Transparency data

Department for Education senior staff data: September 2010

Updated 11 October 2024
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Post Unique Reference Name Grade Salary Cost of Reports Job Title Job/Team Function Parent Department Organisation Unit Contact Phone Contact e-mail Reports to Notes
DfE-1001 David Bell Perm Sec 368819 Permanent Secretary The Permanent Secretary has three overall roles: 1. The Head of the Department. 2. The Accounting Officer. 3. The Chief Policy Non-Political Policy Advisor to the Secretary of State. He is responsible for the overall management of the Department and is accountable to Parliament for the actions the Department takes and the way in which taxpayers’ money is spent. Department for Education Department for Education Private Office 0870 000 2288 N/A Not set
DfE-2001 Tom Jeffery SCS Band 3 100000 Director General Director-General for Children Young People and Families - is responsible for: 1. Improving child protection and supporting vulnerable children and young people. 2. Supporting and empowering families so that they can give their children a happy healthy start in life and supporting children who are taken into care. 3. Tackling barriers that might prevent children from fulfilling their educational and wider personal potential. 4. Building local capacity and encouraging the sharing of effective - innovative and cost-effective practice at the local level. 5. Implementing guidance and technology-based tools to improve children’s services management and use of information. Department for Education Department for Education Children Young People and Families Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-1001 Not set
DfE-5001 Lesley Longstone SCS Band 3 183795 Director General Infrastructure and Funding Directorate (IFD) is responsible for school and college funding up to age 18 (25 for young people with learning difficulties) including funding provided via local authorities and development of the proposed pupil premium. It is also responsible for capital policy and spend. The directorate leads on implementation of the Government's structural reform programme including Free Schools and expansion of the Academies programme. Admissions arrangements / school organisation matters / faith schools also fall to IFD as do policy oversight and funding of the Young People's Learning Agency (YPLA) and Partnerships for Schools (PfS). Department for Education Department for Education Infrastructure and Funding Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-1001 Not set
DfE-4020 Tim Wright SCS Band 2 407591 Director Providing strategic leadership and appropriate governance over the use of information and technology and the management of the property portfolio for DfE and across the sector to enable the business to operate effectively. Ensuring the operationally excellent delivery of ICT and FM services to the Department and its agencies. Working across government to ensure the coherent delivery of digital services to citizens. Department for Education Department for Education Finance and Corporate Services Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-4001 Not set
DfE-4001 Sue Higgins SCS Band 3 1150495 Director General Director General Corporate Services Directorate. Responsibilities encompass Finance: People and Change: Information Technology and Knowledge Management: Strategy including trategic analysis and policy impact: Commercial and Estates Management and Departmental Security. Department for Education Department for Education Finance and Corporate Services Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-1001 Not set
DfE-3001 Jon Coles SCS Band 3 100000 Director General Leads Education Standards Directorate. Overall responsibility for policy on the education workforce / school curriculum / young people's qualifications / National Curriculum testing / accountability school improvement and intervention. Department for Education Department for Education Education Standards Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-1001 Not set
DfE-4030 Not set SCS Band 2 929757 Director Commercial Director. Responsible for Procurement Estates & Facilities Management and Sustainable Development. Procurement teams support the Department ALBs and schools in achieving best value from commercial spend. This includes managing categories of spend for example development of children?s services commissioning/collaboration and providing strategic procurement and shared services support to the Higher and Further Education sectors. EFM manages the Department's estate and the facilities within our buildings. Sustainable Development assists the Department and its wider system in developing a sustainable future for all. Department for Education Department for Education Finance and Corporate Services Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-4001 Not set
DfE-3030 Susan Hackman SCS Band 2 100000 Director Chief Adviser for School Standards overseeing work on Accountability (assessment / performance tables / target-setting) / School Improvement (underperforming schools / the National Strategies / provision of school improvement support / standards in English and mathematics / management of results) / Pedagogy and practice (Pupil progress; deprivation / one-to-one tuition / catch-up; pedagogy / practitioners research / sharing best practice / phonics programme / pupil groups including ethnic minorities - gifted - talented - gender issues etc). Senior management team member. Brings a teachers / delivery perspective from previous careers in schools / local authorities / school improvement provision. Department for Education Department for Education Education Standards Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-3001 Not set
DfE-3010 Helen Williams SCS Band 2 100000 Director Handing over responsibility for CPWB to David Russell, prior to retirement, and reviewing aspects of recent policy Department for Education Department for Education Education Standards Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-3001 Not set
DfE-2020 Shirley Trundle SCS Band 2 27074 Director Families Group?s responsibilities include: 1. Analysis and advice on family policies. 2. Approaches to families facing multiple problems. 3. Support for parents? role in the school system. 4. National family support services. 5. Relationship support. 6. Improving services for children in care and strengthening adoption arrangements and inter-country adoption casework. 7. Working with the Ministry of Justice to reform the family justice system and sponsoring the Children and Family Courts Advisory Support Service - Cafcass. 8. Supporting voluntary sector organisations who have an interest in families and children in care and adoption. Department for Education Department for Education Children Young People and Families Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-2001 Not set
DfE-2040 Jeanette Pugh SCS Band 2 607331 Director Director of Safeguarding Group which has responsibility for safeguarding and child protection policy nationally. The Group is working with Professor Eileen Munro on her independent review of child protection and is leading work on a range of policies and initiatives to safeguard children including safe recruitment (vetting and barring) - child internet safety and anti-bullying. The Group also leads on policies concerned with vulnerable groups of children - including children and young people at risk of forced marriage - sexual exploitation - trafficking or domestic violence ? and has responsibility for policy on children in employment and children who take part in entertainment. Department for Education Department for Education Children Young People and Families Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-2001 Not set
DfE-5020 Peter Houten SCS Band 2 99970 Director Academies Policy and School Organisation: 1. Academy policy - funding agreements / legal position / legislation / Charity Commission etc. 2. Policy on enforced conversion and interventions and Interim Executive Boards. 3.? Academy finance - recurrent and capital. 4. Relationship with the Young People Learning Agency (YPLA). 5. Education Advice to Academies. 6. School Organisation and Fair Access. 7. Independent Schools and Home Education Department for Education Department for Education Infrastructure and Funding Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-5001 Not set
DfE-3060 Stephen Meek SCS Band 2 18398 Director Advises on qualifications for 14-19 year olds including A Levels / GCSEs / iGCSEs / Apprenticeships. Oversight of Ofqual / QCDA / the operation of the exam system. Raising participation in education and training among 16-18 year olds including reducing the number of NEETs / information / advice and guidance and financial support. Employer engagement in education. Department for Education Department for Education Education Standards Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-3001 Not set
DfE-5010 Andrew McCully SCS Band 2 119439 Director Academies Delivery Group is responsible for the identification of new Academy projects and managing the transition of those schools to Academy status. That involves: 1. Relationships with Sponsors and brokering new projects with underperforming schools. 2. Developing those projects until they are ready for opening. 3. The identification and conversion of high performing schools to academy status. 4. the mechanism for checking the suitability of new providers in the school system. This role will also provide the point of expertise for contributing to cross-Whitehall work on preventing extremism. Department for Education Department for Education Infrastructure and Funding Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-5001 Not set
DfE-4040 Not set SCS Band 2 100000 Director Director of Departments Communications Group. Department for Education Department for Education Finance and Corporate Services Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-4001 Not set
