Transparency data
UKEF spend data May 2011
Updated 1 June 2011
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Department Family | Entity | Date of Payment | Expense Type | Expense Area | Supplier | Transaction Number | Amount in Sterling | Description |
ECGD | ECGD | 03-May-11 | Fixed IT charges | (DAB) FG ID: Admin Costs | IBM United Kingdom Ltd | 61088 | £52,591.00 | Subscription to Cognos Business Intelligence and Performance Management Software |
ECGD | ECGD | 09-May-11 | Rates | (DAB) Others HRD PP: Admin Costs | London Borough Of Tower Hamlets | 61133 | £91,959.00 | Business rates for ECGD's premises |
ECGD | ECGD | 16-May-11 | Trad Exp Environmental Impact Analys | (DAB)BG Business Division 3 | Environ | 61194 | £28,410.79 | Provision of Secondee to the Environmental Advisory Unit |
ECGD | ECGD | 24-May-11 | BSIC Projects | BSIC Projects | Logica UK Limited | 61261 | £5,000.00 | Charge to resolve an issue with ECGD's data warehouse system. |
ECGD | ECGD | 24-May-11 | Fixed IT charges | (DAB) FG ID: Admin Costs | Logica UK Limited | 61261 | £122,237.09 | Operation and Maintenance of ECGD's IT Infrastructure |
ECGD | ECGD | 24-May-11 | IT Non Project Expenditure | (DAB) FG ID: Admin Costs | Logica UK Limited | 61261 | £500.00 | Charge for moves above agreed monthly allowance |
ECGD | ECGD | 24-May-11 | Legal Fees claims | (DAB) GCO: Legal Serv - Admin | Clyde and Co LLP | 61272 | £28,869.24 | Provision of claims advice |