Transparency data

BIS exceptions to spending controls: ICT - July to September 2013

Updated 3 December 2013
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Not set Department Organisation Name Project name Basis for expenditure approval Total Value requested (£M) Total Value Approved (£M) Date of approval
Not set BIS UK Intellectual Property Office Mainframe Transformation Commence the founding works required to establish a strategic IT platform for the patents service. £2.10 £2.10 7/19/2013
Not set BIS SFA Cloud Transformation and Service Transition - Tranche 2 Cloud Transformation and Service Transition - Tranche 2 £1.70 £1.20 7/19/2013
Not set BIS Medical Research Council (MRC) IT transition - CGI extension IT transition - CGI extension £2.67 £2.67 08/07/2013
Not set BIS Skills Funding Agency Cloud Transformation and Service Transition - Tranche 1 The Skills Funding Agency (SFA) are seeking approval for expenditure of ?2.4m covering the procurement activity of ?Tranche 1? in their Supply Chain Transformation Programme. £2.40 £1.80 7/19/2013
Not set BIS BIS core FLITE - Flexible IT environment : ELGAR replacement Not set £19.20 £19.20 09/05/2013
Not set BIS Land Registry Extension of IBM Operational Support Agreement Provides lowest risk and best value to maintain mission critical IT services while transforming business processes and ICT. £5.09 £5.09 7/23/2013
Not set BIS Land Registry Online Index Map Delivery of an online index map inspection service in support of the Government Open Data programme £0.92 £0.92 7/25/2013
Not set BIS NERC ChangePoint extension Mission critical software employed to manage NERC's multi million pound project prtfolio. £0.27 £0.27 7/25/2013
Not set BIS BIS ED Grants Voucher Back end IT system The Growth Voucher IT system was approved for two reasons: 1) Support the Governments Digital First strategy enbling businesses to apply for the Growth Voucher programme on-line 2) Delivers economies of scale by delivering a single national solution for five regional delivery partners to use £0.45 £0.45 7/25/2013