
Court martial results from the military court centres: January to December 2016

Updated 4 March 2025
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Rank Service Unit Sentencing Date Charge (s) Finding Sentence
Private Army 27 Regt RLC 12-Jan-16 4 x Sexual Assault Ch 1 & 3: Guilty; Ch 2 & 4: Not Guilty 45 Days Detention on each charge to be served consecutively (Making 90 Days Detention) Not set Not set
Leading Hand Royal Navy HMS NELSON 13-Jan-16 1 x Voyeurism Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Corporal Army 3 (UK) Div and Sig Regt 14-Jan-16 1 x Indecent Assault Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Corporal RAF RAF Waddington 14-Jan-16 Ch 1: Taking an indecent moving image of a child. Ch 2-11: Possessing an indecent photograph of a child. Guilty Ch 1: 1 Year and 3 months detention. Ch 2: 8 Months detention, concurrent. Ch 3: 4 Months detention, concurrent. Ch 5: 8 Months detention, concurrent. Ch 6: 8 Months detention, concurrent. Ch 8: 8 Months detention, concurrent. Ch 9: 4 Months detention concurrent. (Ch 4, 7, 10 and 11: Reduced to the Ranks and dismissal) All charges Reduced to the Ranks and dismissal. Not set Not set
Highlander Army 4 Scots 14-Jan-16 1 X Battery Guilty 60 Days detention, suspended for 12 months Not set Not set
Corporal Royal Navy 45 Cdo RM 15-Jan-16 1 x ABH Guilty 9 Months detention and a Service Compensation Order of œ400. Not set Not set
Private Army 3 Regt RLC 15-Jan-16 1 x Using threatening or disrespectful behaviour towards a superior officer Guilty To be Admonished Not set Not set
Sapper Army 39 Engr Regt 18-Jan-16 1 x AWOL Guilty 6 Months detention Not set Not set
Private Army 1 R Welsh 18-Jan-16 2 X AWOL Guilty 90 Days detention. Not set Not set
Ranger Army 1 R IRISH 18-Jan-16 1 X AWOL Guilty 6 Months detention Not set Not set
Private Army 2 PWRR 18-Jan-16 2 X AWOL Guilty To be Dismissed the Service and to undergo a Service Community Order with 120 hours unpaid work requirement. Not set Not set
Corporal Army 2 Rifles 19-Jan-16 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Corporal Army 5 FS Bn REME 19-Jan-16 Ch 1: Using threatening, abusive, insulting or provocative behaviour. Ch 2: Fighting. Guilty Fine œ500 and Service compensation order of œ200. Not set Not set
Gunner Army 14 Regt RA 20-Jan-16 4 x AWOL Guilty To serve 15 days detention on each charge, making 60 days detention in total, suspended for a period of 12 months. Not set Not set
Able Rate Royal Navy HMS NELSON 20-Jan-16 1 x Battery Guilty 28 Days Detention Suspended for 12 months Not set Not set
Senior Aircraftman RAF RAF Coningsby 20-Jan-16 1 x Unfitness or misconduct through alcohol or drugs Guilty Fine œ150 Not set Not set
Corporal Army 1 Med Regt 20-Jan-16 3 x Using violence towards an authorised person who has duty to apprehend him. 1 x Using threatening behaviour towards an authorised person Guilty Fine œ1500. Not set Not set
Private Army 1 R Anglian 20-Jan-16 1 x AWOL Guilty 120 days detention suspended for 12 months Not set Not set
Fusilier Army 1 RRF 20-Jan-16 1 X AWOL Guilty 20 Days detention. Not set Not set
Gdsm Army 1 Gren Gds 20-Jan-16 2 X AWOL Guilty To undergo detention for 3 months (Ch 1) 3 months (Ch 2) each sentence to run consecutively and so 6 months in total Not set Not set
Guardsman Army 1 Gren Gds 21-Jan-16 1 x Aggravated vehicle taking Guilty 14 Days detention Not set Not set
Captain Army Joint Sup Unit DMS Whittington 22-Jan-16 Ch 1-7: Misapplying or wasting service property. Ch 8 -11: Fraud. Ch 12: Theft Ch 1-7: Guilty. Ch 8-12: Not Guilty Charges 1 - 6 No Separate Penalty, Charge 7 - To be Severely Repremanded, to be fined œ2000 and to pay a Service Compensation Order of œ500 Not set Not set
Gunner Army 1 RHA 28-Jan-16 2 x Battery 2 x Guilty 30 days Service Supervision and Punishment Order consecutive on each charge, making a total of 60 days. Not set Not set
Corporal Army 1 Inf Trg Bn 28-Jan-16 1 x Common Assault Guilty Fine œ600 Not set Not set
Craftsman Army 30 Sig Regt 28-Jan-16 1 x Battery Guilty 90 Days Detention Not set Not set
Ex Color Sergeant Army RMAS 28-Jan-16 11 x Voyeurism Guilty 8 Months imprisonment, suspended for 2 years, on each charge to run concurrently. Not set Not set
Senior Aircraftman RAF COSU 29-Jan-16 1 x Battery Guilty Fine œ100 Not set Not set
Riflemen Army 2 Rifles 01-Feb-16 Ch 1, 6 & 7 - AWOL, Ch 2 & 4 - Contravention of Standing Orders, Ch 3 & 5 - Failing to Attend a Duty. Guilty Dismissal on charge 7 (AWOL) and No Separate Penalty on other charges Not set Not set
Ex Recruit Army ATC(P) 03-Feb-16 1 x Assault by penetration Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Corporal Army 1 Mercian 03-Feb-16 2 x Rape Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Flight Lt Royal Air Force RAF High Wycombe 03-Feb-16 4 x Fraud 1 x Forgery Guilty Dismissal from HM Service, 12 month Service Community Order with a 200 hours unpaid work requirement & Service Compensation Order of œ1,400. Not set Not set
Mr Civilian Not set 04-Feb-16 Ch 1, 3, 5 & 7: Indecent Assault. Ch 2, 4 & 6: Rape. Ch 1, 2, 4, 5, 6: Not Guilty. Ch 3 & 7: Guilty. Ch 3: 1 Year Imprisonment, Suspended for 2 years, with 280 hours unpaid work. Ch 7: 1 Year Imprisonment, Consecutive to charge 1, Suspended for 2 Years. Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army HCMR 08-Feb-16 1 x Unlawful wounding Guilty 6 Months Detention, Reduced to the Ranks and Service Compensation Order of œ750 Not set Not set
Able Rate Royal Navy HMS ARGYLL 08-Feb-16 1 x GBH with intent, 1 x GBH Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Guardsman Army 1 WG HQ Londist 08-Feb-16 GBH Guilty 15 Months Detention, Service Compensation Order of œ1200. Not set Not set
Leading Hand Royal Navy HMS MONTROSE 08-Feb-16 1 x Committing an act outraging public decency Guilty Fine œ1750 Not set Not set
Private Army 27 Regt RLC 09-Feb-16 1 x GBH Guilty 12 Months Detention and to pay œ800 as a Service Compensation Order Not set Not set
Private Army 27 Regt RLC 09-Feb-16 1 x AWOL Guilty 6 Months Detention. Not set Not set
Kingsman Army 1 Lancs 09-Feb-16 3 x AWOL Guilty 90 Days detention Not set Not set
Captain Army HQ BFG PRU 09-Feb-16 13 X Fraud Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army 1 Gren Gds 09-Feb-16 1X Battery Guilty Fine œ500 and Service Compensation Order of œ100. Not set Not set
Private Army 1 R Anglian 09-Feb-16 1 x AWOL. 1 x Desertion Guilty 9 Months detention Not set Not set
Private Army 2 ITB Catterick 10-Feb-16 1 x Battery, 1 x Disgraceful Conduct of an Indecent Kind Guilty 28 Days Detention Suspended for 12 months and œ100 compensation order Not set Not set
Private Army 2 ITB Catterick 10-Feb-16 1 x Battery Guilty 28 Days Detention Suspended for 12 months and œ100 compensation order Not set Not set
Private Army 2 ITB Catterick 10-Feb-16 1 X Disgraceful Conduct of an Indecent Kind Guilty 6 Months Detention Not set Not set
Corporal Army 2 Royal Anglian 10-Feb-16 Ch 1: Battery. Ch 2: Unfit or misconduct through alcohol or drugs. Ch 3: ABH. Guilty Ch 1: 2 Months Detention consecutive. Ch 2: 3 Months Detention consecutive. Ch 3: 6 Months Detention consecutive, Reduced to the Ranks, and Service Compensation Order of œ500. Not set Not set
Corporal Army AGC Pirbright 10-Feb-16 Ch 1: Battery. Ch 2: GBH Guilty Ch 1: 1 Month Detention. Ch 2: Dismissal from HM Service, Reduced to the Ranks, 18 Months Detention concurrent with charge 1. Not set Not set
Leading Hand Royal Navy HMS MONTROSE 10-Feb-16 Ch 1: Exposure. Ch 2: Sexual Assault. Guilty Ch 1: 1 Month Detention. Ch 2: 8 Months Detention to run concurrent, and Dismissal from HM Service. Not set Not set
Corporal Army 2 Scots 11-Feb-16 Ch 1: Battery. Ch 2: Affray. Ch 3: Unfitness or misconduct through alcohol or drugs. Ch 1 & 2: Not Guilty. Ch 3: Guilty. Admonition Not set Not set
Trooper Army Scots DG 11-Feb-16 1 x Affray Guilty 6 Months detention, suspended for 12 months. Not set Not set
Trooper Army Scots DG 11-Feb-16 1 x Affray Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Ex-Senior Aircraftman RAF RAF Marham 12-Feb-16 1 x Battery, 1 x Using violence towards an authorised person who has a duty to apprehend Guilty Service Community Order for 12 Months with 150 hours unpaid work, 15 Days Rehabilitation Activity Requirement and œ150 Service Compensation Order. Not set Not set
Captain Army 6 Regt RLC 12-Feb-16 13 x Fraud Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Able Rate Royal Navy MCM1 12-Feb-16 1 x Negligently Performing a duty Guilty Fine œ250 Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army 5 Rifles 12-Feb-16 1 x Arson Guilty 60 Days detention and Reduced to the Ranks. Not set Not set
Private Army 1 Mercian 15-Feb-16 1 x Dessertion Guilty Dismissal from HM Service Not set Not set
