Official Statistics
Probation starts (CSV)
Updated 25 April 2013
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Probation starts by offender, Q2 2011 | ||||
Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
Trust | Order type | Sex | Date | COUNT |
Avon & Somerset | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 156 |
Avon & Somerset | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 929 |
Avon & Somerset | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 116 |
Avon & Somerset | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 726 |
Avon & Somerset | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 40 |
Avon & Somerset | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 196 |
Avon & Somerset | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 116 |
Avon & Somerset | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 734 |
Avon & Somerset | All Pre CJA community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 8 |
Avon & Somerset | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 40 |
Avon & Somerset | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 196 |
Avon & Somerset | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 12 |
Avon & Somerset | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 242 |
Avon & Somerset | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 168 |
Avon & Somerset | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 1169 |
Bedfordshire | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 53 |
Bedfordshire | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 307 |
Bedfordshire | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 38 |
Bedfordshire | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 233 |
Bedfordshire | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 15 |
Bedfordshire | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 70 |
Bedfordshire | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 38 |
Bedfordshire | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 237 |
Bedfordshire | All Pre CJA community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 4 |
Bedfordshire | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 15 |
Bedfordshire | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 70 |
Bedfordshire | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 12 |
Bedfordshire | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 130 |
Bedfordshire | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 65 |
Bedfordshire | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 436 |
Cambridgeshire | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 74 |
Cambridgeshire | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 474 |
Cambridgeshire | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 54 |
Cambridgeshire | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 329 |
Cambridgeshire | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 20 |
Cambridgeshire | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 149 |
Cambridgeshire | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 54 |
Cambridgeshire | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 329 |
Cambridgeshire | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 20 |
Cambridgeshire | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 149 |
Cambridgeshire | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 7 |
Cambridgeshire | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 125 |
Cambridgeshire | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 81 |
Cambridgeshire | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 598 |
Cheshire | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 114 |
Cheshire | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 594 |
Cheshire | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 81 |
Cheshire | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 454 |
Cheshire | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 32 |
Cheshire | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 138 |
Cheshire | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 82 |
Cheshire | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 459 |
Cheshire | All Pre CJA community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 1 |
Cheshire | All Pre CJA community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 5 |
Cheshire | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 32 |
Cheshire | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 138 |
Cheshire | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 9 |
Cheshire | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 155 |
Cheshire | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 123 |
Cheshire | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 748 |
Durham Tees Valley | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 245 |
Durham Tees Valley | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 1170 |
Durham Tees Valley | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 192 |
Durham Tees Valley | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 864 |
Durham Tees Valley | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 53 |
Durham Tees Valley | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 314 |
Durham Tees Valley | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 193 |
Durham Tees Valley | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 864 |
Durham Tees Valley | All Pre CJA community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 1 |
Durham Tees Valley | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 53 |
Durham Tees Valley | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 314 |
Durham Tees Valley | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 13 |
Durham Tees Valley | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 237 |
Durham Tees Valley | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 258 |
Durham Tees Valley | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 1407 |
Cumbria | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 70 |
Cumbria | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 379 |
Cumbria | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 57 |
Cumbria | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 284 |
Cumbria | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 13 |
Cumbria | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 94 |
Cumbria | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 57 |
Cumbria | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 285 |
Cumbria | All Pre CJA community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 1 |
Cumbria | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 13 |
Cumbria | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 94 |
Cumbria | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 8 |
Cumbria | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 91 |
Cumbria | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 78 |
Cumbria | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 470 |
Derbyshire | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 147 |
Derbyshire | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 611 |
Derbyshire | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 108 |
Derbyshire | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 417 |
Derbyshire | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 39 |
Derbyshire | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 196 |
Derbyshire | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 108 |
Derbyshire | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 418 |
Derbyshire | All Pre CJA community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 1 |
Derbyshire | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 39 |
Derbyshire | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 196 |
Derbyshire | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 8 |
Derbyshire | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 193 |
Derbyshire | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 154 |
Derbyshire | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 804 |
Devon & Cornwall | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 112 |
Devon & Cornwall | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 717 |
Devon & Cornwall | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 81 |