DfE-2041 Not set SCS Band 1 935884 Deputy Director Safeguarding Practice Improvement and Learning Division supports Professor Eileen Munro?s independent review of child protection. The review is looking to remove the barriers and unnecessary bureaucracy which prevent improvements in frontline social work practice so that social workers are in a better position to make sound judgments in the best interests of children. The Division also has policy responsibility for: securing better practice and improvement in the child protection system; the statutory framework (Working Together to Safeguard Children): and policy on Local Safeguarding Children Boards and Serious Case Reviews and Child Death Reviews. Department for Education Department for Education Children Young People and Families Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-2040 Not set
DfE-4060 Dawn Jarvis SCS Band 2 239825 Director I lead the People and Change Group which is responsible for the delivery of strategic Human Resource functions for the Department for Education. This is achieved through the application of organisational design techniques to ensure the Department has the right staff with the right skills in the right posts. In addition I act as the Programme Director for the Corporate Transformation Programme tasked with delivering efficiency savings through the application of shared services with DWP for core HR and Finance and Procurement functions. I also am the Head of Site for our Sheffield operation. Department for Education Department for Education Finance and Corporate Services Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-4001 Not set
DfE-2030 Christine Goodfellow SCS Band 2 100000 Director Director of Improving Information Sharing and Management (IISaM) Programme. Responsible for strategy - policy - commercials - communications and finance for all aspects of IISaM. These include the delivery of the electronic Common Assessment Framework and the closure and decommissioning of the ContactPoint database as well as testing the feasibility of a possible alternative signposting approach targeted on genuinely vulnerable children. Department for Education Department for Education Children Young People and Families Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-2001 Not set
DfE-4031 Not set SCS Band 1 1537227 Deputy Director Deputy Director Commercial with responsibilities forÿcommercial policy including best practice and skills: savings and Management Information. Also responsible for OGC liaison: children?s services commissioning and collaboration: shared services: procurement support to ALBs and strategic commercial support to the Higher and Further Education sectors Department for Education Department for Education Finance and Corporate Services Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-4030 Not set
DfE-5060 Susan Baldwin SCS Band 2 78335 Director Responsible for 16-19 funding and related policy matters in academies and maintained schools sixth forms as well as sixth form colleges and general FE colleges and other providers. Includes funding education of 16-25 year olds with learning difficulties and or disabilities. Sponsorship of the Young People?s Learning Agency including performance. Lead sponsor of Sixth Form Colleges Sector. Responsible for development of 16-19 funding system and local authority role in commissioning education and training for young people. Financial assurance and efficiency targets and vfm (value for money) 16-19 education. Department for Education Department for Education Infrastructure and Funding Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-5001 Not set
DfE-2060 Olivia McLeod SCS Band 2 27074 Director Director of Supporting Delivery Group. Responsible for ensuring an effective strategic relationship between the department and the children?s services sector including: leading policy on the local authority role in children?s services - local improvement and intervention; managing the analytical programme for Children Young People and Families policy; coordinating activity to support the development of the Big Society - the role of the Voluntary and Community Sector and promoting commissioning and cost-effective practice; managing the department?s interventions in failing children?s services; and working with leaders in the sector to ensure effective two-way engagement in policy and delivery. Department for Education Department for Education Children Young People and Families Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-2001 Not set
DfE-2021 Not set SCS Band 1 1459536 Deputy Director Deputy Director Children in Care - Children in Care division deals with the most vulnerable of children; those whose families are not able to provide the care they need. It leads the policy for children looked after by local authorities (?children in care?) - care leavers and domestic and intercountry adoption policy and intercountry adoption case work. Department for Education Department for Education Children Young People and Families Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-2020 Not set
DfE-4032 Not set SCS Band 1 3279991 Deputy Director Deputy Director Procurement. ÿResponsible for ensuring that the department gets best value for money from its own commercial spend.ÿ Provides procurement support to the department?s strategic projects and leads a programme to support schools in getting best value from their commercial spend Department for Education Department for Education Finance and Corporate Services Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-4030 Not set
DfE-4070 Carole Willis SCS Band 2 473269 Director Director of Research and Analysis. Departmental Chief Scientific Advisor. Directly oversees 4 Divisions responsible for cross-cutting economic analysis including managing Departmental interest in migration policy and management of Departmental Research Budget. Delivering a wide range of data/statistics on children and schools and increasingÿthe use of good policy making skills across the Department. This includes analysis of ?value for money? and international comparisons and delivering data transparency and reduced data burdens and specialist support on Equalities and Better Regulation issues. Carole also leads the wider analytical community across DfE to ensure that sound analysis/evidence informs policy development and delivery. Department for Education Department for Education Finance and Corporate Services Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-4001 Not set
DfE-2050 Anne Jackson SCS Band 2 666276 Director Director of Supporting Children and Young People Group. This includes responsibility for policy on young people and children's rights and wellbeing as well as the coordination of DfE activity on children and young people's health and joint oversight of the DfE/DWP/HMT Child Poverty Unit Department for Education Department for Education Children Young People and Families Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-2001 Not set
DfE-3050 Dugald Sandeman SCS Band 2 343998 Director The DfE Workforce Group is responsible for all policy issues relating to the workforce in schools and children?s services. It manages the Department?s relationships with the six arms? length bodies that cover this workforce. Its purpose is to ensure that schools and children?s services can recruit and retain high quality staff to the benefit of the children and young people they serve. Current priorities of the Group include the supply and quality of teachers / succession planning for head teachers / social work reform. Department for Education Department for Education Education Standards Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-3001 Not set
DfE-2010 Ann Gross SCS Band 2 285565 Director Director of Early Years and Special Needs Group. My role as Director is to lead the Group which supports Ministers in developing and implementing policies relating to early years and childcare - Sure Start and and early intervention and special educational needs and disabilities. Department for Education Department for Education Children Young People and Families Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-2001 Not set
DfE-2031 Not set SCS Band 1 575043 Deputy Director Deputy Director for Improving Information Sharing and Management (IISaM) Programme. Responsible for strategy - policy - communications and finance in relation to the closure of the ContactPoint database and testing the feasibility of a possible alternative signposting approach and targeted on genuinely vulnerable children. Department for Education Department for Education Children Young People and Families Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-2030 Not set
DfE-5030 Mela Watts SCS Band 2 118317 Director Overall responsibility for the development of all Free School policy and for taking individual proposals through to implementation. Department for Education Department for Education Infrastructure and Funding Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-5001 Not set
DfE-3050 Marcus Bell SCS Band 2 343998 Director The DfE Workforce Group is responsible for all policy issues relating to the workforce in schools and children?s services. It manages the Department?s relationships with the six arms? length bodies that cover this workforce. Its purpose is to ensure that schools and children?s services can recruit and retain high quality staff to the benefit of the children and young people they serve. Current priorities of the Group include the supply and quality of teachers / succession planning for head teachers / social work reform. Department for Education Department for Education Education Standards Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-3001 Not set
DfE-5041 Not set SCS Band 1 631832 Deputy Director Divisional Manager responsible for Funding and Finance within Resources Group (Schools) Department for Education Department for Education Infrastructure and Funding Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-5040 Not set
