Official Statistics
Reference Table MeasurementVar (Comma Separated Value file - 7kb)
Updated 29 March 2012
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MeasurementVar | MeasurementLabel | MeasurementLevel | MeasurementType |
abancar1 | Perceived problem with abandoned or burnt out cars in the local area | Person | Perception |
acquai_i | Acquaintance violence | Person | Incidence rate |
acquai_p | Acquaintance violence | Person | Prevalence rate |
acquis_p | Acquisitive crime | Person | Prevalence rate |
allmvc_i | All vehicle crime | Household | Incidence rate |
allmvc_p | All vehicle crime | Household | Prevalence rate |
allmvt_i | All vehicle-related theft | Household | Incidence rate |
allmvt_p | All vehicle-related thefts | Household | Prevalence rate |
attmvt_i | Attempted theft of and from vehicles | Household | Incidence rate |
attmvt_p | Attempted theft of and from vehicles | Household | Prevalence rate |
biketh_i | Bicycle theft | Household | Incidence rate |
biketh_p | Bicycle theft | Household | Prevalence rate |
burgat_i | Attempted burglary | Household | Incidence rate |
burgat_p | Attempted burglary | Household | Prevalence rate |
burgen_i | Burglary with entry | Household | Incidence rate |
burgen_p | Burglary with entry | Household | Prevalence rate |
burgla_i | Burglary | Household | Incidence rate |
burgla_p | Burglary | Household | Prevalence rate |
burglo_i | Burglary with loss | Household | Incidence rate |
burglo_p | Burglary with loss | Household | Prevalence rate |
burgno_i | Burglary with no loss (including attempts) | Household | Incidence rate |
burgno_p | Burglary with no loss (including attempts) | Household | Prevalence rate |
burlikely2 | Perceived as likely to be a victim of burglary in the next 12 months | Person | Perception |
bvpiburg | Worried about burglary | Person | Perception |
bvpicar | Worried about car crime | Person | Perception |
bvpiviol | Worried about violent crime | Person | Perception |
carlikely2 | Perceived as likely to be a victim of car crime in the next 12 months | Person | Perception |
catt2 | Police and local council are dealing with matters in this area - AGREE | Person | Perception |
catt2a | Police and local council are dealing with matters in this area - NEITHER | Person | Perception |
catt2b | Police and local council are dealing with matters in this area - DISAGREE | Person | Perception |
cjsovb1DV | Confident in effectiveness of CJS | Person | Perception |
cominj_i | Common assault with injury | Person | Incidence rate |
cominj_p | Common assault with injury | Person | Prevalence rate |
common_i | Common assault | Person | Incidence rate |
common_p | Common assault | Person | Prevalence rate |
comnij_i | Common assault with no injury | Person | Incidence rate |
comnij_p | Common assault with no injury | Person | Prevalence rate |
domest_i | Domestic violence | Person | Incidence rate |
domest_p | Domestic violence | Person | Prevalence rate |
drug1 | Perceived problem with people using or dealing drugs in the local area | Person | Perception |
drunk1 | Perceived problem with people being drunk or rowdy in the local area | Person | Perception |
hhacq_i | Household acquisitive crime | Household | Incidence rate |
hhacq_p | Household acquisitive crime | Household | Prevalence rate |
homeva_i | Home and other vandalism | Household | Incidence rate |
homeva_p | Home and other vandalism | Household | Prevalence rate |
mugg1_i | Mugging | Person | Incidence rate |
mugg1_p | Mugging | Person | Prevalence rate |
mv.van_i | Vehicle vandalism | Household | Incidence rate |
mv.van_p | Vehicle vandalism | Household | Prevalence rate |
nasb7hi | Perceived high level of anti-social behaviour | Person | Perception |
noisneg1 | Perceived problem with noisy neighbours in the local area | Person | Perception |
othhhc_i | Other household theft | Household | Incidence rate |
othhhc_p | Other household theft | Household | Prevalence rate |
othpth_i | Other personal theft | Person | Incidence rate |
othpth_p | Other personal theft | Person | Prevalence rate |
patt1 | Police in this area can be relied on to be there when you need | Person | Perception |
patt2 | Police in this area would treat you with respect if you had contact with them | Person | Perception |
patt3 | Police in this area treat everyone fairly regardless of who they are | Person | Perception |
patt5 | Police in this area understand the issues that affect this community | Person | Perception |
patt6 | Police in this area are dealing with the things that matter to this community | Person | Perception |
patt7 | Taking everything into account I have confidence in the police in this area | Person | Perception |
peracq_i | Personal acquisitive crime | Person | Incidence rate |
peracq_p | Personal acquisitive crime | Person | Prevalence rate |
qualcdv | Crime has high impact on quality of life | Person | Perception |
qualfdv | Fear of crime has high impact on quality of life | Person | Perception |
ratpol3 | Police in the local area are doing a good or excellent job | Person | Perception |
robber_i | Robbery | Person | Incidence rate |
robber_p | Robbery | Person | Prevalence rate |
rubb1 | Perceived problem with litter or rubbish in the local area | Person | Perception |
snatch_i | Snatch theft | Person | Incidence rate |
snatch_p | Snatch theft | Person | Prevalence rate |
stealt_i | Stealth theft | Person | Incidence rate |
stealt_p | Stealth theft | Person | Prevalence rate |
strang_i | Stranger violence | Person | Incidence rate |
strang_p | Stranger violence | Person | Prevalence rate |
teen1 | Perceived problem with teenagers hanging around in the local area | Person | Perception |
theftd_i | Theft from a dwelling | Household | Incidence rate |
theftd_p | Theft from a dwelling | Household | Prevalence rate |
theftf_i | Theft from a motor vehicle | Household | Incidence rate |
theftf_p | Theft from a motor vehicle | Household | Prevalence rate |
thefto_i | Theft of a motor vehicle | Household | Incidence rate |
thefto_p | Theft of a motor vehicle | Household | Prevalence rate |
theftp_i | Theft from the person | Person | Incidence rate |
theftp_p | Theft from the person | Person | Prevalence rate |
totalb_p | Total BCS crime | Person | Prevalence rate |
totalh_i | All household crime | Household | Incidence rate |
totalh_p | All household crime | Household | Prevalence rate |
totper_i | All personal crime | Person | Incidence rate |
totper_p | All personal crime | Person | Prevalence rate |
vandal_i | Vandalism | Household | Incidence rate |
vandal_p | Vandalism | Household | Prevalence rate |
vandals1 | Perceived problem with vandalism and graffiti in the local area | Person | Perception |
vioin2_i | Violence with injury | Person | Incidence rate |
vioin2_p | Violence with injury | Person | Prevalence rate |
violikely2 | Perceived as likely to be a victim of violent crime in the next 12 months | Person | Perception |
viols_i | All violence | Person | Incidence rate |
viols_p | All violence | Person | Prevalence rate |
viono2_i | Violence without injury | Person | Incidence rate |
viono2_p | Violence without injury | Person | Prevalence rate |
wound_i | Wounding | Person | Incidence rate |
wound_p | Wounding | Person | Prevalence rate |