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Cabinet Office Quarterly Data Plan - October 2011 in CSV Format

Updated 15 July 2011
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Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set
SPENDING Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set RESULTS Not set Not set Not set PEOPLE Not set Not set Not set
Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set
Budget Not set Not set £million Not set Not set Common Areas of Spend Not set Q1 2011-12 Q4 2010-11 Not set Input Indicators Current Previous Not set Whole Department Family - Workforce Size Not set Current Previous
Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set
Not set Not set Not set Q1 2011-12 Q1 2010-11 Not set Estate Costs Total office estate (m2) 39,145 39,145 Not set 1 The central government cost for every person participating in National Citizen Service .. Q3 2011-12 .. Q2 2012-13 Not set Payroll Staff [Total full-time equivalent by] (current = at 30 Jun 2011, previous = at 31 Mar 2011) Department and Agencies 2,069 2,155
Total Departmental Expenditure Limit (DEL) Not set Not set 110 144 Not set Not set Total cost of office estate (£million) 4,492 13,315 Not set 2 Average cost of training a community organiser (Senior Community Organisers; Mid-level Community Organisers £676; £190 .. Q2 2012-13 Not set Not set Non-departmental public bodies 5 5
of which Resource DEL (excl. Depreciation) Not set Not set 104 122 Not set Not set Cost per FTE (£) 2,828.00 8,793.00 Not set 3 The cost of each type of Cabinet Office moratorium See Annex B .. Q2 2012-13 Not set Not set Department Family 2,074 2,160
Upto top 5 contributory elements A Support to the Cabinet, Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Not set 13 15 Not set Not set Cost per m2 (£) 115 400 Not set 4 For every pound spent by government departments, the cost of running a central procurement function to buy common, standard government supplies and equipment 0 .. Q2 2012-13 Not set Average Staff Costs (£) (current = at 30 Jun 2011, previous = at 31 Mar 2011) Not set 55,072 63,738
Not set B Political and Constitutional Reform Not set 3 2 Not set Procurement Total Procurement Spend (£million) 23.6 93.6 Not set 5 the cost of managing the relationship with government suppliers per pound spent on buying supplies and equipment 0 .. Q2 2012-13 Not set Contingent Labour [Total full-time equivalent by] (current = at 30 Jun 2011, previous = at 31 Mar 2011) Department and Agencies 52 .
Not set C National Security Not set 11 15 Not set Not set Price of standard box of A4 white copier paper (£/2500 sheets) 11.66 9.38 Not set Impact Indicators Current Previous Not set Not set Non-departmental public bodies 0 .
Not set D Effeciency and Reform Not set 56 62 Not set Not set Average price of energy (£/KWH) 0.062 0.059 Not set 1 The number of mutuals supported by the Mutuals Support Programme, and the number of public service areas in which these mutuals are supported .. Q3 2011-12 .. Q2 2012-13 Not set Not set Department Family 52 .
Not set E Independant Business Units Not set 2 1 Not set IT Total 3rd Party ICT Cost (£million) 3.87 6,92 Not set 2 Level of volunteering, by age group See Annex B .. Q2 2012-13 Not set Department and Agencies Only Not set Current Previous
Purchase of goods and services within Resource DEL Not set Not set 46 56 Not set Not set Cost of desktop provision per FTE (£) 350 350 Not set 3a Cost of the total staffing resources supporting the work of government £4.6bn .. Q2 2012-13 Not set Workforce Shape [Total full-time equivalent by] (current = at 30 Jun 2011, previous = at 31 Mar 2011) Administrative Assistants and Administrative Officers (%) 12 12
Payroll within Resource DEL Not set Not set 31 32 Not set Corporate Service Cost Human Resources (£million) 0.37 0.81 Not set 3b Size of the total staffing resources supporting the work of government 503,000 .. Q2 2012-13 Not set Not set Executive Officers (%) 17 17
Grants within Resource DEL Not set Not set 99 36 Not set Not set Finance (£million) 1.1 1.22 Not set 3c Ratio of HR staff to all staff Jan-68 .. Q2 2012-13 Not set Not set Higher and Senior Executive Officers (%) 32 32
of which Capital DEL Not set Not set 5 22 Not set Not set Procurement (£million) 0.07 0.09 Not set 3d Cost of HR function perHead £780 .. Q2 2012-13 Not set Not set Grade 7/6 (%) 28 28
Upto top 5 contributory elements A Non Current Assets - Additions Not set 2 3 Not set Not set Legal (£million) 0.84 0.72 Not set 4 Total central government spend on advertising, management consulting and identified 'overhead commodities' (such as office stationery and IT commodities) .. Q3 2011-12 .. Q2 2012-13 Not set Not set Senior Civil Servants (%) 10 10
Not set B Capital Grants Not set 3 18 Not set Not set Communications (£million) 0.63 1.12 Not set 5 Total savings made by improved management of relationships with key government suppliers (absolute pound savings and period on period change) £806m .. Q2 2012-13 Not set Not set Part Time (%) 4.7 5.4
