Transparency data
Home Office senior staff data: March 2012
Updated 9 July 2012
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Post Unique Reference | Name | Grade (or equivalent) | Job Title | Job/Team Function | Parent Department | Organisation | Unit | Contact Phone | Contact E-mail | Reports to Senior Post | Salary Cost of Reports (£) | FTE | Actual Pay Floor (£) | Actual Pay Ceiling (£) | Professional/Occupational Group | Notes | Valid? | |
4PO01 | Helen Ghosh | SCS4 | Permanent Secretary | 'The permanent secretary of the Home Office is responsible to the home secretary and parliament for leading the Home Office group so that the Home Office delivers its objectives in the short term and builds capacity to deliver in the future.' | Home Office | Home Office | Permanent Secretary's Office | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | XX | 0 | 1 | 180000 | 184999 | Not set | Operational Delivery | Post re-coded (previously 4PS01) | 1 |
1PO01 | N/D | SCS1 | Principal Private Secretary and Head of Private Office | 'Private Office provides a high level of support to Ministers and the Permanent Secretary in establishing and maintaining effective working relationships between Ministers and the Department’s officials, and support the Department in their delivery of the Home Office’s objectives.' | Home Office | Home Office | Home Secretary's Office | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 4PO01 | 240000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Operational Delivery | Not set | 1 |
1PO03 | N/D | SCS1 | Private Secretary to Permanent Secretary | 'Private Office provides a high level of support to Ministers and the Permanent Secretary in establishing and maintaining effective working relationships between Ministers and the Department’s officials, and support the Department in their delivery of the Home Office’s objectives.' | Home Office | Home Office | Permanent Secretary's Office | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 4PO01 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Operational Delivery | Salary costs incorporated with 1PO01 | 1 |
2COM01 | Yasmin Diamond | SCS2 | Director of Communication | 'The Director of Communications leads the delivery of external and internal communications for the Home Office, working with the Secretary of State, Ministers and senior officials to provide leadership and advice on communications to support policy and departmental objectives. The directorate is responsible for providing specialist services in media handling, strategic communications/marketing, digital, internal communications, insight/research and a correspondence service for the public and MPs.' | Home Office | Home Office | Communication Directorate | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 4PO01 | 1130000 | 1 | 125000 | 129999 | Not set | Communications | Not set | 1 |
1COM04 | N/D | SCS1 | Head of News | 'The Head of News is responsible for all press and media handling activities within the Home Office and acts as the spokesperson for the Home Secretary. Leading the Press Office, the Head of News helps to develop and deliver effective media handling strategies and support to Ministers and policy teams. The Press Office are responsible for both reactive and proactive media handling strategies.' | Home Office | Home Office | Press Office and Planning Unit | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2COM01 | 1370000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Communications | Not set | 1 |
1COM03 | N/D | SCS1 | Head of Strategic Communications, Marketing and Insight | 'The Strategic Communication, Marketing and Insight Unit leads on Home Office communication strategy by setting out communication objectives and priorities for the Department and measuring progress against them. The unit also undertakes communications research and analysis. This enables it to design and implement campaigns which help the Department deliver its objectives by changing attitudes and behaviour. ' | Home Office | Home Office | Strategic Communications, Marketing and Insight | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2COM01 | 930000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Communications | Not set | 1 |
1COM05 | N/D | SCS1 | Head of Digital, Events and Staff Communications | 'The Digital, Events and Staff Communications Unit manages and maintains Home Office corporate communications channels, including the external facing corporate website and relevant content for the Direct Gov website. The unit is also responsible for internal news and staff engagement, visits, events and digital communications (internet and intranet).' | Home Office | Home Office | Digital, Events and Staff Communications | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2COM01 | 980000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Communications | Not set | 1 |
1COM02 | 'Eliminated' | SCS1 | Head of E-Communications | 'The e-Communications unit helps deliver the department’s objectives by keeping staff, partners and the public informed about the work of the Home Office through our internal and external websites.' | Home Office | Home Office | E-Communications | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2COM01 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Communications | Not set | 1 |
1COM01 | 'Eliminated' | SCS1 | Head of Corporate Communications | 'The Corporate Communication Unit is responsible for all messaging, channels and engagement activity for staff and Home Office employees.' | Home Office | Home Office | Corporate Communications | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2COM01 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Communications | Not set | 1 |
3CPG01 | Stephen Rimmer | SCS3 | Director General of Crime and Policing Group | 'Responsible for all aspects of the Crime and Policing Group. Member of the Home Office Board.' | Home Office | Home Office | Director General's Office | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 4PO01 | 200000 | 1 | 125000 | 129999 | Not set | Policy | Rounded to nearest £100,000 | 1 |
3NCA01 | Keith Bristow | SCS3 | Director General for the National Crime Agency | Responsible for all aspects of the National Crime Agency' | Home Office | Home Office | National Crime Agency Programme | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 4PO01 | 200000 | 1 | 210000 | 214999 | Not set | Policy | Rounded to nearest £100,000 | 1 |
2CPG08 | Gareth Hills | SCS2 | Director National Crime Agency Programme | 'Responsible for delivering the programme to establish the National Crime Agency. Member of the CPG Board.' | Home Office | Home Office | National Crime Agency Programme | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 3CPG01 | 100000 | 1 | 80000 | 84999 | Not set | Policy | Rounded to nearest £100,000 | 1 |
2CPG07 | Stephen Webb | SCS2 | Director of Finance and Strategy | 'Responsible for finance for the group, corporate support and the group's strategic functions. Member of CPG Board.' | Home Office | Home Office | Finance and Strategy | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 3CPG01 | 840000 | 1 | 85000 | 89999 | Not set | Finance | Salary costs for SSPU have been incorporated | 1 |
2CPG05 | Jaee Samant | SCS2 | Director of Crime | 'Responsible for developing and implementing the Government’s response to crime and anti-social behaviour. Member of the CPG Board.' | Home Office | Home Office | Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour Reduction Unit | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 3CPG01 | 100000 | 1 | 80000 | 84999 | Not set | Policy | Rounded to nearest £100,000 | 1 |
2CPG04 | Stephen Kershaw | SCS2 | Director of Policing | 'Responsible for developing and implementing the Government’s programme of police reforms. Member of the CPG Board.' | Home Office | Home Office | Policing | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 3CPG01 | 200000 | 1 | 110000 | 114999 | Not set | Policy | Salary costs for EQV15 incorporated. Rounded to nearest £100,000 | 1 |
2CPG01 | Mandie Campbell | SCS2 | Director of Drugs, Alcohol and Community Safety | 'Responsible for developing and implementing a new Drugs Strategy, an overhaul of the Licensing Act and supporting partnership working at a local level. Member of the CPG Board.' | Home Office | Home Office | Drugs, Alcohol and Community Safety | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 3CPG01 | 300000 | 1 | 95000 | 99999 | Not set | Policy | Salary costs for 1CPG30 have been incorporated, rounded to the nearest £100,000 | 1 |
2CPG10 | Peter Duffy | SCS2 | Emergency Service Mobile Communications Programme Director | Responsible for leading and delivering the Emergency Service Mobile Communications Programme | Home Office | Home Office | Emergency Services Mobile Communications Programme | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 3SIIG01 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Policy | Not set | 1 |
1CPG31 | 'Eliminated' | SCS1 | Head of Police ICT (transition) | 'The Home Office lead on the transition of national police ICT capability following the decision to phase out the National Police Improvement Agency.' | Home Office | Home Office | Finance and Performance | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2CPG07 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Information Technology | Not set | 1 |
1CPG30 | N/D | SCS1 | Head of Crime and Criminal Justice Team Wales | 'Responsible for engagement across the range of policy functions within the Welsh Assembly Government and community safety, criminal justice and counter-terrorism agencies, as well as across wider Home Office business as appropriate, to ensure the Home Office policy development takes account of devolved matters pertaining to community safety in Wales.' | Home Office | Home Office | Drugs, Alcohol and Community Safety | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2CPG01 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Policy | Salary costs incorporated with 2CPG01. | 1 |
1CPG28 | N/D | SCS1 | Programme Director | 'Responsible for programme management of the Hillsborough Disclosure Programme which is charged with making public those records relating to the Hillsborough disaster in 1989 and its aftermath.' | Home Office | Home Office | Hillsborough Disclosure Unit | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2UKBA18 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Policy | Paid for by Comms Directorate incorporated with UKBA18 | 1 |
1CPG27 | N/D | SCS1 | Head of Strategic Centre on Organised Crime | 'Responsibility for policy and strategy for organised crime and wider protective services' | Home Office | Home Office | Strategic Centre for Organised Crime | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2CPG05 | 380000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Policy | Not set | 1 |
1CPG26 | N/D | SCS1 | Head of Police Transparency Unit | 'Responsible for the policing powers policy and sponsorship of Home Office Non-Departmental Public Bodies, the National Policing Improvement Agency, the Independent Police Complaints Commission and neighbourhood policing' | Home Office | Home Office | Police Transparency Unit | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2CPG04 | 1040000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Policy | Police Transparency Unit is made up of Policing Powers and Protection Unit and parts of LPCJU | 1 |
