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November 2012 transactions

Updated 28 January 2016
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Transaction Posting Date Merchant Name Transaction Amount Explanation
02/11/2012 MOJ2012/005240 - D MOODY (HAULAGE) 504 Industrial services
02/11/2012 MOJ2012/005241 - D MOODY (HAULAGE) 888 Industrial services
02/11/2012 MOJ2012/005242 - MOTEK 669.31 Essential repair/maintenance to prison vehicle
02/11/2012 MOJ2012/005243 - THERMOFISHER.COM 548 Industrial chemical supplies
02/11/2012 MOJ2012/005244 - I M G LTD 766.16 Industrial supplies
02/11/2012 MOJ2012/005245 - ADAMS MOREY LTD 533.71 Essential repair/maintenance to prison vehicle
02/11/2012 MOJ2012/005246 - WIGHT RECLAMATION LTD 900 Grounds maintenance/Agricultural equipment
02/11/2012 MOJ2012/005247 - HECAS LTD 716.64 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
02/11/2012 MOJ2012/005248 - PLUMB CENTER 753.92 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
02/11/2012 MOJ2012/005249 - LIGHTING & MAINS POWER 1,294.50 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
02/11/2012 MOJ2012/005250 - WWW.GEAR4MUSIC.COM 579 Purchase of items for prison chaplaincy
02/11/2012 MOJ2012/005251 - NORTHOLM SUPPLIES 840.69 Veterinary services
02/11/2012 MOJ2012/005252 - WWW.NEWITTS.COM 849.4 Not set
02/11/2012 MOJ2012/005253 - WALLS AND FLOORS LTD 612.17 Not set
02/11/2012 MOJ2012/005254 - ADVANCE AUTOTECH 785 Essential repair/maintenance to prison vehicle
02/11/2012 MOJ2012/005255 - E HALTON CAMP STOR 768.9 Purchase of canteen items for sale to visitors. Profits are reinvested.
02/11/2012 MOJ2012/005256 - E HALTON CAMP STOR 890.7 Purchase of canteen items for sale to visitors. Profits are reinvested.
02/11/2012 MOJ2012/005257 - ANGLO PUMPS LTD 1,236.65 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
02/11/2012 MOJ2012/005258 - ANGLO PUMPS LTD 1,250.40 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
02/11/2012 MOJ2012/005259 - R&M ELECTRICAL GRO 601.6 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
02/11/2012 MOJ2012/005260 - ECOMIX CONCRETE 988.38 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
02/11/2012 MOJ2012/005261 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 1,093.44 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
02/11/2012 MOJ2012/005262 - WWW.MISCO.CO.UK 885.77 Not set
02/11/2012 MOJ2012/005263 - WWW.MISCO.CO.UK 973.98 Not set
02/11/2012 MOJ2012/005264 - EDMUNDSON ELECTRICAL L 865.8 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
02/11/2012 MOJ2012/005265 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 766.56 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
02/11/2012 MOJ2012/005266 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 739.73 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
02/11/2012 MOJ2012/005267 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 636.05 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
02/11/2012 MOJ2012/005268 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 546.72 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
02/11/2012 MOJ2012/005269 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 557.42 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
02/11/2012 MOJ2012/005270 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 521.1 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
02/11/2012 MOJ2012/005271 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 648.6 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
02/11/2012 MOJ2012/005272 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 874.74 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
02/11/2012 MOJ2012/005273 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 3,707.99 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
02/11/2012 MOJ2012/005274 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 1,230.12 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
02/11/2012 MOJ2012/005275 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 636.62 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
02/11/2012 MOJ2012/005276 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 594.72 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
02/11/2012 MOJ2012/005277 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 546.72 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
02/11/2012 MOJ2012/005278 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 571.95 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
02/11/2012 MOJ2012/005279 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 523.28 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
05/11/2012 MOJ2012/005280 - XMA LTD 1,031.33 Contracted supplier - IT consumables supplier
05/11/2012 MOJ2012/005281 - BRITISH PSYCHO SOC 516 Membership fees for prison psycholgists
05/11/2012 MOJ2012/005282 - JEWSON LTD 542.22 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
05/11/2012 MOJ2012/005283 - THERMOFISHER.COM -548 Industrial chemical supplies
05/11/2012 MOJ2012/005284 - METRO GARDEN BUILDINGS 586.5 Grounds maintenance/Agricultural equipment
05/11/2012 MOJ2012/005285 - ARGOS RETAIL GROUP 588.93 Equipment for an education course
05/11/2012 MOJ2012/005286 - WJ LEWIS (BM) LTD 816 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
05/11/2012 MOJ2012/005287 - CHICHESTER FARM MACHIN 864.61 Garden/Agricultural equipment
05/11/2012 MOJ2012/005288 - BRITISH PSYCHO SOC 516 Membership fees for prison psycholgists
05/11/2012 MOJ2012/005289 - BRITISH PSYCHO SOC 516 Membership fees for prison psycholgists
05/11/2012 MOJ2012/005290 - ARGOS RETAIL GROUP 628.75 Laundry equipment
05/11/2012 MOJ2012/005291 - PINNACLE RESPONSE 657.6 Safety equipment/workwear
05/11/2012 MOJ2012/005292 - PINNACLE RESPONSE 657.6 Safety equipment/workwear
05/11/2012 MOJ2012/005293 - PLUMB CENTER 607.85 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
05/11/2012 MOJ2012/005294 - HIRE STATION 700 Vehicle hire
05/11/2012 MOJ2012/005295 - BRITISH PSYCHO SOC 516 Membership fees for prison psycholgists
05/11/2012 MOJ2012/005296 - ECMUNDSON ELECTRICAL 503.5 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
05/11/2012 MOJ2012/005297 - ECOMIX CONCRETE 977.98 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
05/11/2012 MOJ2012/005298 - HEATING REP PARTS 547.14 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
05/11/2012 MOJ2012/005299 - WWW.ASTLEYHIRE.CO.UK 567.6 Industrial machinery
05/11/2012 MOJ2012/005300 - WWW.MISCO.CO.UK 982.7 Not set
05/11/2012 MOJ2012/005301 - EDMUNDSON ELECTRICAL L 554.7 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
05/11/2012 MOJ2012/005302 - FRESH START WASTE SERV 1,430.88 Industrial services
05/11/2012 MOJ2012/005303 - JACKSON BUILDING CTRS 1,007.57 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
05/11/2012 MOJ2012/005304 - NEWEY & EYRE 744.2 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
05/11/2012 MOJ2012/005305 - ECMUNDSON ELECTRICAL 695.16 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
05/11/2012 MOJ2012/005306 - Hotel accomodation 597 Hotels are used in exceptional cases by senior judges who require appropriate accommodation when hearing long cases far from home and where no alternative is available
05/11/2012 MOJ2012/005307 - Hotel accomodation 780.95 Hotels are used in exceptional cases by senior judges who require appropriate accommodation when hearing long cases far from home and where no alternative is available
05/11/2012 MOJ2012/005308 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 1,053.72 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
05/11/2012 MOJ2012/005309 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 774.69 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
05/11/2012 MOJ2012/005310 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 976.92 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
05/11/2012 MOJ2012/005311 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 609.36 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
05/11/2012 MOJ2012/005312 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 546.6 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
05/11/2012 MOJ2012/005313 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 657.84 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
05/11/2012 MOJ2012/005314 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 1,923.82 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
05/11/2012 MOJ2012/005315 - JOHN WILEY & SONS PUBL 703 Annual Subscription fee - Publications/Books for Library
05/11/2012 MOJ2012/005316 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 544.32 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
05/11/2012 MOJ2012/005317 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 553.66 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
05/11/2012 MOJ2012/005318 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 1,164.87 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
05/11/2012 MOJ2012/005319 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 633.17 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
05/11/2012 MOJ2012/005320 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 706.54 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
05/11/2012 MOJ2012/005321 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 1,119.00 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
06/11/2012 MOJ2012/005322 - XMA LTD 924.07 Contracted supplier - IT consumables supplier
06/11/2012 MOJ2012/005323 - XMA LTD 578.38 Contracted supplier - IT consumables supplier
06/11/2012 MOJ2012/005324 - WALTON GARAGE LTD 620.7 Essential repair/maintenance to prison vehicle
06/11/2012 MOJ2012/005325 - J C L HARRIS 739.08 Grounds maintenance/Agricultural equipment
06/11/2012 MOJ2012/005326 - INITIAL TEXTIAL SE 576 Not set
06/11/2012 MOJ2012/005327 - WWW.QTAG.COM 938.4 Materials for use in prison printing workshop
06/11/2012 MOJ2012/005328 - WWW.QTAG.COM 727.2 Materials for use in prison printing workshop
