FOI release
Requests received from 5 to 31 Mar 2012
Updated 27 May 2014
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MOD Requests to 31 March 2012 | Not set | Not set |
MOD Information Right team, Main Building, | Not set | Not set |
Not set | Not set | Not set |
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Case Number | Date Due | Request Summary |
05-03-2012-095243-001 | 30/03/2012 | Please provide information and details on the company who has the contract to supply the MOD with the round identity disc (dog tags). |
05-03-2012-102548-002 | 30/03/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on the number of communications received by the police in 2009, 2010 and 2011 that mentioned supernatural activity (ghost, ghosts, haunted, spirit, haunting or poltergeist). |
05-03-2012-104230-003 | 30/03/2012 | Please provide full details of early release schemes used to reduce headcount in the Department and related agencies since May 2010 and including all years for which financial projections have been made. |
05-03-2012-105655-004 | 30/03/2012 | Please provide information and details on suspected pirates apprehended by Royal Navy, and any other UK forces, in the Indian Ocean, the Arabian Sea, the Gulf of Aden and all surrounding areas since 2005. |
05-03-2012-112847-007 | 29/03/2012 | Please provide information on the total head counts of serving personnel in 2010 and 2011 prescribed various hypnotics. |
05-03-2012-114317-008 | 30/03/2012 | Please provide information and details on the use of military recruitment commercial advertising. |
05-03-2012-114812-009 | 30/03/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details. on the total amount of bonus payments paid to Defence Vetting Agency, MDPGA, PPPA, SPVA and SCE staff in 2008/09, 2009/10 and 2010/11. |
05-03-2012-120138-011 | 30/03/2012 | Please advise on the accessibility of the Type X Machine report held at the National Archives. |
05-03-2012-120544-012 | 30/03/2012 | Please advise on the number of RN , Army and RAF ID cards that have been lost or stolen in 2011. |
05-03-2012-133547-013 | 02/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on the physical fitness test and selection standards used in the UK Armed Forces. |
05-03-2012-144220-014 | 02/04/2012 | Please provide information on the direct and indirect costs of allowing pet animals onto the MOD estate for each of the last five years. |
05-03-2012-150437-015 | 02/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on the current situation regarding the two aircraft carriers being built for the Royal Navy. |
05-03-2012-154332-002 | 02/04/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on the total amount of bonus payments paid to Dstl staff in 2008/09, 2009/10 and 2010/11. |
05-03-2012-155217-003 | 29/03/2012 | Please provide copies of various VC10 reports |
05-03-2012-160404-018 | 02/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on the WWII PoW camp in Long Marston in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire. |
05-03-2012-162614-019 | 02/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on 1-star posts and above filled in the Department in FY 2008/09, 2009/10, 2010/11 and 2011/12. |
06-03-2012-085404-001 | 26/03/2012 | Please provide a copy of the latest DASA reports on medical discharges, mental health assessments and suicides in the Armed Forces respectively. |
06-03-2012-151636-002 | 03/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on the benefits of handing over control of the HMS Victory excavation to the Maritime Heritage Foundation. |
06-03-2012-152209-003 | 03/04/2012 | Please provide copies of pictures of all UFOs sightings, submitted to MOD, over the last five years. |
06-03-2012-153213-005 | 16/03/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details to various questions regarding Fijians and the British Army. |
06-03-2012-154624-006 | 03/04/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details to various questions regarding military assistance provided to the programme in Nigeria between January 2007 to January 2012. |
07-03-2012-102847-001 | 03/04/2012 | Please provide information and details to various questions regarding Prince Harry's military training. |
07-03-2012-103621-002 | 03/04/2012 | Please provide copies of maps showing places used by MOD for practice training exercise areas. |
07-03-2012-104114-003 | 04/04/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on the number of Army personnel treated for combat stress, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and related conditions from 2006 to present. |
07-03-2012-104606-004 | 04/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on all acquisitions made by MOD Art Collection since January 2009. |
07-03-2012-104616-001 | 23/03/2012 | Please provide informationand details on xxxxxx's inquest |
07-03-2012-110117-005 | 04/04/2012 | Please provide information and details of all items in the MOD Art Collection that are currently categorised as stolen, missing, untraceable or whose whereabouts are otherwise marked as unknown. |
07-03-2012-113537-008 | 04/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on the documents which make up the audit trails supporting the appointments of the current cadre of Non-Executive Directors engaged across the Ministry of Defence at Defence Board, TLB and Agency level. |
07-03-2012-134030-002 | 04/04/2012 | Please advise whether any other type C SFA was available at RAF Brampton between 28 March to 25 April 2011. |
07-03-2012-135657-009 | 04/04/2012 | Please provide information on the total amount of MOD expenditure that has been spent on the research and development of applications for mobile platforms along with a list of MOD apps which are currently available and those still in development. |
07-03-2012-135950-001 | 04/04/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details to various questions regarding the Red Arrows. |
07-03-2012-145720-010 | 04/04/2012 | Please provide information on the official statement made by MOD about the 5 September 2007 handing over power to Basra, and the withdrawal of British troops from Iraq. |
07-03-2012-153508-011 | 04/04/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on the number of claims made against MOD with regarding medical negligence suffered during treatment at the Royal Centre for Defence Medicine in Birmingham over the past three years (October 2008 to October 2011). |
07-03-2012-154445-012 | 04/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on the construction of the Corsham Computer Centre, which is located at Peel Circus, Corsham, North Wiltshire. |
07-03-2012-164423-013 | 04/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on ministers in the Department that have been provided with media training, vocal coaching, public speaking training and/or visual presentation skills training since 12 May 2010. |
08-03-2012-101115-001 | 04/04/2012 | Please provide information on the current number of war pensioners in the UK and an estimate of the total UK veteran population. |
