Transparency data

UKAEA senior staff March 2015

Updated 3 July 2015
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Post Unique Reference Name Grade (or equivalent) Job Title Job/Team Function Parent Department Organisation Unit Contact Phone Contact E-mail Reports to Senior Post Salary Cost of Reports (£) FTE Actual Pay Floor (£) Actual Pay Ceiling (£) Professional/Occupational Group Notes Valid?
14000000 Professor Steven Cowley SCS4 Chief Executive Officer Chief Executive and Accounting Officer, and member of the Authority Board. Reports to the Secretary of State. Director of the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy (CCFE), responsible for the UK fusion programme. Department for Business Innovation and Skills UK Atomic Energy Authority Directorate 01253 466375 XX 2624776 1.00 205000 209999 1
14000800 Dr. William Morris SCS2 Chief Scientist Chief Scientist. Responsible for providing scientific advice to the Executive, initiating new research areas, assessing the programme and enhancing CCFE’s scientific impact. Department for Business Innovation and Skills UK Atomic Energy Authority CEO Support 01253 466635 14000000 0 1.00 90000 94999 1
21000065 Catherine Pridham SCS3 Chief Financial Officer and Director, Support Division Chief Financial Officer and Authority Secretary. Executive Director of Support Division. Responsible for liaison with Government and Governance of the Authority. Manages the Finance and Commercial, Property and Legal Departments. Department for Business Innovation and Skills UK Atomic Energy Authority Support Division 01235 466627 14000000 2439808 1.00 110000 114999 1
17000005 David Martin SCS3 Operations Director and Head of Operations and Programme Delivery Division Executive Director of Operations. Manages Central Engineering, Engineering Implementation, Experiments, Theory and Modelling, Active Operations, IT, Power Supplies and Radio Frequency and Tokamak, Neutral Beam Operations and HR Departments. Department for Business Innovation and Skills UK Atomic Energy Authority Operations and Programme Delivery Division 01235 465028 14000000 25089681 1.00 110000 114999 1
21000097 N/D SCS1 Legal Advisor Legal Adviser. Provides legal advice to ensure that the Authority’s activities and performance is compliant with the current legislation. Department for Business Innovation and Skills UK Atomic Energy Authority Support Division 01235 528822 21000065 0 0.60 60000 64999 1
17000009 N/D SCS1 Head of Tokamak Science Manages the Tokamak Science Programme. Department for Business Innovation and Skills UK Atomic Energy Authority CEO Support 01235 528822 14000000 N/D 1.00 70000 74999 1
17000006 Martin Cox SCS3 Director of Strategy and Technology Division Executive Director of Strategy and Technology Division. Responsible for the management of the MAST Upgrade project. Department for Business Innovation and Skills UK Atomic Energy Authority Directorate 01235 465028 14000000 0 1.00 110000 114999 1
14000083 N/D SCS1 Power and Active Operations Department Manager Head of Power and Active Operations Department. Provides leadership and management of the department responsible for all aspects of power supply and active operations. Department for Business Innovation and Skills UK Atomic Energy Authority Power and Active Operations Department 01235 528822 17000005 5412271 1.00 70000 74999 1
17000003 N/D SCS1 Fusion Programme Manager Manages the UK Fusion Programme, interfacing with funding bodies and other stakeholders. Department for Business Innovation and Skills UK Atomic Energy Authority CEO Support 01235 528822 14000000 N/D 1.00 80000 84999 1
17000007 Dr. Tim Jones SCS2 JOC Senior Manager Manages the JET Operations Contract. Department for Business Innovation and Skills UK Atomic Energy Authority CEO Support 01235 465028 14000000 N/D 1.00 90000 94999 1
17000010 Dr. Rob Buckingham SCS2 Director of RACE Director of the Remote Applications in Challenging Environments (RACE) and Business Development. Department for Business Innovation and Skills UK Atomic Energy Authority RACE 01235 466794 14000000 926864 1.00 115000 119999 1