Transparency data
FCO exemption spend data - ICT January to March 2015
Updated 20 July 2015
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Department | Organisation Name | Project name | Basis for expenditure approval | Total Value requested (£) | Total Value Approved (£) | Date of approval |
FCO | Not set | FCO Technology Overhaul: Global WiFi | Delivering a WiFi service in the UK and overseas will underpin a step-change in the operational ability of both the FCO's staff and the staff of other departments that depend on the one HMG overseas platform. | 410500 | 410500 | 02/02/2015 |
FCO | Not set | UK Headquarters Technology | The project will equip the building with the tools we require to use the spaces effectively, remove unused spaces and find areas that fit users' requirements such as providing quieter spaces. It will create effective, available and fully functioning conference rooms, work both for overseas personnel and those within KCS. | 691313 | 691313 | 02/02/2015 |
FCO | Not set | FCO Technology Overhaul: Knowledge Excellence Phase 2 | The Knowledge Excellence Phase 2 (KE2) programme is an integral part of the Technology Overhaul Portfolio and has the potential to transform the FCO's management of information. The programme will replace iRecords, the FCO's current primary records tool, which is failing in its primary purpose as a data repository and is not legally compliant. | 660680 | 660680 | 02/02/2015 |
FCO | Not set | FCO Technology Overhaul: UNIVERSAL Devices Refresh | Replacing outdated Firecrest IT equipment with modern laptops, desktops, tablets and smartphones. | 128980 | 128980 | 03/02/2015 |
FCO | British Council | Finance Systems Hosting | The project will provide a new finance systems hosting environment that makes uses of the latest technology to give the organisation flexibility, agility and the opportunity to optimise costs. [note: £8.2 million disclosed in Q3 2014-15 return as having been approved was reduced to £3.97 million in February 2015] | 3970000 | 3970000 | 24/02/2015 |
FCO | Not set | FCO Technology Overhaul: Moving to the Cloud | Moving to the Cloud is an important step in improving the FCO's IT infrastructure, and enables the Tech Overhaul programme to achieve its full potential for positive impact on users and the business. | 787000 | 787000 | 23/03/2015 |
FCO | Not set | Consular case management system | The Consular network is made up of 740 staff working in 126 locations. The Consular network handled more than 450,000 enquiries in 2013-14, took on over 17,000 new assistance cases and issued over 30,000 Emergency Travel Documents. | 3619479 | 3619479 | 23/03/2015 |
FCO | British Council | Hosting platform and platform support for our Drupal built CMS Solas | The service will replace the current, non-optimised platform, and enable us to deliver our digital content management system, Solas, more efficiently and effectively. | 1000000 | 1000000 | 24/02/2015 |
FCO | Not set | FCO Technology Overhaul: Performance, Reliability and Stability | The Performance, Reliability and Stability programme will improve the performance of the FCO's network for the benefit of end users from the FCO and its partners. The programme will deliver solutions to improve network speeds, power resilience and connectivity resilience. | 18600000 | 18600000 | 27/03/2015 |