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Foreign Office senior staff: quarterly returns - travel
Updated 20 March 2015
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DATE | DESTINATION | PURPOSE | TRAVEL - Air | TRAVEL - Rail | TRAVEL - Taxi/Car | Accommodation/Meals | OTHER (Including Hospitality Given) | TOTAL COST (£) | |||
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Simon Fraser | PUS | 03-05 April 2014 | Brussels | Meetings with counterparts and all staff meeting at Embassies | Not set | £164.00 | Not set | N/A | Not set | £164.00 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Simon Fraser | PUS | 10-Apr-14 | Portsmouth | DG's Seminar | Not set | £66.50 | Not set | N/A | Not set | £66.50 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Simon Fraser | PUS | 27-30 April 2014 | Mogadishu | Meetings with counterparts and embassy staff meeting | £2,699.85 | Not set | Not set | N/A | Not set | £2,699.85 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Simon Fraser | PUS | 16-May-14 | Ashridge | Perm Secs away day | Not set | £21.00 | Not set | N/A | Not set | £21.00 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Simon Fraser | PUS | 25-26 May 2014 | Rome | Attendance at EU State Secretaries and Secretaries General meeting and all staff meeting | £229.59 | Not set | Not set | N/A | Not set | £229.59 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Simon Fraser | PUS | 24-Jun-14 | Aberdeen | Meeting with Businesses | Not set | £288.22 | Not set | N/A | Not set | £288.22 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Simon Gass | Director General Political | 1 - 2 April | Islamabad | High-level Government talks with the NSA | £2,895.44 | £31.70 | £58.00 | N/A | Not set | £2,985.14 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Simon Gass | Director General Political | 7 - 9 April | Vienna | E3+3 talks on Iran | £637.81 | £19.90 | £66.64 | £390.86 | Not set | £1,115.21 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Simon Gass | Director General Political | 14/04/2014 | Luxembourg | Foreign Affairs Council with the FS | 369.79 (Travelled on the FS' plane back) | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | £369.79 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Simon Gass | Director General Political | 28/04/2014 | Tehran | High-level Government talks | £1,802.34 | Not set | £68.00 | N/A | Not set | £1,870.34 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Simon Gass | Director General Political | 29 - 30 April | Brussels | E3+3 talks on Iran | £207 | £5.70 | £95.92 | £206.56 | Not set | £515.18 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Simon Gass | Director General Political | 8 - 9 May | Paris | Daimler Forum | £273.89 | Not set | £55.45 | £18.73 | Not set | £348.07 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Simon Gass | Director General Political | 13 - 16 May | Vienna | E3+3 talks on Iran | £828.45 | £21.00 | £98.05 | £477.39 | Not set | £1,424.89 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Simon Gass | Director General Political | 19/05/2014 | London | Meeting with Dr Henry Kissinger | Not set | Not set | £10.00 | Not set | Not set | £10.00 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Simon Gass | Director General Political | 23/05/2014 | Rome | EU Big Six Political Directors Meeting | £474 | Not set | £105.11 | Not set | Not set | £579.11 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Simon Gass | Director General Political | 05/06/2014 | Brussels | G7 Summit with the PM | Travelled on PM's plane to Brussels | £204.00 | £12.22 | £31.78 (Accommodation covered by PM's office) | Not set | £248.00 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Simon Gass | Director General Political | 16 - 20 June | Vienna | E3+3 talks on Iran | £448.20 | Not set | £90.58 | £669.95 | Not set | £1,302.78 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Simon Gass | Director General Political | 24/06/2014 | Tel Aviv | High-level Government talks | 1376.95 | £21.00 | £58.00 | £109.00 | Not set | £1,564.95 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Simon Gass | Director General Political | 25 - 26 June | Brussels | E3+3 talks on Iran | Not set | £390.00 | £42.00 | £134.06 | Not set | £566.06 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Simon Gass | Director General Political | 30/06/2014 | Rome | Political Directors Informal Meeting | £460.90 | Not set | £100.45 | Not set | Not set | £561.35 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Sir David King | Special Representative for Climate Change | 9-14 April | London-Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)- to Rhode Island (US) | Climate Diplomacy and high level engagement with Emerging Power towards COP20 and Paris 2015 | £6,474.45 | Not set | £115.50 | Not set | Not set | £6,589.95 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Sir David King | Special Representative for Climate Change | 9-14 April | Rio de Janeiro-Brasilia-Sao Paulo | Climate Diplomacy and high level engagement with Emerging Power towards COP20 and Paris 2015 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | £0.00 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Sir David King | Special Representative for Climate Change | 15-17 April | Rhode Island (US) -London | Climate Diplomacy and high