Official Statistics
Probation starts
Updated 25 April 2013
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Probation starts by offender, Q2 2012 | ||||
Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
Trust | Order type | Sex | Date | COUNT |
Avon & Somerset | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 184 |
Avon & Somerset | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 872 |
Avon & Somerset | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 142 |
Avon & Somerset | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 663 |
Avon & Somerset | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 42 |
Avon & Somerset | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 190 |
Avon & Somerset | YRO | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 18 |
Avon & Somerset | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 142 |
Avon & Somerset | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 682 |
Avon & Somerset | All Pre CJA community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 1 |
Avon & Somerset | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 42 |
Avon & Somerset | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 190 |
Avon & Somerset | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 11 |
Avon & Somerset | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 236 |
Avon & Somerset | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 195 |
Avon & Somerset | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 1102 |
Bedfordshire | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 41 |
Bedfordshire | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 307 |
Bedfordshire | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 31 |
Bedfordshire | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 241 |
Bedfordshire | Deferred Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 1 |
Bedfordshire | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 10 |
Bedfordshire | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 62 |
Bedfordshire | YRO | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 4 |
Bedfordshire | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 31 |
Bedfordshire | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 245 |
Bedfordshire | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 10 |
Bedfordshire | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 63 |
Bedfordshire | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 10 |
Bedfordshire | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 139 |
Bedfordshire | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 51 |
Bedfordshire | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 445 |
Cambridgeshire | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 88 |
Cambridgeshire | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 437 |
Cambridgeshire | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 58 |
Cambridgeshire | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 279 |
Cambridgeshire | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 31 |
Cambridgeshire | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 159 |
Cambridgeshire | YRO | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 1 |
Cambridgeshire | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 58 |
Cambridgeshire | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 281 |
Cambridgeshire | All Pre CJA community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 1 |
Cambridgeshire | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 31 |
Cambridgeshire | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 159 |
Cambridgeshire | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 9 |
Cambridgeshire | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 112 |
Cambridgeshire | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 97 |
Cambridgeshire | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 548 |
Cheshire | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 97 |
Cheshire | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 546 |
Cheshire | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 79 |
Cheshire | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 392 |
Cheshire | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 17 |
Cheshire | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 148 |
Cheshire | YRO | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 1 |
Cheshire | YRO | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 3 |
Cheshire | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 80 |
Cheshire | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 399 |
Cheshire | All Pre CJA community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 4 |
Cheshire | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 17 |
Cheshire | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 148 |
Cheshire | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 7 |
Cheshire | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 177 |
Cheshire | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 104 |
Cheshire | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 723 |
Durham Tees Valley | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 202 |
Durham Tees Valley | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 1065 |
Durham Tees Valley | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 154 |
Durham Tees Valley | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 739 |
Durham Tees Valley | Deferred Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 1 |
Durham Tees Valley | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 51 |
Durham Tees Valley | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 321 |
Durham Tees Valley | YRO | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 9 |
Durham Tees Valley | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 154 |
Durham Tees Valley | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 748 |
Durham Tees Valley | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 51 |
Durham Tees Valley | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 322 |
Durham Tees Valley | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 11 |
Durham Tees Valley | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 291 |
Durham Tees Valley | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 213 |
Durham Tees Valley | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 1351 |
Cumbria | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 90 |
Cumbria | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 339 |
Cumbria | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 66 |
Cumbria | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 257 |
Cumbria | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 22 |
Cumbria | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 72 |
Cumbria | YRO | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 2 |
Cumbria | YRO | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 9 |
Cumbria | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 68 |
Cumbria | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 267 |
Cumbria | All Pre CJA community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 2 |
Cumbria | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 22 |
Cumbria | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 72 |
Cumbria | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 6 |
Cumbria | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 76 |
Cumbria | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 96 |
Cumbria | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 414 |
Derbyshire | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 133 |
Derbyshire | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 647 |
Derbyshire | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 87 |
Derbyshire | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 408 |
Derbyshire | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 45 |
Derbyshire | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 231 |
Derbyshire | YRO | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 1 |
Derbyshire | YRO | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 10 |
Derbyshire | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 88 |
Derbyshire | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 418 |
Derbyshire | All Pre CJA community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 2 |
Derbyshire | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 45 |
Derbyshire | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 231 |
Derbyshire | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 15 |
Derbyshire | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 182 |
Derbyshire | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 148 |
Derbyshire | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 829 |
Devon & Cornwall | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 126 |
Devon & Cornwall | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 606 |
Devon & Cornwall | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 76 |
Devon & Cornwall | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 427 |
Devon & Cornwall | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 50 |
Devon & Cornwall | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 170 |
Devon & Cornwall | YRO | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 10 |
Devon & Cornwall | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 76 |
Devon & Cornwall | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 437 |
Devon & Cornwall | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 50 |
Devon & Cornwall | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 170 |
Devon & Cornwall | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 20 |
Devon & Cornwall | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 160 |
Devon & Cornwall | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 146 |
Devon & Cornwall | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 764 |
Dorset | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 48 |
Dorset | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 274 |
Dorset | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 38 |
Dorset | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 211 |
Dorset | Deferred Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 2 |
Dorset | Deferred Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 3 |
Dorset | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 8 |
Dorset | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 55 |
Dorset | YRO | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 6 |
Dorset | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 38 |
Dorset | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 217 |
Dorset | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 10 |
Dorset | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 58 |
Dorset | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 3 |
Dorset | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 69 |
Dorset | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 51 |
Dorset | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 343 |
Essex | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 182 |
Essex | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 897 |
Essex | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 134 |
Essex | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 644 |
Essex | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 47 |
Essex | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 234 |
Essex | YRO | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 1 |
Essex | YRO | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 26 |
Essex | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 135 |
Essex | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 670 |
Essex | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 47 |
Essex | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 234 |
Essex | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 16 |
Essex | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 197 |
Essex | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 198 |
Essex | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 1094 |
Gloucestershire | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 58 |
Gloucestershire | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 289 |
Gloucestershire | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 46 |
Gloucestershire | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 220 |
Gloucestershire | Deferred Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 3 |
Gloucestershire | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 12 |
Gloucestershire | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 60 |
Gloucestershire | YRO | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 6 |
Gloucestershire | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 46 |
Gloucestershire | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 226 |
Gloucestershire | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 12 |
Gloucestershire | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 63 |
Gloucestershire | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 5 |
Gloucestershire | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 76 |
Gloucestershire | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 63 |
Gloucestershire | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 365 |
Hampshire | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 205 |
Hampshire | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 993 |
Hampshire | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 158 |
Hampshire | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 711 |
Hampshire | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 45 |
Hampshire | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 262 |
Hampshire | YRO | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 3 |
Hampshire | YRO | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 23 |
Hampshire | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 161 |
Hampshire | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 735 |
Hampshire | All Pre CJA community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 1 |
Hampshire | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 45 |
Hampshire | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 262 |
Hampshire | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 20 |
Hampshire | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 290 |
Hampshire | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 225 |
Hampshire | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 1282 |
West Mercia | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 92 |
West Mercia | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 580 |
West Mercia | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 68 |
West Mercia | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 427 |
West Mercia | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 24 |
West Mercia | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 138 |
West Mercia | YRO | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 14 |
West Mercia | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 68 |
West Mercia | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 443 |
West Mercia | All Pre CJA community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 2 |
West Mercia | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 24 |
West Mercia | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 138 |
West Mercia | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 10 |
West Mercia | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 156 |
West Mercia | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 102 |
West Mercia | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 735 |
Hertfordshire | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 94 |
Hertfordshire | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 570 |
Hertfordshire | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 66 |
Hertfordshire | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 394 |
Hertfordshire | Deferred Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 1 |
Hertfordshire | Deferred Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 8 |
Hertfordshire | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 28 |
Hertfordshire | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 169 |
Hertfordshire | YRO | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 4 |
Hertfordshire | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 66 |
Hertfordshire | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 398 |
Hertfordshire | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 29 |
Hertfordshire | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 177 |
Hertfordshire | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 7 |
Hertfordshire | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 124 |
Hertfordshire | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 101 |
Hertfordshire | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 694 |
Humberside | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 151 |
Humberside | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 762 |
Humberside | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 106 |
Humberside | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 525 |
Humberside | Deferred Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 4 |
Humberside | Deferred Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 13 |
Humberside | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 42 |
Humberside | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 227 |
Humberside | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 106 |
Humberside | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 526 |
Humberside | All Pre CJA community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 1 |
Humberside | All Pre CJA community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 1 |
Humberside | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 46 |
Humberside | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 240 |
Humberside | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 16 |
Humberside | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 201 |
Humberside | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 167 |
Humberside | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 962 |
Kent | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 163 |
Kent | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 927 |
Kent | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 118 |
Kent | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 589 |
Kent | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 42 |
Kent | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 326 |
Kent | YRO | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 4 |
Kent | YRO | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 16 |
Kent | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 122 |
Kent | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 605 |
Kent | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 42 |
Kent | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 326 |
Kent | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 22 |
Kent | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 313 |
Kent | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 185 |
Kent | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 1240 |
Lancashire | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 200 |
Lancashire | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 1264 |
Lancashire | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 133 |
Lancashire | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 915 |
Lancashire | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 66 |
Lancashire | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 339 |
Lancashire | YRO | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 1 |
Lancashire | YRO | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 14 |
Lancashire | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 134 |
Lancashire | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 934 |
Lancashire | All Pre CJA community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 5 |
Lancashire | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 66 |
Lancashire | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 339 |
Lancashire | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 33 |
Lancashire | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 322 |
Lancashire | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 233 |
Lancashire | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 1581 |
Leicestershire | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 115 |
Leicestershire | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 674 |
Leicestershire | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 80 |
Leicestershire | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 479 |
Leicestershire | Deferred Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 2 |
Leicestershire | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 34 |
Leicestershire | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 183 |
Leicestershire | YRO | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 2 |
Leicestershire | YRO | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 11 |
Leicestershire | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 82 |
Leicestershire | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 490 |
Leicestershire | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 34 |
Leicestershire | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 185 |
Leicestershire | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 11 |
Leicestershire | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 171 |
Leicestershire | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 126 |
Leicestershire | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 844 |
Lincolnshire | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 62 |
Lincolnshire | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 353 |
Lincolnshire | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 43 |
Lincolnshire | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 267 |
Lincolnshire | Deferred Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 1 |
Lincolnshire | Deferred Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 6 |
Lincolnshire | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 16 |
Lincolnshire | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 74 |
Lincolnshire | YRO | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 2 |
Lincolnshire | YRO | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 6 |
Lincolnshire | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 45 |
Lincolnshire | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 273 |
Lincolnshire | All Pre CJA community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 1 |
Lincolnshire | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 17 |
Lincolnshire | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 80 |
Lincolnshire | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 3 |
Lincolnshire | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 77 |
Lincolnshire | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 65 |
Lincolnshire | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 429 |
Greater Manchester | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 402 |
Greater Manchester | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 2266 |
Greater Manchester | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 290 |
Greater Manchester | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 1553 |
Greater Manchester | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 109 |
Greater Manchester | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 671 |
Greater Manchester | YRO | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 4 |
Greater Manchester | YRO | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 48 |
Greater Manchester | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 294 |
Greater Manchester | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 1602 |
Greater Manchester | All Pre CJA community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 1 |
Greater Manchester | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 109 |
Greater Manchester | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 671 |
Greater Manchester | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 37 |
Greater Manchester | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 651 |
Greater Manchester | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 439 |
Greater Manchester | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 2916 |
Merseyside | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 206 |
Merseyside | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 877 |
Merseyside | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 153 |
Merseyside | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 578 |
Merseyside | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 50 |
Merseyside | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 281 |
Merseyside | YRO | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 4 |
Merseyside | YRO | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 19 |
Merseyside | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 156 |
Merseyside | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 597 |
Merseyside | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 50 |
Merseyside | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 281 |
Merseyside | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 24 |
Merseyside | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 348 |
Merseyside | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 230 |
Merseyside | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 1224 |
Norfolk & Suffolk | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 134 |
Norfolk & Suffolk | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 714 |
Norfolk & Suffolk | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 96 |
Norfolk & Suffolk | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 481 |
Norfolk & Suffolk | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 38 |
Norfolk & Suffolk | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 219 |
Norfolk & Suffolk | YRO | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 15 |
Norfolk & Suffolk | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 96 |
Norfolk & Suffolk | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 497 |
Norfolk & Suffolk | All Pre CJA community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 1 |
Norfolk & Suffolk | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 38 |
Norfolk & Suffolk | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 219 |
Norfolk & Suffolk | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 11 |
Norfolk & Suffolk | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 179 |
Norfolk & Suffolk | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 145 |
Norfolk & Suffolk | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 891 |
Northamptonshire | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 68 |
Northamptonshire | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 377 |
Northamptonshire | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 45 |
Northamptonshire | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 269 |
Northamptonshire | Deferred Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 4 |
Northamptonshire | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 23 |
Northamptonshire | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 101 |
Northamptonshire | YRO | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 3 |
Northamptonshire | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 45 |
Northamptonshire | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 272 |
Northamptonshire | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 23 |
Northamptonshire | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 105 |
Northamptonshire | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 18 |
Northamptonshire | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 110 |
Northamptonshire | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 86 |
Northamptonshire | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 487 |
Northumbria | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 215 |
Northumbria | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 1053 |
Northumbria | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 159 |
Northumbria | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 750 |
Northumbria | Deferred Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 2 |
Northumbria | Deferred Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 13 |
Northumbria | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 55 |
Northumbria | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 288 |
Northumbria | YRO | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 7 |
Northumbria | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 159 |
Northumbria | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 757 |
Northumbria | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 57 |
Northumbria | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 301 |
Northumbria | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 13 |
Northumbria | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 239 |
Northumbria | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 228 |
Northumbria | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 1291 |
Nottinghamshire | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 161 |
Nottinghamshire | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 875 |
Nottinghamshire | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 113 |
Nottinghamshire | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 590 |
Nottinghamshire | Deferred Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 1 |
Nottinghamshire | Deferred Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 18 |
Nottinghamshire | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 46 |
Nottinghamshire | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 262 |
Nottinghamshire | YRO | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 1 |
Nottinghamshire | YRO | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 6 |
Nottinghamshire | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 114 |
Nottinghamshire | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 598 |
Nottinghamshire | All Pre CJA community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 2 |
Nottinghamshire | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 47 |
Nottinghamshire | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 280 |
Nottinghamshire | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 18 |
Nottinghamshire | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 275 |
Nottinghamshire | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 179 |
Nottinghamshire | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 1150 |
Thames Valley | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 169 |
Thames Valley | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 873 |
Thames Valley | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 127 |
Thames Valley | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 612 |
Thames Valley | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 36 |
Thames Valley | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 247 |
Thames Valley | YRO | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 5 |
Thames Valley | YRO | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 19 |
Thames Valley | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 133 |
Thames Valley | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 630 |
Thames Valley | All Pre CJA community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 1 |
Thames Valley | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 36 |
Thames Valley | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 247 |
Thames Valley | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 14 |
Thames Valley | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 292 |
Thames Valley | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 182 |
Thames Valley | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 1164 |
Staffordshire & West Midlands | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 507 |
Staffordshire & West Midlands | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 2479 |
Staffordshire & West Midlands | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 349 |
Staffordshire & West Midlands | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 1666 |
Staffordshire & West Midlands | Deferred Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 1 |
Staffordshire & West Midlands | Deferred Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 4 |
Staffordshire & West Midlands | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 154 |
Staffordshire & West Midlands | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 780 |
Staffordshire & West Midlands | YRO | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 4 |
Staffordshire & West Midlands | YRO | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 38 |
Staffordshire & West Midlands | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 354 |
Staffordshire & West Midlands | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 1703 |
Staffordshire & West Midlands | All Pre CJA community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 1 |
Staffordshire & West Midlands | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 155 |
Staffordshire & West Midlands | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 784 |
Staffordshire & West Midlands | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 117 |
Staffordshire & West Midlands | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 1329 |
Staffordshire & West Midlands | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 621 |
Staffordshire & West Midlands | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 3799 |
Surrey & Sussex | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 222 |
Surrey & Sussex | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 1078 |
Surrey & Sussex | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 178 |
Surrey & Sussex | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 773 |
Surrey & Sussex | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 44 |
Surrey & Sussex | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 299 |
Surrey & Sussex | YRO | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 1 |
Surrey & Sussex | YRO | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 11 |
Surrey & Sussex | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 179 |
Surrey & Sussex | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 784 |
Surrey & Sussex | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 44 |
Surrey & Sussex | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 299 |
Surrey & Sussex | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 28 |
Surrey & Sussex | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 312 |
Surrey & Sussex | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 250 |
Surrey & Sussex | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 1390 |
Warwickshire | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 47 |
