Transparency data

Department for Education senior staff data: September 2013

Updated 11 October 2024
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Post Unique Reference Name Grade (or equivalent) Job Title Job/Team Function Parent Department Organisation Unit Contact Phone Contact E-mail Reports to Senior Post Salary Cost of Reports (£) FTE Actual Pay Floor (£) Actual Pay Ceiling (£) Professional/Occupational Group Notes Valid?
DFE-1181 Ian Todd SCS2 Director Chief Executive and Accounting Officer for the Standards and Testing Agency, developing and delivering all National Curriculum assessments up to the end of Key Stage 3.  As Chief Executive, responsible for the corporate performance of the STA and for setting its strategic direction in line with Ministerial priorities. Department for Education Standards and Testing Agency Standards and Testing Agency 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1003 367678 1.00 105000 109999 Operational Delivery 1
DFE-1060 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Responsible for test development within the Standards and Testing Agency, to ensure that all statutory tests and assessments meet OfQual's common regulatory principles, including validity, reliability and freedom from bias. Department for Education Standards and Testing Agency Standards and Testing Agency 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1181 1483456 1.00 N/A Operational Delivery 1
DFE-1032 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director This role is responsible for all aspects of delivery relating to EYFSP, KS1 and  KS2 National Curriculum Assessments. This includes the guidance, communications, printing and collation, security, test administration, stakeholder management, data and systems,  marking, return of results to schools by the deadline and all aspects relating to maladministration. The Standards and Testing Agency are mainly split over London and Coventry sites and has about 95 staff. Department for Education Standards and Testing Agency Standards and Testing Agency 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1181 2139335 1.00 N/A Operational Delivery 1
DFE-1021 Sinead O'Sullivan SCS2 Director Responsible for co-ordinating the implementation of the DfE Review (published in November 2012).  Department for Education National College National College 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1015 298518 1.00 80000 84999 Policy 1
DFE-1027 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director The Deputy Director for CPD and leadership is responsible for the College’s approach to leadership development and CPD, including the licensing of the Leadership Curriculum. He leads the delivery and management of commissioned programmes including Future Leaders, Teaching Leaders and the Fellowship Programme.  In addition he is responsible for programmes for school business managers, primary executive heads and chairs of governors. The role involves building strong customer relationships with licensees and commissioned providers whilst holding them to account for high quality delivery and ensuring value for money. Department for Education National College National College 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1015 2008288 1.00 N/A Policy 1
DFE-1025 N/D SCS1A Deputy Director Deputy Director, Initial Teacher Training (ITT), National College for Teaching & Leadership (NCTL). Department for Education National College National College 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1021 852085 1.00 N/A Policy 1
DFE-1109 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director The Director of Teaching Schools and School Improvement is responsible for the strategic leadership of the teaching schools programme, work with academies and chains and the specialist leaders of education programme. In addition the role has oversight of specific school improvement programmes. Department for Education National College National College 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1021 1651165 1.00 N/A Policy 1
DFE-1015 Charlie Taylor SCS2 Director The National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL) is a new government agency created to enable and support the development of a self-improving, school-led system. The agency was formed from the merger, on 2 April 2013, of the National College for School Leadership and the Teaching Agency. NCTL has two key aims: improving the quality of the education workforce; and helping schools to help each other to improve. Department for Education National College National College 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1003 424983 1.00 140000 144999 Policy 1
DFE-1083 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Responsibility for managing the market for Initial Teacher Training (ITT). This involves strategic oversight of the budget to fund ITT training and provide financial support for trainees. Responsible for working with Ofsted on regulating the quality of ITT and on the accreditation of ITT providers and for the collection of a wide range of trainee and labour market data to support the work of the Agency. Department for Education National College National College 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1049 1065155 1.00 N/A Policy 1
DFE-1117 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director, Redeployment Management.  Supports and coaches staff in the redeployment pool so that they quickly identify their redeployment aims and take effective action to achieve those aims.  Department for Education National College National College 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1088 1377951 0.86 N/A Policy 1
DFE-1166 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director The Director of International Business is responsible for leading and managing the work of the College’s International Business Unit including: developing and delivering a comprehensive strategy for international business development and income generation; designing innovative products and services that support the development of international markets; developing market entry strategies including forming strategic partnerships and alliances with individual clients, governments and consulting partners. Department for Education National College National College 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1049 1279718 1.00 N/A Policy 1
DFE-1068 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director responsible for the Early Years and Educational Psychology Division of National College of Teaching and Leadership’s ( NCTL) . Delivering government current commitments to the workforce for Early Years, Educational Psychology and classroom based support staff. Responsible for the design of the delivery of More Great Childcare’s commitment to Early Years Teachers and Early Years Educators. Responsible for the design and delivery of the government’s contribution to the future supply and quality of Education Psychologists following DfE’s Review. Responsible for the delivery of Early Language Development and Portage contracts. Responsible for the smooth transition of this work from the Teaching Agency to the merged NCTL. Department for Education National College National College 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1015 1022119 1.00 N/A Policy 1
DFE-1049 Brian Tytherleigh SCS2 Director provide direct support to the Chief Executive of the National College for Teaching and Learning, oversee accountability and performance, and ensure the agency operates and functions as a fully integrated and supportive component of the DfE. Department for Education National College National College 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1015 1126217 1.00 95000 99999 Policy 1
DFE-1028 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director has overall responsibility for leading the Teacher Services Division of the National College for Teaching and Leadership. The Division supports the award of qualified teacher status, the investigation and consideration of cases where it is alleged that a teacher is guilty of unacceptable professional conduct, conduct that may bring the profession into disrepute or where the teacher has been convicted of a relevant offence. It supports examination officers and the collection of examination scripts. The Division maintains the list of prohibited teachers and makes it available. The Division acts as the appeal body for teachers who have failed their induction period. Department for Education National College National College 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1049 3326173 1.00 N/A Policy 1
DFE-1023 N/D SCS1A Deputy Director Leading the improvement of specific aspects of teacher training and its content, to ensure that schools increasingly take responsibility for training and developing their own staff, and , initial teacher training becomes a self-improving system where government establishes the desired outcomes for trainees and their pupils, and schools work with their partners (including universities) to decide how teachers can best be trained to deliver these outcomes. Department for Education National College National College 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1015 0 1.00 N/A Policy 1
DFE-1065 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Academies Group Territory: responsible for open academies in the Central region including: compliance with the Funding Agreement, casework from academies, responses to POs/TOs, complaints about academies and risk assessment and management. SRO on Data and Analytical work and People skills for the Group Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1136 1424103 1.00 N/A Operational Delivery 1
