Transparency data
Government Grants register 2016 to 2017 (accessible version)
Updated 29 November 2018
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Funding Org:Name | Grant Programme:Code | Grant Programme:Title | Aims and objectives | Value per year | Start Date | End Date | Duration Numeric | Allocation Method | Recipient Sector | COFOG L0 Long Name |
Cabinet Office | SCH-000002910 | EU Referendum voter registration | Not set | 500,000 | 07/05/16 | 06/05/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Cabinet Office | SCH-000003589 | Cyber Security Skills | Increase the supply of Cyber Security Skills into UK Economy | 927,500 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 9. Education |
Cabinet Office | SCH-000003067 | One Public Estate | Not set | 15,500,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/18 | 2 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Cabinet Office | SCH-000003069 | Open Identity Exchange UK | Not set | 500,000 | 06/04/16 | 05/04/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Private | 1. General public services |
Cabinet Office | SCH-000003078 | Civil Service Welfare Bodies | Not set | 296,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/18 | 2 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Cabinet Office | SCH-000003083 | Chequers Grant in Aid | Not set | 900,000 | 01/09/16 | 31/08/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Private | 1. General public services |
CLG Local Government | SCH-000000797 | X085A451-Safety Net DEL PROG VOTED | . | 25,189,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Local Government | n/a |
CLG Local Government | SCH-000000798 | X085A454-BRR Top-Ups DEPT AME VOTED | . | 2,442,056,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Local Government | n/a |
CLG Local Government | SCH-000000799 | X085A455-BRR Tariffs DEPT AME VOTED | . | -2,442,056,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Local Government | n/a |
CLG Local Government | SCH-000000800 | X085A457-Localising Council Tax Admin Subsidy DEL PROG VOTED | . | 77,000,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Local Government | n/a |
CLG Local Government | SCH-000000776 | X085A321-NON-DOMESTIC RATES OUTTURN ADJUSTMENTS DEPT AME VOTED | . | 50,000,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Local Government | n/a |
CLG Local Government | SCH-000000777 | X085A348-PFI SPECIAL GRANTE DEL PROG VOTED (JOINT SERVICE CENTRES) | . | 27,800,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government | n/a |
CLG Local Government | SCH-000000780 | X085A370-REVENUE SUPPORT GRANTS DEL PROG VOTED | . | 7,205,350,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Local Government | n/a |
CLG Local Government | SCH-000000788 | X085A393-LG DEL Contingency DEL Prog Voted | . | 160,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Central Government | 6. Housing and community amenities |
CLG Local Government | SCH-000000794 | X085A415-COUNCIL TAX BENEFIT - NEW BURDENS DEL PROG VOTED | Not set | 12,500,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Local Government | n/a |
CLG Local Government | SCH-000000796 | X085A448-New Homes Adjustment Grant DEL PROG VOTED | . | 23,145,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Local Government | n/a |
CLG Local Government | SCH-000000571 | X085A579-Disregarded Amounts Reconsiliation payments | . | 2,563,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Local Government | n/a |
CLG Local Government | SCH-000000565 | X085A570-New Empty Build Relief DEL PROG VOTED | . | 4,095,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Local Government | n/a |
CLG Local Government | SCH-000000551 | X085A524-Retail Relief DEL PROG VOTED | Not set | 143,911,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Local Government | n/a |
CLG Local Government | SCH-000000569 | X085A577-Transitional Protection Payments | . | 21,601,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Local Government | n/a |
CLG Local Government | SCH-000000587 | X085A610 - Final NNDR3 Deficit on Collection Fund DEPT AME | . | 296,871,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Local Government | n/a |
CLG Local Government | SCH-000000553 | X085A525 - Business Rates 2% Inflation Cap DEL PROG VOTED | . | 171,474,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Local Government | n/a |
CLG Local Government | SCH-000000554 | X085A527-Small Business Rates Relief on Second Property DEL PROG VTD | . | 1,165,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Local Government | n/a |
CLG Local Government | SCH-000000601 | X085A650 BUSINESS RATES RELIEF S31 REPAYMENTS DEL PROG VOTED | . | -6,863,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Local Government | n/a |
CLG Local Government | SCH-000000570 | X085A578-Safety Net Outturn Payments | . | 114,490,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Local Government | n/a |
CLG Local Government | SCH-000000585 | X085A604-Deficit on Collection DEP AME | . | 323,093,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Local Government | n/a |
CLG Local Government | SCH-000000586 | X085A605-Business Rate S31 grant reconciliations DEP AME VTD | . | 37,217,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Local Government | n/a |
CLG Local Government | SCH-000000582 | X085A595-Doubling of Small Business Rates DEL PROG VTD | . | 286,395,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Local Government | n/a |
CLG Local Government | SCH-000000547 | X085A472-Independent Living Fund DEL Prog Voted | . | 176,900,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Local Government | n/a |
CLG Local Government | SCH-000000606 | X085A526-Reoccupation Relief DEL Prog Voted | . | 5,101,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Local Government | n/a |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003954 | UK Defence Solutions Centre Grant Offer 2014-2018 | The Defence Growth Partnership was convened with the aim of securing a thriving UK defence sector through: ? growing the UK?s global market share by increasing defence exports; ? fostering greater collaboration and innovation across the sector, bringing products and services to the market which meet customer needs; and ? improving competitiveness through the whole value chain. | 1,844,000 | 18/12/14 | 17/12/17 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | Private | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003286 | RCUK - Scheme 2 years 16/17 | Not set | 16,400,066 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/18 | 2 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003287 | RCUK - Scheme 3 years 16/17 | Not set | 90,844,001 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/19 | 3 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003288 | RCUK - Scheme 4 years 16/17 | Not set | 24,669,066 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/20 | 4 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003289 | RCUK - Scheme 5 years 16/17 | Not set | 22,184,655 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/21 | 5 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003290 | RCUK - Scheme 6 years 16/17 | Not set | 1,288,699 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/22 | 6 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003291 | RCUK - Scheme 7 years 16/17 | Not set | 433,475 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/23 | 7 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003292 | RCUK - Scheme 10 years 15/16 | Not set | 61,332 | 01/04/15 | 31/03/25 | 10 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003293 | RCUK - Scheme 2 years 15/16 | Not set | 114,703,990 | 01/04/15 | 31/03/17 | 2 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003294 | RCUK - Scheme 3 years 15/16 | Not set | 232,977,239 | 01/04/15 | 31/03/18 | 3 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003295 | RCUK - Scheme 4 years 15/16 | Not set | 119,918,433 | 01/04/15 | 31/03/19 | 4 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003296 | RCUK - Scheme 5 years 15/16 | Not set | 102,330,655 | 01/04/15 | 31/03/20 | 5 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003297 | RCUK - Scheme 6 years 15/16 | Not set | 5,159,352 | 01/04/15 | 31/03/21 | 6 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003298 | RCUK - Scheme 7 years 15/16 | Not set | 7,298,930 | 01/04/15 | 31/03/22 | 7 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003299 | RCUK - Scheme 8 years 15/16 | Not set | 17,763,632 | 01/04/15 | 31/03/23 | 8 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003300 | RCUK - Scheme 10 years 14/15 | Not set | 1,277,475 | 01/04/14 | 31/03/24 | 10 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003302 | RCUK - Scheme 3 years 14/15 | Not set | 180,999,495 | 01/04/14 | 31/03/17 | 3 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003303 | RCUK - Scheme 4 years 14/15 | Not set | 99,455,499 | 01/04/14 | 31/03/18 | 4 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003304 | RCUK - Scheme 5 years 14/15 | Not set | 121,929,031 | 01/04/14 | 31/03/19 | 5 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003305 | RCUK - Scheme 6 years 14/15 | Not set | 11,689,308 | 01/04/14 | 31/03/20 | 6 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003306 | RCUK - Scheme 7 years 14/15 | Not set | 4,014,138 | 01/04/14 | 31/03/21 | 7 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003307 | RCUK - Scheme 8 years 14/15 | Not set | 15,617 | 01/04/14 | 31/03/22 | 8 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003308 | RCUK - Scheme 9 years 14/15 | Not set | 51,302,408 | 01/04/14 | 31/03/23 | 9 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003309 | RCUK - Scheme 10 years 13/14 | Not set | 2,726,990 | 01/04/13 | 31/03/23 | 10 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003312 | RCUK - Scheme 4 years 13/14 | Not set | 167,114,673 | 01/04/13 | 31/03/17 | 4 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003313 | RCUK - Scheme 5 years 13/14 | Not set | 128,656,475 | 01/04/13 | 31/03/18 | 5 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003314 | RCUK - Scheme 6 years 13/14 | Not set | 20,081,324 | 01/04/13 | 31/03/19 | 6 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003315 | RCUK - Scheme 7 years 13/14 | Not set | 2,821,280 | 01/04/13 | 31/03/20 | 7 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003316 | RCUK - Scheme 9 years 13/14 | Not set | 104,434 | 01/04/13 | 31/03/22 | 9 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003317 | RCUK - Scheme 10 years 12/13 | Not set | 11,028,320 | 01/04/12 | 31/03/22 | 10 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003320 | RCUK - Scheme 5 years 12/13 | Not set | 145,661,012 | 01/04/12 | 31/03/17 | 5 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003321 | RCUK - Scheme 6 years 12/13 | Not set | 18,725,052 | 01/04/12 | 31/03/18 | 6 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003322 | RCUK - Scheme 7 years 12/13 | Not set | 5,478,614 | 01/04/12 | 31/03/19 | 7 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003323 | RCUK - Scheme 8 years 12/13 | Not set | 258,550 | 01/04/12 | 31/03/20 | 8 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003324 | RCUK - Scheme 10 years 11/12 | Not set | 4,546,499 | 01/04/11 | 31/03/21 | 10 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003325 | RCUK - Scheme 11 years 11/12 | Not set | 30,672,382 | 01/04/11 | 31/03/22 | 11 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003328 | RCUK - Scheme 6 years 11/12 | Not set | 43,154,370 | 01/04/11 | 31/03/17 | 6 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003329 | RCUK - Scheme 7 years 11/12 | Not set | 5,223,818 | 01/04/11 | 31/03/18 | 7 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003330 | RCUK - Scheme 8 years 11/12 | Not set | 29,565,820 | 01/04/11 | 31/03/19 | 8 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003331 | RCUK - Scheme 9 years 11/12 | Not set | 1,023,425 | 01/04/11 | 31/03/20 | 9 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003332 | RCUK - Scheme 10 years 10/11 | Not set | 3,818,933 | 01/04/10 | 31/03/20 | 10 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003335 | RCUK - Scheme 7 years 10/11 | Not set | 33,516,908 | 01/04/10 | 31/03/17 | 7 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003336 | RCUK - Scheme 8 years 10/11 | Not set | 5,339,549 | 01/04/10 | 31/03/18 | 8 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003337 | RCUK - Scheme 9 years 10/11 | Not set | 130,156 | 01/04/10 | 31/03/19 | 9 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003338 | RCUK - Scheme 10 years 09/10 | Not set | 619,716 | 01/04/09 | 31/03/19 | 10 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003339 | RCUK - Scheme 11 years 09/10 | Not set | 924,008 | 01/04/09 | 31/03/20 | 11 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003341 | RCUK - Scheme 8 years 09/10 | Not set | 8,463,345 | 01/04/09 | 31/03/17 | 8 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003342 | RCUK - Scheme 9 years 09/10 | Not set | 31,019,227 | 01/04/09 | 31/03/18 | 9 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003343 | RCUK - Scheme 10 years 08/09 | Not set | 7,196,685 | 01/04/08 | 31/03/18 | 10 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003344 | RCUK - Scheme 11 years 08/09 | Not set | 3,589,975 | 01/04/08 | 31/03/19 | 11 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003345 | RCUK - Scheme 12 years 08/09 | Not set | 432,359 | 01/04/08 | 31/03/20 | 12 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003348 | RCUK - Scheme 9 years 08/09 | Not set | 7,029,281 | 01/04/08 | 31/03/17 | 9 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003349 | RCUK - Scheme 10 years 07/08 | Not set | 843,548 | 01/04/07 | 31/03/17 | 10 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003350 | RCUK - Scheme 12 years 07/08 | Not set | 125,570 | 01/04/07 | 31/03/19 | 12 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003351 | RCUK - Scheme 13 years 07/08 | Not set | 232,052 | 01/04/07 | 31/03/20 | 13 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003353 | RCUK - Scheme 11 years 06/07 | Not set | 6,283,639 | 01/04/06 | 31/03/17 | 11 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003354 | RCUK - Scheme 13 years 06/07 | Not set | 902,776 | 01/04/06 | 31/03/19 | 13 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003355 | RCUK - Scheme 14 years 06/07 | Not set | 225,203 | 01/04/06 | 31/03/20 | 14 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003356 | RCUK - Scheme 13 years 05/06 | Not set | 82,021,366 | 01/04/05 | 31/03/18 | 13 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003357 | RCUK - Scheme 13 years 04/05 | Not set | 60,359,412 | 01/04/04 | 31/03/17 | 13 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003358 | RCUK - Scheme 15 years 03/04 | Not set | 23,398,546 | 01/04/03 | 31/03/18 | 15 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003268 | HEFCE - Research grant (16/17) | To support high quality research as part of the dual support system | 1,578,000,259 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Civil Society | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003267 | HEFCE - Teaching grant (16/17) | To support HE Teaching | 1,326,497,930 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Civil Society | 9. Education |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003269 | HEFCE - Third Stream (16/17) | to support third stream activity in higher education providers | 149,999,991 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based; Formula | Civil Society; Private | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003283 | RCUK - Scheme 1 year 16/17 | Not set | 88,187,733 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003877 | RCUK - Scheme 100+ years 01/02 | Not set | 952,046 | 01/04/01 | 31/03/21 | 20 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003878 | RCUK - Scheme 100+ years 05/06 | Not set | 643,491 | 01/04/05 | 31/03/25 | 20 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003881 | RCUK - Scheme 100+ years 02/03 | Not set | 0 | 01/04/02 | 31/03/22 | 20 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003880 | RCUK - Scheme 100+ years 11/12 | Not set | 105,603 | 01/04/11 | 31/03/31 | 20 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003879 | RCUK - Scheme 100+ years 09/10 | Not set | 107,959 | 01/04/09 | 31/03/29 | 20 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003876 | RCUK - Scheme 100+ years 00/01 | Not set | 389,124 | 01/04/00 | 31/03/20 | 20 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003875 | RCUK - Scheme 100+ years 15/16 | Not set | 2,172,379 | 01/04/15 | 31/03/35 | 20 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003364 | RCUK - Scheme 15 years 02/03 | Not set | 317,393 | 01/04/02 | 31/03/17 | 15 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003365 | RCUK - Scheme 14 years 03/04 | Not set | 2,849,069 | 01/04/03 | 31/03/17 | 14 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003366 | RCUK - Scheme 12 years 05/06 | Not set | 1,938,984 | 01/04/05 | 31/03/17 | 12 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000003230 | Innovation Grants - 16/17 | The aim to promote innovation, the commercialisation of research and development and support HMG?s industrial policy. | 812,765,000 | 01/07/16 | 30/06/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government; Civil Society; Public Organisations; Private | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Business Innovation and Skills | SCH-000000315 | Regional Growth Fund Programme | To help create and sustain private sector jobs in target regions | 14,804,862 | 01/07/15 | 30/06/18 | 3 | General Grants - Competed | Private | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Communities and Local Government | SCH-000004044 | HCA PROPERTY & REGENERATION 2016/17 | . | -16,400,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Private | 6. Housing and community amenities |
Department for Communities and Local Government | SCH-000004042 | HCA AFFORDABLE HOMES - AFFORDABLE HOMES PROGRAMME 2016/17 | . | 252,629,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government; Private | 6. Housing and community amenities |
Department for Communities and Local Government | SCH-000004046 | HCA HOUSING SUPPLY: LEGACY (GBB, LIF, CB) 2016/17 | . | 11,696,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government; Private | 6. Housing and community amenities |
Department for Communities and Local Government | SCH-000004043 | HCA AFFORDABLE HOMES - KICKSTART 2016/17 | . | 30,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government; Private | 6. Housing and community amenities |
Department for Communities and Local Government | SCH-000004047 | HCA Affordable Homes:Right to Buy 1-4-1 Replacement D 2016/17 | . | 10,740,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Local Government | 6. Housing and community amenities |
Department for Communities and Local Government | SCH-000004055 | HCA CITY DEALS: BIRMINGHAM CITY DEAL 2016/17 | . | 1,887,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government | 6. Housing and community amenities |
Department for Communities and Local Government | SCH-000004056 | HCA CITY DEALS: MANCHESTER CITY DEAL 2016/17 | . | 9,017,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government | 6. Housing and community amenities |
Department for Communities and Local Government | SCH-000004053 | HCA SINGLE LAND PROGRAMME: 2016/17 | . | -21,462,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Public Organisations | 6. Housing and community amenities |
Department for Communities and Local Government | SCH-000004048 | HCA AFFORDABLE HOUSING GUARANTEE 2016/17 | . | 24,501,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government | 6. Housing and community amenities |
Department for Communities and Local Government | SCH-000004050 | HCA HOUSING SUPPLY:LARGE SITES 2016/17 | . | 100,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government; Private | 6. Housing and community amenities |
Department for Communities and Local Government | SCH-000004054 | HCA CITY DEALS: PRESTON CITY DEAL 2016/17 | . | 12,972,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government | 6. Housing and community amenities |
Department for Communities and Local Government | SCH-000004051 | HCA HOUSING SUPPLY:BUILD TO RENT 2016/17 | . | 2,501,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government; Private | 6. Housing and community amenities |
Department for Communities and Local Government | SCH-000004057 | HCA HOUSING SUPPLY: ESTATE REGENERATION 2016/17 | . | 280,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government | 6. Housing and community amenities |
Department for Communities and Local Government | SCH-000000770 | X085A184-PREVENTING HOMELESSNESS DEL PROG VOTED | . | 44,260,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Private | 10. Social protection |
Department for Communities and Local Government | SCH-000000771 | X085A283-NEW HOMES BONUS DEL PROG VOTED | . | 1,461,855,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Local Government | n/a |
Department for Communities and Local Government | SCH-000000772 | X085A293-PFI SPECIAL GRANT HOUSING (DCLG MAIN) DEL PROG VOTED | . | 192,100,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Local Government | 6. Housing and community amenities |
Department for Communities and Local Government | SCH-000000774 | X085A306-TENANT EMPOWERMENT DEL PROG VOTED | . | 62,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Private | 6. Housing and community amenities |
Department for Communities and Local Government | SCH-000000785 | X085A390-Coastal Communities DEL Prog Voted | . | 9,499,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government | 6. Housing and community amenities |
Department for Communities and Local Government | SCH-000000787 | X085A392-LONDON SETTLEMENT DEL PROG VOTED | . | 9,499,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Local Government | 6. Housing and community amenities |
Department for Communities and Local Government | SCH-000000781 | X085A373-Troubled Families DEL Prog Voted | . | 170,380,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Local Government | 8. Recreation, culture and religion |
Department for Communities and Local Government | SCH-000000782 | X085A375-Regional Fire Control Centres DEL Prog Voted | . | 3,732,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Public Organisations | 3. Public order and safety |
Department for Communities and Local Government | SCH-000000783 | X085A377-Local Enterprise Partnerships DEL Prog Voted | Not set | 20,000,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Public Organisations | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Communities and Local Government | SCH-000000789 | X085A395-CITY DEALS DEL PROG VOTED | . | 139,492,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government | 6. Housing and community amenities |
Department for Communities and Local Government | SCH-000000761 | X085A107-COMMUNITY RIGHT TO BUY DEL PROG VOTED | . | 1,004,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 6. Housing and community amenities |
Department for Communities and Local Government | SCH-000000762 | X085A108-COMMUNITY RIGHT TO CHALLENGE DEL PROG VOTED | . | 650,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 6. Housing and community amenities |
Department for Communities and Local Government | SCH-000000765 | X085A120-INTEGRATION & TACKLING EXTREMISM DEL PROG VTD | . | 7,414,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 6. Housing and community amenities |
Department for Communities and Local Government | SCH-000000802 | X085A062-REGIONAL GROWTH FUND DEL PROG VOTED | To support jobs and growth across the UK | 31,122,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Private | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Communities and Local Government | SCH-000000562 | X085A549-LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCE MAIN: FAMILY ANNEXES DEL PROG VOTED | . | 1,865,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Local Government | n/a |
Department for Communities and Local Government | SCH-000000556 | X085A538-OMBUDSMAN REDRESS SCHEME DEL PROG VOTED | . | 428,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | n/a |
Department for Communities and Local Government | SCH-000000567 | X085A575-NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING:SUPPORTING COMMUNITIES DEL PROG VOTED | . | 3,891,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Public Organisations | 6. Housing and community amenities |
Department for Communities and Local Government | SCH-000000588 | X085A612-UK HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL FUND DEL PROG VOTED | . | 989,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | n/a |
Department for Communities and Local Government | SCH-000000577 | X085A594-LOCAL GROWTH FUND DEL PROG VOTED | . | 1,629,800,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government | n/a |
Department for Communities and Local Government | SCH-000000548 | X085A489-MANDATING DATA TRANSPARENCY DEL PROG VOTED | . | 5,502,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Department for Communities and Local Government | SCH-000000583 | X085A599-OPEN SOURCE PLANNING: SHALE GAS DEL PROG VOTED | . | 400,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government | n/a |
Department for Communities and Local Government | SCH-000000561 | X085A547-EMERGENCY FUNDING FOR LAs:SEVERE WEATHER RECOVERY SCHEME DEL PROG VTD | . | 161,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | n/a |
Department for Communities and Local Government | SCH-000000574 | X085A583-OPEN SOURCE PLANNING:DATA ON BROWNFIELD LAND DEL PROG VOTED | . | 5,250,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government | n/a |
Department for Communities and Local Government | SCH-000000550 | X085A518-RIGHT TO BUY:INNOVATION FUND DEL PROG VOTED | . | -30,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government | n/a |
Department for Communities and Local Government | SCH-000000597 | X085A637-HIGH VALUE ASSETS DEL PROG VOTED | . | 83,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | n/a |
Department for Communities and Local Government | SCH-000000564 | X085A567-HOUSING GROWTH AND AFFORDABLE HOUSING:- GARDEN CITIES DEL PROG VOTED | Not set | 4,000,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government | n/a |
Department for Communities and Local Government | SCH-000000589 | X085A613-BETTER CARE FUND CONTRIBUTIONS DEL PROG VOTED | . | 400,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 10. Social protection |
Department for Communities and Local Government | SCH-000000598 | X085A642-SMALLER AUTHORITIES SECTOR LED BODY: DEL PROG VOTED | . | 320,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Public Organisations | n/a |
Department for Communities and Local Government | SCH-000000575 | X085A586-REVIEW OF RETIREMENT EXIT FEES DEL PROG VOTED | . | 175,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Local Government | 6. Housing and community amenities |
Department for Communities and Local Government | SCH-000000566 | X085A574-NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING:NEW BURDEN DEL PROG VOTED | . | 3,295,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Public Organisations | 6. Housing and community amenities |
Department for Communities and Local Government | SCH-000000591 | X085A615-COASTAL COMMUNITY TEAMS DEL PROG VOTED | . | 1,000,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government | n/a |
Department for Communities and Local Government | SCH-000000806 | X085A395-CITY DEALS DEL PROG VOTED | . | 116,350,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government | 6. Housing and community amenities |
Department for Communities and Local Government | SCH-000000804 | X085A392-LONDON SETTLEMENT DEL PROG VOTED | . | 4,650,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Local Government | 6. Housing and community amenities |
Department for Communities and Local Government | SCH-000000665 | X085A062-REGIONAL GROWTH FUND DEL PROG VOTED | To support jobs and growth across the UK | 85,337,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Private | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Communities and Local Government | SCH-000000803 | X085A390-Coastal Communities DEL Prog Voted | . | 4,650,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government | 6. Housing and community amenities |
Department for Culture, Media and Sport | SCH-000003583 | Mutuals Interim Support Fund 1617 | Support the creation and / or growth of fledgling public service mutuals | 65,000 | 01/03/17 | 28/02/18 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government; Civil Society; Public Organisations | 1. General public services |
Department for Culture, Media and Sport | SCH-000004015 | UK Sport - International Relations | A nation inspired by Olympic and Paralympic success | 838,868 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Private | 8. Recreation, culture and religion |
Department for Culture, Media and Sport | SCH-000002894 | Arts & Libraries 1617 | . | 517,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Central Government; Local Government; Civil Society; Public Organisations; Non-Departmental Public Bodies; Private; Individuals; International | 8. Recreation, culture and religion |
Department for Culture, Media and Sport | SCH-000002902 | World War 1 Commemorations & Ceremonials 1617 | . | 5,757,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Central Government; Local Government; Civil Society; Public Organisations; Non-Departmental Public Bodies; Private; Individuals; International | 8. Recreation, culture and religion |
Department for Culture, Media and Sport | SCH-000002904 | BDUK Superfast 1617 | . | 103,700,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Central Government; Local Government; Civil Society; Public Organisations; Non-Departmental Public Bodies; Private; Individuals; International | 8. Recreation, culture and religion |
Department for Culture, Media and Sport | SCH-000002896 | Listed Places of Worship 1617 | . | 33,700,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Central Government; Local Government; Civil Society; Public Organisations; Non-Departmental Public Bodies; Private; Individuals; International | 8. Recreation, culture and religion |
Department for Culture, Media and Sport | SCH-000002903 | Digital Economy Unit 1617 | . | 22,692,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Central Government; Local Government; Civil Society; Public Organisations; Non-Departmental Public Bodies; Private; Individuals; International | 8. Recreation, culture and religion |
Department for Culture, Media and Sport | SCH-000002900 | Broadcasting 1617 | . | 480,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Central Government; Local Government; Civil Society; Public Organisations; Non-Departmental Public Bodies; Private; Individuals; International | 8. Recreation, culture and religion |
Department for Culture, Media and Sport | SCH-000002898 | Heritage 1617 | . | 2,709,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Central Government; Local Government; Civil Society; Public Organisations; Non-Departmental Public Bodies; Private; Individuals; International | 8. Recreation, culture and religion |
Department for Culture, Media and Sport | SCH-000002897 | Cathedral Repair Grants 1617 | . | 2,000,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Central Government; Local Government; Civil Society; Public Organisations; Non-Departmental Public Bodies; Private; Individuals; International | 8. Recreation, culture and religion |
Department for Culture, Media and Sport | SCH-000002901 | Creative Industries, Europe & International 1617 | . | 6,087,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Central Government; Local Government; Civil Society; Public Organisations; Non-Departmental Public Bodies; Private; Individuals; International | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Culture, Media and Sport | SCH-000002899 | Sport 1617 | . | 350,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Central Government; Local Government; Civil Society; Public Organisations; Non-Departmental Public Bodies; Private; Individuals; International | 8. Recreation, culture and religion |
Department for Culture, Media and Sport | SCH-000002906 | BDUK Mobile Infrastructure Project 1617 | . | 1,600,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Central Government; Local Government; Civil Society; Public Organisations; Non-Departmental Public Bodies; Private; Individuals; International | 8. Recreation, culture and religion |
Department for Culture, Media and Sport | SCH-000003982 | UK Sport- High Performance System Partner Funding | A nation inspired by Olympic and Paralympic success | 17,723,486 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Private | 8. Recreation, culture and religion |
Department for Culture, Media and Sport | SCH-000003980 | UK Sport- World Class Programme Funding | A nation inspired by Olympic and Paralympic success | 4,811,437 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Private | 8. Recreation, culture and religion |
Department for Culture, Media and Sport | SCH-000004111 | BDUK 700 MHZ View Support 1617 | . | 2,900,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Central Government; Local Government; Civil Society; Public Organisations; Non-Departmental Public Bodies; Private; Individuals; International | 8. Recreation, culture and religion |
Department for Culture, Media and Sport | SCH-000004113 | Museums 1617 | . | 1,500,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Central Government; Local Government; Civil Society; Public Organisations; Non-Departmental Public Bodies; Private; Individuals; International | 8. Recreation, culture and religion |
Department for Culture, Media and Sport | SCH-000004134 | Nuisance Calls 1617 | . | 1,000,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Central Government; Local Government; Civil Society; Public Organisations; Non-Departmental Public Bodies; Private; Individuals; International | 8. Recreation, culture and religion |
Department for Culture, Media and Sport | SCH-000004126 | Do-it Volunteering Platform 1617 | n/a | 142,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society; Individuals | 1. General public services |
Department for Culture, Media and Sport | SCH-000004124 | Centre for Social Action 1617 | n/a | 5,714,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed; General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Culture, Media and Sport | SCH-000004117 | OCS LIBOR 1617 | n/a | 3,660,484 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed; General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Culture, Media and Sport | SCH-000004125 | Community Organisers 1617 | n/a | 292,500 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed; General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Culture, Media and Sport | SCH-000004121 | Social Outcomes Fund 1617 | To improve social outcomes | 2,000,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed; General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Culture, Media and Sport | SCH-000004131 | Centre for Youth Impact 1617 | n/a | 250,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed; General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Culture, Media and Sport | SCH-000004123 | Giving Agenda 1617 | n/a | 313,514 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed; General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Culture, Media and Sport | SCH-000004118 | OCS other HMT Grants 1617 | n/a | 375,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society; Public Organisations | 1. General public services |
Department for Culture, Media and Sport | SCH-000004129 | #iwill 1617 | n/a | 5,403,010 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed; General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Culture, Media and Sport | SCH-000004130 | Delivering Differently for Young People 1617 | n/a | 80,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed; General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government; Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Culture, Media and Sport | SCH-000004122 | Access 1617 | To provide market support for small social enterprises | 4,200,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Culture, Media and Sport | SCH-000004132 | National Citizen Service 1617 | n/a | 191,250,319 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | n/a |
Department for Culture, Media and Sport | SCH-000004120 | Other GIEU Grants 1617 | n/a | 10,355,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed; General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Culture, Media and Sport | SCH-000004119 | Social Investment Infrastructure (Technical Assistance) 1617 | n/a | 95,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed; General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Culture, Media and Sport | SCH-000004127 | Local Sustainability Fund 1617 | n/a | 17,803,490 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed; General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Culture, Media and Sport | SCH-000004128 | Youth Voice 1617 | n/a | 250,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed; General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Culture, Media and Sport | SCH-000000404 | Broadband & Spectrum Policy 1617 | . | 60,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Central Government; Local Government; Civil Society; Public Organisations; Non-Departmental Public Bodies; Private; Individuals; International | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Culture, Media and Sport | SCH-000002073 | Social Investment Campaigns 1617 | n/a | 165,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed; General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Culture, Media and Sport | SCH-000002076 | HMT Tampon Tax 16/17 Fund | n/a n/a | 2,094,129 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Culture, Media and Sport | SCH-000002065 | Youth Investment Fund 1617 | n/a | 5,000,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed; General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Culture, Media and Sport | SCH-000002074 | Centre for SIBs and Government Outcomes Lab 1617 | n/a | 500,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed; General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Culture, Media and Sport | SCH-000002071 | Life Chances Fund 1617 | n/a | 2,702,073 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed; General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Department for Education | SCH-000002935 | Careers 2016-17 | Not set | 19,200,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed; General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 9. Education |
Department for Education | SCH-000000463 | Moderation and Phonics 2016-17 | Not set | 3,000,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Local Government; Public Organisations | 9. Education |
Department for Education | SCH-000000472 | Intervention and Improvement 2016-17 | Not set | 14,652,500 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 10. Social protection |
Department for Education | SCH-000000473 | Social Work Reform 2016-17 | Not set | 39,045,572 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed; General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 9. Education |
Department for Education | SCH-000000471 | Innovation Programme 2016-17 | Not set | 19,499,770 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 10. Social protection |
Department for Education | SCH-000003087 | School Transport 2016-17 | Not set | 19,700,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Local Government | 9. Education |
Department for Education | SCH-000000474 | Special Educational Needs 2016-17 | Not set | 66,941,096 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed; General Grants - Un-competed; Formula | Local Government; Civil Society | 10. Social protection |
Department for Education | SCH-000000469 | Children in Care 2016-17 | Not set | 22,524,595 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Local Government | 10. Social protection |
Department for Education | SCH-000000470 | Adoption 2016-17 | Not set | 19,700,473 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 10. Social protection |
Department for Education | SCH-000003632 | Free School Meals - 2015-16 | Not set | 45,000,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Public Organisations | 9. Education |
Department for Education | SCH-000003628 | Curriculum - English 2016-17 | Not set | 115,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society; Public Organisations | 9. Education |
Department for Education | SCH-000003630 | Character 2016-17 | Not set | 1,200,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 9. Education |
Department for Education | SCH-000003627 | Chartered College of Teaching - 2016-17 | Not set | 2,000,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 9. Education |
Department for Education | SCH-000003631 | Free School Meals - 2016-17 | Not set | 38,500,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Public Organisations | 9. Education |
Department for Education | SCH-000002987 | PFI 2016-17 | Not set | 770,922,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Public Organisations | 9. Education |
Department for Education | SCH-000000493 | PFI Operational Savings Pilots 2016-17 | Not set | 132,926 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Public Organisations | 9. Education |
Department for Education | SCH-000000495 | Pre-16 Education Funding 2016-17 | Not set | 44,984,458,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Local Government; Public Organisations | 9. Education |
Department for Education | SCH-000000494 | Post-16 Education Funding 2016-17 | Not set | 6,646,263,642 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Local Government; Public Organisations; Private | 9. Education |
Department for Education | SCH-000000491 | Capital Grant Funding 2016-17 | Not set | 5,212,000,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Public Organisations | 9. Education |
Department for Education | SCH-000000504 | Curriculum - History 2016-17 | Not set | 2,350,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Public Organisations; Private | 9. Education |
Department for Education | SCH-000000505 | Curriculum - Science 2016-17 | Not set | 3,531,792 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society; Private | 9. Education |
Department for Education | SCH-000000646 | Academy - Re-brokerage 2016-17 | Not set | 10,000,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Public Organisations | 9. Education |
Department for Education | SCH-000000640 | Free Schools 2016-17 | Not set | 21,472,351 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 9. Education |
Department for Education | SCH-000000520 | Teacher Recruitment 2016-17 | Not set | 235,064,397 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed; General Grants - Un-competed; Formula | Civil Society; Public Organisations | 9. Education |
Department for Education | SCH-000000517 | Educational Psychology 2016-17 | Not set | 1,409,999 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Individuals | 9. Education |
Department for Education | SCH-000000519 | STEM 2016-17 | Not set | 20,465,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed; General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society; Public Organisations | 9. Education |
Department for Education | SCH-000000518 | School Improvement 2016-17 | Not set | 48,075,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 9. Education |
Department for Education | SCH-000003022 | Practice and Improvement 2016-17 | Not set | 6,887,746 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 10. Social protection |
Department for Education | SCH-000000453 | Academy converter 2016-17 | Not set | 30,300,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Public Organisations | 9. Education |
Department for Education | SCH-000000455 | Academy - other 2016-17 | Not set | 490,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 9. Education |
Department for Education | SCH-000000454 | Independent schools 2016-17 | Not set | 47,057 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Public Organisations | 9. Education |
Department for Education | SCH-000000457 | Sponsored academies 2016-17 | Not set | 31,300,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Public Organisations | 9. Education |
Department for Education | SCH-000000452 | Academy capital 2016-17 | Not set | 2,000,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Public Organisations | 9. Education |
Department for Education | SCH-000000456 | School governance 2016-17 | Not set | 600,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Private | 9. Education |
Department for Education | SCH-000000459 | CPD and leadership 2016-17 | Not set | 4,154,500 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed; General Grants - Un-competed; Formula | Civil Society; Public Organisations | 9. Education |
Department for Education | SCH-000000458 | Sponsor capacity 2016-17 | Not set | 24,000,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 9. Education |
Department for Education | SCH-000000539 | Curriculum - Music 2016-17 | Not set | 109,721,761 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed; Formula | Central Government; Public Organisations | 9. Education |
Department for Education | SCH-000000537 | Curriculum - Maths 2016-17 | Not set | 2,041,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Public Organisations | 9. Education |
Department for Education | SCH-000000540 | Curriculum - PE and Sport 2016-17 | Not set | 392,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Central Government; Public Organisations | 9. Education |
Department for Education | SCH-000003020 | Mental Health 2016-17 | Not set | 160,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 10. Social protection |
Department for Education | SCH-000003023 | Safeguarding and Child Protection 2016-17 | Not set | 4,519,960 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 10. Social protection |
Department for Education | SCH-000003021 | National VCS Prospectus 2016-17 | Not set | 150,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 9. Education |
