Transparency data

DfE consultancy expenditure: approved exemptions 2010

Updated 2 July 2020
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DeptName Organisation Name Requirement description Value Approval month Basis for Exception
DFE DFE - Department for Education (Core Department) Independent Review of the Office of the Children's Commissioner £50,000 June In July, the Secretary of State, appointed Dr John Dunford to lead an independent review of the Office of the Children's Commissioner for England; in particular to cover 3 key aspects; the powers, remit and functions of the Children's Commissioner; the relationship with other related functions supported by Government; and value for money. This review has now been concluded with Dr Dunford's report being published, as a Command Paper, on 6th December.
DFE DFE - Department for Education (Core Department) Independent Chair of Early Years Foundation Stage Review up to £c.22000 + VAT August The current early years framework (the Early Years Foundation Stage, statutory since 2008) sets standards in learning and welfare for any provider caring for children aged from 0 to 5. The framework was introduced in response to research that highlighted how good quality childcare can support children’s learning and development. The Government committed to reviewing the EYFS to look at whether the framework is driving up quality, continues to reflect the best evidence about how to support children’s learning particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds. Ministers wanted the the review to be independent to ensure credibility within the sector, respond to both critics and supporters of the EYFS and to support meaningful debate and analysis of evidence - which is not available in house.  Dame Clare, Chief Executive for Action for Children was invited to lead the review on basis of her independence from Government and her knowledge of the needs of children and families, especially those from more disadvantaged areas. This means she is well placed to advise on how we can improve the early years and find a system that works for both childcare workers and parents. Dame Clare is not being paid for this work, but her employer - Action for Children - is being reimbursed for her salary costs for the time she spends working on the review.
DFE DFE - YPLA YPLA Exceptional Funding Review £50,000 August The YPLA used a small panel of independent disability experts to examine carefully placement requests for disabled learners in residential settings. The challenge they provided resulted in better placement decisions being made to meet the learner's needs and so far has resulted in over £2m of savings which has been put back into supporting the needs of other disabled learners. Such expertise is not available within the Department for Education and its agents, and as such represents an invest to save approach which has direct benefit to learners.
DFE DFE - QCDA Consultancy in Support of National Curriculum Test 2009 & 2010 £149,787 August The Government sought to discontinue the contract to support Key Stage 2 tests at the earliest possible stage, without giving rise to unacceptable delivery risks. Given the Government’s decision to abolish QCDA, a 1 month period of additional consultancy support was required to prepare adequately for the 2011 test cycle. This was due to delays in finalising permanent appointments following the announcement of the organisation's closure; the extension provided additional time to conduct an effective handover to staff redeploying from other parts of QCDA. Without this support there would have been significantly greater risks to the successful delivery of the 2011 cycle of NCTs, given that preparations began in September.
DFE DFE - Department for Education (Core Department) Project Director of the Capital Review £75,000 September Key to ensuring that the capital review is completed within the tight timescale within which it needs to report. Skills sets provided that are not available within the department.
DFE DFE - Department for Education (Core Department) TTV Legal Advisers £67,500 October Following the Secretary of State's decision in October 2010 to terminate the Teachers TV contract with Education Digital 2, the Department has required additional specialist legal advice. Wiggin LLP were appointed to provide this service on the basis of their detailed knowledge and advice to Government in the construction of the contract with Education Digital 2, and their specialist expertise in broadcasting and digital content contract law. The termination notice was served to Education Digital 2 on 14 October 2010 and the contract will cease on 29 April 2011.