Transparency data

MOD's exceptions (consultancy) to spending controls September to December 2013

Updated 14 October 2014
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Not set Department Organisation Name Project name Basis for expenditure approval Total Value Approved (œM) Date of approval
Not set MOD Ministry of Defence Not set MoD Equipment Support Programme MoD require external consultants to assist in reviewing existing contractual arrangements to unlock significant savings and achieve efficiency targets œ22,987,301 09/10/2013
Not set MOD Ministry of Defence Not set Continual At Sea Detterent legal advice Request for legal advice in relation to contract negotiation œ391,254 18/10/2013
Not set MOD Ministry of Defence Not set DIO implementation Communications support Request to extend external assistance to support DIOs transformation through change and communications activity. œ493,900 21/10/2013
Not set MOD Ministry of Defence Not set DIO transformation support MOD have requested an extension for support for implementation of the DIO programme œ470,239 21/10/2013
Not set MOD Ministry of Defence Not set DIO Programme Training consultancy Request for an extension to existing contract for consultancy support for training, benchmarking and transitional management œ3,647,000 21/10/2013
Not set MOD Ministry of Defence Not set Maritime Composite Option MOD are requesting to extend a contract to provide legal support to the Maritime Composite Option project entering into a new shipbuilding contract with the industry œ12,200,000 01/11/2013
Not set MOD Ministry of Defence Not set Maritime Composite Option MOD are requesting an extension to an existiing contracvt to provide PPM support to the above project œ963,000 01/11/2013
Not set MOD Ministry of Defence Not set Maritime Composite Option MOD are requesting an extension to an existing contract to provide Procurement consultancy for the above project œ738,000 01/11/2013
Not set MOD Ministry of Defence Not set MOD - SCF project legal advice MOD have requested legal advice for the progression of the Supply Chain Finance project œ100,000 01/11/2013
Not set MOD Ministry of Defence Not set MOD - SCF project legal advice MOD have requested legal advice for the progression of the Supply Chain Finance project œ100,000 04/11/2013
Not set MOD Ministry of Defence Not set MOD - Materiel Strategy MOD request to further extend existing contract covering the provision of legal advice from the private sector (Consultancy Assistance) to support the Assessment Phase for the Materiel Strategy. œ1,000,000 12/11/2013
Not set MOD Ministry of Defence Not set MOD - Materiel Strategy MOD request to further extend existing contract covering the provision of Consultancy Assistance to support the Assessment Phase for the Materiel Strategy including the associated design of the MOD intelligent customer functions. œ1,984,000 15/11/2013
Not set MOD Ministry of Defence Not set MoD - Financial management Management Information MoD require technical knowledge and expertise to complement the in house team undertaking the Concept phase work. œ1,000,000 19/11/2013
Not set MOD Ministry of Defence Not set Materiel Strategy Legal Legal consultancy to assist MOD with Materiel Strategy œ3,600,000 22/11/2013
Not set MOD Ministry of Defence Not set MOD - FMARS Legal Review of the Future Military Area Radar Services requiring Legal consultancy œ516,500 23/12/2013