Corporate report

Business plan 2012-2015: departmental expenditure underlying data (Comma Separated Value file - 1kb)

Updated 31 May 2012
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Near-cash £m Income £m C-DEL £m Total £m
Visas 1.3 380.7919834 6.518339702 388.6103231
Immigration Decisions 1.3 406.3966273 58.38853488 466.0851622
Securing our Borders 589.0523808 80.8 63.92150389 733.7738847
Foreign National Offenders 197.8543499 0 3.874156448 201.7285063
Asylum 560.1645043 0 5.897465082 566.0619693
Secure our borders and reduce immigration 1349.671235 867.9886107 138.6 2356.259846
Free up the police to fight crime more effectively and efficiently 5713.719 0 175.7 5889.419
Police Grants 4935 0 130 5065
Empower the public to hold the police to account for their role in cutting crime 75.839 0 0 75.839
Create a more integrated criminal justice system 86.996 66 0 152.996
Asset Recovery 0 66 0 66
Crime and Policing 5876.554 132 175.7 6184.254
Protect our citizens from terrorism 1137.764475 0 105.4 1243.164475
Protect people's feedoms and civil liberties -4.8 164 16.9 176.1
Equal treatment and equal opportunity 54.642 0 1 55.642
Identity and Passports 6.442 370.998 20 397.44
Corporate Enablers 183.781 24.8 1.7 210.281
Home Office 8642.9735 1559.786611 501 10703.76011