06/11/2012 MOJ2012/005329 - WWW.QTAG.COM 695.7 Materials for use in prison printing workshop
06/11/2012 MOJ2012/005330 - WWW.QTAG.COM 640.8 Materials for use in prison printing workshop
06/11/2012 MOJ2012/005331 - KHYBER KENNELS LTD 843.4 Kenneling of prison dogs
06/11/2012 MOJ2012/005332 - EDMUNDSON ELECTRICAL 999 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
06/11/2012 MOJ2012/005333 - EDMUNDSON ELECTRICAL 791.75 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
06/11/2012 MOJ2012/005334 - INSTANTA LTD 755.16 Catering equipment
06/11/2012 MOJ2012/005335 - BOWLER LEWIS & PAR 648.06 Veterinary services
06/11/2012 MOJ2012/005336 - HILTI CUSTOMER SERVICE 1,089.61 Building/Electrical/Plumbing services
06/11/2012 MOJ2012/005337 - J T DOVE LTD 1,915.20 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
06/11/2012 MOJ2012/005338 - AVA SECURITY & COMMUNI 522 Security equipment
06/11/2012 MOJ2012/005339 - RIGHTON LTD (MANCHESTE 663.6 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
06/11/2012 MOJ2012/005340 - Hotel accomodation 710 Hotels are used in exceptional cases by senior judges who require appropriate accommodation when hearing long cases far from home and where no alternative is available
06/11/2012 MOJ2012/005341 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 541.37 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
06/11/2012 MOJ2012/005342 - H.C.SLINGSBY PLC 818.4 Office supplies
06/11/2012 MOJ2012/005343 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 629.42 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
06/11/2012 MOJ2012/005344 - N STEWART EVENTS 534 Attendance at Conference - HMI Probation - Annual Youth Justice Convention - 1 delegate
06/11/2012 MOJ2012/005345 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 1,463.04 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
07/11/2012 MOJ2012/005346 - XMA LTD 1,274.02 Contracted supplier - IT consumables supplier
07/11/2012 MOJ2012/005347 - DEMCO WORLDWIDE 719.76 Office supplies
07/11/2012 MOJ2012/005348 - JOHNSONS OF WHIXLY 612 Garden/Agricultural equipment
07/11/2012 MOJ2012/005349 - WWW.NISBETS.COM 551.97 Catering equipment
07/11/2012 MOJ2012/005350 - DERBYSHIRE AGGREGATES 834 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
07/11/2012 MOJ2012/005351 - SALONS DIRECT LTD 528.6 Supplies/equipment for offender workshop
07/11/2012 MOJ2012/005352 - SAVAGE STRENGTH 790 Prison exercise equipment
07/11/2012 MOJ2012/005353 - WALLACE CAMERON TELESA 566.34 Medical equipment/supplies
07/11/2012 MOJ2012/005354 - ACCESS SECURITY SYSTEM 1,669.20 Security equipment
07/11/2012 MOJ2012/005355 - SEVERN CATERING SE 641.38 Essential repair of kitchen equipment
07/11/2012 MOJ2012/005356 - EDMUNDSON ELECTRICAL L 516.56 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
07/11/2012 MOJ2012/005357 - SCREWFIX DIRECT 524.96 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
07/11/2012 MOJ2012/005358 - THERMASCAN LTD 500.35 Security equipment
07/11/2012 MOJ2012/005359 - HIRE STATION 513 Vehicle hire
07/11/2012 MOJ2012/005360 - HIRE STATION 513 Vehicle hire
07/11/2012 MOJ2012/005361 - B & Q 999.8 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
07/11/2012 MOJ2012/005362 - SCREWFIX DIRECT 770.65 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
07/11/2012 MOJ2012/005363 - ECMUNDSON ELECTRICAL 562.76 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
07/11/2012 MOJ2012/005364 - CVR 791.04 Essential repair/maintenance to prison vehicle
07/11/2012 MOJ2012/005365 - IMPERIAL COMMERCIA 749.77 Essential repair/maintenance to prison vehicle
07/11/2012 MOJ2012/005366 - WWW.DANDYSTOPSOIL.CO.U 870.72 Grounds maintenance/Agricultural equipment
07/11/2012 MOJ2012/005367 - MILLBROOK DISTRIBUTION 821.73 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
07/11/2012 MOJ2012/005368 - GODDARD VETERINARY GRO 1,000.00 Treatment of prison dogs
07/11/2012 MOJ2012/005369 - ASSEMBLIES OF GOD 945 Chaplaincy course
07/11/2012 MOJ2012/005370 - LINDUM GROUP LTD 839.52 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
07/11/2012 MOJ2012/005371 - LIGHT CREDIT LTD 4,734.00 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
07/11/2012 MOJ2012/005372 - NORBAIN SD LIMITED 3,108.00 Security equipment
07/11/2012 MOJ2012/005373 - WATFORD TIMBER CO LTD 2,111.08 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
07/11/2012 MOJ2012/005374 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 544.32 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
07/11/2012 MOJ2012/005375 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 1,632.96 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
07/11/2012 MOJ2012/005376 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 680.81 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
08/11/2012 MOJ2012/005377 - XMA LTD 880.72 Contracted supplier - IT consumables supplier
08/11/2012 MOJ2012/005378 - XMA LTD 515.66 Contracted supplier - IT consumables supplier
08/11/2012 MOJ2012/005379 - GREENHAM TRADING LTD 532.18 Industrial supplies
08/11/2012 MOJ2012/005380 - GREENHAM TRADING LTD 532.18 Industrial supplies
08/11/2012 MOJ2012/005381 - AUTO ECONOMICS LTD 522 Essential repair/maintenance to prison vehicle
08/11/2012 MOJ2012/005382 - AUTO ECONOMICS LTD 522 Essential repair/maintenance to prison vehicle
08/11/2012 MOJ2012/005383 - H&F LIFT TRUCKS 579 Industrial machinery
08/11/2012 MOJ2012/005384 - ARGOS DIRECT -679.91 Refund for prison purchase.
08/11/2012 MOJ2012/005385 - OSTEOPOISE HEALTHCARE 1,224.41 Not set
08/11/2012 MOJ2012/005386 - POWER ELECTRICS LT 973.44 Not set
08/11/2012 MOJ2012/005387 - PHILSPACE -1,440.00 Not set
08/11/2012 MOJ2012/005388 - AYLESBURY TRUCK HIRE 1,386.76 Vehicle hire
08/11/2012 MOJ2012/005389 - SAFETY WORKWEAR LTD 1,000.00 Health and safety equipment
08/11/2012 MOJ2012/005390 - LOWE & FLETCHER LTD 527.4 Lock manufacturers
08/11/2012 MOJ2012/005391 - EXPRESS FIRE EQUIPMENT 667.73 Health and safety supplies
08/11/2012 MOJ2012/005392 - SPAREBASE 592.57 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
08/11/2012 MOJ2012/005393 - BLADE SKODA GLOUCESTER 544.77 Essential repair/maintenance to prison vehicle
08/11/2012 MOJ2012/005394 - HILLARYS BLINDS LTD 1,500.00 Not set
08/11/2012 MOJ2012/005395 - MULTICELL INTERNATIONA 824.16 Not set
08/11/2012 MOJ2012/005396 - FURMANITE INTL LTD 2,148.56 Not set
08/11/2012 MOJ2012/005397 - JOHNSTONES DEC CENTRE 1,190.45 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
08/11/2012 MOJ2012/005398 - HIRE STATION 700 Vehicle hire
08/11/2012 MOJ2012/005399 - WATKINS HIRE LTD 931.2 Vehicle hire
08/11/2012 MOJ2012/005400 - WATKINS HIRE LTD 900 Vehicle hire
08/11/2012 MOJ2012/005401 - R&M ELECTRICAL GRO 535.87 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
08/11/2012 MOJ2012/005402 - NORSEMAN SAFETY & INDU 926.4 Industrial supplies
08/11/2012 MOJ2012/005403 - HYDRACHEM LIMITED 745.34 Industrial chemical supplies
08/11/2012 MOJ2012/005404 - WWW.ASTLEYHIRE.CO.UK 588 Industrial machinery
08/11/2012 MOJ2012/005405 - RAJAPACK LTD 757.73 Industrial supplies
08/11/2012 MOJ2012/005406 - DISCOUNT HUNTERS L 636.42 Not set
08/11/2012 MOJ2012/005407 - MACARTHUR GROUP 907.77 Grounds maintenance/Agricultural equipment
08/11/2012 MOJ2012/005408 - MACARTHUR GROUP 907.77 Grounds maintenance/Agricultural equipment
08/11/2012 MOJ2012/005409 - WWW.ONESTOPBIOSHOP.CO. 999.97 Not set
08/11/2012 MOJ2012/005410 - LIGHT CREDIT LTD 1,320.00 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
08/11/2012 MOJ2012/005411 - LIGHT CREDIT LTD 972 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
08/11/2012 MOJ2012/005412 - LIGHT CREDIT LTD 816 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
08/11/2012 MOJ2012/005413 - WWW.CONFERENCEBADG 972 Not set
08/11/2012 MOJ2012/005414 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 546.72 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
08/11/2012 MOJ2012/005415 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 588.91 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
08/11/2012 MOJ2012/005416 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 742.08 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
08/11/2012 MOJ2012/005417 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 913.36 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
08/11/2012 MOJ2012/005418 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 571.85 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
08/11/2012 MOJ2012/005419 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 869.06 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
08/11/2012 MOJ2012/005420 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 690.77 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
08/11/2012 MOJ2012/005421 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 608.57 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
08/11/2012 MOJ2012/005422 - WWW.ROYALMAIL.COM 600 Stamps for outlying tribunals
09/11/2012 MOJ2012/005423 - XMA LTD 13,548.95 Contracted supplier - IT consumables supplier
09/11/2012 MOJ2012/005424 - XMA LTD 1,160.52 Contracted supplier - IT consumables supplier
09/11/2012 MOJ2012/005425 - H&F LIFT TRUCKS 806.32 Industrial machinery
09/11/2012 MOJ2012/005426 - MOLES SEEDS (UK) LTD 987.86 Agricultural supplies - produce is used in the prison kitchen
09/11/2012 MOJ2012/005427 - POWER ELECTRICS LT 786.62 Not set
09/11/2012 MOJ2012/005428 - SANTIA CONSULTING LTD 912 Health and Saftey consultancy
09/11/2012 MOJ2012/005429 - WIGHT RECLAMATION LTD 900 Grounds maintenance/Agricultural equipment
09/11/2012 MOJ2012/005430 - THE ABATTOIR 526.05 Catering supplies
09/11/2012 MOJ2012/005431 - SEVERN CATERING SE 706.44 Essential repair of kitchen equipment
09/11/2012 MOJ2012/005432 - SEVERN CATERING SE 757.86 Essential repair of kitchen equipment
09/11/2012 MOJ2012/005433 - BOOKER LIMITED WOLVERH 670.99 Purchase of canteen items for sale to visitors. Profits are reinvested.