corporal Army 39 Engr regt 15-Feb-16 Ch 1 & 2: Distribution of an indecent image of a child. Ch 3-6: Possessing an indecent photograph of a child. Ch 7 & 8: Possessing extreme pornographic images. Guilty Ch 1: 1 Month imprisonment. Ch 2: 1 Month imprisonment concurrent. Ch 3: 8 Months imprisonment consecutive to Ch 1. Ch 4: 4 Months imprisonment concurrent. Ch 5: 1 Month imprisonment concurrent. Ch 6: 4 Months imprisonment concurrent. Ch 7: 3 Months imprisonment consecutive to Ch 1 & 3. Ch 8: 3 Months imprisonment concurrent to Ch 7. Making a total of 1 years imprisonment, all suspended for 2 years, 280 hours unpaid work within 1 year, Supervision for 2 years, to attend Sex Offender Group work and 32 sessions of Core Programme known as Community Better Lives., Sexual harm Prevention Order for 10 years, Dismissal from HM Service and to be Reduced to the Ranks on all counts. Not set Not set
Kingsman Army 2 Lancs 16-Feb-16 1 x AWOL Guilty 90 Days detention Not set Not set
Able Rate Royal Navy HMS ASTUTE 17-Feb-16 Ch 1: Using threatending or disrespectful behaviour towards a superior officer. Ch 2: Disobedience to a lawful command. Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty. Fine œ500 Not set Not set
Guardsman Army 1 Gren Gds 22-Feb-16 1 x AWOL Guilty 11 Days Detention and Dismissal from Her Majesty's Service Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army 1 Mercian 22-Feb-16 Ch 1: ABH. Ch 2: Battery. Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty. Fine œ1000. Not set Not set
Gunner Army 19 Regt RA 24-Feb-16 1 x Criminal Damage, 1 x Battery, 1 x Harrassment Guilty 4 Months Detention and œ1000 Service Compensation Order and 4 Months Detention to be served consecutively. Not set Not set
Ex Private Army 27 Regt RLC 24-Feb-16 1 x Misconduct through alcohol. 1 x Using violence towards an authorised person who orders him to arrest Guilty Admonished on each charge Not set Not set
Trooper Army HCMR 25-Feb-16 1X Harrassment Guilty Fine œ500 and a Service Compensation Order of œ7,500. Not set Not set
Flying Officer Royal Air Force RAF Leeming 26-Feb-16 5 x Ill treatment of subordinate Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Ex-Private Army 7 Regt RLC 29-Feb-16 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Color Sergeant Army 2 Yorks 29-Feb-16 1 x Unlawful wounding, 1 x ABH Guilty 11 Months Detention suspended for 12 months (Charge 1), 8 months detention concurrent, suspended for 12 months (Charge 2) and reduced to the rank of Sergeant on each charge. Not set Not set
Private Army 2 Yorks 29-Feb-16 1 x ABH Guilty Fine œ500 and a Service Compensation Order of œ250. Not set Not set
Trooper Army HCMR 29-Feb-16 3 x Possession of extreme pornography Guilty Admonishment Not set Not set
Corporal Army 16 Sig Regt 02-Mar-16 1 x Affray Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Signaller Army 16 Sig Regt 02-Mar-16 1 x Affray Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army 16 Sig Regt 02-Mar-16 1 x Affray Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army 4 Scots 03-Mar-16 1 x ABH Guilty Fine œ500 Not set Not set
Fusilier Army 2 Scots 03-Mar-16 1x Desertion Guilty Dismissal from HM Service Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army HQ Hereford Garrison 04-Mar-16 3 x Fraud Guilty Reduced to the Ranks, 90 days detention and a Service Compensation Order of œ1899.77 Not set Not set
Maj Army 1 Gren Gds 07-Mar-16 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Bombardier Army 3 RHA 07-Mar-16 1x Desertion Guilty 90 Days Detention suspended for 12 months Not set Not set
Corporal Army 1 PWRR 07-Mar-16 1 x Asault occasioning actual bodily harm Not set Not set Not set Not set
Ex-Private Army 2 Mercian 08-Mar-16 1 x Desertion Guilty Dismissal from HM Service Not set Not set
Rifleman Army 5 Rifles 08-Mar-16 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Corporal Army 2 Lancs 08-Mar-16 1 x Conduct to the prejudice and good order of Service discipline. Guilty Admonition Not set Not set
Private Army 3 Scots 08-Mar-16 1 x ABH Guilty Fine œ750 Not set Not set
Ex-Sergeant Army 9 TLR RLC Sup Sqn 08-Mar-16 1 x Actual Bodily Harm Guilty Service Community Order for 12 months with 40 hours unpaid work requirement. Not set Not set
Corporal Royal Marines 42 Cdo RM 09-Mar-16 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Corporal Royal Marines 42 CDO RM 09-Mar-16 1 X Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Able Rate Royal Navy HMS HERON 10-Mar-16 1 x GBH Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Corporal Army 17 Port And Maritime Regt RLC 11-Mar-16 1 x GBH Guilty Service Compensation Order; Reduced to the Ranks; Detention Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army 4 Regt RLC 11-Mar-16 1 x Battery Guilty Dismissal from HM Service, Reduced to the Ranks, and 60 Days Detention. Not set Not set
Able Rate Royal Navy HMS SULTAN 14-Mar-16 1 x Battery Guilty 21 Days detention and a Service Compensation Order of œ400. Not set Not set
Trooper Army RTR 14-Mar-16 1 x ABH Guilty 6 Months Detention Not set Not set
Riflemen Army 4 Rifles 15-Mar-16 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Captain Army HQ 170 (Infra Ap) Engr Gp 15-Mar-16 1 x Assualt by penetration Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Mr Not set C/O 9 Regt RLC 16-Mar-16 1 x Rape Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Gunner Army 26 Regt RA 16-Mar-16 1 x Battery Guilty 120 Days Detention Suspended for 1 year Not set Not set
Sergeant RAF RAF Akrotiri 16-Mar-16 Ch 1: Battery. Ch 2: Battery Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty Fine œ50 Not set Not set
Warrant Officer 2 Army 33 Engr Regt 17-Mar-16 5 x Theft Guilty Reduced to the rank of Sapper and 6 months detention concurrent on all 5 charges. To pay a Service Compensation Order of œ5600. Not set Not set
Private Army 2 Royal Anglian 17-Mar-16 1 x AWOL Guilty 4 Months Detention Not set Not set
Private Army Defence School Of Transport 17-Mar-16 1 x AWOL Guilty Dismissal, Service Community Order with 15 days Rehabilitation Activity Requirement and 150 hrs unpaid work Not set Not set
Able Rate Royal Navy HMS WESTMINSTER 17-Mar-16 1 x GBH with Intent, 1 x battery, 1 x tending to pervert the course of justice Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Able Rate Royal Navy MCM1 17-Mar-16 Ch 1 - GBH with Intent, Ch 2 - GBH, Ch 3 - Battery, Ch 4 - Perverting the course of justice, Ch 5 - Intimidation. Ch 1-4: Not Guilty. Ch 5: Guilty Service Community Order for 12 months with 200 hours unpaid work Not set Not set
Private Army 1 Scots 17-Mar-16 1 x Aggrevated vehicle taking Guilty 9 Months Detention, to pay Service Compensations Orders totalling œ5500. Not set Not set
Corporal of Horse Army HCMR 18-Mar-16 1 x Theft Guilty Reduced to the rank of Lance Corporal Not set Not set
Trooper Army HCR 18-Mar-16 2 x AWOL Guilty Dismissal and 6 Months Detention concurrent on each charge Not set Not set
Rifleman Army 4 Rifles 18-Mar-16 1 x AWOL Guilty 4 Months Detention to run consecutive to the sentence presently being served. Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army 22 Fd Hosp 18-Mar-16 1 x Assault by penetration Guilty Dismissal with Disgrace from HM Forces, 7 Years Imprisonment, Reduced to the Ranks, and Registration on Sex Offenders Register indefinitely. Not set Not set
Guardsman Army 1 bn Irish Guards 18-Mar-16 1 x Battery Guilty 4 Months detention, suspended for 12 months Not set Not set
Ex-SAC RAF RAF Northholt 04-Apr-16 1 x Supply of controlled drug Guilty Dismissal from HM Service, 8 months imprisonment suspended for 12 months, 180 hours unpaid work, 2 months electronic curfew 7pm to 7am Not set Not set
Private Army 9 Regt RLC 05-Apr-16 1x Desertion Guilty Dismissal from HM Service, 12 Month Service Community Order with 150 hours unpaid work. Not set Not set
Gunner Army 1 RHA 05-Apr-16 2 x AWOL Guilty Ch 1: 1 Month Detention. Ch 2: 5 Months Detention. Sentences to be served Consecutively (Total 6 Mths) Not set Not set
Corporal Army 2 PWRR 06-Apr-16 1 x Assault by penetration Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army 2 PWRR 06-Apr-16 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Ex Able Rate Navy Formerly HMS Nelson 07-Apr-16 3 x Battery, 1 x Unfitness or Misconduct Through Alcohol or Drugs 3 x Not Guilty, 1 x Guilty Absolute discharge Not set Not set
Corporal Army 2 Yorks 08-Apr-16 Ch 1: Battery. Ch 2: Battery Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2: Not Guilty Fine œ1000 Not set Not set
Ex-Leading Hand Royal Navy HMS DRAKE 11-Apr-16 1 x Possessing a prohibited weapon, 1 x contravention of standing orders Guilty 6 Months Imprisonment, Suspended for 2 years with 12 months Supervision Not set Not set
Ex-Rifleman Army 1 Rifles 11-Apr-16 Ch 1: GBH; Ch 2: Fighting Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty Absolute discharge Not set Not set
Sgt Army Cyprus Op Spt Unit 13-Apr-16 Ch 1: Theft; Ch 2: Theft Ch 1: Not Guilty; Ch 2: Guilty Service Compensation Order; Reduced to the Ranks Not set Not set
SAC RAF RAF Leeming 13-Apr-16 4 x Disgraceful conduct of the indecent kind Guilty to All 60 Days Detention, Suspended for 12 months, concurrent on each charge. Not set Not set
Sergeant Army COSU 13-Apr-16 2 x Theft Guilty, Not Guilty To be reduced to the rank of Lance Corporal and a Service Compensation Order of 380 Euros. Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army 2 Sig Regt 14-Apr-16 1 x Battery Guilty Fine œ500 Not set Not set