DfE-3011 David Russell SCS Band 2 212731 Director Leadership and management of Curriculum and Behaviour Group responsible for: 1. Advising Ministers on the reform of the school curriculum 5-16. 2. Supporting effective subject-based delivery of the school curriculum 5-16. 3. Pupil behaviour, attendance and school discipline. 4. The school role in promoting the health and well-being of pupils. 5. School food. 6. Pupil health and safety. 7. Coordinating the DfE response to emergencies affecting children?s services. Department for Education Department for Education Education Standards Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-3001 Not set
DfE-5040 Sarah Healey SCS Band 2 118317 Director Responsible for funding for schools (both capital and revenue) and all related policy issues. Specifically responsible for the implementation of the pupil premium and a new approach to capital investment arising from the independent review of capital. Department for Education Department for Education Infrastructure and Funding Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-5001 Not set
DfE-3012 Not set SCS Band 1 1255922 Deputy Director Responsible for the way in which the Department funds / supports / promotes better teaching and learning in curriculum subjects: 1. Science / Technology / Engineering / Maths (STEM). 2. PE and sport. 3. Modern foreign languages. 4. Music ? art ? history ? geography ? citizenship ? Personal ? Social - Health - Economic education (PSHE) and Religious Education (RE). 5. For general curriculum policy. 6. For the education legacy of the 2012 Olympics. 7. For policy on pupil voice in schools. Department for Education Department for Education Education Standards Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-3010 Not set
DfE-4050 Not set SCS Band 1 929644 Deputy Director Managing Department?s overall financial position through production of timely/accurate financial reports/briefings. Ensuring Department?s financial activities are in line with financial strategy. Running of routine and ad hoc financial exercises and making appropriate adjustments. Work with Strategy securing funds as part of the Spending Review. Running budget exercises enabling the Department to successfully pursue aims and objectives and deliver against targets and effectively engaging on all routine/ad hoc HMT exercises (Main/Supplementary Estimates inc Monthly Forecast Outturn and cash flow). Effectively manage Department?s CSR07 efficiency programme. Co-ordinate the production of the DfE?s ?Corporate Functions? benchmarking data and improvement plans. Department for Education Department for Education Finance and Corporate Services Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-4001 Not set
DfE-6001 Not set SCS Band 1 1301888 Deputy Director The Head of Internal Audit leads a team of professionally trained auditors - reporting to the Accounting Officer on the effectiveness of risk management and control in the Department. This is through specific audit reports on particular areas and periodic reports on the overall levels of Departmental compliance. In addition work is also undertaken on an ad hoc basis to provide advice/support and investigation services as required. The Unit also provides Secretariat services to the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee and provides a liaison function with Heads of Internal Audit and Audit Committee Chairs across the Departments' NDPBs. Department for Education Department for Education Internal Audit 0870 000 2288 DfE-1001 Not set
DfE-4033 Not set SCS Band 1 2219704 Deputy Director Deputy Director having overall responsibility for the management of Estates and Facilities Management (EFM). There are currently 77 staff based at the four Department sites. EFM responsibilities include estate strategy: property management: sustainable operations: health and safety and facilities management. Department for Education Department for Education Finance and Corporate Services Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-4030 Not set
DfE-4041 Not set SCS Band 1 980482 Deputy Director - Head of News Head of News- responsible for communications with the Media and providing advice and guidance to Minsiters and officials on media handling. Reports to the Director General of Finance and Corporate Services. Department for Education Department for Education Finance and Corporate Services Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-4040 Not set
DfE-5061 Not set SCS Band 1 375394 Deputy Director Responsible for the 14-19 Group Finance / Finance and Challenge teams managing the interface with YPLA on cœ8billion 16-19 funding. Functions include: 1. Ensure accuracy/challenge of directorate spending / budgets / forecasts / profiling. 2. Deliver monthly accounts requirements as set out by Central finance. 3. Consider / challenge / approve all revenue and capital proposals with financial implications including submissions. 4. Prepare and provide monthly reports to SMT and guidance to DG and SMT. 5. Lead on directorate SR process. 6. Provide governance and Value for Money (VFM) support to SMT/DG. 7. Hold YPLA to financial account Department for Education Department for Education Infrastructure and Funding Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-5060 Not set
DfE-2061 Not set SCS Band 1 1108003 Deputy Director Local Improvement and Interventions Division covers: 1. Development of a sector led approach to improvement support for Local Authorities. 2. Developing DfE commissioning policy and sponsorship and contract management of the Commissioning Support Programme and sponsorship and grant management of the Centre for Excellence and Outcomes (C4EO). 3. Policy on the Department's approach to poorly performing Local Authority Children's Services and those with declining performance. 4. Management of the Department's interventions in poorly performing Local Authorities - including those subject to statutory Directions and Improvement Notices. Department for Education Department for Education Children Young People and Families Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-2060 Not set
DfE-3040 Not set SCS Band 1 2339269 Deputy Director Schools Analysis & Research Division (SARD) provides high-quality and relevant statistics / analysis / research / evaluation that contribute to the development and implementation of well-founded and cost-effective policies and the dissemination of accurate - authoritative information to the policy areas of the Directorate. All of the division?s staff members are specialists drawn from the government's Statistics / Economics / Social Research / Operational Research professions. Department for Education Department for Education Education Standards Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-3001 Not set
DfE-5011 Not set SCS Band 1 492896 Deputy Director The Academies Brokering DD post is responsible for: 1. Identifying and agreeing new Academies in place of underperforming schools. 2. Identifying new Academy sponsors and working with existing sponsors to identify new Academy projects. 3. Policy and systems for approving organisations to sponsor Academies and matching sponsors to projects. Department for Education Department for Education Infrastructure and Funding Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-5010 Not set
DfE-2022 Not set SCS Band 1 442329 Deputy Director Deputy Director - Families at Risk ? Families at Risk division is responsible for the development and delivery of policies to help families overcome complex health - social - economic and behaviour problems. Department for Education Department for Education Children Young People and Families Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-2020 Not set
DfE-2002 Not set SCS Band 1 590541 Deputy Director Policy advice and development on financial strategic issues that go across the range of the Directorate?s responsibilities for children and young people and families that support discussion and decision making within the senior management team. Control of the finances for CYPFD including Sure Start Grant payments - management information on programme and administrative costs - guidance on accounting - propriety and value for money; strategic financial analysis; engagement in the Department?s financial exercises working with teams across and outside the Directorate. Joint management of the Directorate Support Division. Department for Education Department for Education Children Young People and Families Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-2001 Not set
DfE-3026 Not set SCS Band 1 100000 Deputy Director Deputy Director in the Education Strategy and Improvement Group: 1. Working with Local Authorities and other partners in selected regions to develop a shared and coherent strategy for school improvement and underperformance. 2. Tackling underperformance by developing a shared professional understanding for improvement in selected regions. 3. Ensuring coherence of school improvement policies and interventions (e.g Free Schools/Academies) across selected regions. 4. Ensuring that resources for school improvement in selected regions achieve maximum impact for money. 5. Ensuring that knowledge of what works in selected regions informs the development of school improvement and underperformance policy. Department for Education Department for Education Education Standards Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-3020 Not set
DfE-3051 Not set SCS Band 1 1183937 Deputy Director To identify and support the workforce practice which will most effectively deliver the Department's policy priorities by: 1.defining effective workforce practice, including on integrated working. 2. supporting the development and deployment of the school workforce. 3. supporting the development of relevant and effective workforce skills and qualifications. 4. raising performance by developing arrangements to address poor classroom practice in schools. 5.managing the Department?s relationship with the Children?s Workforce Development Council Department for Education Department for Education Education Standards Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-3050 Not set
DfE-5031 Not set SCS Band 1 379991 Deputy Director Responsible for discrete element of Free School policy and for taking forward individual proposals in the North East and Yorkshire and Humber and East of England regions Department for Education Department for Education Infrastructure and Funding Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-5030 Not set