09/11/2012 MOJ2012/005434 - BOOKER LIMITED WOLVERH 711.02 Purchase of canteen items for sale to visitors. Profits are reinvested.
09/11/2012 MOJ2012/005435 - ALTRO LTD 3,067.26 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
09/11/2012 MOJ2012/005436 - K L S 507.6 Not set
09/11/2012 MOJ2012/005437 - BSS NORWICH 866.4 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
09/11/2012 MOJ2012/005438 - DAL ROD HOLDINGS UK LT 1,086.00 Building/Electrical/Plumbing services
09/11/2012 MOJ2012/005439 - DAL ROD HOLDINGS UK LT 1,086.00 Building/Electrical/Plumbing services
09/11/2012 MOJ2012/005440 - DAL ROD HOLDINGS UK LT 570 Building/Electrical/Plumbing services
09/11/2012 MOJ2012/005441 - JOHNSTONES DEC CENTRE 577.86 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
09/11/2012 MOJ2012/005442 - WWW.AVG.COM 733 IT security
09/11/2012 MOJ2012/005443 - Amazon Mktplce EU-UK 1,278.68 Office supplies for education area
09/11/2012 MOJ2012/005444 - LINDUM GROUP LTD 720.12 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
09/11/2012 MOJ2012/005445 - SCREWFIX DIRECT 520.97 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
09/11/2012 MOJ2012/005446 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 626.4 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
09/11/2012 MOJ2012/005447 - EIFIONS COACHES LT 640 Transport for magistrates
09/11/2012 MOJ2012/005448 - YEOMANS CANYAN TRA 518 Transport for jurors
09/11/2012 MOJ2012/005449 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 583.02 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
09/11/2012 MOJ2012/005450 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 522.66 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
09/11/2012 MOJ2012/005451 - XMA LTD 896.22 Contracted supplier - IT consumables supplier
09/11/2012 MOJ2012/005452 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 995.04 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
09/11/2012 MOJ2012/005453 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 816.48 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
09/11/2012 MOJ2012/005454 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 1,302.54 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
09/11/2012 MOJ2012/005455 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 2,039.32 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
09/11/2012 MOJ2012/005456 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 546.72 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
09/11/2012 MOJ2012/005457 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 512.23 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
09/11/2012 MOJ2012/005458 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 1,257.74 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
12/11/2012 MOJ2012/005459 - XMA LTD 975.65 Contracted supplier - IT consumables supplier
12/11/2012 MOJ2012/005460 - XMA LTD 1,230.17 Contracted supplier - IT consumables supplier
12/11/2012 MOJ2012/005461 - ANDERSON ELECTRICAL TR 1,440.85 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
12/11/2012 MOJ2012/005462 - NUTLAND CARPET ACCESS 717.12 Not set
12/11/2012 MOJ2012/005463 - MILLMOLL LTD 866.47 Office supplies
12/11/2012 MOJ2012/005464 - HOMELEIGH TIMBER & BUI 670.92 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
12/11/2012 MOJ2012/005465 - F M BIRCH LTD 2,851.43 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
12/11/2012 MOJ2012/005466 - GHL LIFTRUCKS LTD 957.6 Industrial machinery
12/11/2012 MOJ2012/005467 - THAME JOINERY COMPANY 708 Industrial supplies
12/11/2012 MOJ2012/005468 - BSS PETERBOROUGH 1,081.60 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
12/11/2012 MOJ2012/005469 - EDMUNDSON ELECTRICAL L 1,524.19 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
12/11/2012 MOJ2012/005470 - BOC GASES 843.95 Industrial chemical supplies
12/11/2012 MOJ2012/005471 - MILLBROOK DISTRIBUTION 775.89 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
12/11/2012 MOJ2012/005472 - NEWEY & EYRE 544.17 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
12/11/2012 MOJ2012/005473 - NEWEY & EYRE 994.47 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
12/11/2012 MOJ2012/005474 - NEWEY & EYRE 617.48 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
12/11/2012 MOJ2012/005475 - UBIQUS UK LIMITED 621.34 Transcription services
12/11/2012 MOJ2012/005476 - ADDISON LEE 1,150.00 Not set
12/11/2012 MOJ2012/005477 - MOTOR SERV LTD 824 Essential repair/maintenance to prison vehicle
12/11/2012 MOJ2012/005478 - TAYLOR BROS/OLDHAM/LTD 637.97 Not set
12/11/2012 MOJ2012/005479 - WWW.MYTUB.CO.UK 523.85 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
12/11/2012 MOJ2012/005480 - JOB EARNSHAW&BROS LTD 576 Security gate equipment
12/11/2012 MOJ2012/005481 - SCREWFIX DIRECT 555.86 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
12/11/2012 MOJ2012/005482 - Hotel accommodation 632 Hotels are used in exceptional cases by senior judges who require appropriate accommodation when hearing long cases far from home and where no alternative is available
12/11/2012 MOJ2012/005483 - Hotel accommodation 511.5 Hotels are used in exceptional cases by senior judges who require appropriate accommodation when hearing long cases far from home and where no alternative is available
12/11/2012 MOJ2012/005484 - Hotel accommodation 582.2 Hotels are used in exceptional cases by senior judges who require appropriate accommodation when hearing long cases far from home and where no alternative is available
12/11/2012 MOJ2012/005485 - Hotel accommodation 781.35 Hotels are used in exceptional cases by senior judges who require appropriate accommodation when hearing long cases far from home and where no alternative is available
12/11/2012 MOJ2012/005486 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 850.32 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
12/11/2012 MOJ2012/005487 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 594.91 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
12/11/2012 MOJ2012/005488 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 814.97 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
12/11/2012 MOJ2012/005489 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 1,124.21 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
12/11/2012 MOJ2012/005490 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 646.92 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
12/11/2012 MOJ2012/005491 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 716.34 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
12/11/2012 MOJ2012/005492 - ALTODIGITAL NETWORKS 573.35 Service charge for office machinery maintenance
12/11/2012 MOJ2012/005493 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 544.32 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
12/11/2012 MOJ2012/005494 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 943.62 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
13/11/2012 MOJ2012/005495 - XMA LTD 650.28 Contracted supplier - IT consumables supplier
13/11/2012 MOJ2012/005496 - XMA LTD 559.48 Contracted supplier - IT consumables supplier
13/11/2012 MOJ2012/005497 - COMPRESSED AIR CEN 823.69 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
13/11/2012 MOJ2012/005498 - RS COMPONENTS LTD 540.67 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
13/11/2012 MOJ2012/005499 - FRANCOTYP 998.6 Franking machine credit/maintenance
13/11/2012 MOJ2012/005500 - CAFFESOCIETY.CO.UK 798.91 Vending machine supplies
13/11/2012 MOJ2012/005501 - EDMUNDSON ELECTRICAL 748.26 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
13/11/2012 MOJ2012/005502 - ARBOR TIMBER & BUILDER 606.24 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
13/11/2012 MOJ2012/005503 - BUDD ELECTRICAL 2,358.00 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
13/11/2012 MOJ2012/005504 - I M G LTD 727.16 Industrial supplies
13/11/2012 MOJ2012/005505 - I M G LTD 753.49 Industrial supplies
13/11/2012 MOJ2012/005506 - RAPID PLATFORMS LTD 537.35 Equipment hire
13/11/2012 MOJ2012/005507 - N STEWART EVENTS 534 Not set
13/11/2012 MOJ2012/005508 - JEWSON LTD 629.96 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
13/11/2012 MOJ2012/005509 - LINDUM GROUP LTD 662.16 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
13/11/2012 MOJ2012/005510 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 671.83 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
13/11/2012 MOJ2012/005511 - BRITISH A 788 Official Travel - HMI Probation - Two economy class tickets - Attendance at Electronic monitoring conference overseas - 2 delegates