08-03-2012-150625-001 | 05/04/2012 | Please provide copies of the minutes and agenda of the Defence R&D Board from 2007 to 2010. |
08-03-2012-151241-002 | 05/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on MOD's expenditure on hiring private military and security companies in Afghanistan, Libya and Syria since November 2010 to March 2012. |
08-03-2012-154812-003 | 05/04/2012 | Please advise where a collection of Civil Defence and home protection pamphlets, produced and distributed between 1945 and 1951 in the UK, can be found. |
08-03-2012-163320-006 | 05/04/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, of British Military Hospitals and when British Red Cross Hospital ambulances worked in Italy during WWI. |
08-03-2012-164136-007 | 05/04/2012 | Please provide information and details of all external courses, conferences, training or other away days attended by MOD staff since 1 January 2010. |
09-03-2012-081806-001 | 04/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on how the impact of the Defence Review and other management initiatives would change Health & Safety and nuclear risks. |
09-03-2012-100958-001 | 05/04/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on the amount of revenue that has been received by the police force for services rendered by way of private investigations, bailiff/eviction type services, or by any other method of paid services, work performed, or contractual agreements made to business, private individuals, or organisations of any kind from 2006 to 2011. |
09-03-2012-101912-002 | 05/04/2012 | Please provide information and details to various questions regarding monies spent overall on communications and marketing (including public relations, advertising and all other disciplines). |
09-03-2012-102732-003 | 05/04/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on the total number of fatalities due to enemy action in the Armed Forces which occurred in Afghanistan between 01 January 2000 and 01 March 2012. |
09-03-2012-105441-004 | 10/04/2012 | Please advise on the number of Black pilots in the RAF. |
09-03-2012-105633-002 | 05/04/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details to various questions regarding promotion criteria and guidance for Eng cadre Lts. |
09-03-2012-110306-005 | 10/04/2012 | Please provide a copy of the Business Case for the Army Recovery Capability that was submitted by HQ LF to MOD in the summer 2010. |
09-03-2012-113847-006 | 10/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on the companies that have provided pre-release courses information from 2008 to 2012. |
09-03-2012-114415-007 | 10/04/2012 | Please provide information on the Military Entertainment Southern Area which entertained troops station on the South coast during WWII. |
09-03-2012-114904-001 | 04/04/2012 | Please provide full information and details of an incident with an unknown aircraft at Throckmorton airfield between 2100 hours on 30 March and 0530 hours on the 31 March. |
09-03-2012-115039-008 | 10/04/2012 | Please provide information and details of the subcontractors, suppliers and consultants involved in the Upper Harbour Ammunitioning Facility. |
09-03-2012-115523-009 | 10/04/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on cyber attacks issues. |
09-03-2012-120848-010 | 05/04/2012 | Please advise on the number of Pakistanis in the British Army and the number serving their country In Afghanistan. |
09-03-2012-121704-011 | 05/04/2012 | Please provide a copy of the Incident Report and associated correspondence regarding the burst pipe leak in Building 42 that took place early in February. |
09-03-2012-123800-001 | 10/04/2012 | Please advise on the number of occasions military helicopter activity has occurred over property at xxxxxx Culbane Road, Portglenone between and including 13 February 2007 to 13 February 2009. |
09-03-2012-133705-012 | 05/04/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on the number of contracts MOD has awarded to various companies since May 2010. |
09-03-2012-140432-013 | 10/04/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on the 2009 climate change strategy. |
09-03-2012-141707-014 | 10/04/2012 | Please provide a complete copy of the regulations which govern and regulate the RAF. |
09-03-2012-142338-015 | 10/04/2012 | Please provide a complete copy of the regulations which govern and regulate the Navy and Royal Marines. |
09-03-2012-143817-016 | 10/04/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on police and Army co-operation to foil terrorist attacks. |
09-03-2012-144231-017 | 10/04/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on the makes, models and suppliers of wristwatches used by the British Armed Forces. |
09-03-2012-145532-018 | 28/03/2012 | Please provide information and details of all injuries reported that were submitted by officers from AWE Aldermaston and AWE Burghfield where injuries were either sustained through carriage of equipment (to include firearms) or due to the weight of officers' equipment, over the last five years. |
09-03-2012-145557-019 | 30/03/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details. on the total amount of bonus payments paid to Defence Support Group staff in 2008/09, 2009/10 and 2010/11. |
09-03-2012-151004-020 | 26/03/2012 | Please provide copies of various risk assessments, regarding the wearing of the issue black ruck sacks and relevant PPE carried within it, by officers at AWE Aldermaston. |
09-03-2012-155636-021 | 10/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on the sale of various paintings from the MOD art collection and proceeds to be given to Help for Heroes. |
12-03-2012-083221-001 | 05/04/2012 | Please provide copies of military police criminal records and Army service records for xxxxxxx. |
12-03-2012-091947-001 | 10/04/2012 | Please advise on whether MOD hold any documentation on the vessels involved in the rescue of passengers on board SS Volendam that was torpedoed in 1940. |
12-03-2012-092432-002 | 11/04/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on the MOD's PFIs. |
12-03-2012-093510-003 | 11/04/2012 | Please provide details of the of the facilities granted by the British Consulate in Berlin to xxxxxx along with any other information regarding his sudden disappearance in 1931. |
12-03-2012-094629-004 | 11/04/2012 | Please provide information and details to various questions regarding the sinking of the ARA General Belgrano on 2 May 1982 during the Falklands War. |
12-03-2012-095948-005 | 11/04/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, to various questions regarding incorrect implementation of amounts of pensions paid under pension sharing orders. |
12-03-2012-102353-006 | 05/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on UK veterans mental health. |
12-03-2012-103003-007 | 10/04/2012 | Please provide information and details to various questions regarding REPPIR Reg 14. |
12-03-2012-103618-008 | 05/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on recent annual tri-service outflow (2010 to 2011). |