Not set C NDPB's grant capital Not set 0 1 Not set Fraud, Error, Debt Total Identified Fraud (£million) 0 0 Not set 6 Hold the General Election as provided by the Fixed Term Parliament Act on a voting system chosen by the British people, more equal constituency boundaries and a more accurate and secure electoral register based on individual registration N/A .. Q2 2012-13 Not set Workforce Dynamics Recruitment Exceptions (current = Q1 2011-12, previous = Q4 2010-11) 37 32
Total Annually Managed Expenditure (AME) Not set Not set -1 0 Not set Not set Total known Errors (£million) 0 0 Not set Other Data Sets Current Previous Not set Not set Annual Turnover Rate (%, current = at 30 Jun 2011, previous = at 31 Mar 2011) 32.1 30.7
Upto top 5 contributory elements A New provisions Not set 0 0 Not set Not set Total Debt (£million) 0 0 Not set 1 Number of participants on National Citizen Service .. Q3 2011-12 .. Q3 2012-13 Not set Workforce Diversity [Total %] (current = at 30 Jun 2011, previous = at 31 Mar 2011) Black and Minority Ethnic 13.2 13.69
Not set B Utilisation of provision Not set -1 0 Not set Not set Debtor Days 0 0 Not set 2 Funding released from Big Society Bank .. Q1 2012-13 .. Q1 2013-14 Not set Not set Women 51.4 51.39
Not set C Impairment Fixed Assets Not set 0 0 Not set Voluntary and community sector (VCS)/Small and medium enterprises (SME) Procurement spend with SME (£million) 2.6 1.82 Not set 3 Number of interns on new Whitehall internship programme 171 .. Q3 2011-12 Not set Not set Disabled 5.4 5.7
Financial Indicators Not set Not set Q1 2011-12 Q4 2010-11 Not set Not set Procurement spend with VCS (£million) 0.13 0.58 Not set 4 Number of public bodies in central government .. Q3 2011-12 .. Q2 2012-13 Not set Workforce Diversity [Senior Civil Servants only %] (current = at 30 Jun 2011, previous = at 31 Mar 2011) Black and Minority Ethnic 6.1 6.2
Accuracy of Cash Forecasting ( +/-, %) Not set Not set 81.26 20.62 Not set Not set Grants to VCS (£million) 95.3 37.6 Not set 5 Number of community organisers trained .. Q2 2012-13 .. Q2 2013-14 Not set Not set Women 43.3 43.1
Working Capital Forecast [% variance of Actual v Forecast] Not set Not set 0 0 Not set Major Projects (Top 5) Not set Not set Cost Not set Structural Reform Plan Actions Q2 2011-12 Q1 2011-12 Not set Not set Women (Top Management Posts) 40 39.2
Net Book Value [% variance of Actual v Forecast] Not set Not set 0 0 Not set Project A: Individual Electoral Registration (£million) Not set Not set 108 Not set Total number of actions completed over the quarter 18 19 Not set Not set Disabled 4 3.9
Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Project B: National Cyber Security Programme (£million) Not set Not set 77 Not set Total number of actions overdue at the end of the quarter 1 4 Not set Attendance (AWDL) (current = at 30 Jun 2011, previous = at 31 Mar 2011) Actual 4.5 4
Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Project C: Public Services Network (£million) Not set Not set 12 Not set Number of overdue actions that are attributable to external factors 0 1 Not set Not set Standardised 8 7.4
Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Project D: My Civil Service Pension (£million) Not set Not set 7 Not set Total number of actions ongoing 23 30 Not set Department only; People Survey Metrics Not set 2010 survey 2009 survey
Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Project E: National Citizenship Service (£million) Not set Not set 63 Not set Total number of actions in the business plan that have yet to start 24 31 Not set Engagement Index (%) Not set 57 62
Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set £m whole life cost of ALL major projects Not set Not set 268 Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Theme scores (%) Leadership and Managing Change 33 39
Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set My Work 74 81
Notes: (1) For more information on time periods, please refer to measurement annex; (2) Numbers may not sum to totals due to rounding; (3) For cells that are marked as 'not applicable' (.) please refer to measurement annex for specific reasons; (4) For cells that are marked as 'not available' (.. with a date) please refer to measurement annex for specific reasons and when it will be available; (5) Further information on input and impact indicators visit:; (6) Further information on the Structural Reform Plan Actions visit:; (7) Any interpretation of this management information must give careful consideration to the caveats noted in the measurement annex. Many of the measures are not yet directly comparable because they do not have common definitions, time periods, or data collection processes. Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set My Line Manager 65 70
Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Contact details: Public enquires: Members of the public should contactSima Patel 0207 276 0647. Press enquiries: Members of the media should contact the News Desk on 0207 276 1196/0317 Not set Not set Not set Not set Organisational Objectives & Purpose 65 71