FOI release
MOD FOI requests received from 31 August to 1 October 2010
Updated 1 October 2010
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MOD Requests to 01 October 2010 | Not set | Not set |
CIO-CI-Access Team, Ministry of Defence, | Not set | Not set |
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Case Number | Date Due | Request Summary |
31-08-2010-094310-001 | 27/09/2010 | I am searching for the full air accident report for an air crash on 17 September 1959, of serial no. XA424 (Gannet AS4) operating from RNAS Culdrose. All three servicemen on board were killed, whilst trying to land at Winkleigh, North Devon. |
31-08-2010-095915-002 | 28/09/2010 | Does your dept have any blueprints of the Volkswagen Schwimmwagen from the time the British occupied part of Germany after the war including the VW factory in Wolfsburg? |
31-08-2010-100652-003 | 28/09/2010 | Details about foreign recruitments, especially with Commonwealth countries, such as Canada? |
31-08-2010-103544-004 | 27/09/2010 | Provide all minutes and communications of the Media Group chaired by Director News between September 11th 2001 and December 2005. |
31-08-2010-110126-002 | 28/09/2010 | For research on the management of the Book of Reference (BR) by various navies to set up a special team to control, manage and administrate the BRs in the Malaysian Navy. Some information from the Royal Navy as the RMN itself were originated from RN and to use most of the BRs from UK as guidance. |
31-08-2010-112811-003 | 28/09/2010 | For a dissertation on PTSD amongst those serving in the military. How may social workers the MoD employs, and how many (if any) are deployed? |
31-08-2010-114255-004 | 28/09/2010 | How many MoD civilians and service personnel have been disciplined for personal use of the internet. |
31-08-2010-131024-005 | 28/09/2010 | Supply information currently held by the MOD for a proposed third Phase of Crystal Rig Windfarm (Crystal Rig III) in East Lothian/ Scottish Borders including any information exchanged with the developers or the Scottish Government. |
31-08-2010-131827-006 | 28/09/2010 | Provide the total number of days lost through staff sickness, discipline or suspension for the years 2007, 2008 and 2009, if possible, within the statutory cost, break this down by month. |
31-08-2010-132409-007 | 28/09/2010 | Request for further information on answer provided for previous request submitted. |
31-08-2010-145522-001 | 16/09/2010 | Request for disclosure of documents. |
31-08-2010-153337-004 | 28/09/2010 | (1) Provide the number of occasions where surveillance as regulated by the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act has been used in respect of assessing the validity or extent of compensation claims being made by injured servicemen since 2000. (2) Of the total number of occasions identified in response to question 1 on how many occasions has the claim for compensation been rejected? (3) What was the total cost to the MoD of these surveillance operations broken down by financial year? |
01-09-2010-104417-001 | 28/09/2010 | (1) The citation for the DSO of specified individual awarded 6 Sep 1940. (2) Any records pertaining to the events immediately prior to, during and after the sinking of U13 by HMS Weston 3 May 1940. (3) Any records pertaining to Operation ROBIN especially the reasons for and outcome of the operation. |
01-09-2010-112302-003 | 28/09/2010 | The number of servicemen and women treated by Defence Medical Services for mental health conditions thought to be related to their deployment in Iraq since 2003 and Afghanistan since 2005. |
01-09-2010-114840-001 | 28/09/2010 | (1) Total amount of severance pay/redundancy pay that has been paid to staff in your Department in the financial year 2007/8, 2008/9 and 2009/10 (separate totals for each year). (2) Number of staff who received severance pay/redundancy pay in the financial year 2007/8, 2008/9 and 2009/10. (separate totals for each year). (3) The top five amounts paid out in severance pay/redundancy pay in the financial year 2007/8, 2008/9 and 2009/10, and, if possible, a job description of the people receiving the money. If providing a job description would identify the individuals involved. |
01-09-2010-123914-001 | 29/09/2010 | (1) How many instances have their been of unauthorised access to your Departments information systems [computer systems] over the last 5 years? (2) How many attempted instances have there been of hacking [or other forms of computer infiltration techniques] to gain access to your Departments information systems [computer systems] for which have been prevented? |
01-09-2010-125708-002 | 29/09/2010 | How much does your Department spend on protecting the information systems network [such as anti virus software, hardware and consultancy work] for the last financial year? |
01-09-2010-131312-003 | 22/09/2010 | If the MET office has a purchasing card programme: (1) Which bank provides your purchasing card scheme? (2) What was the total amount of spend placed through the scheme last financial year (1st April 2009 - 31st March 2010)? (3) When does your contract for the supply of purchasing cards expire? (4) Does the contract have a break clause? If the organisation does not have a purchasing card programme, please could you confirm this is the case. If the organisation has more than one programme could you provide answers for all the programmes that are currently running in the organisation. |
01-09-2010-154522-001 | 20/09/2010 | Information regarding the admission of 8000 Ukrainians at the end of World War II into the United Kingdom. |
01-09-2010-165457-002 | 29/09/2010 | Request relates to a series of incidents in Afghanistan in which local civilians have been either killed or wounded by British forces. |
02-09-2010-101743-001 | 23/09/2010 | Information regarding the Contract placed by Defence Equipment and Support on QinetiQ to provide range testing services. |
02-09-2010-104813-002 | 31/08/2010 | Between what points are the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea adjacent to Great Britain is measured drawn? |
02-09-2010-111252-003 | 07/09/2010 | Could you let me know how much gets paid out to Service Officers each year in respect of boarding school fees for their children. |
02-09-2010-112056-001 | 21/09/2010 | Information relating to the Armed Forces: No of employees split by full time and part time; payroll and HR supplier; payroll and HR product used; payroll and HR contract renewal date; length of payroll and HR contract; who has responsibility for the payroll and HR solution; cost of payroll and HR solution. |
02-09-2010-122835-004 | 30/09/2010 | Reference FOIA answer from DECC that 1 official from the MoD attended a two hour long ?Peak Oil Workshop? organised by DECC on the 2nd of July 2009. Provide copies of all records held by the MoD related to this workshop (e.g. notes, reports, memos, emails, transcripts, presentations etc.). |
02-09-2010-145136-001 | 30/09/2010 | As of 1 September 2010 how many senior officers of the Royal Navy were serving at sea? (1) in command of a Fleet (2) In command of a Flotilla. (3) In command of a Warship, by Senior Officers--- Captains Commodores and Admirals. |
02-09-2010-162813-002 | 30/09/2010 | The number or percentage of recruits to the British army from the Republic of Ireland in 2009, 2008 and 2007. Any breakdown of where they signed up to the army ie Northern Ireland, England etc would also be helpful. |
03-09-2010-095833-001 | 30/09/2010 | Four questions on plans Department has made in order to comply with the Government’s ‘one in one out’ regulatory policy, which began on 1st September 2010, |
03-09-2010-100648-002 | 30/09/2010 | Six questions on the numbers of civil servants and ministers in the Ministry of Defence methods of travel during the months of June, July and August 2010. |