Corporal Army 4 Regt AAC (AH) 14-Apr-16 1 x Contravention of Standing Orders Guilty Fine œ250 Not set Not set
Ex SAC RAF RAF Wittering 14-Apr-16 1 x GBH, 1 x Affray Not Guilty, Guilty 5 Months Detention Not set Not set
Senior Aircraftman Royal Air Force RAF Leeming 14-Apr-16 GBH, Battery, Affray Not Guilty, Not Guilty, Guilty 8 Months Detention Not set Not set
Ex-Pte Army 2 Mercian 14-Apr-16 Charges 1 to 5 - Offering to supply a controlled drug, Charge 6 - Being concered in the supply of a controlled drug, Charge 7 - Possessing a medicinal product with intent to supply, Charge 8 - Possessing a weapon designed to discharge a noxious thing Guilty to Charges 1 to 6, Not Guilty to 7, Guilty to 8 Imprisonment for 9 months, suspended for 2 years, Supervision for 2 years and 200 hours unpaid work, concurrent on all charges. Not set Not set
Flight Sergeant RAF RAF Waddington 15-Apr-16 2 x Misconduct through alcohol Guilty Reduced to the Rank of Sergeant. Not set Not set
Private Army 2 Yorks 18-Apr-16 2 x GBH, 1 x ABH Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Private Army 2 Yorks 18-Apr-16 2 x GBH, 1 x ABH Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Private Army 2 Yorks 18-Apr-16 2 x GBH, 1 x ABH Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Private Army 2 Yorks 18-Apr-16 2 x GBH, 1 x ABH Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Private Army 2 YORKS 18-Apr-16 2 x GBH, 1 x ABH Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Able Rate Royal Navy HMS LANCASTER 18-Apr-16 1 x ABH Guilty Fine œ500 Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army 4 RMP 19-Apr-16 Ch 1: Misapplying service property; Ch 2: Disobedience of a Lawful Command Ch 1: Guilty; Ch 2: Not Guilty Fine œ100 Not set Not set
Guardsman Army 1 Welsh Guards 19-Apr-16 3 x AWOL Guilty Ch 1: 60 days detention; Ch 2: 30 days detention; Ch 3: 60 days detention, to be served consecutively Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army 1 RGR 20-Apr-16 7 x Battery Guilty Ch 1, 2 & 3: No Separate Penalty; Ch 4 & 5: 30 days detention on each; Ch 6 & 7: 60 days detention on each. All to run consecutively (Total 180 days), and to be Reduced to the Rank of Rifleman. Not set Not set
Private Army 2 Mercian 20-Apr-16 2 x Battery, 1 x Inflicting GBH Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
EX Cpl Army Formerly 3 RMP 20-Apr-16 2 x Rape Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
EX Cpl Army Formerly CPU RMP 20-Apr-16 2 x Rape Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Rifleman Army 5 Rifles 20-Apr-16 Ch 1: Battery. Ch 2: Threatening, abusive, insulting or provocative behaviour. CH 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty. Fine œ250 Not set Not set
Corporal Army 1 PWRR 21-Apr-16 1 x Theft Guilty Dismissal from HM Service, Reduced to the Ranks & 51 Days Detention. Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army 3 Armd CS Bn REME 21-Apr-16 1 x AWOL Guilty 4 Months Detention and Reduced to the Ranks Not set Not set
Signaller Army 16 Sig Regt 27-Apr-16 1 x Contravention of lawful standing order Guilty Fine œ200 Not set Not set
Fusilier Army 1 RRF 27-Apr-16 1 x Desertion Guilty Dismissal from HM Service, 12 month Service Community Order with 240 hours unpaid work. Not set Not set
Private Army 2 Medical Regt 27-Apr-16 1 x Fighting Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Guardsman Army 1 Welsh Guards 28-Apr-16 1 x GBH Guilty Dismissal from HM Service and 90 days detention. Not set Not set
Fusilier Army 1 RRF 28-Apr-16 2 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline. Guilty 90 day Service Supervision and Punishment Order. Not set Not set
Fusilier Army 1 RRF 28-Apr-16 1 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline. Guilty 90 day Service Supervision and Punishment Order. Not set Not set
Fusilier Army 1 RRF 28-Apr-16 2 x Conduct Prejudicial to GoodOorder and Service Discipline. Guilty Fine œ800. Not set Not set
Fusilier Army 1 RRF 28-Apr-16 1 x Conduct prejudicial to good order and service discipline. Guilty 90 day Service Supervision and Punishment Order. Not set Not set
Lieutenant Royal Navy HMS COLLINGWOOD 28-Apr-16 1 x Assault by penetration Guilty 2 Years 6 months Imprisonment and Dismissal with Disgrace from HM Service. Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army 3 PARA 28-Apr-16 1 x ABH Guilty Reduced to the Ranks, Dismissal from HM Forces, 9 Months Detention, and Service Compensation Order of œ1000. Not set Not set
Chief Petty Officer Royal Navy HMS ASTUTE 29-Apr-16 1 x Leaving a duty Guilty Fine œ768.52 Not set Not set
Able Rate Royal Navy HMS HERON 29-Apr-16 1 x GBH Guilty 11 Months Detention, and a Service Compensation Order of œ2500 Not set Not set
Corporal Army 1 PWRR 29-Apr-16 2 x Battery Guilty 4 Months detention suspended for 12 months, concurrent on each charge. Not set Not set
Ex-Private Army 3 Mercian 03-May-16 Ch 1 & 2: Causing a child to be involved in pornography; Ch 3 & 4: Possessing an indecent photograph of a child Guilty Ch 1: 2 Years Imprisonment. Ch 2: 4 Years Imprisonment concurrent. Ch 3 & 4: 3 Months Imprisonment concurrent on each, and concurrent to charges 1 and 2. Not set Not set
Corporal Army 4 MI BN 04-May-16 1 x ABH Guilty Reduced to the Rank of Lance Corporal, 90 Days Detention suspended for 12 months. Not set Not set
Signaller Army 22 Sig Regt 04-May-16 Ch 1 - Battery, Ch 2 - Using threatening, abusive, insulting or provocative behavior Guilty Ch 1: 1 Month detention concurrent. Ch 2: 9 Months Detention. Not set Not set
Private Army 3 SCOTS 05-May-16 1 x AWOL Guilty 6 Month Detention Not set Not set
Signaller Army 30 Sig Regt 05-May-16 1 x GBH with Intent, 1 x GBH Not Guilty, Guilty 8 Months Detention Not set Not set
Corporal Army 2 Scots 05-May-16 1 x Racially aggrevated assault Guilty Reduced to the Ranks and 90 days detention Not set Not set
Private Army 521 EOD SQN RLC 05-May-16 1 x Aggrevated vehicle taking Guilty 4 Months Detention and Service Compensation Order of œ1500. Not set Not set
Master Army c/o WO2 Bell 06-May-16 1 x Battery Guilty A conditional discharge for 2 years. Service Compensation Order of Euro 450. Not set Not set
Master Army c/o SSgt Craigen 06-May-16 1 x Commom Assault Guilty Overseas Community Order for 1 year with 80 hours of unpaid work, and a Service Compensation order of Euro 500. On 6th May 2016 a Judge revoked this order and replaced with a Service Community Order with a condition of 50 hours unpaid work (due to a breach of the original order) Not set Not set
Corporal Army 36 Engr Regt 06-May-16 16 x Possessing indecent images of children, 5 x possessing an extreme pornographic image. Guilty Service Commuity Order for 3 years, with 3 years Supervision and to attend an accredited Sex Offender Treatment Programme, Dismissal from HM Service and Reduced to the Ranks, concurrent on all charges. Sexual Harm Prevention Order until further notice. Registration on Sex Offenders Register for 5 years. Not set Not set
Ex Sapper Army 32 Ebgr Regt 09-May-16 1 x Using Violence against a Superior Officer, 1 x Unfitness through alcohol. Guilty Fine œ300 Not set Not set
Major Army HQ 4 Infantry Bde 10-May-16 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army 34 Field Hosp 11-May-16 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Private Army 4 CS BN REME 12-May-16 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Signaller Army 216 (PARA) SIG SQN 12-May-16 2 x AWOL Guilty Ch 1: Dismissal from HM Forces, Service Community Order for 2 years, with 2 years supervision and 200 hours unpaid work; Ch 2; Service Community Order for 2 years with 200 hours unpaid work concurrent. Not set Not set
Fusilier Army 1 RRF 12-May-16 1 x Desertion Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
L Sergeant Army 1 SG 12-May-16 Ch 1: Battery. Ch 2 to 7: Ill treament of subordinates Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2 to 7: Guilty Admonished Not set Not set
L Sergeant Army 1 Gren Gds 12-May-16 Negligently performing a duty Guilty Admonished Not set Not set
Private Army 3 Scots 13-May-16 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Private Army 3 Scots 13-May-16 Ch 1: Wouding with Intent. Ch 2: Wounding. Ch 3: Battery Ch 1 & 3: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty. 12 Months Detention, Service Compensation Order of œ2500. Not set Not set
Sergeant Army HQ DSI 15-May-16 1 x Fraud Guilty Reduced to Rank of Corporal, 60 Days Detention and a Service Compensation Order of œ150. Not set Not set
Ex SAC RAF RAF Honington 15-May-16 Ch 1: Possession with Intent to Supply a controlled drug (Class A). Ch 2, 3 & 4: Offering to Supply a Controlled Drug (Class A). Ch 5: Supplying a Controlled Drug (Class B). Ch 6: Offering to Supply a Controlled Drug (Class B). Ch 7: Being Concerned with an Offer to Supply a Controlled Drug (Class A). Guilty Ch 1: 14 Months Detention and Dismissal from HM Forces. Ch 2 to 4: 14 Months Detention. Ch 5 & 6: No Separate Penalty. Ch 7: 14 Months Detention. All sentences are to be concurrent. Not set Not set