Devon & Cornwall | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 509 |
Devon & Cornwall | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 32 |
Devon & Cornwall | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 211 |
Devon & Cornwall | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 81 |
Devon & Cornwall | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 509 |
Devon & Cornwall | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 32 |
Devon & Cornwall | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 211 |
Devon & Cornwall | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 19 |
Devon & Cornwall | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 187 |
Devon & Cornwall | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 131 |
Devon & Cornwall | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 901 |
Dorset | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 48 |
Dorset | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 283 |
Dorset | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 38 |
Dorset | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 208 |
Dorset | Deferred Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 3 |
Dorset | Deferred Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 4 |
Dorset | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 7 |
Dorset | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 72 |
Dorset | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 38 |
Dorset | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 208 |
Dorset | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 10 |
Dorset | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 76 |
Dorset | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 2 |
Dorset | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 79 |
Dorset | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 50 |
Dorset | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 362 |
Essex | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 213 |
Essex | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 1107 |
Essex | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 160 |
Essex | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 810 |
Essex | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 56 |
Essex | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 298 |
Essex | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 160 |
Essex | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 815 |
Essex | All Pre CJA community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 5 |
Essex | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 56 |
Essex | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 298 |
Essex | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 16 |
Essex | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 259 |
Essex | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 229 |
Essex | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 1365 |
Gloucestershire | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 57 |
Gloucestershire | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 301 |
Gloucestershire | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 45 |
Gloucestershire | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 224 |
Gloucestershire | Deferred Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 2 |
Gloucestershire | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 13 |
Gloucestershire | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 75 |
Gloucestershire | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 45 |
Gloucestershire | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 224 |
Gloucestershire | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 13 |
Gloucestershire | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 77 |
Gloucestershire | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 7 |
Gloucestershire | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 70 |
Gloucestershire | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 64 |
Gloucestershire | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 371 |
Hampshire | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 253 |
Hampshire | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 1203 |
Hampshire | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 192 |
Hampshire | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 891 |
Hampshire | Deferred Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 1 |
Hampshire | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 62 |
Hampshire | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 310 |
Hampshire | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 192 |
Hampshire | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 895 |
Hampshire | All Pre CJA community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 4 |
Hampshire | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 62 |
Hampshire | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 311 |
Hampshire | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 18 |
Hampshire | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 234 |
Hampshire | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 271 |
Hampshire | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 1432 |
West Mercia | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 108 |
West Mercia | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 600 |
West Mercia | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 86 |
West Mercia | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 451 |
West Mercia | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 23 |
West Mercia | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 146 |
West Mercia | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 86 |
West Mercia | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 455 |
West Mercia | All Pre CJA community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 4 |
West Mercia | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 23 |
West Mercia | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 146 |
West Mercia | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 20 |
West Mercia | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 177 |
West Mercia | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 128 |
West Mercia | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 776 |
Hertfordshire | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 110 |
Hertfordshire | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 569 |
Hertfordshire | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 87 |
Hertfordshire | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 401 |
Hertfordshire | Deferred Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 2 |
Hertfordshire | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 25 |
Hertfordshire | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 167 |
Hertfordshire | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 87 |
Hertfordshire | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 402 |
Hertfordshire | All Pre CJA community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 1 |
Hertfordshire | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 25 |
Hertfordshire | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 169 |
Hertfordshire | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 9 |
Hertfordshire | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 124 |
Hertfordshire | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 119 |
Hertfordshire | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 692 |
Humberside | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 146 |
Humberside | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 695 |
Humberside | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 95 |
Humberside | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 468 |
Humberside | Deferred Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 4 |
Humberside | Deferred Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 15 |
Humberside | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 47 |
Humberside | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 214 |
Humberside | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 95 |
Humberside | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 469 |