Department for Education | SCH-000003018 | Early Years and Childcare Reform 2016-17 | Not set | 16,346,309 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government; Civil Society | 10. Social protection |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | SCH-000003478 | Woodland Carbon Fund | The Woodland Carbon Fund is a simple, demand-led grant scheme to boost the rate of woodland creation and to visibly demonstrate how, by taking a natural capital approach, woodland creation can help to meet government?s future carbon targets alongside delivering other benefits. Successful applications will be for large-scale (=>10 hectares until the end of July 2018 when the minimum area will change to 30 hectares), predominantly productive woodland and, where possible, have sought opportunities to improve public access and achieve wider environmental outcomes in line with the UK Forestry Standard. | 4,800,000 | 10/11/16 | 09/11/20 | 4 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government; Civil Society; Private; Individuals | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | SCH-000003511 | Air Quality Grant Scheme 16/17 | Support Local Authorities to develop and/or implement measures to improve local air quality. Specifically, projects should contribute to reductions in pollutant emissions and/or concentrations in areas in current and projected exceedance of the UK legal limits in the shortest time possible. | 3,000,000 | 01/10/16 | 30/09/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | SCH-000003991 | Collaborative deer management ITA 01/15 | Reducing the negative impacts of wild deer on SSSIs and other woods in 5 priority areas in England. | 300,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/20 | 4 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | SCH-000003477 | Woodland Creation Planning Grant | For both, the policy objective is to accelerate planting rates [to meet the 11 million trees commitment, depending on the outcome of the election] and meet the aspiration of 12% woodland cover by 2060, by incentivising the planting of large scale woodlands that will contribute to the UK?s future timber needs, carbon budgets, rural economy and, because of their scale, should prove an economically viable management unit. | 250,000 | 06/09/16 | 05/09/20 | 4 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government; Civil Society; Private; Individuals | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | SCH-000002837 | National Trails 16/17 | The primary purpose of Natural England?s ongoing financial support for National Trails is to ensure that the routes are maintained to the highest standards. Improving ?trail condition?, ?effective partnerships? and ?informative website? are our key performance indicators for National Trails and needs to be demonstrated e.g. for ?trail condition? by robust condition monitoring. | 1,751,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed; Formula | Local Government | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | SCH-000002838 | Wildlife and Countryside Enhancement Schemes 2016/17 | Defra Aim 1.7: Maintained protection of designated sites (Maintain a suite of internationally and nationally protected sites, contributing towards the creation of resilient landscapes by?. working with landowners/managers to maintain Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) and Natura 2000 sites) | 568,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society; Private; Individuals | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | SCH-000000122 | Illegal Wildlife Trade Grant Scheme 16/17 | "This funding will support IWT projects in developing countries on the following themes: ? developing sustainable livelihoods for communities affected by IWT ? strengthening law enforcement and the role of the criminal justice system ? reducing demand for the products of the illegal wildlife trade. " | 2,877,065 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society; Public Organisations; Non-Departmental Public Bodies; Private; International | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | SCH-000002088 | Seed Conservation Projects 16/17 | Grants are for overseas capacity building, seed collection or botanical research | 2,300,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Central Government; Civil Society; Public Organisations; Private; Individuals; International | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | SCH-000001905 | England Coastal Path Scheme 16/17 | Delivery of the England Coast Path to be completed by 2020. This is an approved Natural England programme, measured by the following KPI metrics: Km submitted to Secretary of State for approval 1,903 km (cumulative) | 820,000 | 30/04/16 | 29/04/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Local Government | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | SCH-000001904 | Open Species Data Grant Scheme | To enable local organisations supporting volunteer biological recording to make their species data openly available for wider benefit by sharing it via the National Biodiversity Network under an Open Licence. | 36,106 | 01/10/16 | 30/09/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government; Civil Society; Public Organisations | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | SCH-000002087 | Grow Wild 16/17 | Outreach and Education. Grow Wild is the UK?s biggest-ever wild flower campaign, bringing people together to transform local spaces with native, pollinator-friendly wild flowers and plants | 500,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government; Civil Society; Public Organisations; Private | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | SCH-000000206 | Waste and Resources Action Programme | For WRAP to work with businesses, civil society organisations, local authorities and consumers to help them achieve savings (estimated by Defra Research published in March 2011 at _23bn) that can be made annually through the better use of materials, the production of less waste and better use of energy and water. | 13,778,500 | 01/04/15 | 31/03/17 | 2 | General Grants - Competed; General Grants - Un-competed | Central Government; Public Organisations; Non-Departmental Public Bodies | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | SCH-000000203 | Rural Communities Policy Unit | This scheme captures grants for Local Development Orders in relation to Food Enterprise Zones and a Rural Community Renewable Energy Fund | 791,500 | 01/04/15 | 31/03/35 | 20 | General Grants - Competed; General Grants - Un-competed; General Grants - Criteria Based | Central Government; Local Government; Civil Society; Public Organisations; Non-Departmental Public Bodies; Private; Individuals; International | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | SCH-000000204 | Water Programme - Water Quality | This scheme captures awards made in relation to water stewardship | 8,225 | 01/04/15 | 31/03/35 | 20 | General Grants - Competed; General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society; Public Organisations; Private | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | SCH-000000202 | Biodiversity & Ecosystems Evidence and Analysis | This scheme captures partnership grants and subscription to the Global Biodiversity Information Facility | 5,000 | 01/04/15 | 31/03/35 | 20 | General Grants - Competed; General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society; Public Organisations; Non-Departmental Public Bodies; Private; International | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | SCH-000000200 | Farming Sectors | This scheme covers awards for the Campaign for Farmed Environment and grants to Organic Control Bodies | 30,000 | 01/04/15 | 31/03/35 | 20 | General Grants - Competed; General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society; Public Organisations; Private | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | SCH-000000201 | Nature Improvement Programme | This scheme captures awards made for Local Pollinator Plans and contributions to the National Wildlife Crime Unit | 15,059 | 01/04/15 | 31/03/35 | 20 | General Grants - Competed; General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society; Public Organisations; Private | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | SCH-000000205 | Canal and River Trust Grant | Ensure that the Canal and River Trust (CRT) is able to maintain, develop, protect and enhance the waterways under their ownership in England and Wales. | 50,000,000 | 01/04/12 | 31/03/28 | 16 | General Grants - Competed; General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society; Public Organisations; Private | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | SCH-000002006 | Freewoods and Parklands 16/17 | If you have land that falls within the 200 square miles of The National Forest, and is less than one hectare in size, the Freewood Scheme could help you create your own small woodland. The National Forest Company will pay all costs for a professional consultant to design, apply, plant and establish the scheme for the first three years. After this, the landowner agrees to the on-going care and management of the woodland. | 135,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Local Government; Private; Individuals | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | SCH-000002002 | Changing landscapes Scheme 16/17 | The Changing Landscape Scheme (CLS) offers a mechanism for woodland creation in The National Forest. The scheme goes beyond other woodland creation grant schemes (e.g. Countryside Stewardship) in its offer, additional benefits of public access and creation and management of new habitats are included. This results in new woodland, which will likely have full public access for at least the period of the contract (10 years) as well as the addition of other valuable habitats to The National Forest. The CLS and previous Tender Scheme have been the major means of securing Forest creation for The National Forest ? together contributing around 65% of our total Forest creation of 7,170ha | 300,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed; General Grants - Criteria Based | Local Government; Private; Individuals | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | SCH-000002010 | FDGIA Capital Grants 16/17 | We (the Environment Agency) provide capital grants to other flood and coastal erosion risk management (FCERM) operating authorities in England under section 16 of the Flood and Water Act Management 2010. The grants support the design and build of local flood defence schemes. Applications must also meet the conditions relevant to flood risk management work under the Land Drainage Act 1991. Applications relating to coastal protection work must meet the relevant requirements of the Coast Protection Act 1949. | 118,000,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Local Government; Civil Society | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | SCH-000002007 | Woodland Management Grants 16/17 | Funding is available for a wide range of woodland management related activity. This includes management planning, site works primarily focusing on young woodland, managing pests and diseases, woodland management training, public access works and community engagement and development. | 130,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed; General Grants - Criteria Based | Local Government; Private; Individuals | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | SCH-000002014 | Contaminated Land 16/17 | A contaminated land contingency fund for 2016 to 2017 is available for Environmental Protection Act 1990 Part 2A enforcing authorities. Grants will be managed by the Environment Agency from the contaminated land capital projects (CLCP) programme. A priority approach to allocate funding will be used as follows: ?Priority 1: urgent remediation ?Priority 2: completion of ongoing remedial treatment schemes ?Priority 3: starting remedial treatment schemes on existing projects ?Priority 4: completion of other ongoing schemes by exception | 300,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Local Government | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | SCH-000002016 | Water Environment Improvement Fund 16/17 | To help catchment partnership hosts to continue to coordinate engagement and action at the catchment level. Hosts can apply for grant to support the maintenance of partnerships in Engalnd | 1,656,390 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Civil Society | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | SCH-000002004 | Programme Development Fund 16/17 | For a project to be eligible for funding under the Programme Development Fund, they must demonstrate a clear benefit for the people, woodlands, wildlife, landscape and/or historic features of The National Forest. Many projects have the opportunity to provide multiple benefits. | 740,500 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Local Government; Individuals | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | SCH-000000026 | Waste Infrastructure Policy and Delivery | To facilitate the delivery and operation of 25 Local Authority PFI waste infrastructure projects the Waste Infrastructure Delivery Programme (WIDP) by acting as embedded specialist support for each project. To monitor and report that all projects continue to meet the terms Defra funding was first agreed and that all continue to represent value for money. Furthermore that Local Partnerships improve the capacity and capability of Local Authorities to manage their long term waste PFI contracts and help Authorities achieve project savings through better contract management. | 727,000 | 01/04/15 | 31/03/17 | 2 | General Grants - Competed; General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government; Civil Society; Public Organisations; Non-Departmental Public Bodies; Private | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | SCH-000000054 | International Biodiversity, Ecosystems and Evidence | The scheme covers awards for Gough Island Restoration, CITES, Research on Wildlife Crime and Elephant Protection | 173,286 | 01/04/15 | 31/03/35 | 20 | General Grants - Competed; General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society; Public Organisations; Non-Departmental Public Bodies; Private; International | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | SCH-000000024 | Sustainable Products | The scheme covers awards made in relation to EuP Labelling Enforcement carried out by the NMO | 335,000 | 04/11/09 | 03/11/29 | 20 | General Grants - Competed; General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government; Civil Society; Public Organisations; Non-Departmental Public Bodies; Private | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | SCH-000000048 | Food and Sustainable Economy | This scheme captures awards made for championing Great British Food Tourism | 125,000 | 01/04/15 | 31/03/17 | 2 | General Grants - Competed; General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society; Public Organisations; Non-Departmental Public Bodies; Private | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | SCH-000000027 | CP Chemicals | This scheme covers awards made to the NanoReg Project and Contaminant Monitoring | 53,250 | 01/04/15 | 31/03/35 | 20 | General Grants - Competed; General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government; Civil Society; Public Organisations; Non-Departmental Public Bodies; Private | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | SCH-000000032 | Climate Change | This scheme captures awards made under AVOID 2 | 3,000 | 01/04/15 | 31/03/35 | 20 | General Grants - Competed; General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society; Public Organisations; Non-Departmental Public Bodies; Private | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | SCH-000000005 | Sustainable Land and Soils | This scheme captures awards made for Tree Planting with Schools and the contaminated land forum | 160,000 | 01/04/15 | 31/03/35 | 20 | General Grants - Competed; General Grants - Un-competed; General Grants - Criteria Based | Central Government; Local Government; Civil Society; Public Organisations; Non-Departmental Public Bodies; Private; Individuals; International | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | SCH-000000052 | International Climate Fund | This scheme captures work undertaken reduce greenhouse gas emission and to protect international biodiversity; such as low carbon agriculture to reduce deforestation in Brazil, contributions to the World Bank led Ecosystem and Management Project in Sri Lanka and the Eco Business Fund. | 6,725,000 | 01/04/15 | 31/03/35 | 20 | General Grants - Competed; General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society; Public Organisations; Non-Departmental Public Bodies; Private; International | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | SCH-000000117 | TB Division | This scheme covers awards made for Badger Edge Vaccination Schemes | 24,834 | 01/04/15 | 31/03/35 | 20 | General Grants - Competed; General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society; Private | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | SCH-000003389 | Wildlife and Countryside Enhancement Schemes 2015/16 | Defra Aim 1.7: Maintained protection of designated sites (Maintain a suite of internationally and nationally protected sites, contributing towards the creation of resilient landscapes by?. working with landowners/managers to maintain Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) and Natura 2000 sites) | 646,831 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society; Private; Individuals | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | SCH-000003607 | National Park Authority Grant Payments | As set out in Part III, s72, Environment Act 1995 | 46,886,513 | 01/04/15 | 31/03/20 | 5 | Formula | Public Organisations | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | SCH-000003608 | AONB Grant Payments | The AONB Management Plan; Statutory duties under Part IV of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act and section 98 of the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006) | 6,490,230 | 01/04/15 | 31/03/20 | 5 | Formula | Public Organisations | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | SCH-000003610 | Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authorities New Burdens | Support a sustainable seafood sector | 3,000,000 | 01/04/15 | 31/03/17 | 2 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Local Government | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | SCH-000003609 | Waste Infrastructure PFI Grant | Increased diversion of Biodegradable Municipal Waste (BMW) from landfill disposal to contribute to UK targets under the EU Landfill Directive. This commitment will continue to FY41/42 | 109,661,307 | 01/04/15 | 31/03/35 | 20 | General Grants - Competed; General Grants - Criteria Based | Local Government | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | SCH-000003634 | Natural England - Adhoc Grants | This scheme captures awards made to the Conservators of Ashdown Forest in relation to Deer Management | 1,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/26 | 10 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government; Civil Society; Public Organisations; Non-Departmental Public Bodies; Private | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | SCH-000003635 | Bathing Water Signage | Regulation 9 of the Bathing Water Regulations 2013 (S.I.2013/1675) requires local councils to provide information about water quality at designated bathing waters. The requirement has been identified as a "new burden" under Section 31 of the Local Gvernment Act 2003 and Defra is legally obliged to pay the cost of information signage. | 40,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/21 | 5 | General Grants - Criteria Based; Formula | Local Government | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | SCH-000003904 | Part 1 of Commons Act 2006 - FY2016-17 | The purpose of the grant is to provide support to the local authorities in England towards expenditure lawfully incurred or to be incurred by them | 141,336 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based; Formula | Local Government | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | SCH-000003062 | Darwin Initiative Grant Scheme 16/17 | This funding will fund projects in developing countries aiming to protect Biodiversity. Applications received Ministerial approval following an open application round under the Darwin Initiative and assessment by our external and independent Darwin Expert Committee (DEC). | 12,118,770 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society; Public Organisations; Non-Departmental Public Bodies; Private; International | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002100 | Access to Finance Programme | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 878,143 | 10/05/12 | 09/05/19 | 7 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002101 | Access to Finance Rwanda Phase II | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 2,080,000 | 06/01/16 | 05/01/21 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002102 | Access to Health Care in the Democratic Republic of Congo | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 21,422,857 | 15/07/11 | 14/07/18 | 7 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002103 | Access to Justice through Paralegal and Restorative Justice Services in Bangladesh | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 3,700,000 | 01/01/13 | 31/12/17 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002104 | Accountability Programme - To support interventions that strengthen government accountability in Somalia | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 665,726 | 01/01/12 | 31/12/18 | 7 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002089 | 2016-2020: ASSISTANCE TO REFUGEES IN KENYA | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 7,150,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/18 | 2 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002090 | 3ie Impact Evaluations of Agricultural Innovation | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 860,000 | 01/12/12 | 30/11/22 | 10 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002091 | 3IE-To Promote More Rigorous and Systematic Assessment of the Impact of Development Policies and Programmes | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 2,458,299 | 01/01/09 | 31/12/19 | 11 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002094 | Accelerating Action Against Child Marriage | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 6,680,000 | 01/03/15 | 29/02/20 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002096 | Accelerating reductions in under nutrition in Ethiopia | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 12,325,000 | 01/08/13 | 31/07/17 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002263 | Evidence for HIV Prevention in Southern Africa (EHPSA) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 104,223 | 01/04/12 | 31/03/17 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002264 | Evidence, Analysis and Coordination programme in the DRC | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 16,238 | 01/04/12 | 31/03/17 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002266 | Expansion of the stamping out and prevention of gender based violence programme | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,581,818 | 01/10/13 | 30/09/18 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002267 | Extractives Sector Support Programme | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,420,000 | 01/04/12 | 31/03/17 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002269 | Family Planning 2020: Monitoring and Accountability at Global and Country Level | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,742,093 | 01/11/13 | 31/10/19 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002270 | Family Planning Project | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,162,500 | 02/09/13 | 01/09/17 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002272 | FCFA - Future Climate For Africa | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,171,077 | 11/02/13 | 10/02/21 | 8 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002274 | Financial Sector Deepening Programme- Zambia | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,158,333 | 01/11/11 | 31/10/17 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002275 | Financial Sector Development Programme | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 2,311,525 | 01/07/06 | 30/06/17 | 11 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002277 | Forest Governance, Markets and Climate | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 7,819,784 | 01/04/10 | 31/03/21 | 11 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002278 | Forestry, Land-use and Governance in Indonesia | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 10,250,000 | 01/04/15 | 31/03/17 | 2 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002279 | Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (FIND) 2013-2018 | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 2,712,500 | 01/07/13 | 30/06/17 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002280 | Fund for Impact Evaluation | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 3,960,000 | 01/07/13 | 30/06/18 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002283 | GACC - Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 201,995 | 05/12/11 | 04/12/17 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002289 | Ghana Revenue Reform Programme | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 800,000 | 03/12/14 | 02/12/19 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002291 | Girls - Participatory Approaches to Students Success (PASS) in Ghana | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 5,465,205 | 16/05/11 | 15/05/18 | 7 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002292 | Girls' Education Challenge (GEC) - help 1 million disadvantaged girls go to primary and secondary school | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 11,393,861 | 04/04/11 | 03/04/18 | 7 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002293 | Global Alliance for TB Drug Development 2013-18 | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 500,000 | 01/07/13 | 30/06/17 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002294 | Global Environment Facility 6th Replenishment | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 23,333,333 | 01/07/14 | 30/06/23 | 9 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002295 | Global Girl Research Initiative: What works to transform girls? lives? | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 185,810 | 01/04/13 | 31/03/24 | 11 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002297 | Global Health Clinical Trials Initiative | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 272,727 | 01/12/09 | 30/11/20 | 11 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002299 | Global Network of Climate Technology Innovation Centres | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 3,320,000 | 27/11/13 | 26/11/18 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002300 | Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition (GODAN) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 410,000 | 01/11/13 | 31/10/19 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002303 | Governance in Action | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 875,000 | 01/04/15 | 31/03/19 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002304 | Governance through education in Syria | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 101,418 | 15/05/15 | 14/05/17 | 2 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002229 | DFID ESRC Joint Fund For Poverty Alleviation | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,998,858 | 01/09/12 | 31/08/18 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002233 | DFID-Medical Research Council Concordat 2013-18 | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 11,250,000 | 01/04/13 | 31/03/17 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002234 | DFID-World Bank Strategic Partnership on Economic Growth Research | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 3,038,000 | 31/01/14 | 30/01/19 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002235 | DFID's share of the United Kingdom's Contribution to the European Commission's external action budget | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 379,749,333 | 01/04/13 | 31/03/19 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002237 | Disaster and Emergencies Preparedness Programme (DEPP) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 13,333,333 | 01/04/14 | 31/03/17 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002239 | Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative 2013-2018 | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 8,250,000 | 01/07/13 | 30/06/17 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002241 | East and Southern Africa Staple Food Markets Programme | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 628,793 | 01/09/11 | 31/08/17 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002244 | Economic Statistics Programme | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 2,467,452 | 01/04/15 | 31/03/20 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002246 | Eliminating blinding Trachoma | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,770,174 | 01/07/12 | 30/06/18 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002251 | Ending the Cycle of Undernutrition in Bangladesh - Suchana [nutsen] | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 3,333,333 | 01/07/15 | 30/06/21 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002253 | Enhancing Growth in New Enterprises (ENGINE) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,021,647 | 23/07/13 | 22/07/17 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002256 | Enterprise and Assets Growth Programme | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 16,548,075 | 01/02/12 | 31/01/24 | 12 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002258 | Ethiopia Investment Advisory Facility | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 4,540 | 14/03/14 | 13/03/19 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002262 | Evidence for Development | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 345,992 | 15/08/12 | 14/08/19 | 7 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002242 | Economic Development Policy Grant 2014-2019 | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 12,800,000 | 01/04/14 | 31/03/19 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002285 | GALVMED PHASE 2 | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,300,000 | 01/04/12 | 31/03/17 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002287 | Ghana Health Sector Support Programme - 2012 - 2018 | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 9,708,007 | 01/08/12 | 31/07/17 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002288 | Ghana Oil and Gas for Inclusive Growth | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 218,120 | 01/04/14 | 31/03/19 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002107 | Adapt Environmental and Climate Resilience in Sudan | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 2,475,250 | 06/08/15 | 05/08/19 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002108 | Adaptation for Smallholder Agricultural Programme (ASAP) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 12,293,623 | 17/08/11 | 16/08/23 | 12 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002110 | Additional DFID Funding for International Finance Facility for Immunisation (IFFIm) for Health Systems Strengthening (HSS) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 12,497,440 | 03/04/10 | 02/04/30 | 20 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002112 | Addressing Stunting in Tanzania Early Programme | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,657,143 | 07/09/12 | 06/09/19 | 7 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002114 | Afghanistan Infrastructure Trust Fund: Phase 2 | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 32,500,000 | 01/12/13 | 30/11/17 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002123 | African Agriculture Technology (AATF) Phase III (2015-2020) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 2,500,000 | 03/10/15 | 02/10/19 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002124 | African Development Bank General Capital Increase 6. | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 6,677,368 | 01/04/11 | 31/03/18 | 7 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002126 | African Institute for Mathematical Sciences | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 3,632,000 | 09/08/12 | 08/08/17 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002128 | African Risk Capacity (ARC) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 391,500 | 28/05/12 | 27/05/32 | 20 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002132 | AgResults: Innovation in Research and Delivery | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,750,002 | 14/12/11 | 13/12/23 | 12 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002133 | AGRI- TECH CATALYST- Supporting Agricultural Innovation for International Development | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 2,500,000 | 01/04/14 | 31/03/18 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002135 | Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research 2011 - 2016 | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,750,000 | 01/11/11 | 31/10/17 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002136 | Amplify Open Innovation for Development | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 2,000,000 | 21/11/13 | 20/11/18 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002137 | Annual assessed contribution over four calendar year-period 2016-2019 to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 8,833,333 | 11/07/13 | 10/07/19 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002138 | Anti Corruption Evidence ' ACE' Programme | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 728,300 | 01/01/15 | 31/12/19 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002116 | Africa Division funding to the African Agriculture Development Company (AgDevCo) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 5,952,526 | 01/06/13 | 31/05/20 | 7 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002117 | Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,460,000 | 01/11/10 | 31/10/20 | 10 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002118 | Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 2,013,000 | 20/06/08 | 19/06/18 | 10 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002120 | Africa Programme for Onchocerciasis - (River blindness) Control (APOC) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,000,000 | 07/04/14 | 06/04/18 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002122 | Africa University Research Approaches (AURA) Capacity Development Programme | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 500,000 | 01/03/14 | 28/02/18 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002144 | Asian Development Fund XI Replenishment. The United Kingdom?s contribution to the 10th replenishment of the Asian Development Fund for the period 2013 to 2016. Asian Development Fund is the concessional loans and grants arm of the Asian Development Bank | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 22,222,222 | 16/07/12 | 15/07/21 | 9 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002145 | Assisting Institutions and Markets for Resilience ( AIM 4 Resilience) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 2,833,333 | 01/02/14 | 31/01/20 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002198 | Comic Relief Programme Partnership Arrangement | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 4,144,444 | 01/08/09 | 31/07/18 | 9 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002147 | Bangladesh Education Development Programme (BEDP) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 16,590,538 | 19/09/10 | 18/09/17 | 7 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002149 | Bangladesh Policy Fund | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 62,954 | 01/08/07 | 31/07/17 | 10 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002150 | BEED - Business Environment for Economic Development | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,960,000 | 22/08/13 | 21/08/18 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002151 | Better Education Statistics for Improved Learning (BESt) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,600,000 | 01/12/13 | 30/11/17 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002152 | Big Results Now delivery programme Phase II | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 9,250,000 | 01/06/13 | 31/05/17 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002153 | Big Results Now in Education Programme | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 13,950,000 | 24/09/13 | 23/09/17 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002157 | Building Empowerment and Accountability in Malawi | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 170,679 | 16/06/09 | 15/06/17 | 8 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002158 | Building Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Extremes and Disasters | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 23,831,722 | 27/06/13 | 26/06/17 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002159 | Building Resilience in the Sahel through Adaptive Social Protection | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 9,400,000 | 01/12/13 | 30/11/18 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002160 | Building Resilience Through Asset Creation and Enhancement II ? South Sudan (ICF Programme) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 10,150,000 | 01/01/16 | 31/12/17 | 2 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002162 | Building Urban Resilience to Climate Change in Tanzania | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 7,000,000 | 01/12/14 | 30/11/19 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002164 | Business Enabling Environment Programme - Private Sector Led Growth | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,100,750 | 01/01/15 | 31/12/18 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002166 | Business for Shared Prosperity in Burma | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 5,000,000 | 26/11/15 | 25/11/20 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002167 | Business in the Community: Private Sector Engagement Programme | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 125,833 | 09/05/12 | 08/05/18 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002168 | CAFEF ? Conflict-Affected and Fragile Economies Facility | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 6,875,000 | 01/03/14 | 28/02/18 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002170 | Carbon Market Finance for Africa (CMF-Africa) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,076,923 | 25/01/12 | 24/01/25 | 13 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002173 | CARIAA - Collaborative Adaptation Research Initiative in Africa and Asia | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 5,833,333 | 01/04/12 | 31/03/18 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002174 | Caribbean Anti-Corruption Programme | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 3,391,200 | 31/03/15 | 30/03/20 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002175 | Caribbean Development Bank General Capital Increase | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 2,233,333 | 20/05/11 | 19/05/17 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002177 | Caribbean Economic Development Programme | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 6,500,000 | 31/10/16 | 30/10/19 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002181 | Central Asia Investment Climate Programme | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 900,000 | 18/10/12 | 17/10/17 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002182 | Central Asia South Asia (CASA 1000) Electricity Transmission Project | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 8,333,333 | 15/06/15 | 14/06/18 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002183 | Centres for Learning on Evaluation and Results (CLEAR) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 523,214 | 01/07/12 | 30/06/19 | 7 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002186 | Child Development Grant (CDG) PROGRAMME | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 9,067,143 | 01/11/11 | 31/10/18 | 7 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002189 | CIRCLE - Climate Impacts Research Capacity and Leadership Enhancement. | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,241,185 | 01/06/13 | 31/05/17 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002190 | Citizen Security and Justice Programme 3 | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 2,200,000 | 01/04/14 | 31/03/19 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002192 | Climate Action for Middle East and North Africa (CAMENA) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 3,750,000 | 10/12/14 | 09/12/18 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002193 | Climate Change Programme - Jolobayoo-O-Jibon | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 9,011,538 | 02/09/08 | 01/09/17 | 9 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002195 | Climate Resilient Agriculture in Africa | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,505,463 | 01/01/12 | 31/12/17 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002196 | Clinton Health Access Initiative Expansion of Demand-Driven Evaluations for Decisions | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,564,800 | 01/09/15 | 31/08/17 | 2 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002201 | Community Security and Justice - Part-Suspended | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 128,099 | 09/06/11 | 08/06/17 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002203 | Complementary food production (CHAI) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 2,676,010 | 29/01/14 | 28/01/19 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002205 | CONGO - Improving Livelihoods and Land Use in Congo Basin Forests | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 2,278,859 | 01/07/15 | 30/06/20 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002206 | Contributing to the control of Malaria in Uganda | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 9,529,281 | 16/10/13 | 15/10/17 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002207 | Contribution to World Bank ELP (Early Learning Partnership) Trust Fund for Early Childhood Education Research | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 725,000 | 01/09/15 | 31/08/19 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002210 | Corporate Volunteering Hub (CVH) Seed Funding | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 566,667 | 18/12/12 | 17/12/18 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002211 | Cotton Sector Development Programme | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,556,242 | 01/10/11 | 30/09/17 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002214 | Dar Es Salaam Port Improvement Programme (preparatory Phase) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 12,520,000 | 15/05/15 | 14/05/18 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002215 | Deepening and Broadening Access to Financial Services in Mozambique | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 41,667 | 10/08/12 | 09/08/18 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002216 | Deepening Democracy in Nigeria 2 (DDIN2) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 4,813,628 | 14/02/13 | 13/02/18 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002217 | Deepening Democracy Programme | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 3,762,350 | 01/07/14 | 30/06/19 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002220 | Delivering Increased Family Planning Across Rural Kenya | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 2,792,742 | 24/09/12 | 23/09/17 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002224 | Development Economics Research ? Phase 3 of Funding for United Nations University?s World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,000,000 | 01/01/14 | 31/12/17 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002616 | SUB NATIONAL GOVERNANCE - KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA AND PUNJAB | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,419,606 | 01/04/11 | 31/03/17 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002617 | Sudan free of Female Genital Cutting. | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 2,860,673 | 01/07/13 | 30/06/17 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002620 | Support for PARIS21 | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,200,000 | 01/09/09 | 31/08/18 | 9 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002625 | Support to Afghanistan's Political Governance Institutions and Process | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,480,000 | 30/04/14 | 29/04/19 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002626 | Support to Anti-Corruption Initiatives | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 716,750 | 01/12/14 | 30/11/18 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002627 | Support to Bangladesh?s National Urban Poverty Reduction Programme (NUPRP) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 6,455,556 | 01/02/13 | 31/01/22 | 9 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002629 | Support to demining (Phase 2) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,846,078 | 01/04/13 | 31/03/18 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002633 | Support to Family Planning | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 366,672 | 01/04/11 | 31/03/17 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002702 | Tristan da Cunha Technical Cooperation and Capacity Building | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,370,000 | 01/04/15 | 31/03/17 | 2 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002637 | Support to Malaria Control in the Democratic Republic of Congo | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 14,286 | 22/05/12 | 21/05/19 | 7 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002638 | Support to Monitoring and Evaluation Committee | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 509,775 | 01/07/12 | 30/06/18 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002639 | Support to Open Government, Data and Accountability in Tanzania | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 4,266,667 | 01/04/14 | 31/03/17 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002642 | Support to Public Finance Management (PFM) in Tajikistan | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 3,566,667 | 01/06/15 | 31/05/18 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002643 | Support to Refugees and Migration programme in Ethiopia | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 31,250,000 | 01/01/16 | 31/12/19 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002505 | Provision of Technical Assistance to the Syria Crisis Response | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 7,417,000 | 05/10/15 | 04/10/17 | 2 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002508 | Public Financial Management and Accountability in the Democratic Republic of Congo | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 310,457 | 02/04/12 | 01/04/19 | 7 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002510 | Public Financial Management Improvement and Consolidation Project | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,703,676 | 10/03/14 | 09/03/19 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002644 | Support to Rural Water Supply, Sanitation & Hygiene in Tanzania | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 28,990,072 | 18/06/13 | 17/06/18 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002646 | Support to the Economic Recovery of Somalia (SERS) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 3,540,000 | 20/05/14 | 19/05/19 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002647 | Support to the Global Agriculture and Food Security Programme (GAFSP) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 18,666,667 | 01/10/11 | 30/09/17 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002648 | Support to the Global Partnership for Education 2015-18 | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 70,000,000 | 01/01/15 | 31/12/17 