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FCO senior staff: travel - October to December 2013
Updated 23 May 2014
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DATE | DESTINATION | PURPOSE | TRAVEL - Air | TRAVEL - Rail | TRAVEL - Taxi/ Car | Accommodation/ Meals | OTHER (Including Hospitality Given) | TOTAL COST (£) | |||
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Simon Fraser | PUS | 17-18 Oct 2013 | Berkhamsted | Perm Sec's away day | Not set | £27.80 | Not set | £170.40- hotel cost | Not set | £190.20 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Simon Fraser | PUS | 04/11/2013 | Hanslope Park | To host a joint forum for FCO service and FCO staff | Not set | £38.20 | Not set | Not set | Not set | £38.20 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Simon Fraser | PUS | 7/11/2013-8/11/2013 | Geneva | Bilateral talks | £570.50 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | £570.50 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Simon Fraser | PUS | 14/11/2013 | Berlin | Trilateral talks with French and German counterparts | £155.30 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | £155.30 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Simon Fraser | PUS | 18/11/2013-21/11/2013 | Israel, OPTS,Turkey and Romania | Israel - UK/Israel Strategic Dialogue. Turkey - to attend memorial service and bilateral talks with opposite number. Romania - Bilateral talks | £647.65 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | £647.65 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Simon Fraser | PUS | 03/12/2013 | Hanslope Park | To host a visit from The Prince of Wales | Not set | £38.20 | Not set | Not set | Not set | £38.20 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Simon Fraser | PUS | 06/12/2013 | Chelmsford (Chelmsford Country High School) | To speak to year 12 students at the launch of their MUM event 'Leadership in a Global Society' | Not set | £16.90 | Not set | Not set | Not set | £16.90 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Simon Gas | Director General Political | 09/10/2013-10/10/2013 | Kyiv | High-level Government talks | 578.05 | 23 | Not set | Stayed at the Residence | Not set | Not set |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Simon Gas | Director General Political | 14/10/2013-16/10/2013 | Geneva | E3+3 Talks on Iran | £262.37 | £10.00 | Not set | £693.61 | Not set | Not set |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Simon Gas | Director General Political | 24/10/2013 | Brussels | E3+1 Talks on Iran | Not set | £209.00 | 25.2 | Not set | Not set | Not set |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Simon Gas | Director General Political | 04/11/2013 | Brussels | E3+1 Talks on Iran | Not set | £224 | £27.44 | Not set | Not set | Not set |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Simon Gas | Director General Political | 05/11/2013-08/11/2013 | Geneva | E3+3 Talks on Iran | £635 | £20.00 | Not set | 705.31 | Not set | Not set |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Simon Gas | Director General Political | 20/11/2013-24/11/2013 | Geneva | E3+3 Talks on Iran | 322.25 | Not set | Not set | £1,090.58 | Not set | Not set |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Simon Gas | Director General Political | 27/11/2013 | Tel Aviv | High-level Government talks | 2151.65 | £20.00 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Simon Gas | Director General Political | 03/12/2013-05/12/2013 | Ankara and Beirut | High-level Government talks | 470.92 | £39.90 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Simon Gas | Director General Political | 09/12/2013-10/12/2013 | Abuja, Addis Ababa and N'Djamena | High-level Government talks | 5599.85 | £26.00 | £58.00 | Not set | Not set | Not set |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Simon Gas | Director General Political | 23/12/2013-27/12/2013 | Nairobi/Juba | High-level Government talks (South Sudan Crisis) | £950.35 | £20.00 | £30.00 | Not set | Not set | Not set |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Barbara Woodward | Director General Europe and Consular | 07/10/2013 | London | British Academy Dinner | Not set | Not set | £7.00 | Not set | Not set | £7.00 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Barbara Woodward | Director General Europe and Consular | 08/10/2013 | London | Taxis from Emerging Powers Conference to attend FSTIB meeting in the City and then back to FCO | Not set | Not set | £19.00 | Not set | Not set | £19.00 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Barbara Woodward | Director General Europe and Consular | 08/10/2013 | London | CityUK dinner at Mansion House | Not set | Not set | £15.00 | Not set | Not set | £15.00 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Barbara Woodward | Director General Europe and Consular | 10/10/2013 | London | Breakfast meeting at British Academy | Not set | Not set | £9.00 | Not set | Not set | £9.00 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Barbara Woodward | Director General Europe and Consular | 11/10/2013 | London | Chatham House Dinner at Banqueting Hall | Not set | Not set | £11.00 | Not set | Not set | £11.00 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Barbara Woodward | Director General Europe and