FOI release
Requests received from 6 to 30 Jun 2012
Updated 27 May 2014
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MOD Requests to 30 June 2012 | Not set | Not set |
MOD Information Rights team, Main Building, | Not set | Not set |
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Case Number | Date Due | Request Summary |
06-06-2012-102931-001 | 02/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, to various questions regarding CEA over the past three years. |
06-06-2012-103025-001 | 20/06/2012 | Please advise and provide information and details to various questions regarding whether MOD has a Preferred Supplier List/Framework Agreement for the supply of contingent labour (temporary, contract, interim) or permanent IT/ICT staff. |
06-06-2012-103739-002 | 03/07/2012 | Please provide copies of volumes of The Army Field Manual covering Soviet doctrine during the Cold War, published in 1986-1991. Background to the Soviet Army (1986) Volume II, Part 2: A Treatise on Soviet Operational Art (1991) Volume II, Part 3: Soviet Tactics (1991). |
06-06-2012-104735-004 | 03/07/2012 | Please provide information and details on the Cooper Directive. |
06-06-2012-111724-005 | 04/07/2012 | Please provide information and details on the steps MOD has taken to reduce the size of its estate, since May 2010. |
06-06-2012-113354-006 | 04/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on the amount that has been spent by MOD in 2009/10, 2010/11 and 2011/12 to meet the costs of independent schooling in Scotland under the continuity of education allowance. |
06-06-2012-113930-007 | 04/07/2012 | Please provide information and details of all education institutions which have Combined Cadet Forces. |
06-06-2012-114210-002 | 03/07/2012 | Please provide a copy of the Tornado ZG710 BOI. |
06-06-2012-115929-008 | 04/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on the number of pre-planning applications received by MOD in the last twelve months from windfarm developers. |
06-06-2012-120503-009 | 04/07/2012 | Please provide information and details of the number of new client endpoints configured into MOD owned networks independent of the DII network post DII implementation. |
06-06-2012-121817-010 | 04/07/2012 | Please advise on how, and from what sources, information is gathered on 1st Gulf War veterans and why this practice is deemed necessary. |
06-06-2012-144314-011 | 04/07/2012 | Please advise on the department currently responsible for cloud seeding. |
06-06-2012-151717-012 | 04/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on the number of infantry battalions in the British Army along with the number of women that currently served and have served in these. |
06-06-2012-152253-013 | 04/07/2012 | Please provide information and details on the current official establishment for the farrier and saddler trades within the Army. |
06-06-2012-152725-014 | 04/07/2012 | Please advise on the number of personnel considered missing in action. |
06-06-2012-153109-015 | 04/07/2012 | Please provide a copy of the decontamination report on the Canberra B.6 Serial No.754 that flew through the Grapple Yankee Hydrogen Bomb Cloud on Christmas Island in 1958 along with information and data on the condition of the aircraft once it had reached the decontamination pad. |
06-06-2012-153828-016 | 04/07/2012 | Please advise on whether MOD hold any documents about Russia's female front units in the Great War, particularly with regards to Mme Maria Botchkareva's meeting at the War Office in 1918. |
06-06-2012-154451-017 | 04/07/2012 | Please provide information and details to various questions regarding the sale of shares in QinetiQ. |
06-06-2012-155140-019 | 04/07/2012 | Please advise on how aware local villagers of Escrick were of the existence of sites where nerve gases had been disposed of in underground concrete 'bunkers'. Please advise on what steps MOD has taken to ensure these potentially lethal sites pose no harm to the local population. |
06-06-2012-155712-020 | 04/07/2012 | Please advise on the cost to the taxpayer to replace fencing and concrete posts at Chalgrove along with the rational on the way the work was undertaken. |
06-06-2012-160147-021 | 04/07/2012 | Please provide a copy of the various reports where biological weapons trials have been tested on the public from January 2001 - January 2012. |
06-06-2012-164510-003 | 02/07/2012 | Please advise on whether officers above the rank of colonel received the same vaccinations as those of the ranks below colonel for the Gulf War of 1990-91. |
06-06-2012-171547-022 | 04/07/2012 | Please provide information and details of staff numbers, locations and various IT devices operated in DSG. |
07-06-2012-091942-001 | 04/07/2012 | Please provide information and details of every recorded incident of security breaches at Fulwood Barracks between 1 June 2012 and 1 June 2007. |
07-06-2012-092351-002 | 04/07/2012 | Please provide information and details on the remains of humanoids known as Nephilim/humanoids in domestic and foreign territories. |
07-06-2012-092813-003 | 04/07/2012 | Please advise on the number of suspected civilian criminal detainees captured by UK military forces in Iraq and transferred to Iraqi law enforcement institutions between 20 March 2003 and 1 January 2009. |