1CPG25 | Eliminated' | SCS1 | Head of Strategy, Skills and Planning Unit | 'Responsible for corporate support and the group's strategic functions.' | Home Office | Home Office | Strategy, Skills and Planning Unit | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2CPG07 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Policy | Post eliminated February 2012. Team headed by a Grade 6. Salary costs of unit incorporated with 2CPG07 | 1 |
1CPG24 | 'Eliminated' | SCS1 | Head of the Partnership Development Unit | 'Responsible for development of policy related to Community Safety Partnerships and engagement with the Voluntary & Community Sector.' | Home Office | Home Office | Partnership and Development | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2CPG01 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Operational Delivery | Not set | 1 |
1CPG23 | 'Eliminated' | SCS1 | Head of Police Finance and Pensions Unit | 'Responsible for policy on police funding and on officer pension schemes' | Home Office | Home Office | Police Finance & Pensions | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2CPG04 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Finance | Not set | 1 |
1CPG21 | 'Eliminated' | SCS1 | Head of Corporate Services and Skills Unit | 'Responsible for delivering high quality corporate services across the Group (including governance, information and risk management, honours administration, workforce and business planning and skills development. (Post deleted Oct 10)' | Home Office | Home Office | Strategy, Skills and Planning Unit | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2CPG07 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Programme and Project Management (PPM) | Not set | 1 |
1CPG20 | N/D | SCS1 | Head of Police Productivity Unit | 'Responsible for Home Office policy on police value for money, workforce, pay, and equality and diversity.' | Home Office | Home Office | Police Productivity | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2CPG04 | 1190000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Policy | Not set | 1 |
1CPG19 | 'Eliminated' | SCS1 | Head of Research and Analysis | 'Responsible for research and analysis in the Crime and Policing Group. Head of Profession for Social Research in the Home Office' | Home Office | Home Office | Research & Analysis | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2CPG07 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Operational Research | Not set | 1 |
1CPG18 | 'Eliminated' | SCS1 | Head of Crime and Police Communication | 'Responsible for the team which provides communications advice and support across all CPG policy areas.' | Home Office | Home Office | Crime and Policing Communications | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2CPG07 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Communications | Post eliminated 01 April 2011. | 1 |
1CPG16 | N/D | SCS1 | Head of Public Order Unit & Head of UK Football Policing Unit | 'Public Order: Responsible for public order, firearms, roads traffic, international policing assistance and civil emergencies. UK Football Policing Unit: 'Undertakes a range of HO and police responsibilities, related to preventing and tackling English and Welsh football disorder domestically and abroad' | Home Office | Home Office | Public Order, UK Football Policing | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2CPG04 | 1400000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Policy | Combines POU and UKFPU costs | 1 |
1CPG15 | N/D | SCS1 | Head of Violent and Youth Crime Prevention Unit | 'Responsible for the co-ordinating work across government on all aspects of violent and sexual crime.' | Home Office | Home Office | Violent and Youth Crime Prevention Unit | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2CPG05 | 1170000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Policy | Not set | 1 |
1CPG14 | N/D | SCS1 | Head of Group Finance Unit | 'Responsible for providing an efficient, effective finance function which produces timely, accurate financial data on which to base decision making, and which provides professional financial management and technical accountancy expertise to the Group' | Home Office | Home Office | Group Finance Unit | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2CPG07 | 1010000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Finance | Not set | 1 |
1CPG13 | N/D | SCS1 | Head of Reducing Reoffending | 'Responsible for supporting local areas to reduce re-offending, by tackling drug related crime and prolific offenders through Integrated Offender Management approaches.' | Home Office | Home Office | Reducing Reoffending Unit | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2CPG01 | 950000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Policy | Not set | 1 |
1CPG12 | N/D | SCS1 | Head of Drug and Alcohol Unit | 'Responsible for key reforms to tackle alcohol and drug misuse including a new cross government drug strategy. Also, for effective licensing regulation of the controlled drugs market.' | Home Office | Home Office | Drug and Alcohol Unit | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2CPG01 | 1720000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Policy | Not set | 1 |
1CPG10 | N/D | SCS1 | Head of Community Safety Unit | 'Resposible for policy on crime and policing performance, the identification and verification of effective practice and the management of the Tilley awards, recognising effectiveness in community safety.' | Home Office | Home Office | Community Safety | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2CPG01 | 990000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Policy | Not set | 1 |
1CPG09 | 'Eliminated' | SCS1 | Head of Alcohol Strategy Unit | 'Responsible for key reforms to licensing, including an overhaul the Licensing Act to tackle alcohol related crime and disorder.' | Home Office | Home Office | Alcohol and Strategy | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2CPG01 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Policy | Not set | 1 |
1CPG08 | N/D | SCS1 | Head of Police Reform Unit | 'Responsible for key police reform policies including the introduction of PCCs.' | Home Office | Home Office | Police Reform | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2CPG04 | 520000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Policy | Not set | 1 |
1CPG07 | 'Eliminated' | SCS1 | Head of Anti Social Behaviour and Youth Crime | 'Responsible for development and implementation of policy relating to anti social behaviour and youth crime.' | Home Office | Home Office | Anti Social Behaviour & Youth Crime | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2CPG05 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Policy | Not set | 1 |
1CPG06 | 'Eliminated' | SCS1 | ACPO Lead Tackling Knives Action Programme Plus | 'Responsible for leading the National Knife Crime and Serious Youth Violence Programme (TKAP Plus).' | Home Office | Home Office | Violent Crime | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 1CPG15 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Operational Delivery | Not set | 1 |
1CPG04 | 'Eliminated' | SCS1 | Head of Policing Powers and Protection Unit | 'Responsible for the policing powers policy and sponsorship of Home Office Non-Departmental Public Bodies, the National Policing Improvement Agency and Independent Police Complaints Commission.' | Home Office | Home Office | Policing Powers and Protection | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 3CPG01 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Policy | Merged with SCOC | 1 |
1CPG03 | 'Eliminated' | SCS1 | Head of Crime Strategy Unit | 'Responsible for advising Ministers on their overal approach to cutting crime, in particular designing out and acquistive crime.' | Home Office | Home Office | Crime Strategy | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2CPG05 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Policy | Not set | 1 |
1CPG01 | N/D | SCS1 | Head of Organised and Financial Crime Unit | 'Responsible for policy and legislation on organised and financial crime .' | Home Office | Home Office | Organised and Financial Crime | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2CPG05 | 580000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Policy | Not set | 1 |
2UKBA18 | Kenneth Sutton | SCS2 | Director Hillsborough Disclosure Programme | 'Responsible for the Secretariat supporting the Hillsborough Independent Panel. The Panel is overseeing the disclosure of records relating to the Hillsborough disaster in 1989 and its aftermath' | Home Office | Home Office | Hillsborough Disclosure Unit | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 3CPG01 | 390000 | 1 | 120000 | 124999 | Not set | Policy | Not set | 1 |
1CPG34 | N/D | SCS1 | Head of National Crime Agency Programme | 'Responsible for delivering the programme to establish the National Crime Agency' | Home Office | Home Office | National Crime Agency Programme | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2CPG08 | 1000000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Policy | Not set | 1 |
1CPG35 | N/D | SCS1 | Head of Border Police Command Establishment | 'Responsible for delivering the Border Police Command Establishment as part of the National Crime Agency' | Home Office | Home Office | National Crime Agency Programme | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2CPG08 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Policy | Paid for by UKBA. Costs Included in 1CP34. Salary Cost of reports | 1 |
1CPGMAT | N/D | SCS1 | Maternity Leave | 'Maternity Leave' | Home Office | Home Office | Maternity Leave | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2CPG07 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Policy | Paid Maternity leave. Costs Included in 2CPG07 Salary Cost of reports | 1 |
1CPG32 | N/D | SCS1 | HR Lead NPIA Transition Team | Responsible for leading on HR within the project for the transfer out of functions from NPIA into its successor bodies and phasing out of the NPIA' | Home Office | Home Office | National Police Improvement Agency Transition | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2CPG07 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Policy | Salary costs incorporated with ICPG33 salary cost of reports | 1 |
1CPG37 | N/D | SCS1 | Head of Intelligence, Tasking and Coordination - NCA Programme | Responsible for delivering Intelligence, Tasking and Coordination for the NCA programme' | Home Office | Home Office | National Crime Agency Programme | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2CPG08 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Policy | Salary costs incorporated with ICPG34 salary cost of reports | 1 |
1CPG38 | N/D | SCS1 | Head of Economic Crime Command - NCA Programme | Responsible for delivering on econimic crime as part of the NCA programme' | Home Office | Home Office | National Crime Agency Programme | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2CPG08 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Policy | Salary costs incorporated with ICPG34 salary cost of reports | 1 |
