Transparency data

Department for Education senior staff data: April 2012

Updated 11 October 2024
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Post Unique Reference Name Grade (or equivalent) Job Title Job/Team Function Parent Department Organisation Unit Contact Phone Contact E-mail Reports to Senior Post Salary Cost of Reports (£) FTE Actual Pay Floor (£) Actual Pay Ceiling (£) Total Pay (£) Professional/Occupational Group
DFE-1001 Chris Wormald SCS4 Permanent Secretary The Permanent Secretary has three overall roles: 1. The Head of the Department. 2. The Accounting Officer. 3. The Chief Policy Non-Political Policy Advisor to the Secretary of State. He is responsible for the overall management of the Department and is accountable to Parliament for the actions the Department takes and the way in which taxpayers’ money is spent. Department for Education Department for Education Accounting Officer and Chief Policy Non-Political Policy Advisor to the Secretary of State 0370 0002288 N/D XX 1677835 1 160000 164999 160000 Policy
DFE-1002 Thomas Jeffery SCS3 Director General Developing and reforming safeguarding services that protect and support children at risk of harm. Supporting and empowering families and developing the foundation years sector, ensuring that all children thrive in an excellent school system Tackling barriers preventing children from fulfilling their educational and wider potential, including SEN, disabilities and other health needs Developing and reforming the care system and speeding up the process of adoption. Focusing and developing local services for the most disadvantaged young people. Contribute to Government priorities on child rights, child poverty, and ensuring an effective strategic relationship between the Department and the children’s services sector.  Department for Education Department for Education Children, Young People and Families Directorate 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1001 927495 1 140000 144999 N/A Policy
DFE-1003 Stephen Meek SCS3 Director General Advises on qualifications for 14-19 year olds including A Levels / GCSEs / iGCSEs / Apprenticeships. Oversight of Ofqual / QCDA / the operation of the exam system. Raising participation in education and training among 16-18 year olds including reducing the number of NEETs / information / advice and guidance and financial support. Employer engagement in education. Department for Education Department for Education Education Standards Directorate 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1001 1454992 1 105000 109999 N/A Policy
DFE-1004 Tim Wright SCS2 Director Providing strategic leadership and appropriate governance over the use of information and technology and the management of the property portfolio for DfE and across the sector to enable the business to operate effectively. Ensuring the operationally excellent delivery of ICT and FM services to the Department and its agencies. Working across government to ensure the coherent delivery of digital services to citizens. Department for Education Department for Education Chief Information Officer Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1003 1593038 1 135000 139999 N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1005 Hardip Begol SCS2 Acting Director Head of the Curriculum and General Qualifications Reform Group with responsibility for advising Ministers on the review of the National Curriculum, the reform of GCSE and A level qualifications and improving the credibility of the exams system. Department for Education Department for Education Curriculum and General Qualifications Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1003 1124216 1 65000 69999 N/A Policy
DFE-1006 Ann Gross SCS2 Director Leading the Group which supports Ministers in developing and implementing policies relating to the reform of early years and childcare, including Sure Start, early intervention and early education, as well as reforming provision for children with special educational needs and disabilities. Department for Education Department for Education Early Years, Extended Schools and Special Needs Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1002 1640172 1 80000 84999 N/A Policy
DFE-1007 Julie Bramman SCS2 Deputy Director Leadership for the Education Standards Directorate’s central Divisions which includes responsibility for: Programme and Project Management of the Department’s schools reforms; planning and deployment of a flexible resource pool; reducing schools bureaucracy; school safety and security; local intelligence and stakeholder management; Directorate HR and administrative support functions; and, the Directorate’s  analytical functions. Department for Education Department for Education Education Strategy Performance Analysis Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1003 0 1 65000 69999 N/A Policy
DFE-1008 Shirley Trundle SCS2 Director Families Group’s  responsibilities include: 1. Analysis and advice on family policies 2. Tackling child poverty, in conjunction with DWP 3. Support for parents’ role in the school system 4. National family support services 5. Relationship support 6. Strengthening adoption arrangements 7. Improving services for children in care 8.  Reform of the family justice system in conjunction with MoJ, and sponsoring the Children and Family Courts Advisory Support Service - Cafcass. 8. Supporting voluntary sector organisations who have an interest in families, children in care and adoption. Department for Education Department for Education Families Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1002 675990 1 105000 109999 N/A Policy
DFE-1009 Simon Parkes SCS2 Director Director Finance and Commercial Group.  Responsible for leading the Department’s Finance and Commercial functions to enable the Department to achieve its key priorities – delivering new Academies, Free Schools, the Departmental Change Programme; the effective closure of the Department’s Arms Length Bodies; the delivery of significant reductions in administrative expenditure and supporting more effective procurement in schools. Providing support to the Accounting Officer and ensuring the Department secures value for money through developing the Department’s management information; ensuring that the right information is available at the right time to support the Department’s strategic decision making. Department for Education Department for Education Finance and Commercial Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1001 683036 1 135000 139999 N/A Finance
DFE-1010 David Russell SCS2 Director Leadership and management of Participation & Vocational Education Group. Responsible for Government policy in the following areas:  1. Reform of vocational education up to age 19, including apprenticeships.  2. Increasing participation in education of those aged 16-18. 3. Behaviour, attendance and discipline in schools, including reform of Alternative Provision.  4 Reform of education for students with Learning Difficulties and Disabilities aged 16-25  5. Coordinating the DfE response to civil emergencies affecting schools. Department for Education Department for Education Participation and Vocational Education Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1003 2407289 1 80000 84999 N/A Policy
DFE-1011 Dawn Jarvis SCS2 Director Leading HR strategy and delivery of HR services Department.  The HR Director is also responsible for internal communications within the Department for Education. Department for Education Department for Education People and Change 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1002 746752 1 95000 99999 N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1012 Jeanette Pugh SCS2 Director Director of Safeguarding Group which has responsibility for safeguarding and child protection policy nationally. The Group is working to take forward the Government’s response to Professor Eileen Munro’s independent review of child protection and is leading work on a range of policies and initiatives to safeguard children including safe recruitment (vetting and barring) and child internet safety. The Group also leads on policies concerned with vulnerable groups of children - including children and young people at risk of sexual exploitation, trafficking or domestic violence – and has responsibility for policy on children in employment and children who take part in entertainment. Department for Education Department for Education Safeguarding Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1002 0 1 105000 109999 N/A Policy
DFE-1013 Sue Hackman SCS2 Director Responsible for: assessment and accountability (including assessment policy, performance tables, data website, and inspection; standards in English, mathematics, science and other STEM subjects; international education strategy; deprivation and the pupil premium; pupil groups, including underperforming and academically able pupils as well as service children; wider school improvement including coasting schools, and wider curriculum provision, including arts, humanities and cultural activities. Department for Education Department for Education School Standards Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1003 332498 1 120000 124999 N/A Policy
DFE-1014 Carole Willis SCS2 Director Director of Research and Analysis. Departmental Chief Scientific Advisor. Directly oversees 4 Divisions responsible for cross-cutting analysis and statisitcal collections, as well as managing Departmental interest in migration policy and increasing the use of good policy making skills across the Department. This includes analysis of “value for money”, international comparisons, delivering data transparency and reduced data burdens and specialist support on equalities and reducing regulation. Carole also leads the wider analytical community across DfE to ensure that sound analysis/evidence informs policy development and delivery. Department for Education Department for Education Strategic Analysis Research and Policy Impact Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1003 245382 1 85000 89999 N/A Economics
DFE-1015 Lucy Smith SCS2 Director Director Strategy and Performance Group - leads the development of the Department’s overall strategy for transforming the education system and improving outcomes for children and young people. The Director is responsible for establishing the Department’s priorities and driving its performance, and for supporting strategic decision making on the allocation of resources, including through leadership of Spending Reviews Department for Education Department for Education Strategy and Performance Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1001 941106 1 80000 84999 N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1016 Paul Kissack SCS2 Deputy Director Director of Supporting Delivery Group. Responsible for ensuring an effective strategic relationship between the Department and children’s services sector, including: (a) leading policy on the local authority role in children’s services – local accountability improvement/inspection/intervention; (b) coordinating activity to support development of the role of all service providers, including Voluntary and Community Sector/private providers, including through promoting effective commissioning and cost-effective practice; and (c) ensuring reforms to the health system support positive outcomes for children and young people. Responsible for youth services policy/delivery. Managing and leading CYPFD Programme of policy and delivery, including the analytical programme supporting effective policy making. Department for Education Department for Education Supporting Delivery Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1002 541110 1 95000 99999 N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1017 Marcus Bell SCS2 Director Leads Teachers Group, which is responsible for policy on the teaching profession, including training, standards, regulation, leadership, pay, pensions and industrial relations. Department for Education Department for Education Teachers Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1003 2357800 1 80000 84999 N/A Policy
DFE-1018 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Responsibility for managing the market for Initial Teacher Training (ITT). This involves strategic oversight of the budget to fund ITT training and provide financial support for trainees. Responsible for working with Ofsted on regulating the quality of ITT and on the accreditation of ITT providers and for the collection of a wide range of trainee and labour market data to support the work of the Agency. Department for Education Department for Education ALB Reform Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1019 0 1 N/A N/A N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1019 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director The DG role provides high level oversight of the DfE/ALB Reform programme including acting as Senior Reporting Officer and representing DFE on the cross Government Public Bodies Steering Board. In scope are 17 ALBs forming part of the DfE group. The role includes maintaining relationships at strategic level with ALB Chief Executives/Chairs: external stakeholders (eg headteacher unions: LGA: Local Authority Directors and Chief Executives) and other Government Departments over the reform programme. As a consequence of the reform programme it also includes formulating ideas and contributing thinking towards a future operating model for DfE and the education sector in England. Department for Education Department for Education ALB Reform Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1002 0 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1020 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Head of Strategy and Architecture Unit. Responsible for: Development and implementation of a sector wide ICT strategy for education skills and children's services, the underpinning enterprise architecture and standards: Design assurance of Departmental/sector business systems and Chair of the Architectural Review Board (ARB). Senior DfE sponsor for the Information Standards Board (ISB) for education skills and children's services. The ISB is responsible for the defining work programme for data and information standards activities for the Education, Skills and children's Services sector. The Secretariat is provided by the Strategy and Architecture Unit which also directs the ISB's Technical Support Service. Department for Education Department for Education Chief Information Officer Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1004 1504601 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1021 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director The Service Management Unit (SMU) manages the delivery and support of a wide range of internal and externally-provided IT Services using processes and procedures based on ITIL v 3 standards. Our customers include: internal departmental staff: other Departments: Arms Length Bodies: Local Authorities and other education delivery partners. Our services range from departmental email and video-conferencing through to key public facing services such as the Online Free School Meals Eligibility Checking Service (OFSM - ECS). Department for Education Department for Education Chief Information Officer Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1004 326631 1 N/A N/A N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1022 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director having overall responsibility for the Property Asset Management Unit (PAMU) and Departmental Security Unit (DSU) for the Department of Education and the Department for Communities and Local Government. PAMU and DSU responsibilities include estate/property strategy and management, contract management, programme and project management, sustainable operations, fire, health and safety and facilities management, business continuity and security management, protective and information technology security. Department for Education Department for Education Chief Information Officer Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1004 685384 1 N/A N/A N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1023 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Head of Business Solutions Unit. Responsible for delivering all ICT Programmes and Projects in CIO Group, including the delivery of new applications, infrastructure and ICT enabled business change. The role includes that of Chief Knowledge Officer and Head of Profession for Knowledge and Information Management, and is responsible for delivering all related services to the DfE Group. Department for Education Department for Education Chief Information Officer Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1004 680501 1 N/A N/A N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1024 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Head of IT Operations. Responsible for the management and delivery of all of the Department’s internal IT systems and services including the desktop, email, filing systems, printing, Videoconferencing and telephony. It is IT Operation's job to ensure that systems are modern, responsive and reliable and that everyone in DFE and its executive agencies has the technology tools they need to do their job and to collaborate effectively with colleagues inside and outside the Department. Department for Education Department for Education Chief Information Officer Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1004 1426075 1 N/A N/A N/A Information Technology
