Official Statistics
Prison population tables
Updated 25 April 2013
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Extract Date | Establishment | Custody | Sex | Age group | Nationality | Count |
30SEP2012 | Altcourse | Non criminal | Male | Adult | British national | 3 |
30SEP2012 | Altcourse | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Altcourse | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 67 |
30SEP2012 | Altcourse | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 3 |
30SEP2012 | Altcourse | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | Nationality not recorded | 3 |
30SEP2012 | Altcourse | Remand | Male | Adult | British national | 166 |
30SEP2012 | Altcourse | Remand | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 12 |
30SEP2012 | Altcourse | Remand | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 8 |
30SEP2012 | Altcourse | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 109 |
30SEP2012 | Altcourse | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 7 |
30SEP2012 | Altcourse | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Nationality not recorded | 6 |
30SEP2012 | Altcourse | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 769 |
30SEP2012 | Altcourse | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 12 |
30SEP2012 | Altcourse | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 9 |
30SEP2012 | Askham Grange | Sentenced | Female | 18 - 20 | British national | 2 |
30SEP2012 | Askham Grange | Sentenced | Female | Adult | British national | 112 |
30SEP2012 | Askham Grange | Sentenced | Female | Adult | Foreign national | 4 |
30SEP2012 | Isle of Wight (4) | Remand | Male | Adult | British national | 8 |
30SEP2012 | Isle of Wight (4) | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 1385 |
30SEP2012 | Isle of Wight (4) | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 191 |
30SEP2012 | Isle of Wight (4) | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 7 |
30SEP2012 | Ashfield | Remand | Male | 15 - 17 | British national | 25 |
30SEP2012 | Ashfield | Remand | Male | 15 - 17 | Foreign national | 5 |
30SEP2012 | Ashfield | Remand | Male | 15 - 17 | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Ashfield | Sentenced | Male | 15 - 17 | British national | 128 |
30SEP2012 | Ashfield | Sentenced | Male | 15 - 17 | Foreign national | 25 |
30SEP2012 | Ashfield | Sentenced | Male | 15 - 17 | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Ashfield | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 20 |
30SEP2012 | Ashfield | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Aylesbury | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 245 |
30SEP2012 | Aylesbury | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 45 |
30SEP2012 | Aylesbury | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Aylesbury | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 101 |
30SEP2012 | Aylesbury | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 22 |
30SEP2012 | Belmarsh | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 7 |
30SEP2012 | Belmarsh | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Belmarsh | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 3 |
30SEP2012 | Belmarsh | Remand | Male | Adult | British national | 239 |
30SEP2012 | Belmarsh | Remand | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 84 |
30SEP2012 | Belmarsh | Remand | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 26 |
30SEP2012 | Belmarsh | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 4 |
30SEP2012 | Belmarsh | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 352 |
30SEP2012 | Belmarsh | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 101 |
30SEP2012 | Belmarsh | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 13 |
30SEP2012 | Buckley Hall | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 416 |
30SEP2012 | Buckley Hall | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 6 |
30SEP2012 | Buckley Hall | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Blundeston | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 449 |
30SEP2012 | Blundeston | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 43 |
30SEP2012 | Blundeston | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 3 |
30SEP2012 | Bedford | Non criminal | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Bedford | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 5 |
30SEP2012 | Bedford | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 15 |
30SEP2012 | Bedford | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 4 |
30SEP2012 | Bedford | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Bedford | Remand | Male | Adult | British national | 138 |
30SEP2012 | Bedford | Remand | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 48 |
30SEP2012 | Bedford | Remand | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 10 |
30SEP2012 | Bedford | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 11 |
30SEP2012 | Bedford | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Bedford | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Bedford | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 200 |
30SEP2012 | Bedford | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 29 |
30SEP2012 | Bedford | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 12 |
30SEP2012 | Blantyre House | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 120 |
30SEP2012 | Blantyre House | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 2 |
30SEP2012 | Bristol | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 22 |
30SEP2012 | Bristol | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 2 |
30SEP2012 | Bristol | Remand | Male | Adult | British national | 180 |
30SEP2012 | Bristol | Remand | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 45 |
30SEP2012 | Bristol | Remand | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 2 |
30SEP2012 | Bristol | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 11 |
30SEP2012 | Bristol | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Bristol | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 320 |
30SEP2012 | Bristol | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 24 |
30SEP2012 | Bristol | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 2 |
30SEP2012 | Birmingham | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 8 |
30SEP2012 | Birmingham | Remand | Male | Adult | British national | 429 |
30SEP2012 | Birmingham | Remand | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 116 |
30SEP2012 | Birmingham | Remand | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 14 |
30SEP2012 | Birmingham | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 764 |
30SEP2012 | Birmingham | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 93 |
30SEP2012 | Birmingham | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 14 |
30SEP2012 | Bullingdon | Non criminal | Male | Adult | British national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Bullingdon | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 7 |
30SEP2012 | Bullingdon | Remand | Male | Adult | British national | 152 |
30SEP2012 | Bullingdon | Remand | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 46 |
30SEP2012 | Bullingdon | Remand | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 5 |
30SEP2012 | Bullingdon | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Bullingdon | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 763 |
30SEP2012 | Bullingdon | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 86 |
30SEP2012 | Bullingdon | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 4 |
30SEP2012 | Bure | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 4 |
30SEP2012 | Bure | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 452 |
30SEP2012 | Bure | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 59 |
30SEP2012 | Brinsford | Non criminal | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 3 |
30SEP2012 | Brinsford | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Brinsford | Remand | Male | 15 - 17 | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Brinsford | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 78 |
30SEP2012 | Brinsford | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 10 |
30SEP2012 | Brinsford | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | Nationality not recorded | 25 |
30SEP2012 | Brinsford | Remand | Male | Adult | British national | 6 |
30SEP2012 | Brinsford | Remand | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Brinsford | Sentenced | Male | 15 - 17 | Foreign national | 2 |
30SEP2012 | Brinsford | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 281 |
30SEP2012 | Brinsford | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 23 |
30SEP2012 | Brinsford | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Nationality not recorded | 48 |
30SEP2012 | Brinsford | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 30 |
30SEP2012 | Brinsford | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 7 |
30SEP2012 | Brinsford | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 8 |
30SEP2012 | Bullwood Hall | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 15 |
30SEP2012 | Bullwood Hall | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 2 |