EQV15 | N/D | SCS1 | DCC to the Policing and Value for Money Unit | Responsible for representing ACPO by providing the operational link between the police service and the Policing Value for Money Unit' | Home Office | Home Office | Police Productivity | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2CPG04 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Policy | Salary costs incorporated with 2CPG04 salary cost of reports. Temporary post ends May 2012. | 1 |
1CPG36 | N/D | SCS1 | Head of Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour Unit | Responsible for crime and anti social behaviour reduction' | Home Office | Home Office | Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour Reduction Unit | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2CPG05 | 650000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Policy | Not set | 1 |
1CPGSEC | N/D | SCS1 | Secondment - Out of Directorate | Secondment - Out of Directorate | Home Office | Home Office | Secondment | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2CPG07 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Policy | Salary costs incorporated with 2CPG07 salary costs | 1 |
1CPG33 | N/D | SCS1 | Head of NPIA Transition | Responsible for leading the project for co-ordinating transfer of functions out of the NPIA into its successor bodies and phasing out of the NPIA. This includes financial planning, liaison with departmental policy leads, advice to ministers on the transfer of functions, dependency management, getting in place the necessary legal steps and reporting to the NPIA Project Group on progress with, and risks to, the timely phase out of the NPIA.' | Home Office | Home Office | National Police Improvement Agency Transition | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2CPG07 | 180000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Policy | Not set | 1 |
3FC01 | Helen Kilpatrick | SCS3 | Director General, Finance and Corporate Services | The Director General of the Finance and Corporate Services Group is a member of the Home Office Board and is responsible for the financial strategy, financial management and financial reporting for the Home Office. In addition, the Director General leads the Home Office commercial, information technology, information management and estates strategies, and professional services. The Finance and Corporate Services Group provides high quality, cost-effective corporate services to enable ministers, the department and key stakeholders to deliver for the public. These services also include internal audit, business planning, performance and risk management and achieving value for money.' | Home Office | Home Office | Director General's Office | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 4PO01 | 720000 | 1 | 180000 | 184999 | Not set | Finance | Incorporates team salary costs from 2FC03, 2FC01, 1FC30 and 1FCLOAN | 1 |
2FC03 | Peter Kane | SCS2 | Director of Performance & Finance | 'The Performance and Finance Directorate provides cost effective financial and performance advice and support to Ministers, the Department and key stakeholders to enable them to deliver the Home Office objectives. It aims to maximise our 'added value', minimise demands on our businesses, improve financial processes and systems, drive out inefficiencies and support the delivery of all departmental objectives.' | Home Office | Home Office | Performance and Finance | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 3FC01 | 0 | 1 | 125000 | 129999 | Not set | Finance | Team salary costs incorporated with 3FC01 | 1 |
1FC01 | N/D | SCS1 | Deputy Director, Head of Value for Money Unit | The Value for Money Unit is part of the Home Office's central finance and performance function. Its role is supporting development and delivery of ambitious plans for increasing Value for Money (VFM), strengthening performance and reducing costs across the breadth of the Department's responsibilities, including maintaining a particular focus on helping business areas and the police to achieve substantial gains through reforming and streamlining basic processes. On behalf of the Accounting Officer, VFMU leads the Home Office's relationship with the Public Accounts Committee and the National Audit Office on VFM.' | Home Office | Home Office | Value for Money Unit | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2FC03 | 1040000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Finance | Not set | 1 |
1FC03 | N/D | SCS1 | Head of Resources and Planning Unit | 'The Resources and Planning Unit is responsible for securing the forward finances of the Home Office, ensuring those resources are applied to ministerial priorities, and supporting the delivery of the performance outcomes to which the Department is committed, whilst spotting and managing any emerging risks.' | Home Office | Home Office | Resources and Planning | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2FC03 | 710000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Finance | Not set | 1 |
1FC05 | N/D | SCS1 | Head of Accounting and Finance Unit | The Accounting and Finance Unit provides relevant, reliable and timely financial data to inform decision making and assist the Home Office in making the best use of resources and to provide advice and support in the application of financial policies. | Home Office | Home Office | Accounting and Finance | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2FC03 | 1510000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Finance | Not set | 1 |
1FC06 | N/D | SCS1 | Chief Internal Auditor | The Internal Audit Unit provides an independent evaluation of, and contributes to, improvements in governance, risk management and control processes to help the Home Office group achieve its aims and objectives, in line with Government Internal Audit' | Home Office | Home Office | Internal Audit Unit | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2FC03 | 1360000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Internal Audit | Not set | 1 |
1FC10 | N/D | SCS1 | Head of Corporate Support Unit | 'The Corporate Support Unit provides a range of support services to F&C and other business areas. This includes financial services, business support services and people services.' | Home Office | Home Office | Corporate Support Unit | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2FC03 | 2250000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Finance | Not set | 1 |
2FC01 | Bill Crothers | SCS2 | Group Commercial Director | 'The Commercial Team provides high performing commercial and procurement capability across the Home Office Group. It manages spend to achieve best value and aggregate the procurement of commodities across the Group using the Procurement Centre of Excellence (PCOE). It develops and maintains relationships with suppliers and contributes to cross Home Office and Government Commercial and IT goals to introduce significant efficiencies and savings.' | Home Office | Home Office | Commercial | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 3FC01 | 0 | 1 | 145000 | 149999 | Not set | Procurement | Team salary costs incorporated with 3FC01 | 1 |
1FC15 | 'Eliminated' | SCS1 | Head of Commercial - Policing & Security | 'Post eliminated' | Home Office | Home Office | Strategic Procurements and Major Programmes | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2FC01 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Procurement | Not set | 1 |
1FC25 | N/D | SCS1 | Commercial Director – Policing | The Commercial - Policing Unit is responsible for all commercial matters related to the police including liaising with CPG and NPIA (while NPIA continues to exist). It will include assuming responsibility for non-IT police procurement.' | Home Office | Home Office | Commercial - Policing | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2FC01 | 750000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Procurement | Not set | 1 |
1FC21 | 'Eliminated' | SCS1 | Seconded to Department for Environment and Rural Affairs | 'Post eliminated' | Home Office | Home Office | Secondment | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2FC01 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Procurement | Not set | 1 |
1FC27 | N/D | SCS1 | Executive Director Commercial for IPS; Head of Commercial - Category Management, Commercial Policy, Assurance & SRM | 'Executive Director Commercial is Commercial Lead for IPS and a member of IPS Executive Committee. The post holder is also Home Office lead for Category Management, Supplier Relationship Management; Commercial Policy and Procedure; and Commercial Assurance' | Home Office | Home Office | IPS Commercial; Home Office Commercial Policy, Assurance & SRM | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2FC01 | 1660000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Procurement | Post also recorded in IPS structure. Shown as 0.9 FTE for F&C and 0.1 FTE for IPS. | 1 |
1FC30 | N/D | SCS1 | Programme Director – Police ICT Company programme | 'To design build and implement a police ICT company which a has the following objectives: Free Chief Constables and police staff time from managing ICT; Receive greater innovation and improved ICT services; Improve value for money from ICT services' | Home Office | Home Office | Police ICT Company Programme | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2FC01 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Procurement | Team salary costs incorporated with 3FC01 | 1 |
1FC28 | N/D | SCS1 | Major Projects Commercial Director | 'The major projects commercial team develops commercial strategies, procures IT and Estates and Facilities products and services as well as contract manages major IT and Estates and Facilities contracts to ensure risk is managed, products and services are delivered and initial and ongoing value for money is achieved.' | Home Office | Home Office | Major Projects Commercial | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2FC01 | 720000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Procurement | Not set | 1 |
2FC05 | Robin Pape | SCS2 | Chief Information Officer | 'The Chief Information Officer (CIO) provides strategic leadership on information, technology and projects, acting on behalf of the Department, its agencies and NDPBs. The CIO sets the direction, strategy and policies for information management, information technology and project management, and leads these professions. The CIO provides advice and assurance to the Home Office Board, business managers and project sponsors, and managers across the Home Office group, and leads the Home Office engagement with Cabinet Office and other key stakeholders on information, technology and projects.' | Home Office | Home Office | Office of the Chief Information Officer | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 3FC01 | 650000 | 1 | 100000 | 104999 | Not set | Information Technology | Incorporates team salary costs from 1FC11 and 1FC13 | 1 |
1FC07 | 'Vacant' | SCS1 | Deputy Chief Information Officer and Head of Strategy | 'The Deputy CIO manages the creation and implementation of the IST strategy and is responsible for the development of the IT profession across the Home Office as part of the Government IT profession' | Home Office | Home Office | Office of the Chief Information Officer | 'N/A' | | 2FC05 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Information Technology | Became vacant on 7 March 2011 | 1 |
