Transparency data
DWP GPC payments – September 2012
Updated 25 October 2013
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Date | Supplier | Amount | Comment |
13/09/2012 | CCBCOFFICE | 39460 | Payment of legal fees |
17/09/2012 | NATNL ASSTN OF PENS FU | 540 | Payment of equipment/services for marketing events |
05/09/2012 | THE PATENT OFFICE | 500 | Payment to register trademark |
14/09/2012 | SONIC COMS INT LTD | 510 | Payment of equipment for fraud investigators |
28/09/2012 | SONIC COMS INT LTD | 510 | Payment of equipment for fraud investigators |
26/09/2012 | WHITEHALL & INDUST | 540 | Payment of external staff training session |
26/09/2012 | WHITEHALL & INDUST | 540 | Payment of external staff training session |
21/09/2012 | BRADFORD COUNCIL | 508.51 | Payment of interpreter services |
03/09/2012 | WWW.MISCO.CO.UK | 713.88 | Payment for IT consumables |
07/09/2012 | WWW.ROYALMAIL.COM | 510 | Payment of mail services |
20/09/2012 | WWW.ROYALMAIL.COM | 515 | Payment of mail services |
24/09/2012 | WWW.ROYALMAIL.COM | 500 | Payment of mail services |
06/09/2012 | WWW.ROYALMAIL.COM | 554.5 | Payment of mail services |
12/09/2012 | SONIC COMS INT LTD | 510 | Payment of equipment for fraud investigators |
17/09/2012 | SONIC COMS INT LTD | 510 | Payment of equipment for fraud investigators |
24/09/2012 | SONIC COMS INT LTD | 510 | Payment of equipment for fraud investigators |