Transparency data
Department for Communities and Local Government expenditure over £500 - 1 April to 11 May 2010 (.csv format)
Updated 30 September 2010
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Department Family | Entity | Date of Payment | Expense Type | Expense Area | Supplier | Transaction number | Amount in Sterling |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Additions - PDC | Finance & Corporate Services | ORDNANCE SURVEY (USE 300154) | 2100188407 | 20,000,000.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Finance & Corporate Services | LA INT COMPUTER CONSULTANTS LTD | 5106127749 | 11,535.21 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Finance & Corporate Services | LA INT COMPUTER CONSULTANTS LTD | 5106128103 | 10,381.69 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Finance & Corporate Services | VENN GROUP | 5106128055 | 2,077.25 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Neighbourhoods | REED SPECIALIST RECRUITMENT LTD | 5106128117 | 822.83 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Neighbourhoods | REED SPECIALIST RECRUITMENT LTD | 5106127906 | 762.13 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Neighbourhoods | REED SPECIALIST RECRUITMENT LTD | 5106127908 | 697.07 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Capital Grants to Private Sect Non Profit | Localism | CFOA (NATIONAL RESILIANCE) LTD | 2100188390 | 750,000.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Conferences and Meeting Facilities | Finance & Corporate Services | RUBENS AT THE PALACE HOTEL | 5106127962 | 758 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Conferences and Meeting Facilities | Localism | AVANTA VICTORIA STREET LTD | 5106128224 | 596.4 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Conferences and Meeting Facilities | Localism | RADISSON EDWARDIAN MOUNTBATTEN | 5106128159 | 2,003.62 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Conferences and Meeting Facilities | Neighbourhoods | NATIONAL SCHOOL OF GOVERNMENT | 5106128028 | 550 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Current (non AEF) Grants to Local Authorities | Localism | BIRMINGHAM CITY COUNCIL | 2100188174 | 100,000.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Current (non AEF) Grants to Local Authorities | Localism | LB WALTHAM FOREST | 2100188173 | 100,000.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Current (non AEF) Grants to Local Authorities | Localism | LONDON BOROUGH REDBRIDGE | 2100188172 | 100,000.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Current (non AEF) Grants to Local Authorities | Localism | THURROCK DC | 2100188175 | 100,000.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Current (non AEF) Grants to Local Authorities | Localism | WIRRAL MBC | 2100188038 | 4,000.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Current (non AEF) Grants to Local Authorities | Neighbourhoods | DERBYSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL | 2100188365 | 1,136.64 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Current (non AEF) Grants to Local Authorities | Neighbourhoods | WEST SUSSEX CC | 2100188381 | 156,748.34 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Current Grants to Non Profit Bodies | Localism | EQUALITY SOUTH WEST | 2100188382 | 20,000.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Current Grants to Non Profit Bodies | Localism | FOREIGN & COMMONWEALTH OFFICE | 2100188373 | 134,000.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Current Grants to Non Profit Bodies | Localism | SILSILA PRODUCTIONS | 2100188369 | 5,000.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Current Grants to Non Profit Bodies | Localism | JOSEPH CHAMBERLAIN COLLEGE | 2100188368 | 11,720.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | EC Current Grants to Local Authorities | Finance & Corporate Services | BRISTOL CITY COUNCIL | 7500028777 | -3,025.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | EC Current Grants to Local Authorities | Finance & Corporate Services | BRISTOL CITY COUNCIL | 7500028919 | -11,200.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | EU Cur Grnt to Priv Sect-Persons & NPISH | Treasury | BUSINESS SUPPORT KENT COMMUNITY | 2500121557 | 29,476.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Fixed Maintenance | Finance & Corporate Services | A T INSTALLATIONS | 5106126977 | 4,150.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Fixed Maintenance | Localism | DEVON FIRE AUTHORITY | 5106128092 | 29,162.42 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Grant in Aid to NDPBs (non budget) | Localism | FIREBUY LTD | 2100188388 | 200,000.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Grant in Aid to NDPBs (non budget) | Neighbourhoods | HOMES & COMMUNITIES AGENCY | 2100188386 | 5,250,079.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | IT - PC, Network & Hardware | Localism | DELL CORPORATION LTD | 5106128065 | 28,858.59 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | IT Consumables | Neighbourhoods | BANNER BUSINESS SUPPLIES LTD | 5106127872 | 753.3 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | IT Consumables | Neighbourhoods | BANNER BUSINESS SUPPLIES LTD | 5106113521 | 366.33 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | IT Maintenance | Finance & Corporate Services | AUDITWARE SYSTEMS LTD | 5106127955 | 787.25 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | IT Maintenance | Finance & Corporate Services | CABLE & WIRELESS UK | 5106127951 | -6,603.30 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Media | Localism | CENTRAL OFFICE OF INFORMATION | 5106127754 | 16,035.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Plant and Machinery at Cost | Finance & Corporate Services | MITIE MANAGED SERVICES (SOUTHERN) L | 5106127982 | 13,424.20 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Printers | Finance & Corporate Services | STERIA LIMITED | 5106122860 | 1,666.40 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Printing | Neighbourhoods | FORMARA LTD | 5106128115 | 2,517.49 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Publications | Finance & Corporate Services | SWETS INFORMATION SERVICES LTD | 5106128247 | 3,189.91 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Publications | Localism | SWETS INFORMATION SERVICES LTD | 5106128095 | 196.85 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Publicity | Finance & Corporate Services | *OCEAN MEDIA GROUP LTD | 5106128009 | -7,016.15 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Publicity | Finance & Corporate Services | *OCEAN MEDIA GROUP LTD | 5106128017 | 7,021.80 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Publicity | Neighbourhoods | CENTRAL OFFICE OF INFORMATION | 5106128191 | 1,339.56 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Publishing | Localism | CENTRAL OFFICE OF INFORMATION | 5106125799 | 10,216.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Publishing | Localism | LIBERATA UK LTD | 5106128087 | 2,062.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Purchase of Consultancy Services | Finance & Corporate Services | DR TIMOTHY SAMPSON | 5106127881 | 3,898.34 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Purchase of Consultancy Services | Finance & Corporate Services | DR TIMOTHY SAMPSON | 5106128105 | 3,577.09 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Purchase of Consultancy Services | Finance & Corporate Services | MISS M DEMETRIOU | 5106128052 | 846 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Purchase of Consultancy Services | Finance & Corporate Services | PARITY RESOURCES | 5106127887 | 1,233.25 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Purchase of Consultancy Services | Finance & Corporate Services | PARITY RESOURCES | 5106127979 | 16,071.25 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Purchase of Consultancy Services | Neighbourhoods | HAMMONDS (USE 427795) | 5106128124 | 660.94 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Purchase of Consultancy Services | Localism | INTELLIGENT ADDRESSING LTD | 5106127275 | 8,750.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Purchase of Consultancy Services | Localism | VERIZON UK LTD | 5106127949 | 6,996.54 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Rent | Localism | MID & WEST WALES FIRE AUTHORITY | 5106127891 | 3,138.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Rent | Localism | MID & WEST WALES FIRE AUTHORITY | 5106127896 | 3,138.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Rent | Localism | MID & WEST WALES FIRE AUTHORITY | 5106128162 | 3,165.63 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Research | Finance & Corporate Services | MITIE MANAGED SERVICES (SOUTHERN) L | 5106128226 | 7,296.75 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Research | Finance & Corporate Services | NETFUNDI LTD | 5106127903 | 637.44 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Research | Localism | COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION | 5106125114 | 46,323.75 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Research | Localism | SHARED INTELLIGENCE | 5106128079 | 18,660.47 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Research | Localism | MARKET & OPINION RESEARCH INT LTD | 5106128101 | 105,750.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Research | Neighbourhoods | GREATER LONDON AUTHORITY | 5106128146 | 8,200.60 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Services provided by other Govt Orgs | Finance & Corporate Services | ORDNANCE SURVEY (USE 300154) | 2100188412 | 23,500,000.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Services provided by other Govt Orgs | Neighbourhoods | WORCESTERSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL | 5106128048 | 10,000.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Software Licences | Finance & Corporate Services | AUDITWARE SYSTEMS LTD | 5106127955 | 1,880.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Software Licences | Finance & Corporate Services | COMPUTACENTER (UK) LTD | 5106128044 | 1,393.84 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Software Licences | Finance & Corporate Services | STERIA LIMITED | 5106128068 | 501,726.07 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Software Licences | Localism | SWETS INFORMATION SERVICES LTD | 5106128095 | 510.93 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Software Licences | Neighbourhoods | QAS SYSTEMS LTD | 5106127889 | 11,162.50 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Stationery | Neighbourhoods | BANNER BUSINESS SUPPLIES LTD | 5106113521 | 400.87 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Steady State Service Provision | Localism | AIRWAVE SOLUTIONS LTD | 5106127928 | 302,977.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Steady State Service Provision | Localism | AIRWAVE SOLUTIONS LTD | 5106128011 | 8,370.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Steady State Service Provision | Localism | AIRWAVE SOLUTIONS LTD | 5106128032 | 8,370.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Steady State Service Provision | Localism | EADS DEFENCE & SECURITY SYSTEMS LTD | 5106127426 | 1,254.02 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Steady State Service Provision | Localism | EADS DEFENCE & SECURITY SYSTEMS LTD | 5106127428 | 2,866.32 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Steady State Service Provision | Localism | EADS DEFENCE & SECURITY SYSTEMS LTD | 5106127447 | 2,171.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Steady State Service Provision | Localism | EADS DEFENCE & SECURITY SYSTEMS LTD | 5106127495 | 3,702.33 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Steady State Service Provision | Localism | EADS DEFENCE & SECURITY SYSTEMS LTD | 5106127835 | 12,818.18 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Steady State Service Provision | Localism | EADS DEFENCE & SECURITY SYSTEMS LTD | 5106127837 | 3,255.43 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Steady State Service Provision | Localism | AIRWAVE SOLUTIONS LTD | 5106128007 | 30,503.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Steady State Service Provision | Localism | AIRWAVE SOLUTIONS LTD | 5106128015 | 33,959.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Steady State Service Provision | Localism | AIRWAVE SOLUTIONS LTD | 5106128024 | 17,527.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Steady State Service Provision | Localism | AIRWAVE SOLUTIONS LTD | 5106128026 | 79,116.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Steady State Service Provision | Neighbourhoods | LABC | 5106127922 | 7,050.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Steady State Service Provision | Neighbourhoods | SE2 LTD | 5106128000 | 2,077.40 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Subsidies to Private Sector | Localism | CFOA (NATIONAL RESILIANCE) LTD | 2100188390 | 2,023,300.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Telephone call costs | Finance & Corporate Services | DAMOVO UK LTD | 5106127986 | 7,988.07 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Training | Finance & Corporate Services | NATIONAL SCHOOL OF GOVERNMENT | 5106127858 | 2,170.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Training | Finance & Corporate Services | NATIONAL SCHOOL OF GOVERNMENT | 5106127859 | 1,998.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Training | Localism | IMPROVEMENT & DEVELOPMENT AGENCY | 5106128206 | 20,000.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Training | Neighbourhoods | TOWN & COUNTRY PLANNING ASSOC | 5106128109 | 4,259.38 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Travel and Subsistence Account | Finance & Corporate Services | GOVERNMENT CAR & DESPATCH AGENCY | 5106127254 | 685.08 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Travel and Subsistence Account | Finance & Corporate Services | GOVERNMENT CAR & DESPATCH AGENCY | 5106128090 | 5,746.93 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Travel and Subsistence Account | Localism | MID & WEST WALES FIRE AUTHORITY | 5106127891 | 2,266.61 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Travel and Subsistence Account | Localism | MID & WEST WALES FIRE AUTHORITY | 5106127896 | 4,450.33 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Travel and Subsistence Account | Localism | NORFOLK COUNTY COUNCIL | 5106128099 | 195 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Travel and Subsistence Account | Neighbourhoods | REDFERN TRAVEL LIMITED | 2100188377 | 3,745.70 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Vehicle hire | Finance & Corporate Services | M C CHAUFFEURS | 5106128034 | 1,023.97 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Vehicle hire | Finance & Corporate Services | M C CHAUFFEURS | 5106128040 | 470.67 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Waste Disposal and pest control | Finance & Corporate Services | EAST LONDON COM RECYCLING PSHIP | 5106128085 | 1,116.25 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 01/04/2010 | Waste Disposal and pest control | Localism | RENTOKIL INITIAL PEST CONTOL | 5106127987 | 2,838.20 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Finance & Corporate Services | NETWORKERS RECRUITMENT SERVICES | 5106128290 | 7,434.23 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Finance & Corporate Services | VENN GROUP | 5106128286 | 2,475.73 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Finance & Corporate Services | NETWORKERS RECRUITMENT SERVICES | 5106128292 | 5,600.73 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Finance & Corporate Services | VENN GROUP | 5106128276 | 820.21 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Finance & Corporate Services | VENN GROUP | 5106128277 | 645.17 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Localism | FIRE SERVICE COLLEGE | 5106128431 | 1,728.66 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Capital Grant from EC to Local Authority DEL | Finance & Corporate Services | DUDLEY MBC | 7500028808 | -114,952.84 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Capl paymt betwn central governt bodies | Neighbourhoods | DEPT CULTURE MEDIA & SPORT | 2100188405 | 66,738,969.17 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Conferences and Meeting Facilities | Finance & Corporate Services | UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON | 5106128478 | 550 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Conferences and Meeting Facilities | Localism | BIRKBECK COLLEGE | 2100188497 | -1,656.