12-03-2012-104409-009 | 11/04/2012 | Please provide information and details of MOD's Travel and Subsistence expenditure for FY 2008/2009, 2009/2010 and 2010/2011. |
12-03-2012-104853-010 | 11/04/2012 | Please provide a copy of the policy for the recruitment and management of transsexual personnel in the Armed Forces. |
12-03-2012-105939-012 | 11/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on the use of the facility at Silver Lane, Padworth. |
12-03-2012-112657-014 | 11/04/2012 | Please provide information and details to various questions regarding MOD's mobile phone and PBX/VOIP maintenance contracts. |
12-03-2012-113031-015 | 11/04/2012 | Please advise on the number of British service personnel that have been wounded in action in Afghanistan over the past ten years. |
12-03-2012-113728-001 | 05/04/2012 | Please advise on the number of noise complaints RAF Shawbury have received so far this year. |
12-03-2012-114255-016 | 11/04/2012 | Please provide copies of the minutes and agenda of the meeting between the then Secretary of State for Defence, Liam Fox and General Dynamics in March 2011. Please provide copies of all other associated correspondence prepared for or connected with this meeting. |
12-03-2012-145002-017 | 11/04/2012 | Please advise on the accessibility of retained file WO 208/3435 held at the National Archives. |
12-03-2012-152657-018 | 11/04/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details on the amount spent on food in Scottish military bases (Dreghorn Barracks, Redford Barracks, Glencorse Barracks and Fort George) from 2009 to present. |
12-03-2012-153126-019 | 11/04/2012 | Please provide a copy of any instructions, policies, advisory literature or generic risk assessments that were relevant in October of 2010 relating to the wearing of eye defence during Army training exercises. |
12-03-2012-162526-020 | 11/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on the number and types of penalties given to Welsh Guards and Royal Welsh players in rugby and football teams for foul play. |
12-03-2012-163503-021 | 10/04/2012 | Please provide a breakdown of the different ranks of female officers in the Armed Forces. |
12-03-2012-165042-022 | 11/04/2012 | Please provide verification and information and details on history and creation of the Marines Training camp at Bursledon Hampshire. |
12-03-2012-165554-023 | 11/04/2012 | Please provide information and details to various questions regarding DSG's mobile phone and PBX/VOIP maintenance contracts. |
12-03-2012-170214-024 | 11/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on various ship landings on Rockall Island. |
13-03-2012-093008-001 | 05/04/2012 | Please provide a breakdown on the number of complaints received from non-civilian personnel concerning kit or equipment shortages in 2010 and 2011. |
13-03-2012-095630-001 | 11/04/2012 | Please advise on the number of security breaches at Armed Forces bases in Northern Ireland in the past three years. |
13-03-2012-101622-002 | 11/04/2012 | Please provide full citations for Victoria Cross, George Cross, Military Cross and George Medal gallantry awards which have been awarded during operations in Iraq and Afghanistan from the commencement of operations. |
13-03-2012-102446-003 | 11/04/2012 | Please provide information on the number of Afghan and Iraqi casualties caused by British Armed Forces personnel since 2001. |
13-03-2012-102942-004 | 11/04/2012 | Please provide information on the number of serving UK military personnel in each branch of the Armed Forces, with Duanes Syndrome. |
13-03-2012-112540-005 | 12/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on measurements made to determine the character of dust at the point of impact of DU munitions. |
13-03-2012-112651-002 | 10/04/2012 | Please provide information on the disposal of the AFV432. |
13-03-2012-120649-006 | 12/04/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on the number of Commonwealth soldiers currently serving in the UK Armed Forces. |
13-03-2012-130029-007 | 12/04/2012 | Please provide copies of any reports and emails which have been produced or which originated within MOD that relate to Warley Chapel. |
13-03-2012-130439-008 | 12/04/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on the number of personnel with ranks of Corporals and Sergeants from the Trade Group 5 Gen Tech E and Gen Tech M fields that applied for the Tranche 2 RAF Redundancy Programme. |
13-03-2012-131113-009 | 11/04/2012 | Please provide a copy of the Queen's Regulations and orders for the Army. |
13-03-2012-141558-001 | 10/04/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on the game/sport of Kabaddi. |
13-03-2012-145858-010 | 12/04/2012 | Please provide an original copy of the video surveys of the underground facility at Corsham following its declassification. |
13-03-2012-153320-011 | 12/04/2012 | Please provide information and details of the Apache helicopter attack that took place on the 12 June 2011 against rigid inflatable boats off the coast of Libya. |
13-03-2012-153911-012 | 05/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on MND in the Army. |
13-03-2012-155452-013 | 12/04/2012 | Please provide information on the procedure put in place to report UFO sightings when the UFO desk closed along with the number of sightings that have been reported through this new procedure. |
13-03-2012-164140-014 | 12/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on the UK-Taunton: Computer related services contract awarded to xxxxxx. |
14-03-2012-094820-001 | 12/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on the Army's role in the Lower Falls area of Belfast on 3 to 5 July 1970. |
14-03-2012-095404-002 | 12/04/2012 | Please provide information on the number of Army personnel that have become veterans from 2001 to 2012. |
14-03-2012-102013-001 | 11/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on MOD's spend with, along with the top fifty, small and medium size enterprises. |
14-03-2012-104014-003 | 12/04/2012 | Please provide information and details of female non artificer CPOs on Level 8 or 9 of the higher pay band. |
14-03-2012-113806-004 | 13/04/2012 | Please provide information on the design and structure of 25 MU Hartlebury. |
14-03-2012-115404-005 | 13/04/2012 | Please provide information on the drafting of the Lancaster House treaties. |
14-03-2012-120912-006 | 13/04/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details to various questions regarding Army recruitment and selection. |
14-03-2012-122523-007 | 13/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on the British Army's recruitment targets. |
14-03-2012-140015-001 | 05/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on the costs incurred to investigate and bring to a hearing the recent conduct case held at the Agency Training Centre on 27 February 2012. |
14-03-2012-150758-008 | 13/04/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on the amount paid out in compensations in FY 2009/10 and FY 2010/11 to people who complained about low flying aircraft. |
