Transparency data

September 2011

Updated 5 December 2024
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Organisation Name Organisation Type Main, parent or sponsoring department Payroll staff AO/AA Headcount Payroll staff AO/AA Full-time Equivalent Payroll staff EO Headcount Payroll staff EO Full-time Equivalent Payroll staff SEO/HEO Headcount Payroll staff SEO/HEO Full-time Equivalent Payroll staff Grade 6/7 Headcount Payroll staff Grade 6/7 Full-time Equivalent Payroll staff SCS Headcount Payroll staff SCS Full-time Equivalent Payroll staff Other, unknown or unspecified Headcount Payroll staff Other, unknown or unspecified Full-time Equivalent Payroll staff Total Employees Headcount Payroll staff Total Employees Full-time Equivalent Non-payroll Staff Agency staff (clerical/admin) Headcount Non-payroll Staff Agency staff (clerical/admin) Full-time Equivalent Non-payroll Staff Intermin Managers Headcount Non-payroll Staff Interim Managers Full-time Equivalent Non-payroll Staff Specialist Contractors Headcount Non-payroll Staff Specialist Contractors Full-time Equivalent Non-payroll Staff Consultants/Consultancy Headcount Non-payroll Staff Consultants/Consultancy Full-time Equivalent Non-payroll Staff Total Employees Headcount Non-payroll Staff Total Employees Full-time Equivalent Grand Total (workforce numbers) Headcount Grand Total (workforce numbers) Full-time Equivalent Payroll Staff Costs Salary Payroll Staff Costs Allowances Payroll Staff Costs Non-consolidated performance payments Payroll Staff Costs Overtime Payroll Staff Costs Employer pension contributions Payroll Staff Costs Employer national insurance contributions Payroll Staff Costs Total paybill for payroll staff Non-payroll Staff Total cost of contingent labour: agency (clerical and admin) staff, interim managers and specialist contractors Non-payroll Staff Total cost of consultants/consultancy Non-payroll Staff Total non-payroll (CCL) staff costs Grand Total paybill/staffing (payroll and non-payroll) costs Comments
Ministry of Justice Ministerial Department Ministry of Justice 1070 1001.63 809 776.04 1602 1553.53 810 784.04 125 122.49 0 0.00 4,416 4,237.73 192 191.90 8 8.00 179 178.00 0 0.00 379 377.90 4,795 4,615.63 £12,606,634.22 £245,977.94 £604,259.48 £125,816.14 £2,237,911.07 £1,320,547.82 £17,141,146.67 £2,310,311.75 £35,754.35 £2,346,066.10 £19,487,212.77 Not set An Internal Audit (Nov 12) has resulted in changes to the paybill costs having to be submitted.
HM Courts and Tribunals Service Executive Agency Ministry of Justice 14578 12735.93 3769 3503.77 3014 2810.84 727 710.29 38 37.92 0 0.00 22,126 19,798.75 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 22,126 19,798.75 £37,312,444.83 £571,310.85 £135,704.16 £246,912.36 £6,630,663.69 £2,508,083.92 £47,405,119.81 £589,346.77 £0.00 £589,346.77 £47,994,466.58 The full cost, year to date, of the Residential Property Tribunal (RPT) has been reflected in the August salary figures (£1.2m) as part of the transfer of costs from DCLG. Future months will only reflect one month of costs for RPT. HMCTS are currently working towards bringing workforce reporting forward a month so that HMCTS can report FTE figures alongside financial figures but due to unforeseen circumstances in the first month of combined FTE reporting they are unable to provide an August 11 Agency FTE number at present. Agency Headcount figures are not collected centrally.
National Archives Executive Agency Ministry of Justice 185 166.14 122 117.69 245 238.53 62 61.16 6 6.00 0 0.00 620 589.52 9 7.40 0 0.00 4 4.00 0 0.00 13 11.40 633 600.92 £1,467,737.71 £6,599.55 £1,860.00 £6,900.80 £266,272.68 £121,139.63 £1,870,510.37 £38,297.46 £4,750.00 £43,047.46 £1,913,557.83 Not set Not set
National Offender Management Service Executive Agency Ministry of Justice 36337 34800.86 7367 7064.30 3360 3136.15 692 673.21 45 45.00 0 0.00 47,801 45,719.53 345 345.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 345 345.00 48,146 46,064.53 £103,701,473.26 £0.00 £0.00 £773,224.23 £19,315,799.98 £7,287,006.96 £131,077,504.43 £2,182,152.43 £0.00 £2,182,152.43 £133,259,656.86 Not set Not able to provide breakdown of contingent workers. New system of data collection to capture the detail required is being developed. Where not known placed in Agency column.