DFE-1157 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Academies Group – Compliance, Communications and Programme Management Division: Joint SRO for the Academies Delivery Sub Programme & responsible for Academies Programme MO.  Communications and stakeholder engagement relating to academies matters.  Design, development and delivery of the academies enquiry service including setting standards, training staff and knowledge management.  Developing published procedures and internal Desk Instructions, guidance and systems for tracking, analysing and reporting case work about academies' compliance with the Funding Agreement including admission appeals, complaints about academies and requests from academies for consent eg to make significant changes.  Managing the EFA's responsibilities for enabling new academies to open.  Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1136 1598962 1.00 N/A Operational Delivery 1
DFE-1139 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Academies Funding Division: responsible for the funding of all open and opening academy types and Free Schools. This includes the annual allocations cycle, funding within the terms of individual funding agreements, dealing with issues with and revisions to funding throughout the year, working closely with the Free Schools Group, the Converter and sponsored academy divisions, the funding policy team, and working on the planning of the National Funding Formula.  Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1136 1644877 1.00 N/A Operational Delivery 1
DFE-1072 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Academies Group Territory: responsible for open academies in the North including: the provision of accurate, timely funding information to academies, compliance with the Funding Agreement, mangaging enquiries from academies, providing responses to POs/TOs, complaints and general enquiries about academies and risk assessment to identify potential failure of academies. SRO on Communications and Stakeholder Management Sub Programme for the Group. Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1136 780230 1.00 N/A Operational Delivery 1
DFE-1133 Susan Baldwin SCS2 Director Academies and Maintained School Group: The Director is responsible for the delivery of the EFA’s remit for open Academies and Free Schools and the implementation of school funding reforms for maintained schools and academies. Responsibilities include revenue funding of academies, including free schools; the provision of an efficient enquiry service for academies; dealing with funding agreement compliance issues on behalf of the Secretary of State; responsive case management; and providing advice to the Department's policy directorates to inform the development of funding policy. Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1136 1620104 1.00 90000 94999 Operational Delivery 1
DFE-1143 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Develops and implements the people elements of the Education Funding Agency's response to the DfE Review Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1135 0 1.00 N/A Operational Delivery 1
DFE-1135 Mike Green SCS2 Director The Director of Capital is part of the EFA’s Senior Team and head of the Capital Directorate which is one of four EFA Directorates. The Director oversees the Directors of the Planning & Funding, Programme Delivery and Efficiency Divisions. The Director ensures the successful delivery of the EFA remit for Capital Programmes and supports the Chief Executive in making the EFA an outstandingly successful vehicle for education transformation by ensuring the effective procurement of educational institutions, in line with the Secretary of State’s vision. Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1136 666566 1.00 130000 134999 Operational Delivery 1
DFE-1044 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director The Deputy Director of Technical & Property leads a team that provides comprehensive technical and property advice and support to all capital programmes, with a focus on efficiency and continuous improvement. The team is responsible for the delivery of the Property Data Survey Programme which involves the high level survey of circa 23,000 education establishments which will be considered as part of future Capital allocations. Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1135 279292 1.00 N/A Operational Delivery 1
DFE-1024 N/D SCS1A Deputy Director The Director of the Programme Delivery Division is responsible for delivering all centrally managed schools capital programmes and has the objective of delivering investment to time and budget. The division employs programme managers, technical experts and support staff. Manages the delivery leads for Academies (including the Academies Capital Maintenance Fund), Free Schools, University Training Schools, University Technical Colleges, Studio Schools and the Building Schools for the Future & Priority School Building programmes. Education lead for the Government Construction Strategy, ensuring DfE’s interests are represented appropriately as part of the cross-Departmental review of construction projects and procurement. Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1135 1573289 1.00 N/A Operational Delivery 1
DFE-1026 N/D SCS1A Deputy Director The Director of the Planning & Funding Division oversees the Funding, Assets, Pupil Place Planning, Private Finance, Transaction & Procurement Advice and 16-19 Teams. The Director is responsible for strategic planning, capital allocations, legal and commercial matters, approvals for disposal of school playing fields, Basic Need data, payments for local authorities and capital payments to the Voluntary Aided (VA) sector. Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1135 1636711 1.00 N/A Operational Delivery 1
DFE-1154 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director, Priority School Building Programme Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1024 2079513 1.00 N/A Operational Delivery 1
DFE-1161 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director The Deputy Director for Targeted Capital Programmes is responsible for the day to day management of the Targeted Capital Programme team, whilst reporting to the Divisional Director Programme Delivery. They lead an internal team of Project Directors to work with schools, sponsors, Academy Trusts, Local Authorities and other stakeholders to deliver the Academy capital build projects, the Academies Maintenance Fund, TBNP and the remaining BSF schemes. Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1024 436834 1.00 N/A Operational Delivery 1
DFE-1126 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director The Deputy Director of Design Advice leads the team that works to ensure that the premises of new schools buildings are designed to an acceptable standard within affordability limits. The team is active at all points in the policy to delivery cycle: devising standards for school buildings, drafting regulations and guidance, supporting the implementation of projects and managing the evaluation of completed buildings to inform future policy. All of the work they do has the potential to require liaison with the DfE Communications Team, management of external stakeholders and working with Private Office on Ministerial briefings. Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1135 268150 1.00 N/A Operational Delivery 1
DFE-1061 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director The Deputy Director of the Private Finance Team leads the team that is responsible for the commercial development and delivery of privately financed solutions as well as advice and assistance to operational privately financed deals. This role includes the development, management and ultimately the delivery of commercial input to the private finance arm of the Priority School Building Programme and the ongoing performance of the more delivery focused aspects of the traditional Private Finance Unit (PFU) role in respect of legacy education sector PFI contracts including BSF and pre-BSF schools PFI. Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1026 453971 1.00 N/A Operational Delivery 1
DFE-1192 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director DD Education Funding Agency for Free Schools (sites, buildings and capital funding). Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1024 1853716 1.00 N/A Operational Delivery 1
DFE-1106 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director The Head of Capital Funding ensures that there are comprehensive, efficient and effective systems for the allocation and payment of capital funding for schools and colleges. They work closely with the Director of the Planning & Funding Division in the development of strategy and systems for the management of capital funding. They also have an important role in managing and developing relationships on funding matters with senior officials in DfE, HMT and other Government Departments as necessary and engage with a range of external stakeholders including providers of school places such local authorities, dioceses and school trusts.  Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1026 417220 1.00 N/A Operational Delivery 1
