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London Thames Gateway Development Corporation: Procurement expenditure 2009 to 2010
Updated 12 August 2010
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ALB Code | Public Sector Procurement Expenditure Survey Category | Supplier | Net Amount £ |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | ADVERTISING | STRATFORD PHOTO BUREAU LTD | 2,010.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | ADVERTISING | TELEVISION NEWS RELEASE LIMITED | 1,275.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | AUDIT SERVICES | DCLG | 7,310.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | AUDIT SERVICES | FIELD FISHER WATERHOUSE | 1,000.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | AUDIT SERVICES | GOVT ACTUARYS DEPARTMENT | 2,795.15 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | AUDIT SERVICES | HM REVENUE & CUSTOMS | 999.63 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | AUDIT SERVICES | PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS | 21,325.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | BOOKING SERVICES | PORTMAN TRAVEL | 3,678.31 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | BUILDING MANAGEMENT | DTZ DEBENHAM TIE LEUNG | 2,718.94 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | BUILDING MANAGEMENT | RESPONSE PROPERTY SUPPORT LTD | 8,317.43 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | BUILDING MANAGEMENT | SMS ELECTRICAL SERVICES LIMITED | 696.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | BUSINESS PROCESS OUTSOURCING SERVICES | ART SERVICES GRANTS LTD (SPACE) | 937.63 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | BUSINESS PROCESS OUTSOURCING SERVICES | GVA GRIMLEY | 30,051.61 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | BUSINESS PROCESS OUTSOURCING SERVICES | GVA GRIMLEY LTD CLIENT ACCT | 648,890.14 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | BUSINESS PROCESS OUTSOURCING SERVICES | KEMSLEY CLIENT A/C | 4,123.33 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | BUSINESS PROCESS OUTSOURCING SERVICES | SAFE ESTATES SERVICES LTD | 3,866.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | CATERING | OFFICE CAFE COMPANY LTD T/A RED CUP | 1,159.85 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | CLEANING | EMPRISE SERVICES PLC | 16,249.50 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | COMMERCIAL SERVICES | ADAS UK LTD | 4,311.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | COMMERCIAL SERVICES | ANSTEY HORNE & CO LTD | 5,820.70 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | COMMERCIAL SERVICES | ATKINS LTD | 23,500.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | COMMERCIAL SERVICES | BUREAU VERITAS UK LIMITED | 20,295.50 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | COMMERCIAL SERVICES | CEME | 14,278.88 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | COMMERCIAL SERVICES | CHRISTOPER MARSH & CO LTD | 9,705.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | COMMERCIAL SERVICES | CYRIL SWEETT LIMITED | 4,500.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | COMMERCIAL SERVICES | DRIVERS JONAS | 2,962.50 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | COMMERCIAL SERVICES | ENTEC UK LIMITED | 20,947.30 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | COMMERCIAL SERVICES | ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MGMT LTD | 22,104.57 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | COMMERCIAL SERVICES | GLOBAL MAPPING LTD | 2,675.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | COMMERCIAL SERVICES | HALCROW LTD | 64,130.43 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | COMMERCIAL SERVICES | HAYWOOD & BONNETT LTD | 25,830.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | COMMERCIAL SERVICES | HYDER HOUSING LTD | 7,152.50 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | COMMERCIAL SERVICES | KING STURGE LLP | 15,162.50 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | COMMERCIAL SERVICES | LAND USE CONSULTANTS | 12,413.17 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | COMMERCIAL SERVICES | LONDON BOROUGH BARKING & DAGENHAM | 34,697.95 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | COMMERCIAL SERVICES | LONDON BOROUGH HAVERING | 4,076.60 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | COMMERCIAL SERVICES | LONDON BOROUGH OF NEWHAM | 20,816.02 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | COMMERCIAL SERVICES | MOLIOR LONDON LIMITED | 1,495.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | COMMERCIAL SERVICES | OVE ARUP & PARTNERS | 123,970.