the sum of Ï500 by way of service compensation order |
Private | Army | Catterick | 28-Oct-15 | 1 x AWOL, 1 x Desertion | 2 x Guilty | Charge 1 - No separate penalty. Charge 2- Dismissed from HM Forces, subject to a service community order for 12 months with a requirement that you perform 150 hrs unpaod work within 12 months |
Trooper | Army | Catterick | 28-Oct-15 | 1 X Fighting, 1 x using threatening behaviour, 2 x Criminal damage | Guilty | Charge 1 - 3 months detention. Charge 2 - 6 months detention. Charge 3 - 2 months detention. Charge 4 - 2 months detention. All concurrent and suspended for 12 months |
Trooper | Army | Catterick | 28-Oct-15 | 1 X Fighting | Discontinued | Not set |
Corporal | Army | Bulford | 29-Oct-15 | 1 x Battery | Not Guilty | Not set |
Fusilier | Army | Bulford | 02-Nov-15 | 1 x Desertion | Guilty | Dismissed from HM Service. 6 months detention |
WO1 | Army | Bulford | 02-Nov-15 | 1 x Taking conveyance without authority | Guilty | Fined Ï2000 and to be seriously repremanded . Subject to Service Compensation Order of Ï640.09 to the MOD - both to be paid within 6 months |
Ex-Sapper | Army | Bulford | 02-Nov-15 | 2 x Rape | Not Guilty | Not set |
Able Seaman | Navy | Portsmouth | 02-Nov-15 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | Admonished |
Rifleman | Army | Catterick | 03-Nov-15 | 1x Grievous bodily harm 1x Damaging property | 2 x Guilty | Dismissed from HM Service. 12 Months detention |
Corporal | Army | Bulford | 03-Nov-15 | 1 x Threatening, abusive, insulting or provocative behaviour | Guilty | To be reprimanded |
Rifleman | Army | Sennelager | 03-Nov-15 | 3 x Battery | Guilty | 120 days detention suspended for 12 months concurrent on each charge. A Service compensation order to each of the 3 complainants of Ï250 each to be paid in full by 31 Jan 2016 |
Able Rate | Royal Navy | Portsmouth | 05-Nov-15 | 2 x Threatening Behaviur, 1 x Abusive Behaviour, 1 x Fighting, 1 x Unfit through Alcohol | Discontinued | Not set |
Private | Army | Colchester | 05-Nov-15 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | 1 days detention |
Sapper | Army | Sennelager | 09-Nov-15 | 2 x Contravention of standing orders, 1 x Ill-treatment of a subordinate | Gulity | 6 months detention (Charges 1 and 2). 8 months detention (Charge 3). All Concurrent |
Sapper | Army | Sennelager | 09-Nov-15 | 1 x Contravention of standing orders | Guilty | 100 days Detention |
Senior Aircraftman | Royal Air Force | Catterick | 11-Nov-15 | 1 x Fighting, 1 x Attempted ABH, 1 x Battery | Charge 1 & 3 Guilty, Charge 2 - Not Guilty | Charge 1 - Fine of Ï250. Charge 3 - Fine of Ï500 to be paid at the rate of Ï250 first payment 30th Nov 15. |
Mr | Army | Bulford | 12-Nov-15 | 2 x Indecency with a child (Charges 1 & 2), 1 x Assault with intent to commit Buggery (charge 3), 3 x Indecent Assault on a man (Charges 4 to 6) | Not Guilty (Charges 1 & 3), Guilty to remainder | 3 months imprisonment (Charge 2), 8 months imprisonment concurrent (Charge 4), 4 months imprisonment (Charge 5), 4 months imprisonment (Charge 6) consecutive to charge 4 making a total of 12 months). This sentence to be served concurrently to the Crown Court sentence he is already serving. Sex offenders registration 10 years |
Private | Army | Sennelager | 13-Nov-15 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | 100 Days detention |