DFE-1020 Simon Parkes SCS2 Director Chief Financial Officer. Responsible for leading the EFA’s Finance, Assurance and Data and Systems functions to achieve their key priorities – funding education providers in England and ensuring that the money spent by the EFA is properly accounted for by recipients and that they maintain high standards of financial probity with public money. Providing support to the Accounting Officer and ensuring the EFA secures value for money through developing the Agency’s management information; ensuring that the right information is available at the right time to support the EFA’s strategic decision making. Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1136 1910058 1.00 135000 139999 Other 1
DFE-1151 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Responsible for leading the EFA's finance division taking allocations of £54 billion of revenue and capital funding to academy trusts, local authority maintained schools, colleges, local authorities and commercial and charitable providers (over 8000 at August 2012) and pay monthly as required. We procure learning delivery and place funding agreements and contracts. We support budget holders through providing financial management information and interpreting it and prepare the EFA's annual financial statements. For 2013-14 these statements will include the accounts of over 3,500 academy trusts that we collect and consolidate. Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1020 1893434 1.00 N/A Operational Delivery 1
DFE-1108 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director External Assurance Division: providing assurance to the Chief Executive, EFA, on the proper use of funds (£52 billion). Includes funds to schools (via direct support grant), academies, colleges (16-19 funding), private training/ independent specialist providers, including capital funding. Delivering assurance arrangements for the Teaching Agency, assessing the financial health of academies/colleges and supporting those in financial difficulty/financial intervention. Providing advice, assurance and financial viability matters to EFA colleagues. Responsibility for developing overall assurance arrangements, contributing widely to policy development, development of assurance arrangements for academies, and responsibility for the financial assessment of applications for free schools, UTCs, and special schools. Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1020 3177767 1.00 N/A Operational Delivery 1
DFE-1048 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director DD of Chief Financial Officer's Group Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1020 309640 0.52 N/A Operational Delivery 1
DFE-1136 Peter Lauener SCS3 Director General Chief Executive of the Education Funding Agency, within the DfE, and Accounting Officer for the EFA’s Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1001 1140074 1.00 140000 144999 Other 1
DFE-1134 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director The role of the Maintained Schools Division includes: The collection of financial data for maintained schools; The calculation and payment of funding allocations to local authorities of the Dedicated Schools Grant and the Pupil Premium; Gaining assurance from local authorities of the proper use of the grants for schools paid to them; The implementation of the school funding reforms announced in March 2012 for 2013-14; and the assessment of the appropriate amounts to be recouped from local authorities for expenditure on Academies in their areas. Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1136 1106035 1.00 N/A Operational Delivery 1
DFE-1137 Peter Mucklow SCS2 Director Allocating and securing value for money for £7bn of annual revenue funding to 3300 schools, colleges and training providers for education and training of 16-19 year olds and disabled young people aged 19-25, and to the Skills Funding Agency for Apprenticeships for 16-18 year olds . Leading intervention in failing Sixth Form Colleges and charitable and private providers. Managing programmes to engage disadvantaged 16-18 year olds into education and training including Bursaries, Traineeships, and the Youth Contract. Leading and managing 170 staff in a dispersed delivery organisation in 10 cities across England. Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1136 741980 1.00 90000 94999 Operational Delivery 1
DFE-1053 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Responsible for Young People's Programme service delivery in South West England, the East Midlands and the West Midlands. Ensure delivery of EFA programmes including ESF, Youth Contract; monitor and support local authorities in implementing arrangements for High Needs Student funding; intervene with inadequate providers, supporting replacement of poor provision and filling gaps in provision. National lead for the policy implementation and processes to manage provider failure, to deliver effective intervention to support improvement. Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1137 991982 1.00 N/A Operational Delivery 1
DFE-1142 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director The role of DD Young People’s Group - Programmes and Development includes development of the EFA’s funding system for 16-19 year old students, 14-16 year olds in full time FE, and HNS aged 16-24; delivery of programmes to increase participation including Youth Contract, ESF and Youth Offenders in Custody; leading the EFA’s contribution to implementing Study Programmes and Raising the Participation Age; line/site management of YP staffing cadres; and national role in governance and corporate/development boards as determined by SCS 2. Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1137 566392 1.00 N/A Operational Delivery 1
DFE-1099 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director The EFA Young People's  Funding Allocation and  Student  Support Division includes: the design, development, calculation, and allocation of all formula funding for 16-19 participation and for  Learner  Support (Bursaries, Care to Learn, Residential Bursaries, Dance and  Drama Awards). Allocations are  made to all providers delivering to young  people aged 16-19, and 16-25 for those with learning difficulties and disabilities, ( colleges, independent  specialist  colleges, maintained schools, Academies, UTCs, Studio  Schools, Free schools, Maths Schools, voluntary and charitable providers. For voluntary and charitable  providers this  includes reconciliation for  over and  under-delivery. Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1137 2119507 1.00 N/A Operational Delivery 1
DFE-1029 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Responsible for Young People’s Programme service delivery in Southern England, covering the South East, East of England and London. Ensure delivery of EFA programmes (ESF, Youth Contract, etc.); monitor and support LAs in implementing High Needs Students funding; intervenes with inadequate providers and supports replacement of poor provision and filling of any gaps in provision. National lead for EFA on Service Improvement. Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1137 811440 1.00 N/A Operational Delivery 1
DFE-1148 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Responsible for Young People’s Programme service delivery in northern England, covering the North East, North West and Yorkshire. Ensure delivery of EFA programmes (ESF, Youth Contract, etc.); monitor and support LAs in implementing High Needs Students funding; intervenes with inadequate providers and supports replacement of poor provision and filling of any gaps in provision. National lead for EFA on 16 – 18 Apprenticeships and Traineeships. Management of Apprenticeships budget, and programme development. Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1137 877355 1.00 N/A Operational Delivery 1
DFE-1075 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Responsible for co-ordinating the implementation of the DfE Review (published in November 2012) Department for Education Department For Education ALB Reform Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1011 485121 1.00 N/A Policy 1
DFE-1107 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Head of Business Solutions Unit. Responsible for developing the DfE IT Strategy; the leadership of Projects and Programmes through the IT portfolio; IT enabled Business Change services; and ownership of the DfE enterprise architecture. As Chief Knowledge Officer, the role is responsible for the Knowledge Management strategy, the management of the intranet, KM systems and services and training services. Department for Education Department For Education Chief Information Officer Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1009 2176580 1.00 N/A Information Technology 1
DFE-1094 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Head of IT Operations. Responsible for the management and delivery of all of the Department’s internal IT systems and services including the desktop, email, filing systems, printing, Videoconferencing and telephony. It is IT Operation's job to ensure that systems are modern, responsive and reliable and that everyone in DFE and its executive agencies has the technology tools they need to do their job and to collaborate effectively with colleagues inside and outside the Department. Department for Education Department For Education Chief Information Officer Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1009 2818666 1.00 N/A Information Technology 1