14-03-2012-151431-009 | 13/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on the impact the inclusion of private contractors has had on the British Armed Forces from 1980 to 2011. |
14-03-2012-152201-010 | 13/04/2012 | Please provide a copy of MOD's policy for transmission of data to non-MOD parties by e-mail/electronic means. |
14-03-2012-152854-011 | 13/04/2012 | Please provide information on the number of repatriation flights from Afghanistan in the past twelve months [to Lyneham and Brize Norton] along with the number of bodies returned. |
14-03-2012-153303-012 | 13/04/2012 | Please advise on the accessibility of DEFE 24/1039 file at the National Archives. |
14-03-2012-154836-013 | 13/04/2012 | Please provide confirmation on what information is held on military assistance provided to the programme in Nigeria between January 2007 to January 2012. |
14-03-2012-161944-014 | 13/04/2012 | Please advise and provide information on preparing an offer on the xxxxxxx. |
15-03-2012-102307-001 | 13/04/2012 | Please advise on the number of Falklands War veterans that have committed suicide. |
15-03-2012-104558-003 | 13/04/2012 | Please provide information and details to various questions regarding the conclusions of the Trident Alternatives Review. |
15-03-2012-111230-004 | 16/04/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on suicide rated in the British Army during the WWII. |
15-03-2012-112655-001 | 11/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on receipt and invoice expenses incurred for RAF Menwith Hill. |
15-03-2012-113130-005 | 16/04/2012 | Please provide information and details to various question regarding lost/stolen/misplaced documents in MOD. |
15-03-2012-113408-002 | 27/03/2012 | Follow up question to 30-01-2012-144417-003 regarding number of doctors who work at Norcross and their hours. |
15-03-2012-113903-006 | 16/04/2012 | Please provide a copy of Annual Report and Accounts for the Army Personnel Centre for 1998-99, 1999-2000, 2000-2001, 2001-2002, 2002-2003 and 2003-2004. |
15-03-2012-114844-007 | 16/04/2012 | Please provide a copy of the Design & Maintenance Guide 33 regarding the use of the crack and seat treatment on airfield pavements. |
15-03-2012-115627-008 | 16/04/2012 | Please provide a copy of Annual Report and Accounts for the Army Training and Recruiting Agency for 1999-2000, 2000-2001and 2005-2006. |
15-03-2012-150930-003 | 16/04/2012 | Please provide information on the provision of housing and other assistance available to personnel in the Royal Marines fifty years ago. |
15-03-2012-151543-004 | 16/04/2012 | Please advise on the accessibility of ES 2/215 file at the National Archives. |
15-03-2012-153919-005 | 16/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on annual statistics on the number of recruits to the Armed Forces over the past ten years. |
15-03-2012-164931-007 | 16/04/2012 | Please provide copies of all witness statements, inquiry results, Coroner reports, etc concerning the death of xxxxxxx on 24 July 1968. |
15-03-2012-173308-008 | 16/04/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on the decision to stop issuing replacement WWI medals to next-of-kin. |
16-03-2012-091922-001 | 12/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on recovered costs from Babcock due to the November 2010 Hallen PSD incident. |
16-03-2012-133757-002 | 17/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on MOD spend with Marshall Aerospace in the last three years. |
16-03-2012-135715-001 | 16/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on the mines laid on the beach at Talacre, Flintshire, North Wales during WWII. |
16-03-2012-140212-002 | 16/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on the cost of the new Naval Command implementation. |
16-03-2012-153327-003 | 17/04/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on electronic weapons with telemetric reporting capabilities. |
16-03-2012-153945-004 | 17/04/2012 | Please provide information and details to various questions regarding the decommissioning of the Trident Nuclear deterrent. |
16-03-2012-160552-005 | 17/04/2012 | Please provide information and details to various questions regarding food waste and anaerobic digestion. |
16-03-2012-162446-006 | 17/04/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details to various questions regarding Equality and Diversity in MOD. |
16-03-2012-164354-007 | 17/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on the number of civilians in MOD, at Broader Band B level and above, whose PAYE and NI contributions are not paid at sources as a result of their contractual arrangements. |
16-03-2012-165105-008 | 17/04/2012 | Please provide information and details of any meetings, or contact, MOD senior officials have had with members of the Syrian government, Syrian diplomatic officials or Syrian private companies since January 2010. |
16-03-2012-170106-009 | 17/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on IPv4/8 addresses assigned to the Royal Signals and Radar Establishment by IANA in 1995 along with the number(s) that are still in use. |
16-03-2012-171929-010 | 17/04/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, to various question regarding allegations of fraud and other criminal offences from 2005 to 2011 inclusive. |
16-03-2012-191351-011 | 17/04/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details to various questions regarding stamp cancelling machines used by British Forces Postal Services on mail from British Forces. |
19-03-2012-093506-001 | 16/04/2012 | Please provide copies of weekly brigade intelligence summaries from September 1980 and November 1981. |
19-03-2012-101919-002 | 17/04/2012 | Please provide further information about the figure on page 35 of the MOD 2009 Climate Change Strategy. |
19-03-2012-102039-001 | 18/04/2012 | Please provide information on the reasons behind ammunition being fired, in the last year during operations involving pirates along the Somali coast and the Gulf of Aden, by British Forces. |
19-03-2012-103303-003 | 17/04/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on how much unexploded ordnance (fired in combat by the British Army) remained in Libya and Egypt following the WWII. |
19-03-2012-105716-004 | 17/04/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on the number of FTE police officers in the MDPGA. |
19-03-2012-112022-005 | 17/04/2012 | Please provide copies of the Field Experiments Division Note No: S/15 (October 1961) Accession No 004471 and Field Experiments Division Note. S/15 First Supplement (December 1961). Accession No 004472 documents which are held by AWE. |
19-03-2012-114122-006 | 17/04/2012 | Please provide information on details on pelvic protection and how it has assisted in the reduction of perineal injuries. |
19-03-2012-115407-007 | 18/04/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on research and funding on Gulf War illness. |
19-03-2012-115422-008 | 18/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on Army recruitment statistics. |