1FC11 | 'Vacant' | SCS1 | Head of Information | 'The Information Team works to ensure the effective management and assurance of information and information-related risks across the Home Office, and supports the effective use of Knowledge and Information Management (KIM) resources. The team is also the lead on the Transparency Agenda on behalf of the Home Office and continues to take up the lead on raising awareness on IA, Cyber Security and Digital Delivery.This includes providing leadership for the Knowledge and Information Management profession for the Home Office.' | Home Office | Home Office | Office of the Chief Information Officer - Information | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2FC05 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Knowledge and Information Management (KIM) | Team salary costs incorporated with 2FC05 | 1 |
1FC13 | N/D | SCS1 | Chief Technical Officer | 'The Chief Technology Officer (CTO) owns the technology aspects of the information, systems and technology strategy, shaping the vision that underpins the strategy and ensuring the delivery of the strategy using Enterprise Architecture. The CTO also provides expert advice and independent assurance to teams, projects and programmes within the Home Office and across government.' | Home Office | Home Office | Office of the Chief Information Officer - Enterprise Architecture | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2FC05 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Information Technology | Team salary costs incorporated with 2FC05 | 1 |
1FC22 | N/D | SCS1 | Head, Programme & Project Management Profession, Porfolio & Programmes unit | 'The objective of Portfolio and Programmes is to ensure the delivery of, and the realisation of benefits from, the Home Office portfolio of programmes and projects by: Maintaining strategic oversight of the portfolio; Improving Home Office PPM capability and capacity; doing better with less; thereby enhancing the ability of the Home Office to protect the public.' | Home Office | Home Office | Office of the Chief Information Officer Portfolio and Programmes | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2FC05 | 770000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Programme and Project Management (PPM) | Not set | 1 |
1FC26 | N/D | SCS1 | Head of Strategy & Architecture | 'The Architecture Team develops and owns the Home Office Enterprise Architecture Framework. This maximises value from information, systems and technology (IST). It creates strategic architecture across the Home Office Group by highlighting dependencies between systems and information flows and developing guidance, tools and frameworks to improve corporate effectiveness of IST for use in major programmes and business as usual. It helps the Department manage and use the Framework and sets associated technical standards and policies. This helps the HO drive up quality and drive down cost. It provides assurance, advice and briefings to the Chief Information Officer and governance boards.' | Home Office | Home Office | Office of the Chief Information Officer - Enterprise Architecture | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2FC05 | 620000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Information Technology | Not set | 1 |
2FC04 | Fiona Spencer | SCS2 | Director of Shared Services | The Home Office Shared Services Directorate provides shared services for estates, IT, information management and shared business services for finance, HR and procurement across the Home Office and increasingly to other Government Departments, such as the Ministry of Justice (MoJ). The Directorate manages expenditure of around £400m annually across the Home Office and MoJ, largely outsourced to third party suppliers.' | Home Office | Home Office | Shared Services | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 3FC01 | 1600000 | 1 | 85000 | 89999 | Not set | Operational Delivery | Not set | 1 |
2FC06 | Denise McDonagh | SCS2 | Director of IT Delivery | 'Provides information technology infrastructure and services to Home Office, UK Border Agency, Criminal Records Bureau and some smaller bodies such as HM Inspectorate of Constabulary. HOIT provides IT services to around 28,000 accounts across one main network and circa 200 physical sites based both in the UK and abroad, from large campus sites to small area offices and border ports. In addition, HOIT manages 33,000 landline telephones, plus 1,600 Blackberry mobile computing devices. HOIT also provides a wide range of services to business customers, testing services across Government, and collaborates with other Departments on initiatives such as Cloud Computing' | Home Office | Home Office | Home Office IT | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2FC04 | 5340000 | 1 | 95000 | 99999 | Not set | Information Technology | Not set | 1 |
1FC02 | N/D | SCS1 | Head of General Property | Home Office General Property (HOPG) provides estates and accommodation services to the Home Office and the Ministry of Justice (specifically to the National Offender Management Service - NOMS). It is also the strategic adviser to the Home Office Board member for property matters and sustainable development policy. Its primary objective is to provide best value accommodation services, including budgetary control, planning, project and facilities management.' | Home Office | Home Office | General Property | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2FC04 | 3750000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Property and asset management | Not set | 1 |
1FC04 | 'Vacant' | SCS1 | Head of IT Service Delivery | Home Office IT provides a range of Information Technology (IT) services to over 28,000 users across the Home Office Group and some other Government Departments. The Head of IT Service Delivery is for successful delivery, and continuous improvement, of shared IT services, including work to strengthen and assure the resilience of key systems and infrastructure.' | Home Office | Home Office | Home Office IT | 208 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2FC04 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Information Technology | Not set | 1 |
1FC08 | 'Eliminated' | SCS1 | Head of Shared Services Financial Development | 'Post eliminated' | Home Office | Home Office | Financial Development | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2FC04 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Finance | Not set | 1 |
1FCLOAN | N/D | SCS1 | Seconded to Department for Environment and Rural Affairs | 'Currently seconded to another Government Department' | Home Office | Home Office | Secondment | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2FC01 | 0 | 0.5 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Procurement | Team salary costs incorporated with 3FC01 | 1 |
1FC14 | N/D | SCS1 | Head of Adelphi Services | The Home Office uses an Oracle ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system known as Adelphi to support its HR, Finance and Procurement services, which are provided to 27,000 users. Adelphi Services is responsible for the strategic development, commissioning and management of this system and its associated services, outsourced to the Ministry of Justice, who operate the Shared Service Centre in Newport, and to Fujitsu Services, who manage the Adelphi platform and supporting services.' | Home Office | Home Office | Adelphi Services | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2FC04 | 920000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Information Technology | Not set | 1 |
1FC29 | 'Eliminated' | SCS1 | Transition Project Manager | 'Post eliminated' | Home Office | Home Office | Adelphi Services | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2FC04 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Programme and Project Management (PPM) | Not set | 1 |
3GEO01 | Jonathan Rees | SCS3 | Director General | 'Overall responsibility for GEO Policy and operations. Chair of GEO Board' | Home Office | Home Office | Government Equalities Office - Director General and Support | 020 7035 4848 | | 4PO01 | 0 | 1 | 130000 | 134999 | Not set | Policy | Team salary costs incorporated with 2GEO02, due to being less than 5 staff | 1 |
2GEO02 | Debbie Gupta | SCS2 | Director of Policy and Transformation | 'Development and Implementation of Policy' | Home Office | Home Office | Government Equalities Office - Policy and Transformation | 020 7035 4848 | | 3GEO01 | 0 | 1 | 90000 | 94999 | Not set | Policy | Team salary costs include 3GEO01 and all staff in SCSPB1 teams below | 1 |
1GEO06 | N/D | SCS1 | Deputy Director, Central Services | 'Business Planning, Equality Strategy, Parliamentary work and Resource Planning and Change' | Home Office | Home Office | Government Equalities Office - Central Unit | 020 7035 4848 | | 2GEO02 | 960000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Operational Delivery | Not set | 1 |
1GEO01 | N/D | SCS1 | Deputy Director, EHRC | 'Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) Reform' | Home Office | Home Office | Government Equalities Office - Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) Reform | 020 7035 4848 | | 2GEO02 | 540000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Policy | Not set | 1 |
1GEO05 | N/D | SCS1 | Deputy Director, Equality Law & Better Regulation Unit | 'Deregulation and Alternative Approaches, Race, Religion and Belief, Age and Disability, Gender & Equal Pay and Enforcement' | Home Office | Home Office | Government Equalities Office - Equality Law & Better Regulation | 020 7035 4848 | | 2GEO02 | 540000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Policy | Not set | 1 |
1GEO03 | N/D | SCS1 | Deputy Director, Delivery Unit | 'To shape, nuture and bring to fruition GEO's priority projects to time, quality and cost requirements' | Home Office | Home Office | Government Equalities Office - Delivery | 020 7035 4848 | | 2GEO02 | 910000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Policy | Not set | 1 |
1GEO04 | N/D | SCS1 | Deputy Director, Gender Equality, & LGB&T Unit | 'Gender Equality policy, research and analysis and delivery of LGB&T and trans action plans and research programme' | Home Office | Home Office | Government Equalities Office - Gender Equality and LGB&T | 020 7035 4848 | | 2GEO02 | 1060000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Policy | Not set | 1 |
1GEO02 | N/D | SCS1 | Deputy Director, Strategic Analysis & International Unit | 'Chief Economist, research and analysis to support GEO business, promoting UK interests on Gender, LGB&T and Equalities Internationally' | Home Office | Home Office | Government Equalities Office - Strategic Analysis and International | 020 7035 4848 | | 2GEO02 | 900000 | 0.94 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Economics | Not set | 1 |
3HR01 | Kevin White | SCS3 | Director General Human Resources | 'The HR DG is a member of the Home Office Executive Management Board. He represents the Department and promotes our aim of protecting the public. He leads on all people matters including organisational reform, staff engagement and development and is head of the HR profession for the HO and its Agencies. He supports Board colleagues in delivering their business and financial goals. The HR DG also ensures that the service HR provides to its internal customers is efficient, streamlined and of an excellent standard. This role also leads on generic Civil Service learning and Organisation Development across the Civil Service.' | Home Office | Home Office | Director General's Office | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 4PO01 | 640000 | 1 | 140000 | 144999 | Not set | Human Resources | Not set | 1 |