DFE-1115 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director The Service Management Unit (SMU) manages the delivery and support of a wide range of internal and externally-provided IT Services using processes and procedures based on ITIL v3 standards. Our customers include: internal departmental staff: other Departments: Arms Length Bodies: Local Authorities and other education delivery partners. Our services range from departmental email and video-conferencing through to key public facing services such as the Online Free School Meals Eligibility Checking Service (OFSM - ECS). Department for Education Department For Education Chief Information Officer Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1009 2258941 1.00 N/A Programme and Project Management (PPM) 1
DFE-1178 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Joint Head of Business Partner division.  Business Partner for the Education Standards Directorate and the corporate centre in DfE, supporting discussion/decision making within the senior management teams. Overview of finances, including, management information on programme and administrative costs, guidance on accounting , propriety/value for money; strategic financial analysis; engagement in the Department’s financial exercises.  Provision of financial services for the NCTL and STA.  Department for Education Department For Education Finance and Commercial Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1009 864242 1.00 N/A Finance 1
DFE-1062 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director Financial Management Division. To ensure that the Department provides local and dedicated high quality professional financial control and support to three of the Department’s Executive Agencies (EAs) by embedding centrally provided flexible resources in to the Agencies. The teams are the focal point in each EA for finance and related matters and, through business partnering, ensure finance issues influence and shape business decisions. Department for Education Department For Education Finance and Commercial Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1009 51262 1.00 N/A Finance 1
DFE-1042 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director DD Finance and Commercial Group Department for Education Department For Education Finance and Commercial Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1009 1228058 1.00 N/A Finance 1
DFE-1009 Simon Judge SCS2 Director Finance Director for the Department. The central finance, estates and commercial teams report to this role, which also has board oversight of IT. Department for Education Department For Education Finance and Commercial Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1001 1885241 1.00 95000 99999 Finance 1
DFE-1127 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Joint Head of Business Partner division.  Business Partner for the Education Standards Directorate and the corporate centre in DfE, supporting discussion/decision making within the senior management teams. Overview of finances, including, management information on programme and administrative costs, guidance on accounting , propriety/value for money; strategic financial analysis; engagement in the Department’s financial exercises.  Provision of financial services for the NCTL and STA.  Department for Education Department For Education Finance and Commercial Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1009 1154660 0.86 N/A Finance 1
DFE-1022 N/D SCS1A Deputy Director Deputy Director, Information Systems and Professionalism Division and Head of Finance Profession. I lead on DfE’s Transactional Shared Services and corporate MI systems which involves managing the current operational arrangements and also a programme to drive out strategic improvement. I also lead on the publication of finance, procurement and workforce MI. As Head of Finance Profession I support all qualified and trainee finance staff in DfE to drive up capability. Department for Education Department For Education Finance and Commercial Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1009 1260107 1.00 N/A Finance 1
DFE-1035 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director having overall responsibility for the Property Asset Management Unit (PAMU) and Departmental Security Unit (DSU) for the Department of Education and the Department for Communities and Local Government. PAMU and DSU responsibilities include estate/property strategy and management, contract management, programme and project management, sustainable operations, fire, health and safety and facilities management, business continuity and security management, protective and information technology security. Department for Education Department For Education Finance and Commercial Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1009 1545887 1.00 N/A Property and asset management 1
DFE-1031 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director Commercial Division.  Responsible for ensuring that the commercial and procurement activity of the Department and its Agencies supports Departrmental priorities and delivers outstanding value for money.  Also responsible for developing commercial solutions for schools. Department for Education Department For Education Finance and Commercial Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1009 1826062 1.00 N/A Finance 1
DFE-1036 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director - Finance and Commercial Group Department for Education Department For Education Finance and Commercial Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1009 0 1.00 N/A Finance 1
DFE-1179 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Provide a centralised end to end finance function on spend for the divisions and groups across both IFD and ESD as well as first line support to them on all RM systems related issues on finance. Manage the department’s financial interface with EFA on their funding, lead on business planning, supporting budget managers and provide advice/guidance and the point of contact on governance and financial issues for IFD. Department for Education Department For Education Finance and Commercial Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1009 33814 1.00 N/A Finance 1
DFE-1153 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director for HR Services: HR professional responsible for the strategy, delivery and continuous improvement of HR services to the Department and its Agencies. Also Darlington Head of Site leading on relocation and creation of Darlington Public Sector Hub. Department for Education Department For Education People and Change Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1011 560004 1.00 N/A Human Resources 1
DFE-1088 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director for Redeployment: Leading on the department’s approach to redeployment, redundancy avoidance such as Voluntary Exit and, if necessary, redundancy during a period of major change including a significant downsize and the closure of 3 Sites. Department for Education Department For Education People and Change Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1011 2766074 0.94 N/A Human Resources 1
DFE-1091 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director for Organisational Change and Communications: Leading the People Strand of the DfE Review, our engagement strategy with trade unions, staff engagement and internal communications. Also leading the restructure of the HR Group. Department for Education Department For Education People and Change Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1011 494636 1.00 N/A Human Resources 1
DFE-1011 Janette Durbin SCS2 Director Leading HR strategy and delivery of HR services to the Department for Education, including Executive Agencies.  The HR Director is also responsible for internal communications within the Department. Department for Education Department For Education People and Change Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1001 435372 1.00 90000 94999 Human Resources 1
DFE-1186 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director - Human Resources Strategy Division Department for Education Department For Education People and Change Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1011 568787 0.83 N/A Human Resources 1
DFE-1050 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director for HR Business Partnering and Learning and Talent. HR Professional responsible for managing the HR Business Partnering service across the Department. Also for leading on the raising capability agenda through learning and talent interventions. Department for Education Department For Education People and Change Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1011 412821 1.00 N/A Human Resources 1
DFE-1002 Thomas Jeffery SCS3 Director General Developing and reforming safeguarding services that protect and support children at risk of harm. Improving the capability and affordability of childcare and early education for children from 0-5.  Tackling barriers preventing children from fulfilling their educational and wider potential, including for children with SEN and disabilities.  Reforming the care system and speeding up the process of adoption. Contributing to the Government’s priorities on children’s rights, child poverty, and ensuring effective relationships between DfE and the children’s services sector.  Leading the policy profession including promoting better evidenced base policy making.  Contributing to the strategic overview of DfE including communications strategy. Department for Education Department For Education Children Services and Departmental Strategy 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1001 664160 1.00 140000 144999 other 1