19-03-2012-120744-009 | 18/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on the MOD's research and development spending particularly regarding the Naval sector. |
19-03-2012-145205-010 | 18/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on the UK-Upavon: Cater service contract awarded to xxxxxx. |
19-03-2012-150750-011 | 18/04/2012 | Please advise on the accessibility of various DEFE files at the National Archives. |
19-03-2012-152300-012 | 18/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on Sandhurst Station Multi-Activity contract awarded to xxxxxx. |
19-03-2012-153039-001 | 18/04/2012 | Please provide copies of the replies to the consultation exercise run jointly by the MOD and DCMS for the future management of the site of the Victory 1744. |
19-03-2012-153211-013 | 18/04/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on the number of investigations that have been started by the Royal Military Police arising out of incidents in which Afghan civilians have allegedly been either killed or wounded/injured by British military personnel in Afghanistan from 7 October 2011 to present. |
19-03-2012-160851-015 | 18/04/2012 | Please provide information on the costs associated with providing MOD marine policing for the ports of Devonport and Portsmouth. |
19-03-2012-172400-016 | 18/04/2012 | Please advise on the number of Air Cadet (Air Training Corps) related adventure training incidents, as a result of inadequate supervision or leadership, from 2006 to 2011 inclusive. |
20-03-2012-093330-001 | 13/04/2012 | Please provide information and details to various statistical data questions on Armed Forces personnel. |
20-03-2012-113037-002 | 16/04/2012 | Please provide a copy of an aeronautical chart showing the three flight corridors over the British Zone of West Germany into Berlin between 1945 to 1990. |
20-03-2012-121101-003 | 18/04/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details to various questions regarding Army employment in FY 2008/09, 2009/10, 2010/11 and 2011/12. |
20-03-2012-144826-004 | 18/04/2012 | Please provide a copy of JSP 554. |
20-03-2012-150456-005 | 19/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on the meeting between xxxxxx and representatives of the Lockheed Martin firm in February 2011. |
21-03-2012-090639-001 | 19/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on contracts MOD has commissioned, readiness of all Armed Forces, and public opinion surveys regarding British Armed Forces since 1980. |
21-03-2012-095127-001 | 20/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on the percentage chance of survival for Medical Assistants (MA) in the RN. |
21-03-2012-095255-002 | 19/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on the number of occasions an official government car was used in MOD since January 2011. |
21-03-2012-101332-004 | 19/04/2012 | Please provide copies of documentation regarding the composition of chemtrails and any health implications to the public. |
21-03-2012-103826-006 | 19/04/2012 | Please provide copies of any aerial photos of Newbarnsley police station, Bessbroke Mill and images from the inside of any of the Golf and Romeo towers. |
21-03-2012-105023-007 | 20/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on various BFPO locations during WWI, WWII and the Korean Wars. |
21-03-2012-105719-008 | 19/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on the UK's role in Iraq. |
21-03-2012-112952-009 | 20/04/2012 | Please provide details on the number and nature of any security breaches at Armed Forces bases in Northern Ireland in the past three years. |
21-03-2012-115125-010 | 20/04/2012 | Please provide information on Palestinian Jewish volunteers who served for the United Kingdom between 1939-45. |
21-03-2012-115812-011 | 20/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on the outsourcing procedures of military support to civil firms (private military companies) by MOD. |
21-03-2012-134004-001 | 19/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on the total expenditure on providing assistance for live game shoots in RMA Sandhurst, RAF Cranwell and RAF Marham. |
21-03-2012-135039-012 | 20/04/2012 | Please provide a copy of BR 8470 Shock Manual. |
21-03-2012-154834-013 | 11/04/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on other ex service women affect by the AFPS pension miscalculation |
22-03-2012-110540-001 | 23/04/2012 | Please provide copies of the quarterly manning reports of UK Army Recruitment figures between 2000 and 2002. |
22-03-2012-110740-002 | 20/04/2012 | Please provide pictures, or a map, of the RAF Martlesham Heath airfield during and after WWII. |
22-03-2012-111147-003 | 20/04/2012 | Please provide a list of Army bases in the South West. |
22-03-2012-111746-004 | 23/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on Park Farm, Cadley, Marlborough, Wiltshire, SN8 4NE. |
22-03-2012-112506-005 | 23/04/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details to changes made to the RAF service numbering system. |
22-03-2012-113856-006 | 20/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on the review of the byelaws for various military lands. |
22-03-2012-130351-007 | 23/04/2012 | Please advise on how the last will and testament of xxxxxx can be viewed. |
22-03-2012-151844-008 | 23/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on the annual breakdown, for the last three financial years, of the total amount spent on phone calls from departmental landlines. |
22-03-2012-152621-009 | 23/04/2012 | Please provide information and details of the Department's supplier of laptops and desktop computers. |
22-03-2012-153205-010 | 23/04/2012 | Please provide information on xxxxxx regarding the investigation into his death in Derry, Northern Ireland on 17 May 1976. |
22-03-2012-153546-011 | 23/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on the total annual spend, for the last three financial years, by the Department on printer cartridges. |
22-03-2012-155645-001 | 23/04/2012 | Please provide information about the historic paintings previously located at the officers' mess at RAF Sealand. |
22-03-2012-161045-012 | 23/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on the total amount of money spent on hire cars by the Department, annually, for the last three financial years. |
22-03-2012-171537-013 | 23/04/2012 | Please provide statistical information and details on the number of soldiers, from 2nd Mercian Regiment, that have been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder from the beginning of the war in Afghanistan (2001) to present. |
23-03-2012-093945-001 | 23/04/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on the safeguards and audit arrangements in place when using the Primavera database. |
23-03-2012-095600-002 | 23/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on the number of personnel injured and killed during the Falklands War. |
23-03-2012-100624-003 | 24/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on the number of Afghan National Security Forces killed in Action since June 2006 to March 2012. |