DfE-3013 Not set SCS Band 1 997742 Deputy Director The division is responsible for improving behaviour and attendance in state schools in England including legislation / policy / correspondence on: 1. Teachers' powers to discipline pupils. 2. Helping schools to manage behaviour more effectively. 3. Measures to prevent and tackle bullying in schools. 4. Exclusions (expulsions and suspensions). 5. The quality of alternative provision for excluded children and others without a school place. 6. Improving attendance at schools. 7. Reducing the number of children missing education altogether. 8. Penalty notices, parenting contracts or orders and other "Parental responsibility measures". 9. The use of fingerprinting and biometric information in school. Department for Education Department for Education Education Standards Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-3010 Not set
DfE-4071 Not set SCS Band 1 4755626 Deputy Director Delivering a large range of key data service outputs to schedule that are relevant and fit for purpose through high level delivery and risk management. Provide a flexible customer focussed responsive service delivering all products/services through transparent value for money agreements. Offering an exciting and creative workplace with a coherent structure for development of staff. Providing a culture which embraces improvement/innovation and bring about improvements in security in the working environment to protect data holdings. As Head of Profession for Statistics deals with statistical issues as they arise and ensure compliance with Code of Practice for Official Statistics. Department for Education Department for Education Finance and Corporate Services Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-4070 Not set
DfE-4042 Not set SCS Band 1 1422841 Deputy Director Head of Corporate and Internal Communications - responsible for the Department's corporate communications including digital/ speechwriting/ publishing and internal communication. Reports to the Director General of Finance and Corporate Services. Department for Education Department for Education Finance and Corporate Services Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-4040 Not set
DfE-4061 Not set SCS Band 1 973006 Deputy Director Responsible for policy and processes to improve quality of people management capability through: 1. Constructive engagement with trade unions. 2. Policy development to improve performance and ensure reward strategies achieves the balance between engagement and value for money. 3. Programme delivery supporting the health and well-being of staff minimising the cost of absence. 4. Development of terms and conditions supporting good employment practices to ensure efficiency savings can be achieved and people decisions are based on robust assessment of legal implications. 5. Delivery of fast stream and placements programmes to bring in talent and offer opportunities to local communities. Department for Education Department for Education Finance and Corporate Services Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-4060 Not set
DfE-2042 Not set SCS Band 1 777991 Deputy Director The Child Safety Unit is responsible for a range of child safeguarding issues including: 1. Internet safety (secretariat for UK Council for Child Internet Safety - leading Government policy on cyberbullying and children?s access to harmful material online). 2. Bullying of children in the community (supporting local areas tackling bullying). 3. Unintentional injuries to children (accidents in the home through the National Home Safety Equipment Scheme). The Unit provides HR - administration - finance and support to Safeguarding Group. The Head of Unit has wider responsibilities including heading the secretariat for the cross-Government review of commercialisation and sexualisation of children. Department for Education Department for Education Children Young People and Families Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-2040 Not set
DfE-5042 Not set SCS Band 1 1045991 Deputy Director The Unit is responsible for the overall school revenue funding system; including the legal and regulatory framework; the allocation of grants to local authorities and the arrangements by which local authorities fund schools; the payment of grants for education and children's services to local authorities; the monitoring of expenditure; and supporting schools in improving financial management; efficiency and value for money. Department for Education Department for Education Infrastructure and Funding Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-5040 Not set
DfE-4043 Not set SCS Band 1 799531 Deputy Director Head of Communication Strategy and Insight - responsible for providing advice and guidance to Ministers and the Department on strategic communications and planning - including audience insight. Reports to the Director General of Finance and Corporate Services. Department for Education Department for Education Finance and Corporate Services Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-4040 Not set
DfE-3052 Not set SCS Band 1 1270884 Deputy Director Deputy Director with responsibility for all matters relating to school workforce Terms and Conditions of employment. The main focus of the Division's work is on: 1. Pay / pensions / conditions of employment together with their associated reform programmes. 2.Giving effect to the Coalition Government's priorities for giving schools greater freedoms and flexibilities over pay and conditions. 3. Taking forward policies in relation to the School Support Staff Negotiating Body (SSSNB). 4. Re-tendering the contract for the administration of the Teachers' Pension Scheme. 5. Representing the DfE interests on cross-Government workforce initiatives. Department for Education Department for Education Education Standards Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-3050 Not set
DfE-2043 Not set SCS Band 1 762003 Deputy Director Child Safeguarding Division leads on a range of policies concerned with vulnerable groups of children including children and young people who are privately fostered and those at risk of forced marriage - sexual exploitation - female genital mutilation - trafficking or domestic violence. It has responsibility for policy on children in employment or children who take part in entertainment - physical punishment of children and the Vetting and Barring Scheme. Child Safeguarding Division also has policy responsibility for safeguarding in education and manages a Government contract to support the expansion of NSPCC?s helpline services and supports Ministerial accountability by briefing on serious childcare incidents. Department for Education Department for Education Children Young People and Families Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-2040 Not set
DfE-3021 Not set SCS Band 1 363954 Deputy Director 1. Policy on the inspection of Schools / Local Authority Children's Services and other institutions delivering services to children. 2. Managing the Department's relationship with Ofsted - and with other Inspectorates and Government Departments on inspection issues. 3. The role of the Local Authority and related policy. 4. Children's Trust policy including the role of the Director of Children's Services and Lead Member for Children's Services. Includes liaison with other government departments on these and related policies on behalf of DfE. Department for Education Department for Education Education Standards Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-3020 Not set
DfE-3022 Not set SCS Band 1 777185 Deputy Director Responsible for: 1. Ensuring Education Standards Directorate manages its people in the most efficient and effective way by making sure we: have the right number of skilled people to deliver our objectives / analyse key data / take action to ensure we have highly motivated effective staff. 2. Supporting two Director Generals for Education Standards and Infrastructure and Funding to plan and organise their Directorates using PPM to monitor and report progress as well as manage risks and ensure stakeholder input in policy making. 3. Leading the work on reducing bureaucracy in schools including the stakeholder reference group. Department for Education Department for Education Education Standards Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-3020 Not set
DfE-4021 Not set SCS Band 1 2993215 Deputy Director The Service Management Unit (SMU) manages the delivery and support of a wide range of internal and externally-provided IT Services using processes and procedures based on ITIL v 3 standards. Our customers include: internal departmental staff: other Departments: Arms Length Bodies: Local Authorities and other education delivery partners. Our services range from departmental email and video-conferencing through to key public facing services such as the Online Free School Meals Eligibility Checking Service (OFSM - ECS). Department for Education Department for Education Finance and Corporate Services Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-4020 Not set
DfE-5012 Not set SCS Band 1 2667754 Deputy Director Head of New Academies Division: 1. Responsible for managing the projects to establish new academies. 2.Working with sponsors and schools to overcome obstacles and take projects through to successful opening. 3. Deliver a smooth handover to the Young People's Learning Agency that is responsible for funding and working with all open academies Department for Education Department for Education Infrastructure and Funding Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-5010 Not set
DfE-5032 Not set SCS Band 1 863741 Deputy Director Responsible for discrete elements of Free School policy and for taking forward individual proposals in the South West and South East regions Department for Education Department for Education Infrastructure and Funding Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-5030 Not set