03-09-2010-101657-003 | 30/09/2010 | Number of TG18 Logistics (Movements) personnel are in receipt of Specialist Pay (Flying Crew). In accordance with JSP 754 Chapter 6 Section 18 Paragraph 06.1803 personnel of No 1 AMW (MAMF) receive Specialist Pay (Flying Crew)(SP(FC)) on a Non Continuous Basis (NCB). How many personnel from 1 AMW are in receipt of SP(FC), from what date was SP(FC) awarded to qualifying members of No 1 AMW and what was the full justification of the award of SP(FC) to those personnel. |
03-09-2010-101750-001 | 30/09/2010 | Provide copies of all correspondence to and from your organisation and 1.1: The Conservative Party and related agencies/brokers; 1.2: The Liberal Democrats and related agencies/brokers. |
03-09-2010-102244-004 | 30/09/2010 | Reference the British military caches (a total of 33) which were uncovered by the Austrian Police and Army in 1959, 1960 and 1965. Request the documents relevant to the establishment of these Weapons caches, and documents relating to the Austrian discovery of these documents; for example, correspondence within the Ministry of Defence, communication between the various parties involved in the United Kingdom and communication with the officials in the Austrian government. |
03-09-2010-103605-005 | 30/09/2010 | Details of any meetings (including minutes) between any of the listed former public servants with any civil servants at Grade 5 level and above within the Ministry of Defence over the last two years to discuss business involving their current employer. |
03-09-2010-105708-006 | 30/09/2010 | Supplier spending data for the Ministry of Defence, Media and Sport, as per the 'Communities and Local Government and arm's length bodies' spending data 2009-10? published 12 August 2010 including all suppliers in the listed primary and secondary areas. |
03-09-2010-112416-002 | 30/09/2010 | Any documents that show diplomacy with the local decentralized social groups that make up Iraq or Afghanistan, as well as giving permission to reference the relevant portions of those documents in my paper. |
03-09-2010-115255-003 | 30/09/2010 | Requesting parts catalogue for FV432 Armoured Personnel Carriers, AESP 2350-T-251-711. |
03-09-2010-120304-007 | 09/09/2010 | Of the Afghan standing army, which we and NATO are training to take over security - ie. (a) the percentage from pro-Taliban tribes and (b) how that army is to be paid for? |
03-09-2010-152210-001 | 01/10/2010 | Has there been any incidents of carbon monoxide poisoning involving the crew inside an AFV whilst operating in a battened down situation or whilst operating main and or coaxial machine-guns. Also has there ever been any reported incidents of carbon dioxide poisoning in the same vehicles or in any other Armoured fighting vehicles such as APC'c or armoured engineering vehicles? |
03-09-2010-153133-002 | 01/10/2010 | Various questions on the number of suicides by MOD personnel in 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009. |
03-09-2010-154215-001 | 01/10/2010 | EOD Reports 39 Bde Intelligence Summaries. Press Logs Policy for Classified Documents. |
03-09-2010-155712-003 | 01/10/2010 | Information on the Met office observing stations and weather radars across the UK. |
06-09-2010-114615-001 | 01/10/2010 | (1) How many applications for the 'Elizabeth Cross' have failed? (2) For what reasons have the applications failed? (3) Provide detail with numbers? (4) Have any of these failures been linked to former officers and soldiers of either the Ulster Defence Regiment (UDR) or Royal Irish Regiments (6) For what reasons have the applications failed? (7) Provide detail with numbers? |
06-09-2010-115639-002 | 04/10/2010 | Please supply a break down of MPGS by rank structure employed in the UK, and if possible by unit location. |
06-09-2010-120051-003 | 04/10/2010 | Please supply information regarding the MPGS service and how many houses or accommodation is supplied to there staff, with costings if possible but the main point is how much housing accommodation they utilise, and if possible a break down of locations or areas if possible. |
06-09-2010-132928-001 | 01/10/2010 | (1) The total number of campaign letters, postcards and emails that appeared to be part of a coordinated campaign you received from June 2009 to July 2010; (2) the breakdown of these numbers by delivery method (letter, postcard and email); (3) A breakdown by topic and/or organisation(s) where you received more that 500 items of correspondence (through any delivery method) that appeared to be part of a coordinated campaign in the period defined above. |
06-09-2010-151610-002 | 24/09/2010 | Regarding British nuclear tests Australia and Christmas Island 1957 and 1958. |
06-09-2010-153326-002 | 01/10/2010 | (1) Number of fatalities of aircrew, sorted into broad aircraft type (rotary, jet and fixed wing), country where the accident took place and the number of passengers on board suffering fatal injuries, by year for the past decade. If possible the jet category could be split further into aircraft type. Also whether RAF or Navy pilots. (2) Any statistics that show a breakdown of the cause of accidents noted with the above. (3) Age and rank of the pilot. (4) Any statistics regarding bomb service personnel disposal mortality rates for last ten years including breakdown of location/area. |
06-09-2010-160342-003 | 04/10/2010 | What proportion of deployed forces in Iraq and Afghanistan were/are female? |
06-09-2010-161146-004 | 04/10/2010 | The number of service leavers per year in the 16 - 25 age group; Further split if possible by: The service they are leaving, Age, Gender, area they live in and reason for leaving. |
06-09-2010-162247-003 | 20/09/2010 | Copy of the NWCSP Handling Strategy |
07-09-2010-093824-001 | 27/09/2010 | Which supplier or suppliers your organisation has contracts with for the provision of the following ICT services: Application Support; Hosting; Managed Services; DBA; Support; Performance Testing; Penetration Testing. Specify which of the services each contract covers and include contract end/renewal dates. |
07-09-2010-100202-002 | 04/10/2010 | How many soldiers, airman and sailors have gone AWOL from active service, broken down by year, over the past five years? |
07-09-2010-101324-004 | 04/10/2010 | If there was great civil unrest in England to the point of the British Police force not being able to handle the situation, a civil war scenario, is there a procedure where the British Army would Police the streets of England as a peace keeping force? Or is there any similar procedure that involves the British Army concerning civil unrest to the point of civil war in England? |
07-09-2010-102320-005 | 04/10/2010 | How much public money has been spent on dining furniture (table and chairs) for the Commanding Officers residence at JHC/RAF Station Aldergrove in the past five years, and what is the present location of furniture procured? |
07-09-2010-102858-006 | 04/10/2010 | All information held within communications (emails/faxes/letter/ or whatever format they were made) between MoD/Army and Historic Scotland from 1st June 2010 to present related to the flying of (a) the Union flag at Edinburgh Castle and (b) the Saltire at Edinburgh Castle. |
07-09-2010-103244-007 | 04/10/2010 | Broken down by year and region, over the past ten years, can you provide me with how many UFO reports have been made in Afghanistan? |
07-09-2010-104701-008 | 04/10/2010 | On Monday, October 27, 2008, a hangar at Wattisham Airfield in Suffolk was evacuated after what was initially believed to be a live missile was discovered on an Apache helicopter. The hangar was reopened by 3.45pm. Wattisham Airfield has now launched an investigation. Could you submit documents relating to the investigation? A summary of the investigation, its outcome and action taken as a result, including, if applicable, persons (name and/or position) reprimanded over the incident. |
07-09-2010-133248-001 | 05/10/2010 | Six questions on internet abuse at work. |
07-09-2010-145608-002 | 05/10/2010 | Four questions regarding details of the total amount of money spent by the MoD on RN Individual and Unit Training conducted by FOST in the last year broken down into the listed categories. |