Warwickshire | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 229 |
Warwickshire | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 35 |
Warwickshire | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 172 |
Warwickshire | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 12 |
Warwickshire | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 55 |
Warwickshire | YRO | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 2 |
Warwickshire | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 35 |
Warwickshire | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 174 |
Warwickshire | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 12 |
Warwickshire | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 55 |
Warwickshire | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 6 |
Warwickshire | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 86 |
Warwickshire | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 53 |
Warwickshire | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 315 |
Wiltshire | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 41 |
Wiltshire | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 241 |
Wiltshire | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 29 |
Wiltshire | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 185 |
Wiltshire | Deferred Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 2 |
Wiltshire | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 12 |
Wiltshire | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 56 |
Wiltshire | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 29 |
Wiltshire | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 185 |
Wiltshire | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 12 |
Wiltshire | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 58 |
Wiltshire | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 4 |
Wiltshire | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 78 |
Wiltshire | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 45 |
Wiltshire | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 319 |
North Yorkshire | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 86 |
North Yorkshire | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 416 |
North Yorkshire | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 69 |
North Yorkshire | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 317 |
North Yorkshire | Deferred Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 2 |
North Yorkshire | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 15 |
North Yorkshire | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 92 |
North Yorkshire | YRO | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 2 |
North Yorkshire | YRO | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 6 |
North Yorkshire | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 71 |
North Yorkshire | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 323 |
North Yorkshire | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 15 |
North Yorkshire | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 94 |
North Yorkshire | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 6 |
North Yorkshire | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 92 |
North Yorkshire | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 92 |
North Yorkshire | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 507 |
South Yorkshire | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 171 |
South Yorkshire | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 999 |
South Yorkshire | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 142 |
South Yorkshire | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 707 |
South Yorkshire | Deferred Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 3 |
South Yorkshire | Deferred Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 7 |
South Yorkshire | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 26 |
South Yorkshire | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 279 |
South Yorkshire | YRO | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 1 |
South Yorkshire | YRO | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 11 |
South Yorkshire | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 143 |
South Yorkshire | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 718 |
South Yorkshire | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 29 |
South Yorkshire | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 286 |
South Yorkshire | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 16 |
South Yorkshire | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 300 |
South Yorkshire | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 187 |
South Yorkshire | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 1298 |
West Yorkshire | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 297 |
West Yorkshire | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 1660 |
West Yorkshire | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 228 |
West Yorkshire | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 1285 |
West Yorkshire | Deferred Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 2 |
West Yorkshire | Deferred Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 17 |
West Yorkshire | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 64 |
West Yorkshire | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 333 |
West Yorkshire | YRO | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 2 |
West Yorkshire | YRO | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 14 |
West Yorkshire | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 231 |
West Yorkshire | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 1317 |
West Yorkshire | All Pre CJA community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 1 |
West Yorkshire | All Pre CJA community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 18 |
West Yorkshire | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 66 |
West Yorkshire | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 350 |
West Yorkshire | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 27 |
West Yorkshire | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 435 |
West Yorkshire | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 324 |
West Yorkshire | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 2095 |
Wales | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 485 |
Wales | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 2203 |
Wales | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 352 |
Wales | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 1562 |
Wales | Deferred Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 2 |
Wales | Deferred Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 3 |
Wales | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 130 |
Wales | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 600 |
Wales | YRO | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 1 |
Wales | YRO | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 41 |
Wales | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 353 |
Wales | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 1602 |
Wales | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 132 |
Wales | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 603 |
Wales | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 45 |
Wales | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 654 |
Wales | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 530 |
Wales | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 2853 |
London | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 793 |
London | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 4418 |
London | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 481 |
London | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 2796 |
London | Deferred Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 1 |
London | Deferred Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 3 |
London | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 291 |
London | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 1456 |
London | YRO | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 21 |
London | YRO | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 166 |
London | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 502 |
London | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 2968 |
London | All Pre CJA community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 6 |
London | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 292 |
London | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 1459 |
London | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 149 |
London | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 1926 |
London | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2012 | 942 |
London | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2012 | 6338 |