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002649 | Support to the Health Results Innovation Trust Fund | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 9,500,000 | 19/06/09 | 18/06/21 | 12 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002650 | Support to the International federation of Accountants | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 706,511 | 21/03/14 | 20/03/21 | 7 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002652 | Support to the Liberia Health Sector Strategy. | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 2,419,500 | 01/02/08 | 31/01/18 | 10 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002672 | Sustainable Crop Production Research for International Development (SCPRID) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 777,778 | 01/11/10 | 31/10/19 | 9 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002653 | Support to the multilateral Climate Investment Funds (CIFs), four funding windows supporting country-led investments in low carbon, climate-resilient development | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 64,212,732 | 01/07/08 | 30/06/22 | 14 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002654 | Support to the National Strategy for the Development of Statistics in Rwanda | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,571,335 | 19/10/10 | 18/10/17 | 7 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002655 | Support to the Open Government Partnership | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 367,500 | 01/11/13 | 31/10/17 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002656 | Support to the peace process and peace building to build sustainable peace and create opportunities for growth | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 10,100,000 | 15/10/15 | 14/10/20 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002658 | Support to the Rwanda Public Financial Management Sector Strategic Plan (2013-2018) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,048,675 | 21/10/13 | 20/10/17 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002659 | Support to the United Kingdom Search and Rescue (UKISAR) for Emergency Response Operations Overseas (2015-18) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 265,000 | 01/04/15 | 31/03/17 | 2 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002660 | Support to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) for the Syria Crisis | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 11,750,000 | 01/12/15 | 30/11/17 | 2 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002661 | Support to the Violence against Women and Girls United Nations Trust Fund | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 2,000,000 | 31/12/14 | 30/12/17 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002662 | Support to Uganda?s Response on Gender Equality (SURGE) Programme | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,218,000 | 31/07/15 | 30/07/20 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002665 | Supporting Effective Democratic Governance | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 4,500,000 | 01/04/15 | 31/03/17 | 2 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002667 | Supporting Indian Trade and Investment for Africa | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 500 | 09/03/14 | 08/03/20 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002668 | Supporting peace and stability in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 3,438,079 | 01/08/11 | 31/07/18 | 7 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002552 | Scaling up orange fleshed sweetpotato through the International Potato Center | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 2,400,000 | 01/07/13 | 30/06/18 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002554 | Science in Development Network (SCIDEV.Net) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 589,542 | 01/04/08 | 31/03/17 | 9 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002555 | SEAG - Sustainable Energy, Access and Gender | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 2,239,585 | 06/11/13 | 05/11/18 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002676 | Tanzania Education Quality Improvement Programme | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 4,793,818 | 27/03/12 | 26/03/18 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002679 | Tax administration diagnostic tool development (TADAT) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 356,600 | 01/07/13 | 30/06/18 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002680 | Tax Modernisation Programme Grant ? Corporate Plan 4 | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 3,360,000 | 01/12/13 | 30/11/18 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002681 | Technical Assistance for Nutrition | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 2,820,000 | 01/05/15 | 30/04/20 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002684 | The Good Governance Fund - Collaboration with International Financial Institutions and other partners | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 2,318,362 | 02/07/15 | 01/07/19 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002511 | Public Financial Management Reform Programme Phase 4 | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 2,250,000 | 15/11/11 | 14/11/17 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002513 | Public Sector Performance Programme | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 600,001 | 01/01/13 | 31/12/18 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002515 | Punjab Education Support Programme II | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 42,833,333 | 01/04/12 | 31/03/18 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002516 | Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Trust: UK Contribution | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 6,000,000 | 01/07/13 | 30/06/18 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002518 | Red Nose Day 2013 ? improving the lives of women and girls in sub-Saharan Africa | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 4,218,750 | 01/04/13 | 31/03/17 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002519 | Reducing barriers and Increasing Demands for Reproductive Health Services in Ethiopia | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 3,581,150 | 16/09/11 | 15/09/17 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002685 | The Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction (HRP) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 600,000 | 01/04/13 | 31/03/17 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002686 | The Three Millennium Development Goal Fund for addressing essential maternal and child health needs of poor and vulnerable women, children and for people with HIV, Tuberculosis and Malaria in Burma | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 12,714,286 | 26/11/10 | 25/11/17 | 7 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002687 | The Water Security Programme | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 7,578,597 | 12/09/11 | 11/09/18 | 7 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002688 | Think Tank Initiative Phase II | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,314,654 | 01/10/14 | 30/09/19 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002689 | To contribute to the Least Developed Countries Fund for adaptation, hosted by the Global Environment Fund. | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 10,000,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/19 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002692 | To improve the quality of Economic Research and policy making in Africa by improving the quality of MSc and PhD Economic graduates and training young researchers | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,860,000 | 01/03/15 | 29/02/20 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002693 | To Support the General Education Quality Improvement in Ethiopia | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 23,970,000 | 18/10/13 | 17/10/18 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002695 | Trademark Tanzania | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,375,000 | 01/07/09 | 30/06/17 | 8 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002699 | Transparency and Right to Information | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,666,667 | 01/10/14 | 30/09/20 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002521 | Regional East Africa Integration Programme Phase II | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 4,035,730 | 21/03/12 | 20/03/19 | 7 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002524 | Releasing the Transformational Potential of Extractives for Economic Development | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 98,482 | 01/09/12 | 31/08/19 | 7 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002525 | Renewable Energy and Adaptation Climate Technologies (Africa Climate Change Challenge Fund) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,456,364 | 12/02/10 | 11/02/21 | 11 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002527 | Research on Growth and High Volume Transport in Low Income Countries | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 61,111 | 01/01/14 | 31/12/22 | 9 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002528 | Resilience support to Pakistan | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 14,778,014 | 20/07/14 | 19/07/19 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002531 | Results Based Financing for Low Carbon Energy Access | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 5,714,286 | 01/05/12 | 30/04/19 | 7 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002532 | Results, Evidence and Knowledge from the International Climate Fund | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 320,103 | 21/06/12 | 20/06/19 | 7 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002533 | Revenue Administration Programme - Tax Common Fund | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,091,667 | 05/11/12 | 04/11/18 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002673 | Sustainable Energy for Women and Girls (SEWG) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 3,312,500 | 01/09/14 | 31/08/18 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002675 | Tackling Corruption by Tackling Drug Trafficking in Ghana | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 516,750 | 22/06/13 | 21/06/17 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002538 | Rule of Law Expertise Programme | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 579,386 | 30/09/14 | 29/09/17 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002536 | Robert Carr Civil Society Network Fund | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,800,000 | 01/08/12 | 31/07/17 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002539 | Rural Access Programme 3 | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 857,143 | 03/02/12 | 02/02/19 | 7 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002540 | Rural Water and Sanitation Programme Phase V | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 2,235,500 | 01/06/12 | 31/05/20 | 8 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002542 | Rwanda Investment Climate Reform Programme Phase III (RICRP3) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,578,333 | 24/07/14 | 23/07/17 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002544 | Rwanda Learning for All Programme | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 7,625,000 | 12/08/14 | 11/08/18 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002548 | Sanitation and Hygiene Programme in Zambia | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 3,808,312 | 01/04/11 | 31/03/17 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002550 | Saving Lives at Birth | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 942,857 | 01/08/12 | 31/07/19 | 7 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002551 | Scaling up of the Energy and Environment Partnership with Southern and East Africa | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 5,337,667 | 01/12/11 | 30/11/17 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002537 | Royal Society-DFID Africa Initiative | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 698,238 | 01/11/12 | 31/10/19 | 7 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002558 | Security and risk management in hostile environments | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 454,905 | 01/05/13 | 30/04/17 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002562 | SHEAR - Science for Humanitarian Emergencies and Resilience | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,154,781 | 01/09/10 | 31/08/19 | 9 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002563 | SIEF Strategic Impact Evaluation Fund | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 2,088,889 | 01/04/12 | 31/03/21 | 9 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002564 | Sierra Leone Support to the Presidential Delivery Unit Phase II | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 3,285,000 | 30/11/15 | 29/11/17 | 2 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002566 | SIMBA (Skills & Innovation for Micro Banking in Africa) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 3,000,393 | 07/12/09 | 06/12/18 | 9 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002567 | Skills Development Programme | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 7,239,083 | 01/02/14 | 31/01/21 | 7 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002568 | Skills for Employment Programme | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 7,375,000 | 01/08/15 | 31/07/19 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002569 | Small Medium Enterprise (SME) Initiative: Support through the International Finance Corporation scaling up of commercial banks' lending to Small and Medium Enterprises in DFID targeted developing countries in Africa and Asia, with a focus on FCAS. | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 7,500,000 | 01/01/11 | 31/12/20 | 10 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002571 | Social Enterprises For Economic Development. | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,750,000 | 30/07/14 | 29/07/20 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002535 | Roads in the East in the Democratic Republic of Congo Phase II | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 2,029,591 | 27/01/12 | 26/01/22 | 10 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002576 | Somali Health and Nutrition Programme (SHINE) 2016-2021 | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 22,250,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/20 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002578 | Somaliland Development Fund aligned to the priorities of National Development Plan | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 7,645,104 | 12/08/13 | 11/08/17 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002579 | South Asia Country Research Fund | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 15,232 | 12/06/15 | 11/06/20 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002580 | South Asia Regional Food & Nutrition Security MDTF | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,577,222 | 07/09/09 | 06/09/18 | 9 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002582 | South Asia Water Governance Programme (SAWGP) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 3,217,500 | 01/07/11 | 30/06/17 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002583 | South Sudan Humanitarian Programme (HARISS) 2014 - 2020 | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 55,323,413 | 01/01/14 | 31/12/19 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002584 | Southern Agriculture Growth Corridor Programme in Tanzania | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 5,889,121 | 01/10/11 | 30/09/18 | 7 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002588 | Stability and Growth Programme (IMF) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 82,500,000 | 04/06/13 | 03/06/17 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002589 | Start Fund: providing direct, lifesaving assistance to up to 15 million disaster affected people through NGOs | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 10,822,237 | 01/09/13 | 31/08/17 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002592 | Strategic Health and Nutrition Partnership | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 2,635,907 | 01/03/12 | 28/02/18 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002594 | Strategic Partnership for Productive Jobs | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 3,066,667 | 22/08/13 | 21/08/19 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002595 | Strategic Partnership on Agriculture and Food Systems for Nutrition | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,275,000 | 01/07/14 | 30/06/18 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002598 | Strengthening Anti-Money Laundering Systems in Developing Countries | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 805,000 | 01/11/12 | 31/10/17 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002599 | Strengthening Civil Society in Afghanistan (Tawanmandi) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 11,667 | 01/08/11 | 31/07/17 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002600 | Strengthening Data for Nutrition programme | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,440,000 | 01/04/15 | 31/03/20 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002602 | Strengthening Economic Systems in Bangladesh | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 196,581 | 06/02/14 | 05/02/18 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002603 | Strengthening Emergency Preparedness and Response in Kenya (2014-2018) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 471,667 | 01/12/14 | 30/11/17 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002604 | Strengthening Evaluation in Governance and Politics | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,232,559 | 01/10/15 | 30/09/19 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002606 | Strengthening Health Facilities in the Caribbean | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 9,566,253 | 01/04/15 | 31/03/19 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002607 | Strengthening of food security analysis & decision making through support to the Integrated Phase Food Security Classification | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,091,463 | 26/01/12 | 25/01/18 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002609 | Strengthening Prevention of Gender Based Violence in Rwanda | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,105,500 | 12/08/13 | 11/08/17 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002610 | Strengthening Public Audit in Rwanda (SPAR) Programme | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 547,678 | 19/10/10 | 18/10/18 | 8 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002611 | Strengthening Research and Knowledge Systems (SRKS) INASP | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,887,500 | 01/04/13 | 31/03/17 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002613 | Strengthening the budget process in Southern African Development Community (SADC) Parliaments | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 550,000 | 23/11/15 | 22/11/17 | 2 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002614 | Strengthening Transparency Accountability and Responsiveness in Ghana Phase II | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 2,416,667 | 01/04/14 | 31/03/20 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002615 | Strengthening Uganda's Anti-Corruption and Accountability Regime (SUGAR) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 2,200,000 | 01/09/14 | 31/08/19 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002368 | Integrated Programme for Strengthening Security and Justice | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 7,581,001 | 09/08/13 | 08/08/18 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002370 | International AIDS Vaccine Initiative 2013-18 | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,250,000 | 01/07/13 | 30/06/17 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002372 | International Budget Partnership Work Programme | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,200,000 | 01/04/13 | 31/03/17 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002373 | International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research Bangladesh (ICDDR,B Grant 2012-17) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 2,684,400 | 01/04/13 | 31/03/17 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002437 | Multi-Year Humanitarian Support to Afghanistan | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 13,275,000 | 20/02/13 | 19/02/19 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002408 | Livelihoods and Food Security Trust Fund for Burma (NUTSEM) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 16,888,889 | 31/12/09 | 30/12/18 | 9 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002409 | Local Partnership and Dialogue Programme | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,753,974 | 24/07/13 | 23/07/18 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002410 | M4D - Mobile for Development Utilities | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 2,799,619 | 04/01/13 | 03/01/20 | 7 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002411 | Macroeconomic Support Fund | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 9,033 | 01/07/14 | 30/06/17 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002440 | NEADM - Creating New Energy Applications and Delivery Models for Developing Markets | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 447,677 | 26/01/12 | 25/01/19 | 7 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002444 | Nepal Market Development Programme | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 108,333 | 28/11/12 | 27/11/18 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002445 | Nepal Peace Support | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 2,816,818 | 01/03/07 | 28/02/18 | 11 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002341 | Improved Rural Roads and Transport Services for Communities in Low Income Countries | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 62,500 | 01/08/13 | 31/07/23 | 10 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002342 | Improving Access and Equity to the Basic Package of Essential Health Services in Sierra Leone | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 4,134,400 | 01/01/13 | 31/12/17 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002343 | Improving Community Security Programme | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 2,739,400 | 12/07/12 | 11/07/17 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002413 | Malawi Humanitarian Preparedness and Response Programme | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 2,500,000 | 31/08/15 | 30/08/19 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002446 | New Alliance (ICT) Agriculture Extension Challenge Fund | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 933,333 | 01/04/14 | 31/03/17 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002447 | New Vaccines For Tuberculosis ? Aeras 2013-18 | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 400,000 | 01/07/13 | 30/06/17 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002451 | Nutrition Embedding Evaluation Project | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 291,667 | 01/07/11 | 30/06/17 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002452 | ODI Fellowships Scheme Accountable Grant 2012-2015 | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 5,916,150 | 01/04/12 | 31/03/19 | 7 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002305 | Green Climate Fund | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 43,909,091 | 01/07/11 | 30/06/22 | 11 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002306 | Green Mini Grids - Tanzania | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 8,000,000 | 31/10/14 | 30/10/19 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002307 | Green Mini-Grids Africa Regional Facility for Market Preparation, Evidence and Policy Development | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 2,000,000 | 03/04/14 | 02/04/19 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002308 | Green Mini-Grids Kenya | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 6,000,000 | 31/10/14 | 30/10/19 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002309 | Growth and Economic Opportunities for Women | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 500,000 | 01/06/13 | 31/05/17 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002310 | GROWTH AND LABOUR MARKETS IN LOW INCOME COUNTRIES PROGRAMME | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,666,667 | 01/06/11 | 31/05/17 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002312 | Harnessing Innovation for Financial Inclusion (HiFi) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 7,179,167 | 17/01/13 | 16/01/19 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002313 | Harnessing Non-State Actors for Better Health for the Poor (HANSHEP) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 4,218,276 | 01/04/11 | 31/03/19 | 8 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002345 | Improving educational opportunities for children in sub-Saharan Africa | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,514,286 | 05/03/15 | 04/03/22 | 7 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002347 | Improving Rural Access in Tanzania | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,093,803 | 01/12/12 | 30/11/18 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002348 | Improving Security & Access to Justice in the Occupied Palestinian Territories | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 5,394,000 | 01/04/15 | 31/03/17 | 2 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002349 | Improving Solid Waste Management | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 407,500 | 01/04/13 | 31/03/17 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002350 | Improving tax and benefit policy development in partner countries with the Institute for Fiscal Studies | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 265,312 | 29/06/15 | 28/06/19 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002351 | Improving the management of public funds for the benefit of people in Burma | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 3,382,000 | 01/12/13 | 30/11/18 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002352 | Improving The Quality Of Education For Syrian And Jordanian Early Grade Primary School Children | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 5,000,000 | 14/10/14 | 13/10/17 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002374 | International Development Association 17th Replenishment (IDA 17) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 312,673,889 | 17/05/13 | 16/05/22 | 9 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002375 | International Development Support Project | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,317,889 | 01/01/12 | 31/12/17 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002378 | International Partnership for Microbicides 2013-18 | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 3,762,500 | 01/07/13 | 30/06/17 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002380 | Investing in economic infrastructure with the aim of stimulating sustainable economic growth | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 60,000,000 | 29/01/16 | 28/01/21 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002382 | Investments in Forests and Sustainable Land Use | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 222,222 | 20/07/11 | 19/07/20 | 9 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002453 | Operational Research Capacity Building | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 318,797 | 20/05/11 | 19/05/19 | 8 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002457 | Pakistan Economic Corridors Programme | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 46,700,000 | 20/11/13 | 19/11/19 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002314 | HarvestPlus - Phase 2 - Delivering Nutritionally Enriched Food Crops | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 9,333,333 | 01/06/15 | 31/05/18 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002320 | Health: Toward Ending Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting in Africa and Beyond | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 3,166,667 | 01/04/12 | 31/03/18 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002323 | Human Resources for Health Programme-Phase II | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 2,010,350 | 11/07/12 | 10/07/17 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002325 | Humanitarian assistance to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 27,961,623 | 28/09/11 | 27/09/17 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002327 | Humanitarian Innovation and Evidence Programme: greater use of evidence and innovation in humanitarian responses | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 621,002 | 10/10/12 | 09/10/19 | 7 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002354 | Increasing renewable energy and energy efficiency in the Eastern Caribbean | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 4,337,500 | 01/04/15 | 31/03/19 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002392 | Kenya Adolescent Girls Initiative - Action Research Programme (AGIARP) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 2,483,200 | 21/12/12 | 20/12/17 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002393 | Kenya Devolution Support Programme | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 6,427,800 | 01/05/15 | 30/04/19 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002395 | Kenya Extractives Programme (K-EXPRO) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,600,000 | 01/04/14 | 31/03/19 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002397 | Kenya Market Assistance Programme (MAP) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 7,482,143 | 01/12/11 | 30/11/18 | 7 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002398 | Khyber Pukhtunkhwa Education Sector Programme | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 26,763,447 | 26/07/11 | 25/07/19 | 8 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002400 | Kyrgyz Republic Public Sector Roadmap | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 749,817 | 01/10/15 | 30/09/19 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002390 | Keeping Girls in School | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 4,644,672 | 21/06/11 | 20/06/17 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002401 | La Pepiniere: Programme for adolescent girls in the Democratic Republic of Congo | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 66,383 | 01/04/13 | 31/03/17 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002402 | Land Governance for Economic Development | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 111,383 | 18/08/13 | 17/08/19 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002403 | Libya Technical Capacity and Economic Governance Programme | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 420,000 | 01/04/14 | 31/03/19 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002404 | Life Saving Humanitarian Support in Northeast Nigeria | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 9,090,744 | 11/11/15 | 10/11/18 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002391 | Kenya - Strengthening Regional Economic Integration | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 12,320,000 | 22/01/13 | 21/01/18 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002420 | Medical Emergency Response and Trauma Team, Afghanistan | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 975,000 | 01/07/15 | 30/06/17 | 2 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002417 | Market Development in Northern Ghana | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 2,774,200 | 21/01/13 | 20/01/18 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002421 | Medicines for Malaria Venture (2013-2018) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,000,000 | 01/07/13 | 30/06/17 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002423 | Meningococcal Vaccine and Other Product Development 2010 - 2018 | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 308,000 | 01/11/10 | 31/10/17 | 7 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002418 | Market Shaping for Access to Safe, Effective and Affordable Health Commodities | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 7,009,996 | 09/06/11 | 08/06/17 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002425 | Mining and Gas Technical Assistance Project | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 333,333 | 12/03/12 | 11/03/18 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002365 | Institutions for Inclusive Development (I4ID) in Tanzania | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 3,000,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/20 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002367 | Integrated Control of Schistosomiasis and Intestinal Helminths in Sub-Saharan Africa (ICOSA) - Phase 1 & 2 | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 12,500 | 01/01/10 | 31/12/17 | 8 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002427 | mNutrition- Business models for mobile phone based delivery of nutrition services in Africa and South Asia | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 3,936,683 | 01/09/13 | 31/08/17 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002428 | Mobilisation for Development (M4D) Programme | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 287,721 | 10/03/11 | 09/03/18 | 7 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002429 | Montserrat Infrastructure Plan | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 2,230,000 | 01/04/15 | 31/03/17 | 2 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002431 | Mosaic International Leadership Programme | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 171,500 | 15/06/15 | 14/06/17 | 2 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002432 | Multi-country support for increased access to reproductive health, including family planning | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 59,400,000 | 01/04/13 | 31/03/19 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002434 | Multi-Year Humanitarian and Resilience Building Programme | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 3,500,000 | 01/06/16 | 31/05/20 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002435 | Multi-year Humanitarian Programme 2013 to 2017 | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 19,987,500 | 01/04/13 | 31/03/17 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002436 | Multi-Year Humanitarian Programme in Pakistan | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 19,760,000 | 16/06/14 | 15/06/19 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002458 | Pakistan Financial Inclusion Programme | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 3,525,000 | 01/09/07 | 31/08/19 | 12 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002459 | Pakistan National Cash Transfers Programme' | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 18,876,500 | 28/11/11 | 27/11/19 | 8 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002460 | Pakistan: Support to Multi-Donor Trust Fund (MDTF) for Northwest Frontier Region | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 4,150,000 | 01/03/10 | 29/02/20 | 10 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002462 | Palestinian Market Development Programme to Strengthen the Private Sector in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPTs) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 441,967 | 24/05/10 | 23/05/19 | 9 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002463 | Partnership for African Social & Governance Research (PASGR) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 310,479 | 01/12/07 | 30/11/17 | 10 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002328 | Humanitarian innovation and evidence programme: improved analysis of disaster risk and increased capacity to deliver humanitarian assistance | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 30,401 | 10/10/12 | 09/10/17 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002329 | Humanitarian Leadership Academy | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 4,000,000 | 01/01/15 | 31/12/19 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002356 | India: Affordable Housing in Poor States | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 5,800,000 | 02/04/12 | 01/04/17 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002357 | India: Infrastructure Equity Fund - Investment in small infrastructure projects in India's poorest states | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 7,210,400 | 01/04/13 | 31/03/18 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002358 | India: Infrastructure Loan Fund - Small loans to bridge the infrastructure gap for the poor | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 6,550,000 | 04/06/12 | 03/06/17 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002359 | InfoRM (Index for Risk Management) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 312,500 | 01/04/14 | 31/03/18 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002360 | Infrastructure and Cities for Economic Development (ICED) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 197,373 | 22/08/13 | 21/08/19 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002361 | Initial Design of the Climate Public Private Partnership (CP3) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 4,516,617 | 15/04/10 | 14/04/25 | 15 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002362 | Innovative Vector Control Consortium (2013-2018) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 375,000 | 01/07/13 | 30/06/17 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002363 | Innovative Ventures & Technologies for Development (INVENT) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 4,080,000 | 01/08/13 | 31/07/18 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002464 | PATH Product Development Partnership Programme 2013 - 2018 | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 4,012,500 | 01/04/13 | 31/03/17 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002465 | Peace and Development Programme | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 8,665,475 | 01/04/12 | 31/03/18 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002469 | PIDG: Core Support to Private Infrastructure Development Group | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 41,337,503 | 01/03/12 | 28/02/19 | 7 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002470 | Pilot Advance Market COMMITTMENT (AMC) for Pneumococcal Vaccines | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 31,378,515 | 17/06/09 | 16/06/20 | 11 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002474 | PMEH - Pollution Management & Environmental Health | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,520,000 | 09/10/15 | 08/10/20 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002476 | Policy Research Fund | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 83,333 | 01/04/14 | 31/03/17 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002477 | Poorest States Inclusive Growth Programme | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 108,660 | 01/07/08 | 30/06/18 | 10 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002479 | Poverty and Growth Programme | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 58,269 | 18/06/12 | 17/06/21 | 9 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002480 | Power of Nutrition Financing Facility | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 45,833,333 | 20/04/15 | 19/04/21 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002482 | Preventing Maternal Deaths in Eastern and Southern Africa programme (PreMDESA) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 6,126,213 | 01/11/15 | 31/10/18 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002486 | Private Enterprise Programme Ethiopia | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 794,115 | 01/04/13 | 31/03/19 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002487 | Private Enterprise Programme in Zambia | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 995,065 | 08/07/10 | 07/07/18 | 8 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002489 | Private Sector Development programme in the Democratic Republic of Congo | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 897,386 | 27/01/12 | 26/01/24 | 12 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002491 | Productive Safety Net Programme Phase 4 | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 69,000,003 | 01/07/15 | 30/06/19 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002492 | Productive Social Safety Net Programme | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 23,996,250 | 01/08/15 | 31/07/19 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002493 | Programme for Democratic Change | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 4,737,400 | 01/08/14 | 31/07/19 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002494 | Programme for the Promotion and Protection of Women and Children?s Rights | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 342,715 | 01/04/12 | 31/03/17 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002495 | Programme of Support to Agriculture in Rwanda | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 6,983,000 | 28/01/14 | 27/01/19 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002499 | Promoting Inclusive Markets (PIMS) in Somalia aimed at improving productivity, competitiveness, and long term jobs in six value chains. | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,795,145 | 16/06/14 | 15/06/17 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002500 | Protecting Adolescent Girls against Violence in Humanitarian Settings: Joint Programming on Safe Spaces | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 3,333,333 | 01/04/14 | 31/03/17 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002336 | I2I - Innovative support for climate research ? testing new, innovative approaches to address climate and environment development challenges | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 140,833 | 12/04/13 | 11/04/19 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002337 | Ilm Ideas Phase II | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 4,000,000 | 12/09/13 | 11/09/18 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002339 | Impact of improved Sanitation/ Hygiene and Infant Nutrition on environmental enteropathy, growth, and anemia among young children in Zimbabwe. | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,025,852 | 16/06/10 | 15/06/17 | 7 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002340 | Impact Programme - Investment to fund innovative solutions for development and help develop sustainable investment markets that work for the poor | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,240,000 | 01/12/12 | 30/11/28 | 16 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002502 | Providing Humanitarian Assistance in Sahel Emergencies (PHASE) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 22,600,000 | 20/01/13 | 19/01/18 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002503 | Provincial Health and Nutrition Programme | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 18,447,094 | 30/06/11 | 29/06/18 | 7 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002707 | UK Aid Direct | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 20,266,271 | 27/10/10 | 26/10/24 | 14 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002708 | UK Aid Match 2013?2016: giving the public a say in how a portion of the aid budget is spent | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 17,248,874 | 01/07/13 | 30/06/20 | 7 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002706 | UK Action Against Corruption Programme (UKACT) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 148,785 | 01/12/09 | 30/11/19 | 10 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002723 | Upgrading the Kigumba-Masindi-Hoima-Kabwoya (135km) road from gravel to bitumen standards | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 2,342,500 | 23/05/13 | 22/05/17 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002724 | UPGRO - Unlocking the Potential of Groundwater for the Poor | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,266,667 | 29/11/12 | 28/11/18 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002726 | Urban Health: Strengthening Care for Poor Mothers and New-borns in Bangladesh | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 5,872,272 | 30/04/12 | 29/04/18 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002727 | Urban Water for Darfur Project (UW4D) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 2,000,000 | 27/06/13 | 26/06/19 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002728 | USAID-UKAID ACCELERE! | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 3,620,000 | 06/10/14 | 05/10/19 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002729 | USES - Understanding Sustainable Energy Solutions in Developing Countries | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,411,102 | 10/12/12 | 09/12/17 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002730 | Violence Against Women and Girls: Country Support | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 14,250 | 23/02/12 | 22/02/18 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002731 | Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL) elimination programme in Asia & Africa | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 204,138 | 12/01/12 | 11/01/18 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002733 | Water for Three States (Red Sea, Gadarif and Kassala) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 8,000,000 | 01/04/13 | 31/03/17 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002734 | Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (One WASH) Programme | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 27,947,034 | 26/11/12 | 25/11/17 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002736 | WISER - Weather and climate Information and SERvices for Africa | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 4,463,900 | 01/05/14 | 30/04/19 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002738 | Women Peace and Security (WPS) Centre at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 500,000 | 15/09/15 | 14/09/17 | 2 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002747 | Zambia Accountability Programme | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 3,900,000 | 29/01/13 | 28/01/19 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002748 | Zambia Education Sector Budget Support Programme | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 5,500,000 | 09/11/11 | 08/11/17 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002749 | Zambia Social Protection Expansion Programme | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 3,102,984 | 01/04/10 | 31/03/19 | 9 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002751 | Zimbabwe Education Transition Fund Phase II | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 8,000,041 | 01/07/11 | 30/06/17 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002754 | Zimbabwe Livelihoods and Food Security Programme | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 14,943,750 | 01/08/13 | 31/07/17 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002755 | Zimbabwe Reconstruction Fund (ZIMREF) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,500,000 | 01/07/14 | 30/06/18 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002756 | Zimbabwe Youth Empowerment Programme (ZYEP) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 981,780 | 19/11/14 | 18/11/17 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002757 | Zoonoses and Emerging Livestock Systems: reducing the risk to livestock and people | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,790,000 | 04/06/12 | 03/06/19 | 7 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002709 | UK Aid Match: backing public choices on aid spending | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 6,134,857 | 04/04/11 | 03/04/18 | 7 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002710 | UK Collaborative on Development Sciences (UKCDS) Phase 2 | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 105,124 | 01/04/13 | 31/03/17 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002711 | UK Contribution to IFAD's 10th Replenishment | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 28,650,000 | 01/01/16 | 31/12/17 | 2 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002712 | UK Emergency Medical Teams | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,896,774 | 07/09/11 | 06/09/20 | 9 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002713 | UK investment in Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance (2016-2020) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 250,000,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/20 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002716 | UK Support to Polio Eradication 2013 ? 