08-09-2010-092246-001 | 05/10/2010 | Provide the numbers of service personnel killed whilst taking part in a training exercise on Salisbury Plain in 2009 and separately for each year dating back to 2000? |
08-09-2010-093049-002 | 05/10/2010 | Reference the Guardian newspaper published story on July 25, 2010 about 21 incidents in which British troops were said to have shot or bombed Afghan civilians, including women and children. |
08-09-2010-094836-003 | 05/10/2010 | Information on the British Army's use of cluster canisters in the deployment of CS Gas. I would also like to know if helicopters have ever been used in the deployment of CS gas. |
08-09-2010-095221-004 | 05/10/2010 | Information on Dibenzoxazepine (CR Gas). I would like to know the date it was authorised for use, the manner in which it was to be deployed and the results of any testing that was carried out on it. |
08-09-2010-095551-005 | 05/10/2010 | Information relating to the use of CS gas by the British Army in The Maze Prison on the 15th and 16th October 1974. I would like to know the manner in which the CS was deployed, the concentration of the CS and which regiments were involved in its deployment. Also, I would like to know if helicopters were involved in the deployment of the CS Gas. |
08-09-2010-104506-006 | 05/10/2010 | Thank you for the information that 60 uniformed Pashto linguists and 30 Dari linguists were serving in Afghanistan. As a corollary please advise the ranks and service RN RAF Army of: (1) The Pashto linguists and (2) The Dari linguists. |
08-09-2010-113803-007 | 06/10/2010 | Reference overall policy statement of how the War Office/MOD has managed army personnel medical records from the end of WW2 to the present day. |
08-09-2010-154739-001 | 06/10/2010 | The Ministry of Defence mounted a Conference in December 1995, on the subject, DEFENCE 2010. Request for a copy of the full proceedings of the conference. |
08-09-2010-175251-002 | 06/10/2010 | How many Officers of Air Rank (1*, 2*, 3* and 4*) have retired from the RAF during the period 1st September 2009 to 1st September 2010. What are their names and what was the last appointment that they held? |
09-09-2010-090624-001 | 06/10/2010 | Ten questions to the Met Office on whether staff are entitled to access Social Networking sites via the organisations network. |
09-09-2010-095224-001 | 06/10/2010 | How many prisoners were first held by the Japanese and how many actually survived and were able to return home. Also, where were the worst camps and places for our POW's. |
09-09-2010-103330-002 | 06/10/2010 | Reference EQ1 (XV230), some fuel couplings, between rib 2 (Stb) and rib 2 (port) were disturbed/replaced. Provide a list, with location, of those affected. |
09-09-2010-112903-003 | 06/10/2010 | State equivalent military and civil service rank of the defence fire risk management organisation officer corps. |
09-09-2010-113448-001 | 07/10/2010 | How many UFO sightings have been reported by British Forces in Afghanistan. |
09-09-2010-113841-004 | 07/10/2010 | Reference information on site undergoing small-scale redevelopment works. |
09-09-2010-122837-005 | 01/10/2010 | Provide the names of any MOD staff who attended meetings at Grahame Terrace London with directors of North British Windpower Limited or Sir John Chilcot during 2008,2009 and 2010. |
09-09-2010-123233-006 | 29/09/2010 | (1) What the travel and subsistence expenditure for Advanced Techniques Department was for Years 2008/2009/2010. (2) What the individual costs and class of travel for individuals travelling to the United States over the same period of time as above where. (3) Provide a copy of the current DSTL travel guidance and regulations. (4) Provide a copy of the policy for DSTL personnel in relation to the acceptance of gifts, and or travel upgrades. |
09-09-2010-123931-007 | 05/10/2010 | Provide the number of staff based at Wethersfield civilian staff that are currently in the redeployment pool with a breakdown by grade and department. |
09-09-2010-124512-008 | 07/10/2010 | Six questions regarding the sale of Chelsea Barracks. |
09-09-2010-125808-001 | 07/10/2010 | Information regarding the pullout of the British troops out of Germany, especially of the Garrison Hohne. |
09-09-2010-150931-002 | 07/10/2010 | Design details on current bases and camp buildings used in Iraq / Afghanistan in terms of construction, whether they be tents, portable shed constructions etc. |
09-09-2010-153740-001 | 23/09/2010 | A copy of the Unit Inquiry related to the death of a relative, who died in a climbing accident on 29 Aug 2009. |
09-09-2010-161248-004 | 07/10/2010 | (1) The number of accidents in laboratories involving MOD-employed or MOD-funded researchers for the following years: 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005; (2) Copies of any reports into safety at MOD laboratories or concerning MOD-sponsored researchers produced in the last 10 years. |
10-09-2010-090956-001 | 07/10/2010 | What is the average cost to Develop Vet (DV) a member of the RNR? How many RNR personnel hold DVs? What number of RNR Intelligence and Information Operations personnel hold DV status? How long does a DV last for RNR personnel? How many days per year do RNR personnel carry out professional trade training? Is the SDSR looking at the cost of vetting RNR personnel to DV standard and to make savings in this area? What is the total cost to vet RNR personnel to DV standard? |
10-09-2010-091615-002 | 07/10/2010 | Copies of all correspondence between the MoD and the Treasury about the case of FTRS and NRPS personnel retaining their pension and/or any other terminal allowance on completion of Regular service be released. Also, copies of any documents internal to the MoD where the issue was discussed and/or illustrative calculations made about the impact of the loss of pension and/or terminal pay also be released. |
10-09-2010-092547-003 | 08/10/2010 | (a) How many FOI/EIR requests the MOD received by month for 2008,2009, 2010. (b) By month for 2008, 2009, 2010 how many of the above FOI/EIR requests were responded to within 20 working days. |
10-09-2010-093345-004 | 07/10/2010 | Copies of any assessments made of, passed to, or held by the UK MOD regarding the US government's Human Terrain System programme. |
10-09-2010-112811-005 | 08/10/2010 | Reference Help for Heroes and the armed forces: an approximate figure as to how much the MOD spends on rehabilitation for servicemen and women and how much is the budget. |
10-09-2010-121256-006 | 08/10/2010 | A list of all locations in the UK and abroad where the Ministry of Defence has MOD Police Officers stationed and the complement of officers at that station and also specified data regarding recruitment and retention for the past three years. |
10-09-2010-144610-001 | 07/10/2010 | What was the distribution of the summary of the Radar Study? |
10-09-2010-162417-002 | 08/10/2010 | Recent information on officer and soldier career progression by corps. Also, the soldier career progression by Infantry division. |
13-09-2010-091409-001 | 08/10/2010 | Regarding 40 Commando Royal Marines who are based in Taunton, since their deployment to Afghanistan in March / April, how many marines have been very seriously or seriously injured? |
13-09-2010-092519-002 | 08/10/2010 | A list of meetings which have occurred between each of the ministers in your department and outside interest groups since July 1 2010. |
13-09-2010-094007-003 | 08/10/2010 | Unredacted copy of a letter, MoD reference D/Sec(AS)/12/3 part P enclosure 57. |
13-09-2010-114938-001 | 11/10/2010 | Request for known retired officer deaths since the publication of the 2007 (and final) biennial Navy List of Retired and Emergency List Officers |
13-09-2010-123034-003 | 11/10/2010 | Looking to gain access to AIR 2/13800 - V-Bomber force operational readiness committee 1957-1959. |
13-09-2010-141200-001 | 04/05/2010 | The reorganisation of the high level command structure of HQ Land Forces in 2009, supply an organisation chart / details of the internal directorate structures |
13-09-2010-150204-002 | 07/09/2010 | Five questions regarding the disposal of the ex 543 Squadron Victor B2 (SR) aircraft after 543 Squadron was disbanded and the aircraft disposed of? |
13-09-2010-151812-001 | 11/10/2010 | Copies of any material relating to an incident which took place on 21st July 1994 near Alton Barnes the behaviour of a number of helicopters |
13-09-2010-163358-002 | 11/10/2010 | The cost of champagne procurred by the Ministry of Defence for 2010, 2009, 2008 |
13-09-2010-165203-004 | 09/08/2010 | I am trying to find where Penhale Camp Perranpoth Cornwall would be advertised for sale and which Estate Agents would be handling the sale |
13-09-2010-171410-003 | 27/09/2010 | During the past year, where and when horses have been used in ceremonial duties by the British Army - and supply details of other animals used by the Army. |
13-09-2010-171714-005 | 09/08/2010 | How many serving officers in the MOD police, RAF police and Royal Military Police have criminal convictions? |
14-09-2010-092644-001 | 11/10/2010 | Copies of all MOD produced documents (including those produced by the Services or Service Cadet Forces), which relate to the ACO's use of JSP 535 |
14-09-2010-094034-002 | 11/10/2010 | Information held by the MOD relating to its consultation by the Scottish Government on Wester Dod Windfarm during 2010 |
14-09-2010-095144-001 | 11/10/2010 | Electronic copy of MoD policy document AFCPB/MFWG/03 |
14-09-2010-100009-003 | 06/10/2010 | Information regarding the purpose of HM Armed Forces Toys |
14-09-2010-102652-002 | 11/10/2010 | Electronic copy of the following service casualty manuals: BR8886 (Naval Service); AC12874 (Army); AP1933 (RAF). |
14-09-2010-110434-004 | 11/10/2010 | Career patterns in the British Army for Other Ranks and for Officers. |
14-09-2010-111327-005 | 11/10/2010 | Patterns of service and promotion in the Royal Navy for officers and ratings |
14-09-2010-112633-006 | 11/10/2010 | Does the MOD have any plans to follow US example and issue fire resistant military uniforms to all soldiers and other front line personnel in Afghanistan? |
14-09-2010-114257-006 | 05/10/2010 | Please disclose all grants for public funding to not-for-profit Royal British Legion who represent veterans and lower level and upper tribunal Hearings. |
14-09-2010-121409-007 | 07/10/2010 | What Wethersfield civilian posts are currently shown as vacant broken down by grade and department/section? |
14-09-2010-121851-008 | 07/10/2010 | Full details of investigation file into concerns involving Merlin helicopter |
14-09-2010-143842-002 | 12/10/2010 | Doucuments/reports relating or mentioning the hunt for a unknown submarine between may 1958 and febuary 1960 in the Golfo Nuevo, Argentina |
14-09-2010-144523-001 | 10/09/2010 | Has any individual with a gender identity been recommended for a medical board of survey on the grounds of transsexualism and if they have how many have been subsequently medically discharged? |
14-09-2010-145230-003 | 28/09/2010 | A Literature Review of the Practical Application of Bacteriophage Research - the number of copies that are now in circulation in the UK amongst interested parties and potential stakeholders etc., and when these were sent out? |
14-09-2010-152018-002 | 10/09/2010 | How much revenue was raised in the most recent financial accounting period to date by the Ministry of Defence's Directorate of IPR's sale of images, and how much does the Directorate cost to run? |
14-09-2010-155643-004 | 12/10/2010 | Copies of: AP3392, Vol 5, Leaflet 118 extant in 1998 (as referred to in Para 1033 of Queen's Regulations for the RAF, Major Revision 6/Aprril 1998); The predecessor of the document; Any document extant in 1997 setting out MOD or RAF policy on transvestites and transvestism (cross-dressing). |
14-09-2010-155826-004 | 11/10/2010 | In the year 2009-2010 how many complaints counted in the official publication "Military Low Flying in the United Kingdom" Statistical Appendix were found to be fully justified and that the RAF/NATO were in breach of the rules? |
14-09-2010-164455-005 | 28/09/2010 | Details of poss contract for Mil hospital in Bergen-Hohne and info regarding the date for the withdrawal of UK personnel from Germany. |
14-09-2010-164757-005 | 12/10/2010 | Statistical information for each year since and including 2005 the number of complaints of (i); sexual assaults; (ii); rape and (iii), other sexual attacks that have taken place within each of the British Army, Royal Navy and Royal Air force, broken down into figures for each Service. |
15-09-2010-092226-001 | 12/10/2010 | How many service personnel committed suicide in each of the last 10 years, broken down by armed service? How many service personnel were recorded as carrying out deliberate self harm in each of the last 10 years, broken down by armed service? |
15-09-2010-093322-002 | 12/10/2010 | Any papers prepared for ministers about the sale of the Married Quarters Estate from 1996 |
15-09-2010-095146-003 | 12/10/2010 | Information held or exchanged on any meetings held between or correspondence exchanged between Sir Malcolm Rifkind MP & Julian Chafer of Defence Estates from 1 January 2009 until current date. |
15-09-2010-102812-002 | 13/10/2010 | Nuclear test veterans enrolled onto medical research programmes |
15-09-2010-110030-003 | 13/10/2010 | How much has your department spent on consultancy costs and project advisory costs in the financial year 2009/2010 |
15-09-2010-124552-004 | 11/10/2010 | Files kept by the Ministry of Defence on xxxxxx or meetings that he participated in with British officials |
15-09-2010-134619-001 | 31/08/2010 | DTUS intake and graduation figures |
15-09-2010-145107-002 | 13/10/2010 | All unpublished correspondence between the MoD and Boeing relating to the MoD contract with Boeing for Chinook helicopters |
15-09-2010-150143-003 | 13/10/2010 | Number of Armed forces personnel who have had counselling for substance abuse in each of the last ten years; the number of Armed forces personnel who have had treatment for substance abuse in each of the last ten years |
15-09-2010-151013-001 | 13/10/2010 | Nine questions regarding the Department's current Accounts Payable processes |
15-09-2010-151446-004 | 13/10/2010 | All documents and communications related to the policy on recruitment of bomb disposal experts |
15-09-2010-152049-002 | 13/10/2010 | Copy of article RN Surface Abandonment From Submarines Trial Order and Report, Trial E280 (2006) Hopkins, N. SUBIPT Defence Logistics Organisation |
15-09-2010-152759-003 | 13/10/2010 | Number of diesel vehicles currently operated by the Police department and the number of occasions any of these vehicles has been misfilled with petrol requiring unscheduled servicing during each of the last two years |
15-09-2010-171912-004 | 13/10/2010 | What events hosted by public relations / public affairs firms have they spoken at or attended since the coalition Government came into power on 12 May 2010 for ministers Liam Fox, Nick Harvey, Gerald Howarth, Andrew Robathan, Peter Luff, Lord Astor |
15-09-2010-172327-005 | 13/10/2010 | Details of any emails and letters sent between the Conservative party co-Chairman Andrew Feldman and your department's ministers, special advisers, diary secretaries or officials |
16-09-2010-102805-001 | 13/10/2010 | The nationality of a man who died after suffering a fatal injury on board an RAF helicopter in Iraq in April 2004 and individuals who died in UK military custody in Iraq |
16-09-2010-110350-002 | 13/10/2010 | Fifteen questions regarding various Framework Agreement Contracts |
16-09-2010-114554-003 | 23/09/2010 | Five questions regarding the Blue Book and the names of all participants in the British Nuclear Test Programme |
16-09-2010-115224-001 | 11/10/2010 | Follow on request from 25-06-2010-131215-00, was the person who was involved the tradesman or the supervisor? |
