FOI release

MOD FOI requests received from 4 to 28 April 2011

Updated 28 April 2011
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MOD Requests to 28 April 2011 Not set Not set
CIO-CI-Access Team, Ministry of Defence, Not set Not set
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Case Number Date Due Request Summary
04-04-2011-111610-001 05/05/2011 Aerial photos of the Cairngorm and South-East Grampian area of Scotland for mapping landforms.
04-04-2011-112041-002 06/05/2011 Which gurkha units rotated through Minden Barracks in Penang, Malaya during 1962, following rotations by the KOYLI and KOSB.
04-04-2011-112507-003 05/05/2011 The noise and vibration reports carried out by the RAF Centre of Aviation Medicine on the Grob Tutor, Squirrel Helicopter and Griffin Helicopter specifically in relation to the Mk4b4l helmet.
04-04-2011-112817-004 06/05/2011 I would like to request copies of correspondence sent from Michael Clarke to Malcolm Rifkind in the period April to August 1994, that relate to the crisis in Rwanda. I would also like to request copies of any replies from Malcolm Rifkind.
04-04-2011-114028-005 06/05/2011 Is there a specific team dedicated to monitoring of the internet? If so, how many people is this team comprised of? If not, assuming from the document that the internet is monitored, how many people at the MoD have "monitoring the internet" in their job descriptions, even if this is not their primary role? How often is the internet routinely monitored?
04-04-2011-121247-006 06/05/2011 Eleven questions regarding the Departmental spend on travel for Ministers, Directors and Staff.
04-04-2011-144230-001 06/05/2011 Documents Rebalancing the Flying Training Pipeline Paper by AMP dated 14 Jan 11 and Flying Training Pipeline Rebalancing Policy ? DFT Directive dated 15 Feb 11.
04-04-2011-144700-002 06/05/2011 Documentation of the review of the legality of the Starstreak missile system (various variants) undertaken in relation to Article 36 of the Geneva Conventions Additional Protocol I (1977) and the 2008 Convention on Cluster Munitions.
04-04-2011-145318-003 06/05/2011 1) Breakdown of recruitment into the active service units of the British armed forces by socio-economic groups, A-E for the years 2000-2010. 2)Breakdown of serving personnel killed in action of British armed forces by socio-economic groups A-E for the years 2000-2010. 3)Breakdown of serving, or ex-serving personnel diagnosed as suffering from PTSD, caused due to active military service, of British armed forces by socio-economic groups A-E for the years 2000-2010.
04-04-2011-150258-004 06/05/2011 Whilst in NI there was an incident involving a relative. A subsequent court case courtmartialled xxxxxx men. I request a copy of the court papers.
04-04-2011-153418-005 06/05/2011 Please let me know if the Defence Aviation Repair Agency throughout it's existence ever made any permanent full time Civil Servants working in grade band D, C2 or C1 redundant. Please do not include voluntary compulsory redundancies or voluntary compulsory early retirements. This request is only concerned with enforced redundancies. If the DARA did enforce redundancies at those grades please can you let me know the total number for each site, the year they took place and the grade.
04-04-2011-160252-006 06/05/2011 Are we correct in assuming that payments to operate the SSVC cinemas are included in the total figure of ?32,225,000 for 2009/2010? How does this statement that ?29,727,000 of SSVC?s income in 2009-2010 was attributable to MoD activities (i.e. 78% of the total) correlate to your figure of ?32,225,000 for the same period? During the financial years covered by your answers was SSVC in receipt of any additional payments from individual branches of the military not included in your totals? In order that an opinion may be formed on whether the SSVC forces broadcasting contract represents good value for money can you please, as originally requested, provide a value for the BFBS contract for each year, at least for the current pricing period from 2008 to 2011? What steps have been taken to renew or advertise the CSE contract?
04-04-2011-161454-008 06/05/2011 I would like to request the following Ministry of Defence's Financial Planning Rounds and associated documents for PR 08, 09 and 10.
04-04-2011-163953-010 06/05/2011 What is the current and estimated costs for the British military, in order help the rebels in Libya?
04-04-2011-173153-001 04/05/2011 Please provide various information on Kinloss and Lossiemouth RAF bases.
05-04-2011-095213-001 06/05/2011 Does the Royal Navy and/or Marines employ Optometrists in a commissioned officer capacity similarly to medical or dental officers?
05-04-2011-110352-001 05/05/2011 HMS DELIGHT tour dates.
05-04-2011-113532-002 06/05/2011 Copies of any notes taken by British officials during Mr Gerald Howarth's meetings with Indonesian Defence Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro between 23-25 March, 2011.
05-04-2011-120313-003 06/05/2011 The revenue earned by sale of actual measured weather data be it quality controlled or not, wholesale, commercial or other.
05-04-2011-121927-004 09/05/2011 Air Force pilots Tactics and Weapons courses in Canada at NFTC. How many courses were paid for? How many of these courses were actually filled by RAF pilots? What the cost of each course was? How many pilots failed the NFTC course?
