This folder has statistics on the inspection of children's social care providers in England. Each biannual release comprises key findings, charts and tables in Word format, charts and tables in Excel format, and the underlying data in comma separated values (.csv) and Excel format. The timetable for future releases of official statistics about children's social care inspection and outcomes is in the Schedule for the release of official statistics. The following field names and descriptors provide a guide on the data within the csv and Excel files containing the underlying data. 4a shows inspection outcomes for all types of children's social care (excluding children's homes). For more information on how Ofsted regulates and inspects children’s social care, please go to the Ofsted website: Field name Description Unique reference number A unique number to distinguish between each individual provider Provider type How the provider is classified Date of inspection The date of the inspection. If the duration of an inspection is more than one day, this is the first date of the inspection Inspection type The type of inspection that has occurred. Includes full inspections. Inspection judgements 1 = Outstanding 2 = Good 3 = Requires Improvement/Adequate/Satisfactory 4 = Inadequate 5 = Not judged If you have any further queries please email