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Conferences and Meeting Facilities | Localism | BIRKBECK COLLEGE | 5106120556 | 1,656.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Conferences and Meeting Facilities | Localism | COLOPHON LTD | 5106128427 | 903.22 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Conferences and Meeting Facilities | Localism | FRIENDS HOUSE (LONDON) HOSP'TY LTD | 5106128375 | 1,546.18 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Conferences and Meeting Facilities | Neighbourhoods | TOWN & COUNTRY PLANNING ASSOC | 5106128329 | 5,581.25 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Conferences and Meeting Facilities | Neighbourhoods | ROYAL HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY | 5106128266 | 728.5 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Conferences and Meeting Facilities | Neighbourhoods | CAPITA CONFERENCES | 5106128262 | 4,465.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Conferences and Meeting Facilities | Strategy and Programme | RUBENS AT THE PALACE HOTEL | 5106128420 | 523.75 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Current (non AEF) Grants to Local Authorities | Neighbourhoods | L B OF NEWHAM (USE 409143) | 2100188043 | 1,496,569.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Current Grants to Non Profit Bodies | Localism | AK-KHOEI BENEVOLENT FOUNDATION | 2100188433 | 100,000.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | EC Current Grants to Local Authorities | Finance & Corporate Services | DUDLEY MBC | 7500028804 | -529.81 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | EC Current Grants to Local Authorities | Finance & Corporate Services | DUDLEY MBC | 7500028806 | -844.15 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Electricity | Neighbourhoods | BRUNTWOOD ESTATES BETA PORTFOLIO LT | 5106128327 | 975.99 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Fixed Maintenance | Localism | FLAGSHIP TRAINING LIMITED | 2100188513 | -34,655.66 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Fixed Maintenance | Localism | FLAGSHIP TRAINING LIMITED | 5106123329 | 34,655.66 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Grant in Aid to NDPBs (non budget) | Neighbourhoods | LEASEHOLD ADVISORY SERVICE | 2100188389 | 403,444.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | IT - PC, Network & Hardware | Finance & Corporate Services | STERIA LIMITED | 5106128362 | 3,029.34 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | IT - PC, Network & Hardware | Neighbourhoods | STERIA LIMITED | 5106128358 | 2,052.92 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | IT Maintenance | Finance & Corporate Services | STERIA LIMITED | 5106128472 | 37,321.54 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Media | Localism | SKILLS FOR JUSTICE | 5106128465 | 3,000.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Post | Neighbourhoods | PITNEY BOWES PURCHASE POWER | 5106128503 | 2,020.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Printing | Localism | FORMARA LTD | 5106128393 | 766 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Printing | Localism | FORMARA LTD | 5106128391 | 645 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Printing | Localism | FORMARA LTD | 5106128396 | 621.77 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Professional services | Localism | GOVT ACTUARYS DEPARTMENT | 5106128475 | 15,000.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Professional services | Localism | GOVT ACTUARYS DEPARTMENT | 5106128476 | 25,000.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Publications | Neighbourhoods | ORDNANCE SURVEY (USE 300154) | 5106128347 | 1,733.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Publicity | Finance & Corporate Services | ON DEMAND PR AND MARKETING | 5106128485 | 8,084.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Publicity | Localism | IMPRESS PRINT SERVICES LTD | 5106128330 | 1,916.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Publicity | Neighbourhoods | TOWN & COUNTRY PLANNING ASSOC | 5106128302 | 5,692.50 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Publishing | Finance & Corporate Services | DCLG GOVERNMENT PROCUREMENT CARD | 1000001813 | 829.55 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Publishing | Localism | LIAISON | 5106128400 | 6,330.12 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Publishing | Neighbourhoods | LIAISON | 5106128399 | 3,857.06 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Publishing | Neighbourhoods | SPY DESIGN AND PUBLISHING | 5106128360 | 1,590.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Publishing | Neighbourhoods | GRAY PUBLISHING | 5106128345 | 446 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Purchase of Consultancy Services | Localism | GREENSTREET BERMAN LTD | 5106128270 | 33,919.90 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Purchase of Consultancy Services | Localism | REED TECHNOLOGY | 5106127884 | 1,104.50 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Purchase of Consultancy Services | Neighbourhoods | HOMES & COMMUNITIES AGENCY | 5106128387 | 2,649.75 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Purchase of Consultancy Services | Neighbourhoods | PAYMASTER (1836) LTD | 5106128449 | 719.35 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Purchase of Consultancy Services | Neighbourhoods | VEREDUS INTERIM MGMT | 5106128497 | 22,330.88 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Purchase of Consultancy Services | Neighbourhoods | KATE MCALLISTER CONSULTANCY LTD | 5106128384 | 3,413.38 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Rates | Neighbourhoods | LONDON BOROUGH OF CAMDEN | 5106128522 | 87,037.04 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Research | Localism | PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS | 5106128280 | 32,805.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Research | Localism | TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE OF HUMAN RELATI | 5106128381 | 18,275.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Research | Neighbourhoods | HOMETRACK DATA SYSTEMS | 5106128274 | 3,760.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Research | Neighbourhoods | OVE ARUP & PARTNERS | 2100188498 | -3,201.88 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Research | Neighbourhoods | OVE ARUP & PARTNERS | 5106126530 | 3,201.88 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Research | Neighbourhoods | AECOM LTD | 5106128518 | 10,717.45 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Research | Neighbourhoods | BSRIA LTD | 5106128315 | 48,838.88 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Research | Neighbourhoods | LB HAMMERSMITH & FULHAM | 5106128509 | 500 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Research | Neighbourhoods | ENVIRONMENT AGENCY | 5106128324 | 3,677.75 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | ADUR DC | 5000123406 | 122,162.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | ALLERDALE BOROUGH COUNCIL | 5000123407 | 213,422.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | AMBER VALLEY BC | 5000123408 | 219,205.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | ARUN DC | 5000123409 | 250,509.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | ASHFIELD DC | 5000123410 | 230,251.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | ASHFORD BC | 5000123411 | 185,167.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | AVON & SOMERSET POLICE AUTHORITY | 5000123412 | 1,972,369.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | AVON FIRE AUTHORITY | 5000123413 | 552,046.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | AYLESBURY VALE DC | 5000123414 | 289,913.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | BABERGH DC | 5000123415 | 151,671.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | BARKING & DAGENHAM LB | 5000123416 | 2,063,091.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | BARNET LBC | 5000123417 | 2,697,628.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | BARNSLEY MBC | 5000123418 | 2,438,454.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | BARROW BC | 5000123419 | 182,337.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | BASILDON DC | 5000123420 | 386,053.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | BASINGSTOKE & DEANE BC | 5000123421 | 224,627.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | BASSETLAW DC | 5000123422 | 227,048.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | BATH & NORTH EAST SOMERSET DC | 5000123423 | 1,361,117.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | BEDFORD BOROUGH COUNCIL | 5000123827 | 1,657,953.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | BEDFORDSHIRE POLICE AUTH | 5000123425 | 675,454.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | BEDS & LUTON FIRE & RESCUE SERVICE | 5000123424 | 300,718.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | BEXLEY LB | 5000123427 | 1,732,371.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | BIRMINGHAM CITY CNCL | 5000123428 | 13,609,145.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | BLABY DC | 5000123429 | 156,167.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | BLACKBURN WITH DARWEN BC | 5000123430 | 1,811,398.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | BLACKPOOL BC | 5000123431 | 1,815,034.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | BOLSOVER DC | 5000123432 | 175,895.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | BOLTON MBC | 5000123433 | 2,831,169.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | BOSTON BC | 5000123434 | 145,753.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | BOURNEMOUTH DC | 5000123435 | 1,453,300.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | BRACKNELL FOREST DC | 5000123436 | 745,044.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | BRADFORD MBC | 5000123437 | 5,458,901.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | BRAINTREE DC | 5000123438 | 248,694.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | BRECKLAND DC | 5000123439 | 226,995.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | BRENT LB | 5000123440 | 3,301,619.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | BRENTWOOD BC | 5000123441 | 127,077.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | BRIGHTON & HOVE CITY COUNCIL | 5000123442 | 2,653,950.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | BRISTOL CITY CNCL | 5000123443 | 4,056,869.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | BROADLAND DC | 5000123444 | 188,097.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | BROMLEY LB | 5000123445 | 1,996,599.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | BROMSGROVE DC | 5000123446 | 133,309.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | BROXBOURNE BC | 5000123447 | 139,736.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | BROXTOWE BC | 5000123448 | 196,646.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | BUCKINGHAMSHIRE CC | 5000123450 | 2,516,710.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | BUCKS & MILTON KEYNES FIRE AUTH | 5000123449 | 302,456.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | BURNLEY BC | 5000123451 | 238,552.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | BURY MBC | 5000123452 | 1,607,639.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | CALDERDALE MBC | 5000123453 | 1,981,251.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | CAMBRIDGE CITY COUNCIL | 5000123454 | 249,663.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | CAMBRIDGESHIRE COUNTY CNCL | 5000123457 | 3,403,493.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | CAMBRIDGESHIRE POLICE AUT | 5000123456 | 882,179.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | CAMBS & PETERBOROUGH FIRE AUTHORITY | 5000123455 | 351,077.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | CAMDEN LONDON BOROUGH | 5000123458 | 3,357,121.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | CANNOCK CHASE DC | 5000123459 | 189,005.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | CANTERBURY CITY CNCL | 5000123460 | 293,582.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | CARLISLE CITY CNCL | 5000123461 | 208,182.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | CASTLE POINT BC | 5000123462 | 161,650.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | CENTRAL BEDFORDSHIRE COUNCIL | 5000123819 | 1,554,229.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | CHARNWOOD BC | 5000123463 | 277,673.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | CHELMSFORD BC | 5000123464 | 254,749.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | CHELTENHAM BC | 5000123465 | 195,686.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | CHERWELL DC | 5000123466 | 241,984.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | CHESHIRE EAST COUNCIL | 5000123820 | 1,543,180.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | CHESHIRE FIRE AUTHORITY | 5000123467 | 491,814.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | CHESHIRE POLICE AUTHORITY | 5000123468 | 1,253,837.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | CHESHIRE WEST AND CHESTER | 5000123821 | 2,074,327.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | CHESTERFIELD BC | 5000123469 | 203,726.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | CHICHESTER DC | 5000123470 | 174,654.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | CHILTERN DC | 5000123471 | 129,378.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | CHORLEY DC | 5000123472 | 188,317.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | CHRISTCHURCH BC | 5000123473 | 70,955.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | CITY OF LINCOLN COUNCIL | 5000123606 | 212,547.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | CITY OF WAKEFIELD MDC | 5000123773 | 3,133,887.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | CLEVELAND FIRE AUTHORITY | 5000123476 | 449,245.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | CLEVELAND POLICE AUTHORITY | 5000123477 | 1,002,656.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | CO DURHAM & DARLINGTON FIRE SERVICE | 5000123506 | 353,162.