Highlander Army 4 Scots 16-May-16 3 x AWOL Guilty Dismissal from HM Forces and 90 days detention Not set Not set
Ex Marine Royal Marines 45 Cdo RM 16-May-16 Ch 1 to 4: Battery. Ch 5: Disgraceful conduct of a cruel kind Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2 to 4: Not Guilty. Ch 5: Guilty Service Community Order with 220 hours unpaid work. Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Royal Marines 45 Cdo RM 16-May-16 1 x Ill Treatment of a Subordinate Guilty 8 Months Detention Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Royal Marines 45 Cdo RM 16-May-16 1 x Ill Treatment of a Subordinate Guilty 8 Months Detention Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Royal Marines 45 Cdo RM 16-May-16 1 x Ill Treatment of a Subordinate Guilty 11 Months 2 weeks Detention Not set Not set
Marine Royal Navy 45 Cdo RM 18-May-16 1 x GBH Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Corporal Army 6 Theatre Log Regt 19-May-16 1 x ABH Ch 1 - ABH, Ch 2 - Battery (As Alternative) 3 Months Detention Suspended for 12 Months Not set Not set
Able Rate Royal Navy HMS Protector 20-May-16 1 x Unfitness through alcohol Guilty Fine œ633.50 Not set Not set
Ex-Lance Corporal RAF RAF Honington 23-May-16 4 x Offering to supply a controlled drug Guilty 10 Months Detention and Dismissed from HM Forces on each charge concurrent. Not set Not set
Able Rate Royal Navy HMS HERON 23-May-16 Ch 1: Battery. Ch 2: Misconduct. Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty. Fine œ500 Not set Not set
Corporal Army 6 Regt rlc 23-May-16 1 x ABH Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
WO2 Army 3 Scots 24-May-16 1 x Burglary Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Fusilier Army 2 Scots 25-May-16 1x Desertion Guilty Service Community Order for 1 year with 300 hours unpaid work requirement and Dismissal from HM Forces Not set Not set
Able Rate Royal Navy HMS OCEAN 25-May-16 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Private Army The London Regiment 25-May-16 1x Assault by penetration, 1X Sexual Assault Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Pte Army 1 RLC 25-May-16 1x Desertion Guilty Dismissed from HM Service. 12 Months Service Community Order with 180hours unpaid work requirement. Not set Not set
SAC RAF RAF Waddington 26-May-16 Ch 1: Supplying a controlled drug; Ch 2: Being cocerned in the supply of a controlled drug; Ch 3 & 4: Offer to supply a controlled drug; Ch 5: Cultivation of cannabis plants Guilty Ch 1: 12 Months Detention, Ch 2, 3 & 4: No Separate Penalty; Ch 5: 6 Months Detention. All sentences to be served consecutively and to be Dismissed from HM Forces. Not set Not set
Marine Royal Marines HMS BULWARK 26-May-16 1 x Fighting Guilty Fine œ350 Not set Not set
Private Army 3 Regt RLC 26-May-16 1 x Fighting Guilty Fine œ350 Not set Not set
Major Army APC CM OPS 26-May-16 1 x Rape Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Corporal Army ATC(P) 27-May-16 7 x Theft Guilty Dismissed from HM Service, Reduced to the Ranks, 6 months detention and Service Compensation Order of œ539 Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army 1 Bn PWRR 28-May-16 1 X Rape 1 x False imprisonment Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Sapper Army 66 Wks GP RE 01-Jun-16 2 x AWOL Guilty Dismissal from HM Service Not set Not set
Guardsman Army 1 Welsh Guards 02-Jun-16 Ch 1, 2, 3 & 5: AWOL; Ch 4: 1 x Desertion Ch 1, 2, 3 & 5: Guilty; Ch 4: Not Guilty 120 days detention, concurrent on each charge. Not set Not set
Craftsman Army 19 Regt RA 02-Jun-16 1 x Battery Guilty Fine œ50, Service Compensation Order of œ100. Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army 1 Mercian 02-Jun-16 2 x Battery Guilty Ch 1: Fine œ100; Ch 2: Fine œ1000 Not set Not set
Captain Army 9 Regt RLC 07-Jun-16 2 x Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind Guilty Dismissed with Disgrace, Fine œ2250, Service Compensation Order of œ2000. Not set Not set
2nd Lieutenant Royal Navy BRNC Dartmouth 07-Jun-16 2 x Rape Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army 110 Pro Coy 08-Jun-16 1 x Fighting Guilty Reduced to the Ranks Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army 110 Pro Coy 08-Jun-16 1 x Fighting Guilty Reduced to the Ranks Not set Not set
Corporal Army 2 Lancs 08-Jun-16 1 x Voyeurism Guilty 60 Days Detention and Reducted to the Ranks Not set Not set
Private Army 2 Anglian 09-Jun-16 Ch 1: Improper use of public electronic communication network. Ch 2: Disclosing Private sexual Photographs or Film. Ch 3: Improper use of a public electronic communications network Ch 1 & 3: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty To be dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set Not set
WO2 Army RM Poole 13-Jun-16 1 x Battery Guilty Severe Reprimand, Fine œ1000 and Service Compensation Order of œ500. Not set Not set
Ex Tpr Army HCMR 13-Jun-16 1 x AWOL Guilty Service Community Order with 100 hours unpaid work Not set Not set
Sergeant Navy HMS Duncan 14-Jun-16 1x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Rifleman Army 5 Rifles 16-Jun-16 1 x Desertion Guilty Dismissal from HM Service, and a Service Community Order with 200 hours unpaid work Not set Not set
Leading Hand Royal Navy HMS SULTAN 16-Jun-16 2 x Improper use of a public electronic communications network Guilty 45 Days Detention Not set Not set
Leading Hand Royal Navy HMS SULTAN 16-Jun-16 2 x Improper use of a public electronic communications network Guilty 45 Days Detention Not set Not set
Petty Officer Royal Navy COMFASFLOT 17-Jun-16 1 x Contravention of Standing Orders Guilty Fine œ1000 Not set Not set
Sargeant Royal Marines HMS RALEIGH 21-Jun-16 1 x Battery Guilty Reduced to the Rank of Corporal Not set Not set
SAC RAF RAF Lossiemouth 22-Jun-16 1 x Offering to supply a controlled drug, 1 x Being concerned with the making of an offer to supply a controlled drug Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Ex-Gunner Army 5 Regt RA 22-Jun-16 1 x Battery Guilty Service Community Order for 2 years, with 40 days Rehabilitation Activity Requirement and Service Compensation Order of œ100. Not set Not set
Ex Gunner Army 5 Regt RA 22-Jun-16 3 x Arson Guilty Service Community Order for 2 years with 40 days of Rehabilitation Activity Requirement. Not set Not set
Sergeant Army RCDM 22-Jun-16 1 x Battery Guilty Admonition Not set Not set
Lieutenant Royal Navy HMS EXCELLENT 22-Jun-16 1 x Sexual Assault Guilty Imprisonment for a period of 3 months, suspended for a period of 2 years; to be dismissed from Her Majesty's Service with disgrace; to pay the sum of œ750 by way of Service Compensation Order Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army 1 R Welsh 22-Jun-16 1 x ABH Guilty Dismissal from HM Service, Reduced to the Ranks and 15 months Detention Not set Not set
Fusilier Army 1 R Welsh 22-Jun-16 Ch 1-3: Battery. Ch 3-6: Perverting the course of justice. Ch 1-4: Guilty. Ch 5 & 6: Not Guilty All on charges to be Reduced to the Ranks and to be Dismissed HM Service. Ch 1 & 2: 3 Months detention concurrent on each. Ch 3: 1 Month detention consecutive. Ch 4: 4 Months detention consecutive. Making a total of eight months detention. Not set Not set
Fusilier Army 1 R Welsh 22-Jun-16 Ch 1 & 2: Battery. Ch 3: ABH. Ch 4: Perverting the Course of Public Justice. Ch 1-3: Guilty. Ch 4: Not Guilty. Ch 1 & 2: 3 Months Detention on each charge to be served concurrent. Ch 3: 15 Months Detention to run consecutively. Total of 18 months detention. Not set Not set
Fusilier Army 1 R WELSH 22-Jun-16 1 x ABH Guilty 11 Months Detention Not set Not set
Ex-Staff Sergeant Army 1 MI BN 23-Jun-16 Ch 1: Theft. Ch 2: Failure to perform a duty. Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Guilty. Service Community Order for 12 Months with 100 hours unpaid work Not set Not set
Fusilier Army 1 R Welsh 24-Jun-16 Ch 1 & 2: Battery. Ch 3-5: Perverting Course of Justice. Ch 1, 2 & 5: Guilty. Ch 3 & 4: Not Guilty. Ch 1 & 2: 3 Months Detention to run concurrent. Ch 5: 3 Months Detention to run consecutively. Not set Not set
Staff Sergeant Army 16 MED REGT 24-Jun-16 Ch 1 & 2: Sexual Assault. Ch 3 & 4: Harrassment. Ch 1,2 & 4: Guilty. Ch 3: Not Guilty. Ch 1: 3 Months detention. Ch 2: 4 months detention. Ch 4: 1 Month detention. All sentences to run concurrent, be Reduced to the Ranks, and dismissed from HM Service. Not set Not set
Group Captain RAF Defence Medical Services Whittington 24-Jun-16 6 x Negligently Performing a Duty Guilty A Severe Reprimand (On each charge concurently) and a Service Compensation Order of œ106,343.97 Not set Not set
Private Army MPGS - HMS Collingwood 27-Jun-16 Ch 1: Burglary, Ch 2: Criminal Damage Guilty Dismissal from HM Service and 6 months detention. Not set Not set
Private Army 6 RLC 27-Jun-16 2 x AWOL Guilty To undergo detention for 120 days on each charge concurrently. Totaling 120 days detention Not set Not set
Lance Bombardier Army 47 Regt RA 28-Jun-16 1 x Battery Guilty Fine œ500 Not set Not set