DfE-4044 Not set SCS Band 1 791086 Deputy Director Head of Marketing - Responsible for using an understanding of children - parents and education professionals to advise Ministers on how free and paid-for communications activity can help achieve the high priority departmental policies. Also delivering and evaluating subsequent communications activity. Reports to the Director General of Finance and Corporate Services. Department for Education Department for Education Finance and Corporate Services Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-4040 Not set
DfE-4045 Not set SCS Band 1 3285234 Deputy Director Head of Customer Contact and Business Development - Responsible for communications with the public who contact the Department through phone/letter or email; managing formal consultations and providing HR/ finance/ procurement and risk management advice to Communications Group. Reports to the Director General of Finance and Corporate Services. Department for Education Department for Education Finance and Corporate Services Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-4040 Not set
DfE-2062 Not set SCS Band 1 1070710 Deputy Director Analysis and Research Division - Developing the analytical framework and information strategy for children - young people and families and managing research and evaluation of all our policies and programmes Department for Education Department for Education Children Young People and Families Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-2060 Not set
DfE-2023 Not set SCS Band 1 933450 Deputy Director Responsibility for: 1. A range of early intervention and targeted services for families including Family Information Direct and the Parenting Fund and the LA duty to provide information to parents. 2. Parents involvement in their children?s education including the requirements on schools to provide information to parents and Home School Agreements. 3. Arrangements for handling parental complaints and the Bookstart and Booktime and Booked Up schemes. 4. Strengthening the use of evidence based practice in parenting and family support including through grants to a range of national family support voluntary organisations and charities. 5. The National Academy for Parenting Research. Department for Education Department for Education Children Young People and Families Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-2020 Not set
DfE-2063 Not set SCS Band 1 1046124 Deputy Director Local and Community Policy Division: 1. Managing the Department's relationship with Government Office Children and Learners Teams including the closure of Government Office London and preparing for the closure of the other eight Government Offices. 2. Facilitation of stakeholder relations with Local Authorities and other partners and Local Authority communications. 3. Developing and implementing the Department's Big Society action plan including oversight of the Department's relationship with the voluntary and community sector and managing the cross-departmental Children and Young People and Families grant programme. 4. Providing financial and internal business support to Supporting Delivery Group. Department for Education Department for Education Children Young People and Families Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-2060 Not set
DfE-3014 Not set SCS Band 1 546491 Deputy Director The Division is responsible for advising Ministers on the reform of the curriculum for 5-16 year olds. Department for Education Department for Education Education Standards Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-3010 Not set
DfE-3023 Not set SCS Band 1 230766 Deputy Director Education Bill Manager: To advise and support Ministers on the preparation of an education bill that was announced in the Queen's Speech and the Bill's subsequent introduction and passage through Parliament. Department for Education Department for Education Education Standards Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-3020 Not set
DfE-4072 Not set SCS Band 1 640507 Deputy Director The Deputy Director of SA is the Department's Chief Economist leading a division which ensures that all the Department's key policy and strategy decisions are influenced by sound economic analysis of the value for money of alternative choices. The Deputy Director ensures that the analysisÿmakes the best use of the available evidence of cost and impact including international evidence. Department for Education Department for Education Finance and Corporate Services Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-4070 Not set
DfE-2011 Not set SCS Band 1 1123414 Deputy Director Responsible for the Early Years Foundation Stage framework and working with Ofsted and others to support quality assurance and improvement across the Early education and childcare sector. Department for Education Department for Education Children Young People and Families Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-2010 Not set
DfE-5043 Not set SCS Band 1 100000 Deputy Director Deputy Director working in Schools Resources Group on school funding Department for Education Department for Education Infrastructure and Funding Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-5040 Not set
DfE-4011 Not set SCS Band 1 529842 Deputy Director The DG role provides high level oversight of the DfE/ALB Reform programme including acting as Senior Reporting Officer and representing DFE on the cross Government Public Bodies Steering Board. In scope are 17 ALBs forming part of the DfE group. The role includes maintaining relationships at strategic level with ALB Chief Executives/Chairs: external stakeholders (eg headteacher unions: LGA: Local Authority Directors and Chief Executives) and other Government Departments over the reform programme. As a consequence of the reform programme it also includes formulating ideas and contributing thinking towards a future operating model for DfE and the education sector in England. Department for Education Department for Education Finance and Corporate Services Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-4010 Not set
DfE-4080 Lucy Smith SCS Band 2 100000 Director Director Strategy and Performance Group - leads the development of the Department?s overall strategy for transforming the education system and improving outcomes for children and young people. The Director is also responsible for establishing the Department?s priorities and driving its performance. Department for Education Department for Education Finance and Corporate Services Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-4001 Not set
DfE-5033 Not set SCS Band 1 1641872 Deputy Director Responsible for discrete element of Free School policy and for taking forward individual proposals in London Department for Education Department for Education Infrastructure and Funding Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-5030 Not set
DfE-5021 Not set SCS Band 1 573604 Deputy Director Academies Funding & Finance Division: Responsible for developing funding and finance polices to support academies and free schools implementation. Policy lead on academy issues with the YPLA Department for Education Department for Education Infrastructure and Funding Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-5020 Not set
DfE-3031 Not set SCS Band 1 997519 Deputy Director Deputy Director and head of School Improvement Division. She is responsible for the department?s work developing policy on under-performing schools and the provision of school improvement support; the National Strategies and the dissemination of best practice in school improvement and research for practitioners including international best practice. Department for Education Department for Education Education Standards Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-3030 Not set
DfE-4062 Not set SCS Band 1 669244 Deputy Director Senior HR professional responsible for: developing and delivering the DfE workforce plans and resourcing strategy; redeployment and staff reductions (strategy - policy - processes); leading the specialist HR Business Partnering in providing advice and support to the Board and their senior management teams; HR casework (policy - process - resolution); providing HR expertise and support to projects relating to the closure of Government Office Network and the review of the DfE Arms Length Bodies; and managing and monitoring the impact of the Government?s efficiency controls. Department for Education Department for Education Finance and Corporate Services Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-4060 Not set
DfE-1002 Not set SCS Band 1 1456673 Deputy Director The Principal Private Secretary to the Secretary of State heads up the Private Office for the Department. Staff in this division provide support to Ministers and the Permanent Secretary ensuring they receive timely and accurate advice and briefing - liaising with officials in the Department to ensure the Ministerial Team's priorities and requirements are delivered - ensuring Ministers are well-prepared for visits / Parliamentary business / meetings and for handling correspondence/queries from members of Parliament and the public. They also play a key role in working with private offices in other Departments to ensure cross-cutting/cross government business is handled effectively. Department for Education Department for Education Private Office 0870 000 2288 DfE-1001 Not set
DfE-3024 Not set SCS Band 1 534461 Deputy Director The Division provides strategic direction for the Department?s education policies that impact on schools and colleges so that policies are developed within a coherent framework and prioritised effectively. The Division acts as a centre of expertise on primary issues and provides support and challenge as policies are developed / implemented / evaluated to ensure that they reflect the needs and characteristics of the primary sector. The Division is responsible for producing the Government's first Schools White Paper due to be published later this year. Department for Education Department for Education Education Standards Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-3020 Not set