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | COMMERCIAL SERVICES | RPS GROUP PLC | 2,962.50 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | COMMERCIAL SERVICES | STEER DAVIES & GLEAVE LTD | 277,730.81 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | COMMERCIAL SERVICES | URBAN DESIGN PLUS | 7,018.63 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | COMMERCIAL SERVICES | URS CORPORATION LTD | 24,527.12 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | CONSTRUCTION SERVICE PROVIDERS | AECOM LTD | 115,418.75 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | CONSTRUCTION SERVICE PROVIDERS | AECOM PDD (FORMERLY EDAW PLC) | 141,427.50 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | CONSTRUCTION SERVICE PROVIDERS | ALISON BROOKS ARCHITECTS LTD | 107,653.20 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | CONSTRUCTION SERVICE PROVIDERS | ASPECTS SERVICES (UK) LTD | 28,540.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | CONSTRUCTION SERVICE PROVIDERS | ATKINS LTD | 120,975.08 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | CONSTRUCTION SERVICE PROVIDERS | BAE SYSTEMAS PROPERTIES LTD | 2,550.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | CONSTRUCTION SERVICE PROVIDERS | BENCHMARK DATA COLLECTION LTD | 820.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | CONSTRUCTION SERVICE PROVIDERS | CAPITA SYMONDS LTD | 4,980.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | CONSTRUCTION SERVICE PROVIDERS | CGMS LTD | 8,631.74 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | CONSTRUCTION SERVICE PROVIDERS | DISCOVERY DRILLING | 10,839.25 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | CONSTRUCTION SERVICE PROVIDERS | DRIVERS JONAS | 305,469.48 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | CONSTRUCTION SERVICE PROVIDERS | EDWARD CULLINAN ARCHITECTS | 403,348.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | CONSTRUCTION SERVICE PROVIDERS | ESI LTD | 29,870.32 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | CONSTRUCTION SERVICE PROVIDERS | FPCR LLP | 6,308.47 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | CONSTRUCTION SERVICE PROVIDERS | GARDINER & THEOBALD LLP | 100,451.50 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | CONSTRUCTION SERVICE PROVIDERS | GLENNY LLP | 2,795.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | CONSTRUCTION SERVICE PROVIDERS | GVA GRIMLEY | 106,135.39 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | CONSTRUCTION SERVICE PROVIDERS | HYDER HOUSING LTD | 3,000.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | CONSTRUCTION SERVICE PROVIDERS | JONES LANG LASALLE | 265,490.12 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | CONSTRUCTION SERVICE PROVIDERS | KIER WALLIS | 46,811.30 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | CONSTRUCTION SERVICE PROVIDERS | LASER SURVEYS | 6,750.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | CONSTRUCTION SERVICE PROVIDERS | LATZ + PARTNER | 849,900.82 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | CONSTRUCTION SERVICE PROVIDERS | MACCREANOR LAVINGTON ARCHITECTS B.V | 356,450.22 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | CONSTRUCTION SERVICE PROVIDERS | MK SURVEYS LIMITED | 900.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | CONSTRUCTION SERVICE PROVIDERS | MUSEUM OF LONDON ARCHAEOLOGY | 3,000.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | CONSTRUCTION SERVICE PROVIDERS | NORTHCROFT | 101,670.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | CONSTRUCTION SERVICE PROVIDERS | PARSONS BRINCKERHOFF | 1,250.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | CONSTRUCTION SERVICE PROVIDERS | PETER BRETT ASSOCIATES LLP | 198,938.84 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | CONSTRUCTION SERVICE PROVIDERS | PREMIER SURVEYS | 8,192.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | CONSTRUCTION SERVICE PROVIDERS | RENAISSANCE EXPERTS LTD | 2,750.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | CONSTRUCTION SERVICE PROVIDERS | SCHMIDT HAMMER LASSEN K/S | 157,815.50 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | CONSTRUCTION SERVICE PROVIDERS | SCOTT WILSON LTD | 1,900.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | CONSTRUCTION SERVICE PROVIDERS | SERGISON BATES ARCHITECTS LLP | 271,554.31 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | CONSTRUCTION SERVICE PROVIDERS | STEER DAVIES & GLEAVE LTD | 108,333.78 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | CONSTRUCTION SERVICE PROVIDERS | SUBSCAN TECHNOLOGY LTD | 17,838.50 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | CONSTRUCTION SERVICE PROVIDERS | THDA LTD CONSULTING ENGINEERS | 2,340.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | CONSTRUCTION SERVICE PROVIDERS | THE WATERFLOW GROUP PLC | 1,400.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | CONSTRUCTION SERVICE PROVIDERS | TIM O'HARE ASSOCIATES LLP | 2,700.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | CONSTRUCTION SERVICE PROVIDERS | TURNER & TOWNSEND | 278,524.73 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | CONSTRUCTION SERVICE PROVIDERS | URS CORPORATION LTD | 3,873.