Ex Lieutenant Commander | Royal Navy | Portsmouth | 13-Nov-15 | 3 x Conduct Prejudicial (Charges 1,2 & 6), 1 x Attempted Sexual Assault (Charge 3), 2 x Disgraceful conduct (Charges 4 & 5) | Not Guilty to Charge 1, Guilty to all other charges | To be dismissed from HM Service. Service Community Order with (i) a supervision for 2 years (ii) 175 hours unpaid within 2 years, concurrent on all charges. |
Lieutenant | Army | Bulford | 13-Nov-15 | 1 x Rape; 1 x Assault by penetration | Not Guilty | Not set |
Private | Army | Sennelager | 13-Nov-15 | 1 x GBH, 1 x ABH | 2 x Guilty | 14 months detention (Charge 1). 6 months detention (Charge 2) to be served consecutively making total of 20 months detention |
Corporal | Army | Bulford | 13-Nov-15 | 1 x Disobedience to a lawful command | Not guilty | Not set |
Leading Hand | Royal Navy | Portsmouth | 17-Nov-15 | 1 x Sexual Assault | Not Guilty | Not set |
Rifleman | Army | Sennelager | 17-Nov-15 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | 90 Days Service Supervision and Punishment Order |
Lance Corporal | Army | Bulford | 17-Nov-15 | 1 x Aggrevated vehicle taking | Guilty | Reducted to the ranks. Service Compensation Order of Ï400 |
Sergeant | Army | Bulford | 17-Nov-15 | 2 X Battery | Not Guilty | Not set |
Private | Army | Colchester | 18-Nov-15 | 1 x Dessertion | Guilty | Dismissed from HM Service. Service Community Order with a requirement to perform 240 hours of unpaid work |
Staff Sergeant | Army | Bulford | 19-Nov-15 | 2 x Sexual Assault, 1 xContravention of standing orders, 1 x Criminal Damage, 2 x Misconduct through alcohol | Guilty | Charge 1 - 55 days detention and reduced to the rank of Corporal. Charge 2-undergo 55 days detention and reduced to the rank of Corporal. Charge 3- 60 Days detention. All consecutive. Charges 4,5 and 6 - No separate penalty. |
Able Seaman (Communications and Information Systems) | Royal Navy | Portsmouth | 20-Nov-15 | 1 x Attempting GBH with Intent. Alternative 1 x ABH | Not Guilty , Guilty | 8 months detention, suspended for 12 months |
Able Seaman (Communications and Information Systems) | Royal Navy | Portsmouth | 20-Nov-15 | 1 x Attempting GBH with Intent. Alternative 1 x ABH | Not Guilty, Guilty | 8 months detention, suspended for 12 months |
Ex-Lance Corporal | Army | Catterick | 20-Nov-15 | 1 x Indecent Assault | GUILTY | 3 Years imprisonment |
Ex-Private | Army | Colchester | 23-Nov-15 | Charge 1- Battery Charge 2- Threatening behaviour | Charge 1 Not Guilty. Charge 2 Guilty | Absolute discharge |
Signaller | Army | Catterick | 23-Nov-15 | 1 x ABH | Guilty | 8 months detention. To pay compensation of Ï1500 at Ï150 per month on release from MCTC |
Rifleman | Army | Catterick | 23-Nov-15 | 2 x ABH | Guilty | Dismissal from HM Forces, 16 Months Detention (Charge 1) 8 Months Detention (Charge 2), concurrent. Forfeit and Distruction of Knife. |
Able Rate | Royal Navy | Portsmouth | 23-Nov-15 | 2 x Threatening Behaviour | 1 x Not Guilty 1 x Guilty | Fined Ï250 |
Lance Corporal | Army | Colchester | 23-Nov-15 | 1 x Wounding, 1 x ABH | 1 x Not Guilty 1 x Guilty ABH | 90 days detention suspended for 12 months |
Naval Airman (Aircraft Handler) | RN | Portsmouth | 26-Nov-15 | 1 x Fraud; 4 x Theft | Guilty | Dismissal from HM Forces and 28 Days Detention |
Private | Army | Colchester | 26-Nov-15 | 1 x Battery | Discontinued | Not set |