30SEP2012 | Bullwood Hall | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 205 |
30SEP2012 | Brixton | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 565 |
30SEP2012 | Brixton | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 93 |
30SEP2012 | Brixton | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 6 |
30SEP2012 | Bronzefield | Remand | Female | 18 - 20 | British national | 7 |
30SEP2012 | Bronzefield | Remand | Female | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 6 |
30SEP2012 | Bronzefield | Remand | Female | Adult | British national | 86 |
30SEP2012 | Bronzefield | Remand | Female | Adult | Foreign national | 50 |
30SEP2012 | Bronzefield | Remand | Female | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Bronzefield | Sentenced | Female | 18 - 20 | British national | 25 |
30SEP2012 | Bronzefield | Sentenced | Female | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 4 |
30SEP2012 | Bronzefield | Sentenced | Female | Adult | British national | 260 |
30SEP2012 | Bronzefield | Sentenced | Female | Adult | Foreign national | 61 |
30SEP2012 | Bronzefield | Sentenced | Female | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Chelmsford | Non criminal | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Chelmsford | Non criminal | Male | 18 - 20 | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Chelmsford | Non criminal | Male | Adult | British national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Chelmsford | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 6 |
30SEP2012 | Chelmsford | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Chelmsford | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 20 |
30SEP2012 | Chelmsford | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 4 |
30SEP2012 | Chelmsford | Remand | Male | Adult | British national | 168 |
30SEP2012 | Chelmsford | Remand | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 26 |
30SEP2012 | Chelmsford | Remand | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Chelmsford | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 25 |
30SEP2012 | Chelmsford | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 3 |
30SEP2012 | Chelmsford | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 330 |
30SEP2012 | Chelmsford | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 52 |
30SEP2012 | Chelmsford | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 7 |
30SEP2012 | Cardiff | Non criminal | Male | Adult | British national | 2 |
30SEP2012 | Cardiff | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Cardiff | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 38 |
30SEP2012 | Cardiff | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 5 |
30SEP2012 | Cardiff | Remand | Male | Adult | British national | 294 |
30SEP2012 | Cardiff | Remand | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 25 |
30SEP2012 | Cardiff | Remand | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 7 |
30SEP2012 | Cardiff | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 8 |
30SEP2012 | Cardiff | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 390 |
30SEP2012 | Cardiff | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 10 |
30SEP2012 | Cardiff | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 8 |
30SEP2012 | Cookham Wood | Remand | Male | 15 - 17 | British national | 17 |
30SEP2012 | Cookham Wood | Remand | Male | 15 - 17 | Foreign national | 7 |
30SEP2012 | Cookham Wood | Remand | Male | 15 - 17 | Nationality not recorded | 9 |
30SEP2012 | Cookham Wood | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Cookham Wood | Sentenced | Male | 15 - 17 | British national | 54 |
30SEP2012 | Cookham Wood | Sentenced | Male | 15 - 17 | Foreign national | 7 |
30SEP2012 | Cookham Wood | Sentenced | Male | 15 - 17 | Nationality not recorded | 15 |
30SEP2012 | Cookham Wood | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 7 |
30SEP2012 | Cookham Wood | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 2 |
30SEP2012 | Cookham Wood | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Coldingley | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 465 |
30SEP2012 | Coldingley | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 34 |
30SEP2012 | Coldingley | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 11 |
30SEP2012 | Channings Wood | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 678 |
30SEP2012 | Channings Wood | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 36 |
30SEP2012 | Channings Wood | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 4 |
30SEP2012 | Canterbury | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 6 |
30SEP2012 | Canterbury | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 280 |
30SEP2012 | Canterbury | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 3 |
30SEP2012 | Dartmoor | Remand | Male | Adult | British national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Dartmoor | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 616 |
30SEP2012 | Dartmoor | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 25 |
30SEP2012 | Dartmoor | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Dovegate | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 2 |
30SEP2012 | Dovegate | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Dovegate | Remand | Male | Adult | British national | 58 |
30SEP2012 | Dovegate | Remand | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 6 |
30SEP2012 | Dovegate | Remand | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 47 |
30SEP2012 | Dovegate | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 847 |
30SEP2012 | Dovegate | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 56 |
30SEP2012 | Dovegate | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 83 |
30SEP2012 | Drake Hall | Sentenced | Female | 18 - 20 | British national | 15 |
30SEP2012 | Drake Hall | Sentenced | Female | 18 - 20 | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Drake Hall | Sentenced | Female | Adult | British national | 233 |
30SEP2012 | Drake Hall | Sentenced | Female | Adult | Foreign national | 50 |
30SEP2012 | Drake Hall | Sentenced | Female | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 2 |
30SEP2012 | Durham | Non criminal | Male | Adult | British national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Durham | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 3 |
30SEP2012 | Durham | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 26 |
30SEP2012 | Durham | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 3 |
30SEP2012 | Durham | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | Nationality not recorded | 4 |
30SEP2012 | Durham | Remand | Male | Adult | British national | 274 |
30SEP2012 | Durham | Remand | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 22 |
30SEP2012 | Durham | Remand | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 44 |
30SEP2012 | Durham | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 10 |
30SEP2012 | Durham | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Nationality not recorded | 3 |
30SEP2012 | Durham | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 391 |
30SEP2012 | Durham | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 7 |
30SEP2012 | Durham | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 81 |
30SEP2012 | Doncaster | Non criminal | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 3 |
30SEP2012 | Doncaster | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 12 |
30SEP2012 | Doncaster | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 91 |
30SEP2012 | Doncaster | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 14 |
30SEP2012 | Doncaster | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Doncaster | Remand | Male | Adult | British national | 198 |
30SEP2012 | Doncaster | Remand | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 29 |
30SEP2012 | Doncaster | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 178 |
30SEP2012 | Doncaster | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 13 |
30SEP2012 | Doncaster | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 559 |
30SEP2012 | Doncaster | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 36 |
30SEP2012 | Doncaster | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Dorchester | Non criminal | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Dorchester | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 4 |
30SEP2012 | Dorchester | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Dorchester | Remand | Male | Adult | British national | 44 |
30SEP2012 | Dorchester | Remand | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 6 |
30SEP2012 | Dorchester | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 9 |
30SEP2012 | Dorchester | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 163 |
30SEP2012 | Dorchester | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 14 |
30SEP2012 | Dorchester | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 4 |
30SEP2012 | Deerbolt | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 315 |
30SEP2012 | Deerbolt | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 9 |
30SEP2012 | Deerbolt | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Deerbolt | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 55 |
30SEP2012 | zzz Dover IRC | Non criminal | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 12 |