2HR02 | Sally Hulks | SCS2 | Headquarters HR Director | The Headquarters HR Directorate is responsible for building the Home Office capability (its leadership, future skills, culture and values) and for delivering HR strategy, advice and support. It advises the organisation on issues of change and organisation design and delivers resourcing, business partnering, health and safety, wellbeing, and HR management information to the business. It plays a key role in delivering solutions in areas such as sickness absence reduction; employee engagement and wellbeing; headcount reduction and redeployment; and e-enabled HR self service.' | Home Office | Home Office | Leadership and Change | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 3HR01 | 340000 | 1 | 120000 | 124999 | Not set | Human Resources | Includes salary costs for 1HR01 | 1 |
2HR01 | 'Eliminated' | SCS2 | Director of HR Services | 'HR Services delivers HR strategy, advice and support to the Home Office. It has lead responsibility for HR policy, reward, employee relations, workforce planning, resourcing, business partnering, health and safety, wellbeing, HR management information to the business and pay administration. It plays a key role in delivering solutions in areas such as sickness absence reduction; employee engagement and wellbeing; headcount reduction and redeployment;and e-enabled HR self service.' | Home Office | Home Office | HR Services | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2HR02 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Human Resources | Not set | 1 |
1HR07 | N/D | SCS1 | Head of Strategic Resourcing and HR Operations | Responsible for resourcing; Senior Civil Service HR management, talent management and recruitment; HR Business Partnering; and health, safety and wellbeing.' | Home Office | Home Office | Leadership and Change | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2HR02 | 1680000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Human Resources | Not set | 1 |
1HR06 | 'Eliminated' | SCS1 | 'Head of HR Operations, Health, Safety and Wellbeing' | 'Responsible for strategic HR Business Partnering, Resourcing & Redeployment, Health and Safety and Wellbeing for Home Office HQ.' | Home Office | Home Office | HR Operations | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2HR02 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Human Resources | Not set | 1 |
1HR08 | 'Eliminated' | SCS1 | Deputy Director Strategic Resourcing | 'This team is responsible for strategic resourcing, including succession planning, talent management and development programmes including the fast stream; recruitment and selection to posts in the Senior Civil Service (SCS) at pay bands 1 and 2; terms and conditions for staff in the SCS; generic learning and development, professionalising the workforce and skills competency developments; the staff survey and Investors in People; provision of occupational psychology services; directorate planning and budgeting.' | Home Office | Home Office | Leadership and Change | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2HR02 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Human Resources | Not set | 1 |
1HR05 | 'Eliminated' | SCS1 | Head of Home Office Pay Service | 'Home Office Pay Service provides payroll services to the Home Office, its agencies and Non-Departmental Public Bodies, and also to Ministry of Justice and other and public bodies, paying 85,000 public sector staff monthly. Also responsible for the HR People MI Team which provides statistical analysis of key HR and workforce data to the Home Office Board and senior managers across the Home Office Group of businesses, as well as making quarterly and annual returns to ONS and the Cabinet Office.' | Home Office | Home Office | Home Office Pay Service | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 3HR01 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Operational Delivery | Not set | 1 |
1HR04 | N/D | SCS1 | Departmental Security Officer | 'Responsible to the Permanent Secretary for Personnel Security, Information Security, Physical Security and Business Continuity within the Home Office, its agencies and Non-Departmental Government Bodies. The DSU leads on Security & Business Continuity and Counter-Fraud Policy for the Home Office; provides security advice and consultancy to all of the Home Office including Agencies and non departmental bodies; administers personnel vetting for all Home Office Personnel (except Serious Organised Crime Agency); and reports annually through the Permanent Secretary to the Cabinet Office on the Department’s performance against the mandated security standards set out in the Security Policy framework.' | Home Office | Home Office | Departmental Security | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 3HR01 | 1700000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Human Resources | Not set | 1 |
1HR03 | 'Eliminated' | SCS1 | 'Head of HR Policy, Relations and Reward' | Responsible for three key deliverables: 1. Delivering up to date HR policies and associated guidance across the Home Office and its agencies. Management of the consultation processes with various stakeholder groups including the trade unions.2. Leading the staff pay remit for Home Office HQ and the UKBA as well as providing assistance, governance and authorisation for the pay remits of other HO agencies and NDPBs. Also responsible for reward and departmentally set expenses. 3. Responsible for the Employee Relations strategy including management of departmental facility arrangements with recognised trade unions. Offering advice and governance on consultation and negotiation arrangements industrial relations.' | Home Office | Home Office | Policy, Reward and Employee Relations | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2HR01 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Human Resources | Not set | 1 |
1HR02 | N/D | SCS1 | Deputy Director Strategic Diversity Action Team | ‘The Strategic Diversity Action Team is responsible for supporting and enabling cultural change in the Home Office in order to mainstream equality and diversity across the Department. This is driven through the Diversity Strategy in partnership with the staff support networks.’ | Home Office | Home Office | Group Equality and Diversity | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 3HR01 | 490000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Human Resources | Not set | 1 |
1HR09 | N/D | SCS1 | Deputy Director Capability & Talent | 'This role leads on the development and implementation of the capability and talent strategies for the Home Office and its agencies, developing management capability, building professionalism and ensuring value for money is achieved through our capability development activities.' | Home Office | Home Office | Capability & Talent | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2HR02 | 850000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Human Resources | Not set | 1 |
1HR01 | N/D | SCS1 | Deputy Director Home Office we want to be programme and HR Secretariat | The Home Office we want to be programme office supports the delivery of the Home Office people strategy.' | Home Office | Home Office | Strategy Analysis and Performance | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 3HR01 | 0 | 0.6 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Human Resources | Incorporated with 2HR02 | 1 |
1FDA01 | N/D | SCS1 | FDA Home Office Branch Secretary | 'Responsible for ensuring the views of FDA members are fully taken into account by Home Office management in the development of HR policies and procedures. Provides advice, representation and support to individual FDA members in personal cases. The Secretary organises meetings of the Branch Executive Committee and issues communications to Branch members keeping them informed of developments affecting their terms and conditions and seeking their views on developments to inform consultation and negotiation with Home Office management. With the FDA National Officer the Branch Secretary is responsible for negotiating pay for FDA members at grades below the SCS.' | Home Office | Home Office | HO Trade Union Side | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2HR02 | 80000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Human Resources | His salary details need to be added to another SCS | 1 |
1UKBA35 | N/D | SCS1 | Deputy Director, Leadership & Organisational Development | Organisation Development and Design is a new Civil Service HR expert service which will provide a consistent cross-Government organisation development, design and change consultancy service to support Civil Service change and reform. The service is hosted by the Home Office and sits alongside Civil Service Learning as a resource.' | Home Office | Home Office | Leadership and Organisational Development | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2HR02 | 770000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Human Resources | This is a temporary post for one year. | 1 |
1UKBA72 | N/D | SCS1 | Deputy Director, HR Commissioning | 'This role is responsible for delivering a first class HR service to customers by managing the intelligent customer relationship between the Civil Service HR Shared Expert Services for Policy and Resourcing; MOJ Shared Services for HR and Payroll; and other third party delivery partners and business customers. It ensures that Home Office requirements influence service development and system specification and that products and outcomes are successfully implemented in the organisation.' | Home Office | Home Office | HR Commissioning | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 3HR01 | 750000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Human Resources | Not set | 1 |
1UKBA73 | N/D | SCS1 | Deputy Director Reward and Employee Relations | 'The purpose of this role is to ensure that the department adheres to employment law and safeguards the health, safety and wellbeing of its staff; to defend the department against employment tribunal and PI claims and to manage staff reward solutions.' | Home Office | Home Office | Reward and Employee Relations | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 3HR01 | 450000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Human Resources | Also shown on the UKBA organogram. | 1 |
3LAB01 | David Seymour | SCS3 | Legal Adviser | 'Legal Adviser's Branch supports the delivery of the Home Office's aims and objectives by the provision of specified legal services to the department.' | Home Office | Home Office | Legal Adviser | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 4PO01 | 0 | 1 | 145000 | 149999 | Not set | Law | Salary costs incorporated with 2LAB01 | 1 |
2LAB02 | Harry Carter | SCS2 | Deputy Legal Adviser | 'This post supervises the teams advising OSCT, CPG, IPS and on commercial and employment law.' | Home Office | Home Office | Legal Adviser | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 3LAB01 | 0 | 1 | 95000 | 99999 | Not set | Law | Salary costs incorporated with 2LAB01 | 1 |
