Transparency data
MOD's exceptions (ICT) to spending controls September to December 2013
Updated 14 October 2014
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Not set | Department | Organisation Name | Project name | Basis for expenditure approval | Total Value requested (œM) | Total Value Approved (œM) | Date of approval |
Not set | MOD | Not set | Future Army Pension Scheme | Armed Forces Pension Scheme 2015 - discovery phase | œ4,800,000 | œ4,800,000 | 17/10/2013 |
Not set | MOD | Not set | MOD : Revised Microsoft Service Contract | 5 year 'Premier Support' agreement with Microsoft for technical professional services. | œ26,827,000 | œ21,400,000 | 31/10/2013 |
Not set | MOD | Not set | MoD - DII Microsoft Enterprise Agreement Renewal | MoD are seeking First Business Case stage approval to spend œ72.95m to renew its enterprise agreement with Microsoft | œ72,950,000 | œ68,300,000 | 19/12/2013 |