13/11/2012 MOJ2012/005512 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 500.24 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
13/11/2012 MOJ2012/005513 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 1,463.04 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
14/11/2012 MOJ2012/005514 - XMA LTD 935.95 Contracted supplier - IT consumables supplier
14/11/2012 MOJ2012/005515 - XMA LTD 983.33 Contracted supplier - IT consumables supplier
14/11/2012 MOJ2012/005516 - HUNTERS LODGE BOARDING 720.36 Kenneling of prison dogs
14/11/2012 MOJ2012/005517 - MILTON KEYNES CTY GLZR 537.6 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
14/11/2012 MOJ2012/005518 - JEMCA CROYDON 849.59 Essential repair/maintenance to prison vehicle
14/11/2012 MOJ2012/005519 - WJ LEWIS (BM) LTD 816 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
14/11/2012 MOJ2012/005520 - INVICTA MTRS CAR/SERVI 660.96 Essential repair/maintenance to prison vehicle
14/11/2012 MOJ2012/005521 - SYSTEMATIX LTD 894 Not set
14/11/2012 MOJ2012/005522 - MIXAMATE 1,000.00 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
14/11/2012 MOJ2012/005523 - WWW.EQUANET 958.33 Electrical equipment
14/11/2012 MOJ2012/005524 - EDMUNDSON ELECTRICAL 900.84 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
14/11/2012 MOJ2012/005525 - EDMUNSON ELEC 606.1 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
14/11/2012 MOJ2012/005526 - J T DOVE LTD 868.43 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
14/11/2012 MOJ2012/005527 - CENTRAL GLASS AND WIND 756 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
14/11/2012 MOJ2012/005528 - HEATING REP PARTS 690.2 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
14/11/2012 MOJ2012/005529 - WWW.HARDWARESPARES.COM 648 Not set
14/11/2012 MOJ2012/005530 - WWW.NEOPOST.CO.UK 927 Office supplies
14/11/2012 MOJ2012/005531 - COMET 512.98 Electrical equipment for showing evidence
14/11/2012 MOJ2012/005532 - WWW.MISCO.CO.UK 681.9 Not set
14/11/2012 MOJ2012/005533 - CITY & GUILDS, 666.8 Not set
14/11/2012 MOJ2012/005534 - Amazon Mktplce EU-UK 602 Items for prison refurbishment
14/11/2012 MOJ2012/005535 - ARGOS RETAIL GROUP 988.9 Electrical goods
14/11/2012 MOJ2012/005536 - ECMUNDSON ELECTRICAL 735.48 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
14/11/2012 MOJ2012/005537 - Hotel accommodation 1,007.50 Hotels are used in exceptional cases by senior judges who require appropriate accommodation when hearing long cases far from home and where no alternative is available
14/11/2012 MOJ2012/005538 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 637.06 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
14/11/2012 MOJ2012/005539 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 544.32 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
14/11/2012 MOJ2012/005540 - WWW.ROYALMAIL.COM 930 Stamps for outlying tribunals
14/11/2012 MOJ2012/005541 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 1,679.60 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
14/11/2012 MOJ2012/005542 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 829.92 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
15/11/2012 MOJ2012/005543 - XMA LTD 515.66 Contracted supplier - IT consumables supplier
15/11/2012 MOJ2012/005544 - XMA LTD 508.65 Contracted supplier - IT consumables supplier
15/11/2012 MOJ2012/005545 - XMA LTD 1,857.52 Contracted supplier - IT consumables supplier
15/11/2012 MOJ2012/005546 - BRITISH PSYCHO SOC 733.2 Membership fees for prison psycholgists
15/11/2012 MOJ2012/005547 - DENMANS ELECTRICAL 1,155.86 Equipment for teaching workshop
15/11/2012 MOJ2012/005548 - WWW.REMSTOOLS.CO.UK 567 Grounds maintenance/Agricultural equipment
15/11/2012 MOJ2012/005549 - W F ELECTRICAL 724.54 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
15/11/2012 MOJ2012/005550 - CATER-KWIK LTD 709.2 Catering equipment
15/11/2012 MOJ2012/005551 - WIGHT RECLAMATION LTD 900 Grounds maintenance/Agricultural equipment
15/11/2012 MOJ2012/005552 - EDMUNDSON ELECTRICAL 756.6 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
15/11/2012 MOJ2012/005553 - LIGHTING & MAINS POWER 2,685.60 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
15/11/2012 MOJ2012/005554 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 546.72 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
15/11/2012 MOJ2012/005555 - QUALSAFE.COM 507.92 Health and safety supplies
15/11/2012 MOJ2012/005556 - QUALSAFE.COM 553.25 Health and safety supplies
15/11/2012 MOJ2012/005557 - OPP LIMITED 725.4 Staff training
15/11/2012 MOJ2012/005558 - BRITISH PSYCHO SOC 516 Membership fees for prison psycholgists
15/11/2012 MOJ2012/005559 - BRITISH PSYCHO SOC 516 Membership fees for prison psycholgists
15/11/2012 MOJ2012/005560 - APPLEYARD SECURITY 1,126.99 Security equipment
15/11/2012 MOJ2012/005561 - J T DOVE LTD 4,345.04 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
15/11/2012 MOJ2012/005562 - J T DOVE LTD 1,833.10 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
15/11/2012 MOJ2012/005563 - AAA TRAINING CO LT 1,650.00 Health and safety training
15/11/2012 MOJ2012/005564 - BRITISH PSYCHO SOC 733.2 Membership fees for prison psycholgists
15/11/2012 MOJ2012/005565 - BRITISH PSYCHO SOC 733.2 Membership fees for prison psycholgists
15/11/2012 MOJ2012/005566 - B & Q PLC 900 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
15/11/2012 MOJ2012/005567 - B & Q PLC 515.52 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
15/11/2012 MOJ2012/005568 - LAKES BUILDBASE 600 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
15/11/2012 MOJ2012/005569 - MR G I STEWART 3,883.75 Not set
15/11/2012 MOJ2012/005570 - NEWEY & EYRE 548.54 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
15/11/2012 MOJ2012/005571 - SOLID SURFACING COMPAN 5,000.00 Industrial supplies
15/11/2012 MOJ2012/005572 - MADINGLEY MULCH 637 Grounds maintenance/Agricultural equipment
15/11/2012 MOJ2012/005573 - PEACOCK SALT 559.44 Industrial supplies
15/11/2012 MOJ2012/005574 - HOWDENS JOINERY LTD 615.35 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
15/11/2012 MOJ2012/005575 - VOICE PRODUCTS LIMITED 712.8 Court audio equipment
15/11/2012 MOJ2012/005576 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 1,156.03 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
15/11/2012 MOJ2012/005577 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 2,765.33 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
15/11/2012 MOJ2012/005578 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 567.23 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
16/11/2012 MOJ2012/005579 - XMA LTD 711 Contracted supplier - IT consumables supplier
16/11/2012 MOJ2012/005580 - XMA LTD 1,033.32 Contracted supplier - IT consumables supplier
16/11/2012 MOJ2012/005581 - Amazon Mktplce EU-UK 539.8 Laundry supplies
16/11/2012 MOJ2012/005582 - ADVANCE AUTOTECH 1,000.00 Essential repair/maintenance to prison vehicle
16/11/2012 MOJ2012/005583 - ADVANCE AUTOTECH 1,000.00 Essential repair/maintenance to prison vehicle
16/11/2012 MOJ2012/005584 - FIRST CHOICE CS LTD 676.38 Repair of catering equipment in the Main Kitchen at HMP Bure
16/11/2012 MOJ2012/005585 - PLUMB CENTER 532.14 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
16/11/2012 MOJ2012/005586 - PLUMB CENTER 621.79 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
16/11/2012 MOJ2012/005587 - CENTURY PLASTICS 597.32 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
16/11/2012 MOJ2012/005588 - AUTOGRAPHS AND SIGNATU 698.4 Reflective stripes for prison dog-van
16/11/2012 MOJ2012/005589 - KEYLINE 503.88 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
16/11/2012 MOJ2012/005590 - TRFSA TCD SMG 615.8 Not set
16/11/2012 MOJ2012/005591 - SELLES MEDICAL 660.48 Medical equipment/supplies
16/11/2012 MOJ2012/005592 - CHARLES J MARSHALL LTD 655 Industrial services
16/11/2012 MOJ2012/005593 - BEDFORD GLASS 600 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
16/11/2012 MOJ2012/005594 - BEDFORD GLASS 600 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
16/11/2012 MOJ2012/005595 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 1,059.86 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
16/11/2012 MOJ2012/005596 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 646.62 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
16/11/2012 MOJ2012/005597 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 597.17 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
16/11/2012 MOJ2012/005598 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 918.83 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
