Transparency data
Senior staff salary and structure information: September 2012
Updated 11 July 2012
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Post Unique Reference | Name | Grade (or equivalent) | Job Title | Job/Team Function | Parent Department | Organisation | Unit | Contact Phone | Contact E-mail | Reports to Senior Post | Salary Cost of Reports (£) | FTE | Actual Pay Floor (£) | Actual Pay Ceiling (£) | Professional/Occupational Group | Notes | Valid? | |
2IPS10 | Sarah Rapson | SCS2 | Chief Executive | 'The Chief Executive has overall responsibility for the delivery of United Kingdom passports and civil registration in England and Wales.' | Home Office | Identity and Passport Service | Chief Executive's Office | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | XX | 1030000 | 1.00 | 110000 | 114999 | Operational Delivery | 1 | ||
2IPS08 | Ian Martin | SCS2 | Executive Director Operations | 'The Operations Directorate is responsible for the production of 5.3 million passports, 300,000 identity authentication interviews and 1.6 million birth, death and marriage certificates.The Directorate also provides a Passport Validation Service (PVS) to both public and private sector organisations. This service enables organisations to check the validity of passports presented to them against IPS records.' | Home Office | Identity and Passport Service | Operations | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2IPS10 | 3970000 | 1.00 | 70000 | 74999 | Operational Delivery | Role covered on an interim basis until 21 October 2012. | 1 | |
2IPS06 | 'Eliminated' | SCS2 | Executive Director Integrity and Security | 'The Integrity and Security Directorate supports the secure, efficient and effective delivery of IPS’ business services. The Executive Director of Integrity and Security (EDIS) is accountable for integrity and assurance across the whole Agency, leading on standards, assurance, physical & information security, intelligence and counter fraud policies & investigations, counter terrorism, serious organised crime, national security, technology research and innovation. The EDIS is the primary spokesperson for the integrity and security of all of the work of IPS both inside government, with the media and with relevant special interest groups.' | Home Office | Identity and Passport Service | Identity and Security | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2IPS10 | 0 | 1.00 | 0 | 0 | 1 | |||
2IPS01 | Alistair Bridges | SCS2 | Executive Director Finance and Corporate Services | 'The Finance and Corporate Services Directorate provides: core corporate services to ensure IPS delivers its strategies and operational priorities in a way that is safe, secure, affordable and represents value for money, as well as ensuring risks are understood and managed well. Functional responsibilities include: Finance; IT Operations; Estates; Health and Safety; Identification Technologies; Knowledge and Information Management; Security; Risk; and Assurance. The posholder is also SIRO for IPS and responsible for ensuring the agency complies with legislative requirements on data handling and takes the lead on ensuring the integrity and security of our processes, products and services. ' | Home Office | Identity and Passport Service | Finance and Performance | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2IPS10 | 3320000 | 1.00 | 85000 | 89999 | Finance | 1 | ||
1IPS23 | N/D | SCS1 | Director of Operations (Application Processing and Registration Services | 'The Director of Applications and Registration is accountable for the transformation and performance of the Application Processing Network and Registration Services.' | Home Office | Identity and Passport Service | Operations | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2IPS08 | 23570000 | 1.00 | 0 | 0 | Operational Delivery | 1 | ||
1IPS22 | N/D | SCS1 | Director of Operations (Customer Service Network) | 'The Director of Operations (CSN) is accountable for the performance of part of the IPS passport operations and has thematic responsibility for the transformation of the Customer Service Network, which is the public-facing aspect of IPS’ service delivery.' | Home Office | Identity and Passport Service | Operations | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2IPS08 | 22490000 | 1.00 | 0 | 0 | Operational Delivery | 1 | ||
1IPS18 | N/D | SCS1 | Executive Director Human Resources & Organisational Development | 'The Human Resources and Organisational Development directorate’s overarching objective is to develop and engage IPS people to drive the delivery of business strategy by making IPS a great place to work. To achieve its vision, HR focusses on: becoming strategic enablers; understanding and consistently delivering superior customer service; enabling people to prosper to achieve organisational capability and their potential; promoting a diverse and inclusive culture with a common understanding of shared goals; and enabling operational excellence by making IPS a place where people want to work at all stages of their career.' | Home Office | Identity and Passport Service | Human Resources | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2IPS10 | 1470000 | 1.00 | 0 | 0 | Human Resources | 1 | ||