DFE-1025 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Policy advice and development on strategic and financial issues that go across the range of the Directorate’s responsibilities for children, young people and families, supporting discussion/decision making within the senior management team. Control of finances for CYPFD, including Early Intervention Grant payments, management information on programme and administrative costs, guidance on accounting , propriety/value for money; strategic financial analysis; engagement in the Department’s financial exercises. Overall management of people and other non-financial support functions in the Directorate including the DG’s private office. Joint management of the Leadership and Management Division including programme office and flexible pool. Department for Education Department for Education Children, Young People and Families Directorate 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1002 1172790 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1026 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director The Division is responsible for advising Ministers on the reform of the curriculum for 5-16 year olds. Department for Education Department for Education Curriculum and General Qualifications Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1005 420503 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1027 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Head of GCSE Reform Division with responsibility for policy on long and short term reform of GCSEs, Englilsh Baccalaureate, and data base of past examinations papers. Department for Education Department for Education Curriculum and General Qualifications Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1005 964265 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1028 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Head of Qualifications Systems and Reform Division, with responsibility for policy on A level reform and on the effective and efficient functioning of the exams system as a whole, including the Department’s relationship with Ofqual, the exams regulator. Department for Education Department for Education Curriculum and General Qualifications Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1005 787033 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1029 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Responsible for developing and implementing policies on free early education for three and four year olds, the extension of free early education to 40% of two year olds, and on the childcare market. Department for Education Department for Education Early Years, Extended Schools and Special Needs Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1006 905604 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1030 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Providing transitional support to FYSN group 2 days per week to support policy development on Early Intervention and Sure Start Children’s Centres (until end August 2012, then leaving the Department). Department for Education Department for Education Early Years, Extended Schools and Special Needs Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1006 1284578 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1031 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director responsible for Sure Start and early years quality, within the Children, Young People and Families Directorate .  Department for Education Department for Education Early Years, Extended Schools and Special Needs Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1006 645194 1 N/A N/A N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1032 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Responsibilities include contributing to Government priorities on Child rights, Child Poverty, supporting strong and stable families and ensuring an effective strategic relationship between the Department and the children’s services sector.  Department for Education Department for Education Early Years, Extended Schools and Special Needs Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1006 229417 1 N/A N/A N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1033 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director 1. Leading the work to reduce bureaucracy in schools including secretariat to the Bureaucracy Reference Group. 2. Health and safety in schools. 3. Local intelligence for the education single programme – reports on the impact of specific policies and secretariat for two headteacher reference groups. 4. Publication of the termly timeline for schools.  5. Ensuring Education Standards Directorate manages its people in the most efficient and effective way by making sure we: have the right number of skilled people to deliver our objectives; analyse key data; and take action to ensure we have highly motivated effective staff Department for Education Department for Education Education Strategy Performance Analysis Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1007 135370 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1034 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Responsible for: 1. Supporting two Director Generals, in Education Standards and Infrastructure and Funding, to lead the successful implementation of the educational reform agenda through good programme management, including active management of risks and issues. 2. To lead and deploy a flexible resource unit that can be deployed to priority areas for short term projects.  3. To deliver effective financial management of programme, admin and capital spending in Education Standards Directorate. Department for Education Department for Education Education Strategy Performance Analysis Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1007 988871 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1035 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Education Standards Analysis & Research Division ( ESARD) provides high-quality and relevant statistics, analysis, research and evaluation that contributes to the development and implementation of well-founded and cost-effective policies and the dissemination of accurate and authoritative information to the policy areas of the Directorate.  All of the division’s staff members are specialists drawn from the government's Statistics / Economics / Social Research / Operational Research professions. Department for Education Department for Education Education Strategy Performance Analysis Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1007 1952568 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1036 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Children In Care Department for Education Department for Education Families Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1008 852170 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1037 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director Children in Care division deals with the most vulnerable of children; those whose families are not able to provide the care they need. It leads the policy for children looked after by local authorities (“children in care”) - care leavers and domestic and inter-country adoption policy and inter-country adoption case work. Department for Education Department for Education Families Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1008 844625 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1038 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director On assignment to the Adoption Team following ALB closure. Leading and support aspects of the reform of adoption, with a particular focus on the Prospective Adopter’s journey, improving the overall process, speed by which prospective adopters can be assessed and the need for more people to come forwards as potential adoptive parents. Department for Education Department for Education Families Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1008 0 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1039 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Child Poverty Unit; A joint unit of the Department for Work and Pensions, Department for Education and HMT; it’s mission is to make child poverty everybody’s business and work in partnership with stakeholders within and outside government to ensure that no child has their childhood or life chances blighted by poverty and to drive the changes needed to eradicate child poverty by 2020 and beyond. Department for Education Department for Education Families Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1008 1828203 1 N/A N/A N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1040 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director Responsibility for: 1. A range of early intervention and targeted services for families including contracts for 11 online/helpline family support services and the LA duty to provide information to parents. 2. The CANparent parenting classes trial. 3. The legal requirements on schools to provide information to parents, handle parents’ complaints and Home School Agreements. 4. Bookgifting to improve child literacy (Bookstart & Booktime). 5. Strengthening the use of evidence-based practice in parenting and family support including through grants to a range of national family support voluntary organisations and charities. 6. Finance and planning support for Families Group. Department for Education Department for Education Families Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1008 1341854 1 N/A N/A N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1041 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director. We are responsible for policy on supporting relationships to improve outcomes for children and families and wider society. We lead policy on family law (when families go to court either as a result of parental disputes or where local authorities have concerns about a child’s welfare) and in that capacity sponsor the Children and Families Court Advisory and Support Service a Non-Departmental Public Body which works with children and families in the courts. We also in partnership with the Ministry of Justice support the Family Justice Review panel which is considering reforms to the Family Justice System. Department for Education Department for Education Families Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1008 463200 0.81 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1042 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director ALB closure and Academies Finance Policy. Responsible for completing the ALB closure Also responsible for Finance Policy in respect of the Academies Programme with particular emphasis on developing a framework for incorporating Academies into Departmental budgeting and financial reporting. Department for Education Department for Education Finance and Commercial Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1009 1195034 1 N/A N/A N/A Finance
DFE-1043 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director Business Insight and Central Policy Division.  Responsible for providing the Department with high quality workforce, commercial and financial management information, market intelligence and business insight. Leading the transparency agenda; spending controls; benchmarking; benefits realisation and business management. Ensuring that the Department’s commercial and financial policies and practice are consistent with best practice and providing capability and skills programmes for the Department's non-professionals and the schools sector. Department for Education Department for Education Finance and Commercial Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1009 1751915 1 N/A N/A N/A Finance
DFE-1044 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director Commercial Division.  Responsible for ensuring that the commercial and procurement activity of the Department and its Agencies supports Departrmental priorities and delivers outstanding value for money.  Also responsible for developing commercial solutions for schools. Department for Education Department for Education Finance and Commercial Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1009 927915 1 N/A N/A N/A Procurement
DFE-1045 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Head of major procurement projects for the Department's Executive Agencies. Department for Education Department for Education Finance and Commercial Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1044 0 1 N/A N/A N/A Procurement
DFE-1046 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director Corporate Finance Division.  Responsible for managing the Department’s overall financial position through the production of timely and accurate financial reports, ensuring that the Department for Education remains one of the top performing departments.  Strengthen financial reporting, forecasting and management in the Department’s family including supporting Academies and Free Schools to undertake due diligence checks on potential providers.  To lay Departmental Resource Accounts and complete the Clear Line of Sight implementation across the Departmental family.  Deliver the requirements for embedding the new Executive Agencies into the Financial Framework; facilitate Grant payments and develop a more strategic business partnering role. Department for Education Department for Education Finance and Commercial Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1009 684597 1 N/A N/A N/A Finance
