Transparency data

LSC senior dataset

Updated 29 June 2012
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Post Unique Reference Name Grade Job Title Job/Team Function Parent Department Organisation Unit Contact Phone Contact E-mail Reports to Senior Post Salary Cost of Reports (£) FTE Actual Pay Floor (£) Actual Pay Ceiling (£) Professional/Occupational Group Notes Valid?
1 Carolyn Downs SCS3 Chief Executive The Executive head of the Department, reporting to the Chair and the Secretary of State. Responsible for the Department's operations and the advice provided to Ministers. Ministry of Justice Legal Services Commission Chief Executive 020 7783 7000 XX 1766882 1.00 165000 169999 Operational Delivery 1
2 Eliminated SCS2 Executive Director-Commissioning The executive head of Commissioning reporting to Chief Executive. Responsible for providing leadership in strategic policy, commercial and procurement activities of the LSC . Ministry of Justice Legal Services Commission Case Management N/A N/A 1 0 0.10 0 0 1
3 Eliminated SCS2 Executive Director-Corporate Services The Executive head of Corporate services reporting to the Chief Executive. Responsible for HR, IT, Communications & Marketing, Planning & Assurance, Shared Services, Integrated Delivery & Estates. Ministry of Justice Legal Services Commission Communications N/A N/A 1 0 0.10 0 0 1
4 Helen Riley SCS2 Director - Case Management Director of Case Management, reporting to the Chief Executive. Providing strategic leadership to the staff of the Legal Services Commission whilst ensuring the effective management and delivery of both Civil and Crime Case Management for legal aid, to enable the LSC to deliver its statutory remit whilst ensuring effective cost controls. Ministry of Justice Legal Services Commission Case Management 020 7783 7000 1 16038411 1.00 115000 119999 Operational Delivery 1
5 Eliminated SCS2 Director-Finance Director of Finance, reporting to Chief Executive of the LSC. Leading in the development of the overall Finance strategy and provide expert financial advice to the business Ministry of Justice Legal Services Commission Complex & High Cost Cases N/A N/A 1 0 0.10 0 0 1
6 Eliminated SCS1 Director-Planning and Assurance Director of Planning and Assurance reporting to executive head of corporate services. Responsible for ensuring there are clear, viable and proportionate assurance frameworks across the LSC for governance, management information and risk. Co-ordinate the strategic and business plans for the LSC. Ministry of Justice Legal Services Commission Complex & High Cost Cases N/A N/A 4 0 0.10 0 0 1
7 N/D SCS1 Director - HR & OD Director of HR and OD, reporting to the Chief Executive. Responsible for leading, developing and delivering HR strategy, policy and key processes. Ministry of Justice Legal Services Commission Human Resources & Organisational Design 020 7783 7000 HR& 1 1806760 1.00 N/D Human Resources 1
8 Eliminated SCS1 Director-Communications Director of Communications reporting to the executive head of Corporate Services. Responsible for promoting the LSC’s purpose, vision, strategy and achievements to internal and external stakeholders. Ministry of Justice Legal Services Commission Complex & High Cost Cases N/A N/A 1 0 0.10 0 0 1
9 Eliminated SCS1 Director-Integrated Delivery Director of Integrated Delivery reporting to the Corporate Services Director. Ministry of Justice Legal Services Commission Case Management N/A N/A 4 0 0.10 0 0 1
10 N/D SCS1 Director - IT Director of IT reporting to the Director of Finance & Corporate Services. Responsible for enabling and supporting the delivery and achievement of the LSC business strategy by delivering IT based projects and services. Ministry of Justice Legal Services Commission Information Systems Department 020 7783 7000 HR& 18 1937452 1.00 N/D Information Technology 1
11 Eliminated SCS1 Director-High Cost Cases Director of High Cost Cases reporting to the executive head of Commissioning. Responsible for managing and controlling very high cost civil and criminal cases, creating and maintaining a framework of case approval controls for use LSC wide. Ministry of Justice Legal Services Commission Assurance & Performance Management N/A N/A 3 0 0.10 0 0 1
12 Eliminated SCS1 National Relationship Director and head of CLA telephone advice service National Relationship Director and head of CLA telephone advice service, reporting to the executive head of Commissioning. Responsible for developing and maintaining a viable, sustainable and diverse portfolio of large legal services providers that deliver effective services to fulfil client need. Ministry of Justice Legal Services Commission Communications N/A N/A 3 0 0.10 0 0 1