The Office of the Public Guardian Executive Agency Ministry of Justice 252 234.85 132 125.62 64 63.06 11 10.74 2 1.80 0 0.00 461 436.07 250 196.99 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 250 196.99 711 633.06 £779,851.49 £23,671.78 £39,600.00 £47,712.42 £127,411.89 £63,188.09 £1,081,435.67 £384,348.74 £0.00 £384,348.74 £1,465,784.41 It looks like most new starters missed Aug payroll, so Sept will reflect more than one month's pay. Not set
UK Supreme Court Non-Ministerial Department Ministry of Justice 5 5.00 16 16.00 11 10.80 7 6.47 2 2.00 0 0.00 41 40.27 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 41 40.27 £129,055.21 £206.43 £12,000.00 £330.19 £25,152.37 £12,681.99 £179,426.19 (..) (..) £0.00 £179,426.19 The salary costs for a SEO who joined UKSC on 23 August have not yet transferred from MoJ and therefore are not reflected in the total paybill for payroll staff for August. Not set
Criminal Cases Review Commission Executive Non-Departmental Public Body Ministry of Justice 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 72 66.24 72 66.24 2 2.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 2 2.00 74 68.24 £190,590.00 £33.00 (..) £536.00 £35,632.00 £15,577.00 £242,368.00 £3,945.00 (..) £3,945.00 £246,313.00 This data does not include Commissioners and Non-Executive Directors as they are office holders and not employees. The Commission employees are not Civil Servants and therefore Civil Service grades are not applied to their roles. Not set
Information Commissioner's Office Executive Non-Departmental Public Body Ministry of Justice 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 349 322.79 349 322.79 4 4.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 4 4.00 353 326.79 £708,729.92 £1,009.32 £0.00 £4,117.98 £129,725.57 £48,153.39 £891,736.18 £12,067.00 (..) £12,067.00 £903,803.18 Not set Not set
Judicial Appointments Commission Executive Non-Departmental Public Body Ministry of Justice 11 11.00 20 19.20 27 27.00 15 14.20 3 3.00 1 0.60 77 75.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 77 75.00 £216,364.00 £2,272.00 £15,600.00 (..) £41,055.00 £20,068.00 £295,359.00 (..) (..) £0.00 £295,359.00 Not set Not set
Legal Services Board Executive Non-Departmental Public Body Ministry of Justice 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 33 32.70 33 32.70 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 33 32.70 £155,152.55 (..) (..) (..) £32,009.12 £18,728.67 £205,890.34 (..) (..) £0.00 £205,890.34 LSB staff are not civil servants, so do not enjoy civil service terms and conditions neither do they have a defined benefit pension provision Not set
Legal Services Commission Executive Non-Departmental Public Body Ministry of Justice 749 706.00 247 236.70 388 372.90 89 87.80 17 11.20 0 0.00 1,490 1,414.60 75 72.66 0 0.00 11 11.00 0 0.00 86 83.66 1,576 1,498.26 £3,267,088.49 (..) (..) £87,091.25 £34,686.62 £271,795.33 £3,660,661.69 £84,406.00 (..) £84,406.00 £3,745,067.69 Not set Not set
Parole Board Executive Non-Departmental Public Body Ministry of Justice 25 24.60 47 45.40 14 13.60 6 6.00 1 1.00 1 0.40 94 91.00 2 2.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 2 2.00 96 93.00 £196,758.96 £21,954.17 £1,950.00 £3,015.11 £37,348.80 £18,382.29 £279,409.33 £25,019.11 (..) £25,019.11 £304,428.44 Not set SCS grade, 1 HEO and 1 Grade 7 are seconded to the Parole Board and the organisation is invoiced for these members of staff.
Probation Trusts x35 Executive Non-Departmental Public Body Ministry of Justice 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 20055 18158.00 20,055 18,158.00 1510 1510.00 9 9.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 1519 1519.00 21,574 19,677.00 (..) (..) (..) (..) (..) (..) £0.00 (..) (..) £0.00 £0.00 The 35 probation trusts are independent bodies that are contracted to provide probation services to NOMS. They have their own grading structure which is not directly translatable to the Civil Service grades. All payroll probation staff have therefore been entered under the 'other' category. Derbyshire, Gloucestershire, Leicestershire and London probation trusts were unable to submit data for August 2011 due to local technical/staffing issues; the most recent figures they submitted at that point in time have therefore been included within the overall staffing figures (for Derbyshire, March 2011 figures have been included; for the other three trusts, July 2011 figures have been included). The figures have been provided in an unvalidated format in order to meet the Cabinet Office timelines. Should there be any variations to these figures once validated figures are available, an amended return will be submitted along with the next monthly return. At present, we are unable to fulfil the paybill requirement. Probation trusts operate under a formal contract with NOMS and are only required to submit management accounts returns on an annual basis. We would therefore be able to provide an annual picture but there will be a time lag due to the process of consolidating and validating the accounts. We are currently conducting a joint review with probation trusts and the Probation Association with a view to streamlining our workforce data collections and ensuring that we only collect data where there is a clear business requirement either for management, accountability or statutory reporting. We will expand this review to include the requirement set out by the Cabinet Office including the resource implications of providing this data. The review is scheduled to complete over the summer so we will be in a position to report back to the Cabinet Office post recess
Youth Justice Board for England & Wales Executive Non-Departmental Public Body Ministry of Justice 19 16.45 41 39.77 112 109.94 39 38.10 4 3.60 9 9.00 224 216.86 9 9.00 0 0.00 6 5.80 0 0.00 15 14.80 239 231.66 £530,941.30 £72,457.00 £0 £4,983.95 £114,556.84 £53,704.64 £776,643.73 £97,172.67 (..) £97,172.67 £873,816.40 Not set Not set
Not set Not set Not set 53231 49702.46 12570 11944.49 8837 8336.35 2458 2392.01 243 234.01 20520 18589.73 97,859 91,199.06 2398 2340.95 17 17.00 200 198.80 0 0.00 2615 2556.75 100,474 93,755.81 £161,262,821.94 £945,492.04 £810,973.64 £1,300,640.43 £29,028,225.63 £11,759,057.73 £205,107,211.41 £5,727,066.93 £40,504.35 £5,767,571.28 £210,874,782.69 Not set Not set
Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set