2LAB01 | Steven Bramley | SCS2 | Deputy Legal Adviser | 'This post supervises the three teams advising the UK Borders Agency, the EU and International team and a management support unit. The post holder is also the Principal Legal Adviser to the Northern Ireland Office.' | Home Office | Home Office | Legal Adviser | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 3LAB01 | 240000 | 1 | 105000 | 109999 | Not set | Law | Not set | 1 |
1LAB08 | N/D | SCS1 | Assistant Legal Adviser - UKBA Asylum and Appeals & Managed Migration | 'The immigration and international team advises on asylum, managed migrations and appeals.' | Home Office | Home Office | Legal Adviser | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2LAB01 | 350000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Law | Not set | 1 |
1LAB07 | N/D | SCS1 | Assistant Legal Adv - Security, International and Organised Crime | 'This team advises The Office for Security and Counter-Terrorism, as well as on organised crime and asset recovery under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002.' | Home Office | Home Office | Legal Adviser | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2LAB02 | 370000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Law | Not set | 1 |
1LAB06 | N/D | SCS1 | Assistant Legal Adviser - Head of Northern Ireland and Identity Team | 'This team advises the Northern Ireland Office on a variety of constitutional matters and IPS, in particular the General Registry Office, and undertakes other corporate tasks including co-ordinating the Home Office's Human Rights work'' | Home Office | Home Office | Legal Adviser | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2LAB01 | 250000 | 0.8 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Law | Not set | 1 |
1LAB05 | 'Eliminated' | SCS1 | Assistant Legal Adviser | 'The team advises on the introduction of the ID card scheme as well as on a number of cross-cutting issues affecting the Home Office, such as information law matters. It also advises the General Register Office which deals with the registration of births, deaths and marriages in England and Wales.' | Home Office | Home Office | Legal Adviser | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2LAB02 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Law | Not set | 1 |
1LAB04 | N/D | SCS1 | Assistant Legal Adviser - Commercial and Employment | 'In this team, the commercial lawyers advise on a range of contracts from multi-million pound contracts to day to- day procurement tenders.The employment lawyers advise on issues such as the HM Revenue and Customs and UK Border Agency merger, discrimination in the workplace, TUPE principles and general human resources issues.' | Home Office | Home Office | Legal Adviser | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2LAB02 | 290000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Law | Not set | 1 |
1LAB03 | N/D | SCS1 | Assistant Legal Adviser - EU Team | 'The specialist EU team advises operational and policy units within the Home Office on issues such as the free movement and residence of EU nationals.The team also advises on extradition and mutual legal assistance.' | Home Office | Home Office | Legal Adviser | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2LAB02 | 160000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Law | Not set | 1 |
1LAB02 | N/D | SCS1 | Assistant Legal Adviser - Policing and Crime Reduction | 'The policing and crime reduction team advises on a wide range of policy areas from sex offenders, drugs and ASBOs through to police powers, alcohol and the retention of DNA samples by the police.' | Home Office | Home Office | Legal Adviser | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2LAB02 | 290000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Law | Not set | 1 |
1LAB01 | N/D | SCS1 | Assistant Legal Adviser - UK Border Agency (Borders and Enforcement) | 'The borders and enforcement team advises on UK Border Agency powers to regulate entry to the UK, on nationality and on deportations and removals from the UK.' | Home Office | Home Office | Legal Adviser | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2LAB01 | 470000 | 0.8 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Law | Not set | 1 |
3OSCT01 | Charles Farr | SCS3 | Director General Office of Security and Counter terrorism | 'Information withheld on security grounds' | Home Office | Home Office | Director General's Office | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 4PO01 | 0 | 1 | 135000 | 139999 | Not set | Policy | On inward loan from FCO | 1 |
2OSCT06 | N/D | SCS2 | Director Protect and Prepare | 'Information withheld on security grounds' | Home Office | Home Office | Protect and Prepare | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 3OSCT01 | 0 | 1 | 85000 | 89999 | Not set | Policy | Full information withheld on security grounds | 1 |
2OSCT05 | N/D | SCS2 | Director Olympic Safety and Security | 'Information withheld on security grounds' | Home Office | Home Office | Olympic Safety and Security | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 3OSCT01 | 0 | 1 | 85000 | 89999 | Not set | Programme and Project Management (PPM) | Full information withheld on security grounds | 1 |
2OSCT04 | N/D | SCS2 | Programme Director | 'Information withheld on security grounds' | Home Office | Home Office | Programme Office | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 3OSCT01 | 0 | 1 | 80000 | 84999 | Not set | Programme and Project Management (PPM) | Full information withheld on security grounds | 1 |
2OSCT03 | N/D | SCS2 | Director Prevent | 'Information withheld on security grounds' | Home Office | Home Office | Prevent | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 3OSCT01 | 0 | 1 | 80000 | 84999 | Not set | Policy | Full information withheld on security grounds | 1 |
2OSCT02 | N/D | SCS2 | Director Strategy, Planning and Resources | 'Information withheld on security grounds' | Home Office | Home Office | Strategy and Resources | 208 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 3OSCT01 | 0 | 1 | 80000 | 84999 | Not set | Policy | Full information withheld on security grounds | 1 |
2OSCT01 | N/D | SCS2 | Director Law, Security and International | 'Information withheld on security grounds' | Home Office | Home Office | Law, Security and International | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 3OSCT01 | 0 | 1 | 100000 | 104999 | Not set | Policy | Full information withheld on security grounds | 1 |
2HOS01 | Bernard Silverman | SCS2 | Chief Scientific Advisor | 'The task of the Chief Scientific Adviser (CSA) is to provide independent scientific advice and support of the highest quality to the Home Secretary and other Home Office ministers and officials on the whole range of Home Office policy and operations. Home Office specialists in many scientific disciplines work under the CSA's leadership: physical scientists and engineers; economists, social researchers and operational researchers; statisticians; and veterinary, medical and biological scientists. The Home Office CSA also plays a key role across government, for example in the interdepartmental network of departmental Chief Scientific Advisers, chaired by the Government Chief Scientific Adviser.' | Home Office | Home Office | Home Office Science Directors | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 4PO01 | 1480000 | 1 | 120000 | 124999 | Not set | Science and Engineering | Not set | 1 |
2HOS03 | 'Eliminated' | SCS2 | Director for Social Science and Chief Economist | 'The Chief Economist provides impartial, high-quality economic advice to Ministers and senior officials across the full range of Home Office policy areas. Working in the Strategic Centre of the Home Office, he is directly supported by a team of economists and operational researchers (the Economics and Resource Analysis group, or ERA). As Director for Social Science he is responsible for ensuring that the analysis undertaken by Home Office economists, operational reasearchers and social researchers, many of whom are embedded in policy areas, is conducted to the highest professional standards and used appropriately.' | Home Office | Home Office | Home Office Science Directors | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2HOS01 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Economics | Not set | 1 |
2HOS02 | Alan Pratt | SCS2 | Director of Science Engineering and Technology | 'The Director of Science, Engineering and Technology provides strategic oversight of all Home Office physical science and technology. They also have direct management responsibility for a number of central science delivery or regulation functions, including the Home Office Scientific Development Branch (HOSDB), the Animal Scientific Procedures Division/Inspectorate (APSD/I) and the Forensics Regulator. As Head of Profession for scientists and engineers in the Home Office, they work across Government to ensure specialist scientific skills are developed and used effectively.' | Home Office | Home Office | Home Office Science Directors | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2HOS01 | 1190000 | 1 | 90000 | 94999 | Not set | Science and Engineering | Not set | 1 |
1HOS08 | 'Eliminated' | SCS1 | Senior Economic Advisor | 'The Economic and Resource Analysis (ERA) group provides objective, scientific advice to support executive decision making in policy, strategic planning and delivery, largely through specialist Economists and Operational Researchers.' | Home Office | Home Office | Economics and Resource Analysis | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2HOS03 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Economics | Not set | 1 |
1HOS07 | 'Eliminated' | SCS1 | Animal (Scientific Procedures) Division | 'Responsible for policy and Ministerial support on the use of living animals in scientific procedures and for the operation of the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 (ASPA) in England, Scotland and Wales. Acting on the advice of the animals (scientific procedures) inspectorate (ASPI), the ASPD licensing team grants, amends and revokes licences granted under ASPA. The ASPD policy team supports ministers by providing advice on specific issues, speeches, briefing for meetings and parliamentary debates, and draft responses to parliamentary questions. In addition, the policy team deals with correspondence from MPs and the public about animal experimentation.' | Home Office | Home Office | Animal Scientific Procedures | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2HOS02 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Science and Engineering | Not set | 1 |
1HOS06 | N/D | SCS1 | Senior Biometrics Adviser (CAST) | 'The Senior Biometrics Adviser provides advice to those projects and programmes in the Home Office, its agencies and law enforcement organisations which make use of biometrics for identity assurance, securing of borders and the prevention and the investigation of crime – from development of policy to procurement and deployment. The SBA offers independent assurance on programme feasibility, risk management and value for money. The Adviser leads on national and international standards within the Home Office, and is the interface to the supplier, integrator and academic communities, ensuring a coherent forward view on the application of biometrics in a privacy-respecting context.' | Home Office | Home Office | Centre for Applied Science & Technology | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 1HOS02 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Science and Engineering | Team salary costs incorporated with 1HOS02 | 1 |