Humberside | All Pre CJA community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 1 |
Humberside | All Pre CJA community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 2 |
Humberside | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 51 |
Humberside | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 229 |
Humberside | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 15 |
Humberside | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 215 |
Humberside | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 161 |
Humberside | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 907 |
Kent | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 155 |
Kent | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 963 |
Kent | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 106 |
Kent | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 680 |
Kent | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 50 |
Kent | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 285 |
Kent | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 106 |
Kent | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 681 |
Kent | All Pre CJA community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 1 |
Kent | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 50 |
Kent | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 285 |
Kent | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 23 |
Kent | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 261 |
Kent | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 178 |
Kent | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 1221 |
Lancashire | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 266 |
Lancashire | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 1347 |
Lancashire | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 194 |
Lancashire | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 973 |
Lancashire | Deferred Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 2 |
Lancashire | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 73 |
Lancashire | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 381 |
Lancashire | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 194 |
Lancashire | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 976 |
Lancashire | All Pre CJA community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 3 |
Lancashire | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 73 |
Lancashire | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 383 |
Lancashire | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 12 |
Lancashire | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 305 |
Lancashire | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 278 |
Lancashire | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 1648 |
Leicestershire | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 109 |
Leicestershire | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 628 |
Leicestershire | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 74 |
Leicestershire | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 407 |
Leicestershire | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 35 |
Leicestershire | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 218 |
Leicestershire | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 74 |
Leicestershire | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 411 |
Leicestershire | All Pre CJA community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 4 |
Leicestershire | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 35 |
Leicestershire | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 218 |
Leicestershire | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 7 |
Leicestershire | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 214 |
Leicestershire | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 116 |
Leicestershire | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 841 |
Lincolnshire | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 52 |
Lincolnshire | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 350 |
Lincolnshire | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 37 |
Lincolnshire | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 255 |
Lincolnshire | Deferred Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 5 |
Lincolnshire | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 15 |
Lincolnshire | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 91 |
Lincolnshire | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 37 |
Lincolnshire | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 255 |
Lincolnshire | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 15 |
Lincolnshire | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 96 |
Lincolnshire | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 3 |
Lincolnshire | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 74 |
Lincolnshire | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 55 |
Lincolnshire | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 424 |
Greater Manchester | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 453 |
Greater Manchester | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 2421 |
Greater Manchester | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 327 |
Greater Manchester | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 1751 |
Greater Manchester | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 127 |
Greater Manchester | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 681 |
Greater Manchester | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 327 |
Greater Manchester | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 1754 |
Greater Manchester | All Pre CJA community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 3 |
Greater Manchester | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 127 |
Greater Manchester | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 681 |
Greater Manchester | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 47 |
Greater Manchester | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 708 |
Greater Manchester | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 500 |
Greater Manchester | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 3126 |
Merseyside | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 185 |
Merseyside | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 948 |
Merseyside | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 127 |
Merseyside | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 617 |
Merseyside | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 58 |
Merseyside | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 331 |
Merseyside | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 127 |
Merseyside | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 618 |
Merseyside | All Pre CJA community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 1 |
Merseyside | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 58 |
Merseyside | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 331 |
Merseyside | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 23 |
Merseyside | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 342 |
Merseyside | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 208 |
Merseyside | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 1289 |
Norfolk & Suffolk | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 137 |
Norfolk & Suffolk | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 765 |
Norfolk & Suffolk | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 104 |
Norfolk & Suffolk | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 539 |
Norfolk & Suffolk | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 33 |
Norfolk & Suffolk | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 225 |
Norfolk & Suffolk | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 104 |
Norfolk & Suffolk | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 541 |
Norfolk & Suffolk | All Pre CJA community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 2 |
Norfolk & Suffolk | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 33 |
Norfolk & Suffolk | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 225 |
Norfolk & Suffolk | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 12 |
Norfolk & Suffolk | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 179 |