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | COLCHESTER BC | 5000123478 | 286,496.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | COPELAND BC | 5000123479 | 144,971.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | CORBY BC | 5000123480 | 114,951.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | CORNWALL COUNCIL | 5000123822 | 5,642,901.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | CORPORATION OF LONDON | 5000123474 | 1,488,863.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | COTSWOLD DC | 5000123481 | 141,579.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | COVENTRY CITY CNCL | 5000123482 | 3,395,569.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | CRAVEN DISTRICT COUNCIL | 5000123483 | 102,464.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | CRAWLEY BC | 5000123484 | 210,402.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | CROYDON LB | 5000123485 | 2,881,238.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | CUMBRIA COUNTY CNCL | 5000123486 | 4,122,643.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | CUMBRIA POLICE AUTHORITY | 5000123487 | 809,334.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | DACORUM BC | 5000123488 | 215,667.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | DARLINGTON BC | 5000123489 | 943,873.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | DARTFORD BC | 5000123490 | 166,161.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | DAVENTRY DC | 5000123491 | 136,630.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | DERBY CITY CNCL | 5000123492 | 2,433,057.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | DERBYSHIRE COUNTYCOUNCIL | 5000123495 | 5,674,273.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | DERBYSHIRE DALES DC | 5000123496 | 117,239.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | DERBYSHIRE FIRE AUTHORITY | 5000123493 | 478,220.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | DERBYSHIRE POLICE AUTHORITY | 5000123494 | 1,193,366.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | DEVON & CORNWALL POLICE A | 5000123497 | 1,942,002.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | DEVON & SOMERSET FIRE & RESCUE SERV | 5000123499 | 825,243.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | DEVON COUNTY CNCL | 5000123498 | 5,277,179.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | DONCASTER MBC | 5000123500 | 3,177,937.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | DORSET COUNTY CNCL | 5000123501 | 2,144,828.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | DORSET FIRE AUTHORITY | 5000123502 | 290,564.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | DORSET POLICE AUTHORITY | 5000123503 | 771,031.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | DOVER DC | 5000123504 | 205,026.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | DUDLEY MBC | 5000123505 | 2,786,504.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | DURHAM COUNTY COUNCIL | 5000123823 | 5,623,207.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | DURHAM POLICE AUTHORITY | 5000123507 | 954,124.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | EALING LB | 5000123508 | 3,205,163.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | EAST CAMBRIDGESHIRE DC | 5000123509 | 149,890.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | EAST DEVON DC | 5000123510 | 198,270.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | EAST DORSET DC | 5000123511 | 114,687.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | EAST HAMPSHIRE DC | 5000123512 | 164,084.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | EAST HERTFORDSHIRE DC | 5000123513 | 216,098.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | EAST LINDSEY DC | 5000123514 | 312,232.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | EAST NORTHAMPTONSHIRE COUNCIL | 5000123515 | 147,798.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | EAST RIDING OF YORKS | 5000123516 | 2,891,006.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | EAST STAFFORDSHIRE BC | 5000123517 | 211,672.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | EAST SUSSEX COUNTY CNCL | 5000123518 | 3,703,047.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | EAST SUSSEX FIRE AUTHORITY | 5000123519 | 418,607.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | EASTBOURNE BC | 5000123520 | 231,216.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | EASTLEIGH BOROUGH COUNCIL | 5000123521 | 188,782.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | EDEN DC | 5000123522 | 103,102.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | ELMBRIDGE BOROUGH COUNCIL | 5000123523 | 197,906.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | ENFIELD LB | 5000123524 | 2,963,519.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | EPPING FOREST DC | 5000123525 | 228,854.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | EPSOM & EWELL BC | 5000123526 | 101,877.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | EREWASH BC | 5000123527 | 194,414.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | ESSEX COUNTY CNCL | 5000123528 | 8,602,397.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | ESSEX FIRE AUTHORITY | 5000123529 | 854,975.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | ESSEX POLICE AUTHORITY | 5000123530 | 1,735,581.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | EXETER CITY CNCL | 5000123531 | 217,220.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | FAREHAM BC | 5000123532 | 151,568.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | FENLAND DC | 5000123533 | 213,504.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | FOREST HEATH DISTRICT COUNCIL | 5000123534 | 112,303.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | FOREST OF DEAN DC | 5000123535 | 151,930.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | FYLDE BC | 5000123536 | 129,999.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | GATESHEAD MBC | 5000123537 | 2,347,962.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | GEDLING BC | 5000123538 | 185,734.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | GLOUCESTER CITY CNCL | 5000123540 | 217,866.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | GLOUCESTERSHIRE COUNTY CNCL | 5000123541 | 3,830,494.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | GLOUCESTERSHIRE POLICE AUTHORITY | 5000123542 | 715,003.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | GOSPORT BOROUGH COUNCIL | 5000123543 | 161,905.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | GRAVESHAM BC | 5000123544 | 169,391.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | GREAT YARMOUTH BC | 5000123545 | 216,422.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | GREATER LONDON AUTHORITY | 5000123539 | 20,258,644.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | GREATER LONDON AUTHORITY-FIRE | 5000123818 | 5,759,826.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | GREATER MANCHESTER FIRE | 5000123615 | 1,512,117.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | GREATER MANCHESTER POL AUTH | 5000123616 | 4,558,067.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | GREENWICH LB | 5000123546 | 3,347,677.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | GUILDFORD BC | 5000123547 | 206,675.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | HALTON BC | 5000123549 | 1,419,430.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | HAMBLETON DC | 5000123550 | 116,642.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | HAMMERSMITH & FULHAM LB | 5000123551 | 2,427,152.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | HAMPSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL | 5000123552 | 6,205,501.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | HAMPSHIRE FIRE & RESCUE AUTHORITY | 5000123553 | 772,977.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | HAMPSHIRE POLICE AUTHORITY | 5000123554 | 2,131,515.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | HARBOROUGH DC | 5000123555 | 132,468.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | HARINGEY LB | 5000123556 | 3,209,154.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | HARLOW COUNCIL | 5000123557 | 197,559.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | HARROGATE BOROUGH COUNCIL | 5000123558 | 273,881.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | HARROW LB | 5000123559 | 1,933,256.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | HART DC | 5000123560 | 118,121.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | HARTLEPOOL BOROUGH COUNCIL | 5000123561 | 1,143,252.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | HASTINGS BC | 5000123562 | 209,486.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | HAVANT BC | 5000123563 | 219,641.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | HAVERING LB | 5000123564 | 1,695,197.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | HEREFORD WORCESTER FIRE BRIGADE | 5000123565 | 304,355.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | HEREFORDSHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL | 5000123566 | 1,642,831.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | HERTFORDSHIRE CONTY CNCL | 5000123568 | 6,878,743.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | HERTFORDSHIRE POLICE AUTH | 5000123567 | 1,252,603.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | HERTSMERE BC | 5000123569 | 175,465.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | HIGH PEAK BC | 5000123570 | 158,588.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | HILLINGDON LB | 5000123571 | 2,229,462.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | HINCKLEY & BOSWORTH BC | 5000123572 | 163,888.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | HORSHAM DC | 5000123573 | 163,942.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | HOUNSLOW LB | 5000123574 | 2,222,852.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | HULL CITY COUNCIL | 5000123589 | 3,050,217.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | HUMBERSIDE FIRE & RESCUE SERVICE | 5000123575 | 602,985.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | HUMBERSIDE POLICE | 5000123576 | 1,370,719.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | HUNTINGDONSHIRE DC | 5000123577 | 287,117.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | HYNDBURN BC | 5000123578 | 204,166.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | IPSWICH BC | 5000123580 | 289,537.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | ISLE OF WIGHT CNCL | 5000123579 | 1,621,599.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | ISLES OF SCILLY COUNCIL | 5000123581 | 45,784.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | ISLINGTON LB | 5000123582 | 3,216,408.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | KENT & MEDWAY TOWNS FIRE AUTHORITY | 5000123585 | 781,682.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | KENT COUNTY CNCL | 5000123584 | 9,030,147.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | KENT POLICE AUTHORITY | 5000123586 | 1,973,082.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | KETTERING BC | 5000123587 | 161,507.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | KINGS LYNN & WEST NORFOLK BC | 5000123588 | 308,928.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | KINGSTON UPON THAMES | 5000123590 | 1,218,447.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | KIRKLEES MBC | 5000123591 | 3,819,147.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | KNOWSLEY MBC | 5000123592 | 2,378,027.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | LANCASHIRE COMBINED FIRE AUTHORITY | 5000123595 | 723,554.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | LANCASHIRE COUNTY CNCL | 5000123594 | 8,618,816.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | LANCASHIRE POLICE AUTHORITY | 5000123596 | 1,944,411.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | LANCASTER CITY CNCL | 5000123597 | 328,724.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | LEEDS CITY CNCL | 5000123598 | 6,733,266.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | LEICESTER CITY CNCL | 5000123599 | 3,660,530.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | LEICESTERSHIRE COUNTY CNCL | 5000123602 | 3,723,339.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | LEICESTERSHIRE POLICE AUTHORITY | 5000123601 | 1,184,608.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | LEICS LEICESTERSHIRE RUTLAND CFA | 5000123600 | 418,045.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | LEWES DC | 5000123603 | 170,223.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | LEWISHAM LB | 5000123604 | 3,617,341.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | LICHFIELD DC | 5000123605 | 147,571.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | LINCOLNSHIRE COUNTY CNCL | 5000123608 | 5,072,895.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | LINCOLNSHIRE POLICE AUTH | 5000123607 | 674,551.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | LIVERPOOL CITY COUNCIL | 5000123609 | 6,525,136.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | LONDON BOROUGH OF HACKNEY | 5000123548 | 3,952,333.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | LONDON BOROUGH OF LAMBETH | 5000123593 | 4,294,072.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | LONDON BOROUGH OF NEWHAM | 5000123635 | 4,024,298.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | LONDON BOROUGH OF REDBRIDGE | 5000123674 | 2,382,525.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | LUTON BC | 5000123610 | 1,994,708.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | MAIDSTONE BC | 5000123611 | 251,191.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | MALDON DC | 5000123612 | 107,928.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | MALVERN HILLS DC | 5000123613 | 125,351.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | MANCHESTER CITY CNCL | 5000123614 | 6,873,418.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | MANSFIELD DC | 5000123617 | 208,070.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | MEDWAY COUNCIL | 5000123618 | 2,069,254.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | MELTON BC | 5000123619 | 87,248.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | MENDIP DISTRICT COUNCIL | 5000123620 | 186,817.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | MERSEYSIDE FIRE & RESCUE SERVICE | 5000123621 | 929,429.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | MERSEYSIDE POLICE AUTH | 5000123622 | 2,748,372.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | MERTON LB | 5000123623 | 1,788,965.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | MID DEVON DC | 5000123624 | 137,262.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | MID SUFFOLK DC | 5000123625 | 152,898.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | MID SUSSEX DC | 5000123626 | 184,518.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | MIDDLESBROUGH BC | 5000123627 | 1,678,651.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | MILTON KEYNES BC | 5000123628 | 2,121,849.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | MOLE VALLEY DC | 5000123629 | 105,669.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | NEW FOREST DC | 5000123631 | 307,139.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | NEWARK & SHERWOOD DC | 5000123632 | 229,153.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | NEWCASTLE UNDER LYME BC | 5000123634 | 222,382.