30SEP2012 | zzz Dover IRC | Non criminal | Male | 18 - 20 | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | zzz Dover IRC | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 275 |
30SEP2012 | zzz Dover IRC | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 6 |
30SEP2012 | zzz Dover IRC | Remand | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | zzz Dover IRC | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 2 |
30SEP2012 | zzz Dover IRC | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 5 |
30SEP2012 | Downview | Remand | Female | 15 - 17 | British national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Downview | Remand | Female | 15 - 17 | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Downview | Remand | Female | Adult | British national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Downview | Sentenced | Female | 15 - 17 | British national | 5 |
30SEP2012 | Downview | Sentenced | Female | 15 - 17 | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Downview | Sentenced | Female | 15 - 17 | Nationality not recorded | 2 |
30SEP2012 | Downview | Sentenced | Female | 18 - 20 | British national | 15 |
30SEP2012 | Downview | Sentenced | Female | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Downview | Sentenced | Female | Adult | British national | 211 |
30SEP2012 | Downview | Sentenced | Female | Adult | Foreign national | 88 |
30SEP2012 | Downview | Sentenced | Female | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 2 |
30SEP2012 | Erlestoke | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 478 |
30SEP2012 | Erlestoke | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 12 |
30SEP2012 | Erlestoke | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Standford Hill (Sheppey cluster) | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 423 |
30SEP2012 | Standford Hill (Sheppey cluster) | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 32 |
30SEP2012 | Standford Hill (Sheppey cluster) | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 6 |
30SEP2012 | East Sutton Park | Sentenced | Female | 18 - 20 | British national | 4 |
30SEP2012 | East Sutton Park | Sentenced | Female | Adult | British national | 90 |
30SEP2012 | East Sutton Park | Sentenced | Female | Adult | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Everthorpe | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 645 |
30SEP2012 | Everthorpe | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 17 |
30SEP2012 | Everthorpe | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 6 |
30SEP2012 | Eastwood Park | Remand | Female | 15 - 17 | British national | 3 |
30SEP2012 | Eastwood Park | Remand | Female | 18 - 20 | British national | 4 |
30SEP2012 | Eastwood Park | Remand | Female | Adult | British national | 82 |
30SEP2012 | Eastwood Park | Remand | Female | Adult | Foreign national | 17 |
30SEP2012 | Eastwood Park | Sentenced | Female | 15 - 17 | British national | 4 |
30SEP2012 | Eastwood Park | Sentenced | Female | 18 - 20 | British national | 14 |
30SEP2012 | Eastwood Park | Sentenced | Female | Adult | British national | 175 |
30SEP2012 | Eastwood Park | Sentenced | Female | Adult | Foreign national | 8 |
30SEP2012 | Exeter | Non criminal | Male | Adult | British national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Exeter | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Exeter | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 26 |
30SEP2012 | Exeter | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 2 |
30SEP2012 | Exeter | Remand | Male | Adult | British national | 162 |
30SEP2012 | Exeter | Remand | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 12 |
30SEP2012 | Exeter | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 13 |
30SEP2012 | Exeter | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 279 |
30SEP2012 | Exeter | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 5 |
30SEP2012 | Exeter | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Elmley (Sheppey cluster) | Non criminal | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 5 |
30SEP2012 | Elmley (Sheppey cluster) | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 27 |
30SEP2012 | Elmley (Sheppey cluster) | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 22 |
30SEP2012 | Elmley (Sheppey cluster) | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 2 |
30SEP2012 | Elmley (Sheppey cluster) | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Elmley (Sheppey cluster) | Remand | Male | Adult | British national | 168 |
30SEP2012 | Elmley (Sheppey cluster) | Remand | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 45 |
30SEP2012 | Elmley (Sheppey cluster) | Remand | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 7 |
30SEP2012 | Elmley (Sheppey cluster) | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 43 |
30SEP2012 | Elmley (Sheppey cluster) | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 3 |
30SEP2012 | Elmley (Sheppey cluster) | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 715 |
30SEP2012 | Elmley (Sheppey cluster) | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 75 |
30SEP2012 | Elmley (Sheppey cluster) | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 6 |
30SEP2012 | Forest Bank | Non criminal | Male | Adult | British national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Forest Bank | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 2 |
30SEP2012 | Forest Bank | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 94 |
30SEP2012 | Forest Bank | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 8 |
30SEP2012 | Forest Bank | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | Nationality not recorded | 4 |
30SEP2012 | Forest Bank | Remand | Male | Adult | British national | 288 |
30SEP2012 | Forest Bank | Remand | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 26 |
30SEP2012 | Forest Bank | Remand | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 7 |
30SEP2012 | Forest Bank | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 43 |
30SEP2012 | Forest Bank | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Forest Bank | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 810 |
30SEP2012 | Forest Bank | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 32 |
30SEP2012 | Forest Bank | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 26 |
30SEP2012 | Ford | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 483 |
30SEP2012 | Ford | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 18 |
30SEP2012 | Ford | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 11 |
30SEP2012 | Foston Hall | Non criminal | Female | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Foston Hall | Remand | Female | 18 - 20 | British national | 4 |
30SEP2012 | Foston Hall | Remand | Female | Adult | British national | 42 |
30SEP2012 | Foston Hall | Remand | Female | Adult | Foreign national | 7 |
30SEP2012 | Foston Hall | Sentenced | Female | 18 - 20 | British national | 23 |
30SEP2012 | Foston Hall | Sentenced | Female | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Foston Hall | Sentenced | Female | Adult | British national | 196 |
30SEP2012 | Foston Hall | Sentenced | Female | Adult | Foreign national | 17 |
30SEP2012 | Foston Hall | Sentenced | Female | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Frankland | Remand | Male | Adult | British national | 2 |
30SEP2012 | Frankland | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 736 |
30SEP2012 | Frankland | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 59 |
30SEP2012 | Frankland | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 7 |
30SEP2012 | Feltham | Non criminal | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Feltham | Non criminal | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 10 |
30SEP2012 | Feltham | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Feltham | Remand | Male | 15 - 17 | British national | 58 |
30SEP2012 | Feltham | Remand | Male | 15 - 17 | Foreign national | 15 |
30SEP2012 | Feltham | Remand | Male | 15 - 17 | Nationality not recorded | 3 |
30SEP2012 | Feltham | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 183 |
30SEP2012 | Feltham | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 44 |
30SEP2012 | Feltham | Remand | Male | Adult | British national | 9 |
30SEP2012 | Feltham | Remand | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 5 |
30SEP2012 | Feltham | Sentenced | Male | 15 - 17 | British national | 72 |
30SEP2012 | Feltham | Sentenced | Male | 15 - 17 | Foreign national | 18 |
30SEP2012 | Feltham | Sentenced | Male | 15 - 17 | Nationality not recorded | 3 |
30SEP2012 | Feltham | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 171 |
30SEP2012 | Feltham | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 46 |
30SEP2012 | Feltham | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Nationality not recorded | 4 |
30SEP2012 | Feltham | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 6 |
30SEP2012 | Feltham | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 3 |
30SEP2012 | Full Sutton | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Full Sutton | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 536 |
30SEP2012 | Full Sutton | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 65 |