05-04-2011-172426-003 09/05/2011 I seek the regulations/conditions used to determine the need for a fire door as mandated by the Defense Fire Risk Management Organisation.
05-04-2011-173553-004 09/05/2011 Information regarding the use of Donna Nook Air Weapons Range. 1. how often is it used in hours/day or days/year. 2. Are there are any periods/months of peak use? 3. Are there any periods/months that are not used? 4. Is it only air weapons that are used at Donna Nook or are terrestrial weapons also tested?
06-04-2011-094243-001 27/04/2011 PTSD numbers and treatments.
06-04-2011-103539-002 05/05/2011 All information relating to any sickness reporting, sickness information collating or sickness comparisons that have been done by DFRMO or received by DFRMO, from or to any Government department or private sector body in the last 3 years with regards to the Defence Fire and Rescue Service.
06-04-2011-111718-002 05/05/2011 Copy of Board of Inquiry report for Operation Lows Gully.
06-04-2011-115211-001 04/05/2011 Request for a specification AD/GSE/1686 E and P.
06-04-2011-115432-007 09/05/2011 Release report "Comparison of Information Strategies in British Counter-Insurgency Operations?
06-04-2011-121428-008 10/05/2011 Expenditure of the Royal Air Force.
06-04-2011-135101-001 10/05/2011 Between Jan 1, 2006 and the present day what was cost paid by the Ministry of Defence to Birmingham Airport for the use of its facilities to aeromedicaly evacuate injured personnel to there from Afghanistan.
06-04-2011-144128-003 10/05/2011 How many GB personnel have been killed or injured in Sangin, Kajaki and Nad/Lash area respectively since Ap 2006 - in total or by year. Plus total killed overall.
06-04-2011-145146-004 10/05/2011 1. The number of soldiers that have appeared before a court-martial for offences involving narcotics. 2. The number of soldiers that have been found guilty by a court-martial of offences involving narcotic 3. The age or date of birth of each soldier and their regiment. 4. Information on what action was taken against the soldiers who appeared in front of a court-martial.
06-04-2011-145754-005 10/05/2011 Details of any expenditure on media or presentational training for Ministers from 11 May 2010 onwards, including name of the Minister(s) concerned.
06-04-2011-150329-006 10/05/2011 Evidence to the effect that during the last 10-15 years the construction firm Haymills has been hired once or more by MoD (Gibraltar) and that Haymills has done and completed work for the Mod in Gibraltar to the satisfaction of the MoD.
07-04-2011-103316-001 11/05/2011 Thirteen questions relating to housing for military and civilian personnel who are based at RAF Brize Norton or likely to transfer there during the next 18 months.
07-04-2011-110012-002 11/05/2011 How many people are employed in total by the MOD? Ratio between serving military personnel and clerical support staff.
07-04-2011-110350-003 10/05/2011 Which MoD organisation(s) are responsible for paying the expenses for the St Vincent building in Whitehall.
07-04-2011-110503-001 10/05/2011 Waiting lists for rating recruits to start training in 2006 and 2007 for submariners or other branches of the Royal Navy.
07-04-2011-113322-004 10/05/2011 Royal Navy & Royal Marine Officers court marshalled within the years 1980 up to and including 1990.
07-04-2011-162133-001 11/05/2011 The contact details of the DIA branch investigating the use of external support/consultant.
07-04-2011-170114-001 11/05/2011 Please can you provide home base locations and quantities for the Eurofighter Typhoons that the UK currently own.
07-04-2011-171016-002 11/05/2011 I would like to see all correspondence between ministers and officials that mentions Michael Batt AND/OR Jon Moulton or any of its employees or interests between May 2010 to date.
07-04-2011-171518-003 11/05/2011 I would like to see all correspondence between ministers and officials that mentions Stanley Fink AND/ OR Alan Howard or any of its employees or interests between May 2010 to date.
07-04-2011-172143-004 11/05/2011 I would like to see all correspondence between ministers and officials that mentions Michael Hintze or any of its employees or interests between May 2010 to date.
07-04-2011-173441-005 11/05/2011 Please could you provide me with a list of activities, location and cost to HMG for 'Military Aid to the Civil Power, to other Government Departments and to the Civil Community' where operations were conducted outside of the UK, for years 2000/1 - 2009/10.
07-04-2011-173829-006 11/05/2011 The number of Tomahawk missiles fired by U.K. armed forces on the first night of action on Operation Ellamy on Saturday 19 March and the total number of Tomahawk's fired during the operation to date.
08-04-2011-134928-001 14/03/2011 Six questions regarding the funding of Regimental Museums.
08-04-2011-143047-001 11/05/2011 1. Copy of the Tender Documents between RAF and Kirknewton Flying Group Ltd 2. Copy of Lease Agreement between RAF and Kirknewton Flying Group Ltd 3. Complete RAF records of all civilian aircraft and pilots using Kirknewton hangar for the period 12.12.2007 to 1.4.2011 4. Blank copy of RAF Indemnity Receipt application form. 5. Copies of all Indemnity Receipt records for all aircraft and pilots using RAF Kirknewton for the period 12.12.2007 to 1.4.2011.