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE DC | 5000123633 | 3,351,157.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | NORFOLK COUNTY COUNCIL | 5000123636 | 6,797,171.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | NORFOLK POLICE AUTHORITY | 5000123637 | 997,677.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | NORTH DEVON DC | 5000123638 | 183,872.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | NORTH DORSET DC | 5000123639 | 101,035.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | NORTH EAST DERBYSHIRE DC | 5000123630 | 191,947.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | NORTH EAST LINCOLN DC | 5000123640 | 1,768,881.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | NORTH HERTS DC | 5000123641 | 196,150.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | NORTH KESTEVEN DC | 5000123642 | 194,282.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE DC | 5000123643 | 1,513,265.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | NORTH NORFOLK DC | 5000123644 | 199,858.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | NORTH SOMERSET DC | 5000123645 | 1,592,862.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | NORTH TYNESIDE MBC | 5000123646 | 1,950,658.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | NORTH WARWICKSHIRE BC | 5000123647 | 132,153.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | NORTH WEST LEICESTER DC | 5000123661 | 173,688.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | NORTH YORKSHIRE CC | 5000123648 | 3,859,752.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | NORTH YORKSHIRE FIRE & RESCUE AUTH | 5000123649 | 342,509.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | NORTH YORKSHIRE POLICE AUTHORITY | 5000123650 | 938,489.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | NORTHAMPTON BOROUGH COUNCIL | 5000123651 | 420,189.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | NORTHAMPTONSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL | 5000123652 | 4,396,825.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | NORTHAMPTONSHIRE POLICE AUTH | 5000123653 | 793,262.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | NORTHUMBERLAND | 5000123824 | 3,439,853.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | NORTHUMBRIA POLICE AUTH | 5000123654 | 2,556,890.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | NORWICH CITY CNCL | 5000123655 | 319,423.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | NOTTINGHAM CITY COUNCIL | 5000123656 | 3,464,332.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | NOTTINGHAMSHIRE COUNTY CNCL | 5000123657 | 5,766,733.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | NOTTINGHAMSHIRE POLICE AU | 5000123659 | 1,448,948.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | NOTTS & CITY NOTTINGHAM FIRE AUTH | 5000123658 | 607,911.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | NUNEATON & BEDWORTH BC | 5000123660 | 252,216.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | OADBY & WIGSTON BC | 5000123662 | 103,160.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | OLDHAM MBC | 5000123663 | 2,698,187.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | OXFORD CITY CNCL | 5000123664 | 336,541.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | OXFORDSHIRE CC | 5000123665 | 3,932,463.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | PENDLE BC | 5000123666 | 223,295.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | PETERBOROUGH CITY CNCL | 5000123667 | 1,708,907.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | PLYMOUTH CITY CNCL | 5000123668 | 2,352,571.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | POOLE BC | 5000123669 | 995,305.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | PORTSMOUTH CITY COUNCIL | 5000123670 | 1,942,014.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | PRESTON BC | 5000123671 | 320,776.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | PURBECK DC | 5000123672 | 80,887.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | READING BC | 5000123673 | 1,345,995.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | REDCAR & CLEVELAND BOROUGH COUNCIL | 5000123675 | 1,524,655.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | REDDITCH BC | 5000123676 | 143,298.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | REIGATE & BANSTEAD BC | 5000123677 | 183,380.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | RIBBLE VALLEY BC | 5000123678 | 91,898.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | RICHMOND UPON THAMES LB | 5000123679 | 1,183,965.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | RICHMONDSHIRE DC | 5000123680 | 103,416.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | ROCHDALE MBC | 5000123681 | 2,433,882.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | ROCHFORD DISTRICT COUNCIL | 5000123682 | 135,249.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | ROSSENDALE BC | 5000123683 | 139,137.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | ROTHER DC | 5000123684 | 160,062.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | ROTHERHAM MBC | 5000123685 | 2,736,893.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | ROYAL BERKSHIRE FIRE AUTHORITY | 5000123426 | 374,881.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | ROYAL BORO OF KENSINGTON & CHELSEA | 5000123583 | 2,351,158.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | RUGBY BC | 5000123686 | 155,686.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | RUNNYMEDE BOROUGH COUNCIL | 5000123687 | 124,711.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | RUSHCLIFFE BC | 5000123688 | 174,930.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | RUSHMOOR BC | 5000123689 | 155,532.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | RUTLAND CC | 5000123690 | 326,101.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | RYEDALE DC | 5000123691 | 109,860.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | SALFORD CITY CNCL | 5000123692 | 2,889,766.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | SANDWELL MBC | 5000123693 | 3,679,441.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | SCARBOROUGH BC | 5000123694 | 277,413.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | SEDGEMOOR DC | 5000123695 | 202,381.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | SEFTON MBC | 5000123696 | 3,030,428.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | SELBY DC | 5000123697 | 149,982.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | SEVENOAKS DC | 5000123698 | 181,113.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | SHEFFIELD CITY CNCL | 5000123699 | 6,159,864.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | SHEPWAY DC | 5000123700 | 243,546.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | SHROPSHIRE & WREKIN FIRE AUTHORITY | 5000123701 | 235,871.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | SHROPSHIRE COUNCIL | 5000123825 | 2,667,140.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | SLOUGH BOROUGH COUNCIL | 5000123702 | 1,259,394.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | SOLIHULL MBC | 5000123703 | 1,558,928.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | SOMERSET COUNTY CNCL | 5000123704 | 3,599,326.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | SOUTH BUCKS DC | 5000123705 | 86,006.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | SOUTH CAMBRIDGESHIRE DC | 5000123706 | 190,161.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | SOUTH DERBYSHIRE D C | 5000123707 | 162,292.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | SOUTH GLOUCESTERSHIRE COUNCIL | 5000123708 | 1,863,088.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | SOUTH HAMS DC | 5000123709 | 134,872.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | SOUTH HOLLAND | 5000123710 | 180,278.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | SOUTH KESTEVEN DC | 5000123711 | 203,672.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | SOUTH LAKELAND DC | 5000123712 | 168,094.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | SOUTH NORFOLK DC | 5000123713 | 204,184.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | SOUTH NORTHAMPTONSHIRE DC | 5000123714 | 140,955.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | SOUTH OXFORDSHIRE DC | 5000123715 | 207,512.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | SOUTH RIBBLE BC | 5000123716 | 183,126.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | SOUTH SOMERSET DC | 5000123717 | 270,482.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | SOUTH STAFFORDSHIRE DC | 5000123718 | 159,738.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | SOUTH TYNESIDE COUNCIL | 5000123719 | 1,812,210.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | SOUTH YORKSHIRE FIRE & CD | 5000123720 | 738,057.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | SOUTH YORKSHIRE P A | 5000123721 | 2,051,329.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | SOUTHAMPTON CITY CNCL | 5000123722 | 2,221,908.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | SOUTHEND ON SEA BC | 5000123723 | 1,494,854.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | SOUTHWARK LB | 5000123724 | 4,145,537.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | SPELTHORNE DC | 5000123725 | 138,038.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | ST ALBANS CITY COUNCIL | 5000123726 | 218,754.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | ST EDMUNDSBURY BC | 5000123727 | 172,026.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | ST HELENS MBC | 5000123728 | 1,952,571.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | STAFFORD BC | 5000123729 | 194,265.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | STAFFORDSHIRE FIRE & RESCUE SERV | 5000123731 | 452,103.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | STAFFORDSHIRE COUNTY CNCL | 5000123730 | 5,149,889.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | STAFFORDSHIRE MOORLANDS DC | 5000123732 | 168,445.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | STAFFORDSHIRE POLICE AUTHORITY | 5000123733 | 1,294,488.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | STEVENAGE BC | 5000123734 | 157,626.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | STOCKPORT MBC | 5000123735 | 2,380,124.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | STOCKTON ON TEES BC | 5000123736 | 1,735,138.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | STOKE ON TRENT CITY COUNCIL | 5000123737 | 2,824,562.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | STRATFORD ON AVON DC | 5000123738 | 169,481.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | STROUD DC | 5000123739 | 189,749.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | SUFFOLK COASTAL DC | 5000123741 | 200,800.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | SUFFOLK COUNTY CNCL | 5000123740 | 5,177,135.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | SUFFOLK POLICE AUTHORITY | 5000123742 | 728,009.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | SUNDERLAND DC | 5000123743 | 3,160,572.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | SURREY COUNTY CNCL | 5000123744 | 5,387,793.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | SURREY HEATH BC | 5000123745 | 127,783.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | SURREY POLICE AUTHORITY | 5000123746 | 1,268,907.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | SUSSEX POLICE AUTHORITY | 5000123747 | 1,749,666.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | SUTTON LB | 5000123748 | 1,555,378.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | SWALE BC | 5000123749 | 243,557.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | SWINDON BC | 5000123750 | 1,444,938.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | TAMESIDE MBC | 5000123751 | 2,340,978.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | TAMWORTH BOROUGH COUNCIL | 5000123752 | 137,409.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | TANDRIDGE DC | 5000123753 | 120,616.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | TAUNTON DEANE BC | 5000123754 | 193,520.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | TEIGNBRIDGE DC | 5000123755 | 219,810.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | TELFORD & WREKIN DC | 5000123756 | 1,565,177.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | TENDRING DC | 5000123757 | 285,010.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | TEST VALLEY BC | 5000123758 | 157,764.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | TEWKESBURY BC | 5000123759 | 117,838.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | THAMES VALLEY POLICE AUTHORITY | 5000123760 | 2,538,381.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | THANET DC | 5000123761 | 295,341.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | THREE RIVERS DC | 5000123762 | 150,507.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | THURROCK BOROUGH COUNCIL | 5000123763 | 1,452,705.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | TONBRIDGE & MALLING BC | 5000123764 | 172,265.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | TORBAY BC | 5000123765 | 1,433,911.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | TORRIDGE DC | 5000123766 | 129,121.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | TOWER HAMLETS LB | 5000123767 | 4,172,042.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | TRAFFORD MBC | 5000123768 | 1,697,160.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | TUNBRIDGE WELLS BC | 5000123769 | 170,019.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | TYNE & WEAR FIRE AUTHORITY | 5000123770 | 713,953.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | UTTLESFORD DC | 5000123771 | 108,453.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | VALE OF WHITE HORSE DC | 5000123772 | 173,300.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | W YORKSHIRE FIRE & RESCUE AUTH | 5000123798 | 1,153,937.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | WALSALL MBC | 5000123774 | 3,045,362.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | WALTHAM FOREST LB | 5000123775 | 2,728,455.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | WANDSWORTH LB | 5000123776 | 2,698,741.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | WARRINGTON BC | 5000123777 | 1,427,303.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | WARWICK | 5000123778 | 232,152.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | WARWICKSHIRE COUNTY CNCL | 5000123779 | 3,406,170.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | WARWICKSHIRE POLICE AUTHORITY | 5000123780 | 626,274.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | WATFORD COUNCIL | 5000123781 | 196,205.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | WAVENEY DISTRICT COUNCIL | 5000123782 | 234,836.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | WAVERLEY BC | 5000123783 | 172,910.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | WEALDEN DC | 5000123784 | 235,631.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | WELLINGBOROUGH | 5000123785 | 140,181.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | WELWYN HATFIELD COUNCIL | 5000123786 | 208,700.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | WEST BERKSHIRE COUNCIL | 5000123787 | 1,081,261.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | WEST DEVON BC | 5000123788 | 105,492.