16/11/2012 MOJ2012/005599 - RAILEX (FILING) LTD 1,920.00 Office supplies
16/11/2012 MOJ2012/005600 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 815.58 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
16/11/2012 MOJ2012/005601 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 816.48 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
16/11/2012 MOJ2012/005602 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 1,264.67 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
16/11/2012 MOJ2012/005603 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 546.72 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
16/11/2012 MOJ2012/005604 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 520.36 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
16/11/2012 MOJ2012/005605 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 1,762.92 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
19/11/2012 MOJ2012/005606 - NATIONAL POLYTUNNELS L 1,080.00 Grounds maintenance/Agricultural equipment
19/11/2012 MOJ2012/005607 - NATIONAL POLYTUNNELS L 1,080.00 Grounds maintenance/Agricultural equipment
19/11/2012 MOJ2012/005608 - Q C FLOORING 1,776.00 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
19/11/2012 MOJ2012/005609 - CSS LOCKSMITHS LTD 1,648.20 Industrial services
19/11/2012 MOJ2012/005610 - DEISTER ELECTRONIC 873.6 Security equipment
19/11/2012 MOJ2012/005611 - Amazon Mktplce EU-UK -539.8 Refund for laundry supplies
19/11/2012 MOJ2012/005612 - BJ LIGHTING SUPPLIES L 690.06 Industrial lighting
19/11/2012 MOJ2012/005613 - WWW.EQUANET -958.33 Electrical equipment
19/11/2012 MOJ2012/005614 - DAL ROD HOLDINGS UK LT 1,745.00 Building/Electrical/Plumbing services
19/11/2012 MOJ2012/005615 - DAL ROD HOLDINGS UK LT 1,002.00 Building/Electrical/Plumbing services
19/11/2012 MOJ2012/005616 - PEARSON ED LTD 657.7 Not set
19/11/2012 MOJ2012/005617 - LEEDS CITY COLLEGE 750 Not set
19/11/2012 MOJ2012/005618 - BUDD ELECTRICAL 1,041.60 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
19/11/2012 MOJ2012/005619 - AWBRIDGE BUSINESS CONS 980.4 Not set
19/11/2012 MOJ2012/005620 - EDMUNSON ELEC 608.99 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
19/11/2012 MOJ2012/005621 - ADAM EQUIPMENT CO 604.75 Industrial supplies
19/11/2012 MOJ2012/005622 - NEWEY & EYRE 2,828.19 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
19/11/2012 MOJ2012/005623 - WWW.BRITSAFE.ORG 1,101.60 Health and safety supplies
19/11/2012 MOJ2012/005624 - FOX ELECTRICAL SUPPLIE 673.02 Not set
19/11/2012 MOJ2012/005625 - HIGHER WALTON GLASS LT 520 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
19/11/2012 MOJ2012/005626 - HEALTH CLUBS AT HOME 768 Maintence of prison exercise equipment
19/11/2012 MOJ2012/005627 - Hotel accommodation 608.85 Hotels are used in exceptional cases by senior judges who require appropriate accommodation when hearing long cases far from home and where no alternative is available
19/11/2012 MOJ2012/005628 - Hotel accommodation 795.8 Hotels are used in exceptional cases by senior judges who require appropriate accommodation when hearing long cases far from home and where no alternative is available
19/11/2012 MOJ2012/005629 - JACOBS 502.48 Fixed penalty notice that was issued against a Secure Cell Vehicle in London
19/11/2012 MOJ2012/005630 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 1,430.87 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
19/11/2012 MOJ2012/005631 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 1,240.56 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
19/11/2012 MOJ2012/005632 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 544.32 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
19/11/2012 MOJ2012/005633 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 1,463.04 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
20/11/2012 MOJ2012/005634 - XMA LTD 546.82 Contracted supplier - IT consumables supplier
20/11/2012 MOJ2012/005635 - XMA LTD 996.6 Contracted supplier - IT consumables supplier
20/11/2012 MOJ2012/005636 - XMA LTD 859.44 Contracted supplier - IT consumables supplier
20/11/2012 MOJ2012/005637 - XMA LTD 561.09 Contracted supplier - IT consumables supplier
20/11/2012 MOJ2012/005638 - Amazon Mktplce EU-UK 999.9 Prison equipment
20/11/2012 MOJ2012/005639 - CHARLES HEAD LTD 1,020.00 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
20/11/2012 MOJ2012/005640 - Q C FLOORING 4,968.00 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
20/11/2012 MOJ2012/005641 - HAMILTONPOL 501.59 Not set
20/11/2012 MOJ2012/005642 - D AND A BODYWORKS LTD 550 Essential repair/maintenance to prison vehicle
20/11/2012 MOJ2012/005643 - BOOKER LIMITED WOLVERH 509.69 Purchase of canteen items for sale to visitors. Profits are reinvested.
20/11/2012 MOJ2012/005644 - CITY PLUMBING 2,161.21 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
20/11/2012 MOJ2012/005645 - GRAHAM 608.15 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
20/11/2012 MOJ2012/005646 - DAL ROD HOLDINGS UK LT 720 Building/Electrical/Plumbing services
20/11/2012 MOJ2012/005647 - WWW.ECACCESSSOLUTIONS. 1,398.00 Not set
20/11/2012 MOJ2012/005648 - BLACKDOWN MOTOR CO 887.85 Essential repair/maintenance to prison vehicle
20/11/2012 MOJ2012/005649 - R&M ELECTRICAL GRO 792 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
20/11/2012 MOJ2012/005650 - HANCOCK & BROWN 965.98 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
20/11/2012 MOJ2012/005651 - EMPTEEZY LTD 1,162.80 Industrial supplies
20/11/2012 MOJ2012/005652 - I M G LTD 884.53 Industrial supplies
20/11/2012 MOJ2012/005653 - SACKERS.CO.UK 816.87 Waste services
20/11/2012 MOJ2012/005654 - SEWARD HAVANT 680.17 Essential repair/maintenance to prison vehicle
20/11/2012 MOJ2012/005655 - HIGHER WALTON GLASS LT 504 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
20/11/2012 MOJ2012/005656 - TAYLORS FORD 913.2 Essential repair/maintenance to prison vehicle
20/11/2012 MOJ2012/005657 - 3663 767.68 Purchase of canteen items for sale to visitors. Profits are reinvested.
20/11/2012 MOJ2012/005658 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 840.3 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
20/11/2012 MOJ2012/005659 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 671.83 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
20/11/2012 MOJ2012/005660 - EQUANET.COM 502.51 Accessories for viewing evidence in court.
21/11/2012 MOJ2012/005661 - XMA LTD 678.62 Contracted supplier - IT consumables supplier
21/11/2012 MOJ2012/005662 - XMA LTD 838.84 Contracted supplier - IT consumables supplier
21/11/2012 MOJ2012/005663 - CENTRAL GARAGE 999 Essential repair/maintenance to prison vehicle
21/11/2012 MOJ2012/005664 - NORTON SPORTS 620.7 Not set
21/11/2012 MOJ2012/005665 - Amazon Mktplce EU-UK 2,301.00 Office equipment for prison control room
21/11/2012 MOJ2012/005666 - STORTECH ELECTRON 517.2 Not set
21/11/2012 MOJ2012/005667 - JEWSON LTD 881.42 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
21/11/2012 MOJ2012/005668 - EDMUNDSON ELECTRICAL 570.96 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
21/11/2012 MOJ2012/005669 - SECOND TO NONE BLI 565 Purchase and fitting of blinds
21/11/2012 MOJ2012/005670 - PRESTON BISSETT NURSER 821.48 Grounds maintenance/Agricultural equipment
21/11/2012 MOJ2012/005671 - PRESTON BISSETT NURSER 685.22 Grounds maintenance/Agricultural equipment
21/11/2012 MOJ2012/005672 - CROMWELL TOOLS LTD 840 Industrial supplies
21/11/2012 MOJ2012/005673 - SCREWFIX DIRECT 871.77 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
21/11/2012 MOJ2012/005674 - SCREWFIX DIRECT 629.06 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
21/11/2012 MOJ2012/005675 - ARCO LTD 573.91 Safety equipment/workwear
21/11/2012 MOJ2012/005676 - WWW.ASTLEYHIRE.CO.UK 588 Industrial machinery
21/11/2012 MOJ2012/005677 - JOHNSTONES DEC CENTRE 546.31 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
21/11/2012 MOJ2012/005678 - CURRYS.DIGITAL 758 Equipment for staff training
21/11/2012 MOJ2012/005679 - MR G I STEWART 3,883.75 Not set
21/11/2012 MOJ2012/005680 - Amazon Mktplce EU-UK 983.8 Office supplies for education area
21/11/2012 MOJ2012/005681 - TRANSEND UK LTD 1,139.61 Security equipment
21/11/2012 MOJ2012/005682 - UK WASTE SOLUTIONS 3,890.26 Not set
21/11/2012 MOJ2012/005683 - UK WASTE SOLUTIONS 1,289.34 Not set
21/11/2012 MOJ2012/005684 - PLUMB CENTER 837.7 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
21/11/2012 MOJ2012/005685 - EQUANET.COM 502.51 Accessories for viewing evidence in court.