07-06-2012-093248-004 | 04/07/2012 | Please provide a picture of the PINDAR bunker. |
07-06-2012-093731-005 | 04/07/2012 | Please provide a list of names of all apprentices that joined at COD Donnington, Telford, Shropshire in 1965. |
07-06-2012-110947-006 | 04/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, of all military assets that have been lost. |
07-06-2012-112046-001 | 03/07/2012 | Please provide information and details on the assessments/analysis regarding the shelling in Knin during Operation Storm in August 1995. |
07-06-2012-112118-007 | 05/07/2012 | Please provide information and details on personnel suffering post traumatic stress disorders and the therapy that is administered. |
07-06-2012-114226-001 | 05/07/2012 | Please provide a breakdown of GPC expenditure for 2011-12. |
07-06-2012-120414-008 | 03/07/2012 | Please provide a copy of the DESB 2011 report. |
07-06-2012-144543-001 | 25/06/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, to various questions regarding WDP pension. |
07-06-2012-152122-002 | 03/07/2012 | Please provide a copy ACP 16 |
07-06-2012-153349-009 | 05/07/2012 | Please provide information and details to various questions regarding blood test administered to nuclear veterans using the 'FISH' technique. |
07-06-2012-155945-010 | 05/07/2012 | Please advise on the consent granted at the time and provide a copy, or alternatively, confirmation that no consent was required for conveyance on property xxxxxxx in Aldershot before its sale. |
07-06-2012-174947-011 | 05/07/2012 | Please provide information and details on the number of serving personnel at HQ Aldershot, 145th Brigade. |
08-06-2012-082805-001 | 05/07/2012 | Please provide copies of any written or verbal communications received from either Odyssey Marine Exploration Inc. or the Maritime Heritage Foundation informing MOD that vessels, including fishing boats, had been seen in the vicinity of the Victory 1744 wreck site in 2011 and 2012 and/or that they had concerns about potential damage to the site from fishing or salvage. |
08-06-2012-084417-001 | 05/07/2012 | Please provide a copy of all technical, installation and operational information relating to the Clansman UK/VRC321 radio. |
08-06-2012-102919-001 | 03/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, to various questions regarding MDP OSU Assessments. |
08-06-2012-113648-002 | 06/07/2012 | Please provide copies of any documents relating to the filming of the Stanley Kubrick film Full Metal Jacket at Bassingbourn Barracks. |
08-06-2012-114054-003 | 06/07/2012 | Please advise and provide information and details on the number of complaints made by recruits at Bassingbourn Barracks between 2002-2012. |
08-06-2012-122512-005 | 05/07/2012 | Please advise on how access to military training manuals predating 1985 can be obtained. |
08-06-2012-142704-006 | 25/06/2012 | Please provide information and details of various Argyll regiment personnel in June/July 1995. |
08-06-2012-144246-007 | 06/07/2012 | Please provide information and details on the amount spent by MOD on providing private boarding school education to the children of service personnel for 2011/2012. |
08-06-2012-161002-008 | 06/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details to various questions regarding compensation paid out to soldiers with Liverpool postcodes since the start of the Armed Forced and Reserve Forces Compensation Scheme in April 2005. |
08-06-2012-162800-009 | 06/07/2012 | Please provide a copy of MOD's response to a recent FOI request about thefts from Devonport Dockyard and military bases in Devon and Cornwall during FY 2011/12. |
08-06-2012-165233-010 | 06/07/2012 | Please provide information and details on the number of complaints of racial discrimination or harassment made by members of the armed forces against other armed forces personnel in the last five years. |
11-06-2012-100514-001 | 05/07/2012 | Please provide information and details to various questions regarding the Lt to Lt Cdr Logistics promotion board that sat in January/February 2012. |
11-06-2012-101733-001 | 06/07/2012 | Please provide information and details on the period 19 - 22 January 1944 recorded in 83 Sqn's War Diary regarding the Lancaster aircraft that was shot down on 20 January 1944. |
11-06-2012-102336-002 | 05/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, of any accidents and fatalities at or near RAF Hemswell since its inception as a military airfield in 1916. |
11-06-2012-103740-002 | 06/07/2012 | Please provide a copy of the Patrol Report, the name and rank of all personnel on board HMS Conqueror along with medals awarded to these personnel. |
11-06-2012-104611-003 | 06/07/2012 | Please provide information and details on the number of applications that are not recruited into the Army. |
11-06-2012-121313-006 | 06/07/2012 | Please advise on whether the text of the 1957 Defence White Paper is available online/in the public domain. |
11-06-2012-121635-007 | 06/07/2012 | Please provide a copy of the risk assessment along with any associated relevant documents for the firework display that took place at HQ ARRC (Churchdown, Gloucestershire) on Friday 8 June 2012. |
11-06-2012-123011-009 | 06/07/2012 | Please provide information and details on the numbers of Armed Forces personnel convicted in UK civilian courts for violent offences for the last twenty years. |