23-03-2012-101354-004 | 24/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on the number of Afghan National Security Forces wounded in action since June 2006 to March 2012. |
23-03-2012-140144-005 | 17/04/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details to various questions regarding the number of ethnic minorities officers serving in MOD police. |
23-03-2012-140926-001 | 24/04/2012 | Please advise on other categories of musculoskeletal disorders. |
23-03-2012-141421-006 | 19/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on MDPGA spend on agency staff within the last financial year (01 April 2010 to 31 March 2012). |
23-03-2012-160759-007 | 24/04/2012 | Please provide information and details to various questions regarding the treatment of Ghurkha soldiers and their families. |
23-03-2012-161325-008 | 24/04/2012 | Please provide copies of MOD Annual reports from 1997 to 2000. |
26-03-2012-125532-002 | 23/04/2012 | Please provide a written copy of the law, statute, Standing Order British Army (Germany) (SOBAG) clause or any other document anywhere that empowers a British Forces Germany (BFG) Customs & Immigration official to sign a BFG Form on behalf of another person, without their authority. |
26-03-2012-104956-001 | 24/04/2012 | Please provide information on the full amount spent to date by MOD on the aircraft carrier programme, in relation to the decisions taken in the SDSR to convert both aircraft carriers to have catapult and arrestor gear. |
26-03-2012-110413-002 | 24/04/2012 | Please provide information on the full amount spent to date by MOD on preparation for the procurement of the Joint Strike Fighter F35c. |
26-03-2012-111409-003 | 24/04/2012 | Please provide information on all correspondence between MOD and counterparts in France, USA, Italy, Canada, Australia and NATO on the decision taken in the SDSR to convert both aircraft carriers to operate with the Joint Strike Fighter F35c. |
26-03-2012-111821-004 | 24/04/2012 | Please provide information on the number of UK service personnel trained to operated the Joint Strike Fighter F35c since May 2010. |
26-03-2012-112506-005 | 24/04/2012 | Please provide information and details of Typhoon-related investment carried out at RAF Leuchars in Fife between January 2010 and present (23 March 2012). |
26-03-2012-145346-013 | 24/04/2012 | Please provide all statistical information, including that contained in Ministerial communications, used to provide an informed background to the taking of the decision in the Strategic Defence and Security Review to convert both aircraft carriers to have catapult and arrestor gear and to operate with the Joint Strike Fighter F35c. |
26-03-2012-160215-014 | 24/04/2012 | Please provide information on contracts that have been signed agreeing work to convert the carrier to have catapult and arrestor gear along with information on the assessment that has been made on cancellation costs. |
26-03-2012-103916-001 | 25/04/2012 | Please provide information and details of Min (DEST) meetings with Bell Pottinger. |
26-03-2012-114237-006 | 25/04/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details to various questions regarding the RAF Tranche 1 redundancy. |
26-03-2012-115515-007 | 25/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on the numbers of employees who applied for early release and the numbers offered early release on the 2012-14 Voluntary Early Release Scheme. |
26-03-2012-122837-008 | 25/04/2012 | Please provide a copy of the latest edition of the Army list. |
26-03-2012-123517-009 | 25/04/2012 | Please provide a copy of AESP 0200-A-400-013 - Technical Instruction for Storage of Equipment under Controlled Humidity Environment (CHE). |
26-03-2012-130116-011 | 25/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on all meetings between MOD senior officials and xxxxxx and xxxxxx since 11 May 2010. |
26-03-2012-144454-012 | 25/04/2012 | Please provide a copy of the data behind Chart to Table 1.1: UK Defence Expenditure: 1976/77 to 2010/11 in the 2011 UK Defence Statistics Document. |
26-03-2012-160911-015 | 25/04/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on the use of firearms by military personnel deployed as security staff to assist the police at the London 2012 Olympic games. |
26-03-2012-173622-018 | 25/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on the Long Service Pensions rates since 1947 to 2012 for British and Commonwealth soldiers. |
27-03-2012-095214-001 | 25/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on the number of allegations of fraud, financial, forgery, money laundering, white collar, etc implicating a member of the legal or accounting profession that have been reported and investigated by the force. |
27-03-2012-100414-002 | 25/04/2012 | Please provide a copy of the final Impact Assessment of the transposition of the EU Defence and Security Directive into UK Regulations. |
27-03-2012-100936-003 | 25/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on updates made to AIR 10/9375 RAF Manual of Effects of Nuclear Weapons document at the National Archives. |
27-03-2012-102340-004 | 25/04/2012 | Please provide information on the number of aircraft related noise complaints concerning activity at Brize Norton between 1 August 2010 and 1st March 2011 and 1 August 2011 and 1st March 2012. |
27-03-2012-132522-001 | 25/04/2012 | Women at sea |
27-03-2012-144316-002 | 25/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on changes that have occurred to the wreck of HMS Victory 1744 since it was first discovered by Odyssey Marine Exploitation in 2009. |
27-03-2012-164016-038 | 25/04/2012 | Please advise on the number of the ninety-nine formal complaints of bullying and harassment submitted by MOD employees during 2010, that were upheld. |
27-03-2012-105514-005 | 26/04/2012 | Please provide a copy of MIL-STD-6017 VMF. |
27-03-2012-113735-007 | 26/04/2012 | Please advise on the publication of the next edition of the Navy List. |
27-03-2012-115033-008 | 26/04/2012 | Please advise and provide information on the number of people who have been made redundant from each Army Regiment since May 2010. |
27-03-2012-115518-009 | 26/04/2012 | Please advise and provide information on the number of Army Regiments that have ceased to exist since May 2010. |
27-03-2012-115913-010 | 26/04/2012 | Please advise and provide information on the number of bereaved families that have been in receipt of compensation payments which have been subject to means-testing. |
27-03-2012-120550-011 | 26/04/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details on whether any risk registers or equivalent analysis has been conducted on the impact of changes being considered as part of the New Employment Model. |
27-03-2012-120930-012 | 26/04/2012 | Please provide information on the technical issues with the airbridge which have led to the delay of civilian and service personnel travelling to Afghanistan. |
27-03-2012-121535-013 | 26/04/2012 | Please provide information on the technical issues with the airbridge which have led to the delay of service personnel returning from Afghanistan. |
