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DCLG government major project portfolio data September 2013 (CSV)

Updated 23 May 2014
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Project name CONNECT Project (formerly ICT Relet Project) The Future of Local Audit Enterprise Zones Programme
MPA RAG rating (A Delivery Confidence Assessment of the project at a fixed point in time, using a five-point scale, Red – Amber/Red – Amber – Amber/Green – Green; definitions in the MPA Annual Report) Amber/Green Amber Amber/Green
Description / Aims DCLG wanted to take advantage of a break in legacy IT contracts in August 2013, The legacy supplier service contracts had already been extended to the end of its original OJEU and the IT estate was up to 7 years old and required updating. • The service includes circa 3,000 desktops across 20 offices and 50 key business applications. • DCLG reformed its Arms length bodies (ALB), including merging the Planning Inspectorate and Infrastructure Planning Commission. By March 2013, the staff numbers covered will be expected to reduce by 30% and more modern flexible technology was required. . The key objectives of the project are to: • Ensure continuity of service replacing the functions of the current Steria and Verizon contracts when they expire in February-August 2013 • Improve efficiency through a shared services model which enables PINS and (with options for other Arms Length Bodies, such as the HCA to join as and when appropriate). • Maintain flexibility by not tying the group into an arrangement which would preclude our ability to join emerging shared Government IT solutions. • Support DCLG by aligning IT with the Departmental Business plan, the wider HM Government IT Strategy including and DCLG Group Shared Services Programme. • Improve the overall quality of ICT service provision to meet changing DCLG Business needs Disband the Audit Commission and refocus local audit on helping local people to hold councils and local public bodies to account for their spending decisions by: (a) Developing and implementing a new audit regime where all such audits will be regulated within a statutory framework, with oversight by the profession and the National Audit Office; and (b) Transferring (through outsourcing) the Commission's in-house audit practice into the private sector The Enterprise Zones (EZ) Programme is a key part of the Government’s wider plans for local and national economic growth. The 24 Enterprise Zones offer businesses financial incentives, fast track planning and superfast broadband to support the creation of new jobs and business. Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) are the key agents overseeing the development of the zones. Delivery is taken forward by varying local partners depending on the exact circumstances of the zone. In the majority of cases, local authorities are closely involved in delivery as will relevant land owners and developers. Relevant government departments are working closely with LEPs and other local partners, supporting them to unlock barriers to development and successfully deliver development. Since January 2013, the Government has taken a more hands-on approach to manage the programme to ensure no zone is without development by 2015. Each zone has a detailed action plan in place which sets out key actions for LEPs, EZs and Government departments to take to accelerate progress by 2015. Programme aims: • to support successful delivery of the 24 EZs so that they create new (net) additional jobs and businesses and contribute to net additional local and national growth. • to drive progress in each zone to ensure no Enterprise Zone is without development by 2015
Departmental commentary on actions planned or taken on the MPA RAG rating. Transformation is proceeding at pace and the DCLG deployment to the central Department and local offices is complete The DCLG deployment completed on the 10th March 2014. Planning Inspectorate transformation will continue through April and was delayed while a key business applications was configured and to ensure that the work of planning inspectors was not interrupted by the implementation of new IT. Assurance review showed good progress, however there are still a number of decisions to be taken meaning there is still considerable risk DCLG's Enterprise Zone team are continuing to work with all EZs, local partners and other government departments to ensure that significant progress is being made across each Zone. We have supported every zone to put simplified planning in place with 45 Local Development Orders now across the Zones. Superfast Broadband, or faster, is currently available across 18 Zones. We have also made available a range of funding to Zones to address infrastructure issues that are holding back key sites from being developed. In addition to this we have also recently secured an extension to the deadlines for accessing business rate discount and enhanced capital allowances in EZs which was announced at Budget 2014. We are also providing land and property support for all zones that need it through DCLG and the Homes and Community Agency as well as providing bespoke advice on land and property issues and marketing sites and offers to potential investors and occupiers.
Project - Start Date (Latest approved start date) 16/11/2011 30/06/2011 23/03/2011
Project - End Date (Latest approved end date) 28/02/2014 01/11/2012 31/03/2038
Departmental narrative on schedule, including any deviation from planned schedule (if necessary) Time scales - The DCLG deployment is complete PINS transformation will continue through April. Royal Assent in Jan 2014 was a key milestone on the project marking transition to the implementation phase of the programme. Delivery remains on track for delivery of local appointment of auditors from April 2017 On schedule
2013/2014 Budget (£million) 4.83 0 111
2013/2014 Forecast (£million) 4.83 0 0
2013/2014 Variance (£million) 0 0 -111
2013/2014 Variance %age 0.00% 0.00% -100.00%
Total budgeted whole life costs (£million) (including non-government costs) 24.6 45.08 211
Departmental narrative on budget/forecast variance for 2013/14 (if variance is more than 5%) Cost - DCLG costs are within the project budget - no variance expected within current budgets as at 2013/14 Q2 No department narrative The budget for the Programme has been revised for 2013/14:
Departmental narrative on budgeted whole life costs The Budget total reflects actual cost for yrs.11/12, 12/13 and 13/14 forecasts, the remaining years are based on forecast projection. Transition and Transformation activity was completed slightly under budget. The forecast for 14/15 continues to reflect savings of circa 40% or £3m per annum. This price was subject to competition but to verify that the price represented a market rate DCLG engaged with benchmark consultants to provide analysis of market pricing . The price analysis was based on a peer average price and the annual service charge is just below the recommended average price. No department narrative Budget for 2014/15: £77m (Local Infrastructure Fund); £34m (Homes & Community Agency Investments from its Economic Assets Programme) £100m (EZ Capital Grant Fund) £1.0m (EZ Commercial Support package) HMT funds the majority of EZ programme expenditure which relates to business rate discounts. There is also a cost funded by HMT for Enhanced Capital Allowances in income foregone.