11-06-2012-141437-001 | 03/07/2012 | Please provide an electronic copy of the MOD booklet Soldiering - the Military Covenant. |
11-06-2012-154243-010 | 09/07/2012 | Please provide information and details on the ex-RAF Land Rover - Truck Utility Light GS Cargo. |
11-06-2012-154919-011 | 09/07/2012 | Please provide information and details of the subjects taught at the RMAS during Terms 1, 2 and 3. |
11-06-2012-155220-003 | 09/07/2012 | Please provide information and details to various questions regarding the criteria that has changed that now makes the provision of a PAS boat viable compared to considerations made by 2004 HQ Project or considerations surrounding the STLB move to WI. |
11-06-2012-162444-012 | 09/07/2012 | Please provide information and details on the results of operational research and analysis, flight trials, and other studies into the effects of wind turbines and wind farms on secondary surveillance radar systems held by the Civil Aviation Authority. |
11-06-2012-163026-013 | 09/07/2012 | Please provide information and details on the results of operational research and analysis, flight trials, and other studies into the effects of wind turbines and wind farms on secondary surveillance radar systems held by MOD. |
11-06-2012-163632-014 | 09/07/2012 | Please provide information and details on the operational research and analysis, flight trials, and other studies into the effects of the Arnish Moor wind farm on the two NATS secondary surveillance radars at Sandwick held by MOD. |
11-06-2012-165618-015 | 09/07/2012 | Please provide information and details on the operational research and analysis, flight trials, and other studies into the effects of the Clyde wind farm (Strathclyde, Scotland) on the NATS secondary surveillance radar at Lowther Hill held by MOD. |
11-06-2012-170749-016 | 09/07/2012 | Please provide information and details of any MOD property assumed or reported stolen from military bases in Wiltshire, Somerset or Gloucestershire during the financial year 2011/12 (to April 2012). |
12-06-2012-090332-001 | 09/07/2012 | Please provide information and details on the locations of MOD sites in central London within 5km from Hyde Park Barracks. |
12-06-2012-095639-002 | 10/07/2012 | Please provide a copy of the former UK Ministry of Supply report:The psychological effect of a non-linear relation between control and display by M. A. Vince. |
12-06-2012-101132-001 | 10/07/2012 | Please provide information and details on the incident at AWE on 12 April 2012 which was attended to by the Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service. |
12-06-2012-120753-002 | 09/07/2012 | Please provide information on the date ACO 1982 survivors returned to the UK. |
12-06-2012-125149-003 | 10/07/2012 | Please provide a copy of HMS MODESTE court martial proceedings. |
12-06-2012-131223-003 | 09/07/2012 | Please provide scientific data regarding the difference in noise levels from inside a chieftain tank as opposed to outside during live firing of the main armament. |
12-06-2012-141648-001 | 02/07/2012 | Please provide a copy of contract titled 'Partnering Agreement for Air Support Services'. |
12-06-2012-142403-002 | 10/07/2012 | Please provide information and details on the nationality of officer cadets at RMAS. |
12-06-2012-144436-003 | 10/07/2012 | Please provide further information and details about the MOD's response on radiation levels received by nuclear test veterans. |
12-06-2012-144710-006 | 10/07/2012 | Please advise on how a copy of the Military Aid to the Civil Power (MACP) Rules can be obtained. |
12-06-2012-145245-007 | 10/07/2012 | Please advise on the accessibility/disclosure of various named documents under HS 4/57 at the National Archives. |
12-06-2012-152952-008 | 10/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, to monthly audits carried out on the Vanguard contract. |
12-06-2012-171520-009 | 10/07/2012 | Please advise on how a copy of the Transportability Guidelines can be obtained. |
12-06-2012-172042-010 | 10/07/2012 | Please provide a copy Napier Gazelle proposed modification drawings. |
13-06-2012-094125-001 | 10/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on the proportion of defence training that takes place on privately owned land as opposed to MOD or publicly owned land. |
13-06-2012-095407-003 | 11/07/2012 | Please provide a list of RN Rugby Union Navy Cup fixtures during 2008. |
13-06-2012-100839-001 | 05/07/2012 | Please provide information and details on the specifications of Heli Lifting Concepts. |
13-06-2012-104900-005 | 11/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details on the number of items reported stolen from within MOD in the last two years (June 2010 - May 2011 and June 2011 - May 2012). |
13-06-2012-133957-001 | 04/07/2012 | Please provide further information and details on MOD's response to advising and providing information and details to various questions regarding overtime claimed by NISGS in 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011. |
13-06-2012-134114-002 | 10/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, of the schools in Edinburgh, Newham, Ilford, Reading, Birmingham, Sheffield, Cardiff, Cambridgeshire, Kensington & Chelsea and Walthamstow that members of the British Army have visited since September 2010. |