DFE-1012 Jeanette Pugh SCS2 Director Providing strategic leadership to a number of projects which contribute to the delivery of Government priorities Department for Education Department For Education Children Services and Departmental Strategy 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1002 0 1.00 105000 109999 policy 1
DFE-1193 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director DD Care and Adoption Division Department for Education Department For Education Care and Adoption Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1008 1444175 1.00 N/A policy 1
DFE-1112 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director responsible for: 1. Encouraging innovation in the structure and delivery of children’s services to improve child outcomes 2. Bookgifting to improve child literacy (Bookstart & Booktime). 3. Business and planning support for Children’s Social Care Policy Family. Department for Education Department For Education Care and Adoption Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1008 41104 1.00 N/A policy 1
DFE-1041 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Vacant post Department for Education Department For Education Care and Adoption Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1008 648704 1.00 N/A policy 1
DFE-1008 Shirley Trundle SCS2 Director Responsibilities include: 1. Strengthening adoption arrangements 2. Reform of the family justice system in conjunction with MoJ, and sponsoring the Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service – Cafcass 3. Relationship support 4. Department of State functions. Department for Education Department For Education Care and Adoption Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1002 675789 1.00 110000 114999 policy 1
DFE-1158 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director The Child Poverty Unit (CPU) is a joint unit of the Department for Education, the Department for Work and Pensions and HM Treasury. The role of CPU is to work across government to determine how best to reduce child poverty and to support and challenge ministers in their commitment to this. To do this CPU works collaboratively with policy and delivery teams at national and local level to create policy options and deliver them. CPU measures the impact of policies and convey changes in levels of child poverty. Department for Education Department For Education Care and Adoption Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1008 621168 1.00 N/A policy 1
DFE-1082 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Local Area Policy and Performance Division covers: The role of the local authority in education and children’s services and the associated framework of local partnership arrangements. The Department's interest in Community Budgets. Facilitation of stakeholder relations with Local Authorities; The Department's interest in health reforms and the Department's relationship with the Department of Health; Performance Improvement in local authority children's services, including the development of sector led approaches, leadership development and coordination of wider workforce issues; Policy on tackling weak local authority performance. Management of the Department's interventions in poorly performing Local Authorities. Department for Education Department For Education Safeguarding Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1016 1838699 1.00 N/A policy 1
DFE-1052 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director - safeguarding group Department for Education Department For Education Safeguarding Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1016 0 0.60 N/A policy 1
DFE-1016 Paul Kissack SCS2 Director Director of Children’s Social Care policy. Responsible for the Government’s reforms to the child protection system and wider policy on safeguarding children; social work reform; performance and improvement of local authority children’s social care services; and policy on children in care, including fostering and residential care reforms. Department for Education Department For Education Safeguarding Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1002 1110941 1.00 95000 99999 policy 1
DFE-1118 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director responsible for early years curriculum and teaching, including reform of the Early Years Foundation Stage, assessment in the early years, early years inspection, and early years pedagogy. Department for Education Department For Education Supporting Delivery Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1019 413348 0.75 N/A policy 1
DFE-1019 Olivia McLeod SCS2 Director Lead on childcare and early years, as joint head (with Ann Gross) of the CSENS policy family which also covers Special Educational Needs and Children’s Services Strategy. Responsible for driving reform across three policy portfolios (1) increasing choice through childcare market reform including childminder agencies, growing the role of schools in providing early education and childcare, and information to parents (2) strengthening quality through early years curriculum and teaching reform, including regulation and pedagogy and (3) improving affordability through early years funding reform, including support to parents and delivery of funded early learning for 2, 3 and 4 year olds. Department for Education Department For Education Supporting Delivery Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1002 282306 0.68 90000 94999 policy 1
DFE-1063 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Responsible for the funding and policy framework for early learning for three and four year olds and the commitment to extend funded early learning to 40% of two year olds by September 2014. Department for Education Department For Education Supporting Delivery Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1019 450352 1.00 N/A policy 1
DFE-1119 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director, Early Years and Childcare Markets – responsible for policy to create a dynamic and thriving Early Years and Childcare market. Department for Education Department For Education Supporting Delivery Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1019 972240 0.60 N/A policy 1
DFE-1045 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director - Supporting Delivery Group Department for Education Department For Education Supporting Delivery Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1019 0 1.00 N/A policy 1
DFE-1078 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Head of News Division, responsible for leading the Press Office and Speeches teams to ensure Ministers' messages are communicated effectively through national media and speech platforms. Department for Education Department For Education Communications Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1002 1422688 1.00 N/A Communications 1
DFE-1006 Ann Gross SCS2 Director Leading the Group which supports Ministers in developing and implementing policies relating to the reform of  early  education and childcare, reform of provision for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities, and children’s services strategy. Department for Education Department For Education Childcare, Special Needs and Children’s Services Strategy 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1002 232247 1.00 90000 94999 policy 1
DFE-1081 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director for Children’s Services Strategy.  Responsible for the Department’s relationship with local authorities (children’s services) and their stakeholders, and organisational change within the Children’s Services and Departmental Strategy Directorate. Department for Education Department For Education Childcare, Special Needs and Children’s Services Strategy 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1006 1529971 1.00 N/A policy 1
DFE-1172 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director DD - Childcare, Special Needs and Children’s Services Strategy Department for Education Department For Education Childcare, Special Needs and Children’s Services Strategy 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1006 940075 1.00 N/A policy 1
DFE-1074 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director - early years group Department for Education Department For Education Childcare, Special Needs and Children’s Services Strategy 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1006 0 0.67 N/A policy 1
DFE-1085 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Joint Head of the Ministerial and Public Communications Division.  The Division supports Ministers by providing replies to send to MPs’ letters and Parliamentary Questions.  The Division responds to correspondence and telephone enquiries from education professionals and members of the public; and handles complaints from parents and others about schools. Department for Education Department For Education Strategy Performance and Private Office Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1018 1141306 1.00 N/A Communications 1
DFE-1001 Chris Wormald SCS4 Permanent Secretary The Permanent Secretary has three overall roles: 1. The Head of the Department. 2. The Accounting Officer. 3. The Chief Policy Non-Political Policy Advisor to the Secretary of State. He is responsible for the overall management of the Department and is accountable to Parliament for the actions the Department takes and the way in which taxpayers’ money is spent. Department for Education Department For Education Permanent Secretary’s Office 0370 000 2288 N/D xx 1451208 1.00 160000 164999 Other 1