2019 | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 50,000,000 | 01/04/13 | 31/03/19 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002720 | United Kingdom National Commission for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 300,000 | 01/11/14 | 31/10/21 | 7 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002721 | United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification General Fund Assessed Contribution | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 500,005 | 01/03/08 | 28/02/18 | 10 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002742 | World Health Organisation Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (2013-18) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 500,000 | 01/04/13 | 31/03/17 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003652 | Public Policy Information Monitoring and Advocacy (PPIMA Phase III) | To support Rwandan CSOs and citizens increase participation and engagement with decision makers in government and CSOs created spaces, leading to commitments to change in policies and their implementation. | 1,400,000 | 29/06/16 | 28/06/19 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003653 | Support to the United Nations (UN) Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) Syria Emergency Appeal | To provide essential humanitarian support to Palestinian refugees in and from Syria (PRS) affected by the ongoing Syrian crisis. | 24,800,000 | 29/04/15 | 28/04/17 | 2 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003654 | Supporting Palestinian refugees across the Middle East ? in Gaza, the West Bank, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. | To advance Palestinian refugees? human development by funding the United Nations Relief and Works Agency to deliver basic education, health and relief services for over 355 thousand refugees across the Middle East ? in Gaza, the West Bank, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. Through predictable, multi-year funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency the programme will improve the Agency?s effectiveness and sustainability, thereby reducing the vulnerability of Palestinian refugees dependent on its services. It will also contribute to protecting regional stability by meeting the basic needs of the Palestinian refugee population and reducing the High pressure on host governments and communities. | 33,500,000 | 30/03/16 | 29/03/21 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003656 | Strengthening Global Coordination and International Monitoring to support delivery of Universal Access to Water and Sanitation | This programme will help to improve access to water and sanitation services for poor people and promote good hygiene. It will achieve this by supporting Governments and their partners to prioritise investment in under-served communities on the basis of robust data that demonstrates where the needs are greatest. To support this, the programme will ensure that there is guidance on how to deliver safe water and sanitation and will support Governments develop stronger national and local institutions to ensure services are sustainable in the long-term. In addition, the programme will support improved coordination between Governments to ensure that financial commitments to improved water and sanitation are made and delivered. It will support improved accountability and transparency among Governments, donors, NGOs and business through global, regional and national forums where the degree to which commitments have been delivered will be monitored. This will benefit poor people by monitoring | 3,000,000 | 30/03/16 | 29/03/20 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003657 | Urban sanitation policy programme | To improve the health and socio-economic status of poor people by promoting innovative private sector engagement, to mentor small sanitation enterprises and market expansion, throughout the sanitation value chain in deprived urban settlements. This will accelerate the delivery of equitable and sustainable urban sanitation services and will provide access to clean water, sanitation and hygiene services in deprived urban settlements for up to one million people. This will result in sustainability of water and sanitation services by 2019. | 2,700,000 | 30/03/15 | 29/03/20 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003658 | Support for the implementation of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement | Developing countries will reform their trade facilitation laws, procedures, processes and systems in a manner consistent with the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA). This programme will reduce inefficient border processes, excessive red tape and administrative bottlenecks which stop businesses reaching customers and increase the costs of trade. Helping countries to trade more and grow their way out of poverty is a key part of DFID?s Economic Development Strategy. | 2,142,857 | 30/03/15 | 29/03/22 | 7 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003659 | Support to the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD) 2015-2019 | To support developing countries formulate more effective trade policies and negotiate more successfully in trade talks through the provision of impartial, evidence-based advice and opportunities to debate key issues with relevant stakeholders. This will benefit developing countries by giving them a voice in global trade policy making processes and will contribute over time to more inclusive and sustainable development. | 2,137,500 | 31/12/15 | 30/12/19 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003660 | Partnership for Investment and Growth in Africa | To increase exports and sustainable incomes for poor people in Africa, through greater integration into global value chains in manufacturing and agro-processing sectors | 633,333 | 29/04/15 | 28/04/21 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003661 | Partnership with the Development Research Centre on Knowledge for Development Programme | To contribute to more effective development and poverty reduction policies that will benefit poor people in developing countries through improved knowledge on China?s experience and approach in relation to those of other countries. | 1,000,000 | 30/03/15 | 29/03/20 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003801 | Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) UK Capital Investment | UK investment in the new Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank to assist in addressing the shortage of infrastructure investment across the Asia-Pacific region. The UK?s membership will deepen economic ties with Asia and create opportunities for British businesses.The AIIB will support economic growth in the region and drive up living standards. The AIIB aims to help bridge the gap and improve economic growth in Asia. The establishment of the AIIB supports access to finance for infrastructure projects across Asia using a variety of support measures including loans, equity investments and guarantees to boost investment. Supporting infrastructure investment in Asian will support economic growth in the region and give benefits for the whole global economy. | 133,333,333 | 09/01/17 | 08/01/20 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003802 | Jobs Compact Ethiopia | To create jobs for Ethiopians and refugees residing in Ethiopia. This project will support Ethiopia?s industrialisation strategy and job creation efforts through the development of two industrial parks, directly creating at least 100,000 jobs. Linked to this support, the Government of Ethiopia would make available a share of these job opportunities to refugees, who are currently not permitted to take up out of camp employment. | 200,000 | 15/01/17 | 14/01/22 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003800 | Humanitarian Emergency Refugee Response in Uganda (HERRU) | The emergency response will contribute towards provision of life-saving food assistance to refugees, improving the capacity of reception facilities, providing basic and domestic items, emergency shelter in settlements, WASH, and protection interventions for persons with specific needs and monitoring of refugee registration. | 2,500,000 | 31/01/16 | 30/01/18 | 2 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003662 | Agricultural Livelihoods Support in Syria (CIHEAM Bari) | The programme, approved by the 31 July Conflict Pool Board, will enhance national and sub-national governance whilst developing sustainable support to agriculture. The programme will support those geographic locations where intervention will benefit the Syrian Interim Government?s (SIG) longer term strategy of support in rural Aleppo, and enhance Syria Recovery Trust Fund planned activity. | 1,000,001 | 29/06/15 | 28/06/17 | 2 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003663 | Grassroots Empowerment in Tanzania (GET) Programme | To contribute to the delivery of HMG?s ?leave no-one behind agenda? - tackling extreme poverty and helping the world?s most vulnerable. Grassroots Empowerment programme will deliver results on reducing FGM and early marriage, discrimination against people with albinism, securing land rights for women, and supporting disabled people. In order to achieve its purpose, Grassroots Empowerment will: empower communities to become key driving force for inclusive development at the local levels; ensure decision making at local levels better reflects the needs and aspirations of poor and marginalized groups; and it will give voice to the voiceless and tackle harmful traditional practices. It will facilitate local groups implement local solutions to solve common problems and increase their access to public goods. | 3,600,000 | 31/12/15 | 30/12/20 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003664 | Partnership to Engage, Reform and Learn (PERL) | The programme works with government and civil society at federal and state levels to reduce inefficiency and corruption in the use of Nigerian resources and therefore improve delivery of services, including for women, girls and persons with disability. It does this in partnership with other DFID programmes supporting service delivery by helping Nigerian stakeholders improve accountability for use of resources including improving processes for raising revenue, allocating resources, planning and programme implementation. | 20,000,000 | 29/04/16 | 28/04/21 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003665 | Child Protection Fund Phase II for the National Action Plan for Orphans and other Vulnerable Children (CPF II for NAP) - Zimbabwe | To ensure that children, families and communities are receiving improved child protection services reinforced by household and community economic resilience. | 6,971,786 | 29/06/16 | 28/06/19 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003666 | Supporting the Transformation of Rural WASH Service Delivery in Mozambique | To contribute for sustained increase in effective demand, supply and use of WASH services for the rural poor in Mozambique | 7,605,400 | 30/03/15 | 29/03/20 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003667 | TEA - Transforming Energy Access | The project is up to ?65 million over five years, to support early stage testing and scale up of innovative technologies and business models that will accelerate access to affordable, clean energy services for poor households and enterprises, especially in Africa. The programme will include: i) partnership with Shell Foundation, enabling support to another 30+ early stage private sector innovations. ii) Innovate UK?s Energy Catalyst to stimulate technology innovation by UK enterprises; iii) build other strategic clean energy innovation partnerships (e.g. testing a new ?P2P Solar? crowdfunding platform; and scoping a potential new partnership with Gates Foundation on Mission Innovation); iv) skills and expertise development. To support early stage testing and scale up of innovative technologies and business models that will accelerate access to affordable, clean energy services for poor households and enterprises, especially in Africa | 10,858,333 | 30/03/15 | 29/03/21 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003668 | Decentralised Renewable Energy Access Markets (DREAM) | DREAM will help three of the poorest States in India provide energy to around 1.8m people. It will use UK expertise to mobilise public and private investment in sustainable and affordable energy supplies delivered by private energy businesses - creating 2000 jobs and supporting at least 200 women develop energy businesses. | 1,250,000 | 30/03/16 | 29/03/20 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003669 | Impact Evaluations on urban transport, transport corridors and road safety across multilateral development banks and bilateral programmes (ieConnect). | To deliver a conclusive body of research which shows what works in terms of using transport infrastructure to impact on economic development. The project will focus on three main themes, which are i) Urban Mobility; ii) Transport Corridors; iii) Road Safety and also the cross cutting areas of fragile/conflict affected states and Female Economic Empowerment. | 1,250,000 | 31/01/16 | 30/01/22 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003671 | Sustainable Inclusive Livelihoods through Tea Production in Rwanda | The project purpose is to support job creation and increase incomes by working with smallholder farmers to develop greenfield tea. The Wood Foundation Africa (TWFA) will set up and run a Services Company supporting approximately 6,000 smallholder tea farmers over 3,400 hectares. These farmers will be supported to produce tea for the first time, employing best farming practices. The Services Company will be co-owned by the farmers. This will lead to improved incomes and livelihoods (in particular nutrition and education) for the farmers and their families. Unilever will build a factory and develop a core estate of approximately 817 hectares. The factory will be supplied by the core estate and the smallholder farmers supported by The Wood Foundation Africa | 1,478,248 | 30/12/15 | 29/12/23 | 8 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003673 | Bangladesh Investment Climate Fund, Phase 2 | BICF 2 aims to reduce poverty in Bangladesh through sustained pro-poor economic growth. Towards this broader goal, the impact of this programme will be to contribute to the creation of 50,000 additional formal jobs for the poor, at least 40% of which will be for women. The programme will provide technical assistance to develop new policies, improve regulations, strengthen institutions and simplify processes of relevant bodies within the government of Bangladesh that work with businesses. In so doing, it will make Bangladesh an easier place to do business, facilitating growth and job creation. BICF 2 will have a specific mandate to support special economic zones and the agribusiness sector. Two other sectors with high job creation potential will be identified and supported. | 4,000,000 | 31/12/16 | 30/12/21 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003675 | Sustaining and Accelerating Primary Health Care In Ethiopia | To improve the functionality of primary health care units, reducing health inequalities, and increasing domestic financing for health to sustain and accelerate the pace of improvement in adolescent, maternal and child health in Ethiopia. This will be achieved through the Sustainable Development Goals Performance Fund, which will provide essential medicines, and improve the readiness of primary health care units and skills of primary health care staff to provide quality health services. The programme will also provide technical assistance for effective implementation of the National Health Financing Strategy to increase domestic financing for health, refine and scale-up the Ethiopian Health Insurance systems, and to develop and implement a Public Private Partnership Strategy to improve health outcomes. | 50,000,000 | 31/12/15 | 30/12/20 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003676 | Strengthening African Networks for Governance, Accountability and Transparency Phase II | To strengthen national systems of governance to tackle transnational corruption and crime and improve public financial management in Africa through regional co-operation. The programme will work with 3 regional networks, the Asset Recovery Inter-Agency Network of Southern Africa (ARINSA); the African Prosecutor?s Association; and the Collaborative Africa Budget Reform Initiative (CABRI). This will reduce illicit financial flows and corruption in Africa increasing the resources governments have for poverty reduction and enabling inclusive economic growth. Please expand on this by adding what national systems you are strengthening, how you aim to do this and through who ? also who will this help and how (numbers if possible) etc | 832,639 | 10/07/15 | 09/07/19 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003677 | Climate Smart Development for Nepal | This will help Nepal to cope with impacts of climate change (CC) and promote clean development. It will provide strategic support to the Govt of Nepal to design and implement CC policies, to integrate resilience throughout government planning. This will:Improve resilience of 700,000 poor & vulnerable people (especially women) to floods, landslides, droughts in most remote districts;Improve resilience of businesses in 5 growing urban centres & 3 river basins through investments in urban planning, large scale irrigation systems & flood management;Facilitate connection of over 25,000 households to new micro-hydro power installations; connect over 70,000 homes to solar power & install RET in more than 200 schools/health clinics;Develop industry standard for ?clean? brick production and enable over half of the brick kilns (at least 400) to adopt more efficient technologies;Improve design of future CC programming & beyond through generation of world class evidence | 7,142,857 | 30/03/16 | 29/03/23 | 7 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003678 | Leaving No One Behind: African Voice, Agency and Action | To support Southern African regional civil society and private sector coalitions to hold national and regional policy makers to account for the reduction of poverty and inequality of African miners, farmers, cross-border traders and migrants. | 1,650,000 | 30/01/16 | 29/01/18 | 2 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003680 | Connecting Classrooms - supporting the development of sustainable partnerships between schools in the UK and schools overseas | This programme will build the capability of teachers, school managers and policy makers in the UK and overseas to deliver core, 21st Century skills to pupils giving them enhanced knowledge, skills and understanding for working in a global economy and contributing responsibly to society both locally, nationally and globally. DFID?s investment will result in: ? 26,000 teachers with an improved understanding of how to support the development of a chosen key skills area identified as being of particular need in their school ? 7,000 school leaders with an improved understanding of how to support the development of one of the six key skills across the curriculum ? 2,000 unique schools involved in a partnership, enabling teachers and pupils to benefit from cultural exchange resulting in improved global awareness. | 5,666,667 | 16/06/15 | 15/06/18 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003683 | Public Resource Management in Somalia | To build the capacity of Somalia?s new federal system of government by establishing and improving systems for tax, spend and civil service management at all levels including Public finance management , Public administration and work on decentralisation / federalism. | 9,500,000 | 30/05/16 | 29/05/20 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003684 | Somalia Monitoring Programme II | To support the delivery of better social, governance and economic statistics within Somalia to ensure that UK Aid is delivered to appropriate priorities and that wider development planning is increasingly informed by evidence that will allow the Somali authorities to have the evidence to determine the right priorities and level of investments to address the health, education, security and economic needs of the population of Somalia | 2,575,000 | 30/03/16 | 29/03/20 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003685 | Somalia Stability Fund II | The purpose of this project is to promote stability accross Somalia. This is a flexible adaptable instrument that will develop a portfolio of projects aimed at strengthening local governance and reducing conflict in Somalia. | 8,750,000 | 29/09/16 | 28/09/20 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003686 | Somalia Security and Justice Programme | To strengthen security and justice institutions by providing basic training to police and equipping police and justice agencies with basic infrastructure and skill sets; improving management systems; and developing legal institutions including the district courts in the new federal member states and the ministries of justice at the Federal and member state level. | 7,500,000 | 29/04/16 | 28/04/20 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003687 | Support to conflict prevention initiatives in the Sahel through community level conflict reduction and technical support to multilaterals | To assist the vulnerable region of West Africa to manage ongoing conflicts through the Conflict Security and Stability Fund. The projects will increase the capacity of local communities in Mali to manage conflicts peacefully; support the EU Delegation in Mali with conflict advice, and strengthen coordination, inclusivity and accountability of security services delivery through improved security forces-communities cooperation. | 614,585 | 30/03/15 | 29/03/18 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003689 | Conflict Stability and Security Fund - Support to Elections, State Formation and Rule of Law Programmes in Somalia. | To support physical infrastructure critical to the operational effectiveness and human rights compliance of the justice system by building a regional police headquarters in Beledweyne and reducing overcrowding in Mogadishu prison; and support capacity of key actors in the state formation process; incl. support to inclusive and credible federal electoral process in 2016 with focus on women and marginalised groups. This will result in tangible improvements in security provision and access to justice for Somali citizens and strengthen the foundation for stronger state institutions. | 3,450,646 | 30/03/15 | 29/03/20 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003690 | Support to emergency in Iraq | This programme will provide humanitarian aid to vulnerable populations in Iraq by (1) Responding to the needs of extremely vulnerable people including women and girls and (2) Supporting improvements in the UN humanitarian system. The programme will deliver life-saving assistance through: Flexible responses to sudden-onset emergencies through the Humanitarian Pooled Fund; and Assistance to protracted IDP caseloads through cash grants and improved access to public welfare. The programme will also fund research aimed at enabling a shift from humanitarian aid in-kind to cash grants. Support will also strengthen the humanitarian response such as the development of Government contingency coordination centres, improving safety and access reporting for NGOs and strengthening the UN response. The programme will contribute towards DFID Strategic Development Plan objectives 1 (strengthening global peace, security and governance) and 2 (strengthening resilience and response to crisis). | 55,000,000 | 30/03/16 | 29/03/19 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003691 | SNaP; Increasing Women?s Participation in Decision-Making and Challenging Harmful Social Norms in Somalia | Ensure that women have voice, choice and control over decisions that affect them by promoting women's voice in official processes including transitional justice and local decision making, support women civil society, challenge discriminatory social norms and end harmful traditional practices. | 2,000,000 | 31/10/15 | 30/10/20 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003692 | Gender Based Violence Response Services | The purpose of the project is to reduce the prevalence of gender-based violence in six provinces of Afghanistan: Daikundi, Farah, Jawzjan, Laghman, Panjsher and Parwan | 1,112,500 | 31/12/16 | 30/12/18 | 2 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003693 | Post-Earthquake Reconstruction Programme in Nepal - Building Back better | Establish partnerships with local & central government, communities and businesses to support the (i) districts effected by the Earthquake ?build back better?; (ii) the most vulnerable recover their livelihoods and assets; and (iii) the Government of Nepal to plan for and manage the response to the earthquake. | 10,508,333 | 21/05/16 | 20/05/22 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003694 | Empowering Youth in Tanzania | To empower and equip young Tanzanians to participate in household, community, local and national decision making processes, to access productive livelihoods, improve their wellbeing and hold government to account. The specific results will be defined during the design phase, but will include a focus on preventing violence against young people and supporting transitions to productive employment. A key purpose of this programme is to involve young people in decisions affecting their lives, and their input will be crucial in elaborating the programme activities. | 333,333 | 30/03/16 | 29/03/19 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003695 | Nepal Health Sector Support Programme III | To improve the health of women, children, the poor and socially excluded in Nepal, including by restoring health services in areas affected by the 2015 earthquake, and improving the quality and governance of health services nationwide. | 21,250,000 | 31/12/16 | 30/12/20 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003696 | Monitoring the Sustainable Development Goals | To improve the use and dissemination of the Sustainable Development Goal indicators at national and international levels in order to enable governments, researchers, international organisations and civil society to make evidence-based decisions. This project will focus on supporting developing countries to build their capacity in disseminating data; modernising National Statistical Systems with up-to-date technology and skills; engaging with key users of data; and creating an on-line, international data and visualisation platform for Sustainable Development Goal indicators. | 1,330,395 | 30/05/16 | 29/05/21 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003697 | Agriculture Technology Development New Procurement Initiative | The programme will pilot the Innovate UK procurement initiative within DFID through development of a small relatively self-contained project. The project selected was development of a low cost solar powered irrigation pump, identified as one of the top ?50 breakthrough critical scientific and technological advances needed for sustainable global development? by the Institute for Globally Transformative Technologies. | 290,000 | 29/06/15 | 28/06/18 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003699 | Core support to the Africa Progress Panel, 2015-2017, to facilitate evidence-based policy making and transformative changes in policies and practices by African leaders | Provide core support to the African Progress Panel to facilitate evidence-based policy making and transformative changes in policies and practices by African leaders | 725,000 | 30/11/15 | 29/11/17 | 2 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003700 | Maintaining Resilient Zero for Ebola in Sierra Leone | To support Sierra Leone to detect and respond effectively to Ebola events and outbreaks of other communicable diseases by strengthening district health capacity, the laboratory network, and disease surveillance systems. | 38,500,001 | 31/12/16 | 30/12/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003701 | UK investment in the Global Fund, 2016-2019 | To tackle the immediate impact of the three most deadly infectious diseases ? HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria ? and put the international community on the right track to end the three diseases as epidemics by 2030. | 275,000,000 | 30/03/16 | 29/03/20 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003702 | Twende Mbele (?Going Forward?) ? Strengthening African Monitoring and Evaluation Systems | This will support the South African Government Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) and their technical partner, the Centres for Learning on Evaluation and Results (CLEAR), to strengthen monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems and practices in selected African countries, via the Twende Mbele (?Going Forward Together?) programme. | 587,589 | 29/03/16 | 28/03/19 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003704 | GREAT for Partnership Programme | GREAT for Partnership will multiply the UK?s development impact by boosting partnerships between UK?s institutions and their counterparts in the developing world. It will leverage the skills and expertise from a range of UK institutions and supply them initially to DFID partner countries, based on tailored demand. It will initially prioritise the Extractives, Financial Accountability & Anti-Corruption and Health sectors | 5,867,190 | 30/03/15 | 29/03/21 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003705 | Rehabilitation of Freetown?s Water Supply System | Supporting fast-track expansion of the safe drinking water supply in the capital city, Freetown, through the provision of sanitation & hygiene services, as well as wider WASH in rural areas and expansion of Solid and Liquid Waste Management services in three large towns. | 12,666,667 | 29/04/16 | 28/04/19 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003707 | Jordan Compact Education Programme: Transforming life chances of a generation of children through education | To improve access to education for children whose education has been disrupted by the war in Syria. This will ensure that every child in Jordan, including Syrian refugees, will be in education for the 2016/17 school year, with 50,000 eligible children enrolled into school immediately. The programe will support the Jordan Compact education goals to provide a safe, inclusive and tolerant environment with psychosocial support available to refugee children. . | 19,250,000 | 30/05/16 | 29/05/20 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003708 | Jordan Compact Economic Opportunities Programme | To promote economic development and opportunities in Jordan for the benefit of both Jordanians and Syrian refugees. This programme will attract new inward investment and open up economic markets for Jordanian goods and services, creating new jobs for Jordanians and Syrian refugees as set out in the Jordan Compact. The programme will also help Jordanian hosts maintain their resilience and economic stability. | 70,750,000 | 31/12/16 | 30/12/18 | 2 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003709 | UK Aid Match II Fund | To support the achievement of the Global Goals through funding UK-based civil society organisations to deliver projects that assist in ending extreme poverty and building a better world by 2030. The programme will also provide opportunities for the UK public to engage in international development issues and have a say in how a portion of the aid budget is spent. | 24,045,714 | 31/12/16 | 30/12/23 | 7 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003710 | Leh Wi Learn - Sierra Leone Secondary Education Improvement Programme | To improve English and mathematics learning achievement in all secondary schools , especially for girls. The programme has the following components: making schools safe for girls, improving learning conditions in schools for boys and girls, strengthening central and district capacity, and improving monitoring and evaluation. In the first two years, the project will be fully aligned with Sierra Leone?s President?s Recovery Priorities. Over the five years, the impact will be measured by improvements in the West Africa regional secondary school examinations taken after three years (the basic certificate) and after six years (the senior certificate). An additional 14,000[1] girls and boys are expected to pass English and Maths at senior level, with a narrowing of the performance gap between boys and girls. The outcome of the programme will establish an enabling environment for secondary school students, especially girls, to be safe, learn and achieve. | 12,500,000 | 03/01/16 | 02/01/21 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003711 | Financial Sector Deepening Africa (FSDA) Platform | To drive inclusive growth through a combination of grants and development capital investments that build financial markets and institutions | 9,922,774 | 30/03/15 | 29/03/21 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003713 | Pacific Catastrophe Risk Assessment and Financing Initiative | To provide technical assistance and capital to provide insurance for the Pacific Islands so in future they can protect themselves against natural disasters such as cyclones and Tsunamis thereby reducing their reliance on humanitarian aid. The nations of Tonga, Marshall islands, Cook Islands, Vanuatu, and Samoa (625,000 people in total) will benefit from the insurance at the start of the programme | 5,000,000 | 30/03/16 | 29/03/19 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003714 | Strengthening humanitarian preparedness and response in Bangladesh | This programme will deliver improvement in disaster preparedness and response as well as providing predictable support to Rohingya refugees and vulnerable refugee hosting communities. | 7,000,000 | 30/03/16 | 29/03/21 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003715 | Sierra Leone: Strengthening Community-Led Accountability to Improve Service Delivery | To work with the most poor and marginalised people in Sierra Leone, especially women and young people to bring about improved accountability and better delivery of services: Providing platforms for citizen monitoring, feedback and engagement with service providers supported by data collection undertaken by young people that gives citizens the means and opportunity to understand their rights and the services they should have access to, to know what has been delivered, and to demand better and more transparent delivery from service providers. An innovation fund will provide a window to support innovative ideas to address local issues through local solutions led by communities themselves. | 2,375,000 | 29/06/16 | 28/06/20 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003716 | Support to the International Agriculture Research Centres developing and delivering agriculture technologies and knowledge to reduce poverty, hunger and adapt to climate change. | To contribute to poverty reduction, improvements in nutritional status, and adaptation to climate change in South Asia and Africa in the face of climate change and resource scarcity, by developing new technologies, products and knowledge which promote agricultural productivity and increase the resistance of crops to diseases and pests. The programme will lead to increased agricultural productivity; increased production and consumption of nutritious vegetables; and improved food security and incomes for rural households in Africa and South Asia. | 8,750,000 | 29/07/16 | 28/07/20 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003717 | Developing and Scaling Next Generation Agricultural Technologies - Phase II of DFID's Strategic Partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) | Working in partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation on a set of co-investments, DFID?s funding will increase the development and adoption of new agricultural technologies that build resilience to climate change, diseases and pests and increase productivity, particularly for smallholders in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. | 5,666,667 | 30/07/16 | 29/07/22 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003719 | CHURP Central African Republic Humanitarian Recovery Programme 2016 to 2019 | To save lives and reduce suffering of the population affected by the ongoing crisis in the Central African Republic, including refugees in the region by providing emergency healthcare, livelihoods support and protection activities. It will also include advocacy to ensure effective coordination among humanitarian and development donors, early engagement of international financial institutions, and support to the cross-Whitehall CAR strategy in the fields of security, justice and governance. | 12,416,667 | 30/03/16 | 29/03/19 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003721 | Strengthening disaster resilience in Nepal | This project will strengthen disaster resilience in Nepal, particularly to earthquakes, by working with urban centres to build and plan more safely; supporting the strengthening of critical public infrastructure to earthquakes; working to strengthen national capacity to respond to crises and ensure that the international community is prepared; and ensuring that the UK is able to support a humanitarian response should a crises hit. | 6,571,429 | 30/03/16 | 29/03/23 | 7 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003712 | Education Cannot Wait (EiE) | To transform both the availability and quality of education provision in countries affected by natural and man-made emergencies and prolonged crises. This is being provided through UNICEF's Education Cannot Wait ? a new global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises. The Fund has two primary functions: 1. Breakthrough Fund (95%) to support country-level initiatives, directly funding programmes and policies to ensure that more children can access a quality education in a country. It comprises two windows: multi-year and first response. Initial multi-year funding has begun in Syria, Chad and Ethiopia, and will begin shortly in Yemen. First Response funding - including needs assessments, HRP match funding and specific proposals - will assist Peru, CAR, Somalia, Madagascar, Ukraine, Uganda and Afghanistan. 2. Acceleration Facility (5%) to invest in global public goods such as developing new approaches to delivering education programmes in crises affected countries. | 6,000,000 | 30/03/16 | 29/03/21 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003722 | Support to Yemen Humanitarian Pooled Fund | The YHPF is a key funding mechanism that provides rapid support to NGOs and UN agencies to meet priority humanitarian needs in Yemen. It allows the UN to allocate funding in a co-ordinated and prioritised manner in line with the 2016 UN Humanitarian Response Plan. | 30,000,000 | 30/03/16 | 29/03/18 | 2 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003723 | Strengthening social capital and reducing tensions between Jordanian host communities and Syrian refugees, Conflict, Security and Stability Fund (CSSF) | Working across Jordan in 18 locations, the project aims to provide stability and cohesion at the local level by increasing the capacity of community leaders and community based organisations to better identify sources of tension and conflict and respond to them through social projects and small scale infrastructure. | 2,433,333 | 30/03/16 | 29/03/19 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003724 | An Integrated Programme to Address Malnutrition in Yemen (2016-18) | To contribute to a sustainable reduction in under-five mortality from under-nutrition in priority governorates in Yemen and to alleviating nutrition, health and WASH humanitarian needs | 19,000,000 | 30/03/16 | 29/03/18 | 2 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003725 | Lebanon CSSF Stability Programme 2016-19: Livelihoods Projects | To improve stability across Lebanon through livelihood programmes which tackle tensions caused by competition for jobs in target communities. This will provide market driven skills, training and job opportunities for individuals and technical help for Small-Medium Enterprises. It will benefit Lebanese, Syrian and Palestinian communities. | 3,346,667 | 30/03/16 | 29/03/19 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003727 | Deepening Democratic Governance Programme | ?To strengthen democratic governance in Ghana through the provision of targeted financial and technical assistance to key Electoral Management Bodies (EMBs) and civil society. This is to strengthen the institutional capacity of EMBs to support transparent, accountable and inclusive electoral process as well as promote a more effective citizen engagement, particularly of women, youth, persons with disabilities and other marginalised groups through civic and voter education.? | 437,579 | 29/03/16 | 28/03/21 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003732 | Support to the Palestinian Authority to Deliver Basic Services, Build Stability and Promote Reform in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (SSRP) | To support the Palestinian Authority (PA) to meet the needs of the Palestinian people. Funding will enable around 25,000 young Palestinians with access to an education, provide up to 3,700 immunisations for children, and 185,000 medical consultations each year. This will help to build and strengthen the capacity of PA institutions through public financial management reform, and build stability in the region by preserving the two state solution. | 34,500,000 | 30/03/17 | 29/03/21 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003733 | Central Asia Conflict Stability and Security projects | To improve stability in fragile areas of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan by improving border security, reducing conflict over natural resources, and countering the risk of violent extremist narratives influencing vulnerable young people | 2,733,126 | 29/04/16 | 28/04/20 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003734 | Lebanon No Lost Generation Initiative (NLGI) | To support the delivery of non-formal education and child protection for the most vulnerable out of school refugee children and children from host communities aged 3-18 as part of the No Lost Generation Initiative. The programme will provide up to 100,000 children with Government-endorsed non-formal education and up to 287,000 at risk girls, boys and women/caregivers with access to prevention and protection services. | 15,000,000 | 31/12/16 | 30/12/20 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003735 | UK contribution to EU Madad Trust Fund for the Syria Crisis | To work with the EU Regional Trust Fund in response to the Syrian Crisis (otherwise known as the ?Madad? Fund) to help address longer-term resilience and the early recovery needs of Syrian refugees in neighbouring countries, as well as supporting host communities and their administrations. The Fund provides support to Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, the Western Balkans, and Iraq and will focus on education, child protection, training, higher education; healthcare; improved water and waste-water infrastructure; resilience, economic opportunities and social inclusion. The Trust Fund focuses on non-humanitarian priority needs and may also be adapted to reconstruction needs in a future, post-conflict Syria. This project was approved before the referendum on the UK?s membership of the EU. Work is now under way to understand the implications of leaving the EU for the UK?s development work. | 3,000,000 | 17/04/16 | 16/04/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003736 | The Multilateral Organisation Performance Assessment Network (MOPAN) programme | To work with the Multilateral Organisation Performance Assessment Network (MOPAN) to assess the effectiveness of the multilateral organisations that receive development and humanitarian assistance from DFID. These assessments identify strengths and areas for improvement in the multilateral organisations. Findings are used for discussions with the organisations to help build their capacity and to act as a source of input for strategic decision-making for DFID. | 106,667 | 31/12/16 | 30/12/19 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003737 | Water, Environmental Sanitation and Hygiene Programme | To provide sanitation and hygiene services in Freetown. Establishing and expanding sustainable waste management services in three large towns and improving water, sanitation and hygiene services in rural areas and in two small towns. | 6,460,000 | 30/03/16 | 29/03/21 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003738 | Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF) Trade for Least Developed Countries Development Phase 2 | The EIF supports Least Developed Countries to use trade to achieve economic growth and poverty reduction. The programme provides financial and technical support to assist Least Developed Country governments to develop sustainable trade strategies that have a positive impact on poor people?s lives through the promotion of private sector development and job and income opportunities. The EIF delivers capacity building and technical assistance to Least Developed Countries through two project tiers:- Tier 1 projects identify constraints to competitiveness, supply chain weaknesses and sectors of greatest growth and/or export potential in an LDC, Tier 2 projects build up trade-related and supply-side capacities, such as compliance with international safety standards for agricultural products. This programme aims to support all LDCs to own and implement a trade strategy conducive to pro poor development. | 6,500,000 | 31/12/16 | 30/12/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003739 | Beneficiary Enrolment Support ? Government of Nepal?s Earthquake Housing Reconstruction Programme | To provide immediate support to the Government of Nepal's National Reconstruction Authority for enrolling beneficiaries for its earthquake housing reconstruction programme across the 14 most earthquake affected districts. | 5,000,000 | 15/12/16 | 14/12/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003740 | Volunteering For Development | To support the delivery of the UK Aid strategy by improving the effectiveness of the development volunteering sector. This programme will work with more than 4000 volunteers and 5000 alumni members to support 350 partner organisations to improve education, health and livelihoods outcomes across the global south. The programme will support 2 million impoverished and marginalised people (approx. 