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | WEST DORSET DC | 5000123789 | 183,187.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | WEST LANCASHIRE BC | 5000123790 | 212,119.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | WEST LINDSEY DC | 5000123791 | 182,496.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | WEST MERCIA POLICE AUTH | 5000123792 | 1,454,178.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | WEST MIDLANDS FIRE & CIVIL DEFENCE | 5000123793 | 1,622,074.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | WEST MIDLANDS POLICE AUTH | 5000123794 | 4,238,002.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | WEST OXFORDSHIRE DC | 5000123795 | 135,571.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | WEST SOMERSET DC | 5000123796 | 73,227.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | WEST SUSSEX CC | 5000123797 | 4,170,903.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | WEST YORKSHIRE POLICE AUTHORITY | 5000123799 | 3,249,153.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | WESTMINSTER CITY CNCL | 5000123800 | 3,260,808.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | WEYMOUTH & PORTLAND BC | 5000123801 | 146,840.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | WIGAN MBC | 5000123802 | 2,952,998.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | WILTSHIRE & SWINDON FIRE AUTHORITY | 5000123803 | 253,204.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | WILTSHIRE COUNCIL | 5000123826 | 3,572,084.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | WILTSHIRE POLICE | 5000123804 | 714,249.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | WINCHESTER CITY CNCL | 5000123805 | 170,472.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | WINDSOR & MAIDENHEAD | 5000123806 | 794,460.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | WIRRAL MBC | 5000123807 | 3,502,845.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | WOKING BC | 5000123808 | 161,097.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | WOKINGHAM DC | 5000123809 | 826,508.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | WOLVERHAMPTON MBC | 5000123810 | 2,892,238.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | WORCESTER CITY CNCL | 5000123811 | 164,451.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | WORCESTERSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL | 5000123812 | 3,334,681.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | WORTHING BC | 5000123813 | 176,403.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | WYCHAVON DISTRICT COUNCIL | 5000123814 | 172,454.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | WYCOMBE DC | 5000123815 | 267,956.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | WYRE BC | 5000123816 | 231,609.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | WYRE FOREST DISTRICT COUNCIL | 5000123817 | 179,005.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Revenue Support grant payable | Localism | YORK CITY CNCL | 5000123475 | 1,271,568.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Services provided by other Govt Orgs | Localism | CREATIVITY CULTURE AND EDUCATION | 5106128261 | 62,500.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Services provided by other Govt Orgs | Localism | SOCIAL ENTERPRISE COALITION LTD | 5106128322 | 15,000.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Software Licences | Finance & Corporate Services | DAMOVO UK LTD | 5106128404 | 1,093.93 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Software Licences | Finance & Corporate Services | STERIA LIMITED | 5106128472 | 2,966.86 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Software Licences | Localism | ARMOUR IT SOLUTIONS LTD | 5106128268 | 6,327.38 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Steady State Service Provision | Finance & Corporate Services | INFORMED SOLUTIONS LTD | 5106128433 | 58,750.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Steady State Service Provision | Finance & Corporate Services | INFORMED SOLUTIONS LTD | 5106128435 | 290,000.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Steady State Service Provision | Finance & Corporate Services | INFORMED SOLUTIONS LTD | 5106128512 | 67,915.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Steady State Service Provision | Finance & Corporate Services | INFORMED SOLUTIONS LTD | 5106128466 | 29,999.99 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Steady State Service Provision | Localism | EADS DEFENCE & SECURITY SYSTEMS LTD | 5106128013 | 1,206.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Steady State Service Provision | Localism | EADS DEFENCE & SECURITY SYSTEMS LTD | 5106128120 | 500,000.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Steady State Service Provision | Localism | EADS DEFENCE & SECURITY SYSTEMS LTD | 5106127828 | 1,244.38 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Steady State Service Provision | Localism | EADS DEFENCE & SECURITY SYSTEMS LTD | 5106127841 | 4,418.91 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Steady State Service Provision | Localism | EADS DEFENCE & SECURITY SYSTEMS LTD | 5106127843 | 3,582.90 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Steady State Service Provision | Localism | EADS DEFENCE & SECURITY SYSTEMS LTD | 5106127943 | 1,108.10 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Steady State Service Provision | Localism | EADS DEFENCE & SECURITY SYSTEMS LTD | 5106127945 | 645.37 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Steady State Service Provision | Localism | EADS DEFENCE & SECURITY SYSTEMS LTD | 5106128156 | 4,418.91 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Steady State Service Provision | Localism | EADS DEFENCE & SECURITY SYSTEMS LTD | 5106128236 | 3,702.33 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Steady State Service Provision | Localism | AIRWAVE SOLUTIONS LTD | 5106128392 | 2,195,247.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Steady State Service Provision | Neighbourhoods | I B M UK LTD | 5106128461 | 8,225.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Steady State Service Provision | Neighbourhoods | I B M UK LTD | 5106128463 | 51,773.63 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Subscriptions | Finance & Corporate Services | DCLG GOVERNMENT PROCUREMENT CARD | 1000001815 | 570 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Subscriptions | Finance & Corporate Services | INTA/AIVN | 5106127246 | 8,257.08 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Subscriptions | Finance & Corporate Services | INTA/AIVN | 5106127250 | 8,257.08 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Training | Finance & Corporate Services | NATIONAL SCHOOL OF GOVERNMENT | 5106128359 | 1,500.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Training | Finance & Corporate Services | CAPITA BUSINESS SERVICES LTD | 2300001619 | -899 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Training | Finance & Corporate Services | CAPITA BUSINESS SERVICES LTD | 5106128271 | 2,757.20 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Training | Finance & Corporate Services | NATIONAL SCHOOL OF GOVERNMENT | 5106128325 | 1,500.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Training | Finance & Corporate Services | NATIONAL SCHOOL OF GOVERNMENT | 5106128388 | 875 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Training | Finance & Corporate Services | DCLG GOVERNMENT PROCUREMENT CARD | 1000001804 | 522.88 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Training | Finance & Corporate Services | ALPHA CONSOLIDATED TRAINING LTD | 5106128293 | 790 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Training | Finance & Corporate Services | ALPHA CONSOLIDATED TRAINING LTD | 5106128294 | 790 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Training | Finance & Corporate Services | ALPHA CONSOLIDATED TRAINING LTD | 5106128297 | 790 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Training | Finance & Corporate Services | ALPHA CONSOLIDATED TRAINING LTD | 5106128313 | 790 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Training | Localism | NATIONAL SCHOOL OF GOVERNMENT | 5106128369 | 940 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Training | Localism | COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION | 5106128308 | 78,297.87 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Training | Neighbourhoods | NATIONAL SCHOOL OF GOVERNMENT | 5106128378 | 1,010.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Training | Neighbourhoods | BIOREGIONAL DEVELOPMENT GROUP | 5106128480 | 10,678.65 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Training | Neighbourhoods | NATIONAL SCHOOL OF GOVERNMENT | 5106128380 | 1,010.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Training | Neighbourhoods | NATIONAL SCHOOL OF GOVERNMENT | 5106128273 | 6,962.28 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Travel and Subsistence Account | Finance & Corporate Services | SGS UNITED KINGDOM LTD | 5106128057 | 1,974.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Vehicle hire | Finance & Corporate Services | M C CHAUFFEURS | 5106128349 | 766.04 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Vehicle Maintenance | Localism | FIRE SERVICE COLLEGE | 5106127570 | 4,318.13 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 06/04/2010 | Waste Disposal and pest control | Neighbourhoods | LONDON BOROUGH OF CAMDEN | 5106128482 | 1,033.50 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Advertising | Localism | CENTRAL OFFICE OF INFORMATION | 5106128499 | 24,486.07 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Finance & Corporate Services | SQUARE ONE RESOURCES LTD | 5106128767 | 3,110.34 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Finance & Corporate Services | DBI CONSULTING LTD | 5106128622 | 24,863.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Finance & Corporate Services | BROOK STREET UK LTD | 5106128750 | 886.02 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Finance & Corporate Services | REED SPECIALIST RECRUITMENT LTD | 5106128572 | 2,384.92 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Finance & Corporate Services | STERIA LIMITED | 5106128368 | 2,601.65 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Finance & Corporate Services | CAPITA RESOURCING LTD | 5106128563 | 7,578.75 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Localism | REED SPECIALIST RECRUITMENT LTD | 5106128616 | 779.6 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Localism | REED SPECIALIST RECRUITMENT LTD | 5106128597 | 878.02 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Localism | REED SPECIALIST RECRUITMENT LTD | 5106128607 | 531.69 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Localism | REED SPECIALIST RECRUITMENT LTD | 5106128574 | 1,776.17 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Localism | REED SPECIALIST RECRUITMENT LTD | 5106128582 | 1,776.17 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Localism | REED SPECIALIST RECRUITMENT LTD | 5106128595 | 1,776.17 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Localism | REED SPECIALIST RECRUITMENT LTD | 5106128611 | 1,776.17 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Localism | REED SPECIALIST RECRUITMENT LTD | 5106128578 | 788.54 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Localism | REED SPECIALIST RECRUITMENT LTD | 5106128588 | 850.56 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Localism | REED SPECIALIST RECRUITMENT LTD | 5106128590 | 904.59 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Neighbourhoods | REED SPECIALIST RECRUITMENT LTD | 5106128638 | 914.73 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Neighbourhoods | REED SPECIALIST RECRUITMENT LTD | 5106128709 | 697.07 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Neighbourhoods | REED SPECIALIST RECRUITMENT LTD | 5106128721 | 519.09 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Neighbourhoods | REED SPECIALIST RECRUITMENT LTD | 5106128593 | 697.07 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Neighbourhoods | REED SPECIALIST RECRUITMENT LTD | 5106128586 | 913.14 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Neighbourhoods | REED SPECIALIST RECRUITMENT LTD | 5106128614 | 893.07 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Neighbourhoods | REED SPECIALIST RECRUITMENT LTD | 5106128549 | 860.66 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Neighbourhoods | REED SPECIALIST RECRUITMENT LTD | 5106128550 | 655.74 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Neighbourhoods | REED SPECIALIST RECRUITMENT LTD | 5106128554 | 512.3 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Neighbourhoods | REED SPECIALIST RECRUITMENT LTD | 5106128556 | 860.66 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Neighbourhoods | REED SPECIALIST RECRUITMENT LTD | 5106128561 | 656.46 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Neighbourhoods | REED SPECIALIST RECRUITMENT LTD | 5106128584 | 864.07 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Neighbourhoods | REED SPECIALIST RECRUITMENT LTD | 5106128626 | 936.95 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Neighbourhoods | VENN GROUP | 5106126664 | 593.7 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Catering | Finance & Corporate Services | WATER UK | 5106126459 | 1,074.75 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Catering | Finance & Corporate Services | WATER UK | 5106126462 | 1,062.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Catering | Finance & Corporate Services | WATER UK | 5106126464 | 1,033.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Conferences and Meeting Facilities | Finance & Corporate Services | BUSINESS INNOVATION & SKILLS | 5106128752 | 1,395.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Conferences and Meeting Facilities | Finance & Corporate Services | CENTRAL HALL WESTMINSTER LTD | 5106128620 | 1,630.90 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Conferences and Meeting Facilities | Localism | DCLG GOVERNMENT PROCUREMENT CARD | 1000001818 | 550 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Conferences and Meeting Facilities | Localism | CENTRAL OFFICE OF INFORMATION | 5106126746 | -632.5 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Conferences and Meeting Facilities | Localism | BIRKBECK COLLEGE | 5106128634 | 1,656.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Conferences and Meeting Facilities | Localism | CENTRAL OFFICE OF INFORMATION | 5106128792 | 32,130.72 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Conferences and Meeting Facilities | Neighbourhoods | SITRA (SERVICES) | 5106128568 | 30,000.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Current (non AEF) Grants to Local Authorities | Localism | STOCKPORT MBC | 2100188029 | 20,000.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Current (non AEF) Grants to Local Authorities | Localism | STOCKPORT MBC | 2100188577 | -20,000.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Current (non AEF) Grants to Local Authorities | Neighbourhoods | BRISTOL CITY COUNCIL | 2100188534 | 26,591.38 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Current Grants to Non Profit Bodies | Localism | HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL DAY TRUST | 2100188436 | 375,000.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Current Grants to Non Profit Bodies | Localism | VOICE UK | 2100188509 | 19,000.