16-09-2010-155245-002 | 14/10/2010 | A copy of the outcome of the lessons learned project in 2008 relating to air tankers, as referred to in the Public Accounts Committee report Delivering Multi-“Role Tanker Aircraft Capability |
16-09-2010-155813-003 | 14/10/2010 | The cost to the Department of the Ecodriver installation managed service presented |
16-09-2010-164909-001 | 14/10/2010 | Removal of the redaction of the name of desk officers who corresponded with members of the public |
16-09-2010-170450-002 | 14/10/2010 | Policy regarding redaction of references to xxxxxx, request desk instructions relating to such redactions |
16-09-2010-170910-003 | 14/10/2010 | Provide any records which are held of meeting refered to in TNA file DEFE24-2000 between the Head of Sec(AS) and DOMD |
17-09-2010-085849-001 | 14/10/2010 | For the calendar year 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 the number of allegations made against Armed Forces personnel for sending or attempting to send human body parts to the UK |
17-09-2010-100658-001 | 12/10/2010 | How many Military personal claims in the past 5 years relating to back injuries |
17-09-2010-101818-002 | 15/10/2010 | Numbers of nurses and/or all medical professionals within the services broken down to include regular and territorial troops |
17-09-2010-103022-003 | 13/10/2010 | Quantitative data on overseas deployments: Troop numbers; Duration; Cost; Type of mission; National or multinational - From 1945 to the current era |
17-09-2010-105121-002 | 14/10/2010 | How many Navy and Army 'commercial' service divers have been diagnosed with asthma over the last 10 years? How many Navy, Army and RAF service sports divers have been diagnosed with asthma over the last 10 years? |
17-09-2010-114639-002 | 15/10/2010 | The number of individual claimants that the MOD pays a benefit to for people that suffer mesothelioma (an asbestos-related disease) |
17-09-2010-120722-003 | 15/10/2010 | For the calendar years 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010 the number of allegations made against Armed Forces personnel for sending or attempting to send human body parts to the UK |
17-09-2010-151118-001 | 15/10/2010 | Whether you have a dress code for your staff, or whether staff have been sent any memos about their attire since 1st January 2008 |
20-09-2010-093815-001 | 07/09/2010 | (1) How many DV subjects had their DV related interviews, enquiries and investigations conducted by RAF Pers Sy staff without the involvement of DVA in 06/07, 07/08 and 08/09? And, (2) How many DV clearance cases did DVA refer as contentious to PSyA (RAF) (including his staff) for clearance decision in 06/07, 07/08 and 08/09? |
20-09-2010-100543-001 | 18/10/2010 | Detail and rules on how MoD calculates pensions for RN medical officers with a service attributable injury who are discharged through Naval Medical Board Of Survey and subsequent employability board along with the pay tables that are used. |
20-09-2010-101706-002 | 18/10/2010 | To model the Sea Harrier FA2 and dimensions for the model; some drawings of the fuselage, wing and empennage. |
20-09-2010-102141-002 | 18/10/2010 | (1) The annual cost of the University Royal Naval Units; (2) The annual cost of operating and maintaining the 14 patrol vessels attached to the University Royal naval units; (3) The complete cost and number of royal naval personnel required to run the University Royal Naval Units. |
20-09-2010-102451-003 | 18/10/2010 | (1) The annual charge to the Marine Management Organisation for Fishery Protection work; (2) what is the annual cost of the contract with Bee Systems for the 3 fishery protection vessels; (3) how many RN personnel are employed, at sea and shoreside, on Fishery protection work and what is their annual cost. |
20-09-2010-102820-004 | 18/10/2010 | How many (1) seagoing ships are commanded by 4 ring captains; (2) shore establishment are commanded by 4 ring Captains: (3) how many serving 4 ring captains there are in the royal navy. |
20-09-2010-104004-005 | 18/10/2010 | Details of all UFO / UAP sightings reported to the MoD from 1st Jan 2009 - to date. I am keen to see the full records for last year, as well as all sightings reported so far for 2010. |
20-09-2010-104232-003 | 18/10/2010 | On the 25th September 1946, a Dakota KN 414 took off from Kai Tak air strip Hong Kong, it crashed two minutes after take-off. I am looking for any information possible to find the truth as to what happened to that aircraft on that day. |
20-09-2010-110553-004 | 18/10/2010 | Currently researching for my Housing Degree dissertation on adapted housing for injured service personnel and problems with availability and planning permission. I would like to approach a small group of personnel who are willing to be part of a focus group. |
20-09-2010-110907-006 | 15/10/2010 | A list of all items removed from Nimrod aircraft for the Mk4. |
20-09-2010-112119-005 | 18/10/2010 | Would you please forward all documentation regarding the removal of The Royal Northumberland Fusilier Collection from its present location in Alnwick Castle, to the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers Museum currently located in Bury Lancashire. |
20-09-2010-114602-007 | 18/10/2010 | The accident happened on 19 March 1970, when a Hawker Hunter, flying out of RAF Gutersloh, crashed into a hillside near the village of Henglarn. I would like to know the findings of the Board of Enquiry into that accident. |
20-09-2010-120140-008 | 18/10/2010 | What is the breakdown, in actual figures and as a proportion of the total personnel, of Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Jews, Buddhists, atheists and Christians in (a) each of the three Services individually. |
20-09-2010-145607-001 | 18/10/2010 | Any documents, reports, emails and minutes of meetings or other relevant materials of discussions, correspondence or other business relating to British diplomatic and internal discussions with Israel regarding Hamas and Britain's willingness to recognise Hamas after the 26/01/06 elections and up until 31/12/06. |
20-09-2010-150246-002 | 18/10/2010 | Can you send me copies of the oldest set of ground plans you have for the site at RAF Bentwaters, including any sites in the surrounding environment that might be connected to the main site ie tunnels, pipework etc. Also, who currently owns the RAF Bentwaters site? |
20-09-2010-150901-003 | 18/10/2010 | A copy of the RAF Drill Manual AP 818, as I would like to read it as I hope to join the RAF as an Officer in the next couple of years. |
20-09-2010-152112-004 | 18/10/2010 | Copies of various documents, which arose from research carried out by Salford University's Institute of Acoustics on behalf of the MoD. |
20-09-2010-152845-005 | 18/10/2010 | (a) A copy of the diary of Gerald Howarth, including all entries between 12 May 2010 and up to the date you reply to this request. (b) Also, details of all appointments scheduled between the date you reply to this request and 27 July 2011. (c) As (a) and (b) for Peter Luff. |
20-09-2010-161620-002 | 15/10/2010 | The yearly cost of private personnel in Afghanistan (i/e security personnel etc) do you think those figures would be accessible within the limit? |
21-09-2010-092224-001 | 18/10/2010 | Five questions relating to a series of incidents in Afghanistan in which local civilians have been either killed or wounded by British forces. The incidents took place on December 24 and 30, 2008 and January 3, 19, 27, March 26, May 19, 28, September 30 and November 10 in 2009, all in Helmand. |
21-09-2010-101340-001 | 21/09/2010 | The numbers of Irish citizens serving past and present in the British Armed Services and their motives for enlisting. |
21-09-2010-104051-002 | 22/09/2010 | Five questions relating to Air Command and Apprenticeship Training Management: |