1IPS13 | 'Eliminated' | SCS1 | Director of Integrity and Security | 'The Director of Integrity and Security is accountable for the security and integrity of Passports. This includes (a) in-contract monitoring, (b) setting standards and requirements for large-scale complex & novel procurements and (c) the development of HMG technical services e.g. cryptographical services, which allow electronic product signing and for UK Passports to be read electronically at the border. The Director of Integrity and Security also has overall responsibility for the effective and efficient management of Security, Information Assurance, Special Projects and Integrity within IPS.' | Home Office | Identity and Passport Service | Identity and Security | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2IPS06 | 0 | 1.00 | 0 | 0 | 1 | |||
1IPS10 | 'Eliminated' | SCS1 | Director of Identity Assurance & Senior Responsible Officer for the Passport Programme | 'The Director of Identity Assurance is accountable for the integrity of the UK passport.' | Home Office | Identity and Passport Service | Identity and Security | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2IPS06 | 0 | 1.00 | 0 | 0 | 1 | |||
1IPS05 | N/D | SCS1 | Executive Director Corporate Strategy | 'The Corporate Strategy function holds IPS responsibility for strategy, policy, communications and marketing across all our products and services.' | Home Office | Identity and Passport Service | Corporate Strategy | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2IPS10 | 3080000 | 1.00 | 0 | 0 | Planning | 1 | ||
1IPS04 | 'Eliminated' | SCS1 | Executive Director General Register Office & Deputy Registrar General | 'The primary role of the GRO is to carry out the statutory functions of the Registrar General who is appointed by the Sovereign under the Great Seal of the UK. It was created in 1837 and has evolved over time to meet the challenges set by changes in society. It oversees the system of civil registration in England and Wales (separate arrangements exist for Scotland and Northern Ireland). Also responsible for carrying out duties given by statute to the Home Secretary. Ministerial oversight of the GRO is delegated by the Home Secretary to a Parliamentary Under Secretary of State within the Home Office.' | Home Office | Identity and Passport Service | General Register Office | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2IPS10 | 0 | 1.00 | 0 | 0 | Operational Delivery | 1 | ||
1IPS03 | N/D | SCS1 | Executive Director Organisation Transformation | 'The Organisation Transformation function owns all IPS change; it has responsibility for all IPS projects and programmes including the Civil Registration Programme (GRO), the Overseas Integration Programme, the Office Closure programme and the replacement of all core passport infrastructure and systems. All programme management, enterprise architecture, business analysis, business change and testing skilled resource are managed within this function.' | Home Office | Identity and Passport Service | Organisation Transformation | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2IPS10 | 4620000 | 1.00 | 0 | 0 | Other | 1 | ||
1IPS02 | N/D | SCS1 | Director Corporate Services | 'The Corporate Services Director is accountable for the safe, secure, efficient and effective live running of all IPS passport, civil registration and IT administration systems, ensuring the technology both supports IPS's mission and core objectives, and operates in line with agreed service levels. The postholder is also responsible for Risk/Resilience policy, planning and standards as well as Health & Safety across the Agency. The postholder is responsible for Estates planning and maintenance.' | Home Office | Identity and Passport Service | Director of Corporate Services | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2IPS01 | 3780000 | 1.00 | 0 | 0 | Information Technology | 1 | ||
1FC27 | N/D | SCS1 | Director Commercial for IPS; Home Office Head of Commercial Policy, Assurance & SRM | 'Executive Director Commercial is Commercial Lead for IPS and a member of IPS Executive Committee. The postholder is also Home Office lead for Group Supplier Relationship Management; Commercial Policy and Procedure; Commercial Assurance and Commercial Lead for eBorders Programme.' | Home Office | Identity and Passport Service | IPS Commercial; Home Office Commercial Policy, Assurance & SRM | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2IPS10 | 1220000 | 0.10 | 0 | 0 | Procurement | Shared resource with Home Office HQ so this post appears on both organograms. Postholder reports to 2FC01. Team salary costs shown in the Home Office organogram. | 1 | |
1IPSPROJ | N/D | SCS1 | Project Work | Project Work | Home Office | Identity and Passport Service | Project Work | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2IPS10 | 0 | 1.00 | 0 | 0 | 1 | |||
1IPSPROJ | N/D | SCS1 | Project Work | Project Work | Home Office | Identity and Passport Service | Project Work | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2IPS10 | 0 | 1.00 | 0 | 0 | 1 |