13-06-2012-135909-002 | 11/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on the total number of amputees as a result of Afghanistan. |
13-06-2012-141302-007 | 03/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details on the number of military and ex-military personnel that have claimed for War Disablement Pension relating to Gulf War service. |
13-06-2012-145828-009 | 11/07/2012 | Please provide a copy of Nimrod R1 modification. |
13-06-2012-150359-010 | 10/07/2012 | Please advise and provide information and details to various questions regarding a current investigation. |
13-06-2012-150906-011 | 11/07/2012 | Please provide a copy of the RAF West Freugh UFO incident report (April 1957). |
13-06-2012-151420-003 | 11/07/2012 | Please provide information and details on incidences of spinal cord injuries across the Armed Forces. Please advise on the proportion of these injuries which relate to the frontline. |
13-06-2012-152759-012 | 11/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on the number of people that joined British Forces in Japan during WWII. |
13-06-2012-160931-001 | 21/06/2012 | Please provide a copy of SPVA's internal policy and guidelines on how they conduct War Disablement Pension Assessment appeals. |
13-06-2012-170353-013 | 11/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on the amount spent by the UK Government on Private Security Companies from 2002 - 2012. |
13-06-2012-170926-014 | 11/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on the number of deaths/serious injuries/attacks on private security contractors that have occurred while carrying out contracts, on behalf of the UK Government overseas, from 2002 - 2012. |
13-06-2012-171229-015 | 11/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on the anticipated proposed military spend by the UK Government on private security companies for overseas contracts in the next ten years. |
13-06-2012-171527-016 | 11/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on the number of individual private security contractors that have been/are employed by the UK Government overseas from 2002 - 2012. |
14-06-2012-093850-001 | 12/07/2012 | Please provide information and details on the approximate annual cost of maintaining Armed Forces and defence equipment in the Falklands. |
14-06-2012-094857-002 | 11/07/2012 | Please provide information and details on the percentage of British Indians and British Pakistanis recruited in the MOD since 2006, percentage of ethnic minorities that have been senior managers at the MOD since 2006 along with information and details of the work MOD has undertaken to assess and monitor equal opportunities since January 2009. |
14-06-2012-101417-001 | 12/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, to various questions regarding service and civilian manpower and equipment in MOD. |
14-06-2012-102802-001 | 11/07/2012 | Please provide information and details of historical defence equipment costs. |
14-06-2012-112811-003 | 11/07/2012 | Please provide information and details of the UK's contingency plans in Liverpool and Knowsley in the event of a nuclear attack. |
14-06-2012-122322-004 | 12/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details on the current guidelines in employing a diabetic (either type 1 or type 2) as an armed officer. |
14-06-2012-123558-005 | 12/07/2012 | Please provide information and details on MOD spend with all holding companies over £50m. |
14-06-2012-130326-006 | 12/07/2012 | Please provide a copy of the French Police Inquiry and a copy of the apology sent to the French authorities regarding the damage to the French craft in Cherbourg harbour (Chantereyne Marina) in September 2011. Please advise, and provide information and details, on whether damages were paid to the French. |
14-06-2012-131942-007 | 12/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on the whether members of the Royal Navy have visited schools in Islington, Oxfordshire, Milton Keynes, Norfolk, Hackney, Tower Hamlets, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Scottish Borders, Glasgow and Newham since September 2010. |
14-06-2012-153926-008 | 12/07/2012 | Please advise on the number of people, currently on operational duty, that suffer from post traumatic stress disorder. |
14-06-2012-154258-009 | 12/07/2012 | Please advise on the number of domestic abuse incidences reported on Army barracks from 2010 - 2011. |
14-06-2012-154856-010 | 12/07/2012 | Please advise on how much MOD has spent on feasibility studies on conversion of the aircraft carrier to a catapult assisted take off barrier arrested recovery configuration since may 2010. |
14-06-2012-155641-001 | 12/07/2012 | Please provide a copy of the policy detailing the safeguards protecting xxxxxxx's personal information in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 along with information and details of the audit trail of who has been accessing xxxxxx's personal information during the period June to November 2011. |
14-06-2012-160459-011 | 10/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on the number of Territorial Army personnel killed or injured in Afghanistan since 2001. |