08-04-2011-153452-002 12/05/2011 1) Does the Ministry of Defence have a policy in place for procuring domestically produced food for its catering operation 2) If so, please can you provide a brief outline of the policy? 3) What percentage out of the total food procured was produced in Britain in financial years 2009-2010 and 2010-2011? 4) In total how much was spent on food procurement in financial years 2009-2010 and 2010-2011?
11-04-2011-091959-001 12/05/2011 I would like to know details of how much has been spent on consultants since May 2010. I would also like to know details of which consultancies/ individual consultants currently have contracts with the departments.
11-04-2011-092307-002 12/05/2011 A list of all fuel leaks that occurred on Nimrod XV230 between 1st Jan 2006 and 2nd Sept 2006?
11-04-2011-092753-003 12/05/2011 I would like to see all correspondence between ministers and officials that mentions SJ Berwin LLP or any of its employees or interests between May 2010 to date.
11-04-2011-093439-004 13/05/2011 I would like my Streaming Board results and scores obtained from each Board member from my original Streaming Board held at RAF Cranwell 1 EFTS. I would also like any minutes or supporting information from that Board. Furthermore I would like the briefing notes for AOC 22 Groups briefing on the Flying Training System circa 25 Feb 11 and the 22 Group News letter for Feb 11.
11-04-2011-093927-005 13/05/2011 Details of the hull design/plan/layout of HMS Puma.
11-04-2011-094609-006 13/05/2011 The numbers of ground trade technicians (whichever classifications are used) placed before the promotion board, both A and B candidates, by rank and the numbers of those promotions granted? For each trade group e.g. Tg4 Tg11?
11-04-2011-100341-001 13/05/2011 I was wondering, if you could help me track down some audio/visual footage of a press conference that took place in Kabul on Sunday 23rd April 2006 between John Reid and the Afghani defence minister.
11-04-2011-111047-002 13/05/2011 I'm working on the sinking of the HMHS Britannic, a hospital ship which sank in 21 November 1916 near Kea Channel (Greece). I tried to find the investigation report into that sinking in your website but I've not found it. Could you indicate where I can find this report.
11-04-2011-114123-001 23/05/2011 The use of psychological warfare during the Cyprus Emergency, 1955-60. Specifically I request the release of files containing examples of so-called propaganda leaflets air-dropped on EOKA terrorists in Cyprus with accompanying English translations and dissemination data.
11-04-2011-114720-002 13/05/2011 Could I have all human resources reports relating to submarines of the "Astute" class. This should include all studies and research made by military personnel of any kind on the subject.
11-04-2011-115445-003 13/05/2011 The number of personnel who, if closed down, would be deployed to another base. The number of personnel who, if closed down, would be made redundant for Kinnloss and Lossiemouth.
11-04-2011-115839-004 13/05/2011 All information held relating to planned PFI/PPP projects abandoned by MOD. Details of all current PFI/PPP projects.
11-04-2011-120310-005 13/05/2011 How many people are currently serving in the British Armed Forces? It does not matter if the figure is slightly out of date.
11-04-2011-120712-006 13/05/2011 All correspondence which MOD officials have made with Sandhurst concerning the matter of a mosque which is being built 300 yards away from the parade grounds of the academy.
11-04-2011-121514-007 13/05/2011 What is your organisations policy on the Kirpan (a Sikh Dagger/Symbol) do you have any restrictions upon staff both civilian and enlisted or visitors carrying the Kirpan or any regulations upon its size, length or other aspects of the Kirpan. This includes both secure and non secure sites which MOD may cover.
11-04-2011-121548-001 13/05/2011 Is it possible that you can help me with a statistic of how many black soldiers there are in the British defense, that is the number and/or percentage.
11-04-2011-122940-008 13/05/2011 Whether a claim for Mesothelioma suffered by xxxxxx against the MoD and settled out of court, was made as a private claim, or on behalf of his estate by the executors.
11-04-2011-123446-009 13/05/2011 How many compensation claims in total (both accepted and rejected) have been made by Army soldiers to the Armed Forced Compensation Scheme in each of the following years: 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010.
11-04-2011-135714-001 12/05/2011 What was the fate of RAF Victor aircraft XL 161.
11-04-2011-143830-001 13/05/2011 British medical scientist EH Starling who was a member of the Royal Army Medical Corps during World War I when, amongst other things, he undertook research on poison gases. Any hour holdings relevant to STARLING.
11-04-2011-145044-002 13/05/2011 Reference Mesothelioma claim, settled out of court in 2010, between xxxxxx and the MoD. I would like to know the sum of the out of court settlement.