21-09-2010-112604-003 | 27/09/2010 | A brief summary of UFO sightings done year by year and noting the area - the format is fantastic, but the year only goes back to 1997. I am specifically looking for 1995 and especially 1996. |
21-09-2010-113113-003 | 18/10/2010 | I would like to know how many non-British service personnel are serving in the military at the moment. |
21-09-2010-113814-004 | 18/10/2010 | I would like to know how many military ID cards are currently lost and how many are in known circulation. |
21-09-2010-114150-001 | 14/10/2010 | Request for Air Accident Report for accident at Ternhill airfield on 10 Jan 2007. |
21-09-2010-114308-004 | 27/09/2010 | The numbers of servicemen and women who have been treated as casualties in Afghanistan in the last four years, preferably year by year. |
21-09-2010-114557-005 | 18/10/2010 | How much money is invested in sending careers advisors over to other countries out with the United Kingdom? |
21-09-2010-130134-001 | 15/10/2010 | Request a service record for RAF serviceman, including medals awarded. |
21-09-2010-131025-002 | 19/10/2010 | Request for (a) JSP 886 The Defence Logistic Support Chain Manual; Volume 3 Support Chain Management; Volume 7 Integrated Logistic Support. |
21-09-2010-145244-003 | 19/10/2010 | Hercules c130k,s how many still operational and withdrawn from use (stored) and for disposal. |
21-09-2010-160715-004 | 12/10/2010 | Information guidance, rules, procedures or standing orders for MOD staff relating to meetings held with non MOD staff or at premises with the Defence, or Government, Estates. |
21-09-2010-161203-005 | 19/10/2010 | I would like to see all the original calculations and documents leading to the decision on the number of radiators in my living room. |
22-09-2010-111240-001 | 19/10/2010 | (a) How many (UK and Commonwealth) forces personnel have lost their lives in conflicts since 1948 and (b) How many lost their lives in each conflict. |
22-09-2010-114620-001 | 18/10/2010 | How much money has been spent by the MOD on security contractors around the world between 1 January 2010 and 20 September 2010 broken down by country, date contracted, type of contract and cost of contract. |
22-09-2010-121452-002 | 18/10/2010 | How much money was spent by the MOD on birthday cards between 20 September 2009 and 20 September 2010, broken down by month. I would like exactly the same information for Christmas cards. |
22-09-2010-132637-001 | 19/10/2010 | Copies of: any legal or medical advice provided to RAF Physical Education policy staffs to endorse the late-2009 changes to the RAF policy - any medical or occupational health consultant SME advice provided to RAF Physical Education policy staffs since 1 Jan 10. |
22-09-2010-144148-002 | 19/10/2010 | Information the Oil and Pipelines Agency holds relating to current development of its strategy for the operation and maintenance of the Government Pipelines and Storage System (GPSS). |
22-09-2010-145640-003 | 19/10/2010 | What is the cost of Develop Vetting (DV) a Royal Naval Reservist? |
22-09-2010-154459-004 | 20/10/2010 | Several questions relating to the use of RAF Wainfleet. |
22-09-2010-155551-001 | 20/10/2010 | Information on fuel gauge change on XV230 EQ1 servicing. |
22-09-2010-155817-005 | 20/10/2010 | Various questions relating to the reviews the department announced since May 11, 2010. |
22-09-2010-161349-006 | 20/10/2010 | (1) While the Trade Unions have challenged changes to the Civil Service Compensation Scheme and the introduction of the new scheme has been prevented, is there a policy within MoD of not releasing Civil Servants on redundancy terms until resolution? (2) How many Civil Servants in grades E2 to B1 are there within MoD who are in the Re-deployment pool and available for release on redundancy terms, broken down into grades and TLBs. |
22-09-2010-165707-007 | 20/10/2010 | Contact details for your procurement officer or IT procurement for this website or the department? |
22-09-2010-170823-008 | 20/10/2010 | Copies of: the 1994 Officer Assessment Study and the Defence Leadership Centre Strategic leadership Survey 2004. |
23-09-2010-094434-001 | 11/10/2010 | Information held by the Ministry of Defence relating to a 2006 Safety Improvement Notice, issued by the Defence Nuclear Safety Regulator (DNSR) in respect of the air transport of highly enriched uranium loads. |
23-09-2010-103334-001 | 20/10/2010 | How many personnel (both civilian and military) have taken legal action against the MoD in the past three years? |
23-09-2010-105604-002 | 20/10/2010 | Information about the BAe146 Atmospheric Research Aircraft (ARA), in particular, what are the Met Office's annual operating costs for this aircraft and how many hours does the aircraft fly annually? |
23-09-2010-112815-003 | 20/10/2010 | What Applications are you currently using for: E-learning and learning Performance Management Talent Management. |
23-09-2010-115229-004 | 20/10/2010 | I would like to have a hard copy of the Global Strategic Trends - Out to 2040. |
23-09-2010-120949-005 | 20/10/2010 | Details in respect of the following framework agreements, of the suppliers who applied for inclusion on each agreement, and were successful and not successful at the PQQ and ITT stage, together with information on the values of each sub lot. |
23-09-2010-143245-001 | 21/10/2010 | Details of the most recent quarterly hospitality and business expenses submitted by senior civil servants (director general level and above), or the URL of such details; and copies of receipts submitted in support of those claims. |
23-09-2010-153603-002 | 21/10/2010 | Sixteen questions regarding Departmental Expenses. |
24-09-2010-094214-001 | 19/10/2010 | How much money was spent on OTC Adventurous Training between 21 September 2009 and 21 September 2010, broken down by OTC division, date of the trip, nature of the trip (skiing, diving, climbing etc), cost and number attending. The same information for the period 21 September 2007 to 21 September 2008 and 21 September 2008 to 21 September 2009. |
24-09-2010-094823-002 | 19/10/2010 | A list of meetings which have occurred between each of the ministers in your department and outside interest groups between May 1 2010 and June 30 2010. |
24-09-2010-095418-003 | 19/10/2010 | Information on the reasons why women cant join the infantry. |
24-09-2010-100049-001 | 21/10/2010 | The total amount of compensation paid by the Ministry of Defence to soldiers involved in each of the following conflicts: Afghanistan, Iraq, Kosovo, Bosnia, Northern Ireland and Falklands. |
24-09-2010-100149-004 | 19/10/2010 | (1) The number of laptops belonging to the MoD that were lost during 01st April 2009 - 31st March 2010. (2) The number of laptops belonging to the MoD that were stolen during 01st April 2009 - 31st March 2010. (3) The number of mobile telephones belonging to the MoD that were lost during 01st April 2009 - 31st March 2010. (4) The number of mobile telephones belonging to the MoD that were stolen during 01st April 2009 - 31st March 2010. |
24-09-2010-101413-002 | 21/10/2010 | Information about what type of use would be permitted at the site within existing planning consent and regulations. |
24-09-2010-105352-003 | 21/10/2010 | To map all PEXA locations that are in close proximity to oil and gas fields, request for the SHP files showing all the PEXA locations in UK waters? |
24-09-2010-110424-005 | 13/10/2010 | Reference the Additional Radar Study to the BWE: What was the date of the release? To whom at the BWEA was the report sent? What information was sent with the report in covering letters or associated emails? Under what terms was it released to the BWEA? |
24-09-2010-110934-006 | 19/10/2010 | The date when a Ministry of Defence Police Agency officer attached to the Divisional Support Group in York) attested under the Ministry of Defence Police Act 1987. |
24-09-2010-112058-004 | 21/10/2010 | Request relating to correspondence between Prince Andrew and ministers in your department. |
24-09-2010-115541-005 | 21/10/2010 | What is the cost per pair of boots recently bought from Hayes and Cann, a company likely to close at the end of October after cancellation of its very specialised air force boot contract? Also, would the Hayes and Cann boot contract be reconsidered and perhaps reselected if costs were close to alternatives outside the UK? |
24-09-2010-121054-006 | 21/10/2010 | I have experienced lack of clarity as to the access rights to the byway shown on the attached map. It is my understanding that this is open to public access providing the red flags are not flying. Please can you confirm this? |
24-09-2010-142442-001 | 21/10/2010 | Can you please confirm that para 2 of the SoS Health and safety Statement which states: "Within the United Kingdom we comply with all legislation which extends to the UK (including legislation giving effect to the UK international obligations", means that Euratom and UK national legislation which implements the requirements of Euratom now includes military activities? |
24-09-2010-143651-001 | 22/10/2010 | (1) How many staff, at any grade, have signed a settlement (or compromise) agreement with your organisation? Of these how many were signed by whistleblowers? (2) Of these compromise agreements how many included a confidentiality clause. How many of these clauses were signed by whistleblowers? (3) How many of staff have made a claim against your organisation under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998? (4) How many staff who made a claim under PIDA then went to an employment tribunal? (5) How many of these cases were successful for the claimant and the total amount awarded to each individual? (6) Provide copies of all the compromise agreements you have entered into with staff at any grade. |
24-09-2010-150451-001 | 22/10/2010 | All annual legal costs incurred by the Ministry of Defence in the last 10 years, broken down year by year. Also, If possible, this expenditure broken down into specific areas as per your records |
24-09-2010-151032-002 | 22/10/2010 | How much did the MoD pay out in the Incidental Expenses in the year 2009? |
24-09-2010-151404-002 | 22/10/2010 | Information on Project Borona and British Forces Germany. |
24-09-2010-151528-003 | 22/10/2010 | Copies of all correspondence between the MOD and the Royal Household between 1 January 2010 and 24 September 2010. I would like to request solely the MOD's side of the correspondence. |
24-09-2010-165752-004 | 22/10/2010 | Information and pictures on the Junior Tradesmen Regiment Troon, Dundonald Camp, Troon. Who would now hold the regiment records as it was disbanded in 1974. |
27-09-2010-094813-001 | 22/10/2010 | Provide me with all documents produced by the MoD since 1st May 2010 - including internal correspondence, emails, memos, reports, presentations etc - on the subject of HMS Victory, Lord Nelson's flagship now in drydock in Portsmouth. Also provide me with the most recent document produced by or for the MoD on the current state of the vessel, in terms of its maintenance, general state of repair, work required on her etc. |
27-09-2010-095917-002 | 22/10/2010 | With reference to the parliamentary question 8 Apr 2010: Has your department commissioned individuals from the panel of independent investigators in the last 30 months, and for what purpose? How much has your department spent on private detectives in the last 30 months, and for what purpose? Please supply any relevant documentation. |
27-09-2010-100529-003 | 25/10/2010 | Three questions relating to civilian Ministry of Defence staff charged with a disciplinary offence relating to fraud or other deception from 1 January 2008 until the date for which the most recent statistics are available. |
27-09-2010-101541-004 | 25/10/2010 | How many accidents (health and safety) were reported to the MOD between 25 September 2009 and 25 September 2010 that involved MOD staff. I would like the date and nature of each accident please. Accidents need only include those on UK soil, i.e., not in Afghanistan, Iraq or anywhere abroad. |
27-09-2010-102005-005 | 25/10/2010 | Information on how to find out about a specified individual's war record and what the letters mean, for example what is the second airborne division? |
27-09-2010-145734-001 | 22/10/2010 | Clarification of request for a list of items stolen between 21 September 2009 and 21 September 2010 with values above £500. |
27-09-2010-151314-002 | 25/10/2010 | Provide details of all allowances and their value paid to Information technology (IT) or Communication Information Systems (CIS) Staff within the MOD and its Agencies. |
27-09-2010-154711-003 | 25/10/2010 | Four questions relating to insurance on military personnel killed or injured on active duty. |
27-09-2010-161442-004 | 25/10/2010 | Request all communication between the Ministry of Defence and the Royal Household over the years 2004 to 2010, excluding those documents that are routinely published in the public domain and is still available on the MoD and/or British Monarchy websites. |
27-09-2010-163536-001 | 25/10/2010 | Information on HMS Caicos - 1945 Anti-flying bomb patrol details. |
27-09-2010-163940-005 | 25/10/2010 | (1) The number of baggage support staff deployed by the MoD in support of the Queen or Royal Family each year since 2002. (2) The number of occasions they were deployed each year since 2002. (3) Details of the nature of the occasions, including the date, location, engagement and size and make-up of the baggage support team in each case, for each year since 2002. (4) The cost to the MoD of providing baggage support staff in support of the Queen or Royal Family each year since 2002. |
27-09-2010-171010-006 | 25/10/2010 | How many department issued mobile phones / smartphones / Blackberry devices are currently in use by staff in your government department? |
27-09-2010-171531-007 | 25/10/2010 | How many Department-issued mobile phone were reported lost or stolen in 2008, 2009 and currently in 2010? |
28-09-2010-092552-001 | 25/10/2010 | Various questions regarding the Strategic Defence and Security Review. |
28-09-2010-093202-002 | 25/10/2010 | Various questions regarding the review of the rules governing the awarding of medals as announced in the coalition Government’s manifesto. |
28-09-2010-093727-003 | 25/10/2010 | Regarding the review of the cost of renewing Trident above, when was it originally intended to report; the currently anticipated date of report. |
28-09-2010-094321-004 | 25/10/2010 | Various questions regarding the review of the Defence Reform Review. |
28-09-2010-103828-002 | 26/10/2010 | Provide details of the number of British troops suffering from post conflict trauma who have been referred to clinics in the last two financial years and how much that treatment has cost? |
28-09-2010-104615-003 | 26/10/2010 | Provide copies of any RIDDOR forms that have been sent to the Health and Safety Executive in relation to the training of new recruits on army camps in each of the last three financial years. |
28-09-2010-105543-004 | 26/10/2010 | Regarding the amounts paid to staff as bonus payments for forecast accuracy, could you provide any information/documentation as to how this calculation is made as well as data to explain how/why staff qualified for such a bonus in the 08/09 year? |
28-09-2010-110903-005 | 26/10/2010 | Regarding RAF Bentwaters in Suffolk that closed in 1993, requesting all documents on the underground facility and its use. |
28-09-2010-135231-001 | 26/10/2010 | Provide a breakdown of the disease or non battle injury category in the field hospital admissions statistics for Operation Telic (Iraq) and Operation Herrick (Afghanistan). Include the types of disease / non battle injury and whether the casualties are civilians or soldiers. Also provide statistics for the number of admissions relating to malnutrition. |
28-09-2010-141154-002 | 26/10/2010 | Details of the sale of RAF Chenies in Hertfordshire and also the sale of the Bovingdon Mast on land at the rear of Corn Close, Long Lane in Bovingdon Hertfordshire. Specifically, was RAF Chenies offered for sale to NATS and/or other Government agencies? |