1HOS01 | N/D | SCS1 | Chief Statistician and Head of Profession for Statistics | 'Home Office Statistics publish a wide range of statistical outputs to the highest professional standards which are free from political interference. The statistical teams work under the Chief Statistician who is also the Head of Profession for Statistics and he reports to the National Statistician with respect to all professional matters. The teams collect, process, analyse and publish a range of National Statistics and official statistics outputs. These support executive decision making in policy, strategic planning and delivery, performance management, and meet the needs of Parliament and the wider public.' | Home Office | Home Office | Home Office Statistics | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2HOS01 | 1620000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Statisticians | Not set | 1 |
1HOS02 | N/D | SCS1 | Director, Centre for Applied Science & Technology (CAST) | 'The Centre for Applied Science & Technology provides expert advice, innovation and frontline support for the Home Office and its agencies on any issue relating to science and technology. HOSDB supports the full range of Home Office priorities in the areas of policing and tackling crime, counter terrorism, border security and controlling immigration. HOSDB only operate where others cannot for reasons of impartiality, national security or market failure.' | Home Office | Home Office | Centre for Applied Science & Technology | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2HOS02 | 6260000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Science and Engineering | Incorporates team salary costs from 1HOS06 | 1 |
1HOS04 | N/D | SCS1 | Head of Animals in Science Regulation Unit | 'The Animals in Science Regulation Unit (ASRU) comprises the policy, licensing and inspectorate staff responsible for administering the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 (ASPA) and related regulations. The Policy Team advises ministers on issues related to ASPA and responds to correspondence (including PQs and FOI enquiries) from MPs and the public. Inspectors (all registered medical or veterinary practitioners) provide advice on applications to the Licensing Team who grant the licences on behalf of the Secretary of State. Inspectors also visit registered establishments to check for non-compliance and provide advice on applications and good practice. The majority of visits are unannounced.' | Home Office | Home Office | Animals in Science Regulation Unit | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2HOS02 | 2020000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Vets | Incorporates team salary costs from EQV10, EQV09, EQV07, EQV03 | 1 |
EQV10 | 'Eliminated' | SCS1 | Animal Scientific Procedures Inspector | 'The Animals in Science Regulation Unit (ASRU) comprises the policy, licensing and inspectorate staff responsible for administering the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 (ASPA) and related regulations. The Policy Team advises ministers on issues related to ASPA and responds to correspondence (including PQs and FOI enquiries) from MPs and the public. Inspectors (all registered medical or veterinary practitioners) provide advice on applications to the Licensing Team who grant the licences on behalf of the Secretary of State. Inspectors also visit registered establishments to check for non-compliance and provide advice on applications and good practice. The majority of visits are unannounced.' | Home Office | Home Office | Animals in Science Regulation Unit | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 1HOS04 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Vets | Team salary costs incorporated with 1HOS04 | 1 |
EQV09 | N/D | SCS1 | Chief Inspector - Animals in Science Regulation Unit | 'The Animals in Science Regulation Unit (ASRU) comprises the policy, licensing and inspectorate staff responsible for administering the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 (ASPA) and related regulations. The Policy Team advises ministers on issues related to ASPA and responds to correspondence (including PQs and FOI enquiries) from MPs and the public. Inspectors (all registered medical or veterinary practitioners) provide advice on applications to the Licensing Team who grant the licences on behalf of the Secretary of State. Inspectors also visit registered establishments to check for non-compliance and provide advice on applications and good practice. The majority of visits are unannounced.' | Home Office | Home Office | Animals in Science Regulation Unit | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 1HOS04 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Vets | Team salary costs incorporated with 1HOS04 | 1 |
EQV08 | 'Eliminated' | SCS1 | Animal Scientific Procedures Inspector | 'The Animals in Science Regulation Unit (ASRU) comprises the policy, licensing and inspectorate staff responsible for administering the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 (ASPA) and related regulations. The Policy Team advises ministers on issues related to ASPA and responds to correspondence (including PQs and FOI enquiries) from MPs and the public. Inspectors (all registered medical or veterinary practitioners) provide advice on applications to the Licensing Team who grant the licences on behalf of the Secretary of State. Inspectors also visit registered establishments to check for non-compliance and provide advice on applications and good practice. The majority of visits are unannounced.' | Home Office | Home Office | Animals in Science Regulation Unit | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 1HOS04 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Vets | Not set | 1 |
EQV07 | 'Eliminated' | SCS1 | Animal Scientific Procedures Inspector | 'The Animals in Science Regulation Unit (ASRU) comprises the policy, licensing and inspectorate staff responsible for administering the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 (ASPA) and related regulations. The Policy Team advises ministers on issues related to ASPA and responds to correspondence (including PQs and FOI enquiries) from MPs and the public. Inspectors (all registered medical or veterinary practitioners) provide advice on applications to the Licensing Team who grant the licences on behalf of the Secretary of State. Inspectors also visit registered establishments to check for non-compliance and provide advice on applications and good practice. The majority of visits are unannounced.' | Home Office | Home Office | Animals in Science Regulation Unit | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 1HOS04 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Vets | Not set | 1 |
EQV03 | 'Eliminated' | SCS1 | Animal Scientific Procedures Inspector | 'The Animals in Science Regulation Unit (ASRU) comprises the policy, licensing and inspectorate staff responsible for administering the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 (ASPA) and related regulations. The Policy Team advises ministers on issues related to ASPA and responds to correspondence (including PQs and FOI enquiries) from MPs and the public. Inspectors (all registered medical or veterinary practitioners) provide advice on applications to the Licensing Team who grant the licences on behalf of the Secretary of State. Inspectors also visit registered establishments to check for non-compliance and provide advice on applications and good practice. The majority of visits are unannounced.' | Home Office | Home Office | Animals in Science Regulation Unit | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 1HOS04 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Vets | Team salary costs incorporated with 1HOS04 | 1 |
MIS02 | N/D | SCS1 | Forensic Science Regulator | 'Recent developments in the forensic science market have aimed to create a fully functioning market with the right services, at the right price, delivered to the appropriate standard. To achieve this it is essential to ensure that the integrity of, and confidence in, the criminal justice system (CJS) is maintained, that a level playing field exists for all suppliers, and that quality standards are maintained in the face of the growing market and increased competition; setting and monitoring the quality standards is the role of the Forensic science Regulator and his team.' | Home Office | Home Office | Forensic Science Regulation Unit | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2HOS02 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Science and Engineering | This post is directly appointed by the Home Secretary and is not a Civil Servant. Team salary costs incorporated with 2HOS2 | 1 |
1UKBA39 | N/D | SCS1 | Head of Migration & Border Analysis | 'Provides research and analysis for Home Office Science on migration and border policy and in support of UK Border Agency operations' | Home Office | Home Office | Migration and Border Analysis | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2HOS03 | 980000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Social Research | This post was formerly Head of Analysis, Reseach and Knowledge (ARK) in UKBA | 1 |
1CPG19 | N/D | SCS1 | Head of Crime & Policing Analysis & Head of Profession for Social Research | 'Provides robust social science research and analysis to support Crime & Policing Group policy' | Home Office | Home Office | Crime and Policing Analysis | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2HOS03 | 1360000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Social Research | This post was formerly Head of Research & Analysis, in CPG | 1 |
1HOS09 | N/D | SCS1 | Chief Economist | 'The Chief Economist provides impartial, high-quality economic advice to Ministers and senior officials across the full range of Home Office policy areas. Working in the Strategic Centre of the Home Office, he is directly supported by a team of economists and operational researchers (the Economics and Resource Analysis group, or ERA). As Director for Social Science he is responsible for ensuring that the analysis undertaken by Home Office economists, operational reasearchers and social researchers, many of whom are embedded in policy areas, is conducted to the highest professional standards and used appropriately.' | Home Office | Home Office | Home Office Science Directors | 208 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2HOS01 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Economics | Vacant | 1 |
3SIIG01 | Mike Anderson | SCS3 | Director General Strategy, Immigration & International Group | 'Strategy, Immigration and International Group gives policy advice on immigration and border policy, civil liberties and identity and sponsors the key agencies in the Home Office and NDPBs which safeguard and regulate personal information including the Identity and Passport Service and the Criminal Records Bureau. The Group leads on strategy development for the Department and coordinates across the Home Office on its international agenda. The Director General is a member of the Home Office Executive Management Board and Supervisory Board.' | Home Office | Home Office | Director General's Office | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | xx | 500000 | 1 | 130000 | 134999 | Not set | Policy | Incorporates team salary costs for 2SIG03 | 1 |