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Current Grants to Non Profit Bodies | Localism | INFORM | 2100188511 | 70,000.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Current Grants to Non Profit Bodies | Localism | FAITH BASED REGENERATION NETWORK | 2100188434 | 70,000.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | EC Current Grants to Local Authorities | Treasury | KENT COUNTY COUNCIL | 2500121559 | 143,608.88 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Electricity | Localism | EON UK PLC | 5106129067 | -2,943.87 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Electricity | Localism | EON UK PLC | 5106129114 | 2,943.87 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | EU Cur Grnt to Priv Sect-Persons & NPISH | Finance & Corporate Services | TEESSIDE UNIVERSITY | 7500028342 | -14,198.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | EU Cur Grnt to Priv Sect-Persons & NPISH | Finance & Corporate Services | TEESSIDE UNIVERSITY | 7500028360 | -10,985.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | EU Cur Grnt to Priv Sect-Persons & NPISH | Finance & Corporate Services | TEESSIDE UNIVERSITY | 7500028774 | -52,961.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | EU Cur Grnt to Priv Sect-Persons & NPISH | Finance & Corporate Services | EAST MALLING RESEARCH | 2500121560 | 14,894.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | EU Cur Grnt to Priv Sect-Persons & NPISH | Finance & Corporate Services | EAST MALLING RESEARCH | 2500121561 | 35,826.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | EU Cur Grnt to Priv Sect-Persons & NPISH | Treasury | TEESSIDE UNIVERSITY | 7500028324 | -18,237.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | EU Cur Grnt to Priv Sect-Persons & NPISH | Treasury | TEESSIDE UNIVERSITY | 7500028326 | -26,721.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | EU Cur Grnt to Priv Sect-Persons & NPISH | Treasury | TEESSIDE UNIVERSITY | 7500028334 | -55,335.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | EU Cur Grnt to Priv Sect-Persons & NPISH | Treasury | TEESSIDE UNIVERSITY | 7500028336 | -46,432.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | EU Cur Grnt to Priv Sect-Persons & NPISH | Treasury | TEESSIDE UNIVERSITY | 7500028348 | -26,822.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | EU Cur Grnt to Priv Sect-Persons & NPISH | Treasury | TEESSIDE UNIVERSITY | 7500028350 | -10,872.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | EU Cur Grnt to Priv Sect-Persons & NPISH | Treasury | TEESSIDE UNIVERSITY | 7500028764 | -5,859.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | EU Gts (Cap) to Prvt/Sec Persons & NPISH | Finance & Corporate Services | NW DEVELOPMENT AGENCY | 7500028372 | -29,137.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | EU Gts (Cap) to Prvt/Sec Persons & NPISH | Treasury | BRITISH WATERWAYS | 7500028923 | -9,409.43 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Fixed Maintenance | Finance & Corporate Services | COFELY LTD | 5106128544 | 63,175.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Fixed Maintenance | Localism | FLAGSHIP TRAINING LIMITED | 5106128732 | 34,655.66 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Grant in Aid to NDPBs (non budget) | Neighbourhoods | TENANT SERVICES AUTHORIT Y | 2100188426 | 3,000,000.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Grant in Aid to NDPBs (non budget) | Neighbourhoods | HOMES & COMMUNITIES AGENCY | 2100188425 | 25,450,533.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Hospitalty | Finance & Corporate Services | BUSINESS INNOVATION & SKILLS | 5106128752 | 959.7 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Hospitalty | Localism | LAND SECURITIES PROPERTIES LTD | 5106128624 | 1,221.02 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | IT - PC, Network & Hardware | Localism | DCLG GOVERNMENT PROCUREMENT CARD | 1000001820 | 1,990.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | IT - PC, Network & Hardware | Localism | STERIA LIMITED | 5106128468 | 827.26 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | IT - PC, Network & Hardware | Neighbourhoods | WTG TECHNOLOGIES LTD | 5106128612 | 1,747.81 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | IT Maintenance | Finance & Corporate Services | STERIA LIMITED | 5106128312 | 2,320.73 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | IT Maintenance | Finance & Corporate Services | STERIA LIMITED | 5106128470 | 1,052.91 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | IT Maintenance | Localism | STERIA LIMITED | 5106128468 | 2,347.85 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | IT Maintenance | Neighbourhoods | LA INT COMPUTER CONSULTANTS LTD | 5106128836 | 8,607.66 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Printing | Finance & Corporate Services | SECURITY PRINTING & SYSTEMS LTD | 5106128855 | 514.13 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Publications | Finance & Corporate Services | STATIONERY OFFICE LTD | 5106128666 | 530 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Publicity | Localism | CENTRAL HALL WESTMINSTER LTD | 5106128665 | 23,414.93 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Publicity | Finance & Corporate Services | DODS PARLIAMENTARY COMM LTD | 5106128713 | 9,306.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Publicity | Neighbourhoods | BROWN KNIGHT & TRUSCOTT LTD | 5106128850 | 3,120.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Publicity | Neighbourhoods | CENTRAL OFFICE OF INFORMATION | 5106126749 | -25,423.30 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Publicity | Neighbourhoods | CENTRAL OFFICE OF INFORMATION | 5106126750 | -181,397.60 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Publicity | Localism | CENTRAL OFFICE OF INFORMATION | 5106128546 | 158,396.50 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Publicity | Localism | CENTRAL OFFICE OF INFORMATION | 5106128429 | 2,256.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Publicity | Localism | CENTRAL OFFICE OF INFORMATION | 5106128489 | 5,875.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Publicity | Localism | LIAISON | 5106128789 | 2,409.46 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Publicity | Neighbourhoods | OPTIMISA RESEARCH LIMITED | 5106128748 | 29,727.50 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Publicity | Neighbourhoods | CAMARGUE GROUP LIMITED | 5106128643 | 5,361.89 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Publishing | Finance & Corporate Services | CORPORATE DOCUMENT SERVICES LTD | 5106128785 | 1,610.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Publishing | Localism | RIMA DESIGN LTD | 5106128757 | 2,270.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Publishing | Localism | LIAISON | 5106128571 | 10,562.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Publishing | Localism | LIAISON | 5106128699 | 1,038.81 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Publishing | Localism | CELERITAS UK LTD | 5106128845 | 2,760.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Publishing | Localism | LIAISON | 5106128697 | 8,898.29 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Publishing | Neighbourhoods | RIMA DESIGN LTD | 5106128771 | 575 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Publishing | Neighbourhoods | GRAPHICS MATTER 3DW LTD | 5106128786 | 950 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Purchase of Consultancy Services | Finance & Corporate Services | GENEVIEVE PARKE | 5106128521 | 4,595.43 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Purchase of Consultancy Services | Finance & Corporate Services | DRIVERS JONAS (DELOITTE LLP) | 5106128651 | 710.88 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | HR, IT and systems improvements | Finance & Corporate Services | METHODS CONSULTING LTD | 5106128728 | 36,965.50 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Purchase of Consultancy Services | Localism | GARTNER UK LTD | 5106128788 | 85,000.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Purchase of Consultancy Services | Neighbourhoods | AEA TECHNOLOGY ENVIRONMENT | 5106128929 | -5,170.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Purchase of Consultancy Services | Neighbourhoods | AEA TECHNOLOGY ENVIRONMENT | 5106128930 | -30,040.40 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Purchase of Consultancy Services | Neighbourhoods | AEA TECHNOLOGY ENVIRONMENT | 5106128940 | 35,210.40 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Purchase of Consultancy Services | Neighbourhoods | AEA TECHNOLOGY ENVIRONMENT | 5106128967 | -29,335.40 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Purchase of Consultancy Services | Neighbourhoods | AEA TECHNOLOGY ENVIRONMENT | 5106128991 | 29,335.40 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Rates | Neighbourhoods | WESTMINSTER CITY COUNCIL | 5106127256 | 40,324.90 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Rent | Neighbourhoods | PLANNING INSPECTORATE | 5106128558 | 21,727.97 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Research | Finance & Corporate Services | READING UNIVERSITY | 5106128685 | 24,702.01 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Research | Finance & Corporate Services | EXPERIAN LTD | 5106128859 | 8,136.88 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Research | Neighbourhoods | CENTRE FOR HOUSING POLICY, UNI OF Y | 5106128636 | 35,659.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Research | Neighbourhoods | AECOM LTD | 5106128831 | 8,815.93 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Research | Neighbourhoods | RICS(B/R) | 5106128800 | 12,438.69 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Research | Neighbourhoods | CHARTERED INST OF HOUSING | 5106128846 | 23,265.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Research | Localism | SOCITM LTD | 5106128343 | 1,257.19 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Services provided by other Govt Orgs | Finance & Corporate Services | ORDNANCE SURVEY (USE 300154) | 5106128775 | 9,047.50 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Services provided by other Govt Orgs | Localism | CENTRAL OFFICE OF INFORMATION | 5106128546 | 890.28 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Services provided by other Govt Orgs | Localism | FIRE SERVICE COLLEGE | 5106128834 | 2,115.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Services provided by other Govt Orgs | Localism | FIRE SERVICE COLLEGE | 5106128866 | 3,701.25 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Services provided by other Govt Orgs | Localism | FIRE SERVICE COLLEGE | 5106128875 | 1,586.25 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Services provided by other Govt Orgs | Neighbourhoods | KATE MCALLISTER CONSULTANCY LTD | 5106128689 | 7,218.50 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Steady State Service Provision | Finance & Corporate Services | HAYS SPECIALIST RECRUITMENT LTD | 5106128746 | 3,720.46 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Storage | Finance & Corporate Services | IRON MOUNTAIN (UK) LIMITED | 2100188538 | -2,183.64 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Storage | Finance & Corporate Services | IRON MOUNTAIN (UK) LIMITED | 2100188539 | -14,702.87 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Storage | Finance & Corporate Services | IRON MOUNTAIN (UK) LIMITED | 2100188540 | -14,702.87 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Storage | Finance & Corporate Services | IRON MOUNTAIN (UK) LIMITED | 5106128763 | 14,702.87 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Storage | Finance & Corporate Services | IRON MOUNTAIN (UK) LIMITED | 5106128770 | 14,702.87 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Storage | Finance & Corporate Services | IRON MOUNTAIN (UK) LIMITED | 5106128842 | 2,183.64 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Storage | Finance & Corporate Services | CAMBERTOWN LTD | 5106128830 | 49.38 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Storage | Localism | CAMBERTOWN LTD | 5106128830 | 341.58 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Storage | Localism | CAMBERTOWN LTD | 5106128830 | 1,833.65 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Storage | Localism | CAMBERTOWN LTD | 5106128830 | 683.7 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Storage | Localism | CAMBERTOWN LTD | 5106128830 | 4,342.66 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Storage | Neighbourhoods | CAMBERTOWN LTD | 5106128830 | 1,790.93 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Storage | Neighbourhoods | CAMBERTOWN LTD | 5106128830 | 8,201.17 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Storage | Neighbourhoods | CAMBERTOWN LTD | 5106128830 | 81.23 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Storage | Neighbourhoods | CAMBERTOWN LTD | 5106128830 | 42.34 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Storage | Neighbourhoods | CAMBERTOWN LTD | 5106128830 | 94.84 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Subscriptions | Finance & Corporate Services | PROQUEST INFORMATION & LEARNING | 5106128768 | 2,851.73 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Subscriptions | Finance & Corporate Services | STONEWALL GROUP LTD | 5106128679 | 1,500.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Subscriptions | Localism | CENTRAL OFFICE OF INFORMATION | 5106128546 | 128.8 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Telecoms equipment (non-capitalised) | Localism | COMPUTACENTER (UK) LTD | 5106128741 | 765,045.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Training | Finance & Corporate Services | GRIFFIN SECURITY GROUP | 5106128566 | 2,500.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Training | Finance & Corporate Services | SOUTHAMPTON UNIVERSITY | 5106128823 | 2,000.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Training | Finance & Corporate Services | NATIONAL SCHOOL OF GOVERNMENT | 5106128652 | 66,581.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Training | Localism | CENTRE FOR PARLIAMENTARY STUDIES | 5106128338 | 2,750.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Training | Localism | LEARNING TREE INTERNATIONAL LTD | 5106128857 | 1,330.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Training | Localism | OXYGEN LIVE LTD | 5106128306 | 43,461.28 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Training | Neighbourhoods | NATIONAL SCHOOL OF GOVERNMENT | 5106128776 | 1,500.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Training | Neighbourhoods | ALPHA CONSOLIDATED TRAINING LTD | 5106128656 | 1,350.