FOI release

Hospitality received by FCO’s director Middle East

Updated 3 September 2015
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18/09/2013 V&A Museum/National Museum Authority of Qatar invitation to breakfast discussion for “Pearls” Exhibition
23/09/2013 Reception for National Day of Saudi Arabia
15/10/2013 Concert and dinner given by Lord Mayor of London
22/10/2013 Lunch with GCC Ambassadors
22/10/2013 Dinner with Chair, Arab British Chamber of Commerce
24/10/2013 Dinner hosted by The Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress
29/10/2013 Breakfast with Lord Powell about Middle East Scholarships Fund
31/10/2013 BP Business Reception 2013
11/11/2013 Annual Dinner of the Bahrain Society hosted by the Bahrain Ambassador
14/11/2013 Genel Energy Annual Reception
18/11/2013 Reception for Oman's National Day
27/11/2013 Reception hosted by Ambassador of Morocco
29/11/2013 Reception and Dinner hosted by Royal Court Sultanate of Oman
21/01/2014 Lunch with Sotheby's Board to discuss business development in the Middle East
30/01/2014 MENA dinner discussion hosted by Norwegian Ambassador
03/02/2014 Lunch meeting hosted by the Netherlands Embassy with other EU Embassies – Edward speaker
04/02/2014 UK-Saudi Joint Business Council
05/02/2014 Lunch with Jordanian Ambassador
25/02/2014 Reception for the National Day of Kuwait
03/03/2014 Lunch with Omani Deputy Foreign Minister
03/03/2014 Reception in honour of Egyptian Minister of Trade & Investment hosted by Egyptian Ambassador
04/03/2014 Breakfast with Nicholas Soames MP to discuss foreign policy options for the Middle East
05/03/2014 All Party Political Group breakfast meeting
25/03/2014 Dinner hosted by the Ambassador of Bahrain
26/03/2014 Dinner - Global Islamic Finance Investment Group Meeting
31/03/2014 Lunch with Arab Ambassadors
12/05/2014 MEA Re-Launch Reception
06/06/2014 Lunch to mark opening of South Hook LNG Terminal (Qatar Ambassador)
03/07/2014 Reception to celebrate the US Anniversary of Independence
07/07/2014 BP High Level Dinner discussion on global energy challenges
11/07/2014 Iraq-Britain Business Council at Retreat
30/07/2014 Reception for Anniversary of Enthronement of King Mohammed VI Morocco
16/09/2014 Lecture and dinner at Chatham House with Thomas Friedman
19/09/2014 British Iranian Chamber of Commerce - Speaker at AGM lunch
23/09/2014 Saudi Arabia National Day Reception
30/09/2014 Working Lunch with the Ambassador of Qatar
02/10/2014 Dinner – as speaker: D Group
09/10/2014 BP Business Reception 2014
16/10/2014 Dinner in honour of the French Institute
27/10/2014 Iran Discussion Dinner hosted by Professor Gordon Barrass LSE
30/10/2014 British-Kuwait Friendship Society - presentation of the Book Prize for Middle Eastern Studies
31/10/2014 Briefing and Discussion on the 10th IISS Manama Dialogue IISS
04/11/2014 Dinner hosted by Egyptian Ambassador
05/11/2014 Dinner with Jordanian Ambassador
06/11/2014 Lunch with the Council of Arab Ambassadors
06/11/2014 Reception hosted by ABCC on the reappointment of their Director General
10/11/2014 Annual Dinner, Bahrain Society
11/11/2014 Lunch with Centrica Energy on business prospects in the Middle East
26/11/2014 All Party Parliamentary Group on Egypt - Inaugural Reception
13/11/2014 Farewell Dinner hosted by Ambassador of Jordan for the Ambassador of the UAE
21/11/2014 Lunch hosted by the Egyptian Ambassador
25/11/2014 Dinner hosted by Ambassador of Morocco to mark high-level inward visit
01/12/2014 Reception - National Day of the UAE
02/12/2014 Lunch with representative of the Sultan of Oman
04/12/2014 Dinner - GCC UK Forum
11/12/2014 Breakfast meeting - TheCityUK and the FCO
15/12/2014 Reception for National Day of Bahrain
16/12/2014 Dinner with Ambassador of Oman
14/01/2015 Lunch with representative of the Sultan of Oman