Transparency data
Workforce management information: April 2012
Updated 9 April 2012
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Organisation name | Organisation type | Main, parent or sponsoring department: | Payroll staff | Number of non-payroll staff (contingent labour and consultants/consultancy) | Grand Total (workforce numbers) | Payroll staff costs | Non-Payroll staff (contingent labour/consultancy) costs | Grand Total paybill/staffing (payroll and non-payroll) costs | Comments | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Not set | Not set | Not set | AO/AA | Not set | EO | Not set | SEO/HEO | Not set | Grade 6/7 | Not set | SCS | Not set | Other, unknown, or unspecified | Not set | Total Employees | Not set | Agency staff (clerical/admin) | Not set | Interim managers | Not set | Specialist Contractors | Not set | Consultants/consultancy | Not set | Total | Not set | Not set | Not set | Salary | Allowances | Non-consolidated performance payments | Overtime | Employer pension contributions | Employer national insurance contributions | Total paybill for payroll staff | Total monthly cost of contingent labour: agency (clerical and admin) staff, interim managers and specialist contractors | Total monthly cost of consultants/ consultancy | Total non-payroll (CCL) staff costs | Not set | Not set |
Not set | Not set | Not set | Headcount | Full-time equivalent | Headcount | Full-time equivalent | Headcount | Full-time equivalent | Headcount | Full-time equivalent | Headcount | Full-time equivalent | Headcount | Full-time equivalent | Headcount | Full-time equivalent | Headcount | Full-time equivalent | Headcount | Full-time equivalent | Headcount | Full-time equivalent | Headcount | Full-time equivalent | Headcount | Full-time equivalent | Headcount | Full-time equivalent | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
HM Revenue & Customs | Non-Ministerial Department | HM Revenue & Customs | 41423 | 35356.66 | 16519 | 14966.25 | 12690 | 11869 | 3646 | 3454.59 | 357 | 351.27 | 337 | 335.74 | 74,972 | 66,334 | 4 | Not set | 70 | Not set | 0 | Not set | 6 | Not set | 80 | 0 | 75,052 | 66,334 | £139,600,000.00 | £800,000.00 | £100,000.00 | £3,300,000.00 | £25,400,000.00 | £10,200,000.00 | £179,400,000.00 | £218,033.00 | £10,013.00 | £228,046.00 | £179,628,046.00 | Not set |
Valuation Office | Executive Agency | HM Revenue & Customs | 896 | 792.48 | 936 | 867.75 | 1536 | 1442.57 | 357 | 341.83 | 12 | 12 | 0 | 0 | 3,737 | 3,457 | Not set | Not set | 4 | 4 | 3 | 2.8 | Not set | Not set | 7 | 6.8 | 3,744 | 3,463 | £8,628,341.00 | £45,825.00 | £1,942.00 | £7,516.00 | £1,544,837.00 | £665,190.00 | £10,893,651.00 | £165,247.00 | Not set | £165,247.00 | £11,058,898.00 | Not set |