Official Statistics
Table showing items licensed for export after reference to expert advisers for advice as to national importance: 1 May 2010 to 30 April 2011
Updated 15 November 2011
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Items licensed for export after reference to expert advisers for advice as to national importance: 1 May 2010 - 30 April 2011. | |||
Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
Category | Advising authority | No of Items | Total value (£) |
Arms and armour | Royal Armouries, Leeds, Associate Director | 21 | 7,391,586 |
Books, maps etc | British Library, Keeper of Printed Books, Head of Map Collections | 44 | 8,070,638 |
Books (natural history) | Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Head of Library and Archives | 6 | 23,830,712 |
Clocks and watches | British Museum, Keeper of Clocks and Watches | 33 | 5,389,430 |
Coins and medals | British Museum, Keeper of Coins and Medals | 267 | 8,158,645 |
Drawings: architectural, engineering and scientific | Victoria & Albert Museum, Keeper of Word & Image Department | 19 | 816,900 |
Drawings, prints, water-colours | British Museum, Keeper of Prints and Drawings | 367 | 154,352,501 |
Egyptian antiquities | British Museum, Keeper of Egyptian Antiquities | 1,869 | 25,856,637 |
Ethnography | British Museum, Keeper of Ethnography | 18 | 28,239,943 |
Furniture and woodwork | Victoria & Albert Museum, Keeper of Furniture and Textiles & Fashion Department | 186 | 36,860,953 |
Greek and Roman antiquities | British Museum, Keeper of Greek and Roman Antiquities | 9 | 2,443,397 |
Indian furniture | Victoria & Albert Museum, Senior Curator of Asian Department, South & South East Asian Collection | 0 | - |
Japanese antiquities | British Museum, Department of Asia | 15 | 1,591,063 |
Manuscripts, documents and archives | British Library, Curator, Department of Manuscripts | 3,213 | 71,194,091 |
Maritime material, including paintings | National Maritime Museum, Director of Collections | 2 | 73,645 |
Oriental antiquities (except Japanese) | British Museum, Department of Asia | 182 | 64,184,671 |
Oriental furniture | Victoria & Albert Museum, Senior Curator of Asian Department, Chinese Collection | 5 | 1,042,871 |
Paintings, British, modern | Tate Gallery | 166 | 335,327,176 |
Paintings, foreign | National Gallery, Director | 216 | 510,022,639 |
Paintings, miniature | Victoria & Albert Museum, | 1 | 32,500 |
Not set | Senior Curator of Painting Section, Word & Image Department | Not set | Not set |
Paintings, portraits of British persons | National Portrait Gallery, Director | 37 | 53,507,900 |
Photographs | National Media Museum, Head | 45 | 3,266,173 |
Pottery | Victoria & Albert Museum, Head of Ceramics & Glass Department | 33 | 6,051,267 |
Prehistory & Europe (inc. Archaeological material, Medieval and later antiquities & Metal Detecting Finds) | British Museum, Keeper of Prehistory & Europe Department of Portable Antiquities & Treasure (Metal Detecting Finds) | 12,564 | 3,992,317 |
Scientific and mechanical material | Science Museum, Head of Collections | 12 | 2,800,000 |
Sculpture | Victoria & Albert Museum, Senior Curator of Sculpture, Metalwork, Ceramic & Glass Department, Tate Gallery (20th Century Sculpture) | 94 | 39,014,097 |
Silver and weapons, Scottish | National Museum of Scotland, Director | 0 | - |
Silver, metalwork and jewellery | Victoria & Albert Museum, Senior Curator of Sculpture, Metalwork, Ceramic & Glass Department | 160 | 47,461,010 |
Tapestries, carpets (and textiles) | Victoria & Albert Museum, | 56 | 25,979,488 |
Not set | Senior Curator of Furniture, Textiles & Fashion Department | Not set | Not set |
Toys | Bethnal Green Museum of Childhood, Head | 1 | 100,000 |
Transport | Heritage Motor Centre | 28 | 16,720,572 |
Wallpaper | Victoria & Albert Museum, Senior Curator of Prints Section, Word & Image Department | 0 | - |
Western Asiatic antiquities | British Museum, Keeper of Ethnography | 15 | 3,193,267 |
Zoology (stuffed specimens) | Natural History Museum, Director of Science | 2 | 163,667 |
Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set |
Totals | Not set | 19,686 | 1,487,129,756 |