DFE-1189 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Provides advice to Ministers on policy Department for Education Department For Education Strategy Performance and Private Office Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1018 0 1.00 N/A Other 1
DFE-1162 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director To provide policy advice to the Secretary of State and other Ministers Department for Education Department For Education Strategy Performance and Private Office Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1018 0 1.00 N/A Other 1
DFE-1191 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director To provide policy advice on schools to the Secretary of State and other Ministers Department for Education Department For Education Strategy Performance and Private Office Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1018 0 1.00 N/A Other 1
DFE-1184 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Senior Policy Advisors work with the Secretary of State and Ministers, their Private Offices and Special Advisers to (1) Provide high quality strategy and policy advice, and respond rapidly to day-to-day requests for briefing and advice on current and emerging issues, (2) Work closely with colleagues across the Department to ensure that the policy and communications priorities of the Secretary of State and Ministers are fully understood, (3) Support colleagues in the strategy and policy-making process, brokering solutions among Ministers when there are policy differences, (4)Support the decision-making process across government to troubleshoot cross-cutting policy issues Department for Education Department For Education Strategy Performance and Private Office Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1018 0 1.00 N/A Other 1
DFE-1194 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director - Strategy, Performance and Private Office Department for Education Department For Education Strategy Performance and Private Office Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1018 0 1.00 N/A Other 1
DFE-1123 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director To lead the Department’s work on  - reporting performance against our key priorities; risk management and governance    Department for Education Department For Education Strategy Performance and Private Office Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1018 282116 1.00 N/A Other 1
DFE-1018 Hilary Spencer SCS2 Director Director of Strategy, Performance, and Private Office Group.  Responsible for ensuring that Ministers are supported to deliver their priorities and enact the full range of their Ministerial and Parliamentary duties.  Key functions include: ensuring effective Private Office support for Ministers, advisers, non-executive Directors, and the Permanent Secretary; ensuring that overall Departmental strategy and priorities are resourced properly, measured accurately, and delivered effectively; leading corporate governance, improving policy-making, and reviewing Departmental performance. Department for Education Department For Education Strategy Performance and Private Office Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1001 1068037 1.00 80000 84999 Other 1
DFE-1190 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director - Strategy, Performance and Private Office Department for Education Department For Education Strategy Performance and Private Office Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1018 591887 1.00 N/A Other 1
DFE-1144 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director To ensure the Secretary of State and Ministers are well supported in all aspects of their roles by the Private Office Department of State function. Department for Education Department For Education Strategy Performance and Private Office Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1018 976480 1.00 N/A Other 1
DFE-1014 Carole Willis SCS2 Director Director of Research and Analysis.  Departmental Chief Scientific Advisor.  Directly oversees 4 Divisions responsible for cross-cutting analysis and statistical collections, as well as managing Departmental interest in migration policy and increasing the use of good policy making skills across the Department.  This includes analysis of 'value for money', international comparisons, delivering data transparency and reduced data burdens and specialist support on equalities and reducing regulation.  The Director also leads the wider analytical community across DfE to ensure that sound analysis/evidence informs policy development and delivery. Department for Education Department For Education Strategic Analysis Research and Policy Impact Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1002 750420 1.00 85000 89999 Programme and Project Management (PPM) 1
DFE-1150 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Responsible for: policy on international education.  International work includes: managing the DfE's interests in international organisations, including the European Union, OECD and European Schools system; ensuring that policy is informed by international evidence of effective policy and practice; developing strategic partnerships on education with key partner countries as part of the government's wider foreign policy engagement. Department for Education Department For Education School Standards Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1014 470413 1.00 N/A Policy 1
DFE-1183 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Head of Standards Division, with responsibility for policy on English, mathematics, science and computing from age 5-19, including their curricula, qualification subject contents, and dedicated support to schools, colleges and teachers; education technology; the overview of the National Curriculum; and Year 7 catch-up support in literacy and numeracy. Department for Education Department For Education Assessment, Curriculum and General Qualifications 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1005 587240 1.00 N/A Policy 1
DFE-1067 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Responsible for: project work supporting GCSE reform. Department for Education Department For Education Assessment, Curriculum and General Qualifications 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1005 690634 0.89 N/A Policy 1
DFE-1005 Hardip Begol SCS2 Director Head of the Assessment, Curriculum and General Qualifications Group with responsibility for advising Ministers on: the implementation of the new National Curriculum; assessment and the wider curriculum in schools; the reform of GCSE and A level qualifications; and improving the credibility of the exams system. Department for Education Department For Education Assessment, Curriculum and General Qualifications 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1003 488624 1.00 80000 84999 Policy 1
DFE-1038 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Head of Qualifications and Assessment Division, with responsibility for policy on GCSE and A level reform, the effective and efficient functioning of the exams system as a whole (including the Department’s relationship with Ofqual, the exams regulator), and for policy relating to national curriculum assessments. Department for Education Department For Education Assessment, Curriculum and General Qualifications 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1005 513051 1.00 N/A Policy 1
DFE-1138 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Responsible for accountability policy for primary and secondary schools, and post-16 providers. That includes policy on school inspections and managing the Department’s engagement with Ofsted; floor standards; development and delivery of the annual performance tables and securing future arrangements for the provision of school performance data. Department for Education Department For Education Education Strategy Performance Analysis Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1058 893593 0.83 N/A Policy 1
DFE-1039 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director DD Accountability and Directorate Leadership Division, Education Standards Directorate Department for Education Department For Education Education Strategy Performance Analysis Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1058 1976148 0.81 N/A Policy 1
DFE-1111 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director On behalf of the DfE, leading the Education Data Division on the collection, quality assurance, management and dissemination of school and local authority data and publishing Schools Performance Tables that inform policy development, and drive accountability and parental choice. The Division also provides a range of data to DfE colleagues for funding allocations. Leading a new data transformation programme to modernise and rationalise the way DfE will collect, manage and disseminate data from schools and local authorities in the future. As Head of Profession for Statistics deals with statistical issues as they arise and ensure compliance with Code of Practice for Official Statistics. Department for Education Department For Education Education Strategy Performance Analysis Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1058 3014215 1.00 N/A Statisticians 1