2SIIG05 | Tyson Hepple | SCS2 | Director Civil Liberties and Public Protection | 'Cross-Home Office responsibility for delivering our objective to Protect People's Freedoms and Civil Liberties and policy responsibility for key parts of the civil liberties and public protection agenda including but not limited to DNA retention; CCTV and the Automatic Number Plate Recognition System, Stop and Search. Also responsible for implementing the outcome of the review of the Vetting and Barring Scheme, the criminal records regime, for managing the extradition review and for the passage of the Rights and Freedoms Bill. The Directorate sponsors the Independent Police Complaints Commission; the Security Industry Authority; the Independent Safeguarding Authority; the Criminal Records Bureau.' | Home Office | Home Office | Civil Liberties and Public Protection | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 3SIIG01 | 450000 | 1 | 85000 | 89999 | Not set | Policy | Incorporates team salary costs for 1SIG09 | 1 |
2SIIG04 | Peter Storr | SCS2 | Director International Directorate | 'The International Director heads the Directorate which delivers the European Union and wider international aspects of Home Office priorities, with its international partners. The Directorate works closely with many Home Office units and agencies, and with other government departments and posts overseas to ensure that the Home Office’s international priorities are identified and coherently managed, negotiated and delivered.' | Home Office | Home Office | International Directorate | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 3SIIG01 | 0 | 1 | 105000 | 109999 | Not set | Policy | Incorporates team salary costs for 1SIG07. | 1 |
2SIIG06 | Phil Duffy | SCS2 | Director of Immigration and Border Policy Directorate | 'Provide effective policy advice to support the government’s objective of reducing net migration; Provide a strategic policy framework to protect the UK from illegal immigration, crime and terrorism, through effective end-to end border controls; Provide an effective set of policies that protect the public by removing illegal immigrants, deporting foreign national criminals and denying the privileges of British nationality to those who harm the UK; Support an effective asylum system, through effective policies, both in the UK and in Europe; Ensure we have a fit for purpose legal framework, and manage litigation effectively' | Home Office | Home Office | Immigration & Border Policy Directorate | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 3SIIG01 | 500000 | 1 | 80000 | 84999 | Not set | Policy | Incorporates team salary costs for 1SIG17 | 1 |
1SIIG12 | N/D | SCS1 | Head of Judicial Cooperation Unit | 'The Judicial Cooperation unit is responsible for extradition policy and casework and for overseeing the review of our extradition obligations. The UK Central Authority within JCU is responsible of administering the UK’s obligations under the current Mutual Legal Assistance scheme and negotiating the European Investigation Order.' | Home Office | Home Office | Judicial Co-operation Unit | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2SIIG05 | 1300000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Policy | Not set | 1 |
1SIIG11 | N/D | SCS1 | Head of Safeguarding and Public Protection Unit | 'The Safeguarding and Public Protection Unit is responsible for the reviews of the vetting and barring scheme and the criminal records regime and for delivering the outcomes of those reviews. The Unit leads for the Home Office on child safeguarding and missing persons and is responsible for implementing the Magee and Bichard agendas in relation to criminality information. The unit sponsors the Security Industry Authority, the Criminal Records Bureau, and the Independent Safeguarding Authority.' | Home Office | Home Office | Safeguarding & Public Protection Unit | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2SIIG05 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Policy | Incorporates team salary costs for 1SIG10 | 1 |
1SIIG07 | N/D | SCS1 | Deputy International Director | “The Deputy International Director supports the International Director in the work set out in 2SIG04 and ensures that the Home Office business areas understand the European Union procedures, negotiations on draft European legislation, international obligations and opportunities for delivering the Government’s international justice and home affairs (JHA) agenda.” | Home Office | Home Office | International Directorate | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2SIIG04 | 2000000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Policy | Team salary costs incorporated with 2SIG04. | 1 |
1SIIG14 | N/D | SCS1 | Head of Ministerial Strategy Unit | 'To provide high quality strategy advice to ministers' | Home Office | Home Office | Ministerial Strategy Unit | 208 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 3SIIG01 | 1000000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Policy | Not set | 1 |
1SIIG13 | N/D | SCS1 | Head of Asylum, Criminality and Enforcement | 'Leads on Asylum policy. Brings together work on criminality, foreign prisoners, and how the Home Office and its partners should enforce immigration law and remove those with no right to remain in the United Kingdom' | Home Office | Home Office | Asylum, Criminality and Enforcement | 210 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2SIIG06 | 1650000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Policy | Not set | 1 |
1SIIG18 | N/D | SCS1 | Head of Border Security | 'Responsible for ensuring that our end-to-end checks on arrivals effectively tackle the threats facing the United Kingdom. Policy work on key enabling programmes, such as Advance Passenger Information and Passenger Name Records' | Home Office | Home Office | Border Security Unit | 211 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2SIIG06 | 1150000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Policy | Not set | 1 |
1SIIG19 | N/D | SCS1 | Head of Migration Policy | 'Covers policy on all migration routes including visitors, temporary migration (work, study) and permanent migration (family). Sets the framework of rules on permission to enter and stay. Current focus is on delivering the programme to reduce net migration' | Home Office | Home Office | Migration Policy | 212 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2SIIG06 | 1100000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Policy | Not set | 1 |
1SIIG16 | N/D | SCS1 | Head of MAC Secretariat | 'The MAC secretariat supports the MAC in providing independent and evidence-based advice to the Government on matters relating to migration, including on migration impacts, labour market shortages and limits on tiers 1 and 2 of the Points Based System' | Home Office | Home Office | MAC Secretariat | 213 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2SIIG06 | 500000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Policy | Not set | 1 |
1SIIG17 | N/D | SCS1 | Head of Legal Strategy Team | 'Managing legal risk through the Litigation Strategy Board; co-ordinating changes to legislation; litigation policy, including legal aid and appeals, and relationship with higher courts' | Home Office | Home Office | Legal Strategy Team | 214 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2SIIG06 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Policy | Salary costs incorporated into 2SIG06 | 1 |
1SIIG15 | N/D | SCS1 | Deputy Director, Convergence Programme | 'Specific responsibility with the Safeguarding and Public Protection Unit for safeguarding policy within the Home Office, sponsorship of the Criminal Records Bureau, the Independent Safeguarding Authority, the Security Industry Authority and the Identity and Passport Service. Leading the Convergence Programme, the Department's change programme for Criminal Records Bureau and the Independent Safeguarding Authority.' | Home Office | Home Office | Safeguarding & Public Protection Unit | 219 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2SIIG05 | 2750000 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Policy | Not set | 1 |
2SIIGPROJ | 'Eliminated' | SCS2 | Director Strategy and International Group | 'Operational strategy and transformation' | Home Office | Home Office | Director General's Office | 209 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 3SIIG01 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Policy | Project Work | 1 |
1SIIG10 | 'Eliminated' | SCS1 | Deputy Head of Safeguarding and Public Protection Unit: Convergence Programme Lead | 'Programme Director for the Disclosure and Barring Programme, the Department's change programme for Criminal Records Bureau and the Independent Safeguarding Authority. Policy responsibility for safeguarding children and vulnerable adults.' | Home Office | Home Office | Safeguarding & Public Protection Unit | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 1SIIG11 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Policy | Not set | 1 |
1SIIG09 | 'Eliminated' | SCS1 | Head of Civil Liberties and Identity Policy Unit | 'The unit has a cross-Home Office responsibility for ensuring that HO policies are consistent with the Government’s approach to civil liberties and public protection. The unit manages the Freedom Bill and is responsible, across Government, for public prot | Home Office | Home Office | Civil Liberties and Public Protection | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 2SIIG05 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Policy | Not set | 1 |
2SIIG03 | 'Eliminated' | SCS2 | Director Local Delivery Directorate | 'The Local Delivery Directorate (LDD) oversees the relationship with the Government Office Network on behalf of the Home Office, including managing the abolition of Government Office for London and the remaining Government Offices. LDD works closely with | Home Office | Home Office | Local Delivery Directorate | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 3SIIG01 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Policy | Not set | 1 |
2SIIG01 | 'Eliminated' | SCS2 | Director of Strategy | 'The Strategic Policy Team advises the department on strategy and policy; formulates the Home Office's forward vision; is used to support high priority policy projects; and supports collaborative work across the Home Office and with other government depar | Home Office | Home Office | Strategic Policy Team | 0207 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 3SIIG01 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | Not set | Policy | Not set | 1 |
2SIIGSEC | Paul Maltby | SCS2 | Secondment to Leicestershire County Council | 'Outward Secondment' | Home Office | Home Office | Director General's Office | 215 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 3SIIG01 | 0 | 0.5 | 40000 | 44999 | Not set | Policy | Not set | 1 |
2SIIGSEC | Ben Jupp | SCS2 | Secondment to Social Finance | 'Outward Secondment' | Home Office | Home Office | Director General's Office | 216 035 4848 or Minicom 0207 035 4742 | | 3SIIG01 | 0 | 0.36 | 30000 | 34999 | Not set | Policy | Not set | 1 |