13 Eliminated SCS1 National Relationship Director and head of PDS National Relationship Director and head of PDS, reporting to the executive head of Commissioning. Responsible for developing and maintaining a viable, sustainable and diverse portfolio of small legal services providers that deliver effective services to fulfil client need Ministry of Justice Legal Services Commission Communications N/A N/A 3 0 0.10 0 0 1
14 Eliminated SCS1 National Relationship Director and Director for Wales National Relationship Director and Director for Wales, reporting to the executive head of Commissioning. Responsible for developing and maintaining a viable, sustainable and diverse portfolio of medium legal services providers that deliver effective services to fulfil client need Ministry of Justice Legal Services Commission Contract Management N/A N/A 3 0 0.10 0 0 1
15 Eliminated SCS1 Director -Legal, Commissioning & Operational Policy Director of Legal and Commissioning Operational Policy, reporting to the executive head of Commissioning. Responsible for setting the framework (by regulation, contracts and other means) for the delivery of legal aid services within the overall strategic framework. Ministry of Justice Legal Services Commission Contract Management N/A N/A 3 0 0.10 0 0 1
16 N/D SCS1 Director - High Cost Cases Director of High Cost Cases reporting to the Director of Case Management. Responsible for managing and controlling very high cost and/or complex civil and criminal cases, creating and maintaining a framework of case approval controls for use LSC wide. Ministry of Justice Legal Services Commission High Cost Cases 020 7783 7000 HR& 4 1842346 1.00 N/D Operational Delivery 1
17 N/D SCS1 Director - Integrated Delivery & Change Programme Director of Integrated Delivery reporting to the Chief Executive. Ministry of Justice Legal Services Commission Integrated Delivery & Change Programme 020 7783 7000 HR& 1 1356292 1.00 N/D Programme and Project Management (PPM) 1
18 Owen Mapley SCS2 Director - Finance & Corporate Services Director of Finance, reporting to Chief Executive of the LSC. Leading in the development of the overall Finance strategy and provide expert financial advice to the LSC. Also responsible for Assurance & Performance Management, IT, and the LSC's Financial Stewardship activities. Ministry of Justice Legal Services Commission Finance & Corporate Services 020 7783 7000 HR& 1 260540 1.00 110000 114999 Finance 1
19 N/D SCS1 Financial Controller Financial Controller, reporting to Director of Finance & Corporate Services. Ministry of Justice Legal Services Commission Financial Controller 020 7783 7000 HR& 18 2451008 1.00 N/D Finance 1
20 N/D SCS1 Head of Assurance & Performance Management Head of Assurance & Performance Management, reporting to Director of Finance & Corporate Services. Ministry of Justice Legal Services Commission Assurance & Performance Management 020 7783 7000 HR& 18 4017631 1.00 N/D Internal Audit 1
21 Hugh Barrett SCS2 Director - Legal Aid Commissioning & Contract Management The Executive head of Commissioning and Contract Management, reporting to Chief Executive. Responsible for providing leadership in strategic policy, commercial and procurement activities of the LSC . Also ultimately responsible for Contract Management. Ministry of Justice Legal Services Commission Legal Aid Commissioning & Contract Management 020 7783 7000 1 2463934 1.00 140000 144999 Procurement 1
22 N/D SCS1 Head of Contract Management Head of Contract Management, reporting to Director of Legal Aid Commissioning & Contract Management Ministry of Justice Legal Services Commission Contract Management 020 7783 7000 HR& 21 2405540 1.00 N/D Operational Delivery 1
23 N/D SCS1 Head of Contract Management Head of Contract Management, reporting to Director of Legal Aid Commissioning & Contract Management Ministry of Justice Legal Services Commission Contract Management 020 7783 7000 HR& 21 2405540 1.00 N/D Operational Delivery 1
24 N/D SCS1 Director - Legal & Service Development Director of Legal & Service Development Departments, reporting to Director of Legal Aid Commissioning & Contract Management. Ministry of Justice Legal Services Commission Legal & Service Development 020 7783 7000 HR& 21 2289260 1.00 N/D Law 1