30SEP2012 | Full Sutton | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Featherstone | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 637 |
30SEP2012 | Featherstone | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 45 |
30SEP2012 | Featherstone | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 3 |
30SEP2012 | Garth | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 2 |
30SEP2012 | Garth | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 775 |
30SEP2012 | Garth | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 59 |
30SEP2012 | Gloucester | Non criminal | Male | Adult | British national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Gloucester | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 4 |
30SEP2012 | Gloucester | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 5 |
30SEP2012 | Gloucester | Remand | Male | Adult | British national | 53 |
30SEP2012 | Gloucester | Remand | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 5 |
30SEP2012 | Gloucester | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 3 |
30SEP2012 | Gloucester | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 199 |
30SEP2012 | Gloucester | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 15 |
30SEP2012 | Gloucester | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 2 |
30SEP2012 | Guys Marsh | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Guys Marsh | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 448 |
30SEP2012 | Guys Marsh | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 56 |
30SEP2012 | Guys Marsh | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 3 |
30SEP2012 | Grendon/Spring Hill | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 521 |
30SEP2012 | Grendon/Spring Hill | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 19 |
30SEP2012 | Grendon/Spring Hill | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Glen Parva | Non criminal | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 10 |
30SEP2012 | Glen Parva | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 78 |
30SEP2012 | Glen Parva | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 10 |
30SEP2012 | Glen Parva | Remand | Male | Adult | British national | 2 |
30SEP2012 | Glen Parva | Remand | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Glen Parva | Sentenced | Male | 15 - 17 | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Glen Parva | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 430 |
30SEP2012 | Glen Parva | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 34 |
30SEP2012 | Glen Parva | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 57 |
30SEP2012 | Glen Parva | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 10 |
30SEP2012 | Gartree | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 574 |
30SEP2012 | Gartree | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 114 |
30SEP2012 | Gartree | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 13 |
30SEP2012 | Hollesley Bay | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 20 |
30SEP2012 | Hollesley Bay | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 349 |
30SEP2012 | Hollesley Bay | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 8 |
30SEP2012 | Huntercombe | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 43 |
30SEP2012 | Huntercombe | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 381 |
30SEP2012 | Moorland / Hatfield | Non criminal | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Moorland / Hatfield | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 21 |
30SEP2012 | Moorland / Hatfield | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 154 |
30SEP2012 | Moorland / Hatfield | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 8 |
30SEP2012 | Moorland / Hatfield | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Moorland / Hatfield | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 882 |
30SEP2012 | Moorland / Hatfield | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 150 |
30SEP2012 | Moorland / Hatfield | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 5 |
30SEP2012 | Hewell (2) | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 7 |
30SEP2012 | Hewell (2) | Remand | Male | Adult | British national | 268 |
30SEP2012 | Hewell (2) | Remand | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 40 |
30SEP2012 | Hewell (2) | Remand | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 2 |
30SEP2012 | Hewell (2) | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Hewell (2) | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 761 |
30SEP2012 | Hewell (2) | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 115 |
30SEP2012 | Hewell (2) | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 4 |
30SEP2012 | Holme House | Non criminal | Male | Adult | British national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Holme House | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 8 |
30SEP2012 | Holme House | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 21 |
30SEP2012 | Holme House | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 2 |
30SEP2012 | Holme House | Remand | Male | Adult | British national | 141 |
30SEP2012 | Holme House | Remand | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 20 |
30SEP2012 | Holme House | Remand | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 10 |
30SEP2012 | Holme House | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 13 |
30SEP2012 | Holme House | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 813 |
30SEP2012 | Holme House | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 26 |
30SEP2012 | Holme House | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 19 |
30SEP2012 | Hindley | Remand | Male | 15 - 17 | British national | 34 |
30SEP2012 | Hindley | Remand | Male | 15 - 17 | Foreign national | 3 |
30SEP2012 | Hindley | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 2 |
30SEP2012 | Hindley | Sentenced | Male | 15 - 17 | British national | 156 |
30SEP2012 | Hindley | Sentenced | Male | 15 - 17 | Foreign national | 3 |
30SEP2012 | Hindley | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 37 |
30SEP2012 | Hull | Non criminal | Male | Adult | British national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Hull | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 4 |
30SEP2012 | Hull | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 38 |
30SEP2012 | Hull | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 3 |
30SEP2012 | Hull | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Hull | Remand | Male | Adult | British national | 155 |
30SEP2012 | Hull | Remand | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 14 |
30SEP2012 | Hull | Remand | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 5 |
30SEP2012 | Hull | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 51 |
30SEP2012 | Hull | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 4 |
30SEP2012 | Hull | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Hull | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 569 |
30SEP2012 | Hull | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 22 |
30SEP2012 | High Down | Non criminal | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | High Down | Non criminal | Male | Adult | British national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | High Down | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 16 |
30SEP2012 | High Down | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 44 |
30SEP2012 | High Down | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 11 |
30SEP2012 | High Down | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | Nationality not recorded | 6 |
30SEP2012 | High Down | Remand | Male | Adult | British national | 207 |
30SEP2012 | High Down | Remand | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 60 |
30SEP2012 | High Down | Remand | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 20 |
30SEP2012 | High Down | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 42 |
30SEP2012 | High Down | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 5 |
30SEP2012 | High Down | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Nationality not recorded | 6 |
30SEP2012 | High Down | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 507 |
30SEP2012 | High Down | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 86 |
30SEP2012 | High Down | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 39 |
30SEP2012 | Highpoint (North and South) | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Highpoint (North and South) | Remand | Male | Adult | British national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Highpoint (North and South) | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 1069 |
30SEP2012 | Highpoint (North and South) | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 166 |
30SEP2012 | Highpoint (North and South) | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 20 |
30SEP2012 | zzz Haslar IRC | Non criminal | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 5 |
30SEP2012 | zzz Haslar IRC | Non criminal | Male | 18 - 20 | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | zzz Haslar IRC | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 125 |
30SEP2012 | zzz Haslar IRC | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 12 |