27-03-2012-140518-014 | 26/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on the number and type of Armed Forces personnel based in each constituency, local authority area and region at Tranche 1 and Tranche 2 of the Armed Forces Redundancy Programme. |
27-03-2012-140832-015 | 26/04/2012 | Please provide a copy of all submissions that were sent to Ministers about the extension of the life of the Vanguard Class Submarines to 2030 and all submissions which were sent to Ministerial Private Offices on that subject. |
27-03-2012-141207-016 | 26/04/2012 | Please provide a copy of all submissions that were sent to Ministers about the decision over whether to proceed with the configuration of the carrier programme as outlined in the SDSR and all submissions which were sent to Ministerial Private Offices on that subject. |
27-03-2012-141524-017 | 26/04/2012 | Please provide a copy of all submissions that were sent to Ministers about the decision over whether to proceed with the purchase of the F35C as outlined in the SDSR and all submissions which were sent to Ministerial Private Offices on that subject. |
27-03-2012-142431-018 | 26/04/2012 | Please provide a copy of all submissions that were sent to Ministers about the decision over whether to have carrier-strike based around a single new operational carrier with the second planned to be kept at extended readiness, as outlined in the SDSR and all submissions which were sent to Ministerial Private Offices on the subject. |
27-03-2012-143651-019 | 26/04/2012 | Please provide a copy of all submissions that were sent to Ministers about the decommissioning of HMS Ark Royal and all submissions which were sent to Ministerial Private Offices on that subject. |
27-03-2012-143904-020 | 26/04/2012 | Please provide a copy of all submissions that were sent to Ministers about the decommissioning of HMS Illustrious and all submissions which were sent to Ministerial Private Offices on that subject. |
27-03-2012-144150-021 | 26/04/2012 | Please provide a copy of all submissions that were sent to Ministers about the reduction of the Army by 7,000 as announced in the SDSR and all submissions which were sent to Ministerial Private Offices on that subject. |
27-03-2012-144557-022 | 26/04/2012 | Please provide a copy of all submissions that were sent to Ministers about the reduction of the Navy by 5,000 as announced in the SDSR and all submissions which were sent to Ministerial Private Offices on that subject. |
27-03-2012-144842-023 | 26/04/2012 | Please provide a copy of all submissions that were sent to Ministers about the decision to freeze funding for upgrades of service accommodation and all submissions which were sent to Ministerial Private Offices on that subject. |
27-03-2012-145300-024 | 26/04/2012 | Please provide a copy of all submissions that were sent to Ministers about the implications of the conclusions of the three month study and all submissions which were sent to Ministerial Private Offices on that subject. |
27-03-2012-145531-025 | 26/04/2012 | Please provide a copy of all submissions that were sent to Ministers about The reduction of the RAF by 5,000 as announced in the SDSR and all submissions which were sent to Ministerial Private Offices on that subject. |
27-03-2012-145720-026 | 26/04/2012 | Please provide a copy of all submissions that were sent to Ministers about the reduction of civil service numbers by 25,000 as announced in the SDSR and all submissions which were sent to Ministerial Private Offices on that subject. |
27-03-2012-145923-027 | 26/04/2012 | Please provide a copy of all submissions that were sent to Ministers about changes to the Defence Planning Assumptions announced in the SDSR and all submissions which were sent to Ministerial Private Offices on that subject. |
27-03-2012-150128-028 | 26/04/2012 | Please provide a copy of all submissions that were sent to Ministers about the reduction by four of the number of frigates announced in the SDSR and all submissions which were sent to Ministerial Private Offices on that subject. |
27-03-2012-150506-029 | 26/04/2012 | Please provide a copy of all submissions that were sent to Ministers about the reduction by eight the number of Chinook helicopters ordered and all submissions which were sent to Ministerial Private Offices on that subject. |
27-03-2012-150751-030 | 26/04/2012 | Please provide a copy of all submissions that were sent to Ministers about the decision not to bring into service the Nimrod MR4 as announced in the SDSR and all submissions which were sent to Ministerial Private Offices on that subject. |
27-03-2012-151023-031 | 26/04/2012 | Please provide a copy of all submissions that were sent to Ministers about the decision to cut service and civilian personnel allowances by over £300m per year by 2014/15, as announced in the SDSR, and all submissions which were sent to Ministerial Private Offices on this subject. |
27-03-2012-151342-032 | 26/04/2012 | Please provide a copy of all submissions that were sent to Ministers about the decision to reduce from the Reserve £2.4bn allocated for operations in Afghanistan and all submissions which were sent to Ministerial Private Offices on that subject. |
27-03-2012-153548-033 | 26/04/2012 | Please provide a copy of all submissions that were sent to Ministers about the decision not to implement an independent appeals process against decisions taken by the Chief Coroner and all submissions which were sent to Ministerial Private Offices on that subject. |
27-03-2012-155349-034 | 26/04/2012 | Please provide information and details to various questions regarding MOD's spend on printing equipment and print related costs in 2010 and 2011. |
27-03-2012-155943-036 | 26/04/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details on the number of officers of Air Rank (4-star, 3-star, 2-star and 1-star) that have retired from the Royal Air Force during October 2011 to April 2012. |
27-03-2012-160512-037 | 26/04/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details on the number of officers of 2-star and 1-star rank that work for the Defence Medical Services. |
28-03-2012-123541-001 | 05/04/2012 | Please advise on why RAF Shrewbury generates the most aircraft noise complaints. |
28-03-2012-150027-002 | 11/04/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details on selection criteria, direction and guidance was provided to the Lt to Lt Cdr Engineer Promotion Selection Board members for the 2011 Board. |
28-03-2012-143416-005 | 24/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on the aggregate amount of all OPA payments to Adderley Featherstone on 2010/2011 and 2011/2012. |
28-03-2012-144753-007 | 24/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on the total number of deaths and various types of casualties of British soldiers in Afghanistan. |
28-03-2012-102103-001 | 24/04/2012 | Please advise on contacts MOD has with Southampton University and/or any of their researchers at the Mountbatten Centre at Southampton University or the Centre for Science and Security Studies at King’s College. |