DfE-3061 Not set SCS Band 1 848018 Deputy Director Head of Qualifications Policy Division with responsibility for: 1. Overall DfE qualifications strategy. 2. Section 96 approval of qualifications for use in maintained schools and colleges. 3. General and vocational qualifications for students aged 14-19 including A Levels / GCSEs / Diplomas. 4. The Foundation Learning tier. 5. Young Apprenticeships. Department for Education Department for Education Education Standards Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-3060 Not set
DfE-3025 Not set SCS Band 1 100000 Deputy Director Deputy Director in the Education Strategy and Improvement Group: 1. Working with Local Authorities and other partners in selected regions to develop a shared and coherent strategy for school improvement and underperformance. 2. Tackling underperformance by developing a shared professional understanding for improvement in selected regions. 3. Ensuring coherence of school improvement policies and interventions (e.g Free Schools/Academies) across selected regions. 4. Ensuring that resources for school improvement in selected regions achieve maximum impact for money. 5. Ensuring that knowledge of what works in selected regions informs the development of school improvement and underperformance policy. Department for Education Department for Education Education Standards Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-3020 Not set
DfE-5022 Not set SCS Band 1 1909800 Deputy Director School Collaboration, Organisation and Fair Access Division. The Division is responsible for: 1. Formal partnerships between maintained schools through federations and trusts. 2. The policy and processes for opening / closing / changing the character of maintained schools (including faith schools). 3. Policy on fair access to schools including admissions / charging / transport / uniforms. It has recently taken on new responsibilities for: 4. The impact of Academies and Free Schools on the overall schools system e.g. school places 5. Land transfers for schools converting to become Academies. Department for Education Department for Education Infrastructure and Funding Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-5020 Not set
DfE-2012 Not set SCS Band 1 1197169 Deputy Director Develop and implement policy to improve outcomes for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. Department for Education Department for Education Children Young People and Families Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-2010 Not set
DfE-2051 Not set SCS Band 1 742805 Deputy Director Young People at Risk Division provides advice to Ministers on issues to do with teenage pregnancy and youth crime prevention and substance misuse. Department for Education Department for Education Children Young People and Families Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-2050 Not set
DfE-5013 Not set SCS Band 1 504265 Deputy Director The Academies Brokering DD post is responsible for: 1. Identifying and agreeing new Academies in place of underperforming schools. 2. Identifying new Academy sponsors and working with existing sponsors to identify new Academy projects. 3. Policy and systems for approving organisations to sponsor Academies and matching sponsors to projects. Department for Education Department for Education Infrastructure and Funding Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-5010 Not set
DfE-4022 Not set SCS Band 1 688808 Deputy Director Head of Strategy and Architecture Unit. Responsible for: Development and implementation ofÿa sector wide information strategy for education skills and children's services and the underpinning enterprise architecture and standards: Design assurance of Departmental/sector business systems. Deputy Chair of the CIO Council for the Education Sector. DfE senior sponsor for the Information Standards Board (ISB) for education skills and children's services.ÿ The Secretariat is provided by the Strategy and Architecture Unit which also directs the ISB's Technical Support Service. Department for Education Department for Education Finance and Corporate Services Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-4020 Not set
DfE-3053 Not set SCS Band 1 1283676 Deputy Director The division leads on policy and delivery ?leading the Department?s relationship with the Training and Development Agency for Schools and the National College ? in respect of initial teacher training / development of Early Years Professionals / supply of head-teachers / development of new roles such as National Leaders of Education and training for Directors of Children's Services. It has the lead on Teach First / Teaching Leaders / Future Leaders. Also leads on industrial relations issues affecting schools - developing successful on-going engagement with employers / their representative bodies / professional associations / Trades' Unions across the workforce. Department for Education Department for Education Education Standards Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-3050 Not set
DfE-5023 Not set SCS Band 1 1083141 Deputy Director Independent Education and school governance division covers: 1. Regulation of independent schools. 2. Independent school policy. 3. Home education. 4. Boarding schools. 5. School governance. Department for Education Department for Education Infrastructure and Funding Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-5020 Not set
DfE-2032 Not set SCS Band 1 577901 Deputy Director Programme transition and continuous improvement development and implementation with partners to support the wider policy agenda. Management of procurement and contracts and supplier relationships for external consultancy and services across the programme. Department for Education Department for Education Children Young People and Families Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-2030 Not set
DfE-2052 Not set SCS Band 1 1048329 Deputy Director Responsible for leading the development of policies and programmes that promote young people's engagement in activities outside school and improve the overall quality of services for young people. Department for Education Department for Education Children Young People and Families Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-2050 Not set
DfE-4081 Not set SCS Band 1 489850 Deputy Director Deputy Director - Family Strategy ? responsible for leading the development of the department?s overall strategy for supporting families and working with other government departments. Supports the project / programme and financial management of all the Families Group programmes. Supports the work of the Prime Minister?s children and families taskforce and influences the department?s wider policies and programmes in support of better outcomes for children and families. Department for Education Department for Education Finance and Corporate Services Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-4080 Not set
DfE-2013 Not set SCS Band 1 923359 Deputy Director Responsible for policy relating to: 1. Free nursery education for 2 and 3 and 4 year olds. 2. Local authority duties to ensure that there is sufficient childcare. 3. The childcare industry. Department for Education Department for Education Children Young People and Families Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-2010 Not set
DfE-2014 Not set SCS Band 1 1352859 Deputy Director Responsible for policy on Sure Start Children?s Centres and Early Intervention and Extended Services in Schools Department for Education Department for Education Children Young People and Families Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-2010 Not set
DfE-3032 Not set SCS Band 1 591317 Deputy Director The Division is responsible for policies aimed at improving the rate at which pupils make progress. These include policy responsibility for one-to-one tuition / setting and grouping / assessment for learning / new approaches to national curriculum testing. Tuition work involves managing implementation of a funding programme of around œ260m in 2010-11 to provide tuition to over 600,000 pupils. On assessment the division works with external partners to support use of a œ50m grant to schools to improve assessment practice. The Division leads on arrangements for securing delivery of national curriculum tests after the closure of QCDA. Department for Education Department for Education Education Standards Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-3030 Not set
DfE-4051 Not set SCS Band 1 930643 Deputy Director Facilitating effective administration and payment of Departmental Grants. Monitoring finance service performance - liaising with DWP Shared Service providers to resolve issues and implement further efficiencies. Management of Corporate Finance?s Delivery Plan and budget. Progressing learning/continuous improvement culture including Continuing Professional Development. Producing a range of unqualified statutory financial accounts publications before recess to a high quality and which meet HMT requirements and targets. Promoting high standards of governance/propriety across DfE and its ALBs. Supporting Accounting Officer by management of assurance exercises and offering financial management advice/guidance on governance assurance regularity and propriety issues. Department for Education Department for Education Finance and Corporate Services Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-4001 Not set
DfE-3033 Not set SCS Band 1 998537 Deputy Director Responsible for: 1. Policy in respect of the National Curriculum Key Stage 2 tests and other statutory assessment arrangements. 2. Working closely with QCDA on delivery of the annual Key Stage 2 tests. 3. Policy development and delivery of the annual primary and secondary school performance tables. 4. The statutory school target setting arrangements. Department for Education Department for Education Education Standards Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-3030 Not set