Consular | 20/10/2013 | Washington/Columbus/Chicago | To attend meetings with Government Officials and Business Leaders and mission staff | £3,309.95 | £36.20 | £97.54 | £4.19 | Not set | £3,447.88 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Barbara Woodward | Director General Europe and Consular | 04/11/2013 | Berlin | To attend meetings with Government Officials and Business Leaders and mission staff | £123.44 | £38.40 | Not set | Not set | Not set | £161.84 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Barbara Woodward | Director General Europe and Consular | 13/11/2013 | London | To attend Asia House to give a presentation | Not set | £2.20 | £12.00 | Not set | Not set | £14.20 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Barbara Woodward | Director General Europe and Consular | 16/11/2013 | Thailand/Philippines | To attend meetings with Government Officials and Business Leaders | £4,663.35 | £34.00 | £27.00 | Not set | Not set | £4,724.35 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Barbara Woodward | Director General Europe and Consular | 12/12/2013 | Malaga | To visit Malaga Consulate and Contact Centre | £126.87 | £26.50 | £13.48 | £11.73 | Not set | £178.58 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Iain MacLeod | Legal Adviser | 27 Oct - 1 Nov | New York | Legal discussions at the United Nations | £2,894.85 | Not set | 88.52 | 3075.62 | 289.29 | £6,348.28 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Iain MacLeod | Legal Adviser | 08/11/2013 | Dartmouth | Naval Legal Services Annual Conference | Not set | Not set | 209.84 | Not set | Not set | £209.84 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Iain MacLeod | Legal Adviser | 20-28 Nov | The Hague | Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court | £455.57 | £29.64 | 221.72 | 1033.95 | Not set | £1,740.88 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Iain MacLeod | Legal Adviser | 17-18 Dec 2013 | Brussels | Public International Law Working Party | Not set | 249.15 | Not set | 134.89 | Not set | £384.04 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Matthew Rycroft | Chief Operating Officer | 5- 12 October | India | Meetings with Embassy staff and officials in our missions in New Delhi, Chennai and Mumbai | £2,190.58 | Not set | £140.86 | Hotels in Chennai and Mumbai - 282.82 | Not set | £2,331.44 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Matthew Rycroft | Chief Operating Officer | 6-7 November | Wilton Park | Attend Directors Away Day | Not set | £19.80 | £60.05 | Not set | Not set | £79.85 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Matthew Rycroft | Chief Operating Officer | 28/11/2013 | Visit to Northgate House and Hanslope Park | Meetings with FCO and FCOS staff | Not set | £18.04 | £48.66 | Not set | Not set | £66.70 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Matthew Rycroft | Chief Operating Officer | 1-6 December | Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo and Brasilia | Meetings with Embassy staff and officials in our missions in Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo and Brasilia | £5,425.98 | Not set | £140.50 | Not set | Not set | £5,566.48 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Robin Grimes | Chief Scientific Adviser | 01/10/2013 | London Heathrow | Attend Conference in Singapore | Not set | £20 | Not set | Not set | Not set | £20 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Robin Grimes | Chief Scientific Adviser | Not set | Osaka | Official visit to Kyoto and Tokyo | 2366.47 | Not set | 18.94 | 720 | Not set | £3,105.41 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Robin Grimes | Chief Scientific Adviser | 10/11/2013 | New Delhi | Official visit to India | 2469.2 | Not set | Not set | 793.82 | Not set | £3,263.02 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Robin Grimes | Chief Scientific Adviser | 16/11/2013 | Kuala Lumpur | Official visit to Malaysia 18,& 21-22 November 2013 | 204 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | £204.00 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Robin Grimes | Chief Scientific Adviser | 05/11/2013 | Berne | Official 1 Day Visit to Berne 6 November 2013 | 238.71 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | £238.71 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Robert Hannigan | Director General Defence and Intelligence | 11/10/2013 | London | Attending Chatham House dinner | Not set | Not set | £29.00 | Not set | Not set | £29.00 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Robert Hannigan | Director General Defence and Intelligence | 14/10/2013 | Oxford | FCO Recruitment Roadshow | Not set | £71.57 | £19.00 | Not set | Not set | £90.57 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Robert Hannigan | Director General Defence and Intelligence | 15/10/13-18/10/13 | Seoul, Republic of Korea | Leading the UK-Korea Strategic Dialogue. Member of the official UK delegation to the Seoul Conference on Cyberspace | £2,064.50 | Not set | £86.21 | £242.28 | Not set | £2,392.99 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Robert Hannigan | Director General Defence and Intelligence | 22/10/2013 | London | Colombian Peace Process | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | £59.06 | £59.06 