Rifleman Army 3 Rifles 28-Jun-16 6 x Offering to supply a controlled drug, 3 x Being concened in offer to supply a controlled drug Guilty 12 months imprisonment on each count concurrently; suspended for two years with a suspended service order: perform 180 hours unpaid work within the next 12 months. Dismissed from her Majesty's Service on each count. The drugs to be forfeited. Not set Not set
Ex-Sapper Army 42 Engr Regt 28-Jun-16 1 x Battery Guilty Fine of œ750, Service Compensation Order of œ500. Not set Not set
WO2 Army 2 Yorks 28-Jun-16 1 x Drunkenness Guilty Admonition Not set Not set
Private Army 2 Yorks 28-Jun-16 1 x Drunkenness Guilty Fine œ250 Not set Not set
Kingsman Army 1 Lancs 28-Jun-16 1 x Desertion Guilty Dismissed from HM Service Not set Not set
Private Army 1 RLC 28-Jun-16 1 x Desertion Guilty Dismissal from HM Service & Service Community Order for 12 Months with 180 hours unpaid work requirement Not set Not set
Bombadier Army 19 Regt RA 29-Jun-16 Ch 1: GBH; Ch 2: ABH; Ch 3: Fighting Ch 1 & 2: Not Guilty; Ch 3: Guilty Fine œ600 Not set Not set
Corporal Army 1 Mercian 29-Jun-16 1 x Possession of a controlled drug Guilty To be reduced to the rank of Private and undergo 60 days detention Not set Not set
Private Army 2 Scots 29-Jun-16 1 x AWOL Guilty Service Community Order, 150 hours unpaid work. Not set Not set
Corporal Army 22 Sig Regt 29-Jun-16 Ch 1 & 2: Contravention of Standing Orders; Ch 3: Unfitness through alcohol Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
LCpl Army 22 Sig Regt 29-Jun-16 Ch 4 & 5 - Contravention of Standing Orders, Ch 6 - Unfitness through Alcohol (Charges 1, 2 & 3 are against a co-defendant) Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Corporal RAF RAF Honnington 29-Jun-16 1 x Theft, 1 x Fraud Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Fusilier Army 1 RRF 29-Jun-16 1 x AWOL Guilty To be dismissed from Her Majesty's Service and to be the subject of a Service Community Order for 12 months. A condition of that order being that he perform, as directed, 100 hours of unpaid work in the duration of that order. Not set Not set
Private Army 2 R ANGLIAN 29-Jun-16 1 x AWOL Guilty Detention for 60 days Not set Not set
Corporal Army 1 R Irish 30-Jun-16 1 x Attempted theft, 1 x Battery Not Guilty No evidence offered Not set Not set
Sergeant RAF 34 SQN RAF Regt 30-Jun-16 1x Theft Guilty To be Reduced to the Rank of Corporal and to be the subject of a Service Compensation Order in the sum of œ3,000 Not set Not set
Corporal Army 2 Med Regt 04-Jul-16 1 x ABH Guilty 90 Days and Reduced to the Rank of Lance Corporal Not set Not set
Corporal Army RLC 05-Jul-16 6 x Fraud Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Corporal Army 2 Lancs 05-Jul-16 1 x Ill treatment of a subordinate; 1 x Conduct Prejudicial to good order Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Corporal Army QDG 05-Jul-16 1 x Ill treatment of a subordinate Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Corporal Army 2 Lancs 05-Jul-16 Ch 1 - Ill Treatment of Subordinates, Ch 2 - Conduct Prejudicial to good order Not Guilty Charge 1 - found NG at JA's Direction. Ch 2 - Discontinued at Trial. Not set Not set
NA (AH) RN HMS Richmond 05-Jul-16 1 x Using violence towards a superior officer Guilty 18 Days detention Not set Not set
Private Army 6 Regt rlc 06-Jul-16 1 x Assault by Penetration Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
ET (ME) RN HMS Sultan 06-Jul-16 Ch 1 & 2: Destroying Property. Ch 3: Unlawful Wounding. Ch 4: Battery Guilty Ch 1: 5 days detention. Ch 2: 30 days detention. Ch 3: 30 days detention. Ch 4: 60 days detention - to run concurrently for a total of 60 days; to be subject to a Service Compensation Order of œ770.37. Not set Not set
Ex Lance Bombardier Army Formerly 4 Regt RA 08-Jul-16 1 x Theft Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Ex Lance Bombardier Army 4 Regt RA 08-Jul-16 1 x Theft Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Private Army ATC Pirbright 11-Jul-16 1 x Desertion Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set Not set
Corporal Army 2 Mercian 11-Jul-16 1 x ABH Guilty 4 Months detention, suspended for 1 year; Reduced to the Rank of Lance Corporal; œ750 Service Compensation Order. Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army 4 Rifles 11-Jul-16 1X Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Private Army PATW 13-Jul-16 6 x Fraud Guilty Ch 1 - 5: 2 Months detention; Ch 6: 6 months detention; re-payment of œ159.60 to MOD by way of Service Compensation Order. All sentences to be served concurrently. Not set Not set
Lance Sergent Army No 7 Coy Coldstream Guards 13-Jul-16 Ch 1: Theft; Ch 2: Handling Stolen Goods Ch 1: Not Guilty; Ch 2: Guilty Fined œ500 and pay a Service Compensation Order of œ150. Not set Not set
Kingsman Army 2 Lancs 13-Jul-16 1 x Desertion Guilty To be dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army 1 Mercian 13-Jul-16 Ch 1: GBH with intent. Ch 2 (Alt to Ch 1): GBH. Ch 3 & 4: Using Threatening, Abusive, Insulting or Provocative Behaviour. Guilty Charge 1: To be reduced to the ranks, dismissed from Her Majesty's Service and undergo 4 years imprisonment; Charge 3 & 4: To undergo 3 months imprisonment - all sentences to be served consecutively; to pay by way of a Service Compensation Order the sum of œ750 Not set Not set
Corporal Army RAF Leeming 13-Jul-16 3 x Disgraceful Conduct of an Indecent Kind Guilty To be Reduced to the Ranks Not set Not set
SAC RAF RAF Brize Norton 14-Jul-16 Ch 1-6: Possession of an indecent photograph of a child. Ch 7 & 8: Possession of extreme pornographic images. Guilty Ch 1: To be Reduced to the Ranks, dismissed with disgrace and undergo 2 years and 8 months imprisonment. Ch 3: 12 Months imprisonment. Ch 5: 6 Months imprisonment. Ch 7: 3 Months imprisonment. Ch 2, 4, 6 & 8 : No Separate Penalty. All sentences to be served concurrently. Sexual Harm Prevention Order Not set Not set
Sergeant Army 16 Regt RA 14-Jul-16 3 x Battery Ch 1 & 2: Guilty; Ch 3: Not Guilty To be reduced to the rank of Bombardier Not set Not set
Ex Sapper Army 32 Engr Regt 15-Jul-16 1 x Assault by penetration Guilty Imprisonment 3.5 years, Dismissal from Her Majesty's Service, Reduced to the Ranks. Not set Not set
EX Private Army 2 Yorks 15-Jul-16 1 x ABH; 1 x Common Assault 1 x Not Guilty; 1 x Guilty Conditional Discharge for 12 months Not set Not set
Sergeant Army 14 Regt RA 15-Jul-16 2 x Sexual Assualt Guilty Ch 1: 6 Months Detention. Ch 2: 6 Months Detention, to be served consecutively and to be Reduced to the Rank of Gunner. Not set Not set
Sergeant Army Frimley Park Hospital 15-Jul-16 1x Assault by penetration Guilty Reduced to the Ranks, Dismissal and 3.5 years Imprisonment Not set Not set
Private Army 7 Para RHA 19-Jul-16 6 x Offering to supply a controlled drug Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Craftsman Army 5 FS BN REME 20-Jul-16 1 x Battery Guilty Dismissed from HM Service, Service Community Order with 200 hours unpaid work, œ200 Service Compensation Order. Not set Not set
Staff Sergent Army 33 Engr Regt (EOD) 20-Jul-16 1 x Ill treatment of a subordinate Guilty Reduced to the Rank of Sergeant, Severe Reprimand and a Service Compensation Order of œ500. Not set Not set
Ex Corporal Army Scots DG 20-Jul-16 1 x Rape Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Private Army 2 PWRR 21-Jul-16 1 x Desertion Guilty Dismissal from HM Service and a Service Community Order for 1 year with 200 hours unpaid work. Not set Not set
Sergeant Army 1 MWD Regt 21-Jul-16 1 x Purchasing a prohibited weapon Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Kingsman Army 2 Lancs 21-Jul-16 2 x AWOL Guilty 6 Months detention on each charge to be served concurrently. Not set Not set
Trooper Army HCR 21-Jul-16 1 x Desertion Guilty Dismissal from HM Service Not set Not set
Private Army 3 Para 21-Jul-16 1 x AWOL Guilty 6 Months Detention, and the sentence passed on 30 Jul 15 of 21 days Suspended Detention is activated and to be served consecutively. Not set Not set
Private Army 1 PWRR 21-Jul-16 1 x AWOL Guilty Detention of 110 days Not set Not set
Kingsman Army 2 Lancs 21-Jul-16 2 X AWOL Guilty 6 Months detention, concurrent on each charge. Not set Not set
Ex Fusilier Army 1 R WELSH 21-Jul-16 1 x Theft. 1 x Criminal Damage. Guilty Fine œ250 and Service Compensation Order of œ410. Not set Not set
Sergeant Army 102 Bn REME 22-Jul-16 Ch 1: Commiting an act outraging public decency; Ch 2: 1 x Sexual Assault Guilty Ch 1: Dismissal from HM Service, 8 Months Detention and Reduced to the Ranks; Ch 2: Dismissal from HM Service, 5 Months Detention concurrent, and Reduced to the Ranks Not set Not set
Sergeant Army 4 Regt AAC 22-Jul-16 Ch 1: Common Assault; Ch 2: Battery Ch 1: Not Guilty; Ch 2: Guilty Fine œ500 and to be Reprimanded Not set Not set
Petty Officer Royal Navy HMS NELSON 02-Aug-16 1 X Battery Guilty Fine œ100 Not set Not set
Major Army HQ 101 Log Bde 02-Aug-16 1xMaking a false official record; 5xMisapplying or wasting public property Guilty Fine œ2150. Not set Not set
Able Rate Royal Navy HMS VANGUARD(S) 04-Aug-16 1 x ABH Guilty 9 Months Detention, and a Service Compensation Order of œ125 Not set Not set
Able Rate Royal Navy HMS VANGUARD(S) 04-Aug-16 1 x ABH Guilty 9 Months Detention, and a Service Compensation Order of œ125 Not set Not set
Private Army 9 Regt RLC 23-Aug-16 1 x ABH Guilty Suspended Sentence Order: 1 - 8 months imprisonment susptended; 2 - operational period 24 months; 3 - suspension period 18 months; 4 - 240 hours unpaid work Not set Not set
Kingsman Army 2 LANCS 23-Aug-16 2 x AWOL Guilty Charge 1: 1 month detention; Charge 2: 3 months detention Not set Not set
Corporal Army 101 Engr Regt 24-Aug-16 1 x Ill Treatment of a subordinate Guilty Reduction to the rank of Lance Corporal Not set Not set
Private Army 1 Yorks 24-Aug-16 3 x AWOL Guilty 3 Months detention concurrent on each charge Not set Not set
Corporal Army Light Dragoons A SQN Admin TP 05-Sep-16 1 x Maliciously inflicting GBH Guilty Detention for 6 months, suspended for 12 months; Compensation of œ3000. Reduction in Rank to Lance Corporal. Not set Not set
Corporal Army 1 Welsh Guards 06-Sep-16 1 x Fraud Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Craftsman Army 5 FS BN REME 06-Sep-16 1 x Contravening Standing Orders, 1 x Aggravated vehicle taking Guilty 120 Days detention on each charge, to run concurrently; Service Compensation Order of œ1355.93 Not set Not set
Kingsman Army 1 Lancs 06-Sep-16 Ch 1: ABH. Ch 2: Misconduct through Alcohol. Guilty Ch 1: 120 Days imprisonment. Ch 2: 20 Days imprisonment consecutive, 140 days in all. Suspended for 2 years. 25 Days rehabilitiation activity requirement, thinking skills programme within the next 18 months, Alcohol treatment requirment for up to 18 months and 240 hrs unpaid work. Not set Not set
Sergeant RAF RAF Henlow 06-Sep-16 Ch 1 - Sexual assault of a child under 13, Ch 2 & 3 - Taking an indecent photo of a child. Guilty Charge 1: Imprisonment for 2 years and 8 months; Charge 2: Imprisonment for 1 year and 4 months concurrent; Charge 3: Imprisonment for 1 year concurrent. Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service and to be reduced to the ranks. Subject to a sexual harm prevention order in the terms attached until further notice. Not set Not set
Private Army 1 Regt RLC 06-Sep-16 1 x Battery, 1 x ABH Guilty 60 days detention on each charge to be served consecutively making a total of 120 days. Sentence suspended for 12 months. Not set Not set
Corporal Army 1 Welsh Guards 07-Sep-16 1 x Fraud Guilty Reduced to the Rank of Lance Corporal Not set Not set
Senior Aircraftsman RAF RAF Boulmer 07-Sep-16 1 x Failing to attend a Duty Guilty Fine œ450 Not set Not set
Guardsman Army 1 Welsh Guards 07-Sep-16 1 x Aggravated vehicle taking Guilty 90 Days imprisonment suspended for 12 months, to undergo 12 months supervision requirment, 150 hours of unpaid work. Not set Not set
Corporal Army 1 MWD Regt 15-Sep-16 Ch 1: Sexual Assault; Ch 2: Exposure; Ch 3: Conduct prejudicial to good order; Ch 4: Disgraceful conduct Ch 1, 2 & 4: Not Guilty, Ch 3: Guilty To be Reprimanded and fined œ1800. Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army 17 Port And Maritime Regt RLC 15-Sep-16 1 x Rape Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army 110 Pro Coy 19-Sep-16 Ch 1 - 4: Battery; Ch 5: Criminal Damage; Ch 6: Affray; Ch 7:Making Threats to Kill. Ch 1, 2, 4, 5 & 6: Guilty; Ch 3 & 7: Not Guilty. Ch 1 & 2: 2 Months Detention; Ch 4: Two Months Detention and Service Compensation Order of 50 Euros; Ch 5 - No Separate Penalty; Ch 6 - 12 Months Detention. Sentences for charges 1, 2 & 4 are concurrent, and sentence for charge 6 is consecutive, making a total sentence of 14 months detention. Not set Not set
Gunner Army 4 Regt RA 19-Sep-16 1 x Desertion Guilty Dismissal from Her Majesty's Service, with a Service Community Order for 12 Months with 200 hours unpaid work Not set Not set
Sergeant Army KRH 20-Sep-16 1 x ABH Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Private Army AFC Harrogate 20-Sep-16 Ch 1: Battery; Ch 2 & 3: Threatening Behaviour Ch 1: Guilty. Ch 2 & 3: Not Guilty Fine œ700 Not set Not set
Rifleman Army 3 RIFLES 20-Sep-16 1 x AWOL Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set Not set
Leading Hand Royal Navy HMS TORBAY 21-Sep-16 1 x Fighting Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Kingsman Army 1 Lancs 21-Sep-16 1 x AWOL Guilty Admonition Not set Not set
Gunner Army 1 RHA 21-Sep-16 1 x Desertion, 2 x AWOL Guilty Dismissal from Her Majesty's Service and a Service Community Order for 12 Months with 160 hours unpaid work. Not set Not set
Bombadier Army 5 Regt RA 22-Sep-16 Ch 1: Contravention of Standing Orders; Ch 2: Conduct Prejudicial to Good Order and Service Discipline Ch 1: Not Guilty; Ch 2: Guilty Fine œ500. Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army 1 PWRR 22-Sep-16 Ch 1 & 2: Criminal damage; Ch 3: Battery Ch 1 & 2: Guilty; Ch 3: Not Guilty Service Compensation Order of 30 Euros. Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army 1 Lancs 22-Sep-16 Ch 2 - Battery Guilty 60 days detention suspended for 12 months. œ500 compensation to victim. Not set Not set
Mrs Army 1 Lancs 22-Sep-16 Ch 1 - Using Threatening behaviour Guilty Conditional Discharge for 2 years Not set Not set
Private Army 17 Port And Maritime Regt RLC 22-Sep-16 1 x Burglary Guilty 6 Months Detention Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army 1 RMP 22-Sep-16 Ch 1: Drunkenness in a Public Place; Ch 2: Criminal Damage; Ch 3: Battery Ch 1: Not Guilty; Ch 2 & 3: Guilty Ch 2: Service Compensation Order of 632.19 Euros. Ch 3: Service Compensation Order of 50 Euros, all to be paid over 3 months. Not set Not set
Gunner Army 4 Regt RA 22-Sep-16 2 x AWOL Guilty Dismissal from Her Majesty's Service and a Service Community Order for 12 Months with 250 hours Unpaid Work. Not set Not set
Kingsman Army 2 Lancs 22-Sep-16 4 x AWOL Guilty Ch 1: 60 days detention. Ch 2: 30 days detention concurrent. Ch 3: 120 days detention consecutive to ch 1 sentence. Ch 4: 30 days detention concurrent, making a total of 180 days detention. Not set Not set
Kingsman Army 2 Lancs 23-Sep-16 1 x AWOL Guilty 120 days detention suspended for 12 months Not set Not set
Private Army ATC(P) 23-Sep-16 Ch 1: Disgraceful conduct of an indecent kind; Ch 2: Common Assault Guilty Ch 1: Fine œ800; Ch 2: Fine œ100 Not set Not set
Ex-Marine Royal Marines CTCRM Lympstone 23-Sep-16 1 x Arson, 1 x Criminal Damage Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
WO2 Army 2 Scots 26-Sep-16 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army 35 Engr regt 26-Sep-16 Ch 1: Battery. Ch 2: Threats to Kill. Guilty 2 months detention (Charge 1), 24 months detention concurrent suspended for 12 months, to be reduced to the ranks, a Service Compensation order of œ800 (Charge 2) Not set Not set
Sapper Army 75 Engr Regt 27-Sep-16 2 x Battery Guilty Fine 800 Not set Not set
PRIVATE ARMY 1 PWRR 27-Sep-16 1 X GBH Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Rifleman Army 5 Rifles 27-Sep-16 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Private Army 1 PWRR 28-Sep-16 Ch 1: Contravention of Standing Orders; Ch 2: Wanton and Furious driving Guilty CH 1: 2 months detention; Ch 2: 9 months detention. To be served concurrently; suspended for 12 months. Removal of any military driving permit. Not set Not set
Leading Hand Royal Navy HMS HERON 29-Sep-16 4 x Sexual Assault Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Gunner Army Kings Troop RHA 03-Oct-16 3 x Leaving a duty Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2: Withdrawn. Ch 3: Guilty Service Supervision and Punishment Order for 30 days. Not set Not set
Sergeant Army Inf Battle School 04-Oct-16 1 x Sexual Assault Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Gunner Army Kings Troop RHA 04-Oct-16 1 x ABH Guilty 15 Months Detention and Service Compensation Order of œ500 Not set Not set
Gunner Army 12 Regt RA 04-Oct-16 4 x AWOL Guilty 90 Days detention concurrent on each charge Not set Not set
Gunner Army 12 Regt RA 04-Oct-16 4 x AWOL Guilty 90 Days Detention of each charge concurrent Not set Not set
Sergeant Army Infantry Battle School 04-Oct-16 1 X Sexual Assault Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
SAC RAF RAF Lossiemouth 05-Oct-16 1 x Rape Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Corporal Army 10 Sig Regt 05-Oct-16 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Corporal Army 2 Para 05-Oct-16 Ch 1 - Battery. Ch 2 & 3 - Ill treatment of a subordinate. Ch 1: To lie on file. Ch 2 & 3: Guilty Service detention for 8 months on both charges. Detention to be served concurrently, making a total sentence of 8 months. The defendant will NOT be reduced in rank. Not set Not set
SAC RAF RAF Coningsby 05-Oct-16 Ch 1: Offering to supply a controlled drug (Class A); Ch 2: Offering to supply a controlled drug (Class B) Ch 1: Guilty; Ch 2: Not Guilty 90 Days detention suspended for 6 months. Not set Not set
Staff Sergent Army D&M SCH 06-Oct-16 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Staff Sergent Army D&M SCH 07-Oct-16 1 x Battery Guilty Reduction to the Rank of Sergeant Not set Not set
Sergeant Army 4 Scots 10-Oct-16 Ch 1 - Wounding with Intent, Ch 2 - Wounding (Alternative) Ch 1: Not Guilty; Ch 2: Guilty 2 years Imprisonment suspended for 2 years, with 150 hours unpaid work, 30 days Rehabiliation Activity Requirement and Dismissal from Her Majesty's Service. Not set Not set
Private Army 2 Medical Regiment 10-Oct-16 1 x Battery Guilty 135 Days detention Not set Not set
Private Army 3 RLC 10-Oct-16 1 x Disrespectful behaviour towards a superiour officer Guilty Fine œ500 Not set Not set
Private Army 2 Med Regt 10-Oct-16 1 x Battery Guilty 135 Days detention Not set Not set
Staff Sergent Army BFC HQ 12-Oct-16 2 x Battery Guilty To be fined a sum of œ250 on each charge (œ500 in total) Not set Not set
Private Army 29 Regt RLC 12-Oct-16 3 x Making a indecent image of a child Guilty To be dismissed from Her Majesty's Armed Forces, Service Community Order for 24 months with Sex Offender Treatment Programme and a Rehabilitation Activities Requirement of 25 days, 2 mobile phones to be forfeited and destroyed, Sexual Harm Prevention Order in the terms read out Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army 2 SCOTS 12-Oct-16 1 x Unlawful wounding Guilty To be imprissoned for one year and six months and to be dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. DSP invited to consider the great desparity between Crown witness evidence and their statements. Not set Not set
Staff Sergent Army 16 Sig Regt 12-Oct-16 1 x AWOL Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Sergeant Army COSU Ops Wing JLS 12-Oct-16 Ch 1, 2 & 3: Battery; Ch 4: Coercive and controlling behaviour Ch 1 ,2 & 3: Guilty; Ch 4: Not Guiilty Fined the sum of œ750 on each of charges 1,2 and 3. Making a total fine of œ2250. Not set Not set
Sapper Army 101 Engr Regt 12-Oct-16 3 x AWOL Guilty 6 Months Detention at MCTC Colchester on each charge to be served concurrently. Not set Not set
Drummer Army 1 Royal Anglian 12-Oct-16 1 x Possession of a prohibited weapon; 1 x Battery Guilty Service Supervision and Punishment Order for 90 days Not set Not set
Private Army HQ 3 UK Div 13-Oct-16 1 x Attempting to meet a child following sexual grooming Guilty To undergo 14 months detention and to be dismissed from the Service. Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army 2 Mercian 13-Oct-16 3 x Battery Guilty Ch 1: 120 Days detention and pay a Service Compensation Order of œ700; Ch 2: 120 days detention and a Service Compensation Order of œ700. To run consecutively with Ch 1. Ch 3: 120 days detention, to run concurrently with Charge 1. Total sentence 240 days detention. Not set Not set
Private Army 1 Mercian 13-Oct-16 2 x AWOL Guilty 150 Days detention Not set Not set
Private Army 27 Regt RLC 13-Oct-16 1 x Desertion Guilty To undergo a Service Community Order with an unpaid work requiremnt of 200 hours and an electronic curfew for 3 months. To be dismissed from Her Majesty's Service Not set Not set
Private Army 26 Regt RA 14-Oct-16 1 x Desertion Guilty To be dismissed from Her Majesty's Service and to be the subject of a Service Community Order for 1 year. The order includes a condition of 50 hours of unpaid work. Not set Not set
WO1 Army 1 Mech Bde 16-Oct-16 Ch 1-5: Indecent Assault. Ch 6&7: Rape. Ch 8: Indecent Assault Guilty Ch 8: 2 yrs and 3 months imprisonment. Ch 6: 13 yrs imprisonment consecutive (to Ch 8). Ch1-5 & 7: 3 years imprisonment on each, concurrent (to Ch 6). Total of 15 years and 3 months imprisonment Not set Not set
Sapper Army 26 Engr Regt 17-Oct-16 Ch 1: Burglary; Ch 2 & 3: Fraud Guilty Ch 1 & 2: to be Dismissed from the Service and undergo 90 days detention. Ch 3: no separate penalty. These sentences to be served concurrently. Not set Not set
Sapper Army 36 Engr Regt 50 Sqn 18-Oct-16 1 x Assault by penetration Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Sapper Army 36 Engr Regt 18-Oct-16 1 x Battery, 1 x ABH Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army 6 Armd CS Bn QM Dept 20-Oct-16 1 x Sexual Assault Guilty To be dismissed from Her Majesty's Service; to be sent to detention for 22 months; to be reduced to the ranks; to be placed on the sex offenders register for 5 years; to be placed on any relevant barred lists. Not set Not set
Private Army DSEME - 8 REME 20-Oct-16 2 x Fraud Guilty To be dismissed from Her Majesty's Service; To be sent to detention for ninety days Not set Not set
Rifleman Army 5 Rifles 20-Oct-16 1 x Battery Guilty To be admonished Not set Not set
Private Army 1 R Irish 20-Oct-16 2 x AWOL Guilty 60 day Service Supervision and Punishment Order Not set Not set
Sergeant Navy RMR City of London 20-Oct-16 1 x Failure to Perform a Duty Guilty 4 Months imprisonment, suspended for 12 months. Dismissed from HM Service. Not set Not set
Ex Corporal Navy CTC RM 20-Oct-16 1 x Failure to Perform a Duty Guilty 4 Months imprisonment, suspended for 12 months. Dismissed from HM Service. Not set Not set
Sergeant Navy CTC RM 20-Oct-16 1 x Failure to Perform a Duty Guilty 4 Months imprisonment, suspended for 12 months. Dismissed from HM Service. Not set Not set
Corporal Navy 40 Commando 20-Oct-16 1 x Failure to Perform a Duty Guilty 4 Months imprisonment, suspended for 12 months. Dismissed from HM Service. Not set Not set
Sergeant Army Defence and Security Organisation 25-Oct-16 1 x Battery Guilty Fine œ1000 Not set Not set
Sapper Army 21 Engr Regt 25-Oct-16 1 x AWOL Guilty Dismissal from Her Majesty's Service Not set Not set
Signaller Army 10 Sig Regt 25-Oct-16 1 x AWOL Guilty Sentenced to detention for 28 days Not set Not set
Sergeant Army 1 QDG 25-Oct-16 1X Battery 1 x Abusive behavior Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Rifleman Army 5 RIFLES 26-Oct-16 1 x ABH, 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Private Army 1 PWRR 27-Oct-16 Charge Sheet 1 - Ch 1: ABH. Charge Sheet 2 - Ch 1: ABH, Ch 2: Misconduct through alcohol. Guilty 15 Months Imprisonment - Charge Sheet 1 Ch 1. 15 Months Imprisonment consecutive - Charge Sheet 2 Ch 1. 3 Months Imprisonment concurrent - Charge Sheet 2 Ch 2. Total of 2.5 years Imprisonment and Dismissal from Her Majesty's Service. Not set Not set
Signaller Army 2 Sig Regt 27-Oct-16 Ch 1: Using Threatening, abusive insulting or provocative behavior. Ch 2: ABH. Guilty Ch 1: 4 months imprisonment. Ch 2: 8 Months imprisonment to run concurrent, both suspended for 2 years. 240 hrs of unpaid work in the next 12 months and 20 Days Rehabilitation Activity Requirement with 'The Thinking Skills' Programme. Dismissal from Her Majesty's Service. Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army 2 Yorks 27-Oct-16 1 x Sexual Assault Guilty Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service; Reduced to the ranks; Dentention for 2 years; To be placed on the Sex Offenders Register for 5 years Not set Not set
Staff Sergent Army 34 Fd Hosp 27-Oct-16 10 x Fraud Guilty 1 year and 4 months imprisonment on each charge, on each charge sheet save for Charge 6 on second charge sheet, where the sentence is 3 months imprisonment. All concurrent, all suspended for 2 years; 240 hours of unpaid work in the next 12 months and 20 days Rehabilitation Activity Requirement; Dismissal on all counts Not set Not set
Gunner Army 26 Regt RA 27-Oct-16 Ch 1: False Imprisonment, Ch 2: Driving a mehanically propelled vehicle whilst unfit through drink Ch 1: Not Guilty; Ch 2: Guilty 5 Years imprisonment, suspended for 2 years. Not set Not set
SSgt Army 34 Fd Hosp 27-Oct-16 Ch 1-5: Fraud. Ch 6: Tampering with an official document (2nd Charge Sheet) Guilty A Global sentence on two cases, this and 2016CM02912). 1 year and 4 months imprisonment on each charge, on each charge sheet save for Charge 6 on second charge sheet, where the sentence is 3 months imprisonment, All concurrent, all suspended for 2 years, 240 hours of unpaid work in the next 12 months and 20 Rehabilitation Activity Requirement days, Dismissal from Her Majesty's Service on all counts Not set Not set
Private Army 1 PWRR 27-Oct-16 Charge Sheet 1: 1 x ABH; Charge Sheet 2: 1 x ABH, 1 x Misconduct through alcohol Guilty On 1st Charge Sheet: 15 months imprisonment. On 2nd Charge Sheet: Charge 1: 15 months imprisonment - consecutive; Charge 2: 3 months imprisonment - concurrent; Dismissal on all charges Not set Not set
Corporal Army KRH 31-Oct-16 1 x Common Assault; 1 x Assault Guilty Detention for 60 days on each charge consecutively; Reduced to the Rank of Lance Corporal Not set Not set
Sergeant Army 1 SIG Regt 31-Oct-16 1 x Negligent Performance of a duty Not Guilty Admonished Not set Not set
Sergeant Army 6 Scots 31-Oct-16 1 x ABH Guilty 6 Months detention, suspended for 12 months Not set Not set
Sergeant Army 6 SCOTS 31-Oct-16 1 x Affray Guilty 4 Months detention, consecutive to sentence of case 2016CM02906 (6 months), suspended for 12 months (making a total of 10 months detention suspended for 12 months) Not set Not set