14-06-2012-161855-012 | 12/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on schools in Islington, Oxfordshire, Milton Keynes, Norfolk, Hackney, Tower Hamlets, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Scottish Borders, Glasgow and Newham that members of the Royal Air Force have visited since 2010. |
14-06-2012-164534-013 | 12/07/2012 | Please provide information and details on the qualifying criteria for the Queens Diamond Jubilee Medal for TA and Cadet Officer/adult instructors. |
14-06-2012-170105-014 | 09/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on whether military, intelligence or security training was offered or provided by the UK to the forces in Bahrain, Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, the UAE, Yemen, Tunisia, and also Libya in the last fifteen years. |
15-06-2012-101346-002 | 13/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on whether MOD were renting any private housing in Carterton and West Oxfordshire, in addition to the pre-fabricated MOD units on MoD/Annington land, in 2001 as SFA accommodation. |
15-06-2012-102411-001 | 13/07/2012 | Please provide information and details to various questions regarding Op Green Desert. |
15-06-2012-103310-003 | 13/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on how MOD provide financial assistance to service charities. |
15-06-2012-113032-004 | 06/07/2012 | Please provide information and details on the methods and technical devices used by the GESTAPO to undertake their surveillance work during WWII. |
15-06-2012-121009-007 | 13/07/2012 | Please provide information and details of all weapons or other munitions reported lost on Dartmoor by the Army since 2008. |
15-06-2012-151147-001 | 13/07/2012 | Please provide information and details on the rate of unemployment in the UK veterans community. |
15-06-2012-153733-002 | 13/07/2012 | Please provide information and details on the number of French nationals residing in England in 1940. |
15-06-2012-154346-016 | 13/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on MOD spend on artwork or sculpture in the past three years. |
15-06-2012-162404-017 | 13/07/2012 | Please provide information and details of rape allegations in the Armed Forces from January 2007 - January 2012. |
18-06-2012-090327-001 | 16/07/2012 | Please provide a copy of any research/evidence commissioned or used by the UK Government in determining the risk of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (non surveillance) inflicting collateral damage upon targets when used in combat operations from January 2008 - present along with a copy of any MOD/UK Military/UK Government papers on this risk (i.e., papers interpreting extant evidence/research) for the same time period. |
18-06-2012-103726-001 | 04/07/2012 | Please provide information and details on the meteor jet aircraft accident on 12 March 1953. |
18-06-2012-110150-002 | 16/07/2012 | Please provide information and details of the land quality assessment for RAF Newton. |
18-06-2012-114414-003 | 16/07/2012 | Please provide the names, along with any regimental photographs, of army personnel billoted in the Boothstown-Wigan in 1957. |
18-06-2012-115206-004 | 16/07/2012 | Please provide a copy of the deck plans/layout plans of HMS Charybdis (F75) a Seawolf Leander that was decommissioned in September 1991. |
18-06-2012-115456-001 | 13/07/2012 | Please provide information on aircraft damage rate statistics for 2011 for Transport Command Aircraft at Brize Norton. |
18-06-2012-115707-005 | 16/07/2012 | Please provide a copy of the Qa Research report commissioned into evaluating the Army's recruitment advertising materials. |
18-06-2012-120227-006 | 16/07/2012 | Please provide a list of the top suppliers to the MOD over the past ten years for contracts in excess of £100m. |
18-06-2012-123544-007 | 16/07/2012 | Please provide information and details on the death of the German Lieutenant xxxxxx, who was head of military police in Chania during WWII. |
18-06-2012-130239-002 | 16/07/2012 | Please advise on the amount paid by MOD for medals struck by the Royal Mint for UK Armed Forces last year. |
18-06-2012-144830-009 | 16/07/2012 | Please provide information on the Berwyn Mountain Incident in the 1970s. |
18-06-2012-145619-010 | 16/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, to various questions regarding SFA housing in Oxfordshire. |
18-06-2012-151817-011 | 16/07/2012 | Please provide confirmation on the date on the loss of 49th Battery 48th LAA Regiment Royal Artillery in Java in March 1942. |
18-06-2012-161431-001 | 04/07/2012 | Copies of clearance records 1947 and or 1981/2 - pipe mines at Merlin Park, Portsmouth. |
18-06-2012-163404-002 | 16/07/2012 | Please provide information and details on Dr xxxxxx's work with the Defence Academy and MOD. |
19-06-2012-090435-001 | 16/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details to various questions regarding Tranche 2 RAF redundancies. |
19-06-2012-100029-001 | 16/07/2012 | Please provide information and details to various questions regarding promotion information on Permanent Commission RAF officers identified by the Branch "Specialisation" for 2004/05, 2005/06, 2006/07, 2007/08, 2008/09, 2009/10, 2010/11 and 2011/12. |
19-06-2012-102740-003 | 16/07/2012 | Please provide information and details on equipment stolen from military bases in Northern Ireland for the past three years. |
