Transparency data

BIS exceptions to spending controls: ICT - April to June 2013

Updated 18 September 2013
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Department Organisation Name Project name Basis for expenditure approval Total Value requested (£M) Total Value Approved (£M) Date of approval
BIS BIS Core Future Information Management System To replace the existing Electronic Document and Records Management system Not set 6 Not set
BIS Land Registry Payroll & HR system hosting Meet strategic business requirements , whilst offering value for money and delivering efficiency savings through: Compliance with government digital strategy through: Designing content and services around identifiable user needs Facilitating a simplified, consistent and coherent user experience Not set 3.71 Not set
BIS Medical Research Council IT Transition Programme - SBS Meet strategic business requirements , whilst offering value for money and delivering efficiency savings through: Compliance with government digital strategy through: Designing content and services around identifiable user needs Facilitating a simplified, consistent and coherent user experience Not set 0.89 Not set
BIS RCUK – Nat Oceanography Centre High Performance Computer Replacement Meet strategic business requirements , whilst offering value for money and delivering efficiency savings through: Compliance with government digital strategy through: Designing content and services around identifiable user needs Facilitating a simplified, consistent and coherent user experience Not set 0.35 Not set
BIS RCUK - NERC CISCO hardware support Not set Not set 0.24 Not set
BIS Skills Funding Agency NAS Tactical ehancement : website To avoid impact to citizen / business facing services in line with Government priorities. Not set 0.2 Not set
BIS Skills Funding Agency NAS Tactical ehancement : website To avoid impact to citizen / business facing services in line with Government priorities. Not set 0.9 Not set
BIS Skills Funding Agency Cloud Transformation and service transition To avoid impact to citizen / business facing services in line with Government priorities. To define the programme that will transition the current ICT services to a new supply chain, in line with the Government ICT Strategy, when the current service contracts expire. Not set 2 Not set
BIS Skills Funding Agency Learning Records Service enhancement 2013-14 To avoid impact to citizen / business facing services in line with Government priorities. Not set 3.3 Not set
BIS Skills Funding Agency DCFT Cloud Hosting and Operational Service Management To avoid impact to citizen / business facing services in line with Government priorities. Not set 5.25 Not set
BIS Skills Funding Agency Learner Passport To avoid impact to citizen / business facing services in line with Government priorities. Not set 5.26 Not set
BIS Student Loans Company Digital Delivery (DirectGov / Customer Portal) To exploit existing and emerging digital channels including delivering an integrated web and digital offer. This will be underpinned by the establishment of a Business Intelligence service to support effective performance management, and customer-led continuous improvement. Not set 0.74 Not set
BIS Student Loans Company Core Systems Replacement – Delivery Mobilisation phase 3a To avoid impact to citizen / business facing services in line with Government priorities. Not set 2.95 Not set
BIS TSB TSB _connect upgrade To avoid impact to citizen / business facing services in line with Government priorities. Not set 1.74 Not set