DfE-4073 Not set SCS Band 1 499052 Deputy Director Enhancing the Departmental capacity to deliver policies which are evidence-based and by ensuring the policies represent best possible use of resource both now and for future generations. Ensuring these demonstrably meet the needs of all children and young people and their families by strengthening the policy-making and delivery skills and practice of DfE staff. Ensuring that in doing so we comply with legislation and cross-Government commitments on equality and reducing regulation and by taking an active part in building the policy profession across the civil service Department for Education Department for Education Finance and Corporate Services Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-4070 Not set
DfE-5044 Not set SCS Band 1 381714 Deputy Director The Central Capital Unit is responsible for oversight of and advice to Ministers on all DfE capital expenditure (including on early years - schools - post-16 education and youth facilities). It is the sponsor Division for Partnerships for Schools - the NDPB which plays a major role in the delivery of DfE's capital programmes and in the distribution of funds to local authorities. The Unit has responsibility for legislation on school premises / playing fields and health & safety issues related to school buildings. It is home to the review of DfE capital expenditure and will be responsible for putting its recommendations into practice. Department for Education Department for Education Infrastructure and Funding Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-5040 Not set
DfE-4064 Not set SCS Band 1 90016 Deputy Director Lead work across the Department for Education and its Arms Length Bodies to implement the efficiency controls on spending and recruitment announced by the Government. Department for Education Department for Education Finance and Corporate Services Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-4060 Not set
DfE-3062 Not set SCS Band 1 1221904 Deputy Director Quality, Support and Guidance Division leads on policy relating to. 1. careers education / information / advice and guidance for young people aged 13-19 helping them to make appropriate and aspirational choices for learning and work. 2. financial support for young people including the Education Maintenance Allowance and the Care to Learn scheme for young parents. 3. post-16 improvement support and quality assurance to help young people (and their parents) choose high quality education and training. 4. learners with learning difficulties and/or disabilities promoting better outcomes for this group of vulnerable young people and young adults. Department for Education Department for Education Education Standards Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-3060 Not set
DfE-2024 Not set SCS Band 1 470850 Deputy Director We are responsible for policy on supporting relationships to improve outcomes for children and families and wider society. We lead policy on family law (when families go to court either as a result of parental disputes or where local authorities have concerns about a child?s welfare) and in that capacity sponsor the Children and Families Court Advisory and Support Service a Non-Departmental Public Body which works with children and families in the courts. We also in partnership with the Ministry of Justice support the Family Justice Review panel which is considering reforms to the Family Justice System. Department for Education Department for Education Children Young People and Families Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-2020 Not set
DfE-4082 Not set SCS Band 1 1037933 Deputy Director Deputy Director Performance Unit -Responsible for establishing the Department?s priorities and driving its performance. Ensuring that the Department?s performance management and programme and project management processes are developed and deployed appropriately. Responsible for improving the Department?s management of risk and providing a clear programme and project assurance service. Department for Education Department for Education Finance and Corporate Services Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-4080 Not set
DfE-3034 Not set SCS Band 1 993267 Deputy Director Overseeing policies and strategies to raise educational standards in English / maths / science to narrow attainment gaps for disadvantaged pupils and those from minority ethnic groups and to ensure that gifted and talented pupils achieve their full potential. Department for Education Department for Education Education Standards Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-3030 Not set
DfE-5050 Not set SCS Band 1 1204828 Deputy Director This post leads professional analysts from four disciplines (economists / statistician / social researchers / operational researchers) providing evidence base policy making across the Directorate. Activities include: designing / conducting research / evaluation of policy intervention; value for money and impact assessment; policy appraisal; modelling cost and volumes of different routes in post-16 learning; and target-setting and measurement of performance. Other responsibilities include managing administrative / survey databases providing public accountability through a series of National Statistics: activities / destinations of young people / post 16 participation and attainment in learning / NEETs / youth crime / teenage pregnancy. Department for Education Department for Education Infrastructure and Funding Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-5001 Not set
DfE-3063 Not set SCS Band 1 644624 Deputy Director To support implementation of qualifications for young people and seeking to reduce bureaucracy and increase flexibility for schools and colleges by understanding local risks and issues and managing particular implementation risks as they arise. Also working with Ofqual awarding organisations and others to streamline Diploma Awarding processes in 2010 and 2011 and to coordinate activity by a range of organisations to reduce risks to timely and accurate awarding of Diplomas in 2010 and 2011. Department for Education Department for Education Education Standards Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-3060 Not set
DfE-2003 Not set SCS Band 1 253811 Deputy Director Policy advice and development on strategic issues that go across the range of the Directorate?s responsibilities for children and young people and families (e.g. developing cost effective children?s services) that support discussion and decision making within the senior management team. Additional senior input on cross cutting/complex issues - working with flexible ?virtual? teams within and beyond the Directorate. Overall management of the HR and other non-financial support functions in the Directorate including the DG?s private office. Department for Education Department for Education Children Young People and Families Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-2001 Not set
DfE-5014 Not set SCS Band 1 276890 Deputy Director Head of Statutory Interventions in Schools. LAs and the Secretary of State each have a range of powers to take action in respect of schools causing concern. The postholder is responsible for DFE policy and legislation on use of these powers by LAs and the Secretary of State. The relevant powers are Warning Notices / Interim Executive Boards / the Secretary of State's power to direct the closure of a school in special measures and his power to make an Academy Order in respect of a school eligible for intervention. Department for Education Department for Education Infrastructure and Funding Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-5010 Not set
DfE-3034 Not set SCS Band 1 974997 Deputy Director Overseeing policies and strategies to raise educational standards in English / maths / science to narrow attainment gaps for disadvantaged pupils and those from minority ethnic groups and to ensure that gifted and talented pupils achieve their full potential. Department for Education Department for Education Education Standards Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-3030 Not set
DfE-4063 Not set SCS Band 1 373988 Deputy Director The Division is responsible for increasing the capacity of the Department to deliver effectively both now and in the future. This includes responsibility for: learning and development within the Department (ensuring people have the right skills to manage and perform effectively); talent management (to develop leadership capacity and effective allocation of people to roles); equality and diversity (ensuring fairness); employee engagement (to increase productivity); and the 'civic service' elements of the Big Society agenda. Department for Education Department for Education Finance and Corporate Services Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-4060 Not set
DfE-5062 Not set SCS Band 1 465024 Deputy Director This Division is responsible for: 1.Developing policy on the 16-19 delivery infrastructure (so the number and nature of ?learning providers? who deliver education and training to young people. 2. Policy on 16-19 capital funding. 3. Taking action to simplify the structures and processes for post-16 funding and strategic commissioning and increasing alignment with post-19 systems. 4. Relationship management of the YPLA. Department for Education Department for Education Infrastructure and Funding Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-5060 Not set
DfE-3064 Not set SCS Band 1 646601 Deputy Director Accountable for the co-ordination of cross Group communications and stakeholder management particularly on education for 14 ? 19 year olds and for Departmental employer engagement policy to develop employer links with education across the age range 5 ? 19. The Division's main functions are: 1.Communications strategy and activities advising on implementation of communications freeze and development of DfE website following go-live. 2. Policy responsibility for employer involvement in education and enterprise education and work-related learning strategy and policy including safeguarding and CRB checks. 3. Stakeholder management strategy and co-ordinating stakeholder engagement and reporting. 4. Cross Group responsibilities including Honours Department for Education Department for Education Education Standards Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-3060 Not set