DFE-1047 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director Efficiency Reform Division. Leads the Group’s support for the Departmental Change Programme, transforming the provision of finance, commercial and internal audit services in the Department and commercial services across Government. Providing the central Departmental focus for ERG/CO liaison including facilitating the sharing of commercial resources across the 12 small departments and representing them on the Procurement Reform Board. Provides central HR and business support to the Group and leads the transformation of finance, procurement and internal audit professionalism across the Department. Department for Education Department for Education Finance and Commercial Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1009 1179182 1 N/A N/A N/A Procurement
DFE-1048 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director Academies Consolidation. Responsible for provision of technical advice and support on consolidating Academies into Department budgeting and accounting statements Department for Education Department for Education Finance and Commercial Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1009 0 1 N/A N/A N/A Finance
DFE-1049 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director Financial Management Division. To ensure that the Department provides local and dedicated high quality professional financial control and support to three of the Department’s Executive Agencies (EAs) by embedding centrally provided flexible resources in to the Agencies. The teams are the focal point in each EA for finance and related matters and, through business partnering, ensure finance issues influence and shape business decisions. Department for Education Department for Education Finance and Commercial Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1009 300269 1 N/A N/A N/A Finance
DFE-1050 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director, Internal Audit. The Head of Internal Audit leads a team of professionally trained auditors reporting on the effectiveness of risk management and control within the Department and its 4 Executive Agencies through a programme of audit work in line with the HMT Corporate Governance Code of Practice and the Government Internal Audit Standards. The work supports reform of the Department delivery structure.  In addition, work is also undertaken to provide advice and investigation services as required.  The Unit also provides secretariat support services to the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee. Department for Education Department for Education Finance and Commercial Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1009 463792 1 N/A N/A N/A Internal Audit
DFE-1051 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Responsible for improving behaviour and attendance in schools, including legilslation/policy on: 1. Teachers' powers to discipline pupils. 2. Helping schools to manage behaviour more effectively. 3. Measures to prevent and tackle bullying in schools. 4. Exclusions (expulsions and suspensions) 5. The quality of alternative provisions for excluded children and others without a school place. 6. Improving attendance at schools. 7. Reducing the number of children missing education altogether. 8. Penalty notices, parenting contracts or orders and other "Parental responsibility measures". Department for Education Department for Education Participation and Vocational Education Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1010 302933 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1052 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Responsible for implementing the post-16 aspects of the SEND Green Paper, through the forthcoming Children and Families Bill. Also responsible for implementing recommendations from the Wolf Review of Vocational Education to achieve growth in the quality and quantity of Work Experience available for young people within post-16 Study Programmes. Department for Education Department for Education Participation and Vocational Education Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1010 420188 0.7 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1053 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Responsible for implementing the legislation which set a new compulsory education and training leaving age at 18 by 2015. Policy on reducing the proportion of 16-18 year olds who are not in education / employment / training. Policy on narrowing the gap in attainment at age 19 between young people who were eligible for FSM and their peers, the KS4 Destination measure and policy on careers guidance in schools. Department for Education Department for Education Participation and Vocational Education Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1010 798346 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1054 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director- Vocational Qualifications and Financial Support Division responsible for 16-19 vocational education strategy, the reform of vocational qualifications for this age group and provision of personal student support funding including the 16-19 Bursary. Department for Education Department for Education Participation and Vocational Education Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1010 1631108 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1055 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Senior HR professional responsible for the delivery of HR services into the Department including: the development and implementation of DfE workforce plans and resourcing strategy (including staff recruitment, redeployment and reductions); performance management and poor performance management policy and process; pay strategy; all terms and conditions; and industrial relations. Department for Education Department for Education People and Change 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1011 534410 1 N/A N/A N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1056 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Head of HR Strategy: Lead the HR strand of the review of DfE functions announced in the Civil Service Reform Plan published in June 2012 and, once the review has concluded, to develop a 3 year HR strategy for DfE to help implement the outcomes from the review.   Department for Education Department for Education People and Change 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1011 0 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1057 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Head of the Qualifications System Division. Responsible for managing the Department’s relationship with Ofqual; handling issues relating to the delivery of examinations in schools; oversight of the Exams Deliver Support Unit which supports exams centres to ensure the effective management, administration and successful awarding of General Qualifications; and the programme of work leading to QCDA’s closure in 2012. Department for Education Department for Education People and Change 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1011 1448293 0.94 N/A N/A N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1058 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director To manage the Supporting Delivery team within People and Change. Key areas of responsibilities include: • Ensuring HR Policy and Delivery work/processes land successfully into the organisation and become embedded. • Lead a team of 7 Business Partners to be a conduit between central HR and the business supporting our customers in delivering their People plans. • Manage a Casework team of 7 whose key objective is to ensure that serious casework is handled appropriately/professionally and that DfE reputation is protected. • To work with PaC SMT to develop the People Strategy with reference to current DfE and Civil Service Reform process. Department for Education Department for Education People and Change 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1011 1093839 1 N/A N/A N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1059 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Keeping children safe on the internet; safeguarding in education; allegations against teachers; reform to disclosure and barring; child sexual exploitation; reforming legislation governing children who work or perform; briefing Ministers on serious incidents; safeguarding business and finance. Department for Education Department for Education Safeguarding Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1012 1490431 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1060 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Child Poverty Unit; A joint unit of the Department for Work and Pensions, Department for Education and HMT; it’s mission is to make child poverty everybody’s business and work in partnership with stakeholders within and outside government to ensure that no child has their childhood or life chances blighted by poverty and to drive the changes needed to eradicate child poverty by 2020 and beyond. Department for Education Department for Education Safeguarding Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1012 812767 1 N/A N/A N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1061 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Following the closure of the Children’s Workforce Development Council and the transfer of its social work programme to the DfE, my role involves leading the team working on those national initiatives which help employers to recruit, retain and reform social work in a children and families context. Department for Education Department for Education Safeguarding Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1012 669146 0.54 N/A N/A N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1062 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Responsible for: policies aimed at narrowing achievement gaps and improving the rate at which pupils make progress; policy for the Pupil Premium, under-performing groups of pupils (including some ethnic minority groups) and academically able pupils. Provide support for curriculum provision in order to ensure schools provide a broad range of subjects, ethos and activities - including PE, music and cultural education, school meals, and Personal, Social, Health and Economics (PSHE) education. Department for Education Department for Education School Standards Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1013 606296 0.89 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1063 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Responsible for: policies and strategies to raise educational standards in English, mathematics and science; and oversight of the Department’s business engagement with Ofsted. Department for Education Department for Education School Standards Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1013 948783 0.75 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1064 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Responsible for: project work supporting GCSE reform. Department for Education Department for Education School Standards Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1013 0 0.83 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1065 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Responsible for: policies in respect of the National Curriculum Key Stage 2 tests and other statutory assessment arrangements; policy development of the new Year 1 Phonics Screening Check; development and delivery of the annual performance tables and securing future arrangements for the provision of school performance data. Department for Education Department for Education School Standards Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1013 2984864 0.83 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1066 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Responsible for: policy on international education issues, school improvement and aspects of post-16 education. International work includes: managing the DfE's interests in international organisations, including the European Union, OECD and European Schools system; ensuring that policy is informed by international evidence of effective policy and practice; developing strategic partnerships on education with key partner countries as part of the government's wider foreign policy engagement. Also responsible for policy on school improvement and performance and accountability of providers of education for 16-18 year olds. Department for Education Department for Education School Standards Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1013 1500894 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1067 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Delivering a large range of key data service outputs to schedule that are relevant and fit for purpose through high level delivery and risk management. Provide a flexible customer focussed responsive service delivering all products/services through transparent value for money agreements. As Head of Profession for Statistics deals with statistical issues as they arise and ensure compliance with Code of Practice for Official Statistics. Department for Education Department for Education Strategic Analysis Research and Policy Impact Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1014 3115613 1 N/A N/A N/A Statisticians
DFE-1068 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director for Policy Impact - oversees and gives strategic direction to the policy making process in DfE and leads delivery of related guidance and training so that staff can focus their skills and time on developing and delivering effective policies. The Division also provides specialist advice on equality, sustainability, regulatory reform, devolution and migration and works with teams to help them and the Department as a whole to meet legal requirements and Government commitments in these areas. Department for Education Department for Education Strategic Analysis Research and Policy Impact Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1014 181749 0.86 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1069 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director The Deputy Director of SA is the Department's Chief Economist leading a division whose role is to ensure that appropriate economic analysis and international statistical evidence influences all key policy and spending decisions affecting DfE. As the Department's Chief Economist she ensures that the Department recruits and develops high-quality economists for all its policy directorates. Department for Education Department for Education Strategic Analysis Research and Policy Impact Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1014 1130957 1 N/A N/A N/A Economics