1 million health, 700k education, 300k livelihood) to access and shapre more relevant, appropriate and inclusive services across 24 least developed and fragile countries. | 10,001,501 | 30/03/17 | 29/03/22 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003741 | Developing resilience of households and communities affected by conflict in Northern, Central and Southern Syria (Undisclosed NGO partner) | Families affected by conflict are self-reliant, mitigate protection risks and negative coping mechanisms and participate in economic life | 11,075,000 | 30/03/16 | 29/03/20 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003742 | Humanitarian Support to Syria through undisclosed agency B | To provide life-saving protection and enhancement of the capabilities of conflict-affected populations to prevent and mitigate shocks and stresses and enhance self-reliance | 7,827,342 | 30/03/17 | 29/03/20 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003744 | Humanitarian Support to Syria through undisclosed agency F. | To provide humanitarian relief assistance to individuals, households, communities and local partners affected by the ongoing conflict in Syria. This programme will strengthen their capacity to cope with the shocks and effects of conflict so they are less exposed to harm as a result of lifesaving assistance | 10,150,000 | 30/03/16 | 29/03/20 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003745 | Humanitarian Support to Syria through undisclosed agency G. | Urgent and medium term needs of vulnerable individuals in Aleppo and Idlib governorate are met; and NGOs are provided dedicated and relevant safety services, which both improve their situational awareness and support their safety management practices. | 20,848,336 | 30/03/17 | 29/03/20 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003746 | Support to the UN World Health Organisation (WHO) for the Syria crisis | To provide support to WHO to enable them to deliver health care to those affected by the conflict in Syria. This will be achieved by equipping primary and secondary health facilities with medical supplies and equipment, and through the provision of refresher training to health professionals. The project will support the provision of disease detection systems and improved health information systems, offering real time data for decision-making to determine whether health is improving and where the needs are greatest. The project will also provide trauma care and mental health and psychosocial support services to those who have been affected by the conflict, including therapy and medication. | 10,125,000 | 30/03/16 | 29/03/20 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003747 | National Registration and Identification System project- Malawi (NRIS) | To support the National Registration Bureau in Malawi to have a well established, functional and sustainable registration and identification system (NRIS) that will support improvements in service delivery, governance, economic and social inclusion | 4,855,000 | 31/12/16 | 30/12/18 | 2 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003748 | Zambia Social Protection Expansion Programme Phase II | To provide small grants to vulnerable households especially those with disabled and elderly persons in order for them to have regular monthly income to take care of their basic needs | 8,450,000 | 29/09/16 | 28/09/20 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003749 | European Union Emergency Trust Fund for stability and addressing root causes of irregular migration and displaced persons in Africa | To work through the EU Emergency Trust Fund to promote stability in three regions of Africa and enable better migration management. This will be achieved by tackling the root causes of forced displacement and irregular migration through creating job opportunities, improving food security and access to health and education services. It will work to improve regional migration management processes including fighting human trafficking and other trans-border crimes, helping people return to their countries of origin and dealing with human rights abuses. This UK contribution will support programmes in development in the Horn of Africa: Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda. This project was approved before the referendum on the UK?s membership of the EU. Work is now under way to understand the implications of leaving the EU for the UK?s development work. | 594,500 | 31/12/16 | 30/12/20 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003750 | Afghanistan Investment Climate Programme (AICP) | To support inclusive economic development in Afghanistan through improvement in the investment climate, including (i) strengthening legal and regulatory frameworks, investor protection, investment risk-sharing instruments and access to land; (ii) building partnerships and dialogue between the private sector and government; (iii) advocacy for the role of private sector in economic development; and (iv) increasing women?s access to capital, assets and business services. | 2,142,857 | 30/07/16 | 29/07/23 | 7 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003751 | Private Sector Malaria Project | The Private Sector Malaria Programme (PSMP) is designed to help ensure sustainability of the Ghana Malaria Prevention, Data and Diagnosis Programme by enhancing private sector engagement in the malaria control programme and specifically in the supply of Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLIN). It is envisaged that more private sector involvement in the malaria control efforts will help boost the domestic resource envelope for malaria control and thereby ensure the sustainability of the entire malaria programme. | 1,666,399 | 14/06/16 | 13/06/19 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003753 | Second phase of humanitarian support for refugees and migrants delivered by Start Network non-governmental organisations responding to the Mediterranean migration crisis. | To deliver humanitarian assistance to vulnerable migrants and refugees stranded in Greece. Activities include the provision of protection services as well as basic services such as food, shelter, healthcare, and water, sanitation and hygiene to vulnerable refugees and migrants. This funding recognises that the situation on the ground has changed, with the majority of refugees and migrants in need now stranded in Greece, and that the humanitarian response must adapt accordingly. The funding is therefore not a continuation of previous UK funding for the NGO Network, but rather additional funding to fill the gaps in the current humanitarian response. The activities funded must therefore be used to fill critical humanitarian gaps or to prepare for a future scaling up of activities through ECHO. This project was approved before the referendum on the UK?s membership of the EU. Work is now under way to understand the implications of leaving the EU for the UK?s development work. | 5,000,000 | 29/09/16 | 28/09/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003754 | Access to Protection and Specialised Health Services in Jordan | To provide refugees and vulnerable Jordanians with increased access to protection and specialised health services (disability rehabilitation), and to enhance the health sector?s capacity. This will be done through assessing the need of beneficiaries and referring them to internal or external services as needed, the provision of rehabilitation services to people with disabilities, and the capacity building of local and national rehabilitation service providers with the ultimate aim of improving nationwide rehabilitation standards and coordination. | 1,937,900 | 30/03/16 | 29/03/18 | 2 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003755 | Transboundary Water Management in Southern Africa | The project will support countries in Southern Africa to manage their shared water resources. It will do this by designing and building water infrastructure such as irrigation schemes, water supply systems and water storage schemes. This will help poor and vulnerable people gain access to clean and safe water, produce a predictable agricultural yield and store water for when it is needed during the dry months of the year. The programme will also help countries to communicate hydrological data between themselves ? thus providing downstream countries with advance notice of floods and enabling countries to optimise how much water is stored in each country to ensure each has enough to meet their basic requirements. | 7,200,000 | 30/03/16 | 29/03/21 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003756 | Support to Lebanon?s Reaching All Children with Education plan (RACE II) | To support the Government of Lebanon?s Reaching All Children with Education in Lebanon II through financing the delivery of formal education for Lebanese and refugee children aged 3-18 in Lebanon. To support the Lebanese Ministry of Education and Higher Education to strengthen their national education system and improve the quality and equity of education, including strategic technical assistance for governance, planning, financing and data performance monitoring. | 23,250,000 | 30/03/16 | 29/03/20 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003757 | Emergency response to humanitarian needs in conflict-affected areas of Ukraine | To provide assistance to vulnerable conflict-affected communities in eastern Ukraine. The project will provide life-saving assistance to the 3.1 million persons in living in areas directly affected by the ongoing conflict. This will be provided through multi-purpose cash grants where possible or through delivery of food, shelter, basic household items and repair to critical infrastructure to provide water and electricity. The project will also provide support to those affected by sexual and gender-based violence and help vulnerable people displaced by the conflict to access basic services, including mental health services. | 6,800,000 | 29/06/16 | 28/06/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003758 | GGF II: The Good Governance Fund - Collaboration with International Financial Institutions and other Partners (II) | Through International Financial Institutions and other multilateral organisations, the Good Governance Fund will support a series of governance and economic reform initiatives, aimed at building stability, reducing poverty and increasing prosperity in Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). The support will focus on areas such as: anti-corruption; improving the business environment; judicial reform; key sector reforms (e.g. banking and energy); strengthening the rule of law; and supporting an independent media. This project was approved before the referendum on the UK?s membership of the EU. Work is now under way to understand the implications of leaving the EU for the UK?s development work. | 2,800,000 | 30/03/16 | 29/03/21 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003759 | Jobs And Growth (JAG) programme to create quality jobs, particularly for youth and women, and support increased growth in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPTs). | The project budget is being spent on designing a multi-component project aimed at alleviating key impediments to economic growth. The World Bank estimates that 350,000 jobs could be created across key economic sectors over 15 years if private sector investment is increased to sufficient levels. The project aims to build on this evidence and offer a way forward to address key obstacles to economic growth and job creation. Improved economic growth and employment will directly reduce poverty and improve quality of life. Women and youth, who are considered the most disadvantaged members of the Palestinian society in terms of employment and income generation, are amongst the project?s main targeted beneficiaries. Palestinian businesses and land owners are also expected to benefit. The project aims to create jobs in specific sectors with high propensity for women and youth, including tourism, IT, agriculture, entrepreneurship, etc. | 125,000 | 06/01/16 | 05/01/19 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003760 | Refugee Children Fund for Europe | To prevent, mitigate and respond to protection risks faced by vulnerable children on the move and in static camps along migratory routes inside Europe, including providing an estimated 500-1,000 accommodation places for vulnerable children at any given time, and assistance and protection for further numbers beyond accommodation services. This project was approved before the referendum on the UK?s membership of the EU. Work is now under way to understand the implications of leaving the EU for the UK?s development work | 10,000,000 | 29/06/16 | 28/06/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003761 | Safety, Support and Solutions Programme for Refugees and Migrants in Europe and the Mediterranean region. | The aim of this programme is to provide lifesaving assistance and protection to vulnerable migrants and refugees during the Mediterranean migration crisis. Activities include the provision of protection services as well as basic services such as shelter, healthcare, water, sanitation and hygiene for refugee and migrant populations at risk, particularly targeting vulnerable groups such as women, girls and unaccompanied children. The programme will also improve systems for offering migrants durable solutions, including restoring family links and reintegration support. It will enhance the quality of information for beneficiaries and improve beneficiary feedback mechanisms. This programme includes emergency assistance to migrants and refugees arriving in Europe ? however this funding does not go through EU mechanisms. | 11,100,001 | 30/03/16 | 29/03/19 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003762 | Strengthening UN Conflict Prevention, Mediation and Peacebuilding Capabilities 2016-20 | To improve the UN?s capacity to respond to crises quickly to prevent them from worsening; to support the UN to build sustainable peace in countries emerging from conflict and to prevent conflict; and to incentivise the pillars of the UN to work together to achieve global peacebuilding objectives. This in turn will deliver improved outcomes for poor and displaced people living in fragile and conflict-affected countries - protecting people caught up in the middle of conflicts, helping communities build peaceful resolutions and supporting communities to live together after conflicts. The direct impact on poor people is expected to include: ? reduced number of people displaced by conflict; ? reduced conflict related deaths; and ? improved economic opportunities for poor people. This programme will deliver support to the UN Peacebuilding Fund (PBF), the UN Department of Political Affairs (DPA), and the Joint UNDP-DPA Programme on Building National Capacities for Conflict Prevention. | 12,375,000 | 30/03/16 | 29/03/20 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003763 | Sustainability in Chinese Outbound Mining Investment | To deliver greater sustainability and social benefits to developing countries through the implementation of Social Responsibility Guidelines for Chinese mining companies. Effective implementation of these Guidelines will result in improved development outcomes for developing countries, including more and higher quality jobs in poor communities, reduced environmental impacts and increased government revenues. | 616,667 | 30/03/16 | 29/03/19 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003764 | Humanitarian Assistance to Burundi 2016 | To provide humanitarian assistance to Burundi in 2016 through projects with the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), and a Humanitarian Assistance Secondment programme for humanitarian agencies including the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and the International Organisation for Migration (IOM). | 5,000,000 | 30/07/16 | 29/07/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003765 | Humanitarian Assistance to Refugees living in camps in Western Tanzania 2016/2017 | The UK will provide ?15m over one year to the support the provision of basic services to 150,000 refugees in camps (Nyarugusu, Nduta, Mtendeli and Karago) and host communities in western Tanzania. The support will include provision of food, water, promotion of sanitation and hygiene, construction of semi-permanent shelters and school buildings, provision of education, safe and secure environment and effective camp management and community management systems for refugees as well as environmental protection projects for host communities. | 15,000,000 | 29/06/16 | 28/06/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003766 | Partnership support for Leave No One Behind | To develop a Partnership and shared approach for implementing the Agenda 2030 pledge to Leave No One Behind, that strengthens data analysis, increases mass awareness and gives voice to the poorest and most excluded people in national and international dialogues. | 1,099,150 | 30/07/16 | 29/07/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003767 | Support to Livelihoods Interventions in Syria - Conflict Security and Stability Fund (CSSF) | To provide sustainable jobs and improve the economic environment for Syrians. The project will support the creation of jobs in a range of sectors (including agriculture, processing and manufacturing) and delivery vocational training focusing on women and youth, to provide greater economic resilience and stability. | 3,000,000 | 30/03/16 | 29/03/19 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003768 | The UK?s contribution to the Facility for Refugees in Turkey. | The Facility will help people who have fled the conflict in Syria and now live in Turkey. Turkey hosts the largest number of refugees in the world, including 2.7 million Syrians. Support will include food, education, health care and job opportunities. Helping refugees and host communities in the region makes an important contribution to addressing the European refugee crisis. Work is now under way to understand the implications of leaving the EU for the UK?s development work. The EU continues to be a significant aid donor and is an important partner in some DFID programmes. All decisions on programme funding are in line with the UK Aid Strategy. | 95,000,000 | 31/12/16 | 30/12/19 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003769 | Overseas Development Institute (ODI) Fellowships Scheme Accountable Grant 2015-2020 | To provide up to 150 junior economists/statisticians to work in developing country Governments and organisations. Every economist/statistician is placed in a developing country Government/organisation Department for 2 years to provide technical economic/statistical support and advice for improved policy making and value for money (economy, efficiency, cost-effectiveness and effectiveness) of service delivery and systems. Building skills and understanding of sound management, transparency and analytical principles amongst staff, they enhance a Department/organisation?s technical capacity, keeping it up to date with new ideas and systems to continue to deliver better outputs for all citizens including the very poor. | 3,623,859 | 30/03/16 | 29/03/20 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003770 | To provide humanitarian support to NRC "Norwegian Refugee Council" in Lebanon | To provide Shelter and WaSH "Water, Sanitation and Hygiene" support to vulnerable Syrian Refugees inside Lebanon. Over 6,000 beneficiaries will be eligible for shelter assistance. | 3,750,000 | 30/03/16 | 29/03/18 | 2 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003771 | Delivering on the 2016 London Anti-Corruption Summit Commitments | To follow through on game-changing Anti-Corruption Summit actions aimed at preventing corruption, ending impunity, and empowering those who have suffered from it. It will focus on strengthening the international architecture and response on anti-corruption, and will include work with new digital technologies to strengthen civil society in partner countries. | 4,448,780 | 31/12/16 | 30/12/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003772 | Building the evidence on forced displacement - a multi-stakeholder partnership | To improve the effectiveness, efficiency and impact of current and potential interventions to support people affected by forced protracted displacement, by generating new research evidence that can be used by humanitarian and development organisations to support more effective policies and interventions for displaced people, hosting countries and communities. This will contribute toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), where the number of forcibly displaced people has increased on average by 1.6 million people per year over the period 2000-2014 posing significant challenges to achieving the SDGs. | 2,500,000 | 30/03/16 | 29/03/20 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003773 | Humanitarian Response to El Nino in Mozambique | To improve the long term needs of the people of Mozambique to the impact of drought exacerbated by the El Nino. This project will improve poor people access to a wide range of essential services in the short and long term including clean water, access to food (short and long term) and livelihoods. The programme will improve the sustainability of farmers to protect their crops against drought. | 12,616,667 | 30/03/16 | 29/03/19 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003774 | The Joint Programme for El Ni?o Drought Response in Lesotho | To support an effective, coordinated humanitarian response in 2016/17 to El Nino emergency to improve the food security and resilience of drought affected households in Lesotho | 4,760,000 | 30/08/16 | 29/08/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003775 | Rural Electrification in Sierra Leone | ?To increase access to clean energy through the creation of environmentally and economically sustainable electric mini-grid systems for small remote rural communities in Sierra Leone by 2020. This is expected to directly benefit around 360,000 people in rural Sierra Leone, and indirectly help up to 1.8 million people access low carbon electricity. This will add more than 10 Mega Watts (MW) to the country?s power generation capacity of an estimated average peak demand requirement of 300-500 MW. There will be a welfare increase in rural communities in terms of saved fuel costs, improved health and education outcomes, improved communications and access to information and health and safety. The project will also result in a significant reduction in Sierra Leone?s future Green House Gas emissions through supported private investment in the installation and operation of renewably-powered mini-grids??. | 8,625,000 | 29/09/16 | 28/09/20 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003776 | Pakistan Nutrition Surveys | Data from the Pakistan Nutrition Surveys will increase the effectiveness of policy and programme decisions to improve nutrition across Pakistan, by ensuring they are based on credible evidence. The National Nutrition Survey will provide robust evidence on the nutritional status of the people of Pakistan. It will also include data to district level on the underlying causes of malnutrition relating to water quality, education, gender empowerment, poverty and food security. It will inform baselines for Sustainable Development Goal targets on nutrition, food security and water and sanitation, and inform the Department for International Development?s nutrition programmes. The survey will be endorsed by the government of Pakistan. The National Complementary Feeding Assessment will provide options for complementary feeding (in addition to breastfeeding) of children six to 24 months in Pakistan. | 4,550,000 | 30/07/16 | 29/07/18 | 2 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003777 | UK Government Prosperity Fund support for Jordan | The HMG prosperity agenda broadly focuses on economic reform and development needed for growth in emerging and developing economies. The Prosperity Fund has been set up to provide financial support to this agenda and aims to contribute to a reduction in poverty in recipient countries, as well as create opportunities for international business, including UK companies. | 1,550,000 | 29/09/16 | 28/09/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003778 | Direct Response through Emergency Cash Transfers | To provide financial grants to food insecure households with children under the age of two that are affected by effects of climate change so as to enable them access basic services (food, water, clothing) to cushion the impact until 2018 | 3,500,000 | 29/09/16 | 28/09/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003780 | Disability Catalyst Programme | A global partnership for action on disability-inclusive development, led by people with disabilities. This project will strengthen the voice of Disabled People?s Organisations at regional, national and global level to advocate for changes in policies, legislations and programmes to ensure they are inclusive of people with disabilities. It will also establish and strengthen mechanisms within the United Nations to deliver on the global goals for people with disabilities, critical to achieving the promise to leave no one behind. | 1,957,063 | 04/01/16 | 03/01/20 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003781 | Protection of Legal Rights of Syrian Refugees and Vulnerable Members of the Host Community in Jordan | To promote and protect legal rights of Syrian refugees and vulnerable members of the host community in Jordan through the provision of information, counselling and legal assistance. To provide information and services to facilitate Syrian refugees to access their rights, including humanitarian services. To ensure Syria refugees are informed and supported in gaining the legal right to work as well as being aware of their employment rights | 950,000 | 30/03/16 | 29/03/18 | 2 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003782 | Libya Humanitarian Response for 2016/17 | To provide humanitarian assistance and protection to people affected by the on-going instability in Libya, including migrants and refugees, and support the the United Nations in coordinating the humanitarian response. | 2,000,000 | 29/06/16 | 28/06/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003783 | Managing Acute Malnutrition in Arid and Semi Arid Lands in Kenya | To reduce High acute malnutrition among children below five years of age who are living in arid and semi arid regions in Kenya, by supporting procurement and distribution of ready to use therapeutic food to treat High acute malnutrition. This will benefit 12,400 children with High acute malnutrition. | 206,667 | 10/03/16 | 09/03/19 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003784 | Support to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and International Organization for Migration (IOM) to address the migration crisis in Yemen ? 2016/17 | To support migrants, refugees, and internally displaced people (IDPs) in Yemen through a comprehensive package of support including monitoring, registration, protection support and the provision of core relief items. | 6,400,000 | 30/05/16 | 29/05/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003786 | UK Contribution to the Government of Nepal?s Post-Earthquake Housing Reconstruction Grant Programme | Contribution to the Government of Nepal's Housing Reconstruction Grant Programme that provides cash grant support to home owners to rebuild damaged houses following the recent devastating earthquake in Nepal. Payments to homeowners will be delivered in three tranches on a conditional basis, i.e. on successful completion of the previous building phase. DFID support of ?4.8 million will help reach out to approximately 11,500 households with first tranche payments. | 5,000,000 | 29/10/16 | 28/10/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003789 | UNICEF Humanitarian Assistance in Jordan | To provide a comprehensive package of support including child protection, water, sanitation, and hygiene services to displaced vulnerable Syrian refugees and host communities in Jordan | 5,333,333 | 30/11/16 | 29/11/19 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003642 | Support to the Public Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF), a multi donor facility aimed at supporting governments attract private sector investment in infrastructure (water and sanitation, energy, telecommunications and irrigation) | DFID supports two components of the programme, the Multi Donor Trust Fund II (MDTF II) and the Sub-National Technical Assistance Programme (SNTA). The MDTFII works with governments to improve the enabling environment to support great private sector investment in infrastructure. The Subnational Technical Assistance Programme (SNTA) helps sub-national authorities access market-based financing, without sovereign guarantees by a) providing financial and legal technical assistance to help structure and finance infrastructure projects and b) strengthening their creditworthiness (credit rating) so they are able to raise funds to fund their own infrastructure needs. | 8,000,000 | 30/10/15 | 29/10/18 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003643 | Family Planning in Bangladesh ? improving quality and access | To provide an additional 800,000 girls and women with quality family planning services including after giving birth and as part of post abortion care. | 1,000,000 | 29/09/16 | 28/09/21 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003644 | Youth Education and Skills programme for economic Growth (YES4Growth) | The project will deliver manifesto commitments on education and contribute to the global goal of inclusive and equitable quality education for all. It will ensure underprivileged youth, especially females, have improved opportunities for basic education, vocational skills and formal employment. The project will also contribute to the UK government's commitment to women's economic empowerment. Over 27,000 (45% girls) youth will benefit from skills development. | 6,600,000 | 31/12/16 | 30/12/20 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003645 | Support to the Enabling Environment for Humanitarian Response in Yemen (2015-16) | To provide rapid, specialist, expertise, transportation and equipment for the UN to enable a more effective and better coordinated response to the humanitarian crisis in Yemen in 2015 | 3,050,029 | 30/07/15 | 29/07/17 | 2 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003646 | Core Contribution (CVC) to World Health Organisation (WHO) 2016-2020 | This programme aims to support WHO reforms that take WHO towards organisational excellence, allowing it to: better deliver value for money; better deliver its global mandate of international health leadership; and ultimately to deliver better health results on the ground for all UK investments. The main areas of WHO organisational reform which the programme seeks progress on are: risk and financial management; transparency; value for money; budgets focussed on key priorities; partnership and effective leadership The programme will also have a focus on an improved WHO response to health emergencies and outbreaks (such as Ebola, Yellow Fever and Zika), reducing the risk to the UK. | 14,500,000 | 30/03/16 | 29/03/20 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003647 | Core support to UNAIDS 2016-2021 | Aim of the project is for UNAIDS to lead, coordinate and strengthen the global response to HIV/AIDS in order to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030. UNAIDS makes an important contribution towards reaching DFID?s Strategic Objective to eliminate extreme poverty through co-ordinating the global response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. As the leading advocate for global action against HIV/AIDS at both the global and country level, UNAIDS plays a key role in delivering against objectives set out in HMG?s Aid Strategy to tackle epidemic diseases and drug resistant infections. UNAIDS also remains an integral part of the international architecture for delivering against Global Goal 3 to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030. | 15,000,000 | 30/03/16 | 29/03/21 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003648 | Strengthening Midwifery in Bangladesh | The project will contribute to the global goal of healthy lives and well-being for all and the manifesto commitment on family planning. It will develop competent and accredited midwives in the private sector. It will also professionalise midwifery in Bangladesh through building capacity and system strengthening. Almost 5500 midwives will be graduated under this project. | 2,900,000 | 29/09/16 | 28/09/21 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003649 | Montserrat Financial Aid 2016/17 - 2018/19 | To support the provision of public services to meet the reasonable assistance needs of the people of Montserrat, including health, education and securing air and sea access, given that Montserrat is not yet self-sufficient. This is in line with the 2012 Overseas Territories White Paper and consistent with relevant elements of UK?s Aid Strategy and DFID?s 2015-2020 Single Departmental Plan. | 14,500,000 | 30/03/16 | 29/03/19 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003650 | Civil Society Support Mechanism Programme | To support to the new Civil Society Support mechanism Foundation to build the capacity of civil society organisations (CSOs) in order to hold the Mozambique government to account and promote responsiveness to the needs of citizens. The Foundation will provide grants and capacity building to Mozambique CSOs, supporting them to take a more strategic, politically savvy approach in their advocacy. It will include a specific focus in supporting the participation of marginalised groups, including women. | 960,000 | 31/12/15 | 30/12/20 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003651 | Corridors for Growth | To increase Tanzania?s infrastructure for trade in three ways (i) Co-financing the Dar Port expansion together with the World Bank and Tanzania Port Authority will double port capacity and enable Tanzania?s entire trade volume to increase by two thirds. (ii) Project preparation funding for six more major regional transport projects are expected to catalyse up to ?600m of concessional development finance. (iii) Launching a new approach to Public-Private Partnerships will improve infrastructure in municipal areas and build capacity for larger PPP?s in the future.The programme is expected to reduce the costs of doing business in Tanzania, contributing to growth, more jobs and lower poverty. The short-term beneficiaries will be users such as traders, logistics providers and public citizens. International business including from the UK will benefit from better access to trade with the region.In the medium to long run, a significant increase in employment is expected from indirect effects. | 14,200,000 | 29/09/16 | 28/09/21 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003790 | Raising Global Standards of Aid Transparency | To improve the transparency of international aid data in line with international standards, so that governments and citizens can gain access to and use aid information to hold decision makers to account. The programme will strengthen the main global aid transparency standard setting body, and support assessment and monitoring of UK and other organisations? transparency performance with appropriate tools and guidance. | 73,306 | 30/03/16 | 29/03/20 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003791 | Humanitarian Response to Hurricane Matthew in the Caribbean | To provide effective response to meet immediate humanitarain needs in the wake of Hurricane Matthew in the Caribbean. Funding will primarily focus on health, WASH and protection activities in Haiti. | 8,000,000 | 29/09/16 | 28/09/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003792 | Municipal Services and Social Resilience Program (Phase II of JESSRP), Conflict, Security and Stability Fund (CSSF) | Support Jordanian municipalities and host communities address the impacts felt on municipal services (such as solid waste management, community spaces and health related infrastructure) as a result of the Syrian crisis. The project also aims to implement activities that respond to community needs, contribute to employment generation and improvements in socio-economic conditions of specific communities whilst strengthening governance structures and support local governments. | 3,333,333 | 31/12/16 | 30/12/19 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003793 | Access to Mental Health and Protection Services in Jordan | IMC will identify eligible refugees in Balqa, Irbid, Jerash, and Mafraq governorates, including Zaatari refugee camp. IMC will assess potential beneficiaries and determine eligibility for which (if any) of the services they provide. IMC will provide mental health services according to the Inter Agency Standing Committee (IASC) global guidelines on mental health services. The project seeks to provide 700 individuals with specialised mental health services; enable 2,400 children to receive integrated protection and psychological support services; provide 3 months cash support to 300 vulnerable families; provide 120 health care providers with mental health training; and ensure that 90 children with mild and moderate developmental disorders receive mental health support. | 1,450,000 | 30/03/16 | 29/03/18 | 2 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003794 | Macroeconomic Technical Assistance Programme | To improve macroeconomic stability in Ghana by strengthening the inflation targeting framework, building the capacity of the central bank to manage financial crisis, and developing the regulatory framework of the Securities and Exchange Commission. This will reduce inflation, bank lending rates, and non-performing loans and improve Ghana?s credit rating. These interventions will contribute toward SDG 8 (Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all) and 16 (Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels) | 1,000,000 | 31/12/16 | 30/12/20 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003796 | Emergency Assistance for Refugees and Host Communities Affected by the Syrian Crisis in Jordan | To provide support to meet the most urgent needs of vulnerable women, girls, men, and boys affected by the Syrian crisis and living in the urban community in Jordan. | 3,000,000 | 30/03/17 | 29/03/18 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000003797 | Strengthening Health, Protection and Assistance for Syrian Refugees and vulnerable Jordanians in Northern Jordan | To provide integrated health, protection and economic recovery services to those affected by the Syria Crisis in Jordan | 4,068,219 | 30/03/17 | 29/03/18 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002787 | Expanding Access to Water & Sanitation | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 279,252 | 01/05/13 | 30/04/17 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002789 | Improving Communication of Research and Evidence for Development (ICRED) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 250,000 | 01/04/15 | 31/03/19 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002794 | Support to Palestinians at Risk of Displacement in Israeli Controlled Area C of the West Bank and Gaza | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 475,000 | 31/03/14 | 30/03/18 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002797 | Support to the Food & Agriculture Organisation (FAO) for implementation of Voluntary Guidelines on Land Tenure | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 697,063 | 01/11/13 | 31/10/17 | 4 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002801 | DFID contribution to the Syria Recovery Trust Fund | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 880,000 | 01/04/14 | 31/03/19 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002806 | Improving Statistics for Food Security, Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 600,000 | 01/11/11 | 31/10/17 | 6 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002812 | GAVI Alliance(formerly the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 29,496,159 | 01/01/10 | 31/12/18 | 9 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002769 | Strengthening Humanitarian Preparedness for Effective Response | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 3,500,000 | 01/04/15 | 31/03/17 | 2 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for International Development | SCH-000002782 | Supporting Democratic and Electoral Processes in Pakistan (SDEPP) | To reduce global poverty in support of the UK_s national interest. Further details on all UK overseas development assistance is available on Development Tracker at | 1,162,831 | 01/05/14 | 30/04/17 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Department for Transport | SCH-000003476 | Mobility Centres Grant 2016/17 | TBC Q1 2017/18 | 3,964,344 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society; Public Organisations | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Transport | SCH-000003500 | Mersey Travel 2016/17 | TBC Q1 2017/18 | 78,491,272 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government; Private | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Transport | SCH-000003562 | Inshore/Inland rescue boat grant 16/17 | To support rescue boat charities search and rescue operations and improve response capability. | 1,000,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 3. Public order and safety |
Department for Transport | SCH-000003554 | Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems Competition 2016/17 | TBC Q1 2017/18 | 3,973,500 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Transport | SCH-000003489 | ACORP 2016/17 | TBC Q1 2017/18 | 285,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society; Public Organisations | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Transport | SCH-000003506 | Nexus Grants - Resource 2016/17 | TBC Q1 2016/17 | 24,844,153 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Department for Transport | SCH-000003405 | CD Challenge Fund Increased Enforcement for Drug Driving | Not set | 800,000 | 15/07/16 | 14/07/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government | 3. Public order and safety |
Department for Transport | SCH-000003407 | CD Challenge Fund for Voluntary Bodies | Not set | 402,000 | 15/07/16 | 14/07/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society; Public Organisations | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Transport | SCH-000003404 | ITS (UK) - Transport Technology Forum | Not set | 15,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society; Private | 1. General public services |
Department for Transport | SCH-000003406 | GLA Transport Grant 2016/17 | TBC Q1 2017/18 | 1,418,364,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Transport | SCH-000003403 | T-TRIG Grants August 2016 | Not set | 834,747 | 03/10/16 | 02/10/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society; Public Organisations | 1. General public services |
Department for Transport | SCH-000000464 | Integrated Transport Block 2016/17 | TBC Q1 2017/18 | 251,222,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Local Government | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Transport | SCH-000003280 | Low Emission Bus Scheme 2016/17 | TBC Q1 2017/18 | 30,388,785 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Transport | SCH-000003276 | On-street residential chargers (CAP) 16/17 | Not set | 1,000,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Civil Society | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Transport | SCH-000003275 | Plug In 2 Wheeler 16/17 | Not set | 500,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Civil Society | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Transport | SCH-000003272 | Low Emission Taxi scheme 16/17 | Not set | 2,000,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Transport | SCH-000003274 | Niche Vehicle Programme 16/17 | Not set | 500,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Central Government | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Transport | SCH-000003279 | On-Street residential chargers support 16/17 | Not set | 118,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Private | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Transport | SCH-000003281 | Air quality joint fund (Jaqu) 16/17 | Not set | 1,000,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Public Organisations | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Transport | SCH-000003277 | Private Workplace 16/17 | Not set | 1,603,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Private | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Transport | SCH-000003282 | Driverless Car 16/17 | Not set | 7,476,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Public Organisations | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Transport | SCH-000003386 | Regional Air Connectivity 2016/17 | TBC Q1 2017/18 | 6,585,761 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Private | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Transport | SCH-000000488 | ITS - Compass4D Project - Newcastle CC | Not set | 325,000 | 05/11/15 | 04/11/17 | 2 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Department for Transport | SCH-000000485 | Bikeability 2016/17 | TBC Q1 2017/18 | 11,398,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Transport | SCH-000000477 | PFI Grant to LA 2016/17 | TBC Q1 2017/18 | 323,350,130 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Local Government | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Transport | SCH-000000484 | LSTF Grants to LA (Revenue) 2016/17 | TBC Q1 2017/18 | 20,632,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Transport | SCH-000000476 | Highways Maintenance Block 2016/17 | TBC Q1 2017/18 | 825,996,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Local Government | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Transport | SCH-000000482 | T-TRIG Grants October 2015 (2016/17) | TBC Q1 2017/18 | 181,865 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society; Public Organisations | 1. General public services |
