Transparency data

FCO exemption spend data - ICT October to December 2015

Updated 17 March 2016
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Tool Ref Department Organisation Name Project name Basis for expenditure approval Total Value requested (£) Total Value Approved (£) Date of approval Lead Control
HMG2014a FCO Not set Technology Overhaul - Interim A mostly (70%) laptop based estate to replace end of life devices; Smartphones to address the out of support and end of life devices; Replacing outdated accelerators; a move for OFFICIAL material to the Cloud. £7,250,000.00 £7,250,000.00 26/10/2015 IT
HMG1862a FCO Not set FCO Technology Overhaul: Wi-Fi Delivering a Wi-Fi service in the UK and overseas will underpin a step change in the operational ability of both the FCO's staff and the staff of other departments that depend on the one HMG overseas platform. An overseas network that can provide reliable and flexible access to services for HMG staff overseas is a core requirement of the FCO and other departments. £10,920,000.00 £10,920,000.00 27/10/2015 IT