21/11/2012 MOJ2012/005686 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 1,030.63 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
21/11/2012 MOJ2012/005687 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 544.32 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
22/11/2012 MOJ2012/005688 - BRITISH PSYCHO SOC 733.2 Membership fees for prison psycholgists
22/11/2012 MOJ2012/005689 - HEALTHCARE EQUIPMENT & 903 Healthcare supplies
22/11/2012 MOJ2012/005690 - Amazon Mktplce EU-UK 585 Prisoner learning material
22/11/2012 MOJ2012/005691 - DESIGNPLAN LIGHTING LT 923.4 Industrial lighting
22/11/2012 MOJ2012/005692 - OPP LIMITED 692.7 Staff training
22/11/2012 MOJ2012/005693 - PERSONAL STRENGTHS (UK 894.13 Staff training for managers
22/11/2012 MOJ2012/005694 - JEWSON LIMITED 1,196.82 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
22/11/2012 MOJ2012/005695 - PEACOCK SALT 720 Industrial supplies
22/11/2012 MOJ2012/005696 - JOHNSTONES DEC CENTRE 547.55 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
22/11/2012 MOJ2012/005697 - JOHNSTONES DEC CENTRE 1,322.47 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
22/11/2012 MOJ2012/005698 - SCREWFIX DIRECT 519.96 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
22/11/2012 MOJ2012/005699 - BRITISH PSYCHO SOC 733.2 Membership fees for prison psycholgists
22/11/2012 MOJ2012/005700 - BRITISH PSYCHO SOC 733.2 Membership fees for prison psycholgists
22/11/2012 MOJ2012/005701 - BRITISH PSYCHO SOC 733.2 Membership fees for prison psycholgists
22/11/2012 MOJ2012/005702 - BRITISH PSYCHO SOC 733.2 Membership fees for prison psycholgists
22/11/2012 MOJ2012/005703 - BRITISH PSYCHO SOC 733.2 Membership fees for prison psycholgists
22/11/2012 MOJ2012/005704 - BRITISH PSYCHO SOC 733.2 Membership fees for prison psycholgists
22/11/2012 MOJ2012/005705 - EDMUNDSON ELECTRICAL 588 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
22/11/2012 MOJ2012/005706 - BSS PTS WOOLWICH 688.5 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
22/11/2012 MOJ2012/005707 - WWW.CLEANSAVE.CO.UK 967.74 Industrial supplies
22/11/2012 MOJ2012/005708 - GLASDON MANUFACTURING 875.71 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
22/11/2012 MOJ2012/005709 - AUTOGLASS 538.47 Essential repair/maintenance to prison vehicle
22/11/2012 MOJ2012/005710 - PAKAWASTE LTD 550.64 Waste services
22/11/2012 MOJ2012/005711 - UK WASTE SOLUTIONS 2,544.13 Not set
22/11/2012 MOJ2012/005712 - UK WASTE SOLUTIONS 2,182.24 Not set
22/11/2012 MOJ2012/005713 - ECMUNDSON ELECTRICAL 685.82 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
23/11/2012 MOJ2012/005714 - XMA LTD 18,572.05 Contracted supplier - IT consumables supplier
23/11/2012 MOJ2012/005715 - BTU SUPPLIES LTD 526.2 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
23/11/2012 MOJ2012/005716 - Amazon Mktplce EU-UK 857.2 Printer supplies for workshop
23/11/2012 MOJ2012/005717 - NORTHOLM SUPPLIES 1,734.92 Veterinary services
23/11/2012 MOJ2012/005718 - OHE HORTICULTURAL 1,517.88 Agricultural equipment for grounds maintenance
23/11/2012 MOJ2012/005719 - WWW.NEOPOST.CO.UK 515 Office supplies
23/11/2012 MOJ2012/005720 - POST OFFICE COUNTER 600 Not set
23/11/2012 MOJ2012/005721 - RS COMPONENTS LTD 584.7 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
23/11/2012 MOJ2012/005722 - TRAVIS PERKINS 1,200.98 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
23/11/2012 MOJ2012/005723 - E STREET MUSIC 623.49 Maintenance of multi faith room music equipment
23/11/2012 MOJ2012/005724 - JEWSON LTD 648.75 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
23/11/2012 MOJ2012/005725 - I M G LTD 748.26 Industrial supplies
23/11/2012 MOJ2012/005726 - HAMILTONPOL 551.75 Kitchen equipment for staff canteen
23/11/2012 MOJ2012/005727 - HAMILTONPOL 551.75 Kitchen equipment for staff canteen
23/11/2012 MOJ2012/005728 - TRAVIS PERKINS 536.38 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
23/11/2012 MOJ2012/005729 - BSS CAMBRIDGE 1,289.80 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
23/11/2012 MOJ2012/005730 - HSS HIRE 650 Industrial equipment hire
23/11/2012 MOJ2012/005731 - G J JOHNSON & SONS LTD 654.62 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
23/11/2012 MOJ2012/005732 - WWW.BROTHERMACHINES.CO 515.4 Not set
23/11/2012 MOJ2012/005733 - HIGHER WALTON GLASS LT 880 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
23/11/2012 MOJ2012/005734 - HIGHER WALTON GLASS LT 533.2 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
23/11/2012 MOJ2012/005735 - WWW.ASTLEYHIRE.CO.UK 588 Industrial machinery
23/11/2012 MOJ2012/005736 - SALLY SALON SERVIC 796.43 Supplies for offender workshop
23/11/2012 MOJ2012/005737 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 546.72 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
23/11/2012 MOJ2012/005738 - BOXCLEVER 900 Electrical equipment
23/11/2012 MOJ2012/005739 - UK PLATFORMS LIMITED 730.2 Industrial supplies
23/11/2012 MOJ2012/005740 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 628.56 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
23/11/2012 MOJ2012/005741 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 874.15 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
23/11/2012 MOJ2012/005742 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 1,397.67 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
23/11/2012 MOJ2012/005743 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 579.85 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
23/11/2012 MOJ2012/005744 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 2,761.66 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
23/11/2012 MOJ2012/005745 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 1,887.85 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
23/11/2012 MOJ2012/005746 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 809.52 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
23/11/2012 MOJ2012/005747 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 1,217.72 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
23/11/2012 MOJ2012/005748 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 546.72 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
23/11/2012 MOJ2012/005749 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 1,223.93 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
23/11/2012 MOJ2012/005750 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 764.4 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
23/11/2012 MOJ2012/005751 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 859.16 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005752 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 13,497.30 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005753 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 12,261.00 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005754 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 6,952.80 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005755 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 5,702.40 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005756 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 5,148.00 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005757 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 2,881.54 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005758 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 2,658.00 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005759 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 2,571.00 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005760 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,588.50 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005761 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,416.73 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005762 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,323.00 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005763 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,290.00 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005764 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 943.5 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005765 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 783 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005766 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 714.43 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005767 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 5,394.31 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005768 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 5,226.00 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005769 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 5,014.94 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005770 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 4,981.24 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005771 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 4,897.06 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005772 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 4,883.30 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005773 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 4,866.28 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005774 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 4,785.78 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005775 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 4,780.61 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005776 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 4,758.76 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005777 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 4,755.43 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005778 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 995.62 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005779 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 974.35 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005780 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 964.48 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005781 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 954.06 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005782 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 950.02 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005783 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 948.25 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005784 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 942.44 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005785 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 939.55 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005786 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 937.41 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005787 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 933.77 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005788 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 931.64 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005789 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 6,489.34 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005790 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 6,267.76 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005791 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 6,192.39 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005792 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 6,137.19 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005793 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 5,860.93 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005794 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 5,835.39 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005795 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 5,771.88 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005796 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 5,607.17 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005797 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 5,599.62 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005798 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 5,491.19 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005799 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 5,463.93 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005800 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,072.95 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005801 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,067.59 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005802 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,061.36 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005803 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,059.01 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005804 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,057.29 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005805 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,057.25 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005806 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,052.32 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005807 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,048.57 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005808 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,046.84 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005809 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,023.65 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005810 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,012.00 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005811 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 7,339.83 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005812 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 7,256.72 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005813 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 7,117.91 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005814 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 7,043.68 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005815 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 6,972.47 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005816 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 6,941.33 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005817 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 6,910.18 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005818 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 6,693.38 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005819 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 6,627.27 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005820 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,210.41 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005821 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,203.43 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005822 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,202.85 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005823 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,192.42 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005824 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,174.43 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005825 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,165.69 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005826 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,157.05 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005827 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,142.68 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005828 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,122.20 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005829 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,121.09 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005830 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,089.75 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005831 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,278.26 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005832 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,273.62 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005833 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,259.69 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005834 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,246.93 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005835 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,238.24 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005836 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,234.98 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005837 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,224.89 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005838 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,223.74 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005839 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,214.76 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005840 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 7,854.29 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005841 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 7,678.24 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005842 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,339.72 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005843 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 10,588.18 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005844 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 10,359.96 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005845 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 9,778.25 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005846 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 9,642.31 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005847 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 9,498.12 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005848 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 9,437.89 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005849 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 9,096.78 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005850 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 9,049.32 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005851 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 8,924.28 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005852 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 8,796.18 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005853 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 8,528.24 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005854 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,334.47 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005855 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,307.81 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005856 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 13,512.70 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005857 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 13,466.19 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005858 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 12,432.77 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005859 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 12,142.38 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005860 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 11,846.59 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005861 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 11,790.12 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005862 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 11,387.08 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005863 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 11,200.18 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005864 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 11,094.76 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005865 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 10,912.63 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005866 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 10,911.55 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005867 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,402.36 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005868 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,400.63 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005869 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,399.46 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005870 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,389.59 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005871 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,381.91 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005872 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,360.02 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005873 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,353.64 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005874 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,347.87 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005875 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,347.27 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005876 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,345.53 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005877 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 18,609.57 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005878 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 18,210.25 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005879 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 16,573.94 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005880 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 15,287.95 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005881 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,533.00 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005882 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,528.22 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005883 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,525.31 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005884 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,520.10 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005885 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,510.84 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005886 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,510.81 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005887 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,484.45 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005888 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,483.01 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005889 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,464.41 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005890 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,454.59 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005891 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,426.72 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005892 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,680.75 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005893 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,661.61 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005894 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,652.93 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005895 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,652.90 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005896 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,632.62 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005897 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,621.82 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005898 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,605.60 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005899 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,594.92 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005900 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,572.89 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005901 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,554.31 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005902 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,542.72 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005903 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,830.07 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005904 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,801.95 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005905 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,797.91 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005906 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,778.18 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005907 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,771.76 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005908 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,766.02 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005909 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,733.40 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005910 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,728.87 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005911 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,702.20 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005912 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,690.62 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005913 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,688.34 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005914 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 2,005.51 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005915 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,992.19 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005916 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,951.87 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005917 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,945.79 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005918 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,931.32 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005919 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,908.10 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005920 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,897.07 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005921 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,893.60 