Transparency data

Senior staff and salary data, June 2011

Updated 16 December 2020
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Post Unique Reference Name Grade Job Title Job/Team Function Parent Department Organisation Unit Contact Phone Contact E-mail Reports to Senior Post Salary Cost of Reports (£) FTE Actual Pay Floor (£) Actual Pay Ceiling (£) Profession Notes Valid?
10000 Simon Fraser SCS4 Permanent Under-Secretary and Head of the Diplomatic Service Leading the FCO and the Diplomatic Service Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office PUS 0207 008 1500 XX 0 1 180000 184999 Not set Policy Not set 1
11000 Geoffrey Adams SCS3 Director General Political Providing senior policy advice at Board level Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office DG Political 0207 008 1500 10000 408768 1 125000 129999 Not set Policy Not set 1
12000 Robert Hannigan SCS3 Director General Defence & Intelligence Providing senior policy advice at Board level Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office DG Defence & Intelligence 0207 008 1500 10000 2787524 1 130000 134999 Not set Policy Not set 1
13000 Nick Baird SCS3 Director General Europe & Globalisation Providing senior policy advice at Board level Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office DG Europe & Globalisation 0207 008 1500 10000 1925198 1 120000 124999 Not set Policy Not set 1
14000 James Bevan SCS3 Director General Operations Board level leadership of corporate services Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office DG Operations 0207 008 1500 10000 11741988 1 125000 129999 Not set Operational Delivery Not set 1
15000 John Ashton SCS3 Special Representative for Climate Change Providing senior policy advice on climate change Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office PUS 0207 008 1500 10000 0 1 130000 134999 Not set Policy Not set 1
16000 Vacant SCS3 Legal Adviser Providing legal advice Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office PUS N/A 10000 2527198 1 0 0 Not set Law Not set 1
17000 David Clary SCS3 Chief Scientific Adviser Providing senior policy advice on scientific matters Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office PUS 0207 008 1500 10000 0 1 120000 124999 Not set Policy Not set 1
18000 CE UKTI BIS funded post SCS3 Chief Executive UKTI Leading UKTI support to British companies in export markets and to foreign investors Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office UK Trade & Investment 0207 215 8000 10000 8275054 1 0 0 Not set Operational Delivery Not set 1
11100 Karen Pierce SCS2 Director South Asia and Afghanistan Senior regional policy advice Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office South Asia & Afghanistan Directorate 0207 008 1500 11000 11411642 1 85000 89999 Not set Policy Not set 1
11200 Anwar Choudhury SCS2 Director International Institutions Senior policy advice on international organisations Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office International Institutions Directorate 0207 008 1500 11000 6647544 1 85000 89999 Not set Policy Not set 1
11300 Christian Turner SCS2 Director Middle East & North Africa Senior regional policy advice Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Middle East & North Africa Directorate 0207 008 1500 11000 13994419 1 80000 84999 Not set Policy Not set 1
11400 Vacant SCS2 Director Eastern Europe and Central Asia Senior regional policy advice Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Eastern Europe and Central Asia Directorate N/A 11000 4808390 1 0 0 Not set Policy Not set 1
11500 Vacant SCS2 Director International Security Senior regional policy advice Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office DG Political N/A 11000 0 1 0 0 Not set Policy Not set 1
12100 Tim Dowse SCS2 Director Intelligence and National Security Senior policy advice on national security issues Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Intelligence & National Security Directorate 0207 008 1500 12000 524068 1 90000 94999 Not set Policy Not set 1
12200 Angus Lapsley SCS2 Director Americas Senior regional policy advice Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Americas Directorate 0207 008 1500 12000 10445276 1 80000 84999 Not set Policy Not set 1
12300 Simon Manley SCS2 Director Defence & Strategic Threats Senior policy advice on defence and strategic issues Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Defence and Strategic Threats Directorate 0207 008 1500 12000 6237498 1 85000 89999 Not set Policy Not set 1
13100 Deborah Bronnert SCS2 Director Global & Economic Issues Senior policy advice on global economic issues Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Global & Economic Issues Directorate 0207 008 1500 13000 3290190 1 85000 89999 Not set Policy Not set 1
13200 Tim Hitchens SCS2 Director Africa Senior regional policy advice Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Africa Directorate 0207 008 1500 13000 11016108 1 90000 94999 Not set Policy Not set 1
13300 Matthew Rycroft SCS2 Director Europe Senior regional policy advice Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Europe Directorate 0207 008 1500 13000 22282362 1 120000 124999 Not set Policy Not set 1
13400 Peter Wilson SCS2 Director Asia Pacific Senior regional policy advice Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Asia Pacific Directorate 0207 008 1500 13000 10497052 1 80000 84999 Not set Policy Not set 1
13500 Julian Braithwaite SCS2 Director Consular Leading delivery of consular services to British nationals Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Consular Directorate 0207 008 1500 13000 8727156 1 80000 84999 Not set Operational Delivery Not set 1
14100 Susan le Jeune SCS2 Director Human Resources Leading delivery of human resource management Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Human Resources Directorate 0207 008 1500 14000 13606308 1 85000 89999 Not set Human Resources Not set 1
14200 David Cairns SCS2 Director Corporate Services Leading delivery of corporate services Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Corporate Services Directorate 0207 008 1500 14000 4137102 1 80000 84999 Not set Operational Delivery Not set 1
14300 Alison Currie SCS2 Director Finance Leading delivery of financial management Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Finance Directorate 0207 008 1500 14000 3267821 1 90000 94999 Not set Finance Not set 1
14400 Alan Croney SCS2 Director Estates and Security Leading delivery of estates management and security Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Estates & Security Directorate 0207 008 1500 14000 5379130 1 120000 124999 Not set Property and asset management Not set 1
14500 David Meyer SCS2 Chief Information Officer Leading delivery of information technology services Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Information & Technology Directorate 0207 008 1500 14000 5762517 1 120000 124999 Not set Information Technology Not set 1
19100 Andrew Whyte SCS2 Director Communications Leading internal and external communications Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Communications Directorate 0207 008 1500 10000 3282171 1 105000 109999 Not set Communications Not set 1
19200 Alex Ellis SCS2 Director Strategy Providing high level advice on strategy Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Strategy 0207 008 1500 10000 547885 1 80000 84999 Not set Policy Not set 1
19300 Lindsay Appleby SCS2 Principal Private Secretary Leading private offices, Parliamentary relations and Ministerial support Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Central Units 0207 008 1500 10000 2168433 1 80000 84999 Not set Policy Not set 1
19400 Gregor Irwin SCS2 Chief Economist Providing high level economic advice Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office PUS 0207 008 1500 10000 448547 1 90000 94999 Not set Economics Not set 1
11101 William Patey SCS3 HMA Kabul Representing British interests in Afghanistan Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office South Asia & Afghanistan Directorate 0207 008 1500 11100 0 1 130000 134999 Not set Policy Not set 1
11102 Richard Stagg SCS3 BHC New Delhi Representing British interests in India Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office South Asia & Afghanistan Directorate 0207 008 1500 11100 0 1 135000 139999 Not set Policy Not set 1
11103 Adam Thomson SCS3 BHC Islamabad Representing British interests in Pakistan Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office South Asia & Afghanistan Directorate 0207 008 1500 11100 0 1 125000 129999 Not set Policy Not set 1
11104 Stephen Evans SCS2 BHC Dhaka Representing British interests in Bangladesh Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office South Asia & Afghanistan Directorate 0207 008 1500 11100 0 1 80000 84999 Not set Policy Not set 1
11105 Michael O'Neill SCS2 Head of Provincial Reconstruction Team and NATO Senior Civilian Representative, Helmand Representing British interests in Helmand Province Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office South Asia & Afghanistan Directorate 0207 008 1500 11100 0 1 80000 84999 Not set Policy Not set 1
11106 John Rankin SCS2 BHC Colombo Representing British interests in Sri Lanka Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office South Asia & Afghanistan Directorate 0207 008 1500 11100 0 1 85000 89999 Not set Policy Not set 1
11107 Catherine Royle SCS2 Deputy Head of Mission Kabul Representing British interests in Afghanistan Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office South Asia & Afghanistan Directorate 0207 008 1500 11100 0 1 80000 84999 Not set Policy Not set 1
11108 Peter Tibber SCS2 Deputy Head of Mission Islamabad Representing British interests in Pakistan Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office South Asia & Afghanistan Directorate 0207 008 1500 11100 0 1 85000 89999 Not set Policy Not set 1
11201 Mariot Leslie SCS3 Ambassador and Permanent Representative to NATO Representing British interests at NATO Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office International Institutions Directorate 0207 008 1500 11200 0 1 120000 124999 Not set Policy Not set 1
11202 Mark Lyall Grant SCS3 Permanent Representative and Ambassador to the United Nations Representing British interests at the UN Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office International Institutions Directorate 0207 008 1500 11200 0 1 140000 144999 Not set Policy Not set 1
11203 Paul Flaherty SCS2 Deputy Permanent Representative to NATO Representing British interests at NATO Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office International Institutions Directorate 0207 008 1500 11200 0 1 90000 94999 Not set Policy Not set 1
11204 Philip Parham SCS2 Ambassador & Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Representing British interests at the UN Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office International Institutions Directorate 0207 008 1500 11200 0 1 85000 89999 Not set Policy Not set 1
11301 John Jenkins SCS3 HMA Baghdad Representing British interests in Iraq Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Middle East & North Africa Directorate 0207 008 1500 11300 0 1 110000 114999 Not set Policy Not set 1
11302 Tom Phillips SCS3 HMA Riyadh Representing British interests in Saudi Arabia Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Middle East & North Africa Directorate 0207 008 1500 11300 0 1 135000 139999 Not set Policy Not set 1
11303 Vacant SCS2 HMA Teheran Representing British interests in Iran Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Middle East & North Africa Directorate N/A 11300 0 1 0 0 Not set Policy Not set 1
11304 Dominic Asquith SCS2 HMA Cairo Representing British interests in Egypt Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Middle East & North Africa Directorate 0207 008 1500 11300 0 1 115000 119999 Not set Policy Not set 1
11305 Frank Baker SCS2 HMA Kuwait Representing British interests in Kuwait Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Middle East & North Africa Directorate 0207 008 1500 11300 0 1 85000 89999 Not set Policy Not set 1
11306 Simon Collis SCS2 HMA Damascus Representing British interests in Syria Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Middle East & North Africa Directorate 0207 008 1500 11300 0 1 80000 84999 Not set Policy Not set 1
11307 Vincent Fean SCS2 Head of Post, Jerusalem Representing British interests in Israel Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Middle East & North Africa Directorate 0207 008 1500 11300 0 1 85000 89999 Not set Policy Not set 1
11308 Matthew Gould SCS2 HMA Tel Aviv Representing British interests in Israel Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Middle East & North Africa Directorate 0207 008 1500 11300 0 1 85000 89999 Not set Policy Not set 1
11309 Frances Guy SCS2 HMA Beirut Representing British interests in Lebanon Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Middle East & North Africa Directorate 0207 008 1500 11300 0 1 85000 89999 Not set Policy Not set 1
11310 Dominic Jermey SCS2 HMA United Arab Emirates Representing British interests in the UAE Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Middle East & North Africa Directorate 0207 008 1500 11300 0 1 85000 89999 Not set Policy Not set 1
11311 Peter Millett SCS2 HMA Amman Representing British interests in Jordan Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Middle East & North Africa Directorate 0207 008 1500 11300 0 1 90000 94999 Not set Policy Not set 1
11312 Richard Northern SCS2 HMA Tripoli Representing British interests in Libya Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Middle East & North Africa Directorate 0207 008 1500 11300 0 1 85000 89999 Not set Policy Not set 1
11401 Anne Pringle SCS3 HMA Moscow Representing British interests in Moscow Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Eastern Europe and Central Asia Directorate 0207 008 1500 11400 0 1 120000 124999 Not set Policy Not set 1
11402 Denis Keefe SCS2 DHM Moscow Representing British interests in Moscow Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Eastern Europe and Central Asia Directorate 0207 008 1500 11400 0 1 85000 89999 Not set Policy Not set 1
11403 Leigh Turner SCS2 Head of Post, Kiev Representing British interests in Ukraine Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Eastern Europe and Central Asia Directorate 0207 008 1500 11400 0 1 85000 89999 Not set Policy Not set 1
12201 Nigel Sheinwald SCS4 HMA Washington Representing British interests in USA Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Americas Directorate 0207 008 1500 12200 0 1 175000 179999 Not set Policy Not set 1
12202 Alan Charlton SCS3 HMA Brasilia Representing British interests in Brazil Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Americas Directorate 0207 008 1500 12200 0 1 115000 119999 Not set Policy Not set 1
12203 Dominick Chilcott SCS2 DHM Washington Representing British interests in USA Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Americas Directorate 0207 008 1500 12200 0 1 85000 89999 Not set Policy Not set 1
12204 Alan Collins SCS2 Consul General and Director General Trade and Investment USA Supporting UK companies and foreign investment Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Americas Directorate 0207 008 1500 12200 0 1 105000 109999 Not set Policy Not set 1
12205 John Dew SCS2 HMA Bogota Representing British interests in Colombia Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Americas Directorate 0207 008 1500 12200 0 1 90000 94999 Not set Policy Not set 1
12206 Howard Drake SCS2 HMA Kingston Representing British interests in Jamaica Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Americas Directorate 0207 008 1500 12200 0 1 85000 89999 Not set Policy Not set 1
12207 Judith Macgregor SCS2 HMA Mexico City Representing British interests in Mexico Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Americas Directorate 0207 008 1500 12200 0 1 85000 89999 Not set Policy Not set 1
12208 Shan Morgan SCS2 HMA Buenos Aires Representing British interests in Argentina Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Americas Directorate 0207 008 1500 12200 0 1 90000 94999 Not set Policy Not set 1
12209 Catherine Nettleton SCS2 HMA Caracas Representing British interests in Venezuela Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Americas Directorate 0207 008 1500 12200 0 1 80000 84999 Not set Policy Not set 1
12210 Andrew Pocock SCS2 HMA Ottawa Representing British interests in Canada Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Americas Directorate 0207 008 1500 12200 0 1 90000 94999 Not set Policy Not set 1
12301 Simon Smith SCS2 HMA Vienna and UK Permanent Representative to the UN and other International Organisations in Vienna Representing British interests in Austria Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Defence and Strategic Threats Directorate 0207 008 1500 12300 0 1 90000 94999 Not set Policy Not set 1
12401 Gordon Wetherell SCS2 Governor of the Turks & Caicos Islands Governing the overseas territory Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office DG Defence & Intelligence 0207 008 1500 12000 0 1 100000 104999 Not set Policy Not set 1
12402 Nigel Haywood SCS2 Governor, Falkland Islands Commissioner, South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands Governing the overseas territory Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office DG Defence & Intelligence 0207 008 1500 12000 0 1 80000 84999 Not set Policy Not set 1
13201 Mark Canning SCS2 HMA Harare Representing British interests in Zimbabwe Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Africa Directorate 0207 008 1500 13200 0 1 80000 84999 Not set Policy Not set 1
13202 Nicola Brewer SCS3 BHC Pretoria Representing British interests in South Africa Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Africa Directorate 0207 008 1500 13200 0 1 135000 139999 Not set Policy Not set 1
13201 Andrew Lloyd SCS3 BHC Abuja Representing British interests in Nigeria Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Africa Directorate 0207 008 1500 13200 0 1 100000 104999 Not set Policy Not set 1
13204 Nicholas Kay SCS2 HMA Khartoum Representing British interests in Sudan Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Africa Directorate 0207 008 1500 13200 0 1 80000 84999 Not set Policy Not set 1
13205 Norman Ling SCS2 HMA Addis Ababa Representing British interests in Ethiopia Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Africa Directorate 0207 008 1500 13200 0 1 80000 84999 Not set Policy Not set 1
13206 Rob Macaire SCS2 BHC Nairobi Representing British interests in Kenya Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Africa Directorate 0207 008 1500 13200 0 1 90000 94999 Not set Policy Not set 1
13301 Kim Darroch SCS4 UK Permanent Representative to the EU Representing British interests at the EU Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Europe Directorate 0207 008 1500 13300 0 1 170000 174999 Not set Policy Not set 1
13302 Andy Lebrecht SCS3 Deputy Permanent Representative to the EU Representing British interests at the EU Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Europe Directorate 0207 008 1500 13300 0 1 120000 124999 Not set Policy Not set 1
13303 Simon Mcdonald SCS3 HMA Berlin Representing British interests in Germany Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Europe Directorate 0207 008 1500 13300 0 1 125000 129999 Not set Policy Not set 1
13304 Giles Paxman SCS3 HMA Madrid Representing British interests in Spain Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Europe Directorate 0207 008 1500 13300 0 1 110000 114999 Not set Policy Not set 1
13305 David Reddaway SCS3 HMA Ankara Representing British interests in Turkey Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Europe Directorate 0207 008 1500 13300 0 1 110000 114999 Not set Policy Not set 1
13306 Peter Westmacott SCS3 HMA Paris Representing British interests in France Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Europe Directorate 0207 008 1500 13300 0 1 145000 149999 Not set Policy Not set 1
13307 Paul Arkwright SCS2 HMA The Hague Representing British interests in the Netherlands Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Europe Directorate 0207 008 1500 13300 0 1 80000 84999 Not set Policy Not set 1
13308 Tim Barrow SCS2 Political and Security Committee Ambassador to the EU Representing British interests at the EU Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Europe Directorate 0207 008 1500 13300 0 1 90000 94999 Not set Policy Not set 1
13309 Valerie Caton SCS2 UK Nordic Baltic Summit Co-ordinator UK Nordic Baltic diplomacy Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Europe Directorate 0207 008 1500 13300 0 1 105000 109999 Not set Policy Not set 1
13310 Michael Davenport SCS2 HMA Belgrade Representing British interests in Serbia Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Europe Directorate 0207 008 1500 13300 0 1 80000 84999 Not set Policy Not set 1
13311 Greg Dorey SCS2 HMA Budapest Representing British interests at the UN in Geneva Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Europe Directorate 0207 008 1500 13300 0 1 85000 89999 Not set Policy Not set 1
13312 Peter Gooderham SCS2 Head of Post UKMIS Geneva Representing British interests in Hungary Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Europe Directorate 0207 008 1500 13300 0 1 90000 94999 Not set Policy Not set 1
13313 Adrian Johns SCS2 Governor and Commander-in-Chief, Gibraltar Governing the overseas territory Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Europe Directorate 0207 008 1500 13300 0 1 130000 134999 Not set Policy Not set 1
13314 Matthew Kidd SCS2 BHC Nicosia Representing British interests in Cyprus Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Europe Directorate 0207 008 1500 13300 0 1 85000 89999 Not set Policy Not set 1
13315 Julian King SCS2 HMA Dublin Representing British interests Republic of Ireland Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Europe Directorate 0207 008 1500 13300 0 1 85000 89999 Not set Policy Not set 1
13316 David Landsman SCS2 HMA Athens Representing British interests in Greece Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Europe Directorate 0207 008 1500 13300 0 1 85000 89999 Not set Policy Not set 1
13317 Andrew Mitchell SCS2 HMA Stockholm Representing British interests in Sweden Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Europe Directorate 0207 008 1500 13300 0 1 85000 89999 Not set Policy Not set 1
13318 Christopher Prentice SCS2 HMA Rome Representing British interests in Italy Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Europe Directorate 0207 008 1500 13300 0 1 110000 114999 Not set Policy Not set 1
13319 Ric Todd SCS2 HMA Warsaw Representing British interests in Poland Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Europe Directorate 0207 008 1500 13300 0 1 90000 94999 Not set Policy Not set 1
13401 David Warren SCS3 HMA Tokyo Representing British interests in Japan Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Asia Pacific Directorate 0207 008 1500 13400 0 1 125000 129999 Not set Policy Not set 1
13402 Sebastian Wood SCS3 HMA Beijing Representing British interests in China Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Asia Pacific Directorate 0207 008 1500 13400 0 1 130000 134999 Not set Policy Not set 1
13403 Asif Ahmad SCS2 HMA Bangkok Representing British interests in Thailand Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Asia Pacific Directorate 0207 008 1500 13400 0 1 80000 84999 Not set Policy Not set 1
13404 Simon Featherstone SCS2 BHC Kuala Lumpur Representing British interests in Malaysia Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Asia Pacific Directorate 0207 008 1500 13400 0 1 85000 89999 Not set Policy Not set 1
13405 David Fitton SCS2 DHM Tokyo Representing British interests in Japan Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Asia Pacific Directorate 0207 008 1500 13400 0 1 80000 84999 Not set Policy Not set 1
13406 Martin Hatfull SCS2 HMA Jakarta Representing British interests in Indonesia Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Asia Pacific Directorate 0207 008 1500 13400 0 1 85000 89999 Not set Policy Not set 1
13407 Paul Madden SCS2 BHC Canberra Representing British interests in Australia Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Asia Pacific Directorate 0207 008 1500 13400 0 1 85000 89999 Not set Policy Not set 1
13408 Andrew Seaton SCS2 British Consul-General to Hong Kong and Macao Representing British interests in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Asia Pacific Directorate 0207 008 1500 13400 0 1 85000 89999 Not set Policy Not set 1
13409 Martin Uden SCS2 HMA Seoul Representing British interests in South Korea Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Asia Pacific Directorate 0207 008 1500 13400 0 1 80000 84999 Not set Policy Not set 1
13410 Christopher Wood SCS2 DHM Beijing Representing British interests in China Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Asia Pacific Directorate 0207 008 1500 13400 0 1 80000 84999 Not set Policy Not set 1
A Anthony Cary SCS2 Corporate Pool Leave or training between postings Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Human Resources Directorate 0207 008 1500 14100 0 1 85000 89999 Not set Policy Not set 1
B Adrian Davis SCS2 Corporate Pool Leave or training between postings Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Human Resources Directorate 0207 008 1500 14100 0 1 90000 94999 Not set Policy Not set 1
C Stuart Jack SCS2 Corporate Pool Leave or training between postings Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Human Resources Directorate 0207 008 1500 14100 0 1 85000 89999 Not set Policy Not set 1
D Paul Johnston SCS2 Corporate Pool Leave or training between postings Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Human Resources Directorate 0207 008 1500 14100 0 1 90000 94999 Not set Policy Not set 1
E Peter Jones SCS2 Corporate Pool Leave or training between postings Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Human Resources Directorate 0207 008 1500 14100 0 1 80000 84999 Not set Policy Not set 1
F Sarah Macintosh SCS2 Corporate Pool Leave or training between postings Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Human Resources Directorate 0207 008 1500 14100 0 1 80000 84999 Not set Policy Not set 1
G James Watt SCS2 Corporate Pool Leave or training between postings Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Human Resources Directorate 0207 008 1500 14100 0 1 85000 89999 Not set Policy Not set 1
H Scott Wightman SCS2 Corporate Pool Leave or training between postings Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office Human Resources Directorate 0207 008 1500 14100 0 1 90000 94999 Not set Policy Not set 1
16100 Shelagh Brooks SCS2 Deputy Legal Adviser Providing legal advice Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office PUS 0207 008 1500 16000 0 1 95000 99999 Not set Law Not set 1
16200 John Grainger SCS2 Deputy Legal Adviser Providing legal advice Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office PUS 0207 008 1500 16000 0 1 90000 94999 Not set Law Not set 1
16300 Chris Whomersley SCS2 Deputy Legal Adviser Providing legal advice Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office PUS 0207 008 1500 16000 0 1 95000 99999 Not set Law Not set 1
18100 Robin Barnett SCS2 Managing Director, Business Group UKTI INVEST Supporting UK companies and foreign investment Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office UK Trade & Investment 0207 215 8000 18000 0 1 90000 94999 Not set Operational Delivery Not set 1
18200 Edward Oakden SCS2 Head of Department UKTI INVEST Supporting UK companies and foreign investment Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign and Commonwealth Office UK Trade & Investment 0207 215 8000 18000 0 1 100000 104999 Not set Operational Delivery Not set 1