11-04-2011-145816-003 13/05/2011 Information relating to Abnormal Events at the Atomic Weapons Establishment.. A copy of the Abnormal Event report for each of these six incidents. A summary indicating what remedial action was taken to deal with each of these incidents. Copies of all correspondence between the Nuclear Installations Inspectorate and AWE / MoD relating to these incidents.
11-04-2011-150233-004 13/05/2011 I should be grateful if you would provide me with a copy of the following The UK/US Memorandum of Agreement dated October 1997 entitled "The Import, Export, Transportation, Safety, Security, Storage and Disposal of US Explosives and Weapons in the UK and the Approval, Use and Safety of Ground Ranges".
11-04-2011-151004-005 13/05/2011 The monthly recruitment statistics of each recruitment office for each branch of the armed services since 1st January 2010 and up to the most recent date when figures are available.
11-04-2011-151430-006 13/05/2011 The UK suppliers of services and equipment for the construction and maintenance for the Astute class submarine. Please also include what service and or equipment the supplier provides.
11-04-2011-151653-007 13/05/2011 The UK suppliers of services and equipment for the construction and maintenance of the Type 45 destroyers. Please also include what service and or equipment the supplier provides.
11-04-2011-151928-008 13/05/2011 All hospitality received by the Ministerial team, including special advisors, from 7thMay 2010 to 31stDecember 2010.
11-04-2011-152331-009 13/05/2011 Please list all hospitality received by the Ministerial team, including special advisors, from 1st January 2011 to 11th April 2011.
11-04-2011-152701-010 13/05/2011 The UK suppliers of services and equipment for the construction and maintenance for each of the Queen Elizabeth Class aircraft carriers. Please also include what service and or equipment the supplier provides.
11-04-2011-152952-011 13/05/2011 The full UK postal address for every armed forces recruitment office. Please include which branch of the armed forces each office recruits for.
11-04-2011-153248-012 13/05/2011 The UK suppliers of services and equipment for the construction and maintenance of the Joint Strike Fighter project. Please also include what service and or equipment the supplier provides to the project.
11-04-2011-161843-001 13/05/2011 Is it would be possible to retrieve MOD Pipelines, Other pipelines (including water mains), Civilian and MOD Aerodrome safeguarding areas, MOD Property Boundaries, Military Aviation Bases, Flight Paths data?
12-04-2011-095033-001 13/05/2011 Does MOD have an ethics program similar to that of Canada, United States and Australia? Do you know what approach to ethics it takes?
12-04-2011-095645-002 13/05/2011 I would like a complete list of items that were used before the recent Allowance Review to calculate Local Overseas Allowances, and the list that was used to calculate the new level of these allowances. In addition, what specific actions were taken by those conducting the review to determine the changes of lifestyle within the UK that were subsequently factored into the new reduced rates of allowances?
12-04-2011-100200-003 13/05/2011 "Secret Establishment EH" Bedfordshire, any information as to what this establishment might have been?
12-04-2011-101220-004 13/05/2011 How many staff from the Ministry of Defence (both civilian and military) were given approval to join the arms company, Finmeccanica, under the business appointments process in a) 2008; b) 2009 and c) 2010? Of those i) how many had dealt with the receipt of tenders from Finmeccanica or the award of contracts to Finmeccanica while employed by the Ministry of Defence? ii) which jobs did those granted approval to join Finmeccanica take up with Finmeccanica; and what jobs had those people performed while in the Ministry of Defence?
12-04-2011-103133-005 16/05/2011 I wish to obtain a detailed map of the Falklands Islands.
12-04-2011-104314-002 13/05/2011 Records detailing the timing of gritting treatment of the road carriageway carried out at HMNB Clyde during December 2010.
12-04-2011-110709-004 13/05/2011 Documents referred to in an AWE safety risk management document.
12-04-2011-115204-001 12/05/2011 Unit deployments to Afghanistan.
12-04-2011-115259-007 16/05/2011 Framework agreements. Suppliers who applied for inclusion on each framework below and were successful & not successful at the PQQ & ITT stages. Contract values of each framework. Start date duration of framework if framework\contract is being renewed.
12-04-2011-120546-008 16/05/2011 What are the extra costs incurred as a result of the extension in service life for the Nimrod R1? Can the costs be broken down to costs per day in service or cost per operational flight? What consideration has been given to keeping the aircraft at a state of extended readiness once Operation Ellamy has concluded?
12-04-2011-121126-009 01/04/2011 Defence acquisition training 1. is there any law regulating or covering defence acquisition training like DAWIA in the US 2. what kind of bodies are carrying out defence acquisition training in UK 3. where can I take general or specific information on defence acquisition training.
12-04-2011-134303-001 13/05/2011 Data for the rainfall forecasts from 2004 covering Filton Bristol?
12-04-2011-150001-006 16/05/2011 All records you hold in connection with my request on the Operations Telic Lessons Compendium, your reference 28-05-2010-110703-002 from the date I sent the request until today (i.e. NOT just until the date of disclosure).
