Transparency data

Senior staff datasets at the IPCC, September 2013

Updated 28 February 2014
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Post Unique Reference Name Grade (or equivalent) Job Title Job/Team Function Parent Department Organisation Unit Contact Phone Contact E-mail Reports to Senior Post Salary Cost of Reports (£) FTE Actual Pay Floor (£) Actual Pay Ceiling (£) Professional/Occupational Group Notes Valid?
06-CEO Amanda Kelly SCS2 Acting Chief Executive The IPCC's Chief Executive is the IPCC's Accounting Officer and is accountable to the Home Office Principal Accounting Officer and to Parliament. She is responsible for running the organisation which supports the work of the Commission. Home Office Independent Police Complaints Commission Chief Executive's Private Office and Commission Secretariat 08453 002 002 XX 3807740.64 1.00 125000 129999 Operational Delivery 1
01-DFIT Mike Benson SCS1 Acting Director Of Finance and IT The Acting Director of Finance and IT is responsible for running the directorate which provides Finance, IT and Security to the organisation. Home Office Independent Police Complaints Commission Business Services Directorate 08453 002 002 N/D 06-CEO 667799.88 1.00 85000 89999 Operational Delivery 1
01-DHPE Colin Woodward SCS1 Acting Director of HR, Procurement and Estates The Acting Director of HR and Estates is responsible for running the directorate which provides Human Resources, Procurement and Estates. Home Office Independent Police Complaints Commission Business Services Directorate 08453 002 002 N/D 06-CEO 896979.12 1.00 85000 89999 Operational Delivery 1
02-DCCS David Knight SCS1 Director Of Casework and Customer Services The Director of Casework and Customer Services is responsible for the staff who make decisions on appeals made by members of the public and the Customer Contact Centre. Home Office Independent Police Complaints Commission Casework and Customer Services Directorate 08453 002 002 N/D 06-CEO 3677694.36 1.00 85000 89999 Operational Delivery 1
02-DSAQ Paul Davies SCS1 Acting Director of Standards & Quality The Acting Director of Standards and Quality is responsible for the directorate which leads on standards, quality assurance, risk management, operational training and performance data. Home Office Independent Police Complaints Commission Standards and Quality Standards Directorate 08453 002 002 N/D 06-CEO 807124.08 1.00 75000 79999 Operational Delivery 1
02-DIN Moir Stewart SCS1 Director of Investigations The Director of Investigations is responsible for the directorate which investigates the most serious complaints and allegations of misconduct against the police in England and Wales. Home Office Independent Police Complaints Commission Investigations Directorate 08453 002 002 N/D 06-CEO 5155261.20 1.00 105000 109999 Operational Delivery 1
02-DHB Mike Benbow SCS1 Director of Hillsborough The Director of Hillsborough is responsible for overseeing all aspects of the IPCC's into the Hillsborough disaster Home Office Independent Police Complaints Commission Hillsborough 08453 002 002 N/D 06-CEO 1796716.80 1.00 95000 99999 Operational Delivery 1
01-DOC Megan Smart SCS1 Director of Change The Director of Change is responsible for the directorate planning for the proposed expansion of the IPCC Home Office Independent Police Complaints Commission Change Directorate 08453 002 002 N/D 06-CEO 0.00 1.00 95000 99999 Operational Delivery 1