DfE-2044 Not set SCS Band 1 100000 Deputy Director Safeguarding Practice Improvement and Learning Division supports Professor Eileen Munro?s independent review of child protection. The review is looking to remove the barriers and unnecessary bureaucracy which prevent improvements in frontline social work practice so that social workers are in a better position to make sound judgments in the best interests of children. The Division also has policy responsibility for: securing better practice and improvement in the child protection system; the statutory framework (Working Together to Safeguard Children): and policy on Local Safeguarding Children Boards and Serious Case Reviews and Child Death Reviews. Department for Education Department for Education Children Young People and Families Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-2040 Not set
DfE-3065 Not set SCS Band 1 828687 Deputy Director Responsible for implementation of the Raising the Participation Age legislation that increased the education/training leaving age to 18 by 2015. Policy on reducing the proportion of 16-18 year olds who are not in education / employment / training. The September Guarantee that secures a suitable offer of a place in learning for all 16/17 year olds. Policy on narrowing the gap in attainment of Level 2 / Level 3 qualifications at age 19 between young people who were eligible for Free School Meals and their peers. The Flexible Resource Unit - a team who provide support to other policy areas. Department for Education Department for Education Education Standards Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-3060 Not set
DfE-2053 Not set SCS Band 1 991089 Deputy Director Deputy Director leading a Division that supports the general wellbeing of children and young people so that they are better able to learn and can be empowered and responsible members of their communities to have happy childhoods. Responsibilities include working with the Department of Health on children's mental and physical health; acting as sponsor for the Office of the Children's Commissioner and implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child; addressing the impact of the commercial world on children; and enabling the BIG Society to support local play opportunities for children Department for Education Department for Education Children Young People and Families Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-2050 Not set
DfE-5044 Not set SCS Band 1 377638 Deputy Director The Central Capital Unit is responsible for oversight of and advice to Ministers on all DfE capital expenditure (including on early years - schools - post-16 education and youth facilities). It is the sponsor Division for Partnerships for Schools - the NDPB which plays a major role in the delivery of DfE's capital programmes and in the distribution of funds to local authorities. The Unit has responsibility for legislation on school premises / playing fields and health & safety issues related to school buildings. It is home to the review of DfE capital expenditure and will be responsible for putting its recommendations into practice. Department for Education Department for Education Infrastructure and Funding Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-5040 Not set
DfE-4083 Not set SCS Band 1 100000 Deputy Director The Department?s Policy Advisers - work closely with Ministers on the development of the strategy for transforming the education system and improving outcomes for children and young people. Department for Education Department for Education Finance and Corporate Services Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-4080 Not set
DfE-3066 Not set SCS Band 1 642357 Deputy Director Responsible for sponsorship of the QCDA. This includes ongoing work with relating to QCDA?s remit / its budget and management of the interface between Departmental policy teams and QCDA. We are also responsible for the programme leading up to QCDA?s closure in 2011. In addition we are responsible for managing the Department?s relationship with Ofqual / policy on and delivery of functional skills qualifications / handling of all issues relating to the delivery of examinations in schools. Department for Education Department for Education Education Standards Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-3060 Not set
DfE-3066 Not set SCS Band 1 642357 Deputy Director Responsible for sponsorship of the QCDA. This includes ongoing work with relating to QCDA?s remit / its budget and management of the interface between Departmental policy teams and QCDA. We are also responsible for the programme leading up to QCDA?s closure in 2011. In addition we are responsible for managing the Department?s relationship with Ofqual / policy on and delivery of functional skills qualifications / handling of all issues relating to the delivery of examinations in schools. Department for Education Department for Education Education Standards Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-3060 Not set
DfE-3036 Not set SCS Band 1 84175 Deputy Director Apprenticeship Policy Unit (Joint with BIS). There are 14 people in the Unit, all work jointly for both depts but only two are formally DfE staff purposes of pay and terms. Department for Education Department for Education Education Standards Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-3030 Not set
DfE-3020 Dominic Herrington SCS Band 2 27074 Director Leadership and Management of the Education Strategy and Improvement Group, overseeing the Department?s Education Strategy via: 1. White Paper/Bill / Primary Strategy Policy and improvement activity for low attaining schools. 2. Programme for reducing bureaucracy in schools. 3. Directorate Programme Management and central support activities. 4. Policy on inspection and relationship with OFSTED. Department for Education Department for Education Education Standards Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-3001 Not set
DfE-3054 Not set SCS Band 1 590499 Deputy Director Head of the Joint Social Work Unit which is implementing a programme of reform for the social work profession across children and adults services based on the recommendations of the Social Work Task Force. The reform programme is being developed through the Social Work Reform Board reports to Ministers in BIS / DH / DFE. Department for Education Department for Education Education Standards Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-3050 Not set
DfE-2054 Not set SCS Band 1 1363854 Deputy Director The Child Poverty Unit is a joint DWP/DfE/HMT unit that coordinates policy across government on child poverty. The team is responsible for working with ministers to develop the Child Poverty Strategy outlined in the Child Poverty Act. The team also works with Local Authorities to support them on meeting their duties under the Act. Department for Education Department for Education Children Young People and Families Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-2050 Not set
DfE-2045 Not set SCS Band 1 0 Deputy Director I am currently a member of the team supporting Professor Munro in her national Review of Child Protection. I have been seconded full time into the deputy director role into this team to bring an operational social work perspective to the review as I have 25 years social work experience at all practice and operational levels in local authority child protection social work. Department for Education Department for Education Children Young People and Families Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-2040 Not set
DfE-4010 David Hawker SCS Band 2 0 Director The DG role provides high level oversight of the DfE/ALB Reform programme including acting as Senior Reporting Officer and representing DFE on the cross Government Public Bodies Steering Board. In scope are 17 ALBs forming part of the DfE group. The role includes maintaining relationships at strategic level with ALB Chief Executives/Chairs: external stakeholders (headteacher unions: LGA: Local Authority Directors and Chief Executives) and other Government Departments over the reform programme. As a consequence of the reform programme it also includes formulating ideas and contributing thinking towards a future operating model for DfE and the education sector in England. Department for Education Department for Education Finance and Corporate Services Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-4001 Not set
DfE-5024 Not set SCS Band 1 729389 Deputy Director Responsible for the development and implementation of Academies Policy and an Academies communication strategy. Department for Education Department for Education Infrastructure and Funding Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-5020 Not set
DfE-5034 Not set SCS Band 1 927073 Deputy Director Responsible for discrete element of Free School policy and for taking forward individual proposals in North West / West Midlands / East Midlands regions. Department for Education Department for Education Infrastructure and Funding Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-5030 Not set
DfE-4023 Not set SCS Band 1 1263234 Deputy Director Head of Business Solutions Unit. Responsible for delivering ICT Programmes and Projects in CIO Group which include delivery of new applications and systems and ICT enabled business change. The role is accountable for the Information Workplace services and as Chief Knowledge Officer is the Head of Profession for Knowledge and Information Management. The role has a cross government responsibility on the G-Cloud Programme. As Foundation Delivery Partner for Collaboration has responsibility for delivering the first collaboration tools in the G-Cloud and developing the collaboration market. Department for Education Department for Education Finance and Corporate Services Directorate 0870 000 2288 DfE-4020 Not set
DfE-4050 Not set SCS Band 2 0 Director Department for Education Department for Education Finance and Corporate Services Directorate Corporate Finance Group 0870 000 2288 DfE-4001 Not set