12-04-2011-152439-008 06/05/2011 The names of all private companies the MOD works with in animal disease research and the biowarfare field. Which of these private companies are not liable to the freedom of information act and why?
12-04-2011-161122-011 16/05/2011 Information on the land use around knook camp Warminster Wiltshire during the 2nd world war.
12-04-2011-161622-012 16/05/2011 What Open Source software did the department acquire between 24th February 2009 and 13th September 2010? Please provide details about each piece of software.
12-04-2011-163130-013 19/04/2011 Number of veterans and widows in receipt of a pension under the Armed Forces Pension Scheme broken down by Postcode.
13-04-2011-085658-001 16/05/2011 Details of a court martial in Germany from approximately 1965-69.
13-04-2011-092715-004 17/05/2011 The Exception Certificate and justification as requested by the Chinook Integrated Project Team Leader to the Secretary of State for defence relating to an exemption grant for the MK4B4L flying helmet because of its failure to comply with Control of noise at work regulations.
13-04-2011-170827-004 17/05/2011 Military range at Trawsfynydd and have now been asked to write a report on the history of the range and the development of its look out/splinter defences. any historical information possible - the battalions who used the ranges and the artillery used.
14-04-2011-095319-001 17/05/2011 Meetings between senior officials in the Ministry of Defence and Sir Roger Wheeler, of the defence firm Thales UK Air Defence, between January 1 2009 and the present day. A list of the dates of each of these meetings and the official who attended each of these meetings.
14-04-2011-101914-002 17/05/2011 MOD records relating to the left-wing Irish republican, Cathal Goulding, associations in Britain, periods spent in prison(1953-59).
14-04-2011-103633-003 18/05/2011 The bottom line total cost figure to re-brand four Infantry Regiments into The Royal Green Jackets.
14-04-2011-120337-001 26/04/2011 How much it has cost the UK taxpayer to fund the military operation against Libyan government forces.
14-04-2011-132201-001 18/05/2011 How many instances of detached duty were claimed by employees of the Agency (Military and Civilian) for attendance at Centurion building on HMS Sultan over the period 28.04.11 to 30.04.11.
14-04-2011-132645-001 18/05/2011 Sight of any documentation/emails and minutes that discuss the SPVA Non-Executive Directors (NEDs), their current tenure and plans to employ them either as fixed term or contract staff in the future.
14-04-2011-133008-002 18/05/2011 Sight of the latest business case with regards the maintained employment within the SPVA of the SPVA deputy chief executive.
14-04-2011-140632-003 18/05/2011 Nine questions relating to the closure of Bradwell nuclear power station and plans for all other UK power stations.
14-04-2011-150159-001 16/05/2011 Can Royal Navy officers transfer to another commonwealth realm's navy?
14-04-2011-154907-001 16/05/2011 The number of additional clasps to the Accumulated Campaign Service Medal (ACSM) that have been awarded since the medal was first issued in Jan 1994.
15-04-2011-101942-001 18/05/2011 Since the Victoria Cross has been awarded there have been cases where recommendations have been forwarded only for the award to be denied. How many times this has happened since 1900 onwards, and reasons for such denials.
15-04-2011-102505-002 18/05/2011 All documentation relating to the formation, creation, storage, maintenance, disposal, scrapping, planning of and continuation of a Strategic Steam Reserve in Great Britain from January 1 1946 to April 14 2011.
15-04-2011-103456-003 19/05/2011 In the last three years, how much has been made from the film industry by renting out locations. In each case could the location be provided, the production team which hired it, the dates for which it was hired and what film/drama was filmed on it. What MOD equipment and personnel was used in the filming.
15-04-2011-104326-004 18/05/2011 What were the gross operating costs for the DE&S for the financial year 2009/10? How many Staff are employed by or on behalf of the DE&S? At how many locations do DE&S Staff work? What is the email pattern now for contacting DIO Staff? 14 questions regarding the DIO's IT provisions.
15-04-2011-120803-005 19/05/2011 Please provide a copy of any deeds or other information relating to MoD historic ownership of land at Elgar Close, Alverstoke, Gosport, Hants, PO12 2LH.
15-04-2011-121243-006 19/05/2011 How many outbreaks of fire has there been on nuclear submarines between 1987 and today. How many of these fires have been classed as large scale. How many of these fires have been classed as medium scale. How many of these fires have been classed as small scale. Of the large scale fires, please list which vessels were involved, where the vessels were located at the time of the fires and the exact date of each fire. Of the medium scale fires, please list which vessels were involved, where the vessels were located at the time of the fires and the exact date of each fire.
15-04-2011-131452-009 17/05/2011 Request details of a Halifax Bomber crash in Germany, 1943.
15-04-2011-140236-001 19/05/2011 Any and all documents, and radio logs between the helicopter and the D-Class lifeboat who attended the incident off the coast of Treagddur Bay, North Wales on 21 August 2009.
15-04-2011-144152-001 17/05/2011 Number of employees working on fixed term contracts at MOD and Agencies in the last 3 years.