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005922 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,888.93 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005923 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,884.91 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005924 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 1,850.98 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005925 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 2,202.75 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005926 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 2,173.16 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005927 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 2,162.71 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005928 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 2,158.60 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005929 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 2,131.39 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005930 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 2,126.89 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005931 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 2,125.64 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005932 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 2,094.28 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005933 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 2,079.77 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005934 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 2,054.24 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005935 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 2,035.14 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005936 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 538.81 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005937 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 530.88 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005938 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 530.66 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005939 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 521.98 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005940 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 521.97 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005941 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 512.67 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005942 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 510.38 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005943 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 510.28 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005944 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 501.68 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005945 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 2,462.00 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005946 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 2,440.33 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005947 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 2,409.77 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005948 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 2,406.72 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005949 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 2,401.09 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005950 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 2,393.53 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005951 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 2,338.81 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005952 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 2,314.81 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005953 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 2,277.09 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005954 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 2,262.22 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005955 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 2,232.65 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005956 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 585.76 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005957 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 579.98 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005958 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 578.24 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005959 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 577.95 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005960 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 577.06 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005961 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 575.88 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005962 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 565.46 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005963 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 559.67 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005964 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 553.87 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005965 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 553.27 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005966 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 550.96 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005967 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 2,853.36 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005968 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 2,853.01 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005969 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 2,818.64 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005970 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 2,799.50 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005971 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 2,791.95 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005972 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 2,775.15 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005973 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 2,660.92 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005974 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 2,613.90 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005975 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 2,606.37 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005976 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 2,595.95 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005977 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 2,565.84 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005978 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 625.19 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005979 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 621.73 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005980 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 617.69 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005981 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 601.78 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005982 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 600.27 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005983 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 599.25 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005984 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 597.38 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005985 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 592.74 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005986 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 591.56 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005987 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 591.56 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005988 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 588.67 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005989 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 3,490.82 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005990 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 3,446.09 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005991 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 3,353.22 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005992 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 3,222.46 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005993 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 3,080.21 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005994 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 3,052.37 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005995 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 3,007.20 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005996 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 2,954.95 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005997 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 2,923.06 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005998 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 2,919.62 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/005999 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 2,869.68 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006000 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 706.85 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006001 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 681.57 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006002 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 675.97 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006003 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 668.71 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006004 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 664.07 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006005 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 652.47 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006006 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 647.88 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006007 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 646.67 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006008 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 646.66 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006009 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 646.66 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006010 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 640.02 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006011 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 4,067.30 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006012 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 3,969.63 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006013 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 3,935.08 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006014 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 3,876.47 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006015 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 3,688.61 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006016 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 3,617.30 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006017 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 3,567.85 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006018 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 3,551.72 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006019 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 3,526.22 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006020 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 3,517.54 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006021 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 3,516.95 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006022 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 778.36 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006023 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 767.71 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006024 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 763.18 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006025 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 759.77 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006026 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 759.76 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006027 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 753.97 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006028 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 747.56 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006029 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 727.87 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006030 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 724.96 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006031 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 708.72 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006032 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 707.57 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006033 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 861.25 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006034 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 858.35 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006035 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 857.2 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006036 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 855.46 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006037 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 842.12 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006038 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 4,526.44 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006039 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 4,523.74 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006040 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 4,515.47 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006041 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 4,456.54 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006042 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 4,352.69 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006043 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 4,319.17 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006044 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 4,283.01 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006045 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 4,242.11 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006046 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 4,206.91 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006047 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 4,163.33 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006048 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 4,150.86 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006049 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 840.95 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006050 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 838.04 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006051 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 835.15 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006052 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 832.27 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006053 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 832.08 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006054 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 829.35 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006055 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 817.75 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006056 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 803.27 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006057 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 794.57 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006058 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 782.96 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006059 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 782.95 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006060 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 4,694.92 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006061 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 4,692.00 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006062 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 4,651.39 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006063 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 4,648.71 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006064 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 4,631.00 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006065 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 4,604.90 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006066 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 4,603.64 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006067 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 4,600.89 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006068 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 4,534.31 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006069 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 4,533.66 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006070 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 4,529.68 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006071 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 916.35 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006072 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 908.24 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006073 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 906.38 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006074 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 897.22 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006075 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 866.03 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006076 - WWW.APPLIEDLANGUAGE.CO 862.73 Contracted Supplier - Interpreting and translation services
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006077 - XMA LTD 1,001.37 Contracted supplier - IT consumables supplier
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006078 - XMA LTD 527.93 Contracted supplier - IT consumables supplier
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006079 - XMA LTD 906.19 Contracted supplier - IT consumables supplier
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006080 - AUTO ECONOMICS LTD 522 Essential repair/maintenance to prison vehicle
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006081 - BTU SUPPLIES LTD 518.4 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006082 - IDML 734.76 Not set
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006083 - NEWEY & EYRE 568.8 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006084 - A B ELECTRICAL WHOLESA 596.74 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006085 - B & Q 794.59 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006086 - SCREWFIX DIRECT 899.9 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006087 - W L D TEXTILES 1,009.46 Not set
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006088 - EDMUNDSON ELECTRICAL 643.8 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006089 - EDMUNDSON ELECTRICAL 576.76 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006090 - BSS GROUP PLC PTS 665.57 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006091 - STC FASTENERS LTD 599.76 Safety equipment/workwear
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006092 - ACE HANDLING 712.43 Vehicle hire
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006093 - THE PAPER COMPANY 589.29 Office supplies
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006094 - WWW.NISBETS.COM 631.2 Catering equipment
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006095 - CROMHALL REFINISHING 1,000.00 Essential repair/maintenance to prison vehicle
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006096 - CROMHALL REFINISHING 526.23 Essential repair/maintenance to prison vehicle
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006097 - ANDY CANDLER MOTOR ENG 521.88 Essential repair/maintenance to prison vehicle
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006098 - NATIONWIDE BOSTON 636.24 Essential repair/maintenance to prison vehicle
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006099 - Hotel accommodation 702 Hotels are used in exceptional cases by senior judges who require appropriate accommodation when hearing long cases far from home and where no alternative is available
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006100 - Hotel accommodation 2,445.80 Hotels are used in exceptional cases by senior judges who require appropriate accommodation when hearing long cases far from home and where no alternative is available
26/11/2012 MOJ2012/006101 - Hotel accommodation 2,500.00 Hotels are used in exceptional cases by senior judges who require appropriate accommodation when hearing long cases far from home and where no alternative is available
27/11/2012 MOJ2012/006102 - XMA LTD 892.18 Contracted supplier - IT consumables supplier
27/11/2012 MOJ2012/006103 - SCIENTIFIC & CHEM 504.16 Medical equipment/supplies
27/11/2012 MOJ2012/006104 - BSS NORWICH 1,196.78 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
27/11/2012 MOJ2012/006105 - MIS ENVIROMENTAL 696 Health and Saftey consultancy
27/11/2012 MOJ2012/006106 - IAN TAIT AND CO LTD 540 Not set
27/11/2012 MOJ2012/006107 - BSS WIGAN 911.63 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
27/11/2012 MOJ2012/006108 - ERD-EDMUNDSON 605.4 Not set
27/11/2012 MOJ2012/006109 - TUDOR ENVIRONMENTAL 954 Grounds maintenance/Agricultural equipment
27/11/2012 MOJ2012/006110 - AUTOBAR 711.8 Essential repair/maintenance to prison vehicle
27/11/2012 MOJ2012/006111 - FRESH START WASTE SERV 1,630.42 Industrial services
27/11/2012 MOJ2012/006112 - DEXEL TYRE COMPANY LTD 758.4 Essential repair/maintenance to prison vehicle
27/11/2012 MOJ2012/006113 - LINCAT LTD,LINCOLN 679.75 Catering equipment
27/11/2012 MOJ2012/006114 - PORTLAND STONE LTD 945.18 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
27/11/2012 MOJ2012/006115 - MOONLIGHT TEXTILES 1,597.60 Replacement of damaged furnishings
27/11/2012 MOJ2012/006116 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 765.06 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
27/11/2012 MOJ2012/006117 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 683.4 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
27/11/2012 MOJ2012/006118 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 506.67 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
27/11/2012 MOJ2012/006119 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 758.29 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
27/11/2012 MOJ2012/006120 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 1,438.13 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
27/11/2012 MOJ2012/006121 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 671.83 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
27/11/2012 MOJ2012/006122 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 562.09 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
27/11/2012 MOJ2012/006123 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 1,046.66 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
27/11/2012 MOJ2012/006124 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 906.89 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
27/11/2012 MOJ2012/006125 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 512.44 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
27/11/2012 MOJ2012/006126 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 544.32 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
27/11/2012 MOJ2012/006127 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 539.62 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
27/11/2012 MOJ2012/006128 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 594.2 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
27/11/2012 MOJ2012/006129 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 1,463.04 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
27/11/2012 MOJ2012/006130 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 620.95 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
27/11/2012 MOJ2012/006131 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 523.89 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
27/11/2012 MOJ2012/006132 - WWW.ROYALMAIL.COM 600 Stamps for outlying tribunals
28/11/2012 MOJ2012/006133 - WWW.ASTLEYHIRE.CO.UK 927.88 Industrial machinery
28/11/2012 MOJ2012/006134 - WWW.NISBETS.COM 707.65 Catering equipment
28/11/2012 MOJ2012/006135 - PAC 741.6 Not set
28/11/2012 MOJ2012/006136 - JMC AG LTD 583.56 Industrial equipment hire
28/11/2012 MOJ2012/006137 - TOPHAM MOT CENTRE 960 Essential repair/maintenance to prison vehicle
28/11/2012 MOJ2012/006138 - LOMART LTD 844.2 Essential repair/maintenance to prison vehicle
28/11/2012 MOJ2012/006139 - GLASDON MANUFACTURING 931.56 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
28/11/2012 MOJ2012/006140 - BSS LEICESTER 781.74 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
28/11/2012 MOJ2012/006141 - SALLY SALON SERVICES L 775.7 Not set
28/11/2012 MOJ2012/006142 - AZELIS UK INDUSTRIAL C 895.52 Industrial chemical supplies
28/11/2012 MOJ2012/006143 - EDMUNDSON ELECTRICAL L 500.29 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
28/11/2012 MOJ2012/006144 - ECMUNDSON ELECTRICAL 826.24 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
28/11/2012 MOJ2012/006145 - WWW.ASTLEYHIRE.CO.UK 588 Industrial machinery
28/11/2012 MOJ2012/006146 - MACHINE MART LTD 626.56 Equipment hire
28/11/2012 MOJ2012/006147 - Amazon Mktplce EU-UK 811.94 Items for photocopiers
28/11/2012 MOJ2012/006148 - PUMPS & GEARBOXES 668.8 Industrial supplies
28/11/2012 MOJ2012/006149 - IMC 1,104.98 Not set
28/11/2012 MOJ2012/006150 - NEWGROUND CIC 630 Not set
28/11/2012 MOJ2012/006151 - TRANSEND UK LTD 633.6 Security equipment
28/11/2012 MOJ2012/006152 - WATCO UK LTD 532.8 Not set
28/11/2012 MOJ2012/006153 - TRAVIS PERKINS 539.58 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
28/11/2012 MOJ2012/006154 - 3663 824.39 Purchase of canteen items for sale to visitors. Profits are reinvested.
