Transparency data
Government Offices Network senior posts dataset (.csv format)
Updated 29 October 2010
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Post Unique Reference | Name | Grade | Job Title | Parent Department | Organisation | Unit | Contact Phone | Contact E-mail | Reports To | Notes | Total Salary Cost Information | |||||
GO001 | Paul Pugh | SCS 2 | Director, GO East | Home Office | Government Office Network | GO East | 01223 372 500 | | Joe Montgomery (CLG) | Less than 5 direct staff - salary costs rounded up to nearest œ100k | 100000 | |||||
GO002 | Stephen Hillier | SCS 2 | Director, GO East Midlands | Department for Business, Innovation and Skills | Government Office Network | GO East Midlands | 0115 971 9971 | | Joe Montgomery (CLG) | Not set | 427027 | |||||
GO003 | N/A | SCS 2 | Director, GO London | N/A | Government Office Network | GO London | N/A | N/A | Joe Montgomery (CLG) | Office has been abolished - post no longer exists | 554593 | |||||
GO004 | Brian Hackland | SCS 2 | Director, GO Network Centre and Services | Department for Communities and Local Government | Government Office Network | GO Network Centre and Services | 0303 444 1539 | | Joe Montgomery (CLG) | Less than 5 direct staff - salary costs rounded up to nearest œ100k | 300000 | |||||
GO005 | Jonathan Blackie | SCS 2 | Director, GO North East | Department for Communities and Local Government | Government Office Network | GO North East | 0191 201 3300 | | Joe Montgomery (CLG) | Not set | 403869 | |||||
GO006 | Elizabeth Meek | SCS 2 | Director, GO North West | Department for Communities and Local Government | Government Office Network | GO North West | 0161 952 4000 | | Joe Montgomery (CLG) | Not set | 504033 | |||||
GO007 | Colin Byrne | SCS 2 | Director, GO South East | Department for Communities and Local Government | Government Office Network | GO South East | 01483 882 255 | | Joe Montgomery (CLG) | Not set | 428978 | |||||
GO008 | Jon Bright | SCS 2 | Director, GO South West | Department for Communities and Local Government | Government Office Network | GO South West | 0117 900 1700 | | Joe Montgomery (CLG) | Not set | 342497 | |||||
GO009 | Trudi Elliott | SCS 2 | Director, GO West Midlands | Department for Communities and Local Government | Government Office Network | GO West Midlands | 0121 352 5050 | | Joe Montgomery (CLG) | Not set | 412785 | |||||
GO010 | Felicity Everiss | SCS 2 | Director, GO Yorkshire & Humber | Department for Education | Government Office Network | GO Yorkshire and Humber | 0113 341 3000 | | Joe Montgomery (CLG) | Not set | 425284 | |||||
GO011 | N/A | SCS 1A | Deputy to the Director, GO North West | Department for Work and Pensions | Government Office Network | GO North West | 0161 952 4000 | | GO006 | SCS Pay Band 1A | 1770457 | |||||
GO012 | N/A | SCS 1A | Deputy to the Director, GO West Midlands | Department for Business, Innovation and Skills | Government Office Network | GO West Midlands | 0121 352 5050 | | GO009 | SCS Pay Band 1A | 323647 | |||||
GO013 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Corporate Services | Department for Communities and Local Government | Government Office Network | GO East | 01223 372 500 | | GO001 | Not set | 1437429 | |||||
GO014 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Development and Infrastructure | Department for Culture, Media and Sport | Government Office Network | GO East | 01223 372 500 | | GO001 | Not set | 1147553 | |||||
GO015 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Economy and Environment | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Government Office Network | GO East | 01223 372 500 | | GO001 | Not set | 870354 | |||||
GO016 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Localism and Decentralisation | Department for Communities and Local Government | Government Office Network | GO East | 01223 372 500 | | GO001 | Not set | 639225 | |||||
GO017 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Safer and Stronger Communities | Home Office | Government Office Network | GO East | 01223 372 500 | | GO001 | Not set | 918598 | |||||
GO018 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Children and Learners | Department for Education | Government Office Network | GO East | 01223 372 500 | | GO001 | Not set | 833671 | |||||
GO019 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Strategy | Department for Education | Government Office Network | GO East Midlands | 0115 971 9971 | | GO002 | Not set | 919304 | |||||
GO020 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Safer, Stronger Communities | Home Office | Government Office Network | GO East Midlands | 0115 971 9971 | | GO002 | Not set | 630473 | |||||
GO021 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Economy, Jobs and Skills | Department for Communities and Local Government | Government Office Network | GO East Midlands | 0115 971 9971 | | GO002 | Not set | 536806 | |||||
GO022 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Infrastructure | Department for Education | Government Office Network | GO East Midlands | 0115 971 9971 | | GO002 | Not set | 1186297 | |||||
GO023 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Children and Learners | Department for Education | Government Office Network | GO East Midlands | 0115 971 9971 | | GO002 | Not set | 594145 | |||||
GO024 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Local Government and Localities | Department for Education | Government Office Network | GO East Midlands | 0115 971 9971 | | GO002 | Not set | 700607 | |||||