15-04-2011-145241-002 17/05/2011 Information concerning de-icing/salt gritting carried out at DSDA Arrochar in January 2009, policies and procedures including any changes.
15-04-2011-150407-003 19/05/2011 Overall numbers of people in performance categories excellent, good, satisfactory or unsatisfactory by basic salary banding.
15-04-2011-155646-004 19/05/2011 Training materials related to recovery of light vehicles (e.g. TUL/TUM).
15-04-2011-160305-005 19/05/2011 All briefing documents, policy documents and submissions to ministers on the subject of discharging armed forces personnel who are medically unfit for duty written by Major General Andrew Gregory, director general of army personnel Brigadier Richard Nugee, director of army manning Commodore Jonathan Woodcock, head of armed forces pay and manning.
15-04-2011-160832-006 19/05/2011 For all PPP or PFI signed projects within your department I request to see the following details 1. the names of all companies in each consortium 2. the contract between the consortium and government of each signed project 3. the year on year forecasted payments to each consortium 4. the main document you hold detailing public consultation over the project 5. the agreed roles and responsibilities of each private company within the consortium 6. the total money that each company will receive for each year of the contract 7. any other relevant supporting information that gives insight into the contractual obligations and remuneration of specific companies within each consortium.
15-04-2011-161814-002 19/05/2011 How much the war in Afghanistan has cost the UK since the beginning in 2001 overall?
15-04-2011-170350-007 19/05/2011 Transcript of an interview that took place at the Asylum Screening Unit, Home Office in Croydon.
18-04-2011-102918-001 19/05/2011 Please provide copies of floor plans and sections for HMS Invincible, HMS Manchester and HMS Ark Royal.
18-04-2011-105403-003 19/05/2011 Please advise on the body responsible for the naming of UK military operations and where a list of historical and ongoing military operations can be obtained.
18-04-2011-111329-005 19/05/2011 I work for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Probation Trust and if someone from your HR department could contact me with regard to the recent defence review. I would also like to know what model if any you use e.g. Ulrich, do you operate a "Shared Services" route etc this is for benchmarking purposes.
18-04-2011-114739-006 20/05/2011 Please advise if the MOD Police are affiliated in any way to the Police Federation and if serving MOD police officers are members of the Federation.
18-04-2011-114906-001 18/05/2011 Please provide copies of the accident reports into the air crashes for xxxxxx xxxxxx and xxxxxx in the South China Sea in 1960.
18-04-2011-152537-001 20/05/2011 Please provide details of the numbers of Territorial Army soldiers who have served in Helmand that are attached to infantry battalions.
19-04-2011-093006-001 23/05/2011 Please advise and provide information to various questions regarding the HM Armed Forces Veteran Badges.
19-04-2011-093440-002 23/05/2011 Please provide a copy of the Nimrod Airworthiness Review Team Report, dated 24th July 1998.
19-04-2011-094102-003 23/05/2011 Please advise and provide information to various questions about the Royal Air Force Rugby Union.
19-04-2011-123344-004 23/05/2011 Please advise on the percentage of students, enrolled in university Royal Navy units, go on to have careers within the Royal Navy or Armed Forces and how this information is garnered.
19-04-2011-134840-001 23/05/2011 Please provide troop numbers for each conflict and overseas posting - including long-term bases such as Cyprus, Germany and Gibraltar, and British involvement in joint operations e.g. UN forces - for each year of Army involvement.
19-04-2011-150822-001 23/05/2011 Please advise on MOD expenditure on external consultants in the FY 2010/11.
19-04-2011-160715-002 23/05/2011 Please advise on what regulation(s) were permitted that allowed for HRH Prince William to be transferred from the Army into the RAF and the resultant consequences if he failed his flying examination.
19-04-2011-164006-003 23/05/2011 Please advise on the value of the contract awarded to Vector Aerospace on the 28 January 2011 to make the Sea King (Search & Rescue) Helicopters Sea Trays and the cost of each Sea Tray.
20-04-2011-094624-001 23/05/2011 Please provide a copy of the publication 'A Review of their Origin, Composition and Methods for Detection: by G.C. Goode and J.R. Morris, AWRE Report No. 022/83'.
20-04-2011-095549-002 23/05/2011 Please provide historical information held on the munitions depot at Leadburn.
20-04-2011-100130-003 23/05/2011 Please provide a copy of Annexes A to the Probabilistic Safety Targets and Assessment of Gross Disproportion referred to in DNSR/22/11/2 dated 4 November 2009.
20-04-2011-101939-004 24/05/2011 Please advise on the number of military personnel serving in Afghanistan that have declared they may have unintentionally taken drugs while on tour in 2008, 2009 and 2010.
20-04-2011-102500-005 24/05/2011 Please advise on the number of times British helicopters in Afghanistan have been involved in incidents where they have reported being hit by small arms fire or other weaponry in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, the types of aircraft involved and the resultant injuries that occurred.