Warrant Officer Class 2 | Royal Navy | Portsmouth | 30-Nov-15 | 1 x ABH | Guilty | 9 months detention and disrated to Petty Officer. |
Lance Corporal | Army | Portsmouth | 30-Nov-15 | 1x Having an offensive weapon 1 x Battery | Discontinued | Not set |
Corporal | Army | Sennelager | 01-Dec-15 | 1 x Battery | Not Guilty | Not set |
Corporal | Royal Air Force | Colchester | 03-Dec-15 | 1 x ABH, 1 x Battery | Discontinued | Not set |
Ex-Fusilier | Army | Catterick | 03-Dec-15 | 3 x Indecent Assault | Guilty | 3 months imprisonment (Charge 1); Imprisonment 2 years 6 months (Charge 2); 1 year Imprisonment (Charge 3); Sentences on charge 2 and 3 are consecutive; charge 1 is concurrent making total of 3 years 6 months imprisonment. |
Trooper | Army | Colchester | 03-Dec-15 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | Dismissal from HM Service and a Service Community Order with 100 hours unpaid work. |
Private | Army | Colchester | 03-Dec-15 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | 90 Days detention, Service Compensation Order of Ï200 in full by 30 Apr 16 |
Lance Corporal | Army | Sennelager | 03-Dec-15 | 2 x AWOL | Guilty | 30 days detention and reduced to the ranks (Charge 1), 6 months dentention and reduced to the ranks (Charge 2) to be served Consecutively |
Gdsm | Army | Colchester | 04-Dec-15 | 1X AWOL | Guilty | Admonition |
Lance Corporal | Army | Colchester | 04-Dec-15 | 2 x AWOL | Guilty | Dismissal from HM Service, and reduced to the ranks |
Colonel | Army | Not set | 04-Dec-15 | 6 x Fraud | Discontinued | Not set |
Corporal | Royal Air Force | Catterick | 07-Dec-15 | 1 x Fraudulent evasion or attempt at evasion of chargeble duty | Guilty | Reduced to the Ranks |
Corporal | RAF | Catterick | 07-Dec-15 | 1 x Misconduct towards a superior, 1 x Using violence and threatening behaviour whilst in custody, 1 x Using violence towards an authorised person who orders him into arrest. | Guilty | Fine Ï100 (Charge 1), Fine Ï600 (Charge 2), Fine Ï300 (Charge 3) |
Private | Army | Colchester | 08-Dec-15 | 1 x ABH | Discontinued | Not set |
Private | Army | Sennelager | 09-Dec-15 | 4 x Battery, 1 x Using threatening behaviour whilst in custody | Guilty | 100 Days detention concurrent on charges 1 to 4, 30 days detention concurrent and to pay compensation Ï200 on charge 5 |
Private | Army | Colchester | 09-Dec-15 | 1 X Wounding with intent | Guilty | Dismissal from HM Service and 98 Years Imprisonment |
Private | Army | Sennelager | 09-Dec-15 | 1 x Attempting GBH, 1 x ABH | Not Guilty | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | Sennelager | 10-Dec-15 | 1 X Battery, 1 x ABH | Guilty | 30 Days Detention (Charge 1), 140 Days Detention concurrent and Compensation order of Ï400 (Charge 2) |
Sergeant | Army | Colchester | 11-Dec-15 | 2 x Battery | Not Guilty (charge 1) Guilty (Charge 2) | Admonition |
Ex Marine | Royal Navy | Portsmouth | 12-Dec-15 | 1 x Fraud by Abuse of Position | Guilty | 12 Months Imprisonment suspended for two years, Dismissed from HM Service, and to pay a Service Compensation Order of Ï11,414.78 |
WO2 | Army | Bulford | 15-Dec-15 | 1 x Negligent performance of duty | Not Guilty | Not set |
Captain | Army | Bulford | 15-Dec-15 | 1 x Negligent performance of duty | Not Guilty | Not set |
Lance Corporal | Army | Bulford | 16-Dec-15 | 1 x Negligent performance of duty | Guilty | To be reduced to the rank of Guardsman |