DFE-1070 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Head of the Young People Division.  Responsible for all issues relating to services for young people outside school, including the Positive for Youth statement, establishment of Myplace Centres, the National Citizen Service from 2013, funding for VCS organisations working with young people, and DfE’s interest in issues relating to young people at risk (including drug and alcohol misuse, teenage pregnancy, youth crime and the education of young people in custody). Department for Education Department for Education Supporting Delivery Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1016 826142 0.92 N/A N/A N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1071 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Analysis and Research Division - Developing the analytical and evidence strategy for children, young people and families and managing research and evaluation on all our policies and programmes Department for Education Department for Education Supporting Delivery Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1016 464923 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1072 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Strategy, Programme and Voluntary Sector Division covers: 1. Management of the directorate’s grant programme with the Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise sector (VCSE)  and of the directorate’s relationship towards the sector 2 Joint management of the Leadership and Management Division including the programme office and flexible pool.. 3. Strategic support to the directorate’s programme, 4 Providing financial and internal business support to the Supporting Delivery Group and 5 Taking forward the directorate’s legislative priorities for the 2nd Parliamentary Session. Department for Education Department for Education Supporting Delivery Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1016 1562723 1 N/A N/A N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1073 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Local Area Policy and Performance Division covers: · The role of the local authority in education and children’s services and the associated framework of local partnership arrangements. The Department's interest in Community Budgets. Facilitation of stakeholder relations with Local Authorities · The Department's interest in health reforms and the Department's relationship with the Department of Health; · Performance Improvement in local authority children's services, including the development of sector led approaches, leadership development and coordination of wider workforce issues; · Policy on tackling weak local authority performance. Management of the Department's interventions in poorly performing Local Authorities. Department for Education Department for Education Supporting Delivery Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1016 1014945 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1074 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Internal lead for the Analytical Review – a root and branch review of the Department’s data, analysis and research needs and, in the light of this, how it should organise itself to ensure that these needs are best met. Department for Education Department for Education Supporting Delivery Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1016 0 0.6 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1075 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Director of Finance for the National College for School Leadership. Department for Education Department for Education Teachers Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1017 0 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1076 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Leads Improving Teacher Quality Division which is responsible for teachers' pay and conditions reform, the policy on teachers' performance, development and regulation and the review of teacher quality policy. Department for Education Department for Education Teachers Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1017 2074750 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1077 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Leads Supply Division, which is responsible for policy on initial teacher training and school system leadership and industrial relations. Department for Education Department for Education Teachers Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1017 346980 0.5 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1078 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Leads Supply Division, which is responsible for policy on initial teacher training and school system leadership and industrial relations. Department for Education Department for Education Teachers Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1017 0 0.7 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1079 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Leads the Pensions, Terms and Conditions Division, which is responsible for the management and reform of the teachers' pension scheme, and for implementing teachers' statutory terms and conditions. Department for Education Department for Education Teachers Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1017 267407 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1080 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Leads the Pensions, Terms and Conditions Division, which is responsible for the management and reform of the teachers' pension scheme, and for implementing teachers' statutory terms and conditions. Department for Education Department for Education Teachers Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1017 0 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1081 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Leads a policy project on support staff in schools. Department for Education Department for Education Teachers Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1017 0 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1082 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director To support the Director in business planning, communications and providing Ministerial advice on the recruitment and retention of teachers to challenging schools. Department for Education Department for Education Teachers Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1017 0 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1083 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Teaching Agency Department for Education Department for Education Teaching Agency 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1186 923147 1 N/A N/A N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1084 Andrew McCully SCS3 Director General Infrastructure and Funding Directorate (IFD) is responsible for: school and college funding up to age 18 (25 for young people with learning difficulties) including funding provided via local authorities and delivery of the proposed pupil premium; capital policy and spend; the Department's Communications Group. The directorate leads on implementation of the Government's structural reform programme including Free Schools and expansion of the Academies programme; admissions arrangements; school organisation matters; and faith schools. The Chief Executive of the Education Funding Agency is responsible to the Director General of IFD for the performance, budget and business plans of the Agency. Department for Education Department for Education Infrastructure and Funding Directorate 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1001 1277493 1 105000 109999 N/A Policy
DFE-1085 Peter Houten SCS2 Director Academies Project work Department for Education Department for Education Acadamies Policy and Schools Organisation 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1084 0 1 105000 109999 N/A Policy
DFE-1086 Anne Jackson SCS2 Director Overall responsibility for the policy framework for Academies including the content of the Funding Agreement, their legal status, the legislation under which they have been created and the content of the Funding Agreement between Academies and the Secretary of State.   Also responsible for policy and regulation on school organisation and governance; independent schools; and fair access to schools, including the School Admissions and Appeals Codes and home to school  transport; and for 16-19 organisation.     Department for Education Department for Education Acadamies Policy and Schools Organisation 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1084 1204200 1 85000 89999 N/A Policy
DFE-1087 Dominic Herrington SCS2 Deputy Director Overseeing and directing the Department's Academies programme - the conversion of schools to Academy status and the work on tackling underperforming schools by turning them into sponsored Academies Department for Education Department for Education Academies Delivery Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1084 711237 1 65000 69999 N/A Policy
DFE-1088 James Frayne SCS2 Director Leads the Department's Communications Group to ensure that internal and external messages are delivered efficiently and effectively, and reflect Ministerial and business priorities Department for Education Department for Education Comminication Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1084 0 1 100000 104999 N/A Communications
DFE-1089 Sarah Healey SCS2 Director Responsible for policy funding for all schools and academies (both capital and revenue), 16-19 year olds in education and all related policy issues. Specifically responsible for tpolicy on the Pupil Premium, development of of proposals for reform of funding systems Department for Education Department for Education Education Funding Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1084 599201 1 80000 84999 N/A Policy
DFE-1090 Mela Watts SCS2 Director Senior Responsible Officer for the Free Schools, University Technical Colleges & Studio Schools programmes - policy development and implementation. Overall responsibility for the Preventing Extremism Unit and Performance & Policy Division, a flexible pool supporting policy Directorates Department for Education Department for Education Free Schools Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1084 843178 1 80000 84999 N/A Policy
DFE-1091 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Responsible for the policy framework underpinning the creation and performance of Academies. Policy development around particular non-standard Academies including Special Schools and Alternative Provision. Ownership of the model Funding Agreements, Articles and associated Annexes used by schools converting to Academy status. Department for Education Department for Education Acadamies Policy and Schools Organisation 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1086 623545 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1092 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Responsible for reviewing the operating framework for Academies Department for Education Department for Education Acadamies Policy and Schools Organisation 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1086 624960 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1093 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Develops policy on start-up funding for Academies, Academies' access to capital funds and on resolving financial barriers to schools becoming Academies. Manages the DfE contracts that Academies and Free Schools can use to buy in project management and educational services to help set up their school. Responsible for publishing the Academies Annual Report to Parliament and ensuring effective internal data systems on Academies information. Department for Education Department for Education Acadamies Policy and Schools Organisation 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1086 1424387 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1094 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Provision of education advice to new sponsored Academies, schools converting to Academy status, underperfoming open Academies, Free Schools, Studio Schools and University Technology Colleges. Department for Education Department for Education Acadamies Policy and Schools Organisation 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1086 0 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1095 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Responsible for the registration and regulation of independent schools, school governance policy, and the expansion of cadet forces Department for Education Department for Education Acadamies Policy and Schools Organisation 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1086 443229 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1096 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Responsible for the legislative framework for the opening, closing and status of schools; faith schools policy lead for the Department; school land policy; the school admissions system, including legislation and parental preference; school transport policy; and developing new policy options for creating a more autonomous and high quality schools system. Department for Education Department for Education Acadamies Policy and Schools Organisation 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1086 483766 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1097 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director with management and oversight of the Academy delivery process including the monitoring delivery against budget; analysis and formulation of programme trajectories; capturing core data and intelligence from the field to enable provision of robust management information and analysis for ministers and the public. Trouble-shooting and resolution of emerging barriers to delivery; oversight of group business planning work and leading continual improvement on systems, process and headcount across the group in order to realise efficiencies. Provision of PPM and secretariat support to all ADG divisions and management of a flexible resource team to address hotspots across the group. Department for Education Department for Education Academies Delivery Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1087 751109 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1098 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Responsible for the delivery of Academy conversions. Project Leads work in regional-facing teams to support individual and groups of schools through the conversion process, co-ordinating advice on a range of legal and other issues. Currently on Maternity leave Department for Education Department for Education Academies Delivery Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1087 0 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1099 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Responsible for the delivery of Academy conversions. Project Leads work in regional-facing teams to support individual and groups of schools through the conversion process, co-ordinating advice on a range of legal and other issues. Department for Education Department for Education Academies Delivery Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1087 1755502 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1100 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director in Infrastructure and Funding Directorate leading The Office of the Schools Commissioner (Sponsor Division) to ensure the availability of good Academy sponsors at the right time and place. Responsibilities include: 1) Identifying and agreeing new Academies in place of underperforming schools; 2) Identifying and approving new Academy sponsors and working with existing sponsors to identify new Academy projects. 3. Policy and systems for approving organisations to sponsor Academies and matching sponsors to projects. 4) Establishing the team and developing policy and systems to deliver the new Sponsor Capacity Grant (£10m) Department for Education Department for Education Academies Delivery Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1087 0 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1101 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director in the Academies Delivery Group : Developing appropriate academy solutions to transform underperforming schools. Department for Education Department for Education Academies Delivery Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1087 254095 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1102 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director in the Academies Delivery Group: Working with Local Authorities and schools in selected regions to tackle underperformance in primary and secondary schools by developing appropriate and sustainable academy solutions. Department for Education Department for Education Academies Delivery Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1087 2722012 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1103 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Head of Sponsored Academies Projects Division: Responsible for managing the projects to establish new sponsored academies, working with sponsors and schools to overcome obstacles and take projects through to successful opening and delivering a smooth handover to the Education Funidng Agency, which manages the relationship with open academies. Department for Education Department for Education Academies Delivery Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1087 336705 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1104 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Head of Communication Strategy, Digital & Public Engagement Division - leads planning and delivery of communications for Ministers and the Department/Arms-Length Bodies to ensure public and workforce understanding of key reforms. Also leads the Public Communications Unit responsible for replying to 50,000 items of correspondence and 100,000 telephone enquiries each year; as well as running public consultation exercises on the Department's priority reforms, and delivering the school compaints service. Department for Education Department for Education Comminication Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1088 1493223 1 N/A N/A N/A Communications
DFE-1105 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Head of News Division, responsible for leading the Press Office and Speeches teams to ensure Ministers' messages are communicated effectively through national media and speech platforms. Department for Education Department for Education Comminication Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1088 627860 1 N/A N/A N/A Communications
DFE-1106 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Education Funding Department for Education Department for Education Education Funding Agency 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1137 621290 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1107 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Responsible for: developing 16-19 funding policy including action to simplify the formula, structures and processes and increasing alignment with pre-16 and post-19 systems; sponsorship of the Sixth Form College sector and; policy on 16-19 capital funding. Department for Education Department for Education Education Funding Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1089 573634 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1108 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Responsible for revenue funding policy and implementation for Academies, Free Schools, UTCs and Studio schools. Department for Education Department for Education Education Funding Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1089 799630 0.8 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1109 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Responsible for the overall school revenue funding system including: the pupil premium; the legal and regulatory framework; allocation of grants to local authorities and the arrangements by which local authorities fund schools; payment of grants for education. Department for Education Department for Education Education Funding Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1089 0 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1110 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Responsible for the overall school revenue funding system including: the pupil premium; the legal and regulatory framework; allocation of grants to local authorities and the arrangements by which local authorities fund schools; payment of grants for education. Jobshare with Sara Hollingshead. Department for Education Department for Education Education Funding Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1089 747262 0.75 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1111 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Provide a centralised end to end finance function on spend for the divisions and groups across both IFD and ESD as well as first line support to them on all RM systems related issues on finance. Manage the department’s financial interface with EFA on their funding, lead on business planning, supporting budget managers and provide advice/guidance and the point of contact on governance and financial issues for IFD. Department for Education Department for Education Education Funding Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1089 1680585 1 N/A N/A N/A Finance
DFE-1112 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Responsible for the overall school revenue funding system including: the pupil premium; the legal and regulatory framework; allocation of grants to local authorities and the arrangements by which local authorities fund schools; payment of grants for education. Jobshare with Dugald Sandeman. Department for Education Department for Education Education Funding Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1089 0 0.7 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1113 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director On secondment to Cambridge City Council Department for Education Department for Education Education Funding Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1089 0 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1114 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Responsible for distinct elements of Free School policy and for taking forward individual proposals in the North East and Yorkshire and Humber and East of England regions Management oversight of Performance & Policy Division, a flexible pool supporting policy Directorates Department for Education Department for Education Free Schools Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1090 1278085 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1115 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Responsible for distinct elements of Free School policy and for taking forward individual proposals in the South West and South East regions Department for Education Department for Education Free Schools Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1090 552792 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1116 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Responsible for distinct elements of Free School policy and for taking forward individual proposals in London Department for Education Department for Education Free Schools Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1090 704610 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1117 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Responsible for distinct elements of Free School policy, design of the overall implementation process and for taking forward individual proposals to implementation in the East Midlands, West Midlands and North West regions. Department for Education Department for Education Free Schools Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1090 488196 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1118 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Joint Head of the Preventing Extremism Unit. Responsible for ensuring that children are not exposed to extremists or extremist views in schools or out of school hours learning. Responsible for due diligence arrangements to ensure that people with extremist views are not able to establish or take over schools. Department for Education Department for Education Free Schools Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1090 0 0.58 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1119 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Joint Head of the Preventing Extremism Unit. Responsible for ensuring that children are not exposed to extremists or extremist views in schools or out of school hours learning. Responsible for due diligence arrangements to ensure that people with extremist views are not able to establish or take over schools. Department for Education Department for Education Free Schools Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1090 0 0.6 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1120 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Responsible for the policy and implementation of the Iniversity Technical College & Studio School Programmes Department for Education Department for Education Free Schools Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1090 0 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1121 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director IFD’s professional analysts. Provide analysis and evidence: - Modelling impact of funding policy reforms (e.g. formula simplification; Pupil Premium; LACSEG) - both individually and totality. - Forecast Academy expansion and future funding affordability. - For accountability, reporting schools’ budgeting and spending. - Modelling learner volumes and costs of participation post-16. - Statistical analysis on the characteristics and standards of Academies. - Assess impact of Free Schools. - Articulate economic rationale, provide impact assessments and assess value for money. - Provide research evidence review, synthesis, and policy evaluation. - Produce and analyse Department’s longitudinal data on the lives of young people. Department for Education Department for Education Infrastructure and Funding Directorate 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1084 0 0.8 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1122 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Responsible for delivering a structured programme of business process and system change across Academies, Free Schools and Education Funding. Leads on the the engaging Infrastructure & Funding Directorate (IFD) staff through communication, training and involvement to cultivate continuous improvement, implement new ways of working and achieve efficiencies. Responsibile for ensuring IFD manages its people in the most effective and efficient way and that we have the right number of skilled and motivated people to deliver our priorities. Department for Education Department for Education Infrastructure and Funding Directorate 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1084 0 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1123 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Head of Campaigns and Partnerships - leading creative thinking for events, stakeholder and partnership communications; leading the Digital Communications Unit to deliver high quality web content, digital and social media communications; leading the publishing and branding team to produce low cost publications and branding for the Department. Department for Education Department for Education Infrastructure and Funding Directorate 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1084 0 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1124 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director in Infrastructure and Funding Directorate responsible for monitoring the performance of Open Academies. This includes: 1) publication of data on the performance of open Academies and on the performance of Academy sponsors 2) Challenging and supporting Academies where their performance is below the expected levels 3) Ensuring coherence and join up with the EFA) role in monitoring open Academies 4) Identifying best practice in improving low performing Academies and disseminating this across the system. Department for Education Department for Education Office of the Schools Commissioner Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1126 0 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1125 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director in Infrastructure and Funding Directorate leading The Office of the Schools Commissioner (Sponsor Division) to ensure the availability of good Academy sponsors at the right time and place. Responsibilities include: 1) Identifying and agreeing new Academies in place of underperforming schools; 2) Identifying and approving new Academy sponsors and working with existing sponsors to identify new Academy projects. 3. Policy and systems for approving organisations to sponsor Academies and matching sponsors to projects. 