28-03-2012-093103-001 | 26/04/2012 | Please identify and provide a copy of the exact PPR used for the promotion gradings board. |
28-03-2012-100936-002 | 26/04/2012 | Please provide a copy of UK Defence Statistics 2010. Please advise and provide information and details on UK government Research & Development budgets. |
28-03-2012-101730-001 | 26/04/2012 | Please provide information and details of all publicised and unpublished documents, correspondence sent or received by MOD regarding Scotland's position in Europe in the event of a yes vote to independence. |
28-03-2012-133944-002 | 26/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on the disused range near Rippon. |
28-03-2012-105716-003 | 27/04/2012 | Please provide information and details to various questions about the Armed Forces personnel deployed in Afghanistan. |
28-03-2012-113523-004 | 27/04/2012 | Please provide a copy of the minutes of the redundancy board which looked at RE LE Majors in Army Redundancy Tranche 1. |
28-03-2012-134332-003 | 27/04/2012 | Please advise on how much money MOD has spent in relation to Dalgety Bay by 1990. |
28-03-2012-135520-004 | 27/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on a small committee formed in the summer/autumn of 1948 to examine intelligence collection on the Soviet Union. |
28-03-2012-140931-005 | 27/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on bonuses paid to MOD civilian staff in Northern Ireland during the 2009/10, 2010/11 and 2011/12 financial years. |
28-03-2012-142921-006 | 27/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on the medal citations for various military personnel who received Operational Honours and Awards in the list announced on 23 March 2012, in the category of Rest of the World. |
28-03-2012-152221-008 | 27/04/2012 | Please provide information and details to various questions regarding VERS 2011/12. |
28-03-2012-153338-006 | 27/04/2012 | Please provide a copy of the UK Armed Forces Psychiatric Morbidity Report. |
28-03-2012-153351-009 | 27/04/2012 | Please provide information and details regarding the erection of six wind turbines at Kenly Farms, Fife. |
28-03-2012-160412-010 | 27/04/2012 | Please provide information and details to various questions regarding DG MAA Annual Report 2010/11. |
28-03-2012-160947-011 | 27/04/2012 | Please provide information and details of guests invited to all dinners at the MOD's expense. |
28-03-2012-163647-012 | 27/04/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on occupational therapists and their involvement in the work to rehabilitate Armed Forces personnel. |
28-03-2012-165236-013 | 27/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on the UK-Sutton Coldfield: Advisory and Consultative Engineering Services contract awarded to xxxxxx. |
28-03-2012-165539-014 | 27/04/2012 | Please provide information and details regarding contract xxxxxx. Please advise, and provide information and details, on total monies paid to Honeybee Recruitment.Com Ltd via invoices originally raised by Locums (UK) Ltd. |
29-03-2012-092524-002 | 19/04/2012 | Please advise on the FOI procedure for seeing the winning tender for xxxxxx. |
29-03-2012-150644-001 | 25/04/2012 | Please provide information on HMS McKay destroyer. |
29-03-2012-153133-002 | 25/04/2012 | Please could you provide details of any meetings, contact or correspondence between ministers or MOD civil servants and members of the Syrian government since January 2001. Please provided details of all meetings, contact or correspondence with various names Syrian officials. |
29-03-2012-084142-001 | 26/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on the cost of counter narcotics operation undertaken by HMS Manchester. |
29-03-2012-160448-003 | 26/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on the cost of PAYD services at Dreghorn Barracks, Redford Barracks, Glencorse Barracks and Fort George. |
29-03-2012-093027-001 | 30/04/2012 | Please provide aerial images from 1984 to 2000 of New Barnsley Police Station, Bessbrook Mill, any Golf & Romeo Towers as well as pictures from inside these towers. |
29-03-2012-122538-001 | 30/04/2012 | Please provide information on the National Training Estate Prime contract managed under the current contractual arrangements between Defence Infrastructure Organisation and xxxxxx. |
29-03-2012-131400-002 | 30/04/2012 | Personal grievance between xxxxxx and Devonport Naval Base. |
29-03-2012-133813-003 | 30/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on the latest Armed Forces Continuous Attitude Survey. |
29-03-2012-151549-004 | 30/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on the UK-Brackley: Building Construction Work contract awarded to xxxxxx. |
29-03-2012-152123-005 | 30/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on countries that hold strategic control licences from 2000 to present. |
29-03-2012-153921-006 | 30/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on CBRN training. |
29-03-2012-154825-007 | 30/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on the results of depleted uranium contamination at VJ Butt, Eskmeals, Cumbria. |
29-03-2012-155311-008 | 30/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on the number of rape allegations that have been made against the Royal Military Police since 2005. |
29-03-2012-160744-009 | 30/04/2012 | Please provide information and details to various questions regarding British Nuclear Test Veterans and their widows MOD for negligence. |
30-03-2012-115520-003 | 11/04/2012 | Please provide information and details to various questions regarding Dstl's mobile phone and PBX/VOIP maintenance contract. |
30-03-2012-114931-002 | 26/04/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details, on the number of occasions Dstl has authorised operations or investigations under RIPA or RIPSA in 1 March 2009 to 28 February 2010, 1 March 2010 to 28 February 2011 and 1 March 2011 to 29 February 2012. |
30-03-2012-093356-001 | 30/04/2012 | Please provide information and details on women serving in the Armed Forces. |
30-03-2012-105138-002 | 01/05/2012 | Please provide a copy of Ordinance Board Pillar Proceeding P101. |
30-03-2012-115608-003 | 01/05/2012 | Please provide the latest version of the MOD’s Commercial Policy Statement including transparency narrative conditions. |
30-03-2012-115830-004 | 01/05/2012 | Please provide copies of all documents relating to the tests carried out on the depleted uranium penetrator and the results of the subsequent tests. |
30-03-2012-122203-004 | 01/05/2012 | Please provide a copy of all the Regulatory Policy Committee (RPC) opinions issued to all Departments in 2011. |
30-03-2012-152242-005 | 01/05/2012 | Please provide a copy of the Court of Inquiry and any other information held from the collision between HMS Penelope and HMCS Preserver in 1988. |
30-03-2012-153838-006 | 01/05/2012 | Please advise, and provide information and details to various questions regarding latest level of inventory held for the Land Equipment fleets. |