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Training | Neighbourhoods | NATIONAL SCHOOL OF GOVERNMENT | 5106128844 | 550 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Travel and Subsistence Account | Localism | DERBYSHIRE FIRE & RESCUE SERVICE | 5106128565 | 1,827.09 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Travel and Subsistence Account | Localism | DERBYSHIRE FIRE & RESCUE SERVICE | 5106128565 | 0.02 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Vehicle hire | Neighbourhoods | CYCLONE COURIER CO LTD | 5106128754 | 1,164.78 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 07/04/2010 | Web Services | Localism | SSI SOLUTIONS LTD | 5106128829 | 7,402.50 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Finance & Corporate Services | SBS GROUP (UK) LTD | 5106129049 | 13,194.08 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Finance & Corporate Services | SQUARE ONE RESOURCES LTD | 2300001549 | -3,044.17 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Finance & Corporate Services | OPEN SPACES LTD | 5106129018 | 1,057.50 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Finance & Corporate Services | REED SPECIALIST RECRUITMENT LTD | 5106128999 | 846.42 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Finance & Corporate Services | LA INT COMPUTER CONSULTANTS LTD | 5106129011 | 11,535.21 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Finance & Corporate Services | BADENOCH & CLARK | 5106129016 | 1,586.25 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Finance & Corporate Services | BADENOCH & CLARK | 5106129158 | 1,586.25 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Finance & Corporate Services | MICHAEL PAGE INTERNATIONAL | 5106129121 | 1,408.47 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Localism | MONARCH RECRUITMENT LTD | 5106128897 | 3,760.47 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Localism | GREENSTREET BERMAN LTD | 5106129132 | 30,693.06 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Localism | BROOK STREET BUREAU | 5106128865 | 1,497.90 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Neighbourhoods | REED SPECIALIST RECRUITMENT LTD | 5106128888 | 519.09 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Neighbourhoods | MICHAEL PAGE INTERNATIONAL | 5106129119 | 2,889.15 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Neighbourhoods | REED SPECIALIST RECRUITMENT LTD | 5106128996 | 3,006.51 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Conferences and Meeting Facilities | Localism | WILTON PARK EXECUTIVE AGENCY | 5106128966 | 25,000.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Conferences and Meeting Facilities | Neighbourhoods | ROYAL HORTICULTURAL HALLS & | 5106129094 | 7,565.82 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Conferences and Meeting Facilities | Neighbourhoods | BEX EVENTS LIMITED | 5106128918 | 5,188.80 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Conferences and Meeting Facilities | Neighbourhoods | HESPERIA VICTORIA UK LTD | 5106129300 | -773.28 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Conferences and Meeting Facilities | Neighbourhoods | HESPERIA VICTORIA UK LTD | 5106129306 | 773.28 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Current (non AEF) Grants to Local Authorities | Localism | LEADERSHIP CENTRE FOR LOCAL GMNT | 2100188384 | 545,974.31 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Current (non AEF) Grants to Local Authorities | Neighbourhoods | BRISTOL CITY COUNCIL | 2100188580 | 50,000.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Current (non AEF) Grants to Local Authorities | Neighbourhoods | DORSET COUNTY COUNCIL | 2100188584 | 50,000.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Current (non AEF) Grants to Local Authorities | Neighbourhoods | LEEDS CITY COUNCIL | 2100188585 | 50,000.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Current (non AEF) Grants to Local Authorities | Neighbourhoods | LONDON BOROUGH HARINGEY | 2100188583 | 50,000.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Current (non AEF) Grants to Local Authorities | Neighbourhoods | NORTHUMBERLAND CC | 2100188581 | 50,000.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Current (non AEF) Grants to Local Authorities | Neighbourhoods | NOTTINGHAM CITY COUNCIL | 2100188587 | 50,000.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Current (non AEF) Grants to Local Authorities | Neighbourhoods | OLDHAM MBC | 2100188586 | 50,000.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Current (non AEF) Grants to Local Authorities | Neighbourhoods | OXFORD CITY COUNCIL | 2100188578 | 50,000.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Current (non AEF) Grants to Local Authorities | Neighbourhoods | PLYMOUTH CITY COUNCIL | 2100188579 | 50,000.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Domestic Services | Neighbourhoods | MITIE MANAGED SERVICES LTD | 5106128993 | 544.24 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Electricity | Neighbourhoods | EDF ENERGY 1 LIMITED | 5106128911 | 7,698.09 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | EU Cur Grnt to Priv Sect-Persons & NPISH | Treasury | *NORTH EAST INNOVATION CENTRE | 7500022275 | -238,379.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | EU Cur Grnt to Priv Sect-Persons & NPISH | Treasury | *NORTH EAST INNOVATION CENTRE | 7500022277 | -25,585.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | EU Cur Grnt to Priv Sect-Persons & NPISH | Treasury | *NORTH EAST INNOVATION CENTRE | 7500028959 | 238,379.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | EU Cur Grnt to Priv Sect-Persons & NPISH | Treasury | *NORTH EAST INNOVATION CENTRE | 7500028960 | 25,585.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Grant in Aid NDPB's | Localism | STANDARDS BOARD FOR ENGLAND | 2600061649 | 603,000.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Grant in Aid NDPB's | Localism | VALUATION TRIBUNAL SERVICE | 2100188588 | 495,498.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Grant in Aid NDPB's | Localism | COMMISSION LOCAL ADMINISTRATION | 2600061648 | 1,081,907.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Grant in Aid to NDPBs (non budget) | Neighbourhoods | THURROCK THAMES GATEWAY DEV CORP | 2100188385 | 4,398,000.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | IT - PC, Network & Hardware | Finance & Corporate Services | DELL CORPORATION LTD | 5106128693 | 3,682.74 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | IT Maintenance | Finance & Corporate Services | CABLE & WIRELESS UK | 5106124362 | 7,155.75 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Medals | Localism | ROYAL MINT | 5106128703 | 1,105.09 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Media | Localism | HALL (MEDIA FACILITIES) LIMITED | 5106128893 | 6,880.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Printing | Finance & Corporate Services | G W S LTD | 5106129061 | 1,200.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Printing | Neighbourhoods | G W S LTD | 5106129061 | 3,555.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Professional services | Finance & Corporate Services | MICHAEL PAGE INTERNATIONAL | 5106129032 | 2,026.88 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Professional services | Localism | VALUATION OFFICE AGENCY | 2100188590 | 13,225,000.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Publicity | Neighbourhoods | CENTRAL OFFICE OF INFORMATION | 5106129036 | 19,007.98 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Publicity | Localism | CENTRAL OFFICE OF INFORMATION | 2100180025 | -9,257.50 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Publicity | Localism | CENTRAL OFFICE OF INFORMATION | 5106104470 | 9,257.50 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Publicity | Localism | CENTRAL OFFICE OF INFORMATION | 5106129066 | 340,531.46 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Publishing | Neighbourhoods | CENTRAL OFFICE OF INFORMATION | 5106129039 | 24,718.38 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Purchase of Consultancy Services | Finance & Corporate Services | BADENOCH & CLARK | 5106129156 | 5,520.35 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Purchase of Consultancy Services | Finance & Corporate Services | SCOUT ENTERPRISES (WESTERN) LTD | 5106128707 | 3,146.89 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Purchase of Consultancy Services | Localism | LONDON FIRE & EMERG PLANNING AUTH | 2100188654 | 44,650.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Purchase of Consultancy Services | Localism | LONDON FIRE & EMERG PLANNING AUTH | 2300001633 | -44,650.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Purchase of Consultancy Services | Neighbourhoods | SCOTT WILSON LTD | 5106128954 | 5,386.20 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Purchase of Consultancy Services | Neighbourhoods | TENANT SERVICES AUTHORIT Y | 5106128737 | 12,908.65 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Purchase of Consultancy Services | Neighbourhoods | MITIE MANAGED SERVICES LTD | 5106128993 | 982.67 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Purchase of Consultancy Services | Neighbourhoods | PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS | 5106119467 | 78,276.15 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Purchase of Consultancy Services | Neighbourhoods | FOOT ANSTEY SARGENT | 5106128796 | 1,143.69 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Purchase of Consultancy Services | Neighbourhoods | FOOT ANSTEY SARGENT | 5106128812 | 3,007.53 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Rates | Localism | COTSWOLD DISTRICT COUNCIL | 5106128903 | 23,184.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Research | Localism | GREENSTREET BERMAN LTD | 5106128646 | 1,788.02 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Research | Neighbourhoods | AECOM LTD | 2100188647 | -8,787.83 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Research | Neighbourhoods | AECOM LTD | 5106129109 | 23,265.82 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Research | Neighbourhoods | AECOM LTD | 5106129140 | 8,787.83 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Research | Neighbourhoods | BUILDING RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT | 5106128932 | 56,829.12 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Research | Neighbourhoods | BUILDING RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT | 5106128934 | 4,734.08 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Research | Neighbourhoods | BUILDING RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT | 5106128936 | 3,391.09 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Research | Neighbourhoods | BUILDING RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT | 5106128938 | 8,570.45 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Research | Neighbourhoods | BUILDING RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT | 5106128942 | 2,533.30 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Research | Neighbourhoods | BUILDING RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT | 5106128944 | 23,342.55 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Research | Neighbourhoods | BUILDING RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT | 5106128969 | 1,468.75 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Research | Neighbourhoods | BUILDING RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT | 5106128971 | 3,078.50 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Research | Neighbourhoods | BUILDING RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT | 5106128973 | 4,465.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Research | Neighbourhoods | BUILDING RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT | 5106128975 | 2,115.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Research | Neighbourhoods | BUILDING RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT | 5106128977 | 4,888.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Research | Neighbourhoods | BUILDING RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT | 5106128979 | 2,056.25 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Research | Neighbourhoods | BUILDING RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT | 5106128982 | 705 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Research | Neighbourhoods | BUILDING RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT | 5106129023 | 21,150.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Research | Neighbourhoods | BUILDING RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT | 5106129026 | 5,287.50 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Research | Neighbourhoods | BUILDING RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT | 5106129037 | 7,050.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Research | Neighbourhoods | BUILDING RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT | 5106129041 | 1,439.38 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Research | Neighbourhoods | BUILDING RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT | 5106129043 | 3,070.28 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Research | Neighbourhoods | CIRIA | 5106129057 | 10,509.20 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Research | Neighbourhoods | CIRIA | 5106129059 | 5,959.60 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Research | Neighbourhoods | EUROPE ECONOMICS | 5106129107 | 20,865.06 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Research | Neighbourhoods | EUROPE ECONOMICS | 5106129111 | 28,794.20 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Research | Neighbourhoods | EUROPE ECONOMICS | 5106129113 | 18,065.63 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Research | Neighbourhoods | EXOVA (UK) LTD | 5106128925 | 16,450.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Research | Neighbourhoods | KING STURGE LLP | 5106120241 | 49,937.50 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Research | Neighbourhoods | KING STURGE LLP | 5106121857 | 70,312.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Research | Neighbourhoods | RICS(B/R) | 5106128867 | 12,438.69 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Services provided by other Govt Orgs | Localism | CENTRAL OFFICE OF INFORMATION | 2100180025 | -103.5 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Services provided by other Govt Orgs | Localism | CENTRAL OFFICE OF INFORMATION | 5106104470 | 103.5 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Services provided by other Govt Orgs | Localism | CENTRAL OFFICE OF INFORMATION | 5106129066 | 1,948.14 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Software Licences | Finance & Corporate Services | STERIA LIMITED | 5106128493 | 46,429.42 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Software Licences | Finance & Corporate Services | STERIA LIMITED | 5106128403 | 6,158.77 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Steady State Service Provision | Neighbourhoods | AEA TECHNOLOGY ENVIRONMENT | 5106129071 | 33,298.09 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Steady State Service Provision | Neighbourhoods | AEA TECHNOLOGY ENVIRONMENT | 5106129073 | 4,441.50 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Steady State Service Provision | Neighbourhoods | I B M UK LTD | 5106128905 | 5,258.85 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Subscriptions | Localism | CENTRAL OFFICE OF INFORMATION | 5106129066 | 282 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Telephone call costs | Neighbourhoods | B T PAYMENT SERVICES LTD | 5106128805 | 1,638.88 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Telephone call costs | Neighbourhoods | B T PAYMENT SERVICES LTD | 5106128870 | 1,728.64 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Training | Finance & Corporate Services | NATIONAL SCHOOL OF GOVERNMENT | 5106128803 | 795 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Training | Finance & Corporate Services | NATIONAL SCHOOL OF GOVERNMENT | 5106128819 | 805 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Training | Finance & Corporate Services | NATIONAL SCHOOL OF GOVERNMENT | 5106129085 | 3,600.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Training | Finance & Corporate Services | NATIONAL SCHOOL OF GOVERNMENT | 5106129088 | 3,600.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Training | Localism | XACT CONSULTANCY & TRAINING LTD | 5106128964 | 2,200.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Training | Localism | S A M CASES LTD | 5106129079 | 4,664.75 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Travel and Subsistence Account | Localism | GREATER MANCHESTER FIRE & RESCUE | 5106128926 | 5,794.91 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Travel and Subsistence Account | Localism | LONDON FIRE & EMERG PLANNING AUTH | 5106127583 | 814.05 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Travel and Subsistence Account | Localism | LONDON FIRE & EMERG PLANNING AUTH | 5106123915 | -691.49 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Travel and Subsistence Account | Localism | NOSHAHI CATERING SERVICES | 5106129137 | 2,012.50 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 08/04/2010 | Web Services | Localism | CENTRAL OFFICE OF INFORMATION | 5106129053 | 5,980.75 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Finance & Corporate Services | LA INT COMPUTER CONSULTANTS LTD | 5106129192 | 12,518.96 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Localism | ACTICA CONSULTING LTD | 5106128765 | 11,800.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Agency Staff | Localism | CAPITA COMMUNICATIONS | 5106129144 | 4,487.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Capital Grant to Public Corp and Trading | Localism | FIRE SERVICE COLLEGE | 2100188401 | 679,000.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Capital Grants to People Non Profit | Neighbourhoods | COALFIELDS REGENERATION TRUST | 2100188387 | 893,804.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Conferences and Meeting Facilities | Neighbourhoods | FARADAY PARTNERSHIP LTD | 5106129173 | 2,126.20 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Conferences and Meeting Facilities | Localism | LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION | 2100188652 | 799.01 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Conferences and Meeting Facilities | Localism | FAITH BASED REGENERATION NETWORK | 5106129178 | 1,560.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Conferences and Meeting Facilities | Neighbourhoods | METHODIST INTERNATIONAL CENTRE LTD | 5106129313 | 660.01 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Conferences and Meeting Facilities | Neighbourhoods | T P A S LTD | 5106129316 | 22,912.50 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Conferences and Meeting Facilities | Neighbourhoods | T P A S LTD | 5106129318 | 2,937.50 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Current (non AEF) Grants to Local Authorities | Neighbourhoods | IMPROVEMENT & DEVELOPMENT AGENCY | 2100188646 | 75,000.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Current (non AEF) Grants to Local Authorities | Neighbourhoods | DARWEN ALDRIDGE COMMUNITY ACADEMY | 2100188535 | 8,829.58 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Current Grants to Non Profit Bodies | Localism | INTER FAITH NETWORK FOR THE UK | 2100188427 | 140,000.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Current Grants to Non Profit Bodies | Localism | COEXISTENCE TRUST | 2100188644 | 4,000.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Current Grants to Non Profit Bodies | Localism | COEXISTENCE TRUST | 2100188681 | 1,700.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Current Grants to Non Profit Bodies | Localism | COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION | 2100188439 | 315,000.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Current Grants to Non Profit Bodies | Localism | INTER FAITH NETWORK FOR THE UK | 2100188428 | 13,230.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Current Grants to Non Profit Bodies | Localism | LAMBETH PALACE | 2100188680 | 1,500.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Current Grants to Non Profit Bodies | Localism | COUNCIL FOR VOLUNTARY SERVICE | 2100188645 | 77,428.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Current Grants to Non Profit Bodies | Localism | NORCAS | 2100188678 | 6,028.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Current Grants to Non Profit Bodies | Localism | COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION | 2100188429 | 1,167,453.95 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Current Grants to Non Profit Bodies | Neighbourhoods | COALFIELDS REGENERATION TRUST | 2100188387 | 3,437,890.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Electricity | Finance & Corporate Services | EDF ENERGY 1 LIMITED | 5106129103 | 39,745.01 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Electricity | Finance & Corporate Services | SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC | 2100188701 | -8,019.38 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Electricity | Finance & Corporate Services | SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC | 5106127554 | 8,019.38 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | EU Cur Grnt to Priv Sect-Persons & NPISH | Treasury | RDA - YORKSHIRE FORWARD | 7500028534 | -308,488.91 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | EU Cur Grnt to Priv Sect-Persons & NPISH | Treasury | RDA - YORKSHIRE FORWARD | 7500028542 | -562,442.06 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | EU Cur Grnt to Priv Sect-Persons & NPISH | Treasury | RDA - YORKSHIRE FORWARD | 7500028544 | -27,303.76 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | EU Cur Grnt to Priv Sect-Persons & NPISH | Treasury | RDA - YORKSHIRE FORWARD | 7500028548 | -2,870,309.15 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | EU Cur Grnt to Priv Sect-Persons & NPISH | Treasury | RDA - YORKSHIRE FORWARD | 7500028550 | -280,021.32 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | EU Cur Grnt to Priv Sect-Persons & NPISH | Treasury | RDA - YORKSHIRE FORWARD | 7500028552 | -272,734.34 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | EU Cur Grnt to Priv Sect-Persons & NPISH | Treasury | RDA - YORKSHIRE FORWARD | 7500028556 | -1,713,140.81 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | EU Cur Grnt to Priv Sect-Persons & NPISH | Treasury | RDA - YORKSHIRE FORWARD | 7500028566 | -121,009.65 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | EU Cur Grnt to Priv Sect-Persons & NPISH | Treasury | RDA - YORKSHIRE FORWARD | 7500028572 | -177,308.92 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | EU Cur Grnt to Priv Sect-Persons & NPISH | Treasury | RDA - YORKSHIRE FORWARD | 7500028574 | -28,581.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | EU Cur Grnt to Priv Sect-Persons & NPISH | Treasury | RDA - YORKSHIRE FORWARD | 7500028576 | -13,338.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | EU Cur Grnt to Priv Sect-Persons & NPISH | Treasury | RDA - YORKSHIRE FORWARD | 7500028620 | -26,906.01 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | EU Cur Grnt to Priv Sect-Persons & NPISH | Treasury | RDA - YORKSHIRE FORWARD | 7500028622 | -14,073.99 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | EU Cur Grnt to Priv Sect-Persons & NPISH | Treasury | RDA - YORKSHIRE FORWARD | 7500028624 | -12,694.10 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | EU Cur Grnt to Priv Sect-Persons & NPISH | Treasury | RDA - YORKSHIRE FORWARD | 7500028626 | -2,261.90 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | EU Cur Grnt to Priv Sect-Persons & NPISH | Treasury | RDA - YORKSHIRE FORWARD | 7500028628 | -2,384,016.55 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | EU Gts (Cap) to Prvt/Sec Persons & NPISH | Treasury | RDA - YORKSHIRE FORWARD | 7500028554 | -130,056.26 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | EU Gts (Cap) to Prvt/Sec Persons & NPISH | Treasury | RDA - YORKSHIRE FORWARD | 7500028570 | -328,890.63 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | IT - PC, Network & Hardware | Localism | DELL CORPORATION LTD | 5106129185 | 12,252.21 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Licence Fees/Levies | Finance & Corporate Services | BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION | 5106128853 | 666.23 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Management Consultancy | Localism | LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION | 2100188649 | 1,821.25 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Media | Finance & Corporate Services | DURRANTS LTD | 5106129051 | 7,473.89 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Media | Finance & Corporate Services | CENTRAL OFFICE OF INFORMATION | 5106129235 | 5,847.16 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Post | Neighbourhoods | MITIE FACILITIES SERVICES LTD | 5106129396 | 520.99 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Printing | Finance & Corporate Services | SECURITY PRINTING & SYSTEMS LTD | 5106129388 | 514.13 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Printing | Finance & Corporate Services | SECURITY PRINTING & SYSTEMS LTD | 5106129390 | 514.13 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Printing | Localism | RICHARD EDWARD LIMITED | 5106129243 | 4,950.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Printing | Neighbourhoods | SMITH & WATTS LIMITED | 5106129188 | 5,288.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Publications | Finance & Corporate Services | LEXIS-NEXIS UK | 5106129028 | 655.45 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Publicity | Finance & Corporate Services | LIMETREE OFFSET LTD | 5106129297 | 625 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Publicity | Localism | LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION | 2100188648 | 6,364.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Publicity | Localism | LIMETREE OFFSET LTD | 5106129296 | 762 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Publicity | Neighbourhoods | CENTRAL OFFICE OF INFORMATION | 5106129394 | 15,672.44 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Publicity | Neighbourhoods | CENTRAL OFFICE OF INFORMATION | 5106129422 | 4,752.88 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Publishing | Finance & Corporate Services | G W S LTD | 5106129343 | 960 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Publishing | Finance & Corporate Services | G W S LTD | 5106129345 | 900 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Publishing | Neighbourhoods | G W S LTD | 5106129364 | 855 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Publishing | Neighbourhoods | G W S LTD | 5106129369 | 1,575.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Publishing | Neighbourhoods | G W S LTD | 5106129341 | 3,105.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Publishing | Localism | G W S LTD | 5106129337 | 525 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Publishing | Localism | G W S LTD | 5106129429 | 435 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Publishing | Localism | G W S LTD | 5106129335 | 540 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Publishing | Localism | REDHOUSE LANE COMMUNICATIONS LTD | 5106129190 | 11,174.25 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Publishing | Localism | G W S LTD | 5106129361 | 985 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Publishing | Localism | G W S LTD | 5106129367 | 1,560.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Publishing | Localism | G W S LTD | 5106129358 | 2,330.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Publishing | Localism | G W S LTD | 5106129354 | 4,015.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Publishing | Neighbourhoods | G W S LTD | 5106129435 | 616.88 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Publishing | Neighbourhoods | G W S LTD | 5106129347 | 3,230.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Publishing | Neighbourhoods | G W S LTD | 5106129350 | 1,580.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Purchase of Consultancy Services | Finance & Corporate Services | HARROW GREEN REMOVALS GROUP | 5106129375 | 12,455.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Purchase of Consultancy Services | Localism | C I P F A | 5106128726 | 8,283.28 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Purchase of Consultancy Services | Localism | DBI CONSULTING LTD | 5106128383 | 12,900.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Purchase of Consultancy Services | Localism | DBI CONSULTING LTD | 5106128441 | 1,302.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Purchase of Consultancy Services | Localism | INTELLIGENT ADDRESSING LTD | 5106128676 | 4,675.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Purchase of Consultancy Services | Localism | PARITY RESOURCES | 5106128351 | 5,640.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Purchase of Consultancy Services | Neighbourhoods | EUROPE ECONOMICS | 5106129242 | 23,797.28 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Removals and Porterage | Finance & Corporate Services | HARROW GREEN REMOVALS GROUP | 5106129239 | 13,778.13 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Research | Neighbourhoods | AECOM LTD | 5106129146 | 12,505.53 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Research | Neighbourhoods | AECOM LTD | 5106129323 | 8,787.83 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Research | Neighbourhoods | BSRIA LTD | 5106129062 | 6,759.78 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Research | Neighbourhoods | BSRIA LTD | 5106129064 | 4,529.63 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Research | Neighbourhoods | JONES LANG LASALLE LTD | 5106129377 | 13,203.48 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Research | Strategy and Programme | QUO IMUS LTD | 5106129272 | 5,258.13 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Software Licences | Finance & Corporate Services | DIGIRATI LTD | 5106129426 | 668.15 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Software Licences | Finance & Corporate Services | SAP (UK) LTD | 5106127386 | 23,754.46 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Software Licences | Localism | ESRI (UK) LIMITED | 5106129246 | 12,666.50 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Storage | Finance & Corporate Services | IRON MOUNTAIN (UK) LIMITED | 5106129080 | 14,702.87 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Subscriptions | Finance & Corporate Services | SWETS INFORMATION SERVICES LTD | 5106129229 | 956.62 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Training | Finance & Corporate Services | DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIP | 5106129240 | 1,000.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Training | Finance & Corporate Services | LMD LEARNING SOLUTIONS | 5106129283 | 2,140.00 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Training | Localism | HEMSLEY FRASER GROUP LIMITED | 5106129198 | 1,385.69 |
Communities & Local Government | DCLG | 09/04/2010 | Travel and Subsistence Account | Finance & Corporate Services | GOVERNMENT CAR & DESPATCH AGENCY | 5106127271 | 553.13 |