level engagement with targeted key countries on negotiations towards COP20 and Paris 2015 | £1,884.00 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | £1,884.00 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Sir David King | Special Representative for Climate Change | 28/04/2014 | London-Paris | Climate Diplomacy and high level engagement with targeted key influencers on negotiations towards COP20 and Paris 2015 | Not set | £179.00 | Not set | Not set | Not set | £179.00 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Sir David King | Special Representative for Climate Change | 12-16 May | London-Tokyo-Seoul-London | Climate Diplomacy and high level engagement with targeted key countries on negotiations towards COP20 and Paris 2015 | £4,602.00 | Not set | £115.50 | Not set | Not set | £4,717.50 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Sir David King | Special Representative for Climate Change | 4-6 June | London-NY-London | Climate Diplomacy and high level engagement with targeted key influencers on negotiations towards COP20 and Paris 2015 -(UN) | £3,089.45 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | £3,089.45 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Sir David King | Special Representative for Climate Change | 14/06/2014 | Toronto-Washington | Climate Diplomacy and high level engagement with targeted key influencers on negotiations towards COP20 and Paris 2015 -(UN) | 271 | Not set | Not set | £96.67 | Not set | £367.67 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Sir David King | Special Representative for Climate Change | 14-16 June | Washington | Climate Diplomacy and high level engagement with targeted key influencers on negotiations towards COP20 and Paris 2015 -(UN) | 0 | Not set | Not set | £384.48 | Not set | £384.48 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Barbara Woodward | Not set | Director General Europe and Consular | London | To attend banquet at Mansion House | Not set | Not set | £14.00 | Not set | Not set | £14.00 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Barbara Woodward | Not set | Director General Europe and Consular | London | BIS-UKTI meeting to Mansion House to attend Li Keqiang Speech | Not set | £2.00 (tube) | £11.00 | Not set | Not set | £13.00 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Julian King | DG Economic and Consular | 26-29 Jun 2014 | Brussels | Attended European Council | N/A | £160.00 | € 12.00 | Accommodation N/A; meals at a total cost of €71.00 | Not set | £225.63 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Iain MacLeod | Legal Adviser | 6-10 Apr | Washington DC | International Law Association Conference | £2,321.05 | Not set | £224.92 | £947.69 | Not set | £3,493.66 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Iain MacLeod | Legal Adviser | 15-16 Apr | The Hague | Events for International Criminal Court and International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia | £98.58 | £26.93 | £35.00 | £137.02 | Not set | £297.53 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Iain MacLeod | Legal Adviser | 28-30 Apr | Paris | Meeting of P5 MFA legal advisers | Not set | £221.61 | £43.82 | £312.49 | Not set | £577.92 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Iain MacLeod | Legal Adviser | 07/05/2014 | The Hague | Meeting with Chief Prosecutor, International Criminal Court | £216.12 | £34.00 | Not set | Not set | Not set | £250.12 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Iain MacLeod | Legal Adviser | 12-13 May | Berlin | Meeting with German MFA legal adviser | £231.57 | £34.00 | Not set | £224.83 | Not set | £490.40 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Iain MacLeod | Legal Adviser | 14-15 May | Kyiv | Meeting with Ukrainian officials and Swedish MFA legal advisers | £295.42 | £21.00 | £45.00 | £121.90 | Not set | £483.32 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Iain MacLeod | Legal Adviser | 25-27 May | Copenhagen | West Point X' meeting with legal allies | £313.66 | Not set | £40.57 | £250.12 | Not set | £604.35 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Iain MacLeod | Legal Adviser | 2-3 Jun | Brussels | COJUR (Public International Law Working Party) | Not set | £145.53 | Not set | £175.69 | £83.41 | £404.63 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Iain MacLeod | Legal Adviser | 11/06/2014 | The Hague | Meetings with International Court of Justice | £166.72 | £73.54 | £12.22 | Not set | Not set | £252.48 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Matthew Rycroft | Chief Operating Officer | 1.4.14 | Milton Keynes | Visit to Hanslope Park for meetings with staff | Not set | £18.04 | £22.08 | Not set | Not set | £40.12 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Robin Grimes | Chief Scientific Adviser | 01/04/2014 | Derby | Meeting at Rolls Royce | Not set | £100.00 | Not set | Not set | Not set | £100.00 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Robin Grimes | Chief Scientific Adviser | 25/04/2014 | Addenbrookes, Cambridge | Treasury Invited guest at Keynote Speech by Chancellor of the Exchequer at Addenbrookes, Cambridge | Not set | £34.10 | £16.60 | Not set | Not set | £50.70 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Robin Grimes | Chief Scientific Adviser | 01/05/2014 | USA (Washington) | Official Visit to