Official Statistics
Enforcement of financial impositions
Updated 16 June 2011
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Year | Quarter | Financial impositions in period (£ millions) | Amount paid within 1 month of imposition month (£ millions) | Percentage of financial impositions paid within 1 month of imposition month (%) | Amount paid within 3 month of imposition month (£ millions) | percentage of financial impositions paid within 3 months of imposition month (%) | Amount paid within 6 months of imposition month (£ millions) | percentage of financial impositions paid within 6 months of imposition month (£ millions) | Accounts opened in period | Accounts closed within 1 month of imposition month | Percentage of accounts closed within 1 month of imposition month | Accounts closed within 3 months of imposition month | Percentage of accounts closed within 3 months of imposition month | Accounts closed within 6 months of imposition month | Percentage of accounts closed within 6 months of imposition month | Financial impositions outstanding at the end of the period (£ millions) |
2011 | Q2-Q4 | 294 | 39 | 13% | 96 | 33% | 121 | 41% | 962843 | 110308 | 11% | 311050 | 32% | 400888 | 42% | 602 |
2011 | Q2 | 105 | 15 | 14% | 35 | 33% | 43 | 41% | 319151 | 35960 | 11% | 103715 | 32% | 134162 | 42% | 611 |
2011 | Q3 | 97 | 12 | 12% | 31 | 32% | 39 | 41% | 331026 | 37481 | 11% | 106386 | 32% | 137799 | 42% | 609 |
2011 | Q4 | 92 | 12 | 13% | 31 | 33% | 39 | 42% | 312666 | 36867 | 12% | 100949 | 32% | 131374 | 42% | 602 |
2012 | Q1 | 99 | 13 | 13% | 34 | 35% | 40 | 41% | 323537 | 38856 | 12% | 106327 | 33% | 127968 | 40% | 593 |
2013 | Q2 | 102 | 13 | 13% | 32 | 32% | - | - | 298280 | 33868 | 11% | 85449 | 29% | - | - | 590 |