20-04-2011-105555-006 11/05/2011 Please provide historical information on RAF Menwith Hill.
20-04-2011-115239-001 20/05/2011 Please provide information on St Leonard's Hill House and the use of asbestos.
20-04-2011-131801-002 24/05/2011 Please advise whether a painting of Sir Winston Churchill, painted by Stanley John North, still hangs in the sergeants mess at Woolwich Army barracks.
20-04-2011-141514-002 24/05/2011 Please provide details and information on compensation claims made in Afghanistan from 1 January 2011 - March 31 2011.
20-04-2011-143213-003 24/05/2011 Please provide copies of all documentation of the meeting between the Defence Secretary, and the defence company, Finmeccanica, to discuss 'UK-French summit implications' in November 2010.
20-04-2011-144016-004 24/05/2011 Please provide details and information when senior officials at MOD met with David Gould, the executive chairman of the defence company Selex Systems, between 1 March 1 2010 - present.
20-04-2011-145736-005 24/05/2011 Please provide details and information when senior officials at MOD met with Sir Roger Wheeler, of the defence company Thales UK Air Defence, between 1 January 2009 - present.
20-04-2011-150321-006 24/05/2011 Please provide details and information when senior officials at MOD met with Sir Richard Mottram, chairman of the commercial company Amey, since he was appointed to the post on 19 August 2008.
20-04-2011-150840-007 24/05/2011 Please provide details and information when senior officials at MOD met with Sir Robert Walmsley, chairman of the defence EDO(UK), between 1 May 2007 and 20 January 2009.
20-04-2011-152016-008 18/05/2011 Please advise on how a graph depicting the annual precipitation and sunshine hours for Inverness for the past century can be obtained.
20-04-2011-152924-001 20/05/2011 Please provide information to various question regarding the MOD contract with Alix Partners.
20-04-2011-164346-009 24/05/2011 Please provide a copy of AFM Vol 1, Part 8 Command and Staff Procedures.
20-04-2011-171512-010 24/05/2011 Please provide an organisational chart for the MOD Central Legal Services.
21-04-2011-111121-001 25/05/2011 Please advise on the number of MOD staff that are currently seconded to EU institutions and the cost to the Department.
21-04-2011-112155-002 25/05/2011 Please provide copies of all recruitment advertisements, shown on television for the British Army, for recruitment campaigns since the 1970s.
21-04-2011-112859-003 25/05/2011 Please provide information to various questions regarding the Defence Dental Services.
21-04-2011-113610-004 25/05/2011 Please provide veteran statistical data for the North East of England.
21-04-2011-122704-005 21/04/2011 Please provide information and details of the Contract Framework Agreement for MOD Office Supplies Framework.
26-04-2011-090322-001 25/05/2011 Please provide an up-to-date map of Kabul.
26-04-2011-091859-002 25/05/2011 Please advise on the number of female service personnel that were aero-medically evacuated from Afghanistan each year due to pregnancy.
26-04-2011-092229-003 25/05/2011 Please advise on the number of soldiers that have been investigated or caught selling MoD equipment on internet sites such as eBay in the last five years. Please provide a year-by-year breakdown of incidents.
26-04-2011-094111-004 25/05/2011 Please provide an electronic copies of the full and current version of the Dress Regulations and Drill Manual of the Royal Air Force.
26-04-2011-102104-005 25/05/2011 Please advise whether concise records of the pups that are breed from working dogs are retained.
26-04-2011-102513-006 25/05/2011 Please provide information on the British's official standpoint on building an EU army.
26-04-2011-103438-001 23/05/2011 Please advise why the RTI 216 application report shows that the Nimrod XV235 was checked on 4 October 2007 and 8 March 2008.
26-04-2011-103857-007 25/05/2011 Please advise whether any pieces of the hangers at RAF ScuIthorpe, that were demolished in 2009, remain.
26-04-2011-104323-008 26/05/2011 Please advise on the American army unit stationed at Darland Hall in Rossett, Wrexham North Wales during WWII.
26-04-2011-104813-009 26/05/2011 Please advise and provide a breakdown on the number of police officers suspended every year from 2007 to 2010.
26-04-2011-111530-011 26/05/2011 Please advise on the number and cost to store and maintain harriers at RAF Cottesmore, Rutland. Please advise on the number own at the time of the fleet being scrapped in October 2010.
26-04-2011-112259-012 26/05/2011 Please provide a copy of the RAF Board of Enquiries findings into the fatal mid air collision that occurred between 2 Grob aircraft over south Wales on 11 February 2009.
26-04-2011-113122-013 26/05/2011 Please advise whether non-commissioned officers (NCOs) in the Royal Air Force are entitled to request an interview with their Air Officer Commanding (AOC) as part of the due process involved with disciplinary or administrative action.
26-04-2011-113907-014 26/05/2011 Please advise on the recuperation entitlement for service personnel that have done operational tours. Please advise on the number of service personnel that have done tours in excess of 7, 11, 18 24 months and longer for the last five years.