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | CONSTRUCTION SERVICE PROVIDERS | WHITE YOUNG GREEN ENVIRONMENTAL LTD | 115,219.72 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | ELECTRICITY | DTZ DEBENHAM TIE LEUNG | 3,421.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | ELECTRICITY | SCOTTISH AND SOUTHERN ENERGY | 1,621.21 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | ELECTRICITY | SCOTTISH POWER GROUP | 28,905.01 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | EVENTS ORGANISATION | KNOWLEDGE DOCK (UEL) LTD | 1,000.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | EVENTS ORGANISATION | LONDON BOROUGH OF NEWHAM | 15,453.50 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | FOOD | EASY GOURMET LTD | 704.65 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | FOOD | M&S LUNCHTOGO | 4,270.11 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | FOOD | NEWSTOP 2000 LTD | 2,091.35 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | FOOD | OFFICE CAFE COMPANY LTD T/A RED CUP | 1,769.37 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | FOOD | SANDS CATERING COMPANY | 1,063.25 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | HARDWARE | PROBRAND LIMITED | 3,996.73 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | HOTELS | HOTEL MAJESTIC | 4,586.40 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | HR BUSINESS PROCESS OUTSOURCING | NORTHGATE HR LIMITED | 37,772.08 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | HR BUSINESS PROCESS OUTSOURCING | RIGHT CORECARE | 3,780.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | INSURANCE SERVICES | W B BAXTER LTD | 4,439.74 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | LEGAL SERVICES | ARCHANT REGIONAL LTD | 1,500.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | LEGAL SERVICES | ARDENT MANAGEMENT LTD | 11,047.75 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | LEGAL SERVICES | BERWIN LEIGHTON PAISNER LLP | 89,191.78 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | LEGAL SERVICES | BEVAN BRITTAN | 61,200.49 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | LEGAL SERVICES | DENTON WILDE SAPTE | 135,272.16 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | LEGAL SERVICES | DLA PIPER RUDNICK GRAY CARY UK LLP | 79,726.18 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | LEGAL SERVICES | EVERSHEDS LLP | 20,750.86 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | LEGAL SERVICES | EVERSHEDS LLP | 540,377.03 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | LEGAL SERVICES | GVA GRIMLEY | 60,088.50 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | LEGAL SERVICES | KEMSLEY LLP | 61,915.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | LEGAL SERVICES | MOUCHEL LIMITED | 13,107.35 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | LEGAL SERVICES | NORTON ROSE LLP | 501,754.43 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | MAIN CONTRACTORS | ATOMIC INTERIORS LTD | 29,683.10 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | MAIN CONTRACTORS | BOW ARTS TRUST | 875.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | MAIN CONTRACTORS | BURO HAPPOLD ENGINEERS (BH INV) | 6,800.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | MAIN CONTRACTORS | COSMO SERVICES UK LTD | 10,119.80 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | MAIN CONTRACTORS | DEMO ONE LTD | 12,003.25 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | MAIN CONTRACTORS | EDF ENERGY NETWORKS LTD | 18,018.57 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | MAIN CONTRACTORS | ERITH CONTRACTORS LTD | 186,466.05 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | MAIN CONTRACTORS | J.R. HOARDING & FENCING LTD | 44,431.94 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | MAIN CONTRACTORS | JOHN F HUNT DEMOLITION LTD | 108,793.20 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | MAIN CONTRACTORS | OCL BUILDING SOLUTIONS LTD | 723,042.80 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | MAIN CONTRACTORS | OTIS LIMITED | 14,236.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | MAIN CONTRACTORS | SAGAL SYSTEMS LTD T/A SAGAL GROUP | 4,413.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | MAIN CONTRACTORS | SCOTT WILSON LTD | 5,294.52 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | MAIN CONTRACTORS | SQUIBB & DAVIES (DEMOLITION) LTD | 351,089.67 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | MAIN CONTRACTORS | SWAN DESIGN | 1,365.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | MAIN CONTRACTORS | VC WORLD LIMITED | 14,578.60 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT | ACCESS UK LTD | 7,364.50 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT | ARTEMIS INTERNATIONAL CORP LTD | 14,278.25 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT | ASYST SOLUTIONS LTD | 5,177.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT | ORACLE CORPORATION UK LTD | 2,635.66 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT | SWIFT LG LTD | 583.50 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT | TRUSTMARQUE SOLUTIONS LTD | 1,085.22 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | MANAGED / OUTSOURCED SERVICES | DCLG | 5,944.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | MANAGED / OUTSOURCED SERVICES | DISASTER RECOVERY SERVICES LTD | 621.26 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | MANAGED / OUTSOURCED SERVICES | DOTTED EYES LTD | 4,895.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | MANAGED / OUTSOURCED SERVICES | ICM BUSINESS CONTINUITY SERVICES LTD | 4,300.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | MANAGED / OUTSOURCED SERVICES | LUMISON LTD | 1,362.50 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | MANAGED / OUTSOURCED SERVICES | NORTHDOOR PLC | 10,910.64 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | MANAGED / OUTSOURCED SERVICES | WAVEX TECHNOLOGY LTD | 138,085.20 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | MARKETING | COMMUNICATE RESEARCH LTD | 1,990.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | MARKETING | EURO RSCG BISS LANCASTER | 28,836.68 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | MARKETING | EVERSHEDS LLP | 750.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | MARKETING | INDUSTRIAL AGENTS SOCIETY | 1,520.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | MARKETING | INVEST IN THAMES GATEWAY LONDON LTD | 14,911.20 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | MARKETING | LIFT | 1,169.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | MARKETING | LIME CREATIVE SERVICES | 19,030.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | MARKETING | LONDON BOROUGH HAVERING | 600.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | MARKETING | LONDON COMMUNICATIONS AGENCY | 21,840.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | MARKETING | LONDON COMMUNICATIONS AGENCY | 128,908.78 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | MARKETING | REDHOUSE LANE COMMUNICATIONS LTD | 2,070.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | MARKETING | REED BUSINESS INFORMATION | 3,700.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | MARKETING | RPG SIGNHIRE LTD T/A SIGNCRAFT | 28,320.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | MARKETING | SBR DESIGN CONSULTANTS LTD | 12,119.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | MARKETING | SECTORLIGHT STRATEGIC DESIGN | 178,112.40 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | MARKETING | TELEVISION NEWS RELEASE LTD | 11,607.50 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | MARKETING | THE COPYRIGHT LICENSING AGENCY | 500.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | MARKETING | THE NEWSPAPER LICENSING AGELNCY LIMITED | 890.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | MARKETING | UBM INFORMATION LTD | 5,310.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | N/A | DRIVERS JONAS | 5,850.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | NETWORKING | LUMISON LTD | 700.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | OFFICE SERVICES | CITY ELECTRICAL FACTORS | 1,168.60 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | OFFICE SERVICES | PHS DATASHRED | 3,482.16 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | OFFICE SUPPLIES | TOTAL OFFICE | 31,779.63 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | OPERATIONAL SERVICES | CAPITA RESOURCING LIMITED | 27,319.44 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | OPERATIONAL SERVICES | HAYS SPECIALIST RECRUTMENT | 6,850.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | OPERATIONAL SERVICES | MORGAN MCKINLEY GROUP LTD | 17,729.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | OPERATIONAL SERVICES | ROCKPOOLS PEOPLE & PERFORMANCE LTD | 9,605.65 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | OPERATIONAL SERVICES | VMA SEARCH AND SELECTION LTD | 10,635.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | PENSION SERVICES | GO PENSIONS LTD | 5,525.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | PENSION SERVICES | LONDON PENSIONS FUND AUTHORITY | 912.55 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | POST AND COURIER | LEWIS DAY TRANSPORT PLC | 4,462.24 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | POST AND COURIER | NEOPOST LTD | 4,094.49 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | POST AND COURIER | ROYAL MAIL GROUP PLC | 500.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | PPM CONSULTANCY | BURO HAPPOLD ENGINEERS (BH INV) | 31,895.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | PPM CONSULTANCY | HARRIET RATHBORN CONSULTANCY LTD | 67,861.73 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | PPM CONSULTANCY | JOANNA GAUKROGER | 14,950.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | PPM CONSULTANCY | LIME CREATIVE SERVICES | 2,791.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | PPM CONSULTANCY | THAMES21 LTD | 35,000.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | PROCUREMENT CONSULTANCY | JONES LANG LASALLE | 153,643.86 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | PROMOTION | AMBA DESIGN | 2,865.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | PROMOTION | AZURE ONLINE MARKETING LTD | 6,178.31 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | PROMOTION | BRITISH WATERWAYS | 1,000.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | PROMOTION | CONNECT PUBLIC AFFAIRS LTD | 6,355.18 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | PROMOTION | DAVID TAYLOR LTD | 1,325.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | PROMOTION | FUSE8 GROUP LIMITED | 1,519.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | PROMOTION | HAYMARKET PUBLISHING SERVS LTD | 1,431.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | PROMOTION | JONES LANG LASALLE | 13,500.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | PROMOTION | LEASIDE REGENERATION LTD | 9,131.49 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | PROMOTION | LIFT | 2,750.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | PROMOTION | LIME CREATIVE SERVICES | 59,631.19 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | PROMOTION | LONDON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & IND | 598.26 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | PROMOTION | LONDON COMMUNICATIONS AGENCY | 3,120.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | PROMOTION | PIPERS PROJECT LTD | 8,750.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | PROMOTION | QED COMMUNICATIONS | 14,445.87 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | PROMOTION | REDHOUSE LANE COMMUNICATIONS LTD | 49,311.50 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | PROMOTION | UBM INFORMATION LTD | 19,000.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | PROMOTION | URBANCANDA | 1,800.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | PROMOTION | WASH DESIGN | 7,532.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | RECORDS STORAGE | SALA INTERNATIONAL LTD | 1,229.87 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | RECORDS STORAGE | SECURE BOX SERVICES LTD | 670.23 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | SOFTWARE | ARGUS SOFTWARE (UK) LTD | 8,925.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | SOFTWARE | ASYST SOLUTIONS LTD | 1,695.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | SOFTWARE | MESSAGELABS LTD | 2,772.80 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | SOFTWARE | TRUSTMARQUE SOLUTIONS LTD | 20,694.28 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | STAFF MEDICAL CARE | NUFFIELD HEALTH | 620.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | STAFF SUBSCRIPTION | BPF MEMBERSHIP SUBSCRIPTION | 870.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | STAFF SUBSCRIPTION | EAST LONDON BUSINESS ALLIANCE | 3,500.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | STAFF SUBSCRIPTION | EDITORIAL INTELLIGENCE LTD | 500.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | STAFF SUBSCRIPTIONS | MOLIOR LONDON LIMITED | 500.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | STAFF SUBSCRIPTIONS | SWEET & MAXWELL LTD | 1,291.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | STAFF SUBSCRIPTIONS | SWETS INFORMATION SERVICES LTD | 631.91 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | STAFF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT | ARGUS SOFTWARE (UK) LTD | 850.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | STAFF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT | BEX EVENTS LTD | 7,950.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | STAFF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT | BRITISH RED CROSS | 939.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | STAFF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT | CAPITA SYMONDS LTD | 3,575.36 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | STAFF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT | COMMON PURPOSE UK | 4,300.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | STAFF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT | EAST LONDON UNIVERSITY | 20,000.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | STAFF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT | GA TRAINING | 6,526.10 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | STAFF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT | HAYMARKET PUBLISHING SERVS LTD | 1,478.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | STAFF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT | KAPLAN HAWKSMERE | 699.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | STAFF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT | LONDON DEVELOPMENT EVENTS LTD | 998.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | STAFF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT | NATIONAL SCHOOL OF GOVERNMENT | 1,695.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | STAFF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT | QA LIMITED | 2,800.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | STAFF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT | QUADRILECT LTD | 1,525.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | STAFF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT | SMI GROUP LTD | 999.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | STAFF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT | VIGILARIS UK LTD | 700.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | STAFF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT | WISE OWL BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LTD | 750.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | STRATEGIC CONSULTANCY | BLUE SAIL CONSULTING LIMITED | 14,288.40 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | STRATEGIC CONSULTANCY | DAVIES BELL ASSOCIATES LTD | 7,150.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | STRATEGIC CONSULTANCY | JOHN GREEN ASSOCIATES LTD | 1,120.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | STRATEGIC CONSULTANCY | KNOWLEDGE DOCK (UEL) LTD | 43,625.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | STRATEGIC CONSULTANCY | LONDON BOROUGH BARKING & DAGENHAM | 23,000.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | STRATEGIC CONSULTANCY | MR M J WATSON | 37,950.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | STRATEGIC CONSULTANCY | PETER BRETT ASSOCIATES LLP | 69,209.80 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | STRATEGIC CONSULTANCY | PRIME ASSOCIATES | 2,400.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | STRATEGIC CONSULTANCY | REGENERIS CONSULTING LTD | 8,581.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | STRATEGIC CONSULTANCY | ROCKET SCIENCE | 42,721.25 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | STRATEGIC CONSULTANCY | SEEDA | 13,852.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | STRATEGIC CONSULTANCY | STRATFORD RENAISSANCE PARTNERSHIP | 15,000.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | STRATEGIC CONSULTANCY | SUSTAINABLE ENTERPRISE LTD | 11,600.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | STRATEGIC CONSULTANCY | THE WATERWAYS TRUST | 5,000.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | SYSTEMS DELIVERY | ACCESS UK LTD | 10,014.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | SYSTEMS DELIVERY | ARTEMIS INTERNATIONAL CORP LTD | 9,350.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | SYSTEMS DELIVERY | ASYST SOLUTIONS LTD | 8,780.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | SYSTEMS DELIVERY | AUROS LTD | 4,250.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | SYSTEMS DELIVERY | LIME CREATIVE SERVICES | 2,627.50 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | SYSTEMS DELIVERY | NETNAMES | 1,750.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TAXI | CREATIVE WIT | 1,312.50 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TAXI | GVAG LTD CLIENT RE: LDA 3 MILLS STUDIO | 510.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TAXI | THE BRIDGE MEDIA TRAINING LTD | 600.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TAXI | TRIDENT-HERITAGE LTD | 2,774.31 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | 5TH STUDIO LTD | 46,117.50 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | AMION CONSULTING | 97,156.09 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | ARDENT MANAGEMENT LTD | 6,111.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | BBP REGENERATION | 53,458.01 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | BIGGAR ECONOMICS LTD | 35,841.78 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | BUILDING RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT LIMITED | 4,420.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | BURO HAPPOLD ENGINEERS (BH INV) | 13,207.50 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | CAPITA SYMONDS LTD | 38,769.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | CB RICHARD ELLIS | 15,093.84 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | CREATIVE PLACES | 34,147.18 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | CYCLAMAX HOLDINGS LTD | 12,408.22 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | DAVIS LANGDON LLP | 9,500.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | DENTON WILDE SAPTE | 10,117.44 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | DOBBIN + SULLIVAN LTD | 555.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | DOVETAILS ARCHITECTS | 2,250.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | ENTEC UK LIMITED | 3,283.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | ENVIROBUSINESS SOUTH EAST LTD | 4,550.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | EVERSHEDS LLP | 15,000.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | FENN WRIGHT | 3,250.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | FOVIANCE LIMITED | 38,500.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | GLENNY LLP | 19,220.09 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | GOODMAN LOGISTICS DEVELOPMENTS (UK) LTD | 50,000.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | GRAHAM HARRINGTON PLANNING ADVICE | 4,000.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | GRANT THORNTON LLP | 5,000.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | GREENHATCH GROUP LTD | 8,295.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | HOARE LEA | 950.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | HYDER HOUSING LTD | 3,000.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | INNOVISION EVENTS LTD | 24,758.89 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | JONES LANG LASALLE (PROPERTY ACCT) | 23,856.17 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | K F GEOTECHNICAL | 3,315.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | K S MAINTENANCE LTD | 750.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | KEMSLEY LLP | 2,393.75 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | KNIGHT FRANK | 500.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | LANDOLT AND BROWN LIMITED | 33,325.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | LB TOWER HAMLETS | 1,718.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | LONDON BOROUGH HAVERING | 5,500.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | MARCHINI CURRAN ASSOCIATES LTD | 48,427.75 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | MOUCHEL LIMITED | 2,400.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | MUSEUM OF LONDON ARCHAEOLOGY | 2,538.50 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | NORTHGROVE LAND LTD | 4,225.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | OVE ARUP & PARTNERS | 88,651.11 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | PARSONS BRINCKERHOFF | 1,310.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | PRIME ASSOCIATES | 900.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | RENAISSANCE EXPERTS LTD | 5,720.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | S & J WORTHINGTON | 9,750.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | SAVILLS (L & P) LIMITED | 4,441.80 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | SCOTT WILSON LTD | 43,877.75 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | SQW LTD | 26,299.50 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | STOLLARD & FOREMAN LTD | 500.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | SUBSCAN TECHNOLOGY LTD | 1,800.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | THE ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY PRACTICE LTD | 1,950.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | THE GORDON TOMALIN PARTNERSHIP | 4,500.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | URBAN PRACTITIONERS | 57,175.46 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | URS CORPORATION LTD | 89,642.68 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | W B ASSOCIATES | 80,000.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY | WILDWOOD FUTURES LTD | 13,742.10 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TELECOMS | ARKADIN UK LTD | 1,410.27 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TELECOMS | B T PLC | 4,726.89 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TELECOMS | DAISY COMMUNICATIONS LTD | 1,525.89 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TELECOMS | NILDRAM LTD | 638.71 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TELECOMS | REDSTONE COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED | 5,901.59 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TELECOMS | UPPER SYSTEM LTD | 2,578.16 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TELECOMS | VODAFONE LTD | 7,220.24 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TEMPORARY WORKERS | HAYS SPECIALIST RECRUTMENT | 52,124.57 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TEMPORARY WORKERS | MICHAEL PAGE UK LTD | 43,372.34 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TEMPORARY WORKERS | MORGAN MCKINLEY GROUP LTD | 21,889.97 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TEMPORARY WORKERS | PAGE PERSONNEL SECRETARIAL | 1,184.40 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TEMPORARY WORKERS | VENN GROUP LTD | 1,721.99 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | TEMPORARY WORKERS | VMA SEARCH AND SELECTION LTD | 25,192.50 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | UNCLASSIFIED | SBR DESIGN CONSULTANTS LTD | 2,750.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | VEHICLE HIRE | RICHMOND'S COACHES | 2,945.00 |
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation | VEHICLE HIRE | STREETCAR | 567.15 |