4) Establishing the team and developing policy and systems to deliver the new Sponsor Capacity Grant (£10m) Department for Education Department for Education Office of the Schools Commissioner Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1126 0 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1126 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director The Schools Commissioner is responsible for 1) Identifying and agreeing new Academies in place of underperforming schools; 2) Identifying new Academy sponsors and working with existing sponsors to identify new Academy projects; 3) Policy and systems for approving organisations to sponsor Academies and matching sponsors to projects; 4) Monitoring the performance of open Academies; 5) Challenging and supporting Academies where their performance is below the expected levels; 6) Promoting government policy to extend the opportunities for Academy status for all schools, in order to narrow the gap in school performance Department for Education Department for Education Office of the Schools Commissioner Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1084 0 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1128 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Principal Private Secretary to the Secretary of State heading up the Private Office for the Department. Divisional staff: 1. handle correspondence and provide Ministers with responses to letters from members of Parliament 2. provide support to Ministers and Permanent Secretary, ensuring they receive timely/accurate advice/briefing - liaising with officials in the Department to ensure Ministerial Team's priorities and requirements are delivered - ensuring Ministers are well-prepared for visits/Parliamentary business/meetings and queries from members of Parliament and the public. Play a key role in working with private offices in other Departments to ensure cross-cutting/cross government business is handled effectively. Department for Education Department for Education Secretary of State's Office 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1001 0 1 N/A N/A N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1129 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Senior policy adviser to the Secretary of State Department for Education Department for Education Strategy and Performance Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1015 0 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1130 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Secretary of State's Senior Policy Adviser - works closely with Ministers on the development of the strategy for transforming the education system and improving outcomes for children and young people Department for Education Department for Education Strategy and Performance Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1015 0 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1131 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Responsible for developing the Department’s strategy, examining critical issues, problem solving, and developing strategy and policy in areas where new challenges emerge or are anticipated. Improve the Department’s strategic capability, through horizon-scanning to identify issues and trends, and by sharing strategy project skills and developing and promoting strategic tools and approaches. Responsible for management of the Spending Review, and Budget and PBR processes, meeting the milestones set by Ministers and HMT in order to achieve the right settlement for the Department in constrained financial circumstances, to spend money effectively at the frontline, and advise on strategic resource/financial issues. Department for Education Department for Education Strategy and Performance Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1015 0 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1132 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Strategy and Performance Department for Education Department for Education Strategy and Performance Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1015 0 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1133 Sue Baldwin SCS2 Deputy Director Academies Group: The Director ensures the successful delivery of the EFA’s remit for the Academies and Free Schools Programme, with responsibility for calculating annual revenue funding allocations for all open academies, including free schools; providing an efficient customer enquiry service for academies on issues arising from the funding agreement and deal with any compliance issues on behalf of the Secretary of State; ensuring academy and free school funding agreement compliance, responsive case management; and providing advice to the Department's policy directorates to inform the development of funding policy. Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1136 1069130 1 90000 94999 N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1134 Dugald Sandeman SCS2 Director The role of the Maintained Schools Division includes: The collection of financial data for maintained schools; The calculation and payment of funding allocations to local authorities of the Dedicated Schools Grant and the Pupil Premium; Gaining assurance from local authorities of the proper use of the grants for schools paid to them; The implementation of the school funding reforms announced in March 2012 for 2013-14; and the assessment of the appropriate amounts to be recouped from local authorities for expenditure on Academies in their areas. Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1136 829946 1 85000 89999 N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1135 Mike Green SCS2 Director The Director of Capital is part of the EFA’s Senior Team, reporting to Peter Lauener, and head of the Capital Directorate which is one of four EFA Directorates. The Director oversees the Directors of the Planning & Funding, Programme Delivery and Programme Advice & Support Divisions. The Director ensures the successful delivery of the EFA remit for Capital Programmes and supports the Chief Executive in making the EFA an outstandingly successful vehicle for education transformation by ensuring the effective procurement of educational institutions, in line with the Secretary of State’s vision. Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1136 646918 1 130000 134999 N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1136 Peter Lauener SCS2 Chief Executive Chief Executive of the Education Funding Agency, within the DfE. Responsibility for the revenue and capital funding of education and training for 3 to 19 year olds, where elements of the funding cover disabled children from birth and disabled young people up to age 25. The EFA’s principal responsibilities are: to fund academies, city technology colleges, free schools, studio schools and university technical colleges; to distribute funding to local authorities to pass to their maintained schools; to fund providers of 16-19 education and training; to deliver schools capital programmes; and to administer capital funding for schools and sixth form colleges Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1084 1896253 1 140000 144999 N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1137 Peter Mucklow SCS2 Director Allocating and securing value for money for £7bn of annual revenue funding to 2500 schools, colleges and training providers for education and training of 16-19 year olds. Allocating and securing value for money for £250m annual revenue funding for specialist placements for disabled young people aged 16-25. Setting up and performance managing a new £42m per annum Youth Contract programme to reengage in learning 16/17 year olds not in employment, education or training. Leading and managing 188 staff in a dispersed delivery organisation in 10 cities across England. Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1136 542497 1 85000 89999 N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1138 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Academies Group - Territory: responsible for open academies in the North including: the provision of accurate, timely funding information to academies, compliance with the Funding Agreement, mangaging enquiries from academies, providing responses to POs/TOs, complaints and general enquiries about academies and risk assessment to identify potential failure of academies. Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1133 1299200 0.5 N/A N/A N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1139 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Academies Group Programme Management Division: Joint SRO (with Sue Samson) for the Academy Delivery Sub Programme & responsible for managing the PMO for the whole Programme. Communications and stakeholder engagement relating to academies matters. Design and development of enquiry service including setting standards for enquiry handling and training staff. Procedures, Desk Instructions, guidance, and systems for tracking, analysing and reporting case work about academies' compliance with the Funding Agreement including admission appeals, complaints about academies and requests for changes. Managing the EFA's responsibilities to enable new Free Schools and sponsored academies to open. Specifying system requirements to meet delivery needs. Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1133 1970911 1 N/A N/A N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1140 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Academies Group Territory: responsible for open academies in the North including: the provision of accurate, timely funding information to academies, compliance with the Funding Agreement, mangaging enquiries from academies, providing responses to POs/TOs, complaints and general enquiries about academies and risk assessment to identify potential failure of academies. SRO on Communications and Stakeholder Management Sub Programme for the Group. Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1133 0 1 N/A N/A N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1141 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Academies Group - Territory: responsible for open academies in the East MIdlands and East of Engalnd including: the provision of information, advice and guidance on funding and compliance with the Funding Agreement. Responses to POs/Tos, complaints and general enquiries about academies.Risk assessment to identify potential failure of academies. Lead for HR and Capital for the Group. Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1133 618019 1 N/A N/A N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1142 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Academies Group National Funding Division: responsible for the funding of all open and opening academy types and Free Schools. This includes the annual allocations cycle, funding within the terms of individual funding agreements, dealing with issues with and revisions to funding throughout the year, working closely with the IFD funding policy teams, and planning to deliver the 13/14 funding reforms relating to the funding of academies. Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1133 1416584 1 N/A N/A N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1143 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Academies Group - Territory: responsible for open academies in the South West and West Midlands including: the provision of information, advice and guidance on funding and compliance with the Funding Agreement. Responses to POs/Tos, complaints and general enquiries about academies.Risk assessment to identify potential failure of academies. Counter Fraud champion and SRO for Data, Systems and Transparency Sub Programme for the Group. Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1133 1774957 1 N/A N/A N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1144 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Academies Group - Territory: responsible for open academies in London and the South East including: the provision of accurate, timely funding information to academies, compliance with the Funding Agreement, managing enquiries from academies, providing responses to POs/TOs, complaints and general enquiries about academies and risk assessment to identify potential failure of academies. Lead on Free Schools and joint SRO (with Ruth Bullen) on Academy Delivery Sub Programme for the Group. Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1133 1333770 0.98 N/A N/A N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1145 N/D SCS1 Divisional Director The Director of the Planning & Funding Division oversees the Funding, Assets, Pupil Place Planning, Private Finance, Transaction & Procurement Advice and 16-19 Teams. He oversees the teams handling the School Capacity Survey and the Property Data Survey Programme. The Director develops and oversees the PMO for all Capital programmes, is responsible for strategic planning, capital allocations, legal and commercial matters, building condition and educational assets, Basic Need, payments for local authorities and the Voluntary Aided (VA) sector. Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1135 1011194 1 N/A N/A N/A Procurement
DFE-1146 N/D SCS1 Divisional Director The Director of the Programme Delivery Division is responsible for delivering all centrally managed schools capital programmes and has the objective of delivering investment to time and budget. The division employs programme managers, technical experts and support staff. He manages the delivery leads for Academies (including the Academies Capital Maintenance Fund), Free Schools, University Training Schools, University Technical Colleges, Studio Schools and the Building Schools for the Future & Priority School Building programmes. He is the Education lead for the Government Construction Strategy, ensuring DfE’s interests are represented appropriately as part of the cross-Departmental review of construction projects and procurement. Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1135 279573 1 N/A N/A N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1147 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director The Deputy Director of Design Advice leads the team that works to ensure that the premises of new schools buildings are designed to an acceptable standard within affordability limits. The team is active at all points in the policy to delivery cycle: devising standards for school buildings, drafting regulations and guidance, supporting the implementation of projects and managing the evaluation of completed buildings to inform future policy. All of the work they do has the potential to require liaison with the DfE Communications Team, management of external stakeholders and working with Private Office on Ministerial briefings. Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1135 232120 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1148 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director The Head of Capital Funding focuses on ensuring that there are comprehensive, efficient and effective systems for the deployment of capital funding for schools and colleges. They work closely with the Director of the Planning & Funding Division in the development of strategy and systems for the application of capital funding. They also have an important role in managing and developing relationships on funding matters with senior officials in DfE, HMT and other Government Departments as necessary and are able to engage, when required, with a range of external stakeholders including providers of school places such dioceses and school sponsors. Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1145 660146 1 N/A N/A N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1149 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director The Deputy Director of Free Schools is responsible for the day to day management of the Free Schools Programme Team, reporting to the Divisional Director of Programme Delivery. They lead an internal team of Project Directors, with the assistance of external advisors, to work with proposers, Local Authorities, the private sector and other stakeholders to develop and deliver the selected schemes against the existing timetable. Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1146 178597 1 N/A N/A N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1150 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director The Deputy Director of the Private Finance Team leads the team that is responsible for the commercial development and delivery of privately financed solutions as well as advice and assistance to operational privately financed deals. This role includes the development, management and ultimately the delivery of commercial input to the private finance arm of the Priority School Building Programme and the ongoing performance of the more delivery focused aspects of the traditional Private Finance Unit (PFU) role in respect of legacy education sector PFI contracts including BSF and pre-BSF schools PFI. Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1145 65828 1 N/A N/A N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1151 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director The Deputy Director of the Priority School Building Programme is responsible for the management of the PSBP Team and for developing and delivering the scheme against the existing timetable, whilst reporting to the Divisional Director of Programme Delivery. They lead a team of Project Directors, Technical Managers and Commercial Managers, with the assistance of external advisors, to work with stakeholders to develop and deliver the selected schemes against the existing timetable. They ensure that new schools are delivered to the appropriate level of quality, on time, within budget and in accordance with the programme plan and governance arrangements. Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1146 205046 1 N/A N/A N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1152 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director The Deputy Director of Technical & Property leads a team that provides comprehensive technical and property advice and support to all capital programmes, with a focus on efficiency and continuous improvement. The team is responsible for the delivery of the Property Data Survey Programme which involves the high level survey of circa 23,000 education establishments which will be considered as part of future Capital allocations. Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1135 151692 1 N/A N/A N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1153 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director The Deputy Director of Transaction & Procurement Advice leads a team of commercial managers who provide advice and support to all capital programmes and on relevant corporate matters e.g. setting up and managing frameworks and supporting individual adviser appointments. They provide commercial, construction, procurement, ICT and property advice to programmes and projects. The team approve derogations for Design & Build and Development Agreements for the Contractor’s Framework and BSF; ICT contracts for BSF; and support OBC and FBC reviews. They provide a link with government departments and wider government procurement and construction policy e.g. GCS, apprenticeships and fair payment. Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1145 303215 1 N/A N/A N/A Procurement
DFE-1154 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director The Deputy Director of Academies & BSF is responsible for the day to day management of the Academies programme team, the delivery of UTCs and Studio Schools, and the BSF programme team, whilst reporting to the Divisional Director Programme Delivery. They lead an internal team of Project Directors to work with schools, sponsors, Academy Trusts, Local Authorities and other stakeholders to deliver the UTCs, Studio Schools and the remaining BSF and Academies schemes against their existing timetables. Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1146 156303 1 N/A N/A N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1155 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Finance division: procuring provision from and putting in place funding agreements with 800 young people’s learning providers and paying these colleges, business and charities and 6,000 schools, academies and local authorities accurately and on time. Accounting for the EFA’s £52 billion revenue and capital budget in financial statements separately audited by the NAO. Maintaining financial control and advising on good financial management to secure propriety, regularity and value for money. Preparing financial management and transparency reports for internal and external users. Consolidating the financial results of 2,000 academies into those of the EFA and the Department. Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1136 841227 1 N/A N/A N/A Procurement
DFE-1156 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Projects Director responsible for a range of bespoke commissions for the EFA as specified by the Chief Executive. These have included transition of ICT, estates and HR activities to new arrangements; logistics planning for the Olympics; review of the EFA property portfolio. Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1136 0 1 N/A N/A N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1157 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director External Assurance Division: providing assurance to the Chief Executive, EFA, on the proper use of funds (£52 billion). Includes funds to schools (via direct support grant), academies, colleges (16-19 funding), private training/ independent specialist providers, including capital funding. Delivering assurance arrangements for the Teaching Agency, assessing the financial health of academies/colleges and supporting those in financial difficulty/financial intervention. Providing advice, assurance and financial viability matters to EFA colleagues. Responsibility for developing overall assurance arrangements, contributing widely to policy development, development of assurance arrangements for academies, and responsibility for the financial assessment of applications for free schools, UTCs, and special schools. Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1136 333060 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1158 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director As Deputy Director for Business Performance, Data and Systems, my role covers the EFA business plan, risk management, business continuity planning, preparing monthly and quarterly reports and an annual report. For data analysis and systems it covers the areas of formulating and securing ICT business requirements, system development, the provision of data and MI and analysis to support the effective use of funding. Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1136 1752710 0.98 N/A N/A N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1159 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director The role of a DD in the Young People's Division, based in a territory, includes ensuring timely, accurate allocations of learner numbers and cash for all 16-19 providers; efficient processing of all related queries/business cases: procuring and contracting for non-mainstream 16-19 provision (eg Youth Contract, ESF, Gaps, reallocation) working with LAs in their statutory role: accountability for Specialist Placement budget for learners with LD/D and associated processes:; identifying, mitigating or escalating risk to EFA, public funds and learners; line/site management of YP staffing cadres: national role in governance and coporporate/development boards as determined by SCS 2. Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1137 1489084 1 N/A N/A N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1160 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director The EFA Young People's  Funding Division includes: the design, development, calculation, and allocation of all funding for 16-19 participation and for  Learner  Support (Bursaries, Care to Learn, Residential Bursaries, Dance and  Drama Awards). Allocations are  made to all providers delivering to young  people aged 16-19 and 16-25 for those with learning difficulties and disabilities ( colleges, independent  specialist  colleges, maintained schools, Academies, UTCs, Studio  Schools, Free schools, Maths Schools, voluntary and charitable providers. For voluntary and charitable  providers this  includes reconciliation for  over and  under-delivery. Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1137 1130962 1 N/A N/A N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1161 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director ‘Undertaking special projects, as determined by the National Director for Young People and the Chief Executive’ Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1137 0 0.5 N/A N/A N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1162 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director The role of a DD in the Young People's Division, based in a territory, includes ensuring timely, accurate allocations of learner numbers and cash for all 16-19 providers; efficient processing of all related queries/business cases: procuring and contracting for non-mainstream 16-19 provision (eg Youth Contract, ESF, Gaps, reallocation) working with LAs in their statutory role: accountability for Specialist Placement budget for learners with LD/D and associated processes:; identifying, mitigating or escalating risk to EFA, public funds and learners; line/site management of YP staffing cadres: national role in governance and coporporate/development boards as determined by SCS 2. Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1137 1004307 1 N/A N/A N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1163 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director The role of a DD in the Young People's Division, based in a territory, includes ensuring timely, accurate allocations of learner numbers and cash for all 16-19 providers; efficient processing of all related queries/business cases: procuring and contracting for non-mainstream 16-19 provision (eg Youth Contract, ESF, Gaps, reallocation) working with LAs in their statutory role: accountability for Specialist Placement budget for learners with LD/D and associated processes:; identifying, mitigating or escalating risk to EFA, public funds and learners; line/site management of YP staffing cadres: national role in governance and coporporate/development boards as determined by SCS 2. Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1137 1314143 1 N/A N/A N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1164 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Young People’s Programme management and development.  Management of programmes for: Learners with Learning Difficulties and / or Disabilities / High Needs Learners; Youth Contract; ESF; and Offender Learning. Support for local authorities through: preparation and issue of statutory guidance; gaps in provision programme; and data products. Programme review and development. Provider risk review and support for intervention and competitions for new provision. YP programme management and communications. Department for Education Education Funding Agency Education Funding Agency 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1137 1333779 1 N/A N/A N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1165 Steve Munby SCS2 Chief Executive The Chief Executive has a national responsibility to ensure continued improvement in the quality of leadership in schools and children’s centres across the English Education system. I have responsibility for the leadership and oversight of the day-to-day management and operations of the National College, including its financial, professional and administrative performance, and the effective and efficient delivery of school leadership priorities laid down by Ministers. I am also the Accounting Officer of the Agency and as such report to the Permanent Secretary, regarding financial management. Department for Education National College for School Leadership National College for School Leadership 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1003 1100691 1 140000 144999 N/A Policy
DFE-1166 Jonathan Dale SCS2 Director The Director of International Business is responsible for leading and managing the work of the College’s International Business Unit including: developing and delivering a comprehensive strategy for international business development and income generation; designing innovative products and services that support the development of international markets; developing market entry strategies including forming strategic partnerships and alliances with individual clients, governments and consulting partners. Department for Education National College for School Leadership National College for School Leadership 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1165 0 1 80000 84999 N/A Policy
DFE-1167 Maggie Farrar SCS2 Director The Executive Director for Leadership Development is responsible for the strategic leadership of the Leadership Development and Supply Directorate. Has overall responsibility for the design, development and delivery of all College programmes in schools, academies, and early years settings for headteachers, principals, children's centre leaders, chairs of governors and school business management. Also has overall responsibility for the policy and research work and the succession planning and leadership supply work of the College. Department for Education National College for School Leadership National College for School Leadership 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1165 1575257 1 115000 119999 N/A Policy
DFE-1168 Melvin Kenyon SCS2 Director The Director for ICT/FM/Commercial is responsible for the National College's ICT, Facilities Management and Commercial teams. These responsibilities include (i) development, maintenance, support and delivery of the College's member-facing service desk and ICT systems and associated supplier management; (ii) the smooth and effective day to day running of the Learning and Conference Centre and associated business continuity; (iii) the Commercial team which focuses on the College's international work, its frameworks and its licensed provision. Also responsible for acting as the "customer champion" for shared services provided by DfE and other government departments. Currently Acting Chief Operating Officer on Temporary Promotion. Department for Education National College for School Leadership National College for School Leadership 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1165 1599256 1 90000 94999 N/A Information Technology
DFE-1169 Caroline Maley SCS2 Director The Chief Operating Officer ensures that the National College runs effectively and efficiently through strong management of the internal workings of the College and effective financial management. As part of this role, the COO works effectively with the shared services providers within the DfE to ensure appropriate service levels. Shares responsibility for the strategic direction and vision for the National College, working closely with the Chief Executive and the Strategic Leadership Team, to ensure that the organisation is fully able to meet its targets and strategic objectives. Department for Education National College for School Leadership National College for School Leadership 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1165 0 1 130000 134999 N/A Policy
DFE-1170 Toby Salt SCS2 Director Deputy Chief Executive and Executive Director for school to school support at the National College for School Leadership. Accountable for such programmes such as Teaching Schools, National Leaders of Education and school improvement throughout the regions. Department for Education National College for School Leadership National College for School Leadership 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1165 638362 1 130000 134999 N/A Policy