Norfolk & Suffolk | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 149 |
Norfolk & Suffolk | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 944 |
Northamptonshire | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 73 |
Northamptonshire | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 433 |
Northamptonshire | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 53 |
Northamptonshire | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 307 |
Northamptonshire | Deferred Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 1 |
Northamptonshire | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 20 |
Northamptonshire | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 123 |
Northamptonshire | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 53 |
Northamptonshire | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 309 |
Northamptonshire | All Pre CJA community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 2 |
Northamptonshire | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 20 |
Northamptonshire | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 124 |
Northamptonshire | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 6 |
Northamptonshire | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 130 |
Northamptonshire | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 79 |
Northamptonshire | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 562 |
Northumbria | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 268 |
Northumbria | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 1269 |
Northumbria | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 202 |
Northumbria | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 951 |
Northumbria | Deferred Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 2 |
Northumbria | Deferred Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 7 |
Northumbria | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 66 |
Northumbria | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 312 |
Northumbria | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 202 |
Northumbria | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 954 |
Northumbria | All Pre CJA community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 3 |
Northumbria | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 68 |
Northumbria | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 319 |
Northumbria | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 18 |
Northumbria | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 237 |
Northumbria | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 286 |
Northumbria | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 1506 |
Nottinghamshire | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 170 |
Nottinghamshire | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 1043 |
Nottinghamshire | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 122 |
Nottinghamshire | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 741 |
Nottinghamshire | Deferred Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 9 |
Nottinghamshire | Deferred Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 29 |
Nottinghamshire | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 38 |
Nottinghamshire | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 280 |
Nottinghamshire | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 123 |
Nottinghamshire | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 741 |
Nottinghamshire | All Pre CJA community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 1 |
Nottinghamshire | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 47 |
Nottinghamshire | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 309 |
Nottinghamshire | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 15 |
Nottinghamshire | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 234 |
Nottinghamshire | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 185 |
Nottinghamshire | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 1276 |
Thames Valley | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 184 |
Thames Valley | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 973 |
Thames Valley | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 136 |
Thames Valley | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 682 |
Thames Valley | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 48 |
Thames Valley | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 294 |
Thames Valley | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 136 |
Thames Valley | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 682 |
Thames Valley | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 48 |
Thames Valley | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 294 |
Thames Valley | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 24 |
Thames Valley | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 298 |
Thames Valley | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 208 |
Thames Valley | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 1267 |
Staffordshire & West Midlands | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 519 |
Staffordshire & West Midlands | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 2632 |
Staffordshire & West Midlands | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 378 |
Staffordshire & West Midlands | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 1783 |
Staffordshire & West Midlands | Deferred Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 3 |
Staffordshire & West Midlands | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 141 |
Staffordshire & West Midlands | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 852 |
Staffordshire & West Midlands | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 379 |
Staffordshire & West Midlands | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 1789 |
Staffordshire & West Midlands | All Pre CJA community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 1 |
Staffordshire & West Midlands | All Pre CJA community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 6 |
Staffordshire & West Midlands | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 141 |
Staffordshire & West Midlands | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 855 |
Staffordshire & West Midlands | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 122 |
Staffordshire & West Midlands | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 1302 |
Staffordshire & West Midlands | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 637 |
Staffordshire & West Midlands | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 3925 |
Surrey & Sussex | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 254 |
Surrey & Sussex | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 1173 |
Surrey & Sussex | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 191 |
Surrey & Sussex | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 880 |
Surrey & Sussex | Deferred Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 1 |
Surrey & Sussex | Deferred Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 3 |
Surrey & Sussex | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 61 |
Surrey & Sussex | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 296 |
Surrey & Sussex | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 192 |
Surrey & Sussex | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 881 |
Surrey & Sussex | All Pre CJA community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 1 |
Surrey & Sussex | All Pre CJA community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 1 |
Surrey & Sussex | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 62 |
Surrey & Sussex | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 299 |
Surrey & Sussex | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 36 |
Surrey & Sussex | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 310 |
Surrey & Sussex | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 290 |
Surrey & Sussex | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 1479 |
Warwickshire | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 46 |
Warwickshire | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 272 |
Warwickshire | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 36 |