Washington and Virginia | Flights funded by Imperial College | £21.00 | £56.82 | Not set | Not set | £77.82 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Robin Grimes | Chief Scientific Adviser | 08/05/2014 | Harwell, Oxford | Official visit to Harwell Science Park | Not set | £26.70 | Not set | Not set | Not set | £26.70 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Robin Grimes | Chief Scientific Adviser | 02/06/2014 | Southampton | Official Visit to Southampton University | Not set | £39.20 | Not set | Not set | Not set | £39.20 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Robin Grimes | Chief Scientific Adviser | 03/06/2014 | Portsmouth | Attend Meeting | Not set | £35.40 | Not set | Not set | Not set | £35.40 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Robin Grimes | Chief Scientific Adviser | 05/06/2014 | Oxford | Attend Meeting | Not set | £24.20 | Not set | Not set | Not set | £24.20 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Robin Grimes | Chief Scientific Adviser | 13/06/2014 | Scotland (Wick) | Official Visit to Scotland (Wick) | £503.72 | Not set | Not set | £50.00 | Not set | £553.72 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Robin Grimes | Chief Scientific Adviser | 18/06/2014 | Not set | Official Lunch | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | £105.92 | £105.92 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Robert Hannigan/Sarah MacIntosh | Director General Defence and Intelligence | 29/05/2014 - 02/06/2014 | Singapore | Shangri La Dialogue Security Summit | £3,098.85 | £38.40 | Not set | £684.31 | Not set | £3,821.56 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Robert Hannigan/Sarah MacIntosh | Director General Defence and Intelligence | 05/06/2014-06/06/2014 | Cheltenham | Meetings at GCHQ | Not set | £73.40 | £6.00 | £99.95 | Not set | £179.35 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Robert Hannigan/Sarah MacIntosh | Director General Defence and Intelligence | 12/06/2014-13/06/2014 | Portsmouth | Seminar | Not set | £2.20 | £6.20 | £15.00 | £3.10 (Ferry) | £26.50 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Robert Hannigan/Sarah MacIntosh | Director General Defence and Intelligence | 13/06/2014-15/06/2014 | Talloires | Security Conference | £126.25 | Not set | Not set | Not set | £708.00 (conference fee, accommodation and car transport from Gevena to Taloires) | £834.25 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Rudy Markham | Non Executive | Not set | Not set | NIL RETURN | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Menna Rawlings | Director Human Resources | 7-9 May 2014 | Barcelona and Madrid | Visit staff in Embassy | £133.49 | 11.4 + 61.00 | £50.00 | £38.57 + £125 | Not set | £419.46 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Menna Rawlings | Director Human Resources | 18-19 June 2014 | Paris | Visit staff in Embassy | Not set | £139.00 | £52.50 | Not set | Not set | £191.50 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Menna Rawlings | Director Human Resources | 22/05/2014 | Dorking | High Potential Residential Course | Not set | Not set | £20.00 | Not set | Not set | £20.00 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Menna Rawlings | Director Human Resources | 23/05/2014 | Dorking | High Potential Residential Course | Not set | Not set | £20.00 | Not set | Not set | £20.00 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Menna Rawlings | Director Human Resources | 12/06/2014 | Sunningdale | Sunningdale Civil Service HR Event | Not set | £11.00 | Not set | Not set | Not set | £11.00 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Menna Rawlings | Director Human Resources | 13/06/2014 | Sunningdale | Sunningdale Civil Service HR Event | Not set | £11.10 | Not set | Not set | Not set | £11.10 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Menna Rawlings | Director Human Resources | 24/06/2014 | Windsor | High Potential Residential Course | Not set | £9.80 | £9.00 | Not set | Not set | £18.80 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Iain Walker | Director Finance | 01/04/2014 | London | Building Public Trust debate | Not set | Not set | £13 | Not set | Not set | £13.00 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Iain Walker | Director Finance | 5 - 9 May | Islamabad & Dubai | Visit to HC & Embassy for internal & external meetings | £2,338.08 | Not set | £91 | N/A | Not set | £2,429.08 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Iain Walker | Director Finance | 12/06/2014 | London | Speaker and Judge at PSVI event | Not set | Not set | £28 | Not set | Not set | £28.00 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Iain Walker | Director Finance | 24-25 June | Windsor | High Potential Development Scheme residential course | Not set | £16.80 | £22 | Not set | Not set | £38.80 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Julia Bond | Non Executive | 16/05/2014 | Hanslope Park | Familiarisation visit to KTD at Hanslope Park | Not set | £46.08 | £13.08 | Not set | Not set | £59.16 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Richard Lambert | Non Executive | Not set | Not set | NIL RETURN | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Heather Rabbatts | Non Executive | Not set | Not set | NIL RETURN | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |