Corporate report

Table 4.5 Greening Government commitments

Updated 25 September 2012
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Table 4.5: Greening Government commitments
Not set Not set Not set Not set
1. Reduce the amount of waste we generate by 25% from a 2009-10 baseline: Not set Not set Not set
a. cut our paper use by 10% in 2011-12 Not set Not set Not set
b. Government will go to market with a requirement for ‘closed-loop’ recycled paper in 2011, subject to approval from the Government’s Procurement Executive Board Not set Not set Not set
c. ensure that redundant ICT equipment is re-used (within government, the public sector or wider society) or responsibly recycled. Not set Not set Not set
Not set Not set Not set Not set
Target area 2009-10 baseline 2011-12 results % change
Total waste (tonnes) 1,222 812 –33.6%
Paper (equivalent reams of A4) 56,396 22,322 –60.4%