Department for Transport | SCH-000000489 | ITS - Connected Vehicle Proof of Concept - Westminster CC | Not set | 125,000 | 05/11/15 | 04/11/17 | 2 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Department for Transport | SCH-000000498 | Bus Service Operator Grants to Local Authorities 2016/17 | TBC Q1 2017/18 | 42,569,251 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Department for Transport | SCH-000000496 | LA Majors 2016/17 | TBC Q1 2017/18 | 240,200,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Transport | SCH-000000499 | English Community Transport 2016/17 | TBC Q1 2017/18 | 3,546,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society; Public Organisations | 1. General public services |
Department for Transport | SCH-000000500 | Better Bus Area 2016/17 | TBC Q1 2017/18 | 9,893,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Department for Transport | SCH-000003245 | CAA PUBLIC SAFETY ZONE GRANT 16/17 | Not set | 14,796 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Public Organisations | 1. General public services |
Department for Transport | SCH-000000497 | Bus Service Operator Grants (outside London) 2016/17 | TBC Q1 2017/18 | 192,179,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Private | 1. General public services |
Department for Transport | SCH-000000507 | HM Efficiency Initiative | Not set | 275,000 | 01/04/15 | 31/03/17 | 2 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Transport | SCH-000003507 | Tram Train 2016/17 | TBC Q1 2016/17 | 9,032,930 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Department for Transport | SCH-000003505 | Nexus Grants - Capital 2016/17 | TBC Q1 2017/18 | 30,000,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Department for Transport | SCH-000003370 | Crossrail 16/17 | Not set | 0 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Department for Transport | SCH-000003367 | Smart Ticketing - IOP Operational 16/17 | Not set | 4,250,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government; Private | 1. General public services |
Department for Transport | SCH-000003368 | Smart Ticketing - SEFT Programme 16/17 | Not set | 13,500,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government; Private | 1. General public services |
Department for Transport | SCH-000003371 | Thameslink (Resource) 16/17 | Not set | 8,500,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Private | 1. General public services |
Department for Transport | SCH-000003369 | Smart Ticketing - SEFT Programme (Capital) 16/17 | Not set | 3,900,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government; Private | 1. General public services |
Department for Transport | SCH-000003373 | Thameslink (Non Budget Non Voted) 16/17 | Not set | 0 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Private | 1. General public services |
Department for Transport | SCH-000003372 | Thameslink (Capital) 16/17 | Not set | 1,771,069 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Private | 1. General public services |
Department for Transport | SCH-000001878 | ChallengeFundPinchPoint | Not set | 96,333,333 | 01/04/15 | 31/03/18 | 3 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Department for Transport | SCH-000000552 | Community Transport | Not set | 100,000 | 01/04/15 | 31/03/17 | 2 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society; Public Organisations | 1. General public services |
Department for Transport | SCH-000000637 | RTP and RSSB Research 2016/17 | TBC Q1 2017/18 | 9,796,417 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Private | 3. Public order and safety |
Department for Transport | SCH-000000605 | Bus Inspection | Not set | 50,000 | 01/04/15 | 31/03/17 | 2 | General Grants - Un-competed | Public Organisations | 1. General public services |
Department for Transport | SCH-000000604 | Bus Punctuality | Not set | 567,500 | 01/04/15 | 31/03/17 | 2 | General Grants - Un-competed | Public Organisations | 1. General public services |
Department for Transport | SCH-000000639 | Transport Systems Catapult Centre 2016/17 | TBC Q1 2017/18 | 10,500,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Public Organisations; Private | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Transport | SCH-000003401 | TFL (LOROL) 16/17 | Not set | 27,071,100 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Transport | SCH-000003101 | T-TRIG Grants July 2015 | Not set | 343,126 | 29/06/16 | 28/06/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society; Public Organisations | 1. General public services |
Department for Transport | SCH-000003262 | EV Readiness Project 16/17 | Not set | 345,164 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government; Public Organisations | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Transport | SCH-000003263 | EV Readiness Project - installations 16/17 | Not set | 509,937 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government; Public Organisations | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Transport | SCH-000003251 | Plugged in Car grant - Resource 16/17 | Not set | 15,229,012 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Private | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Transport | SCH-000003250 | Plugged in Car grant - Capital 16/17 | Not set | 86,297,735 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Private | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Transport | SCH-000003257 | Supply Chain & H2 R&D 16/17 | Not set | 3,295,635 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Private | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Transport | SCH-000003258 | Home Chargers 16/17 | Not set | 6,365,058 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Private | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Transport | SCH-000003248 | Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership 16/17 | Not set | 370,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Public Organisations | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Transport | SCH-000003255 | battery Fund Prize - Capital 16/17 | Not set | 7,630,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Private | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Transport | SCH-000003254 | Low Carbon Vehicle Improvement Programme - Capital 16/17 | Not set | 14,300,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Private | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Transport | SCH-000003261 | City Scheme - Capital 16/17 | Not set | 6,383,600 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Transport | SCH-000003249 | Advanced Biofuel Demo 16/17 | Not set | 9,926,291 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Private | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Transport | SCH-000003256 | Green Truck Trial 16/17 | Not set | 3,000,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Private | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Transport | SCH-000003253 | Low Carbon Vehicle Improvement Programme - Resource 16/17 | Not set | 0 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Private | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Transport | SCH-000003260 | City Scheme - Resource 16/17 | Not set | 0 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Transport | SCH-000003264 | Battery Fund Prize - Resource 16/17 | Not set | 0 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Private | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Transport | SCH-000003252 | Plugged in Van grant 16/17 | Not set | 6,474,942 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Private | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Transport | SCH-000003259 | ULEV Comms Campaign 16/17 | Not set | 1,909,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 5. Environment protection |
Department for Transport | SCH-000003247 | Energy Saving Trust 16/17 | Not set | 2,900,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Public Organisations | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Work and Pensions | SCH-000002909 | Service Design and Management - Family Stability (2016) | Not set | 1,300,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Individuals | 10. Social protection |
Department for Work and Pensions | SCH-000002844 | Access to Work - Payment for support workers (2016) | To contribute to the Governments intention to half the disability employment gap over the life of the parliament | 62,612,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Individuals | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Work and Pensions | SCH-000002842 | Access to Work - Others (2016) | To contribute to the Governments intention to half the disability employment gap over the life of the parliament | 98,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Individuals | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Work and Pensions | SCH-000002843 | Access to Work - Travel in work (2016) | To contribute to the Governments intention to half the disability employment gap over the life of the parliament | 706,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Individuals | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Work and Pensions | SCH-000002861 | FSF Partnership Grants to Help Sick/Disabled Clients into Work (2016) | Labour Market | 1,682,880 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Individuals | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Work and Pensions | SCH-000002865 | Housing Benefit Administration (2016) | HB Admin Subsidy- Amounts payed to Local Authorities to administer HB. | 261,755,400 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Local Government | 10. Social protection |
Department for Work and Pensions | SCH-000002849 | Financial Assistance Scheme (2016) | Private Pensions and Stewardship | 201,078,704 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Non-Departmental Public Bodies | 10. Social protection |
Department for Work and Pensions | SCH-000002864 | Discretionary Housing Payments - Local Authorities (2016) | DHP's- Amounts paid to LA's to pay to customers who are at risk of losing their home as a result of welfare reform changes. | 142,500,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Local Government | 10. Social protection |
Department for Work and Pensions | SCH-000002855 | Older People Engagement (2016) | Ageing Society | 65,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Non-Departmental Public Bodies | 10. Social protection |
Department for Work and Pensions | SCH-000002859 | FSF Partnership Grants to Help JSA Clients into Work (2016) | Labour Market | 13,872,336 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Individuals | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Work and Pensions | SCH-000002860 | FSF Partnership Grants to Help Lone Parents into Work (2016) | Labour Market | 682,909 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Individuals | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Work and Pensions | SCH-000002845 | Access to Work - Client payment for special aids (2016) | To contribute to the Governments intention to half the disability employment gap over the life of the parliament | 4,693,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Individuals | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Work and Pensions | SCH-000002841 | Access to Work - Travel to Work (2016) | To contribute to the Government's intention to half the disability employment gap over the life of the parliament | 31,009,431 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Individuals | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Work and Pensions | SCH-000003361 | New Enterprise Allowance Mentor Matching (2016) | Labour Market | -388,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Individuals | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Work and Pensions | SCH-000003265 | FSF Partnership Grants (Others) (2016) | Labour Market | 17,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Individuals | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Work and Pensions | SCH-000000367 | ESF 2014-2020 Programme (2016) | Smart, sustainable and inclusive growth and the achievement of economic, social and territorial cohesion | 250,000,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Work and Pensions | SCH-000003360 | Health and Safety Executive (HSE) (2016) | To reduce work-related injury and ill-health | 130,800,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Non-Departmental Public Bodies | 7. Health |
Department for Work and Pensions | SCH-000003435 | HMCTS IT development costs (2016) | Not set | 578,218 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Central Government | 10. Social protection |
Department for Work and Pensions | SCH-000003437 | ESF IT system development costs (2016) | Not set | 949,484 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Central Government | 10. Social protection |
Department for Work and Pensions | SCH-000004084 | Access to Work - Others (2017) | To contribute to the Governments intention to half the disability employment gap over the life of the parliament | 145,572 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Individuals | 4. Economic affairs |
Department for Work and Pensions | SCH-000003432 | Working Well/Working Together (2016) | To meet Housing New Burdens but for different Welfare Reform measures | 1,400,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Local Government | 10. Social protection |
Department for Work and Pensions | SCH-000003428 | UC DHP payments and LA Data Sharing (LADS) costs (2016) | To meet Housing New Burdens but for different Welfare Reform measures | 4,158,730 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Local Government | 10. Social protection |
Department for Work and Pensions | SCH-000003430 | Fraud and Error Reduction (FERIS) (2016) | To meet Housing New Burdens but for different Welfare Reform measures | 2,577,634 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Local Government | 10. Social protection |
Department for Work and Pensions | SCH-000003440 | HMCTS UC rollout costs (2016) | Not set | -116,037 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Central Government | 10. Social protection |
Department for Work and Pensions | SCH-000003442 | Personalisation pathfinders and other Disability programmes (2016) | Not set | 144,960 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Private | 10. Social protection |
Department for Work and Pensions | SCH-000003445 | Single Fraud Investigation Service (SFIS) (2016) | To meet Housing New Burdens but for different Welfare Reform measures | 1,519,972 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Local Government | 10. Social protection |
Department for Work and Pensions | SCH-000003444 | TV licences for over-75s (2016) | Not set | 628,722,890 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Public Organisations | 10. Social protection |
Department for Work and Pensions | SCH-000003423 | Benefit Cap Costs (2016) | To meet Housing New Burdens but for different Welfare Reform measures | 14,713,751 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Local Government | 10. Social protection |
Department of Energy and Climate Change | SCH-000004094 | HNDU Round 6 | To provide grant funding to local authorities in England and Wales to support the development stages of heat networks. | 2,828,845 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government | 5. Environment protection |
Department of Energy and Climate Change | SCH-000004095 | Micro-seismicity project | To investigate natural and induced micro-earthquakes in petroleum reservoirs and mining settings. | 19,000 | 22/08/16 | 21/08/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Public Organisations | 4. Economic affairs |
Department of Energy and Climate Change | SCH-000004092 | Local Energy Planning | To support and develop local energy planning being undertaken by Local Enterprise Partnerships and Local Authorities. | 1,025,000 | 01/03/17 | 28/02/18 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government | 4. Economic affairs |
Department of Energy and Climate Change | SCH-000004091 | Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) 16/17 | A scheme to encourage homes and businesses to install heating systems using renewable sources of heat | 545,000,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Public Organisations; Private; Individuals | 4. Economic affairs |
Department of Energy and Climate Change | SCH-000003387 | Energy Enterpreneurs Fund (EEF) - Phase 5 | A scheme to support the development and demonstration of state of the art technologies, products and processes in the areas of energy efficiency, power generation and heat and electricity storage. | 2,250,000 | 01/03/17 | 28/02/21 | 4 | General Grants - Competed | Private | 5. Environment protection |
Department of Energy and Climate Change | SCH-000003384 | Big Energy Savings Network (BESN) | The scheme provided the opportunity for frontline organisations/third sector community interest groups to provide ?assisted action? to vulnerable consumers and to focus on helping consumers to reduce their energy costs and consumption. | 900,000 | 08/08/16 | 07/08/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Public Organisations | 5. Environment protection |
Department of Energy and Climate Change | SCH-000000386 | Marine Energy | Contribution to tidal array project | 5,000,000 | 01/04/15 | 31/03/17 | 2 | General Grants - Competed | Private | 5. Environment protection |
Department of Energy and Climate Change | SCH-000000387 | Offshore Wind | Not set | 3,027,949 | 01/04/14 | 31/03/17 | 3 | General Grants - Competed | Private | 5. Environment protection |
Department of Energy and Climate Change | SCH-000000379 | International Climate Finance (ICF) 16/17 | Help developing countries adapt to the impacts of climate change and move onto a low carbon growth path. | 332,000,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | International | 5. Environment protection |
Department of Energy and Climate Change | SCH-000000532 | Heat Network Investment Project (HNIP) | A scheme to provide time-limited capital support to support the construction of heat networks projects in England and Wales. | 9,707,382 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government | 5. Environment protection |
Department of Health | SCH-000002948 | Increase awareness of organ and stem cell donation and sign ups to the Organ Donation and Stem Cell Registers in the Pakistani community in Birmingham. | Aims to build on the experience and evidence gained using the Peer Educator (PE) community health engagement model to develop a new volunteer-based structure which incorporates a remunerated local Peer Educator Co-ordinator role.? The evidence based PE model offers a targeted, flexible and tailored approach to delivering key health messages and effecting behavioural change amongst at risk groups. | 10,000 | 20/06/16 | 19/06/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 7. Health |
Department of Health | SCH-000003555 | WHO FCTC Tobacco Control Project | Strengthening Tobacco control by supporting the implementation of the WHO Framework convention on Tobacco control (WHO FCTC) in low- and middle-Income countries (LMIC's) | 2,694,000 | 16/10/16 | 15/10/21 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 7. Health |
Department of Health | SCH-000003557 | Increase the accessibility and availability of Public Access Defibrillators in England 2016/17 | To increase public access and availability of Defribrillators through training,maintenance and locations. | 1,000,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 7. Health |
Department of Health | SCH-000003582 | National Infant Feeding Network - Neonatal | To increase the number of mothers breastfeeding babies in neonatal units. | 20,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 7. Health |
Department of Health | SCH-000003586 | S31 Grant to Leicestershire County Council for the Data Sharing Centre of Excellence | Centre of Excellence collaboration between local and central government hosted by Leicestershire County Council. Its main focus is on practical, on-the-ground solutions to information sharing barriers, providing managers and practitioners with stories, etc | 500,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 7. Health |
Department of Health | SCH-000003556 | CAPITAL GRANT 16-17 FOR NMDS-SC AND OTHER CAPITAL PROJECTS 2015/16 | Related to Social Care | 1,000,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 7. Health |
Department of Health | SCH-000003523 | BSA Social Work Bursary 2016/17 | Bursaries for Social Work students | 55,000,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Central Government | 7. Health |
Department of Health | SCH-000003524 | BSA Education Support Grant Scheme 2016/17 | Education support grant given to organisations who provide student placements | 21,200,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Central Government | 7. Health |
Department of Health | SCH-000003563 | NCB-CYPHOA | To provide findings recommendations and examples of good practice which can improve standards of care for children and young people. | 34,757 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 7. Health |
Department of Health | SCH-000003564 | Funding to Alzheimer's Society to support the World Dementia Council Executive Team 2016/17 | To support the World Dementia Council (WDC) Executive Team to support the WDC to provide global advocacy, challenge and solutions to improve dementia prevention, diagnois, care and support and to quicken the time taken to find a cure or disease-modification | 69,500 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 7. Health |
Department of Health | SCH-000003576 | Development of a National Baby Loss Bereavement Care Pathway | Reduce variation in provision of Bereavement Care by NHS to parents who have lost a baby | 50,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 7. Health |
Department of Health | SCH-000003588 | Peer Educator Organ Donation Project | A Volunteer Peer Educator led 12 month Community pilot project to Increase awareness of organ donation and sign up?s to the NHS ODR in Tower Hamlets, London. | 20,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 7. Health |
Department of Health | SCH-000003590 | Social Care, Ageing and Disability | To produce resources for people with learning disability/autism about human rights. | 44,966 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 7. Health |
Department of Health | SCH-000003584 | 3D Smart Homes - Second Phase | To deliver the commitments in the Prime Minister's Challenge on Dementia 2020 to ensure England is the best country in the world for dementia care and support, and for people with dementia, their carers and families to live, and the best place in the world. | 47,125 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 7. Health |
Department of Health | SCH-000003593 | Health North Connected Health Cities | Project to pilot 4 "Connected Health Cities" (_16m) in the North will be used as a proof of concept initiative; to understand and design the CHCs and ?Ark?* (*Information nucleus of each CHC combinatorial health innovation centres for health and social data analysis) methodologies. | 838,557 | 01/04/15 | 31/03/20 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 7. Health |
Department of Health | SCH-000003228 | Local Reform and Community Voices grant 2016/17 | To provide additional funding for Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DOLS) in Hospitals; additional local Healthwatch funding, and; funding for the transfer to local authorities of responsibility for commissioning Independent NHS Complaints Advocacy Services. | 3,283,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Local Government | 10. Social protection |
Department of Health | SCH-000003229 | Social Care in Prisons grant 2016/17 | The provision of care and support for those in custodial settings is based on the principle of equivalence to provision in the community. | 10,450,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Local Government | 10. Social protection |
Department of Health | SCH-000003457 | Grant to the National Suicide Prevention Alliance | Reduce suicide by 10% by 2020/21, as recommended by the Five Year Forward View for mental health | 60,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 7. Health |
Department of Health | SCH-000003987 | Devon Partnerships NHS Trust | VAT Waiver | 21,835 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/18 | 2 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 7. Health |
Department of Health | SCH-000003459 | Think Ahead | Think Ahead will drive system-wide improvement in mental health services | 5,566,667 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/19 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 7. Health |
Department of Health | SCH-000003514 | SCIE(TLAP Work Programme) | Implementation of the Care Act (2014) and Personalisation agenda | 750,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 7. Health |
Department of Health | SCH-000003573 | Dementia Action Alliance 16/17 | To provide support to the Dementia Action Alliance a group of Organisations who are working collaboratively on Dementia | 50,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 7. Health |
Department of Health | SCH-000003973 | Care England | The project aims to: Support innovation in the care sector; develop clinical roles; support the professional development of nurses in the sector; raise the profile of nursing careers in the care sector and create a clear and positive image of care homes that encourages nurses to consider and take up a nursing career in the sector. | 100,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 7. Health |
Department of Health | SCH-000003984 | The Thalidomide Trust | The intention of the Thalidomide Health Grant is to meet the health and wellbeing needs of thalidomiders | 8,000,000 | 01/04/13 | 31/03/23 | 10 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 7. Health |
Department of Health | SCH-000003461 | Change4Life Sports Clubs in primary schools to be sustained for longer term 2016/17 | increase physical activity participation and reduce physical inactivity | 1,080,906 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed; General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 7. Health |
Department of Health | SCH-000003548 | Skills for Care Work Programme | Supporting Social Care | 22,300,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 7. Health |
Department of Health | SCH-000001887 | Fleming Fund 2015/16 - 2020-21 | To support low and middle income countries (LMICs) in tackling antimicrobial resistance (AMR). It is funded through Official Development Assistance (ODA). | 53,000,000 | 01/04/15 | 31/03/20 | 5 | General Grants - Competed | International | 7. Health |
Department of Health | SCH-000003515 | Grant to Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) | To support tobacco control | 160,000 | 11/07/16 | 10/07/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 7. Health |
Department of Health | SCH-000003434 | Grant to the British Association of Cosmetic Nurses to partially fund the cost of establishing the Joint Council of Cosmetic Practitioners (JCCP) | To improve patient safety for those individual who have cosmetic procedures | 50,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 7. Health |
Department of Health | SCH-000000391 | Health and Social Care Volunteering Fund (HSCVF) 2015/16 | Health and Social Care Volunteering Fund. | 697,444 | 01/04/15 | 31/03/19 | 4 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 7. Health |
Department of Health | SCH-000000390 | Innovation Excellence and Strategic Development (IESD) 2015/16 | Innovation, Excellence and Strategic Development. | 1,448,773 | 01/04/15 | 31/03/19 | 4 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 7. Health |
Department of Health | SCH-000003572 | Dementia Education and Training for the Housing Sector | To deliver training on Dementia to Staff working in the Housing Sector | 25,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 7. Health |
Department of Health | SCH-000002945 | Capital Funding to Support Drug and Alcohol Recovery Services | to reduce the number misusing illegal and other harmful drugs and increase the number who successfully recover from drug dependence | 10,000,000 | 07/04/16 | 06/04/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Non-Departmental Public Bodies | 7. Health |
Department of Health | SCH-000002956 | Health and Care Voluntary Sector Strategic Partner Programme 2016/17 | General aim is to utilise knowledge and expertise of voluntary and community sector within health and care to support and take forward DH, NHS England and PHE priorities and improve health and care outcomes. | 3,996,559 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed; General Grants - Criteria Based | Civil Society | 7. Health |
Department of Health | SCH-000003460 | Child Migrants Trust 2016/17 | The provision of support and services to former child migrants and the management of the Family Restoration Fund The grant helps to provide support for people who have suffered considerable distress and loss (eg of family relations) as a result of government policy. No payments are made to individuals in respect of the distress or loss, but services such as tracing and counselling services are provided to individuals. | 674,500 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/18 | 2 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 7. Health |
Department of Health | SCH-000003456 | Grant to Mind to for Phase 3 of the Time to Change Programme. | 1. Increased number of people with lived experience of mental health problems empowered to take action to challenge stigma and discrimination. 2. People with lived experience of mental health problems reporting reduced levels of discrimination. 3.Public behaviour and attitudes towards people with mental health problems improve | 2,497,956 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/21 | 5 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 7. Health |
Foreign and Commonwealth Office | SCH-000003462 | Overseas Territories | FCO Policy Objectives | 4,750,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | International | 1. General public services |
Foreign and Commonwealth Office | SCH-000003463 | WW1 Centenary | FCO Policy Objectives | 80,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | International | 1. General public services |
Foreign and Commonwealth Office | SCH-000003467 | Prosperity Fund | HMG Prosperity Objectives | 54,000,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | International | 1. General public services |
Foreign and Commonwealth Office | SCH-000003466 | Conflict, Security and Stability Fund | CSSF Policy Objectives | 348,000,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | International | 1. General public services |
Foreign and Commonwealth Office | SCH-000001967 | War Crimes - ICC Victims Fund | FCO Policy Objectives | 285,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | International | 1. General public services |
Foreign and Commonwealth Office | SCH-000001963 | Holocaust Remembrance | FCO Policy Objectives | 26,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | International | 1. General public services |
Foreign and Commonwealth Office | SCH-000001943 | Drugs and Crime | FCO Policy Objectives | 1,200,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | International | 1. General public services |
Foreign and Commonwealth Office | SCH-000001954 | Future International Leaders | FCO Policy Objectives | 600,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | International | 1. General public services |
Foreign and Commonwealth Office | SCH-000001953 | Europe Bilateral | FCO Policy Objectives | 4,910,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | International | 1. General public services |
Foreign and Commonwealth Office | SCH-000001937 | Wilton Park | FCO Policy Objectives | 1,400,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | International | 1. General public services |
Foreign and Commonwealth Office | SCH-000001959 | Eastern Europe & Central Asia. Bilateral | FCO Policy Objectives | 1,800,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | International | 1. General public services |
Foreign and Commonwealth Office | SCH-000001970 | South Asia & Afghanistan. Bilateral | FCO Policy Objectives | 2,673,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | International | 1. General public services |
Foreign and Commonwealth Office | SCH-000001965 | International Appointments | FCO Policy Objectives | 167,500 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | International | 1. General public services |
Foreign and Commonwealth Office | SCH-000001944 | Open Source Data | FCO Policy Objectives | 780,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | International | 1. General public services |
Foreign and Commonwealth Office | SCH-000001938 | Scholarships | FCO Policy Objectives | 59,350,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | International | 1. General public services |
Foreign and Commonwealth Office | SCH-000001964 | Magna Carta Fund for Human Rights and Democracy | FCO Policy Objectives | 10,599,009 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | International | 1. General public services |
Foreign and Commonwealth Office | SCH-000001939 | Americas Directorate Bilateral | FCO Policy Objectives | 3,270,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | International | 1. General public services |
Foreign and Commonwealth Office | SCH-000001941 | Maritime Security | FCO Policy Objectives | 1,339,513 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | International | 1. General public services |
Foreign and Commonwealth Office | SCH-000001952 | Asia Pacific Bilateral | FCO Policy Objectives | 3,630,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | International | 1. General public services |
Foreign and Commonwealth Office | SCH-000001962 | Middle East & North Africa Bilateral | FCO Policy Objectives | 1,200,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | International | 1. General public services |
Foreign and Commonwealth Office | SCH-000001968 | Westminster Foundation for Democracy | FCO Policy Objectives | 3,500,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | International | 1. General public services |
Foreign and Commonwealth Office | SCH-000001940 | Counter Proliferation | FCO Policy Objectives | 3,020,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | International | 1. General public services |
Foreign and Commonwealth Office | SCH-000001969 | South Asia & Afghanistan. Afghanistan | FCO Policy Objectives | 3,195,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | International | 1. General public services |
Foreign and Commonwealth Office | SCH-000001966 | Rules Based International System | FCO Policy Objectives | 9,994,216 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | International | 1. General public services |
Foreign and Commonwealth Office | SCH-000001957 | Africa Bilateral | FCO Policy Objectives | 972,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | International | 1. General public services |
Foreign and Commonwealth Office | SCH-000001921 | Arab Partnership | FCO Policy Objectives | 12,058,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | International | 1. General public services |
HM Revenue & Customs | SCH-000001902 | HMRC Grant Funding Programme | Working with VCS organisations to provide advice and support to people who need extra help understanding and complying with their obligations and claiming their entitlements. To assist customers who are currently digitally excluded to build their confidence and capability to use HMRC?s online services for themselves. | 1,666,667 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/19 | 3 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
HMT Central Exchequer | SCH-000003091 | Charitable donations from LIBOR 2016-2017 | Banking fines - Treasury to direct to various Armed Forces causes. | 40,693,389 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 2. Defence |
HM Treasury | SCH-000004148 | UKFI 2016-17 | Not set | 2,086,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Central Government; Public Organisations | 1. General public services |
HM Treasury | SCH-000002830 | OBR 2016-17 | Not set | 2,749,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Central Government; Public Organisations | 1. General public services |
HM Treasury | SCH-000002832 | UKGI 2016-17 | Not set | 11,112,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Central Government; Public Organisations | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003473 | FAL_Forensic Archive Limited Liquidation Aid_16/17 | Following the wind-down of Forensic Science Services (FSS), Ministers agreed to retain and provide funding for the FSS archive of forensic case materials. The archive passed into the management of FSS?s successor company, Forensic Archive Ltd (FAL) a government owned company, on 1st October 2012. | 1,000,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Non-Departmental Public Bodies | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000003481 | DIR lighting, VMS and CCTV ? Amiens funds 2016-17 | The purpose of the Grant Agreement is to enhance the security of both the Port of Calais and Eurotunnel?s Coquelles terminal by providing lighting, Variable Message Signs and CCTV cameras so that migrants can be deterred and detected from attacking the HGV?s or causing deliberate accidents on the A16 approach roads which will provide Migrants with easy opportunities to conceal themselves in freight vehicles to gain illegal entry to the UK and prevent accidents on the A16 which may cause serious injury or death of French Law Enforcement Officers, Drivers, Passengers and Migrants. | 1,800,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003480 | Calais Ville works on Rail Motorway 2016-17 | The aim of the works is to provide security fencing and undergrowth clearance for the new Rail Freight Motorway which is a brand new service bringing unaccompanied trailers loaded onto purpose built carriages from La Boulou (Perpignan) to Port of Calais. The rail line travels through the middle of the town of Calais before it enters the Port of Calais | 178,215 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003486 | Calais Children - IOM 2016-17 | The grant will be used by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to arrange transportation to relocate ?Calais children? and HOescorts fromFrance to the UK. | 139,104 | 01/11/16 | 31/10/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003485 | Provision of Detection Equipment at the Port of Calais 2016-17 | To support HO business objective of reducing illegal immigration & supports clandestine deterrence & prevention work led by the BIS Gold Team. To deliver the Ministerial commitments made in the September 2014, August 2015 and March 2016 Joint Declarations. Following a Joint Security Review, undertaken on 13 April 2016 by a team of UK and French port security experts, the UK and France agreed at the Migration Committee to support the recommendations to further secure the port approach road in the vicinity of the camp and to secure the East Port area. It was agreed that funding allocated by the UK for infrastructure works following the Amiens Declaration would be used for this work. | 250,000 | 01/01/17 | 31/12/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003483 | Eurotunnel security enhancements 2016-17 | The purpose of the Grant Agreement is to enhance the security of Eurotunnel?s Coquelles site by improving perimeter security and maintaining fluidity of the site to prevent stationary HGV?s building up on the A16 approach road and providing migrants with easy opportunities to break into trailers, so that they can conceal themselves amongst the load and gain illegal entry to the UK. | 5,868,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003484 | Imkaan Grant - Sustaining Dedicated and Specialist Services 2016-17 | Capability and capacity building to support specialist BME VAWG services in the commissioning process | 100,000 | 23/12/16 | 22/12/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003488 | Leaving Care 2016-17 | Section 55 of the Borders, Citizenship and Immigration Act 2009 requires the Home Office to carry out its immigration, asylum and nationality functions in a way that has regard to the need to safeguard and promote the welfare (or ?best interests?) of children in the UK. | 12,100,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003479 | International Criminal Records Requests 2016-17 | This grant is to provide funding for ACRO Criminal Records Office (ACRO) to undertake overseas criminal convictions checks at the request of the Home Office and its business areas. | 125,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Public Organisations | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003518 | FRS National Fire Chiefs Council Project Grant | The Government?s ambition is to create a fire and rescue service that is more accountable, effective and professional. We are working with the service on: efficiency and collaboration, accountability and transparency and workforce reform. Prompted by the transfer of fire responsibility to the Home Office in January and the announcement of the Fire Reform programme, The Chief Fire Officers Association( CFOA) considered the future direction for the Association and explored alternative operating models to: - Strengthen the professional/operational leadership of the fire and rescue service - Improve national co-ordination - Reduce duplication; increase efficiency - Support local service delivery - Provide increased influence for Fire and Rescue Authorities and their services. The outcome of these deliberations will see a new operating model being established from April 2017 including the establishment of a National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC) and the current Presidential model replaced by a Chair who would be a full time, The current four CFOA Directorates would be replaced by a number of co-ordinating committees operating at a strategic level and reflecting the wider fire reform programme. The new arrangements will enable CFOA/NFCC to deliver against the Home Office Fire Reform programme more effectively and swiftly The grant funding will provide a clear, costed, time-bound plan for introducing arrangements to support CFOA?s new ?operating model? that are fit-for-purpose, as well as being lower-cost and more resilient than the support arrangements current provided by the CFOA HQ operation. | 26,950 | 17/02/17 | 16/02/18 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000003521 | Domestic Homicide Review Training | Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHR) have a key role in helping to understand what lessons can be learned regarding the way local professionals and agencies work together to safeguard victims and how service responses can be made more effective. The Multi-agency Statutory Guidance for the Conduct of Domestic Homicide Reviews has been updated to take account of changes since the guidance was last revised in 2013. The revised guidance emphasises the importance of involving family and friends in reviews; reiterates the need to ensure the review panel composition has a sufficiently diverse mix of statutory and voluntary sector representation, as well as relevant expertise; and provides improved templates to help standardise the structure of reports. The former Home Secretary committed to oversee the delivery of the recommendations made by HMIC in their 2015 Inspection of the Police Response to domestic abuse. One of the recommendations was that by September 2016, the Home Office should ensure that conclusions from DHRs are shared swiftly and effectively with police forces, Police and Crime Commissioners and domestic abuse practitioners. We have also published the key findings from a study of a sample of DHRs undertaken by Home Office researchers (available on the link below). Since April 2011, when DHRs were put on a statutory footing, there have been in excess of 400 DHR reports submitted to the Home Office to be quality assured by a panel of experts from the statutory and voluntary sectors. DHRs provide a rich source of information on the nature of domestic homicide, the context in which it occurs and, most importantly, the lessons that can be learned from the tragic event. The aim of this piece of work was to encourage local areas to embed the learning from this report, share best practice and consider improvements to local practice, policies, operational processes and services to safeguard victims and prevent domestic homicide. | 70,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000003530 | Police Core Grant Distribution Modelling 2016-2017 | This grant agreement is for undertaking multilevel statistical analysis to understand the predictors of crime and other demands on the police at the local level. This work is essential to inform the review of the Police Core Grant Distribution. There are two key deliverables for this grant: 1) 7 February, 2017: delivery of initial modelling paper on drivers of crime and demands on the police, including preliminary quality assurance; 2) 28 February, 2017: delivery of final paper, taking on board HO and Technical Reference Group feedback and quality assurance. Additional analytical work and quality assurance will be required up to 31 May, 2017. This work will be specified by the Technical Reference Group following the February deliveries. | 35,000 | 01/01/17 | 31/12/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003531 | Independent Review of Operation RADAR 2016-2017 | This grant is intended to provide funds in advance for an independent review of Operation RADAR, specifically, the extent to which Operation RADAR addressed intelligence issues regarding foreign national offenders. This work is to be undertaken by Dr. David Strachan-Morris at University of Leicester. | 5,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003561 | ESMCP-Control Room Upgrade. | The grant funding is being provided for essential upgrades to the Police Control rooms to enable all forces to move from the current Airwave system to the new ESN system. If the Police Authorities do not receive this grant funding they will not have provision to upgrade their control rooms and will not be able to move over to the new system before the Airwave system is shut down in December 2019. It is therefore essential all Police forces receive this grant funding in order to facilitate a smooth transition to the new ESN system. The grant funding for control room upgrades was top sliced from the main Police Grant that went out to all PCC?s this year on the understanding (and agreement of the Home Sec) that it would be given out to PCC?s (but on a different basis to that of the ?formula? applied to the police main grant). The Home Sec agreed to this ?top-slice/re-allocation? because Police Chiefs had also agreed to this concept. The primary reason for this top slice was due to the fact that the funding formula would not have allocated control room funding on an appropriate basis. The basis for apportionment was developed by the ESMCP control room manager after consultation with relevant stakeholders in the industry. The police forces therefore need this additional grant funding to allow them to carry out this essential work as funding was deliberately withheld from the main police grant to allow for an alternative method of apportionment. | 37,000,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Public Organisations | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000003560 | Responding to New Risks | The capability is a requirement of Government for national security safety. Failure to provide funding will result in fire and rescue authorities (FRAs) not having the necessary resources to provide the MTFA capability to work with police and ambulance as required, as FRAs would not be able to justify locally. This capability is an additional role to business as usual. Instruction for completion - Please record the basis for which this grant is being made. This must not be a repetition of the expected outcomes (as detailed in section 6) and must 1. be an explanation of the impact of not providing funding; 2. evidence that without funding, this activity could not go ahead; 3. evidence that the recipient is not already funded (either within its own income/ revenue or through receipt of grants from other bodies) to do this activity. Note: For funding to Police bodies, there will also need to be details provided to confirm this activity is additional and thus necessitates additional funding; and, where police resources are being moved from one area to another, that only actual costs of backfilling those positions are included within this cost of the grant stream. | 1,909,725 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000003559 | Law commission Search Warrant Project. | ? The aim of the grant stream is to support the work of the Law Commission on search warrants. The Commission?s purpose is to rationalise and streamline the search powers, which is repeatedly being challenged in the courts, to ensure they are more coherent. This would ensure that there is no ambiguity around what an agency must do in order to comply with its statutory obligations when applying for a warrant | 37,500 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Public Organisations | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000003558 | DOMESTIC ABUSE HOUSING ALLIANCE SELF ASSESSMENT TOOL | The national Violence against Women and Girls Strategy 2016-2020 (?Ending Violence against Women and Girls?) lays out an ambitious vision for the elimination of violence against women and girls. This funding will support the earlier identification of abuse in private as opposed to public spaces, and enable housing professionals to signpost victims of domestic abuse to services for support. The _30,000 grant will be used to develop a toolkit for housing providers to self-assess their response to domestic abuse and provide an improvement framework that contributes towards improving the housing sector response to domestic abuse. | 30,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000003972 | Tetra Devices for Metropolitan Police 16/17 | The MPS have aligned their entire device holdings ( approx. 