GO025 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Community Safety | Ministry of Justice | Government Office Network | GO London | N/A | N/A | GO003 | Office has been abolished - post no longer exists | 919831 | |||||
GO026 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Children and Learners | Department for Education | Government Office Network | GO London | N/A | N/A | GO003 | Office has been abolished - post no longer exists | 693583 | |||||
GO027 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Thames Gateway | N/A | Government Office Network | GO London | N/A | N/A | GO003 | Office has been abolished - post no longer exists | 352432 | |||||
GO028 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Planning and Housing | Department for Transport | Government Office Network | GO London | N/A | N/A | GO003 | Office has been abolished - post no longer exists | 1010815 | |||||
GO029 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Corporate and Business Strategy | Department for Transport | Government Office Network | GO London | N/A | N/A | GO003 | Office has been abolished - post no longer exists | 1000550 | |||||
GO030 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Resilience and Europe | Department for Education | Government Office Network | GO London | N/A | N/A | GO003 | Office has been abolished - post no longer exists | 720269 | |||||
GO031 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Local Government Practice | Department for Communities and Local Government | Government Office Network | GO London | N/A | N/A | GO003 | Office has been abolished - post no longer exists | 576385 | |||||
GO032 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Locality Divison and Neighbourhood Renewal | Department for Communities and Local Government | Government Office Network | GO London | N/A | N/A | GO003 | Office has been abolished - post no longer exists | 1160444 | |||||
GO033 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Network Business Planning and Governance | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Government Office Network | GO Network Centre and Services | 0303 444 1539 | | GO004 | Less than 5 direct staff - salary costs rounded up to nearest œ100k | 300000 | |||||
GO034 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Strategy and Performance | Department for Communities and Local Government | Government Office Network | GO Network Centre and Services | 0303 444 1539 | | GO004 | Not set | 598542 | |||||
GO035 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Network Performance and Delivery | Scottish Executive | Government Office Network | GO Network Centre and Services | 0303 444 1539 | | GO004 | Not set | 100000 | |||||
GO036 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Europe | Department for Education | Government Office Network | GO North East | 0191 201 3300 | | GO005 | Not set | 286577 | |||||
GO037 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Local Government, Partnerships and Place | Department for Communities and Local Government | Government Office Network | GO North East | 0191 201 3300 | | GO005 | Not set | 675989 | |||||
GO038 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Children and Learners | Department for Education | Government Office Network | GO North East | 0191 201 3300 | | GO005 | Not set | 755894 | |||||
GO039 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Environment | Department for Communities and Local Government | Government Office Network | GO North East | 0191 201 3300 | | GO005 | Not set | 1489380 | |||||
GO040 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Corporate Services | Department for Business, Innovation and Skills | Government Office Network | GO North East | 0191 201 3300 | | GO005 | Not set | 919467 | |||||
GO041 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Safer and Stronger Communities and Tees Valley | Home Office | Government Office Network | GO North East | 0191 201 3300 | | GO005 | Not set | 571114 | |||||
GO042 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Economy and Strategy | Department for Communities and Local Government | Government Office Network | GO North East | 0191 201 3300 | | GO005 | Not set | 639359 | |||||
GO043 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Children and Learners | Department for Education | Government Office Network | GO North West | 0161 952 4000 | | GO011 | Not set | 737466 | |||||
GO044 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Worklessness and Social Exclusion | Department for Education | Government Office Network | GO North West | 0161 952 4000 | | GO011 | Not set | 709542 | |||||
GO045 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Competiveness and Infrastructure | Department for Business, Innovation and Skills | Government Office Network | GO North West | 0161 952 4000 | | GO011 | Not set | 787524 | |||||
GO046 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Housing, Planning and Transport | Department for Education | Government Office Network | GO North West | 0161 952 4000 | | GO011 | Not set | 1139742 | |||||
GO047 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Strategy & Business Improvement | Department for Education | Government Office Network | GO South East | 01483 882 255 | | GO007 | Not set | 1355467 | |||||
