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FCO Government Major Project Portfolio data, September 2014
Updated 25 June 2015
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Project name | ABUJA: New Office and Residence | ICT Re-procurement | Overseas Healthcare Provision | UKERP |
Department | FCO | FCO | FCO | FCO |
MPA RAG rating (A Delivery Confidence Assessment of the project at a fixed point in time, using a five-point scale, Red – Amber/Red – Amber – Amber/Green – Green; definitions in the MPA Annual Report) | Amber/Green | Amber/Red | Amber/Green | Amber/Green |
Description / Aims (From GMPP data) | To provide fit for purpose and secure offices for the British High Commission (BHC) and DfID in Abuja, Nigeria. The existing Chancery and unclassified offices are located in split locations, both of which are rented and were opened in 1991 as a 'temporary' solution. Since then Abuja has firmly become established as the administrative capital of Nigeria and it has been the FCO's intention for some time to have offices that are fit for purpose for the next thirty years, that comply with current FCO security standards and provide an effective platform for a wide cross-section of UK government departments. Nigeria is one of the FCO's significant priority countries in Africa and presents a unique mix of threats and opportunities for UK interests. The analysis of the business case options clearly shows that the way to achieve our medium and long term aims in Nigeria is by building new premises on the UK-designated plot leased in 1991 from the Nigerians. Following the bombing of the UN building in Abuja on 26 August 2011, the FCO Overseas Security Adviser recommended evacuating Dangote House (u/c offices). Estates and Security Directorate have completed an emergency project to relocate the UKBA and Corporate Services office staff to offices created by converting existing gym and club facilities and three staff houses at one of the staff residential compounds. It remains the case that the increasing clear and present danger to our staff working in the region is bringing intense pressure for the new BHC office scheme to be moved forward along an accelerated timescale. | To maintain continuity of the following business critical ICT services as the existing contract expires by procuring new contract(s): - Firecrest: FCO's Microsoft based global desktop infrastructure (DI) and management contract with Hewlett Packard (H-P). Expired in Feb 2012 . - Service & Management Integration (SMI) supplier to manage the FCO's ICT contracts on the FCO's behalf. The Programme was established to prepare for and carry out the necessary procurement activity, put in place and transition to the DI and SMI contracts, maintain service continuity, enhance the systems and services and deliver significant cost savings in doing so. | The aim of the project is to ensure the continuation of healthcare to NHS standards from 1 April 2015 for HMG staff posted overseas and their dependants and for staff based in the UK who travel overseas on official business. Following an EU open procurement exercise, a new contract has been awarded to Healix International. Five additional Government departments have joined the scheme so the numbers of staff and dependants covered by the contract have increased from 14,000 to 23,000 . The contract will provide medical clearance, case management, access to medical care and medical advice. The FCO and other participating Departments pay actual medical costs as they are incurred. | The FCO wants to maximise the efficiency of its London estate by consolidating its core activities into the Main Building on King Charles Street (KCS). This will support the wider Cabinet Office strategy of consolidating the HMG Estate in Central London. It will free up the Old Admiralty Building (OAB) freehold for other Government Department use. There are significant savings for the FCO on operating costs and for the wider Government on lease rentals. This UK Estates Reform (UKER) project is a catalyst to provide a more modern working environment for FCO staff, to help deliver Diplomatic Excellence, to embed flexible working, and to drive efficiency across the FCO. The FCO must also introduce a new High Classification IT system by 2014, which will involve making a significant part of the KCS building secure releasing OAB for another HMG department. |
Departmental commentary on actions planned or taken on the MPA RAG rating. | The project continues to be run under the FCO approved IAAP process with regular governance meetings, risk and status reviews. | Although some progress has been made against the Gate 4 Action Plan, the suppliers' transition plans have been revised and are currently showing completion in late April 2015 (SMI) and July 2015 (DI). In addition, the FCO is currently seeking approval to embark on a major Technology Overhaul (TO) of its ICT infrastructure. The full impact of TO on the DI and SMI contracts is still to be confirmed pending completion of the TO business cases and associated approvals. | Following the review, the Full Business Case was developed further as recommended and subsequently received approval from HM Treasury and Cabinet Office. Further work has since been done on Benefits and Key Performance Indicators. Government departments are continuing to work well together on implementation including sharing of best practice. | The project continues to be run under the FCO approved IAAP process with regular governance meetings, risk and status reviews. |
Project - Start Date (Latest approved start date) | 01/01/2011 | 01/01/2011 | 26/09/2013 | 01/06/2011 |
Project - End Date (Latest approved end date) | 01/12/2017 | 30/11/2013 | 01/04/2016 | 01/08/2016 |
Departmental narrative on schedule, including any deviation from planned schedule (if necessary) | The project is currently on schedule. | The project end date reported above is a forecast based on suppliers' latest transition plans and project closure activities. The SMI is currently on schedule to complete its transition by end-April 2015. For the DI this is currently scheduled to be completed by end-July but its plan is in the process of being re-baselined as at the publication date for this return. | The project went live on 1st April as planned. | The project is currently on schedule. |
2014/2015 Budget (£million) | £19.89m | £53.40m | £0.09m | £22.04m |
2014/2015 Forecast (£million) | £19.89m | £49.80m | £0.09m | £22.04m |
2014/2015 Variance (£million) | £0.00m | -£3.60m | £0.00m | £0.00m |
2014/2015 Variance %age | 0% | -7% | 0% | 0% |
Total budgeted whole life costs (£million) (including non-government costs) | £46.00m | £242.10m | £55.99m | £64.95m |
Departmental narrative on budget/forecast variance for 2014/15 (if variance is more than 5%) | Budget variance less than 5% | The above forecast underspend against the full business case budget provision is due to a combination of operational savings achieved from the new DI/SMI contracts and changes in the profile of investment in ICT infrastructure. However, these figures are in the process of being updated in light of the latest spend forecasts and significant changes to due to Technology Overhaul. | Budget variance less than 5% | Budget variance less than 5% |
Departmental narrative on budgeted whole life costs | Budgeted costs remain as approved by MPA/HMT at outline business case stage | The whole life costs include transition costs, operational costs and investment in the ICT infrastructure. A number of changes have yet to be incorporated in the figures above e.g. an increase in capitalised transition charges; accelerated stand-up of certain operational services and increased scope; and drawdown of additional project services. As noted above, these figures do not adjust for the impact of the wider Technology Overhaul project portfolio on the DI/SMI contracts currently going through the approvals process. | The whole life costs are made up of two parts: i) the management fee payable to Healix over the five year period. This is fixed for the first three years and limited to CPI increase for the optional final two years; ii) estimated costs for medical treatment and associated travel over five years. Medical costs will vary from year to year according to clinical need so cannot be precisely estimated but we have based this estimate on average costs incurred per person over the first four years of the previous contract. | Budgeted costs remain as approved by MPA/HMT at outline business case stage |