44,000 handsets) end of life to match the ESN transition timetable, which is subject to a delay of nine months. Based on the need to extend for one further year it is estimated 4380 radios will fail, the total costs to replace these radios is _3.98m. Replacing these radios will significantly reduce the operational risks associated with the need to continue to use Tetra (airwave) devices, until the end of 2020. To further mitigate the risk, the new devices will be issued to Special Operations, (SO), and Specialist Crime and Operations, (SC&O) ? recycling their radios within Territorial Policing. Following the successful roll out of ESN for MPS, any functional radios that are surplus to MPS requirements will then be made available to other forces as directed by the ESN Programme Board. Thus the investment in these additional devices can further mitigate the potential obsolescence risk occurring in other forces. This section 31 grant has received Ministerial approval which is attached to the email to the FMU grants team. | 3,980,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Public Organisations | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003469 | Syrian Resettlement Programme (SRP) (LA) Yrs 2 - 5 2016-17 | For the UK to resettle up to 20,000 Syrian refugees during this Parliament. | 5,000,000 | 22/09/16 | 21/09/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003468 | Amiens Joint Funt Grant 2016-17 | Work with French Authorities to Migration arrangements at French Ports therby resucing the risk of illegal migration to the UK. | 7,000,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003470 | Calais Port Security Enhancements 2016-17 | To further secure Ports in France and thus reduce illegal migrant intrusion. | 1,158,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003520 | Missing People Support Services Funding | Impact of not providing funding. Missing People Limited has submitted an application of the Department confirming that in the absence of further funding they do not have means to support the additional costs associated providing services in response to the increased level of police referrals (requests for assistance have effectively doubled this year). In the absence of funding, this means that the charity will be unable to provide services in response to referrals exceeding last year?s level. This will severely impact on the number of missing people receiving specialist services and on the quality of support, if any, these people will received. Evidence that without funding, this activity could not go ahead. The charity has confirmed that no other source of funding to meet the costs associated with the increased level of referrals has been identified. No means of meeting these costs has been identified, meaning that this continued level of services provision will otherwise not go ahead. Evidence that the recipient is not already funded. The charity has submitted an application to the Department confirming that it has no funding to support costs associated with responding to the increased level of referrals. | 77,519 | 17/02/17 | 16/02/18 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000003519 | ESMCP ? FRS Control Room Upgrade. | 1.Be an explanation of the impact of not providing funding: Failure to provide funding will result in Fire and Rescue Services not being able to transition to the new national Emergency Services Network. As a result, from the National Airwave Shut-Down date, the Fire Services would have no resilient communications system or interoperability with colleagues from Police or Ambulance. 2.Evidence that without funding, this activity could not go ahead: As above, the funding is sought to address costs which are a New Burden. English Fire and Rescue Services were invited to provide Sign-Off to transition to ESMCP. This was provided by all English Chief Fire Officers on the basis that funding was provided. Failure to provide the funding would result in that Sign-Off being withdrawn. 3.Evidence that the recipient is not already funded (either within its own income/ revenue or through receipt of grants from other bodies) to do this activity: The funding is to address costs which are a New Burden, and not business as usual functions carried out by Fire and Rescue Authorities. | 20,149,515 | 17/02/17 | 16/02/18 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000003537 | SMP UASC Co-ordination Role North West 2016-2017 | As part of the commitment to ensure a fair and equitable distribution of unaccompanied asylum seeking and refugee children across the country the SMP will act as a single point of contact for all local authorities in the region, coordinating and facilitating the transfer of unaccompanied children: - into their region from outside of the region (e.g. Kent) - within their region | 60,000 | 01/10/16 | 30/09/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003543 | SMP UASC Co-ordination Role West Midlands 2016-2017 | As part of the commitment to ensure a fair and equitable distribution of unaccompanied asylum seeking and refugee children across the country the SMP will act as a single point of contact for all local authorities in the region, coordinating and facilitating the transfer of unaccompanied children: - into their region from outside of the region (e.g. Kent) - within their region | 60,000 | 01/10/16 | 30/09/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003541 | SMP UASC Co-ordination Role South West 2016-2017 | As part of the commitment to ensure a fair and equitable distribution of unaccompanied asylum seeking and refugee children across the country the SMP will act as a single point of contact for all local authorities in the region, coordinating and facilitating the transfer of unaccompanied children: - into their region from outside of the region (e.g. Kent) - within their region | 60,000 | 01/10/16 | 30/09/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003534 | SMP UASC Co-ordination Role East Midlands 2016-2017 | As part of the commitment to ensure a fair and equitable distribution of unaccompanied asylum seeking and refugee children across the country the SMP will act as a single point of contact for all local authorities in the region, coordinating and facilitating the transfer of unaccompanied children: - into their region from outside of the region (e.g. Kent) - within their region | 60,000 | 01/10/16 | 30/09/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003544 | SMP UASC Co-ordination Role Yorkshire and the Humber 2016-2017 | As part of the commitment to ensure a fair and equitable distribution of unaccompanied asylum seeking and refugee children across the country the SMP will act as a single point of contact for all local authorities in the region, coordinating and facilitating the transfer of unaccompanied children: - into their region from outside of the region (e.g. Kent) - within their region | 60,000 | 01/10/16 | 30/09/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003539 | SMP UASC Co-ordination Role Scotland 2016-2017 | As part of the commitment to ensure a fair and equitable distribution of unaccompanied asylum seeking and refugee children across the country the SMP will act as a single point of contact for all local authorities in the region, coordinating and facilitating the transfer of unaccompanied children: - into their region from outside of the region (e.g. Kent) - within their region | 60,000 | 01/10/16 | 30/09/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003540 | SMP UASC Co-ordination Role South East & Central 2016-2017 | As part of the commitment to ensure a fair and equitable distribution of unaccompanied asylum seeking and refugee children across the country the SMP will act as a single point of contact for all local authorities in the region, coordinating and facilitating the transfer of unaccompanied children: - into their region from outside of the region (e.g. Kent) - within their region | 60,000 | 01/10/16 | 30/09/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003538 | SMP UASC Co-ordination Role Northern Ireland 2016-2017 | As part of the commitment to ensure a fair and equitable distribution of unaccompanied asylum seeking and refugee children across the country the SMP will act as a single point of contact for all local authorities in the region, coordinating and facilitating the transfer of unaccompanied children: - into their region from outside of the region (e.g. Kent) - within their region | 60,000 | 01/10/16 | 30/09/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003542 | SMP UASC Co-ordination Role Wales 2016-2017 | As part of the commitment to ensure a fair and equitable distribution of unaccompanied asylum seeking and refugee children across the country the SMP will act as a single point of contact for all local authorities in the region, coordinating and facilitating the transfer of unaccompanied children: - into their region from outside of the region (e.g. Kent) - within their region | 60,000 | 01/10/16 | 30/09/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003533 | SMP UASC Co-ordination Role East of England 2016-2017 | As part of the commitment to ensure a fair and equitable distribution of unaccompanied asylum seeking and refugee children across the country the SMP will act as a single point of contact for all local authorities in the region, coordinating and facilitating the transfer of unaccompanied children: - into their region from outside of the region (e.g. Kent) - within their region | 60,000 | 01/10/16 | 30/09/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003536 | SMP UASC Co-ordination Role North East 2016-2017 | As part of the commitment to ensure a fair and equitable distribution of unaccompanied asylum seeking and refugee children across the country the SMP will act as a single point of contact for all local authorities in the region, coordinating and facilitating the transfer of unaccompanied children: - into their region from outside of the region (e.g. Kent) - within their region | 60,000 | 01/10/16 | 30/09/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003535 | SMP UASC Co-ordination Role London 2016-2017 | As part of the commitment to ensure a fair and equitable distribution of unaccompanied asylum seeking and refugee children across the country the SMP will act as a single point of contact for all local authorities in the region, coordinating and facilitating the transfer of unaccompanied children: - into their region from outside of the region (e.g. Kent) - within their region | 60,000 | 01/10/16 | 30/09/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003516 | FRS Standards Body Initiation Grant | The funding is being provided to drive the implementation of a new standards body which HO Ministers have expressly called for. The Hampshire CFO has agreed to take this forward with a project team from the fire service. The fire service would not have agreed to take this forward without this grant funding. Hampshire FRA are leading on this project which has not been included in any previous grant stream and the activity is additional to their normal responsibilities. Failure to provide this funding would result in the FRA being unable to lead this activity as they are unable to fund this locally. | 152,200 | 17/02/17 | 16/02/18 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000003517 | FRS Commercial Transformation Grant | Commercial transformation within the fire and rescue sector has made rapid progress and is seen as a success within the Fire Reform Programme. Ownership and leadership has been firmly provided from within the sector, but there is a recognition that there is also a day job to be delivered and transferring from one way of working of 45 silos to a collaborative joined up structure needs dedicated capability. This capability has been provided to date by the CFOA national procurement hub who have now transformed into more of a PMO function and moving forward will be critical in ensuring continued pace, sharing of best practice, visibility of progress and management of risks and issues as they arise Failure to provide this funding would result in a slowing down of commercial transformation, lack of visibility, lack of reporting and the eventual failure of what is current a significant success story for both the Home Office and the Sector. Commercial resource within the sector is insufficient to operate business as usual as well as transition and as such the PMO/Hub has been established amongst other things to carefully plan, monitor and choreograph this move from BAU into the new ways of working. With resource being spread across a small number of FRS and the additional challenge of County Councils and Devolved Cities the intention is to form a separate people strand to develop the target operating model and organisational design that resources this. In recognition of the disparate 45 organisations it is deemed acceptable to allow 12 months for agreeing the structure and funding streams and then a further 12 months to move to the new structure that is likely to include TUS and staff formal consultation etc. Throughout this period the role of the PMO/Hub will be critical. | 190,000 | 17/02/17 | 16/02/18 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000003527 | SEPD ? Rail Motorway related security works 2016-2017 | To contribute financially to enhancements to port security at Calais following the Joint Declaration of 20 September 2014 by Home Secretary Theresa May and French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve with the aim of reducing illegal immigration into the UK. The declaration originally set out commitments for a programme of activities to tackle illegal migrant activities and it was planned that the cost of these activities would be met from a Joint Fund, with the UK providing funds to support the Programme of works. | 401,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003529 | Conersvatoir du L'itoral - La Lande and Jules Ferry security and prevention measures 2016-2017 | On October 9th 2016 the new Home Secretary Amber Rudd met her French counterpart Minister of the Interior Bernard Cazeneuve and they agreed a package of measures to further enhance the security of Juxtaposed Ports. These would be delivered by an addition of ?13.7m to the Joint Declaration Fund of which ?1.5m has been allocated to the Fort Vert, La Lande and Jules Ferry Nature Reserves. In order to deter and prevent migrants from re-establishing the ?Calais jungle? camp, the sites (Le Lande & Jules Ferry), which are close to the entrance to Calais port, require clearing, cleaning and landscaping into a natural wetland. All buildings (except for the Oldenburg bunker), are to be removed to prevent migrants from squatting on the site. The sites will be fenced to prevent migrants from re-entering. The Fort Vert site will be re-opened following repair work to the site, including a car park and fencing. Fort Vert site was closed to prevent migrants from entering the Le Lande and Jules Ferry sites. Public access and use of the sites will deter migrant activity in the area. The La Lande site is owned by Conservatoire du Littoral and Conservatoire du Littoral are currently in negotiations with the Ville de Calais (Calais Town), to obtain ownership of the Jules Ferry site. Fort Vert site is owned by Conservatoire du Littoral. | 1,305,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003528 | VIIA works on Rail Motorway 2016-2017 | On October 9th 2016 the new Home Secretary Amber Rudd met her French counterpart Minister of the Interior Benard Cazeneuve and they agreed a package of measures to further enhance the security of Juxtaposed Ports. These would be delivered by an addition of ?13.7m to the Joint Declaration Fund of which ?7.3m has been allocated to the Rail Freight Motorway service between Port of Calais and La Boulou. This services requires security enhancements to the carriages and infrastructure that supports the service. VIIA who are the train operator and own all rolling stock will be working with the manufacturers of the wagons to deter migrants from gaining access to the trailers. VIIA will also be providing the initial screening regime within the port and need to upgrade the facility and technology used to screen for illegal entrants. | 5,696,500 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003574 | Criminal records exchange scoping visit - Pakistan 2016-2017 | Overseas development funding from the Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF) will facilitate a visit of ACRO criminal records experts to travel to Pakistan (primarily the Punjab province to carry out a technical scoping visit). The purpose of the scoping visit is to assess whether Pakistan has the infrastructure in place to be able to support the desired criminal records exchange. ACRO will scope the capacity and capability of the Punjab criminal records system, including fingerprints, and whether there is any requirement for technical support to upgrade any such system. During the visit, ACRO staff would seek to achieve the following: ? explore the current capabilities of Pakistan?s criminal records system, including if and when records are shared across the country between provinces; ? identify where existing criminal records systems may need improvement; ? ascertain whether there is already the capability to exchange fingerprints, and if not, whether Pakistan want to build this into their criminal records system. | 78,726 | 01/01/17 | 31/12/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Public Organisations | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003580 | Vulnerable Children?s Resettlement Scheme (VCRS) 2016-2017 | To support the decision of the then Immigration Minister on 21st. April 2016 to allow the resettlement in the UK of vulnerable children and their parents, relatives or adult carers from the MENA (Middle East North Africa) region. Total number to be resettled during the life of the current parliament is 3,000 | 300,000 | 21/04/16 | 20/04/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003222 | Operational Communications in Policing Grant_16-17 | The Emergency Services Mobile Communications is a Cross Government Policy which was created to upgrade all the emergency services radios to 4G LTE system and replace the existing Airwave System currently used by the emergency services. | 1,660,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Public Organisations | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000003421 | SMP ESOL Facilitator - Y&H 2016-17 | Its primary purpose is to resettle vulnerable persons from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region in a way that: a. Secures and protects the vulnerable persons and the UK, and b. Has the well-being of the vulnerable persons and the welcoming communities at the centre of decision making, and c. Delivers value for money for the UK tax payer. | 30,000 | 01/10/16 | 30/09/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003410 | SMP ESOL Facilitator - East Of England 2016-17 | Its primary purpose is to resettle vulnerable persons from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region in a way that: a. Secures and protects the vulnerable persons and the UK, and b. Has the well-being of the vulnerable persons and the welcoming communities at the centre of decision making, and c. Delivers value for money for the UK tax payer. | 30,000 | 01/10/16 | 30/09/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003419 | SMP ESOL Facilitator - Wales 2016-17 | Its primary purpose is to resettle vulnerable persons from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region in a way that: a. Secures and protects the vulnerable persons and the UK, and b. Has the well-being of the vulnerable persons and the welcoming communities at the centre of decision making, and c. Delivers value for money for the UK tax payer. | 30,000 | 01/10/16 | 30/09/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003625 | FRS Operational Guidance Grant_2016-17 | The objective of this policy is to tackle the harm and exploitation that can be associated with prostitution, and give people who want to leave prostitution every opportunity to find routes out. Protecting those involved in prostitution is a strand of our wider work to eradicate violence against women and girls. | 250,000 | 01/03/17 | 28/02/18 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Public Organisations | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000003626 | Law commission Search Warrant Project_2016-17 | To rationalise and streamline the search powers using a search warrant. | 37,500 | 01/12/16 | 30/11/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Non-Departmental Public Bodies | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000003624 | Prostitution Prevalence Research_2016-17 | The objective of this policy is to tackle the harm and exploitation that can be associated with prostitution, and give people who want to leave prostitution every opportunity to find routes out. Protecting those involved in prostitution is a strand of our wider work to eradicate violence against women and girls. | 150,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Public Organisations | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000003413 | SMP ESOL Facilitator - North East 2016-17 | Its primary purpose is to resettle vulnerable persons from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region in a way that: a. Secures and protects the vulnerable persons and the UK, and b. Has the well-being of the vulnerable persons and the welcoming communities at the centre of decision making, and c. Delivers value for money for the UK tax payer. | 30,000 | 01/10/16 | 30/09/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003420 | SMP ESOL Facilitator - West Midlands 2016-17 | Its primary purpose is to resettle vulnerable persons from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region in a way that: a. Secures and protects the vulnerable persons and the UK, and b. Has the well-being of the vulnerable persons and the welcoming communities at the centre of decision making, and c. Delivers value for money for the UK tax payer. | 30,000 | 01/10/16 | 30/09/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003418 | SMP ESOL Facilitator - South West 2016-17 | Its primary purpose is to resettle vulnerable persons from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region in a way that: a. Secures and protects the vulnerable persons and the UK, and b. Has the well-being of the vulnerable persons and the welcoming communities at the centre of decision making, and c. Delivers value for money for the UK tax payer. | 30,000 | 01/10/16 | 30/09/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003411 | SMP ESOL Facilitator - East Midlands 2016-17 | Its primary purpose is to resettle vulnerable persons from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region in a way that: a. Secures and protects the vulnerable persons and the UK, and b. Has the well-being of the vulnerable persons and the welcoming communities at the centre of decision making, and c. Delivers value for money for the UK tax payer. | 30,000 | 01/10/16 | 30/09/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003412 | SMP ESOL Facilitator - London 2016-17 | Its primary purpose is to resettle vulnerable persons from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region in a way that: a. Secures and protects the vulnerable persons and the UK, and b. Has the well-being of the vulnerable persons and the welcoming communities at the centre of decision making, and c. Delivers value for money for the UK tax payer. | 30,000 | 01/10/16 | 30/09/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003620 | ASCCO Core Funding Grant | To ensure that the voice of special constables is represented in national discussions | 15,500 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000003621 | Return Home Interview Research (RHIR) | To reduce the instances of people going missing and to improve support for those that do | 60,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Public Organisations | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000003415 | SMP ESOL Facilitator - Northern Ireland 2016-17 | Its primary purpose is to resettle vulnerable persons from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region in a way that: a. Secures and protects the vulnerable persons and the UK, and b. Has the well-being of the vulnerable persons and the welcoming communities at the centre of decision making, and c. Delivers value for money for the UK tax payer. | 30,000 | 01/10/16 | 30/09/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003416 | SMP ESOL Facilitator - Scotland 2016-17 | Its primary purpose is to resettle vulnerable persons from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region in a way that: a. Secures and protects the vulnerable persons and the UK, and b. Has the well-being of the vulnerable persons and the welcoming communities at the centre of decision making, and c. Delivers value for money for the UK tax payer. | 30,000 | 01/10/16 | 30/09/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003409 | NAPTIP - investigation and debriefing training 2016-17 | 1) Improved border and migration management capacity in key irregular migration source countries - supporting a reduction in irregular migration flows. 2) Improved capacity to sustainably re-integrate and rehabilitate returned migrants, including Victims of Trafficking - supporting increased returns and improved protection for vulnerable groups. 3) Improved upstream co-operation on tackling the push factors that drive irregular migration at source - supporting a reduction in irregular migration flows. 4) Improved Value For Money ? working upstream, at source, to prevent and reduce illegal immigration to the UK will reduce downstream costs to the UK taxpayer. Building capacity of key partners through frequent, targeted, responsive and intelligent liaison/expertise transfer will be more cost effective than large scale programming and/or equipment investment. 5) Improved security system management through building capability to detect fraudulent documents and prevent inadequately documented passengers from travelling; increased investigation and intelligence skills to tackle the underlying criminality behind immigration crime. | 66,247 | 07/12/16 | 06/12/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003417 | SMP ESOL Facilitator - SE and Central 2016-17 | Its primary purpose is to resettle vulnerable persons from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region in a way that: a. Secures and protects the vulnerable persons and the UK, and b. Has the well-being of the vulnerable persons and the welcoming communities at the centre of decision making, and c. Delivers value for money for the UK tax payer. | 30,000 | 01/10/16 | 30/09/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003408 | DFDS Amiens Agreement Security Funding for Dunkerque Port 2016-17 | Reduce Illegal Migration to UK | 330,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003414 | SMP ESOL Facilitator - North West 2016-17 | Its primary purpose is to resettle vulnerable persons from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region in a way that: a. Secures and protects the vulnerable persons and the UK, and b. Has the well-being of the vulnerable persons and the welcoming communities at the centre of decision making, and c. Delivers value for money for the UK tax payer. | 30,000 | 01/10/16 | 30/09/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000001986 | COLP-(City of London Police) National and International Capital City payment_16-17 | Not set | 4,529,184 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Public Organisations | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000001895 | AA UK 2016-17 | Ensuring Asylum Seekers in the UK understand the end-to-end asylum process and can access relevant public and voluntary sector support. Safeguarding the vulnerable. | 4,000,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000001897 | Afghan Locally Engaged Staff Ex-Gratia Scheme 2016-17 | to provide participating local authorities with funding to deliver the reception and integration measures to those former staff and their immediate family members (spouse and minor dependant children) who choose to relocate to the UK, and who satisfy the Immigration Rules governing the scheme and are granted a visa | 5,000,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000001991 | Child Sexual Abuse Fund_16-17 | The purpose is to identify and share high quality evidence on what works to prevent and tackle child sexual abuse (CSA and CSE). There is a lack of robust evidence-based practice for practitioners and policy makers on how to prevent child sexual abuse, and how to protect and treat victims and potential victims. There is some good developing practice at a local level, but this is not consistently evaluated, or shared between areas. Professor Alexis Jay?s 2014 report on the failures in Rotherham showed how ignorance about child sexual exploitation and child sexual abuse more generally ? as well as a lack of understanding of what works in dealing with this problem ? can lead to serious and long term harm. Agencies were ill-informed, and poor multi-agency working, ineffective risk assessments, and lack of information-sharing were among the damaging practices that took hold over many years. This fund will ensure that we improve the local and national response to CSA, by providing pragmatic, action-orientated support to all CSA practitioners. | 600,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Public Organisations | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000003066 | Vulnerable Children?s Resettlement Scheme (VCRS-IOM) 2016-17 | To meet a commitment made by the Immigration Minister on 21 April 2016 to resettle up to 3000 people from the Middle East and North Africa region over the course of this parliament, the majority of whom will be children. | 726,720 | 30/08/16 | 29/08/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000001908 | Returns Facilitation at Heathrow Immigration Removal Centres 2016-17 | The project provides independent support and advice to those in immigration detention at the 2 Heathrow immigration removal centres (IRCs) so as to encourage them to comply with the returns process. This will increase the number of compliant returns, reduce the average number of days in detention at the 3 centres, allow the detainees to make an informed choice about their return and to return home with dignity. | 201,235 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000001922 | 2011/12 Council Tax Freeze Grant_16-17 | Not set | 58,800,039 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Local Government | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000001929 | Violence Against Women and Girls -helplines_16-17 | Not set | 910,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000001924 | Local Council Tax Support Grant_16-17 | Not set | 434,358,563 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Public Organisations | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000001918 | VAWG Counselling Services 2016-17 | Not set | 48,204 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000001927 | Football Supporters' Federation (FSF) International_16-17 | Not set | 86,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Public Organisations | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000001933 | National Wildlife Crime Unit (NWCU)_16-17 | Not set | 136,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Civil Society | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000001919 | Police Main Grant_16/17 | Not set | 4,111,978,225 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Public Organisations | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000001932 | Police PFI grant_16-17 | to enable development in the public sector with investment from the private sector. The purpose of the grant is to provide support to PCCs and recipients of fire PFI grants in England towards expenditure lawfully incurred by them up to 31 March 2017 for their Private Finance Initiative (PFI) projects. | 73,000,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Public Organisations | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000001926 | FSF Cymru_16-17 | Minimising risk and maximising safety in connection with the Euro 2016 football tournament. | 33,605 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Civil Society | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000001928 | Police Capital Grant_16-17 | Not set | 54,100,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Public Organisations | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000001923 | 2013/14 Council Tax Freeze Grant_16-17 | Not set | 7,300,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Local Government | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000001934 | EIF: Services Supporting Children Under 18_16-17 | Not set | 400,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Civil Society | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000001907 | National Museums Liverpool 2016-17 | To prevent terrorism and extremism; cut crime and protect the vulnerable; and reduce immigration and prevent abuse. | 247,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Public Organisations | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000001998 | Strategic Migration Partnership (SMP) Enabling South East and Central 2016-17 | To ensure the prompt and safe dispersal of asylum seekers | 82,250 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000002033 | SMP Syrian Co-ordination Role South West 2016-17 | To facilitate the the Government comittment to resettle 20,000 vulnerable Syrian Regugees in the United Kingdom by 2020 through the move to regional delivery model | 60,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000002031 | SMP Syrian Co-ordination Role Scotland 2016-17 | To facilitate the the Government comittment to resettle 20,000 vulnerable Syrian Regugees in the United Kingdom by 2020 through the move to regional delivery model | 60,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000002034 | SMP Syrian Co-ordination Role Wales 2016-17 | To facilitate the the Government comittment to resettle 20,000 vulnerable Syrian Regugees in the United Kingdom by 2020 through the move to regional delivery model | 60,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000001992 | Local Transition Resource Support for ESMCP - Feasibility Study_16-17 | b) The objective of the policy that the scheme was created to assist: To provide the Emergency Services with a replacement to the Airwave resilient communication system currently used by the emergency services, including Fire and Rescue Services. The contract for Airwave will expire in 2019. | 2,281,869 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000001988 | Police Special Capital Grant_16-17 | Not set | 1,000,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Public Organisations | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000001977 | ESMCP-Emergency Services Mobile Communications Programme - Feasibility Study_16-17 | Installation of the solution in TfL Below Ground is fundamentally part of the scope of ESMCP. A Full Business Case (FBC) for the Emergency Services Mobile Communications Programme (ESMCP), incorporating this activity with TfL, was approved by the Home Office Portfolio and Investment Committee (PIC) on 17 September 2015, by the Home Secretary on 26th October 2015 and by the Chief Secretary to the Treasury on 1 November 2015. The scope of this FBC included all works necessary to implement the TfL stations solution and a number of proposals for the tunnels solution. A further note to the FBC was submitted through the Programme Governance, including the Finance Group, chaired by the Home Office Finance Director, which approved work on testing the tunnels solution to identify the detailed solution and to provide detailed costs. Once these detailed costs have been received, further approvals will be required in order to provide additional funding cover for the tunnels solution and, once received, an updated Grant Agreement will be developed. Copies of the approved business case are attached as supporting information. Scope of this grant: This grant stream provides for ongoing funding in 2016/17 financial year for TfL work to trial the ESN in the underground. The phase of work spans from April 2016 until September 2016 and will therefore be subject to further grant stream approvals for the deployment phase. The outcome from this phase of work will be the ability to run a successful implementation of ESN in the underground and the resulting transition of the London users to the ESN solution. | 4,804,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Local Government | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000001981 | Police Loan Charges Grant_16/17 | Paid via AME to cover historical costs incurred by Police Authorities/PCCs before the current Capital Grant was introduced. Police Authorities/PCCs were not given Capital Grant but were permitted to borrow. The Loan Charges Grant represents the reimbursement of outstanding charges incurred by the Authorities concerned. Each year the amount claimed declines. | 4,368,822 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Public Organisations | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000001979 | Fast Track Direct Entry (FTDE) Scheme_16-17 | To provide funding to the College of Policing to recruit a wider spectrum of personnel from professions and varied backgrounds, to join the Police Force at a higher level than normal basis entry level, by funding their training and salaries | 4,650,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Public Organisations | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000001976 | Police and Crime Panels_16-17 | The grant supports host authorities for police and crime panels (PCP) to administer and meet expenses costs of PCP members. Panels provide key scrutiny function of police and crime commissioners. The Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 set up panels to provide scrutiny over appointments, the police and crime plan, and key decisions of police and crime commissioners, It is expected that police and crime panels will meet at least four times per year. | 2,850,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Public Organisations | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000001978 | 2014/15 Council Tax Freeze Grant_16-17 | Not set | 2,732,733 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Civil Society | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000003553 | Modern Slavery Project (MSP)- Empowering Partners | In 2015, the UK successfully argued for the establishment of a UN Sustainable Development target to end modern slavery by 2030. UN Sustainable Goal 8.7 commits countries to ?take immediate and effective measures to eradicate forced labour, end modern slavery and human trafficking and secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labour, including recruitment and use of child soldiers, and by 2025 end child labour in all its forms.? Modern slavery is a global phenomenon. It is estimated that are around 45.8m slaves worldwide and around 10,000-13,000 potential victims in the UK. The majority (95%) of potential victims of modern slavery who were referred to the UK National Referral Mechanism in 2015 were foreign nationals. On 31 July, the PM announced a _33.5m for ODA-compliant activities. ODA Fund. Implementation and oversight responsibility of the fund was given to the Home Office . The fund demonstrates that the UK will lead the global fight against modern slavery, to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal target 8.7 to eradicate modern slavery. It will primarily focus on high risk countries, from where we know victims are regularly trafficked to the UK. The fund consists of two discrete funding windows: 1) An innovation fund, 2) A ministerial priorities window, The two funding windows will support delivery of the 6 objectives below, agreed by the Inter-Departmental Ministerial Group on Modern Slavery in April: 1. Reduce Vulnerability to Exploitation 2. Victim Support and Recovery 3. Improve Global Co-ordination 4. Improve Law, Legislation and Policy 5. Encourage responsible business and slavery-free supply chains 6. Improve the Evidence Base This grant will contribute to delivery of the 4th objective ,above, and is funded from Ministerial Priorities Window of Modern Slavery Fund . | 145,332 | 01/10/16 | 30/09/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000003552 | UKROL-(UK Refuges Online) database expansion | Without this funding the UKROL database will be incomplete as in currently does not include all the VAWG services across the UK and needs further funding to achieve this. Without the funding the database will not be able to provide detailed data on the range, nature and type of service provision across England which could help establish what is available, where, and the demand. This information would be valuable in informing policy makers and commissioners on current provision and future provision. . | 20,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000003550 | Sooner the Better | Without this funding Safe Lives will not be able to address the practical issues in pilot phase through identifying and address as many of the operational challenges as possible before going live; assessing the impact of the One Front Door on volume and resources in terms of the safeguarding aspects; and ensure that the child safeguarding and domestic abuse aspects are fully aligned. Without this the pilot phase of the programme will be less effective and not provide a fully robust safeguarding response. | 20,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000003549 | Specialist Independent Child Trafficking Advocates - trial | The equivocal nature of the results from the original ICTA trial show that further testing of the model was required, with the revised model being amended to reflect the areas where the evaluation identified practices could be improved. The grant is therefore being proposed to cover a new trial over three areas, each of which will demonstrate the practicalities of the parts of the advocates systems that were not incorporated in the original trial. This includes, but is not limited to, removing the single point of contact for referrals to speed up the process and granting legal powers to the advocates working within the trial. Failure to provide the funding for these new trials would mean the new trials would be unable to proceed, with the opportunity to develop the model into a more efficient use of resources, with better outcomes for children as well as additional value for money. The cost of the new trial for the two year period has been identified as being as being in excess of _1,000,000 and this amount could not be covered by the existing budgetary arrangements of the Safeguarding Unit of the Home Office if the funding were not to be supplied. Due diligence will be carried out to ensure that the organisation(s) selected are not already in receipt of funding (internally or externally) in relation to the activities that constitute the activities of the ICTA trial. | 500,000 | 01/10/16 | 30/09/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000001948 | Police Innovation Fund_16-17 | The Police Innovation Fund is a Ministerial priority. The government committed to the fund in the Conservative Manifesto and stated in the WMS on the provisional police grant settlement that the 2016/17 fund would have a value of _55m. The 2016/17 fund will assess bids from PCCs against five criteria: Improve outcomes for the public through innovation Enhance collaboration and will have an impact at a bigger scale Deliver efficiencies Will be delivered and sustained Have PCC/Partner co-investment Detailed guidance on the objectives, areas of focus and assessment criteria for the fund were published to on 23 October 2015. | 55,000,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Public Organisations | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000002009 | SMP Syrian Co-ordination Role East Midlands 2016-17 | To facilitate the the Government comittment to resettle 20,000 vulnerable Syrian Regugees in the United Kingdom by 2020 through the move to regional delivery model | 60,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000002017 | SMP Syrian Co-ordination Role North West 2016-17 | To facilitate the the Government comittment to resettle 20,000 vulnerable Syrian Regugees in the United Kingdom by 2020 through the move to regional delivery model | 60,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000001993 | Strategic Migration Partnership (SMP) Enabling East Mids 16-17 | To ensure prompt and safe disperal of