DFE-1058 Claudine Menashe-Jones SCS2 Director Responsible for: school and post-16 accountability and inspection; the collection and dissemination of education data; analysis and research into education standards and support to the Director General in leading and managing the Directorate Department for Education Department For Education Education Strategy Performance Analysis Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1003 284807 0.89 80000 84999 Policy 1
DFE-1097 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director The Division is responsible for issues relating to post-16 participation in education and training including raising the participation age, young people not in employment, education or training (NEET), traineeships, careers guidance and post-16 transport.  It is also responsible for policy on free school meals. Department for Education Department For Education Participation and Vocational Education Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1010 713159 1.00 N/A Policy 1
DFE-1051 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Responsible for developing and implementing a programme of reforms to the legislative framework for special education needs, for 16-25 year olds, to improve support, education and training, and outcomes for young people with learning difficulties and disabilities.  These reforms are set out in the Children and Families Bill, currently being considered by Parliament.  Also responsible for preparing local areas for the implementation of the reforms nationally from September 2014. Department for Education Department For Education Participation and Vocational Education Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1010 547519 0.70 N/A Policy 1
DFE-1033 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Responsible for improving behaviour and attendance in schools, including legilslation/policy on: 1. Teachers' powers to discipline pupils. 2. Helping schools to manage behaviour more effectively. 3. Measures to prevent and tackle bullying in schools. 4. Exclusions (expulsions and suspensions) 5. The quality of alternative provisions for excluded children and others without a school place. 6. Improving attendance at schools. 7. Reducing the number of children missing education altogether. 8. Penalty notices, parenting contracts or orders and other 'Parental responsibility measures'. Department for Education Department For Education Participation and Vocational Education Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1010 1041530 1.00 N/A Policy 1
DFE-1010 David Russell SCS2 Director Leadership and management of Closing the Gap policy family. Responsible for Government policy in the following areas:  1. The Pupil Premium and closing gaps in attainment between poorer pupils and others. 2. Free School Meals eligibility. 3. Reform of vocational education to age 19.  4.  Reducing numbers of 16-18 year olds who are Not in Employment, Education or Training.  5. Reforming apprenticeships and introducing traineeships.   6. Behaviour, attendance and discipline in schools, including reform of Alternative Provision.  7. Reform of education for students with Learning Difficulties and Disabilities aged 16-25  8. Coordinating the DfE response to civil emergencies affecting schools. Department for Education Department For Education Participation and Vocational Education Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1003 560160 1.00 80000 84999 Policy 1
DFE-1141 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director - Vocational Education Division responsible for 14-19 vocational education strategy, the reform of vocational qualifications and the provision of work experience and work-related learning for this age group. Department for Education Department For Education Participation and Vocational Education Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1010 794142 1.00 N/A Policy 1
DFE-1003 Shona Dunn SCS3 Director General Leads Education Standards Directorate. Overall responsibility for policy on teachers and teaching standards/teachers’ terms and conditions/Teachers’ Pension Scheme/school standards/data and statistics/National Curriculum content and test delivery/qualifications reform/participation and closing the gap /National College for Teaching and Leadership /Standards and Testing Agency. Department for Education Department For Education Systems and Accountability 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1001 615211 1.00 100000 104999 Policy 1
DFE-1195 Stephen Meek SCS2 Director Director - Capital Projects Department for Education Department For Education Systems and Accountability 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1001 0 1.00 110000 114999 Policy 1
DFE-1171 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Leads Teachers and Teaching, which is responsible for policy on the teaching profession, including training, standards, regulation, leadership, pay, pensions and industrial relations. Department for Education Department For Education Teachers and Teaching Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1017 1122479 1.00 N/A Policy 1
DFE-1056 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Leads Supply Division, which is responsible for policy on initial teacher training and school system leadership and industrial relations. Department for Education Department For Education Teachers and Teaching Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1017 548354 0.60 N/A Policy 1
DFE-1102 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Leads Supply Division, which is responsible for policy on initial teacher training and school system leadership and industrial relations. Department for Education Department For Education Teachers and Teaching Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1017 337052 0.80 N/A Policy 1
DFE-1017 Marcus Bell SCS2 Director Leads Teachers and Teaching, which is responsible for policy on the teaching profession, including training, standards, regulation, leadership, pay, pensions and industrial relations. Department for Education Department For Education Teachers and Teaching Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1003 312471 1.00 90000 94999 Policy 1
DFE-1040 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Leads Improving Teacher Quality Division which is responsible for teachers' pay and conditions reform, the policy on teachers' development and development and the review of teacher quality policy. Department for Education Department For Education Teachers and Teaching Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1017 958562 1.00 N/A Policy 1
DFE-1057 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director I am responsible for the delivery of converter academies and 'fast track' sponsored conversions in line with Ministerial decisions on the policy. We operate on a regional basis to support individual and groups of schools through the conversion process, co-odinating advice on a range of legal and other issues required prior to the Secretary of State entering into a Funding Agreement with the Academy Trust. Department for Education Department For Education Academies Delivery Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1087 3233305 1.00 N/A Policy 1
DFE-1059 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director in the Academies Group: Developing appropriate Academy solutions to transform underperforming schools and working to improve underperforming Free Schools. Department for Education Department For Education Academies Delivery Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1087 1054388 1.00 N/A Policy 1
DFE-1055 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director in the Academies Group: Developing appropriate Academy solutions to transform underperforming schools and working to improve underperforming Academies. Department for Education Department For Education Academies Delivery Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1087 664345 1.00 N/A Policy 1
DFE-1087 Dominic Herrington SCS2 Director Overseeing and directing the Department's Academies programme - the conversion of schools to Academy status and the work on tackling underperforming schools by turning them into sponsored Academies. Department for Education Department For Education Academies Delivery Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1084 453789 1.00 90000 94999 Policy 1
DFE-1098 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director in the Academies Group: Developing appropriate Academy solutions to transform underperforming schools and working to improve underperforming Academies. Department for Education Department For Education Academies Delivery Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1087 2698670 1.00 N/A Policy 1
DFE-1130 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Responsible for: overseeing the Academy delivery process, including the process for determining appropriate Academy solution for underperforming schools, monitoring delivery against budget, and providing a single source of information and knowledge for Academy delivery. Department for Education Department For Education Academies Delivery Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1087 1683172 1.00 N/A Policy 1