Private | Army | Catterick | 17-Dec-15 | 1x Theft, | Discontinued | Not set |
Gunner | Army | Colchester | 20-Jan-16 | 4 x AWOL | Guilty | To serve 15 days detention on each of charges 1 - 4 making 60 days detention in total, suspended for a period of 12 months |
Warrant Officer 2 | Army | Colchester | 17-Mar-16 | 5 x Theft | Guilty | Reduced to the rank of Spr and 6 Months Detention concurrent on all 5 charge, To pay a Service Compensation Order of Ï5600 to MOD by 1 Jul 17 in respect of charge 5. |
Private | Army | Colchester | 17-Mar-16 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | 4 Months Detention |
Private | Army | Colchester | 17-Mar-16 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | Dismissal, Service Community Order with 15 days RAR and 150 hrs Unpaid work |
Corporal of Horse | Army | Colchester | 18-Mar-16 | 1 x Theft | Guilty | Reduced to the rank of Lance Corporal |
Trooper | Army | Colchester | 18-Mar-16 | 2 x AWOL | Guilty | Dismissal and 6 Months Detention concurrent on each charge |
Rifleman | Army | Colchester | 18-Mar-16 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | 4 Months Detention to run consecutive to the sentence presently being served. |
WO1 | Army | Bulford | 23-Mar-16 | 4 x Commiting an offence contrary to section 19(1) of the armed forces act 2006, 1 x Commiting an offence contrary to section 18(1) of the armed forces act 2006 | Discontinued | Not set |
Private | Army | Colchester | 05-Apr-16 | 1x Desertion | Guilty | Dismissal from HM Service, 12 Month Service Community Order with 150 hours unpaid work. |
Gunner | Army | Catterick | 05-Apr-16 | 2 x AWOL | Guilty | Charge 1 - 1 Month Detention. Charge 2 - 5 Months Detention, sentences to be served Consecutively (total 6 mths) |
SAC | RAF | Catterick | 13-Apr-16 | 4 x Disgraceful conduct of the indecent kind | Guilty to All | 60 Days Detention, Suspended for 12 months, concurrent on each charge. |
Mrs | N/A | Cyprus | 14-Apr-16 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | Conditional Discharge for 12 months |
Lance Corporal | Army | Catterick | 14-Apr-16 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | Fined Ï500 |
Lance Corporal | Army | Colchester | 19-Apr-16 | 1 x Misapplying service property, 1 x Disobedience of a lawful command | Guilty, Not Guilty | Fined Ï100 |
Lance Corporal | Army | Colchester | 20-Apr-16 | 7 x Battery | Guilty | Charges 1 to 3 - No Separate Penalty, Charges 4 and 5 - 30 days detention on each. Charges 6 & 7 - 60 days detention on each, all to run consecutively (Total 180 days), and to be reduced to the rank of Rifleman. |
Corporal | Army | Sennelager | 21-Apr-16 | 1 x Theft | Guilty | Dismissal from HM Service, Reduced to the Ranks & 51 Days Detention. |
Signaller | Army | Catterick | 27-Apr-16 | 1 x Contravention of lawful standing order | Guilty | Fined Ï200 |
Fusilier | Army | Bulford | 27-Apr-16 | 1 x Desertion | Guilty | Dismissal from HM Service, 12 Month Service Community Order with 240 hours unpaid work. |
Private | Army | Catterick | 27-Apr-16 | 1 x Fighting | Not Guilty | Not set |
Guardsman | Army | Bulford | 28-Apr-16 | 1 x GBH | Guilty | Dismissal from HM Service and 90 days detention. |
Fusilier | Army | Bulford | 28-Apr-16 | 2 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline. | Guilty | Charge 1 - 90 day Service Supervision and Punishment Order. Charge 2 - No separate penalty. |