Asylum seekers | 76,500 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000001994 | Strategic Migration Partnership (SMP) Enabling London 2016-17 | To ensure the prompt and safe dispersal of asylum seekers | 64,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000001997 | Strategic Migration Partnership (SMP) Enabling Scotland 2016-17 | To ensure the prompt and safe dispersal of asylum seekers | 112,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000001999 | Strategic Migration Partnership (SMP) Enabling South West 2016-17 | To ensure the prompt and safe dispersal of asylum seekers | 70,750 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000002005 | Strategic Migration Partnership (SMP) Enabling Yorkshire and the Humber 2016/17 | To ensure the prompt and safe dispersal of asylum seekers | 134,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000002012 | SMP Syrian Co-ordination Role London 2016-17 | To facilitate the the Government comittment to resettle 20,000 vulnerable Syrian Regugees in the United Kingdom by 2020 through the move to regional delivery model | 60,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000001996 | Strategic Migration Partnership (SMP) Enabling North West 2016-17 | To ensure the prompt and safe dispersal of asylum seekers | 139,216 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000001955 | Neighbourhood Watch (NHW) Grant Stream_16-17 | - help reduce crime, identify and protect against new and emerging threats and increase public confidence in the police and criminal justice system; promote active citizenship and improve community safety and resilience through increased community participation, social action and partnership working. | 280000.00 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Civil Society | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000002003 | Strategic Migration Partnership (SMP) Enabling West Midlands 2016-17 | To ensure the prompt and safe dispersal of asylum seekers | 108,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000001995 | Strategic Migration Partnership (SMP) Enabling North East 2016-17 | To ensure the prompt and safe dispersal of asylum seekers | 106,750 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000001945 | IDVA - MARAC_16-17 | Not set | 3,335,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Public Organisations | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000002018 | SMP Syrian Co-ordination Role Northern Ireland 2016-17 | To facilitate the the Government comittment to resettle 20,000 vulnerable Syrian Regugees in the United Kingdom by 2020 through the move to regional delivery model | 60,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003031 | Security Staff For Juxtaposed Ports 2016-17 | Reduce Illegal Migration to UK | 6,450,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000002022 | Strategic Migration Partnership (SMP) Enabling Northern Ireland 2016-17 | The safe and prompt dispersal of asylum seekers | 78,500 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000002032 | SMP Syrian Co-ordination Role South East & Central 2016-17 | To facilitate the the Government comittment to resettle 20,000 vulnerable Syrian Regugees in the United Kingdom by 2020 through the move to regional delivery model | 60,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000002035 | SMP Syrian Co-ordination Role West Midlands 2016-17 | To facilitate the the Government comittment to resettle 20,000 vulnerable Syrian Regugees in the United Kingdom by 2020 through the move to regional delivery model | 60,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000002015 | SMP Syrian Co-ordination Role North East 2016-17 | To facilitate the the Government comittment to resettle 20,000 vulnerable Syrian Regugees in the United Kingdom by 2020 through the move to regional delivery model | 60,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000002001 | Strategic Migration Partnership (SMP) Enabling Wales 2016-17 | To ensure the prompt and safe dispersal of asylum seekers | 79,500 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000002008 | SMP Syrian Co-ordination Role East Of England 2016-17 | To facilitate the the Government comittment to resettle 20,000 vulnerable Syrian Regugees in the United Kingdom by 2020 through the move to regional delivery model | 60,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000002027 | Voluntary Sector Crime Reduction Organisations_16-17 | The grant aims to facilitate Crimestoppers to support wider Home Office objectives cross- departmentally - to defend the country against terrorism, secure borders and control immigration, and enable the police and local communities to step up the fight against crime and anti-social behaviour. It has a pot of funding to use to this effect. Particularly the funding is allocated in 2016-17 to Crimestoppers to focus on: ? Engaging communities disproportionally affected by crime and where there are significant barriers to engaging with law enforcement and other authorities; ? Increased communications activity (including increased collaboration with relevant voluntary sector partners) in relation to high harm crimes such as child sexual and domestic abuse and which results in increased confidence and contact with the Crimestoppers offer; ? A continued increase in evidence of online, digital and social media engagement; ? Submitting monthly cuts of data and associated analysis; ? Effective partnership working with Neighbourhood Watch to enhance collective impact and reach and to avoid duplication; ? Develop and effect plans to diversify Crimestoppers funding. Some activity will include providing targeted information and communications for particular audiences and advising the Home Office on operational and policy issues | 770,500 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Private | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000002019 | Fire PFI Grant_16-17 | to enable development in the public sector with investment from the private sector. The purpose of the grant is to provide support to PCCs and recipients of fire PFI grants in England towards expenditure lawfully incurred by them up to 31 March 2017 for their Private Finance Initiative (PFI) projects. | 32,000,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Local Government | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000002044 | Police Transformation Fund (PTF)16-17 | The PTF aims to deliver the mechanisms for policing to continue to transform itself to meet future demands, building the capabilities it needs to respond to changing crimes and threats. Shared platforms and wider and deeper collaboration will become the norm. Back office functions will be delivered more efficiently and there will be better interoperability between different law enforcement organisations. Policing will need to develop a more flexible and representative workforce with the right skills. It will be digitally enabled, more accessible and transparent to the public and be able to share digital information across the Criminal Justice System. There will need to be a greater focus on prevention, safeguarding the vulnerable and supporting victims. There are two distinct phases to the PTF. Phase 1 will include some limited and priority operational uplift. In some of the major areas identified for transformation, notably digital policing, phase 1 will cover the phases of planning and design with proof of concept and trials. This agile approach will enable the police to prepare a business case for national roll out of proven proposals which PCCs and Chief Constables believe are suitable for a national approach, and submit the business case through the police-led PRTB (APCC/NPCC). Phase 1 would also deliver procurement of the new capability. The Home Secretary has already agreed that work on digital capabilities, armed policing and development of the specialist capabilities programme will be funded from Phase 1 and these funds have been prioritised from the PTF. Phase 1 has already been agreed by HMT (please see attached letter). Phase 2 will comprise full implementation of the priorities set through Phase 1 in line with the reform oversight of the APCC and NPCC, through the Police Strategy and Reform Board ensuring delivery at scale. The substantial uplift in the level of funding available in 2018/19 and 2019/20 means the work done in phase 1 will be vital to ensure the new monies are used to maximum benefit. The Home Office has made it clear that access to the fund on the part of forces should not be seen as a right. It should and will be dependent on implementing genuine transformational change. Phase 2 has yet to receive agreement from HMT and officials will work with HMT and agree on Phase 2 before legal cover is sought for this phase in 2018/19. | 76,400,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Public Organisations | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000002036 | SMP Syrian Co-ordination Role Yorkshire and the Humber 2016-17 | To facilitate the the Government comittment to resettle 20,000 vulnerable Syrian Regugees in the United Kingdom by 2020 through the move to regional delivery model | 60,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000002047 | Fire Revenue Firelink _16-17 | Fire and Rescue Authorities to provide enhanced national resilience capabilities and maintain an interoperable and resilient radio communications system. This is a non-ring-fenced new burdens grant for Fire and Rescue Authorities/Services to enable them to provide national, inter-operable and resilient communications system to help respond to fire and rescue incidents. Firelink is a resilient and interoperable national communications system. The Firelink grant, paid under section 31 of the Local Government Act 2003, to the Fire and Rescue Authorities is to help support the additional cost of using this system, and is provided to them under the New Burdens principles | 12,331,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000002043 | National Appropriate Adult Network (NAAN)_16-17 | The Police Integrity and Powers Unit is responsible for a wide range of policy areas. Principles amongst these are the Police and Criminal Evidence Act (PACE) 1984 Codes of Practice which set out the core framework under which the police exercise their powers. The role of appropriate adults in ensuring that young and mentally vulnerable people are able to exercise their rights and understand what is happening to them throughout the police process is outlined under Code C. This covers the detention, treatment and questioning of individuals by police officers. The work of the unit is therefore closely aligned with that of NAAN. | 95,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000002046 | Fire Revenue New Dimension_16-17 | Fire and Rescue Authorities to provide enhanced national resilience capabilities. A un-ring fenced, New Burdens grant for Fire and Rescue Services to provide fire national resilience capabilities to help respond to major and complex incidents and help keep the country safe. The grant assists FRS provide enhanced capabilities covering: ? USAR - (Urban Search and Rescue) Units ?for extrication of those trapped ? Chemical, Biological Radiological, Nuclear, explosives (CBRNe) ? DIM - Detection, Identification and Monitoring vehicles ? Mass decontamination, including re-robe and disrobe modules ? Incident Response Units (IRUs) - decontamination vehicles ? Prime movers - used to transport the New Dimension equipment modules ? High Volume Pumps ? for firefighting and flooding ? Command and Control | 19,698,357 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000002049 | CSA (Child Sexual Abuse) Centre of Expertise _16-17 | b) The purpose is to identify and share high quality evidence on what works to prevent and tackle child sexual abuse (CSA and CSE). To improve the local response, the Centre of Expertise will identify, develop and share high quality evidence on what works to tackle child sexual abuse. The Centre will need to develop outputs that produce the following outcomes: - Local areas across England [and Wales] have a confident and effective multi-agency response to child sexual exploitation, and other forms of child sexual abuse; - The centre will support local practice through evidence and information on what works, as well informing national policy on a range of issues; - [DN. Commissioning frameworks that provide a confident, effective and strategic response] - Improve our understanding of the overall scale an nature of CSE and CSA, including: o An understanding of the prevalence of CSE and CSE. - A detailed assessment of the impact of policy and practice on the overall incidents of CVE and CSA. | 2,000,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Local Government | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000001909 | Facilitated Returns Scheme (FRS) 2016-17 | To encourage the full compliance and co-operation of non-EEA Foreign National Offenders (?FNO?s?) to leave the UK at the earliest possible opportunity and reintegrate back into their home country. | 224,808 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | International | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000001915 | DCLG Funding_2016-17 | Part of the Police Grant Report set by the Home Secretary | 2,802,222,016 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Public Organisations | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000003039 | Truck Buffer Zone 2016-17 | Reduce Illegal Migration to UK | 1,600,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000001920 | National and International Capital City Grant_16-17 | Not set | 173,649,473 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Public Organisations | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000001910 | Returns Facilitation at Yarl?s Wood Immigration Removal Centre 2016-17 | The project provides independent support and advice to those in immigration detention at Yarl?s Wood immigration removal centre (IRC) so as to encourage them to comply with the returns process. This will increase the number of compliant returns, reduce the average number of days in detention at the centre, allow the detainees to make an informed choice about their return and to return home with dignity. | 204,235 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000001911 | Strategic Migration Partnership (SMP) Enabling East of England 2016-17 | To manage the constraints placed on local services caused by disproportionate concentration of asylum seekers in specific localities, by facilitating dispersal of supported asylum seekers to accommodation throughout the UK in a controlled manner | 76,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003040 | Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC) East Midlands 2016-17 | To support the safeguarding of UASC and vulnerable Minors on arrival in the United Kingdom. | 15,000,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000002051 | 2015/16 Council Tax Freeze Grant_16-17 | Not set | 4,189,231 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Local Government | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000003399 | Child Trafficking Protection Fund (CTPF) | The CTPF aims to reduce the vulnerability to exploitation of children who are, or have the potential to be, trafficked; and to support child victims who have already been trafficked. | 1,000,000 | 01/11/16 | 31/10/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000003394 | National Whistleblowing Portal For Child Abuse Concerns (NSPCC) | The grant is needed to maintain and embed the NSPCC?s operation of a national whistleblowing helpline. It enables the Home Secretary to sustain the commitment made by Government to establish and run a national primary point of contact for all whistleblowing cases for child abuse, (as set out in the governments Tackling Child Sexual Exploitation report; March 2015), in turn part a package of national measures to tackle child abuse. Resource funding is not available from within existing NSPCC budgets, although it will meet any related ad hoc comms and marketing costs. | 201,007 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000003397 | EGVE (Ending Gang Violence and Exploitation) local area support | To fund the Institute of Community Safety (ICS) to provide support to local areas, including undertaking local area reviews, as part of the work to end gang violence and exploitation. | 40,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000003400 | UN Slavery Fund Modern Slavery Project | The Voluntary Trust Fund on Contemporary Forms of Slavery (UN Slavery Fund) makes grants direct to civil society organisations providing humanitarian, medical, psychological, legal and financial aid. These organisations provide projects offering direct assistance to victims of modern slavery, including victims of trafficking returning from the UK, helping them to reintegrate into society and preventing them from becoming vulnerable to being retrafficked. The UK will be a key donor to the Fund, taking into account its leading role in fighting modern slavery both at the domestic level (through the Modern Slavery Act 2015) as well as the international level | 80,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000003396 | Police and Fire PFI Savings Programme16-17 | This programme will identify and deliver savings in Police and Fire PFI contracts. | 500,000 | 30/09/16 | 29/09/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Public Organisations | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000003398 | Modern Slavery Innovation Fund (MSIF) | The MSIF aims to ?prevent modern slavery in priority countries and contribute towards the UN Sustainable Development Goal to end modern slavery? (approved submission dated 04/03/16). | 1,500,000 | 01/11/16 | 31/10/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | International | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000003056 | Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC) Wales 2016-17 | To support the safeguarding of UASC and vulnerable Minors on arrival in the United Kingdom. | 16,500,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003050 | Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC) London 2016-17 | To support the safeguarding of UASC and vulnerable Minors on arrival in the United Kingdom. | 16,500,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003054 | Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC) South East 2016-17 | To support the safeguarding of UASC and vulnerable Minors on arrival in the United Kingdom. | 16,500,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003051 | Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC) NE Yorks & Humber 2016-17 | To support the safeguarding of UASC and vulnerable Minors on arrival in the United Kingdom. | 16,500,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003053 | Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC) Scotland 2016-17 | To support the safeguarding of UASC and vulnerable Minors on arrival in the United Kingdom. | 16,500,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003057 | Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC) Enhanced Rates 2016-17 | To support the safeguarding of UASC and vulnerable Minors on arrival in the United Kingdom. | 10,000,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003052 | Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC) North West 2016-17 | To support the safeguarding of UASC and vulnerable Minors on arrival in the United Kingdom. | 16,500,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003055 | Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC) South West 2016-17 | To support the safeguarding of UASC and vulnerable Minors on arrival in the United Kingdom. | 16,500,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000001985 | ISVA Funding_16-17 | Not set | 1,732,500 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Local Government; Civil Society | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000001912 | Sikh Community and Youth Services 2016-17 | To build on and develop new strategic relationships with voluntary and community sector organisations, to encourage greater compliance with the immigration law and encourage voluntary departure. | 72,900 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000001913 | AMIF Asylum 2016-17 | Not set | 52,918,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government; Civil Society; Public Organisations | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003525 | Newhaven Port Grant 2016-2017 | The Port Security Infrastructure Review identified Newhaven as a potential high risk location for clandestine activity following the camp closures in Calais. Subsequent local reports have highlighted the inadequacies of the current fencing to prevent a breach of our border. This grant will act as a contribution towards enabling the Port Authority, Newhaven Port & Properties Ltd (NPP), to improve an existing fence to deter and prevent any unauthorised or illegal entrants from breaching controls at the port. | 100,000 | 01/01/17 | 31/12/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Private | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000001984 | The Independent Custody Visiting Association (ICVA)_16-17 | Following from the high level statement in section 5, please describe, in detail: 1. To promote and support the effective provision of independent custody visiting in police forces in England and Wales, pursuant to the requirements of section 51 of the Police Reform Act 2002. 2. To promote the communication of best practice between local independent custody visiting schemes in order to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of independent custody visiting across England and Wales. 3. To monitor the provision of independent custody visiting across England and Wales and to alert Home Office policy officials to any concerns that a police authority is failing in its duties under section 51 of the Police Reform Act 2002. 4. To ensure alignment between the local delivery of independent custody visiting and the UK?s obligations under relevant international treaties, including the Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture (OPCAT) and European Human Rights legislation. 5. To support the Secretary of State for the Home Department in meeting her obligations under section 51(6) of the Police Reform Act (publication and, where necessary, revision of a Code of Practice for independent custody visitors) and to work with Home Office officials to ensure that the Code of Practice provides accurate and helpful guidance for independent custody visitors. 6. To support independent custody visitors across England and Wales in contributing, wherever possible and appropriate, initiatives to improve conditions in police custody. 7. To work with similar service providers to share best practice and identify areas where increased multi-agency collaboration could improve the efficient use of public funds. 8. To ensure the efficient, effective and sustainable running of the Association and the transparent management of public funds | 110,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Civil Society | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000001898 | The Provision of a Children's Panel In England 2016 - 17 | Section 55 of the Borders, Citizenship and Immigration Act 2009 requires the Home Office to carry out its immigration, asylum and nationality functions in a way that has regard to the need to safeguard and promote the welfare (or ?best interests?) of children in the UK. | 950,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000001899 | Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children Special Projects (SWIT) 2016-17 | To support the safeguarding of UASC and vulnerable Minors on arrival in the United Kingdom. | 280,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000001755 | United Nations High Commisioner for Refugees (UNHCR) 2016-17 | Not set | 586,500 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | International | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000001762 | Support for the UN Office on Drugs and Crime?s Early Warning Advisory | Support for the Early Warning Advisory, which is the only global database of trends in the market for new psychoactive substances (?legal highs?). The funds will be used to enhance the capacity of that database, and to include new forms of data, such as data on the health harms of substances, which will be valuable to UK efforts to reduce drug harms. | 54,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Non-Departmental Public Bodies | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000001901 | Kent Intake Unit (KIU) Children's Support 2016-17 | Home Office to carry out its immigration, asylum and nationality functions in a way that has regard to the need to safeguard and promote the welfare (or ?best interests?) of children in the UK. | 316,500 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000002077 | AMIF Integration 2016-17 | Tto promote the efficient management of migration flows and the development and implementation of a common European approach to asylum and immigration. | 52,918,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government; Civil Society; Public Organisations | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000002078 | AMIF Returns 2016-17 | Enhancing fair and effective return strategies, which contribute to combating irregular migration, with an emphasis on sustainability and effectiveness of the return and readmission process; | 143,487,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Central Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000002083 | Police Special Grant_16-17 | Not set | 25,000,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Public Organisations | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000003100 | National Resilience Capabilities Assurance Grant | the Department to meet its obligation to ensure there is provision in place for national resilience assurance. | 2,328,875 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed; General Grants - Un-competed | Private | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000002079 | Syrian resettlement Programme (SRP) (LA) 2016 - 2017 | For the UK to resettle up to 20,000 Syrian refugees during this Parliament. | 44,000,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Central Government | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000002080 | Syrian Resettlement Programme (SRP) (IOM) 2016 - 2017 | For the UK to resettle up to 20,000 Syrian refugees during this Parliament. | 9,223,918 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003526 | SNCF RESEAU works on Rail Motorway 2016-2017 | The aim of the works is to provide security fencing and undergrowth clearance for the new Rail Freight Motorway which is a brand new service bringing unaccompanied trailers loaded onto purpose built carriages from La Boulou (Perpignan) to Port of Calais. The rail line travels through the middle of the town of Calais before it enters the Port of Calais. | 199,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000002081 | Syrian Resettlement Programme (SRP) (Healthcare) 2016 - 2017 | For the UK to resettle up to 20,000 Syrian refugees during this Parliament. | 30,800,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Public Organisations | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003449 | World Jewish Relief Grant 2016/17 | The VPRS and VCRS schemes have been put in place to meet Government commitments, they are being run by a tri-partite team of officials (the Resettlement Programme) from the the Home Office and the departments for International Development and Communities and Local Government | 136,809 | 01/11/16 | 31/10/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003098 | Safe Lives (formerly CAADA ? MARAC Development and Support) _16-17 | This is a public commitment to support the vision, published on 25/11/10: maintain levels of funding support for specified national functions. | 650,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000003099 | Redthread Youth Violence Intervention Programme Expansion_16-17 | This grant will contribute to preventing gang-related violence and exploitation occurring (the key focus of the new approach to Ending Gang Violence and Exploitation, published on 13 January 2016). The strand in the Modern Crime Prevention Strategy on ?Character as a Driver of Crime? also supports expanding Redthread?s model. | 35,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000003224 | National Police Air Service Capital Grant 16/17 | In January 2012, the Policing Minister announced that part of the police capital grant would be top sliced to enable a capital grant allocation to NPAS to ensure provision of the national air support service and future service improvements. NPAS rationalises the provision of air support to the 43 police forces of England and Wales, reducing the overall cost, and improving the consistency and resilience of service. It brings improvements in operational efficiencies and allows for the introduction of innovative contracts that offer better value for money for the service and the taxpayer. NPAS estimates that it has delivered savings of up to _13 million a year compared to previous arrangements. | 16,500,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Public Organisations | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000003225 | Modern Slavery Helpline_16-17 | 1.What this grant stream covers; The grant will provide a helpline offering one consistent telephone number for individuals who may be potential victims, and for the public to call if they have concerns about someone who may be a victim of modern slavery. The helpline will also provide information and general advice about slavery. The helpline will augment and support the governments marketing campaign to raise awareness of the issue and drive the audience to this dedicated national helpline, which will provide victims and the general public with an easily accessible reference point 2.What outcomes are being sought. This should include details of: 1.How the outcomes align to the HO strategic priorities; A strategic objective for the Home Office is to cut crime by; ?Leading cross-government action to tackle under reported crimes, particularly modern slavery, child sexual exploitation, domestic violence, FGM and forced marriage? 2.How this grant stream fits into the relevant group?s, or unit?s policy context; CPFG 2015-16 current priorities include ? ? lead work to prevent crime and ensure vulnerable victims of crime are supported? 3.How (where applicable) the grant stream complements/ or interplays with other existing activity. The helpline is in alignment with the Home Office?s broader Modern Slavery programme and is intended to provide support for the Department?s marketing campaign to raise awareness of modern slavery by providing victims and the general public with an easily accessible reference point. | 15,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 3. Public order and safety |
Home Office | SCH-000001903 | Barnados - Cedars Pre-departure Services 2016-17 | To stop the detention of children prior to immigration removal | 887,536 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003060 | Amiens Agreement Security Funding for Dunkerque Port 2016-17 | Reduce Illegal Migration to UK | 2,380,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003058 | Additional Port Security for Calais Port 2016-17 | Reduce Illegal Migration to UK | 1,996,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003061 | ET PCS Control Room 2016-17 | Reduce Illegal Migration to UK | 1,900,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Home Office | SCH-000003059 | Amiens Agreement Security Funding for Calais Port 2016-17 | Reduce Illegal Migration to UK | 3,742,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | International | 1. General public services |
Ministry of Defence | SCH-000002982 | Armed Forces Covenant 2016-2017 | Strengthening Local Government Delivery of the Covenant | 3,266,550 | 01/11/16 | 31/10/19 | 3 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government; Civil Society; Public Organisations; Non-Departmental Public Bodies | 6. Housing and community amenities |
Ministry of Defence | SCH-000003270 | Aged Veterans Fund 2016-2017 | The Grant will fund projects that support non-core health, wellbeing and social care needs for older veterans (born before 1 January 1950) including surviving World War 2 veterans, those who undertook National Service and other voluntary enlisted veterans who may need some focused support in relation to their health and social care needs. The type of projects may include: a) practical support and companionship to improve older veterans wellbeing. b) the provision of services to assist individuals in the completion of personal paperwork. c) projects to build or enhance access to centres where elderly veterans can meet and avoid isolation. d) the promotion of education of aged veterans needs. | 4,457,288 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 2. Defence |
Ministry of Defence | SCH-000000543 | Armed Forces Covenant 2015-2016 | "The Armed Forces Covenant aims to: 1) the Armed Forces Covenant defines the enduring, general principles that should govern the relationship between the Nation, the Government and the Armed Forces community. 2) It aims to encourage all parties within a community to offer support to the local Armed Forces community and make it easier for Service personnel, families and veterans to access the help and support available from the MOD, from statutory providers and from the Charitable and Voluntary Sector. These organisations already work together in partnership at local level. 3) the scheme is intended to be a two-way arrangement and the Armed Forces community are encouraged to do as much as they can to support their community and promote activity which integrates the Service community into civilian life." | 2,458,557 | 01/12/15 | 30/11/19 | 4 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 6. Housing and community amenities |
Ministry of Defence | SCH-000003103 | Armed Forces Day 2016-2017 | Delivery of events in support of Armed Forces day. Specific outputs as defined in Grant application | 312,297 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 2. Defence |
Ministry of Defence | SCH-000003104 | Education & Training 2016-2017 | Service Education and Training | 0 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Public Organisations | 9. Education |
Ministry of Justice | SCH-000003532 | Supported Child Contact Centres (SCCC) | Helping children of separated parents remain in safe and beneficial contact with the non resident parent during the resolution of a parental dispute. | 450,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Civil Society | 10. Social protection |
Ministry of Justice | SCH-000003454 | Circles UK | To make a financial contribution to Circles UK in order for them to provide oversight, training, quality standards and advice to individuals Circles of Support for high risk sex offenders who are subject to a Community Order or Licence. | 112,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 3. Public order and safety |
Ministry of Justice | SCH-000003455 | Lucy Faithful Foundation - Stop it Now | To make a financial contribution to telephone help lines that provide confidential advice and support for people who think they might commit a sexual offence against a child. | 220,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 3. Public order and safety |
Ministry of Justice | SCH-000003471 | National Association of Child Contact Centres (NACCC) | For the purpose of the provision of services and connected activities in relation to the setting and review of standards for child contact centres, their accreditation and re-accreditation, and the provision of training and support to those centres. | 170,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 10. Social protection |
Ministry of Justice | SCH-000003592 | Humberside, Lincolnshire & North Yorkshire Alcohol Abstinence Monitoring Requirement Pilot | "To find out: How alcohol monitoring can be used alongside existing interventions for alcohol-related offending, and what outcomes does the monitoring have? and What the specific considerations and outcomes are for alcohol monitoring when used in domestic abuse cases? | 167,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 3. Public order and safety |
Ministry of Justice | SCH-000003591 | Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime Alcohol Abstinence Monitoring Requirement (AAMR) Pilot | Test re-offending rates; Continue to test the take up of the AAMR requirement by the Judiciary; Continue to test compliance with the AAMR; Test completion rates of the AAMR. | 400,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Local Government | 3. Public order and safety |
Ministry of Justice | SCH-000003996 | Steps to Success | To enable prisoners to experience higher education. | 410,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 3. Public order and safety |
Ministry of Justice | SCH-000003997 | Specialist information, advice and guidance for female prisoners. | To provide specialist information, advice and guidance for female prisoners, and a small funding element to purchase specialised learning provision. | 86,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 3. Public order and safety |
Ministry of Justice | SCH-000003994 | Open University | To enable prisoners to study higher education. | 835,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 3. Public order and safety |
Ministry of Justice | SCH-000004010 | GPS Pilot | To enable eight Police Forces to provide both field services and a monitoring centre to support the GPS Pilot. | 1,134,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Public Organisations | 3. Public order and safety |
Ministry of Justice | SCH-000004038 | Homicide Specialist Support | To provide specialist counselling support to people bereaved by homicide prior to 2010 | 100,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Ministry of Justice | SCH-000003633 | Easy Reader Materials for Prisoners | To Produce Easy Read Materials For Prisoners | 21,914 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 3. Public order and safety |
Ministry of Justice | SCH-000002989 | NAOPV Infrastructure Support | To encourage and co-ordinate the work of Official Prison Visitors both at local and national level. | 11,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 3. Public order and safety |
Ministry of Justice | SCH-000002988 | Koestler Trust | To encourage artistic activity amongst prisoners and to raise public awareness of offender art through awards and a high profile annual exhibition. | 75,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 3. Public order and safety |
Ministry of Justice | SCH-000002991 | Emotional Support to Prisoners in distress or crisis. | To support the continuation of the existing prison Listener scheme. The scheme makes a significant contribution to NOMS' safer custody agenda of keeping prisoners safe and reducing self-inflicted deaths. | 500,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 3. Public order and safety |
Ministry of Justice | SCH-000002993 | Miscarriage of Justice | To provide advice and support to the victims of miscarriages of just referred by the Criminal Cases Review Commission. | 99,651 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 3. Public order and safety |
Ministry of Justice | SCH-000003006 | Support for families bereaved in Road Traffic Crime. | Grant funding to Brake charity to provide information packs for families bereaved by road traffic crime. Brake also maintains a national helpline offering practical information to callers and signposting to local services. | 110,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Ministry of Justice | SCH-000002995 | Engagement of Women Offenders in Prisons Industries | To improve the engagement of women offenders in prison industries | 62,500 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 3. Public order and safety |
Ministry of Justice | SCH-000003004 | Homicide & Peer Support Funding | Grant funding to 14 organisations to provide practical, emotional and specialist peer support for families bereaved through murder or manslaughter. | 350,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Ministry of Justice | SCH-000003002 | Restorative Justice | Grant to the Restorative Justice Council to ensure effective provision of support to victims of crime through information, explanation and redress from offenders. | 479,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Ministry of Justice | SCH-000002997 | Local Commissioning of Victims Service via PCCs | Grant payments to 42 Police and Crime Commissioners for the local commissioning of victims' services. | 63,150,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Ministry of Justice | SCH-000002994 | Infrastructure Services | To support the VCSE in developing its role in reducing re-offending providing it with practical resources, up to date information on key CJ developments, support with income generation. | 500,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 3. Public order and safety |
Ministry of Justice | SCH-000003007 | Support for Victims of Terrorism | Grant payments to Foundation for Peace and Victims' Support for the provision of long-term support for victims of terrorism and their families. | 200,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Ministry of Justice | SCH-000002998 | Increased funding to PCCs (Child Sex Abuse) | Additional funding for 42 Police and Crime Commissioners for the delivery of local support services for victims of child sexual abuse. | 4,850,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Ministry of Justice | SCH-000002999 | Female Rape Support Fund 2016-17 | Grant payments to 85 Rape Support Centres to provide specialist support, counselling and independent advocacy for females aged 13 or above who have experienced rape or sexual violence. | 4,740,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Ministry of Justice | SCH-000002996 | Witness Service | The Witness Service provides emotional and practical support and information to victims and witnesses giving evidence at criminal courts across England and Wales. | 12,000,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Ministry of Justice | SCH-000002990 | Prisoners Abroad | To provide a range of services to individuals returning to the UK from prison services abroad each year, including sex offenders and other serious offenders, ensuring that they are supported and that their whereabouts are known. | 225,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 3. Public order and safety |
Ministry of Justice | SCH-000003005 | Victims Information Line | Grant funding to Victim Support to maintain the Victims' Information Service website and telephone line. The Victims' Information Service signposts victims to local support and advocacy services. | 133,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Ministry of Justice | SCH-000003000 | 2016-17 Female Rape Support Fund (CSA Uplift) | Increased funding for 85 Rape Support centres to deliver specialist support for victims of child sexual abuse. | 1,714,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Ministry of Justice | SCH-000003001 | Male Rape Support Fund 2016-17 | Grant payments to 12 Rape Support Centres to provide specialist support, counselling and independent advocacy for males aged 13 or above who have experienced rape or sexual violence. Also includes funding for a male rape support website and helpline. | 746,276 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Ministry of Justice | SCH-000003003 | Homicide Service (National) | Grant funding to Victim Support to provide emotional and practical support for families bereaved by murder and manslaughter since 2010. | 2,750,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society | 1. General public services |
Ministry of Justice | SCH-000002992 | National Prison Radio | To provide National Prison Radio (NPR) offering speech and music programmes to prisoners. Through NPR prisoners learn about support services available to them and they are informed of any changes within NOMS that might directly affect them. | 300,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 3. Public order and safety |
Ministry of Justice | SCH-000003013 | Junior Attendance Centres | To enable the local authority to provide one or more JAC(s) in order to meet the demand for YRO Attendance Centre requirements from the courts they serve. JACs are expected to address offending and reoffending behaviour by children and young people and any intervention provided must have this principle as its core aim. | 2,208,898 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Ministry of Justice | SCH-000003011 | Youth Justice Good Practice | To make grants to local authorities and other persons for the purposes of the operation of the youth justice system and the provision of youth justice services. with a view to achieving the following outcomes: ? Reduction in youth re-offending ? Reduction in the numbers of first time entrants to the justice system ? Reduction in the use of youth custody ? Effective public protection? Effective safeguarding. In addition, for Wales only: ? Access to devolved services for young people in the youth justice system in line with joint YJB / Welsh Government outcome measures. | 68,949,684 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | Formula | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Ministry of Justice | SCH-000003015 | Litigants in Person | To fund a Support Strategy which aims to provide practical support, information and a route to some free or affordable legal advice for Litigants in Person in the family justice system | 1,450,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 10. Social protection |
Ministry of Justice | SCH-000003014 | Reunite | Contribution to help fund a helpline that provides advice to assist in the prevention of, and any consequences arising from, international parental child abduction. | 116,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 10. Social protection |
Ministry of Justice | SCH-000003012 | Resettlement Consortia | To provide enhanced resettlement support to young people leaving custody. Pathways will include education, training and employment, accommodation, health and substance misuse. | 225,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Criteria Based | Local Government | 1. General public services |
Ministry of Justice | SCH-000003016 | Coroners' Court Support Services | Start up fees for the CCSS services in coroners courts in England and Wales | 70,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 10. Social protection |
Ministry of Justice | SCH-000003024 | Prison Reform Early Adopter Sites | Supporting the Prison Reform agenda through grants improving the prison environment. | 1,726,849 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Competed | Civil Society; Private | 3. Public order and safety |
Ministry of Justice | SCH-000003028 | Langley HouseTrust | To support placements in specialist move-on accommodation from Approved Premises for MAPPA level 2 and 3 offenders. | 1,426,200 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Civil Society | 3. Public order and safety |
Ministry of Justice | SCH-000003027 | National Approved Premises Association | To support NAPA as a representative association for independent Approved Premises and a provider of training for Approved Premises staff. | 70,000 | 01/04/16 | 31/03/17 | 1 | General Grants - Un-competed | Private | 3. Public order and safety |