28/11/2012 MOJ2012/006155 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL -671.83 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
28/11/2012 MOJ2012/006156 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 553.79 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
28/11/2012 MOJ2012/006157 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 1,692.00 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
28/11/2012 MOJ2012/006158 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 544.32 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
28/11/2012 MOJ2012/006159 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 542.92 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
28/11/2012 MOJ2012/006160 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 1,088.64 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
28/11/2012 MOJ2012/006161 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 1,033.58 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
29/11/2012 MOJ2012/006162 - XMA LTD 687.55 Contracted supplier - IT consumables supplier
29/11/2012 MOJ2012/006163 - XMA LTD 1,472.20 Contracted supplier - IT consumables supplier
29/11/2012 MOJ2012/006164 - AUTO ECONOMICS LTD 522 Essential repair/maintenance to prison vehicle
29/11/2012 MOJ2012/006165 - BAILEYS TRANSPORT (198 1,202.69 Not set
29/11/2012 MOJ2012/006166 - MORRIS MICA HARDWARE 719.1 Not set
29/11/2012 MOJ2012/006167 - HECAS LTD 594.12 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
29/11/2012 MOJ2012/006168 - R & M ROOFING SUPP 840 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
29/11/2012 MOJ2012/006169 - HAMILTON & POLLOCK 528 Catering equipment
29/11/2012 MOJ2012/006170 - NORTHERNGASNETWORK 766.8 Not set
29/11/2012 MOJ2012/006171 - GARDEN PRIDE GARDE 568.8 Supplies for offender workshop
29/11/2012 MOJ2012/006172 - KENT CLEANING SUPPLIES 594 Industrial supplies
29/11/2012 MOJ2012/006173 - ALTRO RESINS 2,710.59 Building/Electrical/Plumbing services
29/11/2012 MOJ2012/006174 - CITY PLUMBING 586.51 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
29/11/2012 MOJ2012/006175 - COMBINED PRECISION 678.66 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
29/11/2012 MOJ2012/006176 - INSTANTA LTD 614.46 Catering equipment
29/11/2012 MOJ2012/006177 - CLIVE HURT 1,020.00 Not set
29/11/2012 MOJ2012/006178 - BSS NORWICH 1,263.78 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
29/11/2012 MOJ2012/006179 - FRAZER 501.86 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
29/11/2012 MOJ2012/006180 - IMPERIAL COMMERCIA 752.22 Essential repair/maintenance to prison vehicle
29/11/2012 MOJ2012/006181 - IMPERIAL COMMERCIA 752.22 Essential repair/maintenance to prison vehicle
29/11/2012 MOJ2012/006182 - IMPERIAL COMMERCIA 752.23 Essential repair/maintenance to prison vehicle
29/11/2012 MOJ2012/006183 - LEWIS & CO (FABRIC 793.26 Materials for prisoner workshop
29/11/2012 MOJ2012/006184 - NEWEY & EYRE 1,128.00 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
29/11/2012 MOJ2012/006185 - PNR BENCHMARK UCS 741.07 Not set
29/11/2012 MOJ2012/006186 - PNR BENCHMARK UCS 741.07 Not set
29/11/2012 MOJ2012/006187 - WWW.BARNESASSOCIATES.C 1,573.20 Grounds maintenance/Agricultural equipment
29/11/2012 MOJ2012/006188 - COLIN WALFORD WP 562.2 Not set
29/11/2012 MOJ2012/006189 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 546.72 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
29/11/2012 MOJ2012/006190 - Hotel accommodation 2,500.00 Hotels are used in exceptional cases by senior judges who require appropriate accommodation when hearing long cases far from home and where no alternative is available
29/11/2012 MOJ2012/006191 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 844.9 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
29/11/2012 MOJ2012/006192 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 610.81 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
29/11/2012 MOJ2012/006193 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 582.36 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
29/11/2012 MOJ2012/006194 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 546.72 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
29/11/2012 MOJ2012/006195 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 2,186.88 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
29/11/2012 MOJ2012/006196 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 740.99 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
29/11/2012 MOJ2012/006197 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 700.14 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
29/11/2012 MOJ2012/006198 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 502.98 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
30/11/2012 MOJ2012/006199 - MOTOFIX OXFORD 638.15 Not set
30/11/2012 MOJ2012/006200 - WINDSCREENS ON WHEELS 2,746.20 Essential repair/maintenance to prison vehicle
30/11/2012 MOJ2012/006201 - JOHNSTONES DEC CENTRE 997.24 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
30/11/2012 MOJ2012/006202 - JOHNSTONES DEC CENTRE 989.6 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
30/11/2012 MOJ2012/006203 - SCREWFIX DIRECT 899.9 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
30/11/2012 MOJ2012/006204 - INTERNATIONAL LAMPS LT 745.8 Industrial lighting
30/11/2012 MOJ2012/006205 - OPP LIMITED 606.9 Staff training
30/11/2012 MOJ2012/006206 - BRITISH PSYCHO SOC 733.2 Membership fees for prison psycholgists
30/11/2012 MOJ2012/006207 - BRITISH PSYCHO SOC 733.2 Membership fees for prison psycholgists
30/11/2012 MOJ2012/006208 - JEWSON LTD 1,722.84 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
30/11/2012 MOJ2012/006209 - PANKS ENGINEERS LT 685.44 Not set
30/11/2012 MOJ2012/006210 - INTERFLON ( UK ) LTD 2,926.08 Industrial supplies
30/11/2012 MOJ2012/006211 - INTERFLON ( UK ) LTD 599.04 Industrial supplies
30/11/2012 MOJ2012/006212 - HARRISON AUTO ELECTRIC 860.82 Essential repair/maintenance to prison vehicle
30/11/2012 MOJ2012/006213 - BRITISH PSYCHO SOC 516 Membership fees for prison psycholgists
30/11/2012 MOJ2012/006214 - ARGOS RETAIL GROUP 573.79 Electrical supplies
30/11/2012 MOJ2012/006215 - KEYLINE 816.96 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
30/11/2012 MOJ2012/006216 - KEYLINE 558.96 Building/Electrical/Plumbing supplies for general maintenance
30/11/2012 MOJ2012/006217 - SMALLEY PLANT HIRE AND 950 Equipment hire
30/11/2012 MOJ2012/006218 - SMALLEY PLANT HIRE AND 950 Equipment hire
30/11/2012 MOJ2012/006219 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 771.86 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
30/11/2012 MOJ2012/006220 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 709.15 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
30/11/2012 MOJ2012/006221 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 679.68 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
30/11/2012 MOJ2012/006222 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 1,047.98 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
30/11/2012 MOJ2012/006223 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 2,235.90 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
30/11/2012 MOJ2012/006224 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 2,463.71 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
30/11/2012 MOJ2012/006225 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 816.48 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
30/11/2012 MOJ2012/006226 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 546.72 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
30/11/2012 MOJ2012/006227 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 1,109.70 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
30/11/2012 MOJ2012/006228 - BANNER BUSINESS SUPPL 773.54 Contracted Supplier - Stationery
03/12/2012 MOJ2012/006229 - XMA LTD 1,105.56 Contracted supplier - IT consumables supplier
03/12/2012 MOJ2012/006230 - XMA LTD 1,006.38 Contracted supplier - IT consumables supplier
03/12/2012 MOJ2012/006231 - XMA LTD 1,103.70 Contracted supplier - IT consumables supplier
03/12/2012 MOJ2012/006232 - XMA LTD 555.22 Contracted supplier - IT consumables supplier
03/12/2012 MOJ2012/006233 - XMA LTD 964.8 Contracted supplier - IT consumables supplier
03/12/2012 MOJ2012/006234 - XMA LTD 627.73 Contracted supplier - IT consumables supplier
03/12/2012 MOJ2012/006235 - XMA LTD 526.22 Contracted supplier - IT consumables supplier
03/12/2012 MOJ2012/006236 - XMA LTD 1,655.41 Contracted supplier - IT consumables supplier
03/12/2012 MOJ2012/006237 - ANNESLEY & DISTRICT FU 1,521.00 Funeral expenses
03/12/2012 MOJ2012/006238 - WORKWEAR TRADE CENTRE 1,033.70 Safety equipment/workwear
03/12/2012 MOJ2012/006239 - HAMILTONPOL -551.75 Refund for being charged twice