Fusilier | Army | Not set | 28-Apr-16 | 1 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline. | Guilty | 90 day Service Supervision and Punishment Order. |
Fusilier | Army | Not set | 28-Apr-16 | 2 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline. | Guilty | Charge 1 - Fine Ï800, Charge 2 - No Separate Penalty. |
Fusilier | Army | Not set | 28-Apr-16 | 1 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline. | Guilty | 90 day Service Supervision and Punishment Order. |
Chief Petty Officer | Royal Navy | Portsmouth | 29-Apr-16 | 1 x Leaving a duty | Guilty | Fined Ï768.52 |
Corporal | Army | Catterick | 04-May-16 | 1 x ABH | Guilty | Reduced to the rank of LCpl, 90 Days Detention suspended for 12 months. |
Sergeant | Army | Bulford | 04-May-16 | 1 x Disobedience of lawful command | Discontinued | Not set |
Signaller | Army | Catterick | 04-May-16 | 1 x Battery, 1 x Using threatening, abusive, insulting or provocative behavior | Guilty | Charge 2 - 9 Months Detention. Charge 1 - 1 Month detention concurrent. |
Private | Army | Catterick | 05-May-16 | 1 x AWOL | Guilty | 6 Month Detention |
Signaller | Army | Catterick | 05-May-16 | 1 x GBH with Intent, 1 x GBH | Not Guilty, Guilty | 8 Months Detention |
Corporal | Army | Catterick | 05-May-16 | 1 x Racially aggrevated assault | Guilty | Reduced to the ranks and 90 days detention |
Private | Army | Catterick | 05-May-16 | 1 x Aggrevated vehicle taking | Guilty | 4 Months Detention and Service Compensation Order to MOD in the sum of Ï1500. |
Master | N/A | Sennelager | 06-May-16 | 1 x battery | Guilty | A conditional discharge for 2 years. Service Compensation order of Euro 400 (for personal injury) and Euro 50 (For damage to specticles) totalling Euro 450 to be paid within 1 year. |
Master | N/A | Sennelager | 06-May-16 | 1 x Commom assault | Guilty | Overseas Community Order for 1 year with 80 hours of unpaid work, and a Service Compensation order of Euros 500 |
Ex Sapper | Army | Not set | 09-May-16 | 1 x Using Violence against a Superior Officer, Unfitness through alcohol. | Guilty | Charge 1 - Fine Ï300, Charge 2 - No separate penalty. |
Signaller | Army | Colchester | 12-May-16 | 2 x AWOL | Guilty | Dismissal from HM Forces, Service Community Order for 2 years, with 2 years supervision and 200 hours unpaid work (Chatge 1), Service Community Order for 2 years with 200 hours unpaid work concurrent (Charge 2). |
Fusilier | Army | Bulford | 12-May-16 | 1 x Desertion | Discontinued | Not set |
Highlander | Army | catterick | 16-May-16 | 3 x AWOL | Guilty | Dismissal from HM Forces and 90 days detention |
Corporal | Army | Bulford | 17-May-16 | 1X Possession of a controlled drug | Discontinued | Not set |
Gunner | Army | Sennelager | 18-May-16 | 1 X Battery | Discontinued | Not set |
Gunner | Army | Sennelager | 18-May-16 | 1 X Battery | Discontinued | Not set |
Marine | Royal Navy | Portsmouth | 18-May-16 | 1 x GBH | Not Guilty | Not set |
Corporal | Army | BFG | 19-May-16 | 1 x ABH | Not Guilty to ABH but found Guilty of Battery | 3 Months Detention Suspended for 12 Months |
Able Rate | Royal Navy | Portsmouth | 20-May-16 | 1 x Unfitness through alcohol | Guilty | Fined Ï633.50 |
CH Tech | RAF | Colchester | 23-May-16 | 1 x Fraud | Discontinued | Not set |