DFE-1171 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director The Director of Design and Development is responsible for leading the design and development of the leadership development provision for the National College’s modular curriculum.  This includes leading the design and development of  the framework of modules for all leaders in schools, academies and children centres, as well as system leader roles (for example executive heads, chief executives of chains).  This role also involves creating the assessment structure for all  leadership qualifications offered by the College.  Included in the role is responsibility for reviewing and updating modules in the light of quality assurance evidence, research findings and policy initiatives.   Department for Education National College for School Leadership National College for School Leadership 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1167 688158 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1172 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director The Director of Early Years has accountability for the development and delivery of services and products related to leadership in the Foundation Years, with a particular focus on Children's Centre Leaders. Responsibilities include: - working in partnership with DfE and other government departments to support policy making, implementation and evaluation. - delivery of the NPQICL leadership programme. - leadership of Children's Centre Leaders Network and associated National Reference Group. - stakeholder engagement across maintained, private, voluntary and independent sectors. - partnership development with Foundation Years Strategic Partners - development of sector led approaches to system improvement, peer challenge and children's workforce development. Department for Education National College for School Leadership National College for School Leadership 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1167 919895 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1173 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director The Director of Licensing is responsible for the College’s new approach to licensing leadership development provision through a modular curriculum linked to national qualifications, including NPQH. Leads the delivery and management of commissioned programmes including Future Leaders, Teaching Leaders, Tomorrow’s Heads, Leadership Pathways and the cluster based Middle Leadership Development Programme. In addition taking on responsibility for programmes for school business managers, primary executive heads and chairs of governors over time as the College leadership team reduces. The role involves building strong customer relationships with licensees whilst holding them to account for high quality delivery and ensuring value for money. Department for Education National College for School Leadership National College for School Leadership 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1167 357874 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1174 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director The Director of Membership is responsible for the National College’s membership scheme, including growing the membership base, driving engagement and developing the membership offer to meet needs of school and early years leaders. Is responsible for communications channels, including the website, and for ensuring that communications are well targeted, timely and professional, and embrace new technologies. Leads on strategy for protecting and enhancing the College’s brand, including delivery of the annual leadership conference and management of external users of the brand. Is a member of the College’s leadership group and contributes to the operational direction and vision of the organisation. Department for Education National College for School Leadership National College for School Leadership 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1168 312305 1 N/A N/A N/A Communications
DFE-1175 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director The Director of Performance and Evaluation has responsibility for business and operational planning; delivery assurance, benefits realisation and risk management; assessment and evaluation of College activity and initiatives; statistical analysis of College activity and its impact; modelling and analysis of leadership labour markets; quality assurance; reporting of performance and management information; production of external reports; and learning and improvement activity. Department for Education National College for School Leadership National College for School Leadership 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1168 360176 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1176 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director The Director of Primary School Leadership is responsible for policy development and delivery relating to all aspects of primary school leadership. Leads College's remit for developing training and support for Chairs of Governors. College lead on Achievement for All, Developing Leaders for Tomorrow and Primary Executive Heads programmes. Department for Education National College for School Leadership National College for School Leadership 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1167 1010811 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1177 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director The Director for Policy and Development is responsible for policy development and supporting policy implementation across the National College's remit. Oversees all commissioned research and the Research and Development work of teaching schools. Department for Education National College for School Leadership National College for School Leadership 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1167 892262 1 N/A N/A N/A Social Research
DFE-1178 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director The Director of System Leadership is responsible for the strategic overview for School to School support work, including: developing the criteria, application, designation and review of designation process for Teaching Schools, National Leaders of Education, National Support Schools and Local Leaders of Education; the Fellowship Programme and all matters relating to NLEs and LLEs. In addition the role has oversight of activity within the Central region of the Country. Department for Education National College for School Leadership National College for School Leadership 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1170 958615 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1179 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director The Director for School Improvement is responsible for providing strategic leadership on specialist leaders of education, academies and chains and the regional associate teams. In addition the role has specific oversight of the North Region of the Country. Department for Education National College for School Leadership National College for School Leadership 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1170 718618 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1180 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director The Director of Teaching Schools is responsible for the strategic overview for the development of a national network of teaching schools.  In addition the role has oversight of activity within the South region of the Country. Department for Education National College for School Leadership National College for School Leadership 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1170 0 1 N/A N/A N/A Policy
DFE-1181 Ian Todd SCS2 Chief Executive Chief Executive and Accountig Officer for the Standards and Testing Agency, developing and delivering all National Curriculum assessments up to the end of Key Stage 3. As Chief Executive, responsible for the corporate performance of the STA and for setting its strategic direction in line with Ministerial priorities. Department for Education Standards and Testing Agency Standards and Testing Agency 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1003 0 1 105000 109999 N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1182 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Colin is responsible for test development within the Standards and Testing Agency. His role is to ensure that all tests and assessments meet OfQual's common regulatory principles, including validity, reliability and freedom from bias. Department for Education Standards and Testing Agency Standards and Testing Agency 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1181 1624295 1 N/A N/A N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1183 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Elysia is responsible for test operations within the Standards and Testing Agency. This encompasses the print, logistics and marking for around 3.5m test scripts undertaken anually under secure conditions at Key Stage 2. Department for Education Standards and Testing Agency Standards and Testing Agency 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1181 808177 1 N/A N/A N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1184 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Amanda-Jane provides test support functions for the Standards and Testing Agency. As well as providing internal support, her role encompasses communications to schools and local authorities. She is also responsible for managing the helpline and for development of new moderation processes. Department for Education Standards and Testing Agency Standards and Testing Agency 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1181 438388 0.86 N/A N/A N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1185 Michael Day SCS2 Director Director responsible for the Teaching Agency work on teacher supply and training. This includes: the recruitment of trainees to initial teacher training (ITT) courses, the funding of ITT providers and of bursaries for trainees, the accreditation and de-accreditation of ITT providers, and improvement of the quality of teacher training.  The major focus is on delivering the new ‘School Direct’ system, giving schools the lead in recruiting trainees and commissioning training from universities and other ITT providers.  Other priorities include introducing specialist training for primary maths teachers, and strengthening  training in phonics and behaviour Department for Education Teaching Agency Teaching Agency 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1186 575220 1 85000 89999 N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1186 Lin Hinnigan SCS2 Chief Executive Chief Executive and Accounting Officer for the Teaching Agency, an Executive Agency of the Department for Education, responsible for ensuring the supply and improving the quality of the workforce including teachers, Early Education and Childcare workers, classroom-based support staff, special educational needs coordinators, educational psychologists and exams officers. The Teaching Agency is responsible for supply and retention of a well-trained and highest quality workforce; regulating teacher conduct on behalf of the Secretary of State for Education; and supporting schools and colleges with the effective management and administration of exams Department for Education Teaching Agency Teaching Agency 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1003 3256019 1 120000 124999 N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1187 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Appointed on 1 April to Head of Financial Delivery and Risk Assurance Unit of the newly formed Teaching agency. Providing direct support to the Chief Executive of the Teaching Agency, overseeing accountability and performance, and ensuring the agency operates and functions as a fully integrated and supportive component of the DfE. Also Head of Site of DfE Manchester Department for Education Teaching Agency Teaching Agency 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1186 1479920 1 N/A N/A N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1188 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director responsible for the creation, leadership and smooth operation of a new Division in the Teaching Agency created from 4 legacy ALBs. Responsible for delivering government current  commitments to the Early Years , Educational Psychology and classroom based support staff workforce to time, high quality and to budget. Responsible for the design of the delivery of  government response to the Nutbown review of Early Years qualifications and the Tickell review of the  Early Years Foundation Stage .Responsible for the design and delivery of the governments contribution to the future supply and quality of Education Psychologists following DfE’s Review. Department for Education Teaching Agency Teaching Agency 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1186 1307243 1 N/A N/A N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1189 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Deputy Director has overall responsibility for leading the Teacher Regulation Division. The Division supports the investigation and consideration of cases where it is alleged that a teacher is guilty of unacceptable professional conduct, conduct that may bring the profession into disrepute or where the teacher has been convicted of a relevant offence. The Division maintains the list of prohibited teachers and makes it available. The Division acts as the appeal body for teachers who have failed their induction period. Department for Education Teaching Agency Teaching Agency 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1186 1186773 1 N/A N/A N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1190 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director Leading the improvement of specific aspects of teacher training and its content, to ensure that schools increasingly take responsibility for training and developing their own staff, and , initial teacher training becomes a self-improving system where government establishes the desired outcomes for trainees and their pupils, and schools work with their partners (including universities) to decide how teachers can best be trained to deliver these outcomes. Department for Education Teaching Agency Teaching Agency 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1186 1175639 1 N/A N/A N/A Operational Delivery
DFE-1191 N/D SCS1 Deputy Director My role is to ensure that the Government's annual target of new recruits to initial teacher training (35,000+) is achieved, and that the quality improves year-on-year. That covers marketing, a contact centre, programmes and other interventions to stimulate the market. I am also responsible for encouraging qualified teachers to return to the classroom and for setting tests for all would-be teachers. Department for Education Teaching Agency Teaching Agency 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1186 782995 1 N/A N/A N/A Operational Delivery