DFE-1007 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director of the Department’s Central Capital Unit. Responsible for stewardship of the Department’s overall capital budget and investment programmes. Capital policy for the supply of sufficient good quality schools places and the condition and maintenance of schools estate. Strategic oversight of related capital investment programmes including 16-19, early years and Special Education Needs provision and the interaction with Free Schools and Academy expansions. Policy and casework on land transfers and disposals. Department for Education Department For Education Education Funding Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1124 972251 1.00 N/A Policy 1
DFE-1173 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Responsible for implementing the recommendations of the DfE Review in the Infrastructure and Funding Directorate:  leading a programme of organisational change; and oversight of internal governance, performance reporting and business planning. Department for Education Department For Education Education Funding Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1124 506596 0.90 N/A Policy 1
DFE-1124 Susan Acland-Hood SCS2 Director Director within the Education Funding Group Department for Education Department For Education Education Funding Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1084 3357220 1.00 80000 84999 Policy 1
DFE-1043 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director - Education Funding Group Department for Education Department For Education Education Funding Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1124 0 1.00 N/A Policy 1
DFE-1105 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director - Education Funding Group Department for Education Department For Education Education Funding Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1124 0 1.00 N/A Policy 1
DFE-1129 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Responsible for distinct elements of Free School policy and for taking forward individual proposals in the South West and South East regions. Department for Education Department For Education Free School Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1090 973215 1.00 N/A Policy 1
DFE-1090 Mela Watts SCS2 Director Senior Responsible Officer for the Free Schools, University Technical Colleges & Studio Schools programmes - policy development and implementation and for the work of the Due Diligence and Counter Extremism Division. Department for Education Department For Education Free School Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1084 1011883 1.00 90000 94999 Policy 1
DFE-1122 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Responsible for the policy and implementation of the University Technical College & Studio School Programmes. Department for Education Department For Education Free School Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1090 1200544 1.00 N/A Policy 1
DFE-1146 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Responsible for the free school application and assessment processes; programme management of the free schools programme including management information, communications and oversight of the Department’s relationship with New Schools Network; and the future development of the free school programme Department for Education Department For Education Free School Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1090 1333059 1.00 N/A Policy 1
DFE-1187 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director - Free School Group Department for Education Department For Education Free School Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1090 1090515 1.00 N/A Policy 1
DFE-1156 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Vacant post Department for Education Department For Education Free School Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1090 0 0.80 N/A Policy 1
DFE-1064 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Responsible for distinct elements of Free School policy and for taking forward individual proposals in London. Department for Education Department For Education Free School Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1090 1020093 1.00 N/A Policy 1
DFE-1092 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Responsible for the delivery of Academy conversions. Project Leads work in regional-facing teams to support individual and groups of schools through the conversion process, co-ordinating advice on a range of legal and other issues. Department for Education Department For Education Office of the Schools Commissioner Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1087 1165340 1.00 N/A Policy 1
DFE-1152 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director, Independent Education and School Governance: responsible for policy on the registration and regulation of the independent schools sector in England and taking regulatory action where schools fail to meet the independent school standards.  Also responsible for policy on the governance of maintained schools in England Department for Education Department For Education System Reform Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1086 910873 1.00 N/A Policy 1
DFE-1170 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director - System Reform Group Department for Education Department For Education System Reform Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1086 1035190 1.00 N/A Policy 1
DFE-1086 Elizabeth Jackson SCS2 Director rector of System Reform Group, which aims to bring more quality, diverstiy adn choice to the school system.  The Group covers policy on academies, admissions, school place planning, school governacce and the reulgation of independent schools.  Department for Education Department For Education System Reform Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1084 751038 1.00 85000 89999 Policy 1
DFE-1140 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Responsible for the policy framework underpinning the creation and performance of Academies. Policy development around particular non-standard Academies including Special Schools and Alternative Provision. Ownership of the model Funding Agreements, Articles and associated Annexes used by schools converting to Academy status. Department for Education Department For Education System Reform Group 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1086 1148826 1.00 N/A Policy 1
DFE-1084 Andrew McCully SCS3 Director General Infrastructure and Funding Directorate (IFD) is responsible for: school and college funding up to age 18 (25 for young people with learning difficulties) including funding provided via local authorities and delivery of the proposed pupil premium; capital policy and spend; the Department's Communications Group. The directorate leads on implementation of the Government's structural reform programme including Free Schools and expansion of the Academies programme; admissions arrangements; school organisation matters; and faith schools. The Chief Executive of the Education Funding Agency is responsible to the Director General of IFD for the performance, budget and business plans of the Agency. Department for Education Department For Education Infrastructure and Funding Directorate 0370 000 2288 N/D DFE-1001 585084 1.00 125000 129999 Other 1
DFE-1196 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director I lead a team of lawyers and technical specialists.  We have responsibility for the legal and commercial aspects of the delivery of major capital (non-private finance) programmes; in particular the Free Schools and Priority Schools Programmes.  We also manage and maintain a major contractors (building) framework and are in the process of procuring at least one other regional framework which we will then go on and manage. Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 371 000 2288 N/D DFE-1024 0 1.00 N/A Operational Delivery 1
DFE-1197 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director Families Group Department for Education Department For Education Care and Adoption Group 372 000 2288 N/D DFE-1008 756121 1.00 N/A policy 1
DFE-1198 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Joint Head of the Ministerial and Public Communications Division. My team replies to around 50,000 items of correspondence per year from members of the public; and supports Ministers in answering their correspondence and written Parliamentary Questions.   Department for Education Department For Education Strategy Performance and Private Office Group 373 000 2288 N/D DFE-1008 2230380 1.00 N/A Communications 1
DFE-1199 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director - Education Strategy Performance Analysis Group Department for Education Department For Education Education Strategy Performance Analysis Group 374 000 2288 N/D DFE-1058 2209191 1.00 N/A Policy 1
DFE-1200 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Academies Group – Compliance, Communications and Programme Management Division: Joint SRO for the Academies Delivery Sub Programme & responsible for Academies Programme MO.  Communications and stakeholder engagement relating to academies matters.  Design, development and delivery of the academies enquiry service including setting standards, training staff and knowledge management.  Developing published procedures and internal Desk Instructions, guidance and systems for tracking, analysing and reporting case work about academies' compliance with the Funding Agreement including admission appeals, complaints about academies and requests from academies for consent eg to make significant changes.  Managing the EFA's responsibilities for enabling new academies to open Department for Education Department For Education Education Funding Group 375 000 2288 N/D DFE-1133 242636 1.00 N/A Policy 1