26-04-2011-114539-015 26/05/2011 Please provide information on the number of occasions where hotel costs were in excess of £200 a night.
26-04-2011-114940-016 26/05/2011 Please advise on the number of positive drugs tests recorded following tests carried out on members of the Armed Forces in 2010.
26-04-2011-115327-017 26/05/2011 Please provide the total amount of local overseas allowance paid for each country for accompanied and unaccompanied pay ranges.
26-04-2011-115910-001 24/05/2011 Please advise whether the value of the Menwith Hill base in North Yorkshire was a figure generated by MOD and the methodology used.
26-04-2011-135618-001 26/05/2011 Please provide information and copies of Cpl Paul E Cramer U.S.M.C. training records with the British Royal Marines in 1942.
26-04-2011-142832-001 19/05/2011 Please provide a copy of the Royal Navy Traffic advice relating to anti-nuclear demonstrations at Devonport Naval Base.
26-04-2011-143957-001 26/05/2011 Please provide information on the Prisoner of War camp where Giovanni Sabatini was taken during WWII.
26-04-2011-150555-002 26/05/2011 Please provide a copy of all movement logs for civil aircraft using RAF Kirknewton from 1 November 2009 - 1 February 2011.
26-04-2011-155802-002 13/04/2011 Please provide information to various questions regarding the cost to MOD to provide medical care for service personnel wounded (both physical and mental wounds) in Afghanistan and Iraq since the start of each respective conflict.
26-04-2011-165835-003 26/05/2011 Please provide information to various questions about the Met Office.
26-04-2011-170412-004 26/05/2011 Please provide a copy of the 2010 Defence Nuclear Environment and Safety Board Assurance Report.
27-04-2011-110854-001 26/05/2011 Please provide electronic copies of various IPCC documentation.
27-04-2011-111509-002 26/05/2011 Please provide information on the 'West Africa Volunteer Force'.
27-04-2011-111824-003 26/05/2011 Please provide details of QRRN's (Queens Rules Regulations Navy) QRRN Article 0866.6, QRRN article 0876.6, QRRN Article 0844.2 and the relevance and legal purpose of Naval Form C240.
27-04-2011-112403-004 26/05/2011 Please provide a breakdown of information to various questions regarding recruits under the age of 18 for the periods 2008, 2009 and 2010.
27-04-2011-112720-005 26/05/2011 Please provide a list of email addresses for the War Pensions Committees in the UK and the Isle of Man.
27-04-2011-124029-006 27/05/2011 Please provide information on the number of MOD procurement deals that have been initiated, but have not seen completion (i.e. procured materials have not entered service), since 2001.
27-04-2011-124809-007 26/05/2011 Please provide a hard copy of the Defence Framework booklet.
27-04-2011-140932-001 27/05/2011 Please advise on the number of incidents were trespassers have taken occupation of land/building and have subsequently been evicted by police and or private contractors or County Court Bailiffs.
27-04-2011-141351-002 27/05/2011 Please provide organigrams information for the MOD organization.
27-04-2011-152916-003 27/05/2011 Please advise on the cost of "Guide to airfield pavement design and evaluation", 2nd edition, 2006. Publisher: Defence Estates, London, UK and how it can be obtained.
27-04-2011-153819-001 26/05/2011 Please advise on the Armed Forces discharge policy.
27-04-2011-174154-005 27/05/2011 Please provide a list of dates when senior officials in the MOD and the former vice-chairman of the defence company Thales UK Air Defence, John Howe, met between 1 January 2007 and 1 March 2009.
28-04-2011-101220-002 27/05/2011 Please advise what details are held of shipping movements or incidents for the English Channel between Portland Bill and St Anvil Head on or around 14 December 1979 when the yacht Caroline of Leigh was sunk.
28-04-2011-105532-001 25/05/2011 Please provide a copy of the transcript record of the advice given to Cllr Smith during his conversation with the MOD on 7 April 2011 and any briefing/information note made in preparation for this conversation regarding DNSR/22/11/2 document authored by Andrew McFarlane which featured in the Guardian article.
28-04-2011-142436-001 31/05/2011 Please provide information to various questions regarding the health issues of Armed Forces personnel in transition to civilian life from 1 June 2008 - 31 December 2010.
28-04-2011-142707-002 31/05/2011 Please provide a copy of the transfer deed dated 21 December 2010 between the MOD and Fremington Developments LLP referred to in Land Registry Title DN597606. This relates to the disposal of Fremington Training Camp EX31 3BJ.
28-04-2011-143522-003 31/05/2011 Please provide information on wartime 25 yard small arms ranges.
28-04-2011-143911-004 31/05/2011 Please advise on the number of horses kept by MOD and their various costs.
28-04-2011-151027-005 31/05/2011 Please provide the latest Numerical Atmospheric-dispersion Modelling Environment graphic/map showing the progress across the globe and the UK of the various radionuclides emanating from the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan since the earthquake struck on 11 March 2011.