Ex-Lance Corporal | RAF | Colchester | 23-May-16 | 4 x Offering to supply a controlled drug | Guilty | 10 Months Detention and Dismissed from HM Forces on each charge concurrent. |
Fusilier | Army | Catterick | 25-May-16 | 1x Desertion | Guilty | Service Community Order for 1 year with 300 hours unpaid work requirement and Dismissal from HM Forces |
SAC | RAF | Colchester | 26-May-16 | 1 x Supplying a controlled drug (Charge 1), 1 x Being cocerned in the supply of a controlled drug (Charge 2), 2 x Offer to supply a controlled drug (Charges 3 & 4) , 1 x Cultivation of cannabis plants (Charge 5) | Guilty | 12 Months Detention (Charge 1), No Separate Penalty (Charges 2, 3 & 4), 6 Months Detention (Charge 5). All sentences to be served consecutively and to be Dismissed from HM Forces. |
Corporal | Army | Bulford | 27-May-16 | 7 x Theft | Guilty | Dismissed from HM Service, reduced to the Ranks, 6 Months Detention and Service Compensation Order of Ï539 |
Sapper | Army | Colchester | 01-Jun-16 | 2 x AWOL | Guilty | Dismissal from HM Service |
Guardsman | Army | Bulford | 02-Jun-16 | 4 x AWOL (Charges 1, 2, 3 & 5) , 1 x Desertion (charge 4) | Guilty (Charges 1, 2, 3, & 5) Not Guilty (Charge 4) | 120 days detention, concurrent on each charge. |
Craftsman | Army | Bulford | 02-Jun-16 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | Fine Ï50, Service Compensation Order of Ï100 to pay Robert Lee Burrill |
Lance Corporal | Army | Bulford | 02-Jun-16 | 2 x Battery | Guilty | Fine Ï100 (Charge 1), Fine Ï1000 (Charge 2) |
Lance Corporal | Army | Sennelager | 08-Jun-16 | 1 x Fighting | Guilty | Reduced to the Ranks |
Lance Corporal | Army | Sennelager | 08-Jun-16 | 1 x Fighting | Guilty | Reduced to the Ranks |
Rifleman | Army | Colchester | 16-Jun-16 | 1 x Desertion | Guilty | Dismissal from HM Service, and a Service Community Order with 200 hours unpaid work |
Petty Officer | Royal Navy | Portsmouth | 17-Jun-16 | 1 x Contravention of Standing Orders | Guilty | Fine Ï1000 |
Mr | Civilian | Catterick | 17-Jun-16 | 1 x Criminal Damage, 1 x Behaving in a threatening manner towards someone who had a duty to apprehend him | Guilty | Conditional Discharge for 12 months and Compensation Order of 100 Euros (Charge 1), 3 Months Imprisonment Suspended for 2 Years (Charge 2) |
SAC | RAF | Colchester | 22-Jun-16 | 1 x Ofering to supply a controlled drug, 1 x Being concerned with the making of an offer to supply a controlled drug | Not Guilty | Not set |
Ex-Gunner | Army | Catterick | 22-Jun-16 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | Service Community Order for 2 years, with 40 days Rehabilitation Activity Requirement and Service Compensation Order of Ï100 |
Ex Gunner | Army | Catterick | 22-Jun-16 | 3 x Arson | Guilty | Service Community Order for 2 years with 40 days of Rehabilitation Activity Requirement. |
Sergeant | Army | Bulford | 22-Jun-16 | 1 x Battery | Guilty | Admonition |
Group Captain | RAF | Bulford | 24-Jun-16 | 6 x Negligently performing a duty | Guilty | On each charge concurrently: - to be serverely repremanded, - to be subject to a Service Compensation Order in favour of the Ministery of Defence in to the sum of Ï106,343.79, to be paid within twelve months |
Private | Army | Bulford | 27-Jun-16 | 1 x Burglary (Charge 1), 1 x Criminal Damage | Guilty | Dismissal from Her Majesty's Service and 6 months detention. No Separate penalty on charge 2. |