Senior Aircraftsman RAF RAF Spadeadam 31-Oct-16 Ch 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5: Possession of an Indecent Photograph of a Child. Ch 6: Possession of a Paedophile Manual. Ch 7: Possession of extreme pornographic images. Ch 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 7: Guilty. Ch 6: Not Guilty. Ch 1 & 2: 8 Months imprisonment on each charge concurrent. Ch 3&4: 4 Months imprisonment on each charge concurrent, also concurrent to the sentence on charge 1&2. Ch 5: No separate penalty. Ch 7: 1 Month imprisonment, consecutive to the sentences on charge 1&2; Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service on all counts. To be subject to a Suspended Sentence Order, the sentence is suspended for 2 years. Subject to Sex Offender Treatment Programme; 20 days RAR; 120 hrs unpaid work within the next 12 months Not set Not set
Fusilier Army 1RRF 31-Oct-16 1 x Desertion; 1 x AWOL; 1 x Failing to attend for duty Guilty Dismissal from Her Majesty's Service Not set Not set
Highlander Army 4 Scots 01-Nov-16 Ch 1: GBH; Ch 2: ABH Ch 1: Not Guilty; Ch 2: Guilty Detention for 8 months, suspended for 12 months. To pay œ2500 via Service Compensation Order. Not set Not set
Private Army 9 Regt RLC 02-Nov-16 1 x Desertion Guilty Dismissed from HM Service Not set Not set
Guardsman Army 1 Irish Guards 04-Nov-16 2 x AWOL Guilty Ch 1: 45 Days detention. Ch 2: 45 days detention to run consecutively Not set Not set
EX Lance Corporal Army formerly 5 Rifles 04-Nov-16 1 x Battery Guilty Reduction of rank to Rifleman; fined œ300; Service Compensation Order of œ350 (to be paid within 6 months) Not set Not set
Rifleman Army 5 Rifles 04-Nov-16 1 x Battery Guilty 30 days Service Supervision and Punishment Order; Service Compensation Order of œ350 Not set Not set
Private Army 1 RLC 14-Nov-16 Ch 1: Robbery; Ch 2: Attempted Robbery; Ch 3: Assault; Ch 4: Attempted Theft Ch 1 to 3: Not Guilty; Ch 4: Guilty 6 Months detention, suspended for 12 months Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army 1 Scots 14-Nov-16 1 x Doing an act intending to prevent the course of justice Guilty 6 Months Detention and Reduced to the Ranks. Not set Not set
Sapper Army 24 CDO Engr Regt 15-Nov-16 1 x ABH Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Craftsman Army 4 Regt AAC 16-Nov-16 Ch 1: Going equipped for theft ; Ch 2 & 3: Misapplying or wasting Service Property Ch 1: Not Guilty; Ch 2 & 3: Guilty Ch 2: Service Community Order with an unpaid work requirement of 80 hours; Ch 3: Service Community Order with an unpaid work requirement of 110 hrs. These sentences to be served consecutively. Not set Not set
WO2ET(MESM) Royal Navy HMS SULTAN 16-Nov-16 3 x Fraud Ch 1: Not Guilty. Ch 2 & 3: Guilty 9 Months Detention and Reduced to the Rank of Petty Officer. Not set Not set
Private Army 3 Para 16-Nov-16 1 x Contravention of standing orders Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Fusilier Army 1 R Welsh 16-Nov-16 2 AWOL Guilty 6 Months detention Not set Not set
Private Army 1 PWRR 16-Nov-16 1 X Perverting the course of justice Guilty Admonishment Not set Not set
Ex Gunner Army 26 Regt RA 17-Nov-16 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
SAC RAF RAF Wittering 17-Nov-16 1 x Battery, 1 x Unlawful wounding Guilty Eight months detention and œ2000 Compensation Order Not set Not set
Private Army 2 Scots 17-Nov-16 1 x AWOL Guilty Dismissal Not set Not set
Lt Cdr Royal Navy 815 SQN HQ 18-Nov-16 1 x Stalking Guilty Dismissal from Her Majesty's Service, Imprisonment for 6 months suspended for 2 years. 30 days Rehabilitation Activity Requirement, Service Compensation Order of œ5000 Not set Not set
Rifleman Army 2 Rifles 18-Nov-16 1 x AWOL Guilty 90 days detention Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army 1 Scots 21-Nov-16 1 x Perverting the course of justice Guilty 6 Months Detention and Reduced to the Ranks. Not set Not set
Fusilier Army 1 RRF 21-Nov-16 1 x Desertion Guilty Dismissal from Her Majesty's Service, 12 Month Service Community Order with 150 hours unpaid work. Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army 1 LANCS 22-Nov-16 1 x Battery Guilty 60 Days Detention suspended for 2 years, and œ500 Service Compensation Order Not set Not set
Mrs Civilian 1 LANCS 22-Nov-16 1 x Using Threatening Behaviour Guilty 2 year Conditional Discharge Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army 45 Cdo Engr Regt 24-Nov-16 Ch 1: Rape; Ch 2: Assault by Penetration Ch 1: Not Guilty; Ch 2: Guilty 12 Months Detention and Reduced to the Ranks. Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army 10 QOGLR 24-Nov-16 1 x Rape Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army 10 Sig Regt 24-Nov-16 1 x GBH Guilty 18 Months Detention, Reduced to the Ranks and a Service Compensation Order of œ7000 Not set Not set
Corporal Royal Navy 40 Cdo RM 25-Nov-16 1 x Assault occasioning actual bodily harm Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Gunner Army 32 Regt RA 25-Nov-16 2 x Theft Guilty 12 Month Service Community Order with 150 hours unpaid work, to be Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, concurrent on each charge. Not set Not set
Ex WO2 Army 1RRF 25-Nov-16 1 x Rape Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Sergeant Army 4 Scots 28-Nov-16 1 x Unlawful Wounding Guilty Suspended Sentence Order of 2 Years Imprisonment, suspended for 2 years, with 150 hours unpaid work and 30 Days Rehabilitation Activity Requirement. Reduced to the Ranks and Dismissed from HM's Service, and a Service Compensation Order of œ2000. Not set Not set
Corporal Army 4 Scots 30-Nov-16 1 x ABH Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Signaller Army 2 Sig Regt 01-Dec-16 Ch 1: ABH; Ch 2: Battery Ch 1: Not Guilty; Ch 2: Guilty Fine œ800 Not set Not set
Private Army 9 Regt RLC 04-Dec-16 1 x Voyeurism Guilty To be dismissed. To undergo 4 months imprisonment suspended for two years. To undergo sexual offenders treatment programme for 2 years. To undergo Rehabilitation Activity Requirement for 30 days. To be placed on sexual offenders register Not set Not set
Corporal Army 1 PWRR 05-Dec-16 1 x Battery, 1 x Threatning behavior towards a superior officer Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Private Army 27 Regt RLC 05-Dec-16 2 x AWOL Guilty Fine of œ150 on each charge (Total œ300) Not set Not set
Able Rate Royal Navy MCM2 06-Dec-16 2 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Gunner Army 5 Regt RA 06-Dec-16 2 x Disrespecful behavior towards a superior officer Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Gunner Army 3 RHA 06-Dec-16 1 x AWOL Guilty Dismissal from Her Majesty's Service Not set Not set
Staff Sergent Army 7 Regt RLC SAM 07-Dec-16 1 x Misapplication of Service property Guilty Reprimanded Not set Not set
Mr Civilian RAF Honington 07-Dec-16 Ch 1, 2, 3, 4 & 6: Indecent Assault on a Man; Ch 5, 7, 8 & 9: Indecency with a Child Ch 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 & 9: Not Guilty. Ch 5 Guilty 3 Years imprisonment Not set Not set
Rifleman Army 4 Rifles 07-Dec-16 2 x ABH Guilty Imprisonment for 3 months, Suspended for 2 years Consecutive. To be Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, to be subject to a Curfew requirement (electronic tag) for 2 months. Not set Not set
Lance Corporal Army 1 Rifles 07-Dec-16 1 x Theft Guilty 90 Days Detention, To be Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service, To be Reduced to the Ranks. Not set Not set
Guardsman Army 1 IG 07-Dec-16 1 x Battery Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
SAC RAF RAF HONINGTON 08-Dec-16 Ch 1 - Unlawful Wounding, Ch 2, 3, 4 - Battery, Ch 5 - Controlling and coercive behaviour, Ch 6 - Disobedience of a lawful command. Ch 1, 2, 4 & 6: Guilty. Ch 3 & 4: Not Guilty. Ch 1: 2 Months detention. Ch 2: 2 Months detention. Ch 4: 1 Month detention. Ch 6 & 7: 1 Month detention. Ch 8: 12 months detention. All sentences are consecutive to each other except 2 x Theft which are concurrent to each other but consecutive to remainder, making a total of 20 Months detention, and to be Dismissed from Her Majesty's Servoce. Not set Not set
SAC RAF RAF Waddington 08-Dec-16 Ch 1: Unlawful wounding; Ch 2, 3 & 4: Battery; Ch 5: Controlling coersive behaviour in an intimate relationship; Ch 6 & 7: Theft; Ch 8: 1 x Disobedience of a lawful command Ch 1, 2, 4, 6, 7 & 8: Guilty. Ch 3 & 5: Not Guilty Ch 1: 2 months detention. Ch 2: 2 months detention. Ch 4: 1 months detention. Ch 6 & 7: 1 month detention. Ch 8: 12 months detention. All sentences are consecutive to each other except 2 x Theft which are concurrent to each other but consecutive to remainder, making a total of 20 Months detention, and to be Dismissed from Her Majesty's Service. Not set Not set
Able Rate Royal Navy HMS NELSON 08-Dec-16 1 X AWOL Guilty 90 Days detention suspended for 1 year Not set Not set
Leading Hand RN MCM2 09-Dec-16 1 x Possession of a controlled drug Guilty Fine œ2500 Not set Not set
Warrant Officer Class 2 Army 5 Armd Med Regt 09-Dec-16 x Fighting Guilty Fine œ1200 Not set Not set
Sergeant Army Light Dragoons 09-Dec-16 1 x Fighting Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set
Captain Army 10 QOGLR 09-Dec-16 3 x Ill treatment of men of an inferior rank Not Guilty Not set Not set Not set