Warwickshire | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 213 |
Warwickshire | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 10 |
Warwickshire | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 60 |
Warwickshire | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 36 |
Warwickshire | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 213 |
Warwickshire | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 10 |
Warwickshire | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 60 |
Warwickshire | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 4 |
Warwickshire | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 61 |
Warwickshire | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 50 |
Warwickshire | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 333 |
Wiltshire | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 37 |
Wiltshire | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 256 |
Wiltshire | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 28 |
Wiltshire | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 199 |
Wiltshire | Deferred Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 1 |
Wiltshire | Deferred Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 1 |
Wiltshire | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 8 |
Wiltshire | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 56 |
Wiltshire | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 28 |
Wiltshire | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 199 |
Wiltshire | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 9 |
Wiltshire | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 57 |
Wiltshire | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 6 |
Wiltshire | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 67 |
Wiltshire | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 43 |
Wiltshire | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 323 |
North Yorkshire | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 87 |
North Yorkshire | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 454 |
North Yorkshire | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 72 |
North Yorkshire | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 366 |
North Yorkshire | Deferred Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 3 |
North Yorkshire | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 15 |
North Yorkshire | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 84 |
North Yorkshire | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 72 |
North Yorkshire | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 367 |
North Yorkshire | All Pre CJA community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 1 |
North Yorkshire | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 15 |
North Yorkshire | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 87 |
North Yorkshire | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 15 |
North Yorkshire | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 90 |
North Yorkshire | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 102 |
North Yorkshire | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 542 |
South Yorkshire | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 213 |
South Yorkshire | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 1062 |
South Yorkshire | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 168 |
South Yorkshire | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 765 |
South Yorkshire | Deferred Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 6 |
South Yorkshire | Deferred Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 12 |
South Yorkshire | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 40 |
South Yorkshire | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 287 |
South Yorkshire | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 168 |
South Yorkshire | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 765 |
South Yorkshire | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 46 |
South Yorkshire | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 299 |
South Yorkshire | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 23 |
South Yorkshire | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 327 |
South Yorkshire | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 236 |
South Yorkshire | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 1388 |
West Yorkshire | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 313 |
West Yorkshire | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 1859 |
West Yorkshire | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 242 |
West Yorkshire | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 1435 |
West Yorkshire | Deferred Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 7 |
West Yorkshire | Deferred Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 21 |
West Yorkshire | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 63 |
West Yorkshire | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 380 |
West Yorkshire | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 243 |
West Yorkshire | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 1462 |
West Yorkshire | All Pre CJA community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 1 |
West Yorkshire | All Pre CJA community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 27 |
West Yorkshire | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 70 |
West Yorkshire | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 401 |
West Yorkshire | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 19 |
West Yorkshire | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 481 |
West Yorkshire | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 331 |
West Yorkshire | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 2338 |
Wales | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 506 |
Wales | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 2259 |
Wales | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 389 |
Wales | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 1692 |
Wales | Deferred Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 2 |
Wales | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 116 |
Wales | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 567 |
Wales | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 389 |
Wales | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 1698 |
Wales | All Pre CJA community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 6 |
Wales | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 118 |
Wales | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 567 |
Wales | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 53 |
Wales | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 648 |
Wales | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 557 |
Wales | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 2905 |
London | All court orders | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 840 |
London | All court orders | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 4748 |
London | Community Order | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 580 |
London | Community Order | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 3157 |
London | Deferred Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 1 |
London | Suspended Sentence | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 255 |
London | Suspended Sentence | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 1594 |
London | All community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 585 |
London | All community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 3165 |
London | All Pre CJA community sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 5 |
London | All Pre CJA community sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 8 |
London | Other sentences | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 255 |
London | Other sentences | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 1595 |
London | All pre and post release supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 160 |
London | All pre and post release supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 1823 |
London | All supervision | Female | Apr-Jun2011 | 997 |
London | All supervision | Male | Apr-Jun2011 | 6565 |