19-06-2012-103307-004 | 16/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details on how MOD set up endoscopy sterilisation units on the field. |
19-06-2012-103416-001 | 17/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details to various questions regarding RAF Logistic Branch Tranche 2 redundancies. |
19-06-2012-104450-005 | 16/07/2012 | Please provide information and details on the contract awarded to xxxxxxx by MOD for the design and construction of a new super mess facility and seventeen accommodation blocks, as well as the decommissioning and replacement of 1,754 single living units within the Faslane Naval Base on the River Clyde. |
19-06-2012-104823-006 | 16/07/2012 | Please provide information and details on the historic paintings formerly held at RAF Sealand. |
19-06-2012-110117-007 | 16/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details to various questions regarding FTE VERS 2012-2014 applications. |
19-06-2012-110444-008 | 16/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details to various questions regarding equality and diversity aspects of the VERS 2012-2014 applications. |
19-06-2012-114159-010 | 17/07/2012 | Please advise on the amount of money spent on furniture, fixtures, fittings, soft furnishings, (cushions, curtains, rugs/carpets including security at the residence of Colonel xxxxxx, Commander BPST (EA), in Karen Nairobi Kenya during the period 7 July 2011 - 15 June 2012 |
19-06-2012-121612-002 | 12/07/2012 | Please provide information and details of all meetings and the outcome of liaisons between MOD, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx, xxxxxx, xxxxxx and xxxxxx from June 2008 to the present day. |
19-06-2012-125237-003 | 13/07/2012 | Please advise on whether RAF Waddington have any unmanned spy drones based there and if any were flying on 17 May 2012 near Newark. |
19-06-2012-134520-011 | 17/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details on government contracts held by L3 Communications. |
19-06-2012-135757-012 | 17/07/2012 | Please provide information and details on the companies, and factories, used by MOD in 2008-2009, 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 and 2011 - 2012 to manufacture trousers, shirts, jumpers, jackets, socks, underwear, boots, bags, hats/helmets and other non-arms related military equipment. |
19-06-2012-140825-001 | 17/07/2012 | Please provide copies of all correspondence concerning the funding arrangements for the Maritime Heritage Foundation along with similar documentation confirming the Foundation had its own funding in place to pay for its proposed work on the wreck site of HMS Victory 1744. |
19-06-2012-143111-013 | 17/07/2012 | Please provide a copy of the conveyance and deeds for specified property in Northamptonshire formerly owned by the Secretary of State for Air. |
19-06-2012-144827-014 | 17/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on contracts MOD has with SMEs for the service provision of small and medium passenger transport (i.e. taxis, private hire services, chauffeur services). |
19-06-2012-152047-002 | 04/07/2012 | Please provide information and details to various questions regarding FLEET OP POL MTO SO2 trips. |
19-06-2012-155653-016 | 17/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on the number of new recruits accepted into the British Armed Forces in 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 with criminal records. |
19-06-2012-163310-017 | 17/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on the number of racism complaints MOD received from serving soldiers (UK and Commonwealth) from 2008 - 1 March 2012. |
20-06-2012-094207-001 | 17/07/2012 | Please provide information on the UK Polaris firing procedure which had previously been redacted from DEFE/69/729. |
20-06-2012-101057-002 | 17/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on the plans in place for recruitment into the MOD Police for external applicants over the next 2 years. |
20-06-2012-103811-001 | 17/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details to various questions regarding the 2,900 Army redundancies announced in Tranche 2. |
20-06-2012-103836-002 | 12/07/2012 | Definitions of information provided in response to FOI 16-05-2012-095741-001. |
20-06-2012-105050-003 | 18/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide a copy of the written instructions issued for the decontamination of the area known as 'Ground Zero' after detonation of atomic bombs Pennant and Burgee on the 22 August and 23 September 1958 at Christmas Island. |
20-06-2012-153710-001 | 18/07/2012 | Please provide information and details on the compensation received for xxxxxx's father's death. |
20-06-2012-160708-001 | 10/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, to various questions regarding a specified investigation. |
20-06-2012-161157-002 | 17/07/2012 | Please provide a copy of the police report on the UFO sighting in Nottinghamshire in August 1969. |
20-06-2012-162250-003 | 18/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, of the number of Service Personnel who tested positive following Compulsory Drugs Tests since 1 January 2007. |
21-06-2012-100123-001 | 18/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details on the MOD's ability to defend, prevent or retaliate against an electromagnetic pulse attack (EMP) and whether the UK Armed Forces have a similar weapon to use against a foreign power or enemy of the British State. |
21-06-2012-101652-002 | 19/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on fraud loss and recoveries within western defence organisations. |
21-06-2012-115306-001 | 18/07/2012 | Please provide copies of all reports mentioned in MOD's response to 30-05-2012-113251-001. |
21-06-2012-115712-001 | 18/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details on the number of noise complaints received in RAF Brize Norton since the Hercules fleet arrived there. |
21-06-2012-142519-002 | 19/07/2012 | Please provide information and details on companies that have expressed in bidding for the 2012/S 110-183040 - UK-Corsham: Maintenance Services of telecommunications equipment contract along with information and details on the current contract holder. |
21-06-2012-154324-003 | 19/07/2012 | Please advise on how much funding the cadet services (in particular the ACF, the ATC and the CCF) receive from MOD each year. |
22-06-2012-102242-001 | 19/07/2012 | Please provide copies of remediation reports as applicable to radionuclide contamination, and removal of same, in and around RAF Stornoway. |
22-06-2012-104150-002 | 19/07/2012 | Please provide a copy of AWE's Review, Learn and Improve report concerning the fire at AWE Aldermaston on 3 August 2010. |
22-06-2012-112204-001 | 20/07/2012 | Please provide a copy of the BOI for the air crash on 19 December 1946. |
22-06-2012-114015-002 | 20/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details to various questions regarding the British Forces operations in the Gulf of Aden. |
22-06-2012-115605-003 | 20/07/2012 | Please provide information and details on the work of HRH The Princess Royal Countess of Harewood for her regiments between 1939-1945. |
22-06-2012-141201-005 | 16/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details to various questions regarding Woodvale Rally. |
22-06-2012-143708-006 | 20/07/2012 | Please provide a copy of AFH1157. |
22-06-2012-151719-007 | 19/07/2012 | Please provide all information relating to the court martials regarding the mistreatment of detainees on HMT Dunera during its trip from Liverpool to Sydney, Australia from 10 July to 7 September 1940. |
22-06-2012-154853-008 | 19/07/2012 | Please provide information and details for the MOD's spend on the military aid programme to Nigeria and the Niger Delta region from 1 April 2001 - 31 March 2012. |
22-06-2012-155935-009 | 20/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on the number of Typhoon fighter planes that were available to fly operationally from 1 July 2011 to 1 June 2012. |
25-06-2012-091812-001 | 20/07/2012 | Please provide information and details on the crash site of Avro Lancaster ND639. |
25-06-2012-093746-002 | 20/07/2012 | Please provide information and details on the recruitment of people with hepatitis B. |
25-06-2012-100126-004 | 20/07/2012 | Please provide information and details on the work of the Cambridge Chemist, Bernard Charles Saunders during WWII. |
25-06-2012-101333-005 | 20/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details on the actual total number of human remains found, in respect of WWI, presently under investigation to ascertain identification by the MOD JCCC / SPVA based at Innsworth, Gloucester. |
25-06-2012-104646-006 | 20/07/2012 | Please provide information and details on the Allchin scale traction engine model. |
25-06-2012-111446-008 | 23/07/2012 | Please provide information and details on the levels of 'ALPHA' and 'BETA' radiation recorded at Ground Zero during the first few hours after detonation of Pennant and Burgee in 1958. |
25-06-2012-121344-011 | 19/07/2012 | Please provide information and details on the successful tenderers for the Aldershot Guard services 82147-2007 contract along with details on n whether it will be extended or renewed. |
25-06-2012-151358-013 | 23/07/2012 | Please provide details of the current contract holder for the UK-Bristol: Unmanned Underwater Vehicles - 2012/S 119-197043 contract along with information and details of the companies that expressed an interest for bidding for the contract. |
25-06-2012-152914-014 | 23/07/2012 | Please provide information and details on the procurement of the Mechanical and Electrical responsive and planned building maintenance contract. |
25-06-2012-155420-015 | 23/07/2012 | Please provide information and details of all companies that expressed an interest for bidding for the UK-Lisburn: Air-traffic control services - 2012/S 119-197416 contract. |
25-06-2012-162550-016 | 23/07/2012 | Please provide a copy of the RAF Board of Inquiry into the air accident involving Vulcan B2 XH535 near Andover on 11 May 1964. |
26-06-2012-093621-001 | 23/07/2012 | Please provide a copy of the relevant LQA reports ref Stornoway & Benbecula. |
26-06-2012-105202-001 | 23/07/2012 | Please provide a copy of the radiation dose records held by DSTL in Gosport for James Francis Taaffe, a former Chatham Dockyard worker. |
26-06-2012-113413-002 | 20/07/2012 | Please provide copies of NISGS notebooks for named individuals along with Daily Occurrence Book information for the period 08 January - 10 February 2010. |
26-06-2012-113528-003 | 19/07/2012 | Twenty-seven questions about manning and redundancy. |
26-06-2012-121737-002 | 24/07/2012 | Please provide information and details of all buildings and land that MOD currently have for sale. |
26-06-2012-124629-004 | 24/07/2012 | Allegations of rape and/or sexual assault. |
26-06-2012-140532-001 | 24/07/2012 | Please provide information and details, along with demographic data, on employees employed in MOD. |
26-06-2012-141526-002 | 24/07/2012 | Please provide information and details on the procurement of the Mechanical and Electrical responsive and planned building maintenance contract at the Royal Naval College. |
26-06-2012-162158-004 | 24/07/2012 | Please provide a copy of various Health and Safety named publications. |
27-06-2012-083212-001 | 02/07/2012 | Please provide information and details to various questions regarding Gurkha TACOS. |
27-06-2012-090131-001 | 23/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details on national civilian emergency procedures. |
27-06-2012-093132-002 | 24/07/2012 | Please provide a copy of the full presentation from a MATT 6 Security Presentation which referred to the BNP as a subversive organisation. |
27-06-2012-093643-003 | 25/07/2012 | Please provide a copy of the agendas minutes of the central MOD Committees concerned with Radioactive Waste Management for the period 1985 to 1995. |
27-06-2012-094405-004 | 25/07/2012 | Please provide a copy of the minutes and agendas of the MOD Contaminated Land Policy Group for the period 2000 to 2012. |
27-06-2012-105730-001 | 23/07/2012 | Please provide a copy of all internal and external email correspondence regarding 863 (Thurston) Squadron from 1 January 2011 - present. |
27-06-2012-110109-002 | 23/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on the cost of MOD Saudi Armed Forces Projects Office in FY 2011-12 along with the number of Projects Office staff employed on 1 April 2012. |
27-06-2012-114805-001 | 13/07/2012 | Please provide a copy of the new rules that were promulgated by the Indian Government for Indian Army Gurkha servicemen who were still serving after 1 January 2006 along with the post 1 January 2006 rates of pay for Indian Army Gurkha officers and soldiers who served after 1 January 2006. |
27-06-2012-152218-002 | 13/06/2012 | Please provide a copy of the policy document on bounty qualification including waivers along with any other policy documents regarding operationally injured service personnel in the reserve forces. |
27-06-2012-154347-003 | 16/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on the scoring criteria used for the Airman Aircrew trade of WSOp (EW) in the RAF Tranche 1 Redundancy programme. |
27-06-2012-154911-004 | 25/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on whether any ministers, advisors or civil servants have had any direct contact in person or via email, telephone, video, mail, conference call or any other method with the American Legislative Exchange Council. |
28-06-2012-110352-001 | 09/07/2012 | Please provide information and details on the consent for vaccinating Gulf War veterans. |
28-06-2012-115055-001 | 25/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on the cost entailed in compensating service personnel injured in operations in Iraq and Afghanistan through Armed Forces Compensation Scheme. |
28-06-2012-120348-001 | 25/07/2012 | Please provide information and details of all military citations made by xxxxxxx for gallantry awards for the Battle for Mount Longdon. |
28-06-2012-121321-002 | 25/07/2012 | Please provide a copy of the Report of Proceedings of HMS Invincible covering the period 30 May - 1 June 1982. |
28-06-2012-123353-004 | 26/07/2012 | Please provide information and details on the location of the Government Pipeline and Storage System near the town of Tadley. |
28-06-2012-130344-005 | 26/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details along with a copy of the MOD policy and internal guidelines, regarding the approval required for a person to hold the position of School Staff Instructor in the Combined Cadet Force. |
28-06-2012-131133-006 | 26/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on when widows of servicemen became entitled to a pension. |
28-06-2012-131818-007 | 26/07/2012 | Please provide information and details on military desertions from the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq since each respective conflict began. |
28-06-2012-132653-008 | 26/07/2012 | Please provide information and details to various questions regarding a soldier's tour of duty and typical rest and recuperation allowances in Britain's first Provisional Reconstruction Team in Afghanistan in 2003. |
28-06-2012-141550-009 | 26/07/2012 | Please advise on whether MOD hold any information and details on the incident at Fawkham Green on 23 June 1941. |
28-06-2012-145511-001 | 25/07/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details to various questions, regarding NISGS staff that have been off sick with back pain since the CBA PPE was issued in March 2009. |
29-06-2012-100133-001 | 27/07/2012 | Please provide a copy of the MERLIN computer history printout for the MK 2/3 Daimler Ferret and MK 2 Alvis Stalwart. |