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Robert Hannigan | Director General Defence and Intelligence | 19/11/13-22/11/13 | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia | Leading the UK-Malaysia Strategic Dialogue and cyber talks | £3,965.65 | Not set | £88.00 | £241.98 | Not set | £4,295.63 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Robert Hannigan | Director General Defence and Intelligence | 24/11/2013-26/11/2013 | Oxford, Wilton Park, KPMG London | Attending the Ministerial opening of the Oxford Cyber Security Centre. Attending the Wilton Park Conference on Conflict Resolution in SE Asia. Attending SIWG Black and Minority Ethnic Civil Service Leadership Conference | Not set | £72.32 | £58.00 | £179.00 | Not set | £309.32 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Robert Hannigan | Director General Defence and Intelligence | 03/12/2013 | London | Attending HMQ's Diplomatic Reception | Not set | Not set | £40.00 | Not set | Not set | £40.00 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Rudy Markham | Non Executive | Not set | Not set | Nil | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Menna Rawlings | Director Human Resources | 5- 12 October | India | Meetings with Embassy staff and officials in our missions in New Delhi, Chennai and Mumbai | £2,555.55 | Not set | £148.00 | Hotels in Chennai and Mumbai - 282.82 | Not set | £2,986.37 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Menna Rawlings | Director Human Resources | 6-7 November | Wilton Park | Attend Directors Away Day | Not set | £19.80 | £60.05 | Not set | Not set | £79.85 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Menna Rawlings | Director Human Resources | 02/10/2014 | The Hague | Meetings with Embassy staff | £289.30 | Not set | £125.00 | Not set | Not set | Not set |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Iain Walker | Director Finance | 06/11/13-07/11/13 | Brighton | Attend GFP conference | Not set | Not set | £39.36 | £132.00 | Not set | £171.36 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Iain Walker | Director Finance | 18/11/13-20/11/13 | Moscow | Meeting with Embassy staff & officials | £819.33 | Not set | £82.00 | Not set | Not set | £901.33 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Iain Walker | Director Finance | 03/12/2013 | London | Taxi from meeting at OGD to office | Not set | Not set | £6.20 | Not set | Not set | £6.20 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Julia Bond | Non Executive | Not set | Not set | Nil | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Richard Lambert | Non Executive | Not set | Not set | Nil | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Heather Rabbatts | Non Executive | Not set | Not set | Nil | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Neil Morisetti | Special Representative for Climate Change | 01/10/2013-04/10/13 | Washington & New York, US | Meetings with Senior Administration representatives. Building the UK-US bilateral relationship on climate change | 3,622 | £328.50 | Not set | £289 | Not set | £4,239.50 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Sir David King | Special Representative for Climate Change | 27/10/2013-29/10/13 | Moscow, Russia | Meetings with Senior Administration representatives. Building the bilateral relationship ahead of Warsaw COP | 805.35 | Not set | £205.80 | Not set | Not set | £1,011.15 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Sir David King | Special Representative for Climate Change | 07/11/2013-08/11/13 | Washington DC, US | UK-US Working Group | £3,622.00 | Not set | Not set | £42.46 | Not set | £3,664.46 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Sir David King | Special Representative for Climate Change | 20/11/13-22/11/13 | Warsaw, Poland | Leading the UK delegation COP19 in Warsaw. Member of the official UK delegation to the Conference of Parties in Poland | £227.70 | Not set | Not set | £249.58 | £34.00 | £511.28 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Sir David King | Special Representative for Climate Change | 04/12/13-07/12/13 | Mumbai-Delhi, India | Meetings with Senior Administration representatives. Building the UK-India bilateral relationship on climate change | £2,260.00 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | £2,260.00 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Sir David King | Special Representative for Climate Change | 10/12/13-11/12/13 | Berlin, Germany | Meetings with Senior Administration representatives. Building the bilateral UK-Germany relationship on climate change | £255.84 | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | £255.84 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Sir David King | Special Representative for Climate Change | 15/12/2013 - 17/11/2013 | Brussels, Belgium | Meetings with Senior Administration representatives. Building the bilateral UK-Belgium relationship on climate change | Not set | £140.00 | Not set | Not set | Not set | £140.00 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office | Sir David King | Special Representative for Climate Change | 16/12/2013 | Paris, France | Meetings with Senior Administration representatives. Building the bilateral UK-French relationship on climate change | Not set | £61.15 | Not set | Not set | Not set | £61.15 |