28-09-2010-144206-003 | 26/10/2010 | For each of the years 2007, 2008 and 2009 please provide details of: (1) the number of complaints received by overseas location of delays in or failure to deliver mail. (2) the length of time taken on average to deliver mail to each overseas location. (3) any specific complaints or delays in mail to Bosnia. |
28-09-2010-151723-004 | 26/10/2010 | Photos of the submarine HMS ASTUE (quality: high resolution), or perhaps, could we take some of your homepage. |
29-09-2010-091927-001 | 26/10/2010 | Details regarding Compassionate leave granted to servicemen on operations following the normal birth of a child while the serviceman is in the field of operations and not during the serviceman's R and R, restricted to Op Herrick, Afghanistan, for the period 01 September 2009 - 01 September 2010. |
29-09-2010-105057-002 | 26/10/2010 | (a) All MoD owned/controlled airfields within the UK (b) Any special conditions relating to the use of Dunsfold for night exercises with heavy-lift helicopters. |
29-09-2010-105651-003 | 26/10/2010 | The current number of housing available for British Forces Service Families (service family accommodation) in Bielefeld, Germany for September 2010. In particular the grade c and d type housing. Out of that number how many are occupied, unoccupied and those undergoing maintenance work and cannot be occupied at present. The same information for Sept 2009 and Sept 1999. |
29-09-2010-110815-001 | 27/10/2010 | Breakdown of data from the following report by Service - with a split of the Naval Service between Royal Navy and Royal Marines: British Casualties Afghanistan, Edition - 07 Oct 01 - 31 Aug 10 - Afghanistan Casualty and Fatality Tables. |
29-09-2010-113539-004 | 27/10/2010 | I would like to inquire whether there are any aerial photographs taken during for instance reconnaissance flights around 1940 - 1945 and if you could supply them for the purpose as described above? The area of interest is located at 52.60995393057445?N, 7.7985334396362305?E in Germany, roughly covering the triangle between the villages of Berge, Nortrup and Eggermuehlen. |
29-09-2010-140253-001 | 27/10/2010 | What is the Armed Forces policy for those who do not elect to have reassignment surgery but, are in receipt of a Gender Recognition Certificate. How does the Armed Forces cater for these people; are they considered to have a long term medical condition or are they able to fulfil their normal operational role and continue in the Services without the uncertainty of being placed before an Employability Board? |
29-09-2010-154212-001 | 27/10/2010 | A copy of the 2006 Safety Improvement Notice issued by DNSR relating to the air transport of highly enriched uranium loads; Confirmation and any supporting documentation confirming that the required action(s) in the Safety Improvement Notice have been fulfilled; A list of all Safety Improvement Notices issued by DNSR since January 2005. |
29-09-2010-161109-002 | 27/10/2010 | When a soldier has been injured and therefore disabled as a result of their position in the MOD, how long can they live in the housing that is provided through the MOD after they have been forced to end their career? How many of these homes have been found to be sub-standard? |
29-09-2010-164046-003 | 27/10/2010 | (1) The market rates analysis and any associated paperwork quoted in your letter of 11 March 2010 (copy attached) and Paperclips Special Edition, Feb 2009, which the MOD used to base it's decision to reduce the E1 maximum. (2) The rates of pay and job evaluations and any associated paperwork gathered from/relating to OGDs and wider private sector which you used to compare with the MOD pay scales. (3) The job evaluations in the E1 and other grades you used to base your decision; i.e. list each job you looked at and supply the job descriptions of each job. |
30-09-2010-104811-001 | 27/10/2010 | A relative was a cameraman on a naval helicopter which was filming a naval display off Portland Bill on May 20th 1971. The relative and three others were killed as the helicopter fell and hit the water. I would like to see the report on this incident. |
30-09-2010-110355-002 | 28/10/2010 | Who produces the Fairbairn-Sykes Knife, actually issued to the British armed forces? Which branches are issued with the FS-Knife? Are there any field-experiences? Has it any special Markings? What happens with separated knifes? Which other edged Weapons are in use? |
30-09-2010-111757-003 | 28/10/2010 | Information regarding the piloted aircraft that have been used in Afghanistan and how many hours each aircraft type has flown for. |
30-09-2010-114205-004 | 28/10/2010 | Information on the cost of operating the various piloted aircraft in the Afghanistan theatre. |
30-09-2010-115840-005 | 28/10/2010 | Information regarding the number and the cost of munitions expended by piloted aircraft in the Afghanistan Theatre. |
30-09-2010-130525-001 | 27/10/2010 | Regarding the Bosnian Conflict, when the British Forces were deployed under The United Nations, on a per soldier basis: (1) The amount of funding received by the British Government from the United Nations, per day for an individual soldier. (2) The amount of United Nations pay a soldier received per day whilst deployed as part of the UN task force. |
30-09-2010-152123-002 | 27/10/2010 | Various questions relating to the would be the head of the IT department for the MET Office. |
30-09-2010-153122-003 | 20/10/2010 | Information about the BAe146 Atmospheric Research Aircraft (ARA), in particular, what are the Met Office's annual operating costs for this aircraft and how many hours does the aircraft fly annually? |
30-09-2010-154018-004 | 28/10/2010 | Information regarding Buccaneer XV157. I'm trying to uncover a detailed history of this particular aircraft, and would like to know its service history, who the pilot/navigator was and ultimately where it was scrapped and if any parts survived. Any other information you have on this aircraft would be of great assistance. |
30-09-2010-154930-005 | 28/10/2010 | Information relating to the sinking of the SS Lindisfarne 1942 would be very much appreciated. |
01-10-2010-085804-001 | 28/10/2010 | Information relating to the Roll played by Denver Mill (just outside Downham) during the war. |
01-10-2010-090509-002 | 28/10/2010 | Information on the Commands and Drill movements for the Queens Colour Squadron Continuity Drill Display, 63 Sqn RAF Regiment. |
01-10-2010-102630-001 | 28/10/2010 | Confirm that as of 15 September 2010: 294 Captains; 81 Commodores; 25 Rear Admirals; 8 Vice Admirals; 2 Admirals Of which two Captains were serving at sea. |
01-10-2010-115304-002 | 29/10/2010 | The number of individuals and total cost of (i) interim managers (ii) specialist contractors (iii) consultants and (iv) agency staff employed by your department in each of the last three financial years. |
01-10-2010-153104-001 | 28/10/2010 | Details of the total cost of a specified individual's driver and use of the car for daily journeys for a year between Surrey and Abbey Wood, broken down into specified categories |
01-10-2010-170952-002 | 29/10/2010 | Relating to the stories that abound in the internet about the role of RAF propaganda during WWII spreading the myth that carrots improve one's eyesight. I would like to know if there is any basis to this story, and what documents if any I could request. |
01-10-2010-171549-003 | 29/10/2010 | The agenda, meeting notes and correspondence relating to meetings between representatives of A4E Ltd (and their subsidiaries)/ Emma Harrison and representatives of the Ministry of Defence in May 2010, including, but not limited to a meeting on Tuesday 25 May 2010. Indicate the location, dates and subject matters of meetings in the 6 months prior and after that date with representatives of A4E Ltd (and their subsidiaries) and representatives of the Ministry of Defence. |