30SEP2012 | zzz Haslar IRC | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 6 |
30SEP2012 | Haverigg | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Haverigg | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 608 |
30SEP2012 | Haverigg | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 32 |
30SEP2012 | Haverigg | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 2 |
30SEP2012 | Holloway | Non criminal | Female | Adult | Foreign national | 7 |
30SEP2012 | Holloway | Remand | Female | 18 - 20 | British national | 5 |
30SEP2012 | Holloway | Remand | Female | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Holloway | Remand | Female | 18 - 20 | Nationality not recorded | 2 |
30SEP2012 | Holloway | Remand | Female | Adult | British national | 81 |
30SEP2012 | Holloway | Remand | Female | Adult | Foreign national | 41 |
30SEP2012 | Holloway | Remand | Female | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 12 |
30SEP2012 | Holloway | Sentenced | Female | 18 - 20 | British national | 34 |
30SEP2012 | Holloway | Sentenced | Female | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 5 |
30SEP2012 | Holloway | Sentenced | Female | 18 - 20 | Nationality not recorded | 2 |
30SEP2012 | Holloway | Sentenced | Female | Adult | British national | 223 |
30SEP2012 | Holloway | Sentenced | Female | Adult | Foreign national | 97 |
30SEP2012 | Holloway | Sentenced | Female | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 12 |
30SEP2012 | Isis (3) | Remand | Male | Adult | British national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Isis (3) | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 310 |
30SEP2012 | Isis (3) | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 68 |
30SEP2012 | Isis (3) | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Nationality not recorded | 8 |
30SEP2012 | Isis (3) | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 161 |
30SEP2012 | Isis (3) | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 22 |
30SEP2012 | Isis (3) | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 4 |
30SEP2012 | Kirkham | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 613 |
30SEP2012 | Kirkham | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 7 |
30SEP2012 | Kennet | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 337 |
30SEP2012 | Kennet | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 3 |
30SEP2012 | Kirklevington Grange | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 266 |
30SEP2012 | Kirklevington Grange | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 14 |
30SEP2012 | Leicester | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 4 |
30SEP2012 | Leicester | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Leicester | Remand | Male | Adult | British national | 113 |
30SEP2012 | Leicester | Remand | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 32 |
30SEP2012 | Leicester | Remand | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 3 |
30SEP2012 | Leicester | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 144 |
30SEP2012 | Leicester | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 29 |
30SEP2012 | Leicester | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 8 |
30SEP2012 | Leeds | Non criminal | Male | Adult | British national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Leeds | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 5 |
30SEP2012 | Leeds | Remand | Male | Adult | British national | 267 |
30SEP2012 | Leeds | Remand | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 46 |
30SEP2012 | Leeds | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 696 |
30SEP2012 | Leeds | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 53 |
30SEP2012 | Leeds | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 2 |
30SEP2012 | Lancaster Farms | Remand | Male | Adult | British national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Lancaster Farms | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 453 |
30SEP2012 | Lancaster Farms | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 21 |
30SEP2012 | Lancaster Farms | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Lancaster Farms | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 35 |
30SEP2012 | Lancaster Farms | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Lowdham Grange | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 795 |
30SEP2012 | Lowdham Grange | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 117 |
30SEP2012 | Lowdham Grange | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Lindholme | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 795 |
30SEP2012 | Lindholme | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 62 |
30SEP2012 | Lindholme | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 8 |
30SEP2012 | Lincoln | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 4 |
30SEP2012 | Lincoln | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 7 |
30SEP2012 | Lincoln | Remand | Male | Adult | British national | 80 |
30SEP2012 | Lincoln | Remand | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 15 |
30SEP2012 | Lincoln | Remand | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 5 |
30SEP2012 | Lincoln | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 6 |
30SEP2012 | Lincoln | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Lincoln | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 499 |
30SEP2012 | Lincoln | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 56 |
30SEP2012 | Lincoln | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 5 |
30SEP2012 | Long Lartin | Non criminal | Male | Adult | British national | 3 |
30SEP2012 | Long Lartin | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 6 |
30SEP2012 | Long Lartin | Remand | Male | Adult | British national | 7 |
30SEP2012 | Long Lartin | Remand | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 3 |
30SEP2012 | Long Lartin | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Long Lartin | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 508 |
30SEP2012 | Long Lartin | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 80 |
30SEP2012 | Long Lartin | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 6 |
30SEP2012 | Low Newton | Remand | Female | 18 - 20 | British national | 4 |
30SEP2012 | Low Newton | Remand | Female | Adult | British national | 34 |
30SEP2012 | Low Newton | Remand | Female | Adult | Foreign national | 6 |
30SEP2012 | Low Newton | Sentenced | Female | 18 - 20 | British national | 19 |
30SEP2012 | Low Newton | Sentenced | Female | Adult | British national | 187 |
30SEP2012 | Low Newton | Sentenced | Female | Adult | Foreign national | 3 |
30SEP2012 | Liverpool | Non criminal | Male | Adult | British national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Liverpool | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 8 |
30SEP2012 | Liverpool | Remand | Male | Adult | British national | 274 |
30SEP2012 | Liverpool | Remand | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 25 |
30SEP2012 | Liverpool | Remand | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 6 |
30SEP2012 | Liverpool | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 855 |
30SEP2012 | Liverpool | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 30 |
30SEP2012 | Liverpool | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 3 |
30SEP2012 | Littlehey | Non criminal | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 5 |
30SEP2012 | Littlehey | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 6 |
30SEP2012 | Littlehey | Remand | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Littlehey | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 291 |
30SEP2012 | Littlehey | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 76 |
30SEP2012 | Littlehey | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Nationality not recorded | 5 |
30SEP2012 | Littlehey | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 645 |
30SEP2012 | Littlehey | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 100 |
30SEP2012 | Littlehey | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 3 |
30SEP2012 | Lewes | Non criminal | Male | Adult | British national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Lewes | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 4 |
30SEP2012 | Lewes | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 19 |
30SEP2012 | Lewes | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 3 |
30SEP2012 | Lewes | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | Nationality not recorded | 4 |
30SEP2012 | Lewes | Remand | Male | Adult | British national | 158 |
30SEP2012 | Lewes | Remand | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 37 |
30SEP2012 | Lewes | Remand | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 4 |
30SEP2012 | Lewes | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Lewes | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 330 |
30SEP2012 | Lewes | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 30 |
30SEP2012 | Lewes | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 9 |
30SEP2012 | Leyhill | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 492 |
30SEP2012 | Leyhill | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 27 |
