Corporate report

(CSV) Rate of pensioner poverty – DWP equality information 2011 (data)

Updated 31 January 2012
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8. Rate of pensioner poverty
Not set Not set Not set Not set
Table 8.1: Poverty rate for pensioners by age, UK, 2009/10 Not set Not set Not set
Not set Not set Not set Not set
Age Poverty rate (percentage of pensioners in low income households) Not set Not set
60-64 females 14 Not set Not set
65-69 14 Not set Not set
70-74 16 Not set Not set
75-79 16 Not set Not set
80-84 17 Not set Not set
85+ 19 Not set Not set
Not set Not set Not set Not set
Source: Households Below Average Income Not set Not set Not set
Not set Not set Not set Not set
Table 8.2: Poverty rate for pensioners by disability, UK, 2009/10 Not set Not set Not set
Not set Not set Not set Not set
Disability status Poverty rate (percentage of pensioners in low income households) Not set Not set
Those living in families where no-one is disabled 17 Not set Not set
Those living in families where someone is disabled 15 Not set Not set
Not set Not set Not set Not set
Source: Households Below Average Income Not set Not set Not set
Not set Not set Not set Not set
Table 8.3: Poverty rate for pensioners by ethnic group of head of household, UK, 2007/08-2009/10 Not set Not set Not set
Not set Not set Not set Not set
Ethnic group of head (3-year average) Poverty rate (percentage of pensioners in low income households) Not set Not set
White 16 Not set Not set
Mixed .. Not set Not set
Asian or Asian British 33 Not set Not set
Indian 29 Not set Not set
Pakistani and Bangladeshi 46 Not set Not set
Black or Black British 27 Not set Not set
Black Caribbean 25 Not set Not set
Black Non-Caribbean .. Not set Not set Not set
Chinese or other ethnic group 28 Not set Not set Not set
Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set
Source: Households Below Average Income 2007/08-2009/10 Not set Not set Not set Not set
Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set
Table 8.4: Poverty rate for pensioners by gender, UK, 2009/10 Not set Not set Not set Not set
Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set
Gender Poverty rate (percentage of pensioners in low income households) Not set Not set Not set
Male 14 Not set Not set Not set
Female 16 Not set Not set Not set
Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set
Source: Households Below Average Income Not set Not set Not set Not set
Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set
Notes: Not set Not set Not set Not set
1. This indicator is measured using Households Below Average Income statistics sourced from the Family Resources Survey. The indicator measures the percentage of pensioners with incomes below 60 percent of contemporary equivalised median income, after housing costs. Data is annual with approximately a 12-month time delay after the end of the survey period. Not set Not set Not set Not set
2. All estimates are based on survey data and are therefore subject to uncertainty. Small differences should be treated with caution as these will be affected by sampling error and variability in non-response. Estimates showing ethnic breakdowns are presented as three-year averages because of small sample sizes. However, the figures must still be treated with some caution, as the sample sizes are still small for certain ethnic minority groups. Not set Not set Not set Not set
3. Proportions of individuals in low-income households have been rounded to the nearest percentage point. Not set Not set Not set Not set
4. No adjustment is made to disposable household income to take into account any additional costs that may be incurred due to the illness or disability in question, and disability benefits have been included in the equivalised household income used. This means that the position in the income distribution of these groups, as shown here, may be somewhat upwardly biased. Results based on incomes excluding disability benefits are available on request. Not set Not set Not set Not set
5. '..' means data is not available due to small sample size. Not set Not set Not set Not set
6. Results cover the financial year 2009/10, i.e. April 2009 to March 2010. Not set Not set Not set Not set