GO048 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Corporate Services & Resilience | Department for Education | Government Office Network | GO South East | 01483 882 255 | | GO007 | Not set | 484007 | |||||
GO049 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Sustainable Communities and Hampshire & The Isle of Wight | Department for Business, Innovation and Skills | Government Office Network | GO South East | 01483 882 255 | | GO007 | Not set | 1408122 | |||||
GO050 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Safer and Stronger Communities and Kent & Medway | Home Office | Government Office Network | GO South East | 01483 882 255 | | GO007 | Not set | 1150006 | |||||
GO051 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Transport & Environment and Thames Valley | Department for Communities and Local Government | Government Office Network | GO South East | 01483 882 255 | | GO007 | Not set | 1108927 | |||||
GO052 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Safer and Stronger Communities | Home Office | Government Office Network | GO South West | 0117 900 1700 | | GO008 | Not set | 711809 | |||||
GO053 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Regeneration and Social Exclusion | Department for Transport | Government Office Network | GO South West | 0117 900 1700 | | GO008 | Not set | 1275336 | |||||
GO054 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Corporate Service and Regional Resillience | Department for Business, Innovation and Skills | Government Office Network | GO South West | 0117 900 1700 | | GO008 | Not set | 815671 | |||||
GO055 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Children and Learners | Department for Education | Government Office Network | GO South West | 0117 900 1700 | | GO008 | Not set | 645575 | |||||
GO056 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Environment, Transport and Climate | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Government Office Network | GO South West | 0117 900 1700 | | GO008 | Not set | 819516 | |||||
GO057 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Local Government Practice | Department for Communities and Local Government | Government Office Network | GO South West | 0117 900 1700 | | GO008 | Not set | 485048 | |||||
GO058 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Housing, Planning and Transport | Department for Business, Innovation and Skills | Government Office Network | GO South West | 0117 900 1700 | | GO008 | Not set | 1157844 | |||||
GO059 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Places, Communities and Local Government | Home Office | Government Office Network | GO West Midlands | 0121 352 5050 | | GO012 | Not set | 1016501 | |||||
GO060 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Community Safety | Home Office | Government Office Network | GO West Midlands | 0121 352 5050 | | GO012 | Not set | 863375 | |||||
GO061 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Sustainable Futures | Department for Communities and Local Government | Government Office Network | GO West Midlands | 0121 352 5050 | | GO012 | Not set | 1397369 | |||||
GO062 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Economic and Organisational Delivery | Department for Communities and Local Government | Government Office Network | GO West Midlands | 0121 352 5050 | | GO012 | Not set | 1494030 | |||||
GO063 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Children and Learners | Department for Education | Government Office Network | GO West Midlands | 0121 352 5050 | | GO012 | Not set | 710232 | |||||
GO064 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Regional Resilience | Department for Education | Government Office Network | GO Yorkshire and Humber | 0113 341 3000 | | GO010 | Not set | 1088843 | |||||
GO065 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Environment and Corporate Affairs | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Government Office Network | GO Yorkshire and Humber | 0113 341 3000 | | GO010 | Not set | 706091 | |||||
GO066 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Economy and Strategy | Department for Communities and Local Government | Government Office Network | GO Yorkshire and Humber | 0113 341 3000 | | GO010 | Not set | 770290 | |||||
GO067 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Children and Learners | Department for Education | Government Office Network | GO Yorkshire and Humber | 0113 341 3000 | | GO010 | Not set | 750211 | |||||
GO068 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, People and Communities | Department for Business, Innovation and Skills | Government Office Network | GO Yorkshire and Humber | 0113 341 3000 | | GO010 | Not set | 1517141 | |||||
GO069 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Children and Learners and Surrey & Sussex | N/A | Government Office Network | GO South East | 01483 882 255 | | GO007 | Not set | 998818 | |||||
GO070 | N/A | SCS 1 | Deputy Director, Crime and Community Safety | N/A | Government Office Network | GO North West | 0161 952 4000 | | GO006 | Not set | 540446 | |||||
Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | |||||
Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | |||||
Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | |||||
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Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | |||||
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