30SEP2012 | zzz Morton Hall IRC | Non criminal | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 32 |
30SEP2012 | zzz Morton Hall IRC | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 305 |
30SEP2012 | zzz Morton Hall IRC | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 10 |
30SEP2012 | zzz Morton Hall IRC | Remand | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 2 |
30SEP2012 | zzz Morton Hall IRC | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 2 |
30SEP2012 | zzz Morton Hall IRC | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 31 |
30SEP2012 | Manchester | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 2 |
30SEP2012 | Manchester | Remand | Male | Adult | British national | 233 |
30SEP2012 | Manchester | Remand | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 55 |
30SEP2012 | Manchester | Remand | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 10 |
30SEP2012 | Manchester | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 753 |
30SEP2012 | Manchester | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 58 |
30SEP2012 | Manchester | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 14 |
30SEP2012 | Maidstone | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 2 |
30SEP2012 | Maidstone | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 412 |
30SEP2012 | Maidstone | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 168 |
30SEP2012 | Maidstone | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 10 |
30SEP2012 | Mount | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 10 |
30SEP2012 | Mount | Remand | Male | Adult | British national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Mount | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 659 |
30SEP2012 | Mount | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 81 |
30SEP2012 | Mount | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | New Hall | Non criminal | Female | Adult | British national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | New Hall | Non criminal | Female | Adult | Foreign national | 2 |
30SEP2012 | New Hall | Remand | Female | 15 - 17 | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | New Hall | Remand | Female | 18 - 20 | British national | 7 |
30SEP2012 | New Hall | Remand | Female | Adult | British national | 41 |
30SEP2012 | New Hall | Remand | Female | Adult | Foreign national | 4 |
30SEP2012 | New Hall | Remand | Female | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 2 |
30SEP2012 | New Hall | Sentenced | Female | 15 - 17 | British national | 5 |
30SEP2012 | New Hall | Sentenced | Female | 18 - 20 | British national | 23 |
30SEP2012 | New Hall | Sentenced | Female | Adult | British national | 260 |
30SEP2012 | New Hall | Sentenced | Female | Adult | Foreign national | 21 |
30SEP2012 | New Hall | Sentenced | Female | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 2 |
30SEP2012 | Northumberland (6) | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 1055 |
30SEP2012 | Northumberland (6) | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 6 |
30SEP2012 | Northumberland (6) | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 88 |
30SEP2012 | Nottingham | Non criminal | Male | Adult | British national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Nottingham | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 3 |
30SEP2012 | Nottingham | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 51 |
30SEP2012 | Nottingham | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 6 |
30SEP2012 | Nottingham | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Nottingham | Remand | Male | Adult | British national | 263 |
30SEP2012 | Nottingham | Remand | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 43 |
30SEP2012 | Nottingham | Remand | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Nottingham | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 34 |
30SEP2012 | Nottingham | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 4 |
30SEP2012 | Nottingham | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 598 |
30SEP2012 | Nottingham | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 54 |
30SEP2012 | Nottingham | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 3 |
30SEP2012 | Northallerton | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 34 |
30SEP2012 | Northallerton | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Northallerton | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 198 |
30SEP2012 | Northallerton | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 2 |
30SEP2012 | North Sea Camp | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 404 |
30SEP2012 | North Sea Camp | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 8 |
30SEP2012 | Norwich | Non criminal | Male | Adult | British national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Norwich | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 12 |
30SEP2012 | Norwich | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 23 |
30SEP2012 | Norwich | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 3 |
30SEP2012 | Norwich | Remand | Male | Adult | British national | 142 |
30SEP2012 | Norwich | Remand | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 41 |
30SEP2012 | Norwich | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 40 |
30SEP2012 | Norwich | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 7 |
30SEP2012 | Norwich | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 399 |
30SEP2012 | Norwich | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 50 |
30SEP2012 | Norwich | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Onley | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 605 |
30SEP2012 | Onley | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 20 |
30SEP2012 | Onley | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 2 |
30SEP2012 | Oakwood | Remand | Male | Adult | British national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Oakwood | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 840 |
30SEP2012 | Oakwood | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 72 |
30SEP2012 | Oakwood | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Peterborough (5) | Non criminal | Male | Adult | British national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Peterborough (5) | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 4 |
30SEP2012 | Peterborough (5) | Remand | Female | 18 - 20 | British national | 10 |
30SEP2012 | Peterborough (5) | Remand | Female | Adult | British national | 37 |
30SEP2012 | Peterborough (5) | Remand | Female | Adult | Foreign national | 19 |
30SEP2012 | Peterborough (5) | Remand | Female | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Peterborough (5) | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 10 |
30SEP2012 | Peterborough (5) | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 3 |
30SEP2012 | Peterborough (5) | Remand | Male | Adult | British national | 90 |
30SEP2012 | Peterborough (5) | Remand | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 30 |
30SEP2012 | Peterborough (5) | Sentenced | Female | 18 - 20 | British national | 17 |
30SEP2012 | Peterborough (5) | Sentenced | Female | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Peterborough (5) | Sentenced | Female | Adult | British national | 211 |
30SEP2012 | Peterborough (5) | Sentenced | Female | Adult | Foreign national | 28 |
30SEP2012 | Peterborough (5) | Sentenced | Female | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 9 |
30SEP2012 | Peterborough (5) | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 346 |
30SEP2012 | Peterborough (5) | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 61 |
30SEP2012 | Peterborough (5) | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 6 |
30SEP2012 | Portland | Non criminal | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Portland | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 4 |
30SEP2012 | Portland | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 289 |
30SEP2012 | Portland | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 15 |
30SEP2012 | Portland | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Portland | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 194 |
30SEP2012 | Portland | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 16 |
30SEP2012 | Preston | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 3 |
30SEP2012 | Preston | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 24 |
30SEP2012 | Preston | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Preston | Remand | Male | Adult | British national | 216 |
30SEP2012 | Preston | Remand | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 12 |
30SEP2012 | Preston | Remand | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 6 |
30SEP2012 | Preston | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 16 |
30SEP2012 | Preston | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Nationality not recorded | 3 |
30SEP2012 | Preston | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 407 |
30SEP2012 | Preston | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 7 |
30SEP2012 | Preston | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 9 |
30SEP2012 | Parc | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Parc | Remand | Male | 15 - 17 | British national | 5 |
30SEP2012 | Parc | Remand | Male | 15 - 17 | Nationality not recorded | 4 |
30SEP2012 | Parc | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 7 |
30SEP2012 | Parc | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Parc | Remand | Male | Adult | British national | 28 |
30SEP2012 | Parc | Remand | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 7 |
30SEP2012 | Parc | Remand | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 3 |
30SEP2012 | Parc | Sentenced | Male | 15 - 17 | British national | 27 |
30SEP2012 | Parc | Sentenced | Male | 15 - 17 | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Parc | Sentenced | Male | 15 - 17 | Nationality not recorded | 5 |
30SEP2012 | Parc | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 161 |
30SEP2012 | Parc | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 7 |
30SEP2012 | Parc | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Nationality not recorded | 3 |
30SEP2012 | Parc | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 1135 |
30SEP2012 | Parc | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 48 |
30SEP2012 | Parc | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 3 |
30SEP2012 | Kingston | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 181 |
30SEP2012 | Kingston | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 23 |
30SEP2012 | Pentonville | Non criminal | Male | Adult | British national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Pentonville | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 30 |
30SEP2012 | Pentonville | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Pentonville | Remand | Male | Adult | British national | 297 |
30SEP2012 | Pentonville | Remand | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 143 |
30SEP2012 | Pentonville | Remand | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 20 |
30SEP2012 | Pentonville | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Pentonville | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 526 |
30SEP2012 | Pentonville | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 182 |
30SEP2012 | Pentonville | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 16 |
30SEP2012 | Rochester | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 201 |
30SEP2012 | Rochester | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 38 |
30SEP2012 | Rochester | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Nationality not recorded | 5 |
30SEP2012 | Rochester | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 376 |
30SEP2012 | Rochester | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 22 |
30SEP2012 | Rochester | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 6 |
30SEP2012 | Reading | Non criminal | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Reading | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Reading | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 68 |
30SEP2012 | Reading | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 10 |
30SEP2012 | Reading | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | Nationality not recorded | 3 |
30SEP2012 | Reading | Remand | Male | Adult | British national | 3 |
30SEP2012 | Reading | Remand | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Reading | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 113 |
30SEP2012 | Reading | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 7 |
30SEP2012 | Reading | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Reading | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 7 |
30SEP2012 | Rye Hill | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Rye Hill | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Rye Hill | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 512 |
30SEP2012 | Rye Hill | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 100 |
30SEP2012 | Rye Hill | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Ranby | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 911 |
30SEP2012 | Ranby | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 124 |
30SEP2012 | Ranby | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 21 |
30SEP2012 | Risley | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 871 |
30SEP2012 | Risley | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 188 |
30SEP2012 | Risley | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 2 |
30SEP2012 | Send | Sentenced | Female | Adult | British national | 247 |
30SEP2012 | Send | Sentenced | Female | Adult | Foreign national | 30 |
30SEP2012 | Stafford | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 692 |
30SEP2012 | Stafford | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 38 |
30SEP2012 | Stafford | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 2 |
30SEP2012 | Stoke Heath | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Stoke Heath | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 97 |
30SEP2012 | Stoke Heath | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 9 |
30SEP2012 | Stoke Heath | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 515 |
30SEP2012 | Stoke Heath | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 16 |
30SEP2012 | Stoke Heath | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 4 |
30SEP2012 | Stocken | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 817 |
30SEP2012 | Stocken | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 7 |
30SEP2012 | Stocken | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 11 |
30SEP2012 | Swaleside (Sheppey cluster) | Remand | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Swaleside (Sheppey cluster) | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 2 |
30SEP2012 | Swaleside (Sheppey cluster) | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 868 |
30SEP2012 | Swaleside (Sheppey cluster) | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 210 |
30SEP2012 | Swaleside (Sheppey cluster) | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 11 |
30SEP2012 | Shepton Mallet | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 172 |
30SEP2012 | Shepton Mallet | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 17 |
30SEP2012 | Swinfen Hall | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Swinfen Hall | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Swinfen Hall | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 249 |
30SEP2012 | Swinfen Hall | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 20 |
30SEP2012 | Swinfen Hall | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Swinfen Hall | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 334 |
30SEP2012 | Swinfen Hall | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 25 |
30SEP2012 | Swinfen Hall | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 3 |
30SEP2012 | Styal | Non criminal | Female | Adult | British national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Styal | Non criminal | Female | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Styal | Remand | Female | 18 - 20 | British national | 3 |
30SEP2012 | Styal | Remand | Female | Adult | British national | 62 |
30SEP2012 | Styal | Remand | Female | Adult | Foreign national | 10 |
30SEP2012 | Styal | Sentenced | Female | 18 - 20 | British national | 21 |
30SEP2012 | Styal | Sentenced | Female | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 2 |
30SEP2012 | Styal | Sentenced | Female | Adult | British national | 304 |
30SEP2012 | Styal | Sentenced | Female | Adult | Foreign national | 23 |
30SEP2012 | Sudbury | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 540 |
30SEP2012 | Sudbury | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 21 |
30SEP2012 | Sudbury | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 12 |
30SEP2012 | Swansea | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 7 |
30SEP2012 | Swansea | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Swansea | Remand | Male | Adult | British national | 90 |
30SEP2012 | Swansea | Remand | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 23 |
30SEP2012 | Swansea | Remand | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 22 |
30SEP2012 | Swansea | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 16 |
30SEP2012 | Swansea | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Nationality not recorded | 5 |
30SEP2012 | Swansea | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 219 |
30SEP2012 | Swansea | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 8 |
30SEP2012 | Swansea | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 28 |
30SEP2012 | Shrewsbury | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 314 |
30SEP2012 | Shrewsbury | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 16 |
30SEP2012 | Shrewsbury | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Thorn Cross | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 87 |
30SEP2012 | Thorn Cross | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Thorn Cross | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 199 |
30SEP2012 | Thorn Cross | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 4 |
30SEP2012 | Thameside | Non criminal | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Thameside | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 3 |
30SEP2012 | Thameside | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 52 |
30SEP2012 | Thameside | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 19 |
30SEP2012 | Thameside | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | Nationality not recorded | 26 |
30SEP2012 | Thameside | Remand | Male | Adult | British national | 134 |
30SEP2012 | Thameside | Remand | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 50 |
30SEP2012 | Thameside | Remand | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 97 |
30SEP2012 | Thameside | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 33 |
30SEP2012 | Thameside | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 14 |
30SEP2012 | Thameside | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Nationality not recorded | 9 |
30SEP2012 | Thameside | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 253 |
30SEP2012 | Thameside | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 82 |
30SEP2012 | Thameside | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 62 |
30SEP2012 | Usk / Prescoed | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 3 |
30SEP2012 | Usk / Prescoed | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 429 |
30SEP2012 | Usk / Prescoed | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 18 |
30SEP2012 | Usk / Prescoed | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 9 |
30SEP2012 | Verne | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 361 |
30SEP2012 | Verne | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 231 |
30SEP2012 | Verne | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 5 |
30SEP2012 | Wellingborough | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 158 |
30SEP2012 | Wellingborough | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 16 |
30SEP2012 | Wellingborough | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Winchester | Non criminal | Male | Adult | British national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Winchester | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 3 |
30SEP2012 | Winchester | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 2 |
30SEP2012 | Winchester | Remand | Male | Adult | British national | 198 |
30SEP2012 | Winchester | Remand | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 31 |
30SEP2012 | Winchester | Remand | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 7 |
30SEP2012 | Winchester | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 376 |
30SEP2012 | Winchester | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 24 |
30SEP2012 | Winchester | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 18 |
30SEP2012 | Wakefield | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Wakefield | Remand | Male | Adult | British national | 5 |
30SEP2012 | Wakefield | Remand | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Wakefield | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 656 |
30SEP2012 | Wakefield | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 63 |
30SEP2012 | Wakefield | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 13 |
30SEP2012 | Wealstun | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Wealstun | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 797 |
30SEP2012 | Wealstun | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 9 |
30SEP2012 | Wealstun | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 2 |
30SEP2012 | Woodhill | Non criminal | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Woodhill | Non criminal | Male | Adult | British national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Woodhill | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 13 |
30SEP2012 | Woodhill | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 10 |
30SEP2012 | Woodhill | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Woodhill | Remand | Male | Adult | British national | 147 |
30SEP2012 | Woodhill | Remand | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 37 |
30SEP2012 | Woodhill | Remand | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 2 |
30SEP2012 | Woodhill | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 18 |
30SEP2012 | Woodhill | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Woodhill | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 455 |
30SEP2012 | Woodhill | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 52 |
30SEP2012 | Woodhill | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 7 |
30SEP2012 | Warren Hill | Remand | Male | 15 - 17 | British national | 15 |
30SEP2012 | Warren Hill | Remand | Male | 15 - 17 | Foreign national | 9 |
30SEP2012 | Warren Hill | Remand | Male | 15 - 17 | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Warren Hill | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Warren Hill | Sentenced | Male | 15 - 17 | British national | 66 |
30SEP2012 | Warren Hill | Sentenced | Male | 15 - 17 | Foreign national | 11 |
30SEP2012 | Warren Hill | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 24 |
30SEP2012 | Warren Hill | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Wayland | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Wayland | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 986 |
30SEP2012 | Wayland | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 15 |
30SEP2012 | Wayland | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 4 |
30SEP2012 | Wymott | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Wymott | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 1097 |
30SEP2012 | Wymott | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 63 |
30SEP2012 | Werrington | Remand | Male | 15 - 17 | British national | 20 |
30SEP2012 | Werrington | Remand | Male | 15 - 17 | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Werrington | Remand | Male | 15 - 17 | Nationality not recorded | 3 |
30SEP2012 | Werrington | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 2 |
30SEP2012 | Werrington | Sentenced | Male | 15 - 17 | British national | 71 |
30SEP2012 | Werrington | Sentenced | Male | 15 - 17 | Foreign national | 10 |
30SEP2012 | Werrington | Sentenced | Male | 15 - 17 | Nationality not recorded | 11 |
30SEP2012 | Werrington | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 12 |
30SEP2012 | Werrington | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 2 |
30SEP2012 | Werrington | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Nationality not recorded | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Wolds | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 335 |
30SEP2012 | Wolds | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 13 |
30SEP2012 | Whitemoor | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 337 |
30SEP2012 | Whitemoor | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 109 |
30SEP2012 | Whitemoor | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 2 |
30SEP2012 | Wormwood Scrubs | Non criminal | Male | Adult | British national | 4 |
30SEP2012 | Wormwood Scrubs | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 13 |
30SEP2012 | Wormwood Scrubs | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 4 |
30SEP2012 | Wormwood Scrubs | Remand | Male | Adult | British national | 288 |
30SEP2012 | Wormwood Scrubs | Remand | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 233 |
30SEP2012 | Wormwood Scrubs | Remand | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 63 |
30SEP2012 | Wormwood Scrubs | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Wormwood Scrubs | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 411 |
30SEP2012 | Wormwood Scrubs | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 165 |
30SEP2012 | Wormwood Scrubs | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 43 |
30SEP2012 | Whatton | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 799 |
30SEP2012 | Whatton | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 34 |
30SEP2012 | Whatton | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 5 |
30SEP2012 | Wandsworth | Non criminal | Male | Adult | British national | 9 |
30SEP2012 | Wandsworth | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 93 |
30SEP2012 | Wandsworth | Non criminal | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 7 |
30SEP2012 | Wandsworth | Remand | Male | Adult | British national | 230 |
30SEP2012 | Wandsworth | Remand | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 191 |
30SEP2012 | Wandsworth | Remand | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 57 |
30SEP2012 | Wandsworth | Sentenced | Male | Adult | British national | 369 |
30SEP2012 | Wandsworth | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Foreign national | 212 |
30SEP2012 | Wandsworth | Sentenced | Male | Adult | Nationality not recorded | 25 |
30SEP2012 | Wetherby | Remand | Male | 15 - 17 | British national | 36 |
30SEP2012 | Wetherby | Remand | Male | 15 - 17 | Foreign national | 1 |
30SEP2012 | Wetherby | Remand | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 4 |
30SEP2012 | Wetherby | Sentenced | Male | 15 - 17 | British national | 183 |
30SEP2012 | Wetherby | Sentenced | Male | 15 - 17 | Foreign national | 12 |
30SEP2012 | Wetherby | Sentenced | Male | 15 - 17 | Nationality not recorded | 2 |
30SEP2012 | Wetherby | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | British national | 40 |
30SEP2012 | Wetherby | Sentenced | Male | 18 - 20 | Foreign national | 2 |
Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |