Transparency data
MOD's exceptions (consultancy) to spending controls April to June 2012
Updated 14 October 2014
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Department | Organisation Name | Basis for Exception | New Approval / Reapproval | Value | Approval month | Type |
Ministry of Defence | DIO | DIO Transformation | Re-approval | 2,000,000 | April | Organisation & Change Management |
Ministry of Defence | DES | Project Marshall (JMATS) | Re-Approval - 9 Mths | 134,000 | April | Finance |
Ministry of Defence | DES | JOUST Project | Re-Approval - 3 Mths | 45,500 | April | Legal |
Ministry of Defence | DES | FsAST PUMA | Re-Approval - 15 Mths | 62,876 | May | Finance |
Ministry of Defence | DES | Emporium & DCNS | Initial | 1,700,000 | May | Legal |
Ministry of Defence | DES | CIPHER Programme Delivery Phase (DP) | Re-Approval - 3 Mths | 178,800 | May | Legal |
Ministry of Defence | DES | Materiel Strategy | Initial | 1,000,000 | May | Legal |
Ministry of Defence | DES | Materiel Strategy | Initial | 2,500,000 | May | Strategy |
Ministry of Defence | DES | Materiel Strategy | Initial | 6,500,000 | May | Finance |
Ministry of Defence | Land Forces | Delay in announcement of Army 2020 measures. | New 3 month extension | 225,000 | June | Strategy |
Ministry of Defence | DES | ASTUTE Class Training Service | Re-Approval - 9 Mths | 189,000 | June | Finance |
Ministry of Defence | DES | ASTUTE | Re-Approval - 6 Mths | 80,000 | June | Legal |
Ministry of Defence | DES | UKMFTS | Initial | 728,109 | June | Legal |
Ministry of Defence | DES | Maritime Support Delivery Framework (MSDF) | Initial | 32,700 | June